O. Reg. 97/01: DRYWALL, ACOUSTIC AND LATHING APPLICATOR, Trades Qualification and Apprenticeship Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. T.17

Trades Qualification and Apprenticeship Act



Note: This Regulation was revoked on April 8, 2013. (See: O. Reg. 426/12, ss. 1, 2)

Last amendment: O. Reg. 426/12.

This is the English version of a bilingual regulation.




Definition of “drywall, acoustic and lathing applicator”


Designation as certified trade


Apprentice training program


Overtime hours worked by apprentice


Number of apprentices


Exemption, apprentice wages


Exemption, compulsory certification


Exemption, term of certificate

Definition of “drywall, acoustic and lathing applicator”

1. In this Regulation,

“drywall, acoustic and lathing applicator” means a person who installs,

(a) exterior metal framing and sheeting,

(b) interior framing, wall systems, sheeting, mouldings, lathing products and furring,

(c) thermal, fire, sound and vapour barrier insulation and sealants,

(d) moulded and cast forms, and

(e) acoustical wall and ceiling panels and interior window frames, door frames and fixtures. O. Reg. 97/01, s. 1.

Designation as certified trade

2. The trade of drywall, acoustic and lathing applicator is designated as a certified trade for the purposes of the Act. O. Reg. 97/01, s. 2.

Apprentice training program

3. (1) An apprentice training program is established for the trade of drywall, acoustic and lathing applicator. O. Reg. 97/01, s. 3 (1).

(2) The apprentice training program shall consist of not less than 5,400 hours of,

(a) classes that provide training and instruction; and

(b) on the job training and work experience. O. Reg. 97/01, s. 3 (2).

(3) An employer shall not establish an apprentice training program unless the program is approved by the Director. O. Reg. 97/01, s. 3 (3).

Overtime hours worked by apprentice

4. Despite subsection 8 (2) of Regulation 1055 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990, hours worked by an apprentice in the trade of drywall, acoustic and lathing applicator in excess of his or her regular hours shall be included in computing the apprentice’s hours of on the job training and work experience. O. Reg. 97/01, s. 4.

Number of apprentices

5. The number of apprentices who may be employed by an employer in the trade of drywall, acoustic and lathing applicator shall not exceed,

(a) if the employer is a journeyperson in the trade, one apprentice plus an additional apprentice for every four journeypersons employed by the employer in the trade and with whom the apprentice is working; or

(b) if the employer is not a journeyperson in the trade, one apprentice for the first journeyperson employed by the employer plus an additional apprentice for every additional four journeypersons employed by the employer in the trade and with whom the apprentice is working. O. Reg. 97/01, s. 5.

Exemption, apprentice wages

6. Subsection 10 (1) of Regulation 1055 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 does not apply to an apprentice in the trade of drywall, acoustic and lathing applicator. O. Reg. 97/01, s. 6.

Exemption, compulsory certification

7. (1) Section 9 and subsection 10 (2) of the Act do not apply to a person who works or is employed in the trade of drywall, acoustic and lathing applicator. O. Reg. 97/01, s. 7 (1).

(2) Subsection 10 (3) of the Act does not apply to an employer in the trade of drywall, acoustic and lathing applicator. O. Reg. 97/01, s. 7 (2).

Exemption, term of certificate

8. Section 18 of the Act does not apply to a person with a certificate of qualification in the trade of drywall, acoustic and lathing applicator. O. Reg. 97/01, s. 8.

9. Omitted (revokes other Regulations). O. Reg. 97/01, s. 9.