O. Reg. 219/01: OPERATING ENGINEERS, Under: Technical Standards and Safety Act, 2000, S.O. 2000, c. 16

Today, December 5, 2024, current consolidated laws on e-Laws are current (up-to-date) to November 1, 2024 (e-Laws currency date).

Technical Standards and Safety Act, 2000
Loi de 2000 sur les normes techniques et la sécurité



Consolidation Period: From June 27, 2001 to the e-Laws currency date.

No amendments.

This Regulation is made in English only.


1. (1) In this Regulation,

“accident” means a failure of equipment that causes personal injury or loss of life, or loss of or damage to equipment or property;

“accumulator” means a pressure vessel and any associated piping and equipment that contains water and steam in which a portion of the water, confined under pressure and temperature, will be flashed into steam when the pressure of the vessel is reduced;

“altered” means that the maximum capacity or rating of a unit while in normal operation has been changed;

“ANSI/ASHRAE 34” means the 1992 edition of Standard 34 “Number Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerant” of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers Inc., as amended from time to time;

“assistant shift engineer” means an operating engineer who operates a plant, installation, or units while under the direction and supervision of a shift engineer and who is no more than one class lower than the shift engineer;

“assistant shift operator” means an operator who operates a plant, installation or units while under the direction and supervision of a shift engineer or a shift operator and who is no more than one class lower than the shift operator;

“attendance”, in relation to shift coverage, means the physical presence of a person for the purpose of mandatory shift coverage by an operating engineer or operator for the operation of the plant as set out in this Regulation and “attended” has a corresponding meaning;

“automatic control”, in relation to a plant, installation or unit, means that it is provided with devices and systems that can start, stop, restart and modulate the action of the plant, installation or unit without the intervention of a person;

“boiler” means a pressure vessel that is heated by any means or process and that may be used at greater than atmospheric pressure,

(a) to generate or heat steam, or

(b) to heat water to a temperature less than its boiling point at the pressure within the pressure vessel,

and includes any pipe, fitting and other equipment attached to it or used in connection with it;

“boiler horsepower” or “bhp” means 34.5 lb of water evaporated from and at 212°F (33475 BTU/hr.,9.8 kW);

“boiler water treatment” means the water conditioning treatment required to prevent the formation of scale, metal surface corrosion, contamination or fouling of metal surfaces and the removal of gases;

“brake horsepower” or “BHP” means the effective or useful horsepower developed by a prime mover as measured by a weigh scale and a brake applied to its driving shaft or by other means approved by the chief officer, and one brake horsepower is equivalent to .745700 kW;

“built up plant” means a refrigeration plant whose equipment including, compressors, condensers, receivers, evaporators and associated controls are site assembled as independent non-packaged units;

“CAN/CSA-B52” means the 1992 edition of Standard B52 Mechanical Refrigeration Code of the Canadian Standards Association, as amended from time to time;

“Category 1-2 refrigerant” means a refrigerant classified into safety group A1-A2 refrigerants established by ANSI/ASHRAE 34-1992;

“chief operating engineer” means an operating engineer who at all times has charge of and responsibility for the safe management, operation and maintenance of a plant;

“chief operator” means an operator or an operating engineer who at all times has charge of and responsibility for the safe management, operation and maintenance of a compressor plant or a refrigeration plant;

“class” means,

(a) with respect to a person, the qualifications that the person holds as shown on his or her certificate of qualification, and

(b) with respect to a plant, the designation of the plant as shown on the certificate of registration for the plant;

“compressor plant” means an installation that is comprised of one or more compressors with prime movers and the equipment, pressure vessels and piping used in connection with it for compressing air or any other gas, but does not include a refrigeration plant;

“dual control boiler” means a steam boiler intended to be operated at high pressure that is equipped with control devices that allow its operation either at high pressure or low pressure, and includes a device for recording pressure;

“economizer” means a heat exchanger and associated piping and equipment that is on the outside of or attached to one or more boilers and that utilizes some or all of the heat from the combustion exhaust gases of the boiler to heat or preheat the boiler feedwater;

“engine” means a steam engine, steam turbine, internal combustion engine, gas turbine or other thermal or combustion process prime mover;

“fail safe device” means a control or device that will stop the function of a unit where the preset operating parameters of the unit have been exceeded, sound an alarm and prevent restarting of the unit until the unit is reset by hand;

“feedwater heater” means a heat exchanger that is used to raise the temperature of the boiler feedwater by utilizing steam as the heat medium;

“field piping” means the transmission system of refrigerant beyond the enclosed refrigeration machinery room, but does not include connections to condensers, receivers or evaporators, which are external to the structure, and which may be located on the roof or property;

“fire tube boiler” means a boiler that consists of fire tubes within which pass the products of combustion and that are cooled externally by the boiler water;

“fired vessel” means a vessel that is directly heated by a flame or the hot gases of a combustion process, electricity or any other means other than a thermal liquid;

“flooded volume”, in relation to a boiler, means the maximum water flooding of the boilers total water and steam spaces from the feedwater inlet check valve to the steam or water outlet flange;

“gas turbine” means a turbine that derives its power from the direct combustion of any liquid or gas hydrocarbon fuel;

“guarded”, in relation to a fail safe device, means the controls and safety devices that safely limit the operation of the equipment that is being guarded to preset parameters, and that will cause an audible or visual alarm, or both, to the operator of the equipment, as the case requires;

“high pressure” or “HP” means a pressure of more than 15 psi (103 kpa);

“high pressure power plant” means an installation that is comprised of a high pressure steam plant and one or more steam prime movers, compressors, refrigeration compressors, equipment and piping;

“high pressure steam plant” means an installation that is comprised of one or more boilers that are not low water volume boilers, associated pressure vessels, air compressors, equipment and piping;

“high pressure water tube low water volume power plant” means an installation that is comprised of a high pressure water tube low water volume steam plant and one or more steam prime movers, compressors, or refrigeration compressors, equipment and piping;

“high pressure water tube low water volume steam plant” means an installation that is comprised of one or more water tube low water volume boilers, associated pressure vessels, and air compressors, equipment and piping;

“high temperature hot water” means water above 250°F (121°C);

“high temperature power plant” means an installation that is comprised of a high temperature water plant and one or more compressors, refrigeration compressors, equipment and piping;

“high temperature water plant” means an installation that is comprised of one or more high temperature hot water boilers, associated pressure vessels, air compressors, equipment and piping;

“hot water” means water at a temperature of 100°F (37.7°C) or greater but less than 212°F (100°C);

“HVAC” means heating, ventilation and air conditioning;

“internal combustion engine” means any reciprocating piston engine that derives its power from the cylinder combustion process of any liquid or gas fuel;

“less than (<)” means less than and inclusive of the base number;

“limited plant operating authority” means the maximum limited plant rating that the specified class of operating engineer, compressor operator, refrigeration operator, or traction operator, as the case may be, may act as the chief operating engineer or chief operator;

“local control”, in relation to an installation, means that the operation of the installation is controlled where the installation is located;

“low pressure” or “LP” means a pressure of 15 psi (103 kpa) or less;

“low pressure power plant” means an installation that is comprised of a low pressure steam plant and one or more compressors, refrigeration compressors, equipment and piping;

“low pressure steam plant” means an installation that is comprised of one or more boilers that are not low water volume boilers, associated pressure vessels, air compressors, equipment and piping;

“low pressure water tube low water volume power plant” means an installation that is comprised of a low pressure water tube low water volume steam plant and one or more compressors, refrigeration compressors, equipment and piping;

“low pressure water tube low water volume steam plant” means an installation that is comprised of one or more water tube low water volume boilers, associated pressure vessels, air compressors, equipment and piping;

“low temperature hot water” means water at a temperature of between 212°F (100°C) or greater and up to and including 250°F (121°C);

“low temperature power plant” means an installation that is comprised of a low temperature water plant and one or more compressors, refrigeration compressors equipment and piping;

“low temperature water plant” means an installation that is comprised of one or more low temperature hot water boilers, associated pressure vessels, air compressors, equipment and piping;

“low water volume water tube boiler” means a boiler where, except for tubes or butt welded tube connecting fittings, the components containing steam or water pressure are insulated from the direct heat of combustion and the products of combustion, and the operating water content is less than 75 imperial gallons if it is high pressure and less than 150 imperial gallons if it is low pressure;

“maintenance” means the inspection, testing, service or repair of a unit, equipment, plant or installation to ensure that it is safe and that it meets the requirements of its design and this Regulation, and “maintain” has a corresponding meaning;

“manual control”, in relation to a plant, installation or unit, means that the plant, installation or unit, is started, stopped, restarted or otherwise controlled by the intervention of a person;

“months experience” means 160 hours;

“more than (>)” means more than and exclusive of the base number;

“open feed-water heater” means a pressure vessel that may operate at pressures above atmospheric where the steam comes into direct contact with the feedwater;

“operating assistant” means an uncertified person in training who assists in the operation of a plant, installation or unit while under the direction and supervision of an operating engineer or operator;

“operating engineer” means a holder of a subsisting certificate of qualification as an operating engineer;

“operating water content”, in relation to a steam boiler, means the normal maintained water level or content within a boiler when it is operating at its maximum high fire, stable designed steam flow output and at its designed operating pressure;

“operator” means a holder of a subsisting certificate of qualification as an operator;

“owner” means the person to whom or which the plant is registered but does not mean the operating engineers or operators who operate, control or maintain the plant;

“plant” means a low pressure steam plant, low pressure low water volume steam plant, low temperature water plant, high pressure steam plant, high pressure low water volume steam plant, high temperature water plant, low pressure power plant, low pressure low water volume power plant, low temperature power plant, high pressure power plant, high pressure low water volume power plant, high temperature power plant, steam prime mover plant, compressor plant, refrigeration plant, or any combination thereof, a traction plant, portable compressor plant, temporary heating plant or a plant attached to the bottom of a lake or water course, and includes any pipe, fitting, accumulator and other equipment or units attached thereto or used in conjunction therewith;

“plant code” means the designated code applied to the certificate of registration of a plant referred to in Tables 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 that identifies the energy level range of the plant;

“positive displacement compressor” means a compressor whose compressing action is a result of a piston, screw, rotary vane or rotary lobe;

“power plant” means the total power rating in kilowatts of its registered boilers in combination with any one or more registered steam prime movers, compressors or refrigeration compressors;

“pressure”, (psi.), means gauge pressure in pounds per square inch;

“pressure vessel” means any enclosed vessel that contains gas, vapour or liquid, the operating pressure of which may exceed 15 psi (103 kpa);

“prime mover” means a steam engine, steam turbine, gas turbine, internal combustion engine or electric motor;

“PSI gauge pressure” means pressure above normal atmospheric pressure;

“qualifying experience” means the training and practical operating experience obtained during regular work periods in Canada or training and practical experience obtained outside Canada that the chief officer considers equivalent thereto,

(a) on any boiler, steam prime mover, compressor, refrigeration compressor, or installation in a registered, attended plant under the supervision of the chief operating engineer or chief operator in the plant and, for an operating engineering and a steam traction operator, includes experience operating a boiler, or

(b) in the boiler room and engine room of a steam-driven ship, or on the boilers of a motor ship, where the power rating of the boilers is equivalent to the power rating of the boilers authorized to the operating engineer classes in Table 2,

(c) on registered boilers, steam prime movers, compressors and refrigeration compressors that require a maintenance program that is acceptable to the chief officer, where,

(i) such training receives preliminary approval from the chief officer, and

(ii) such training is performed under the direction and supervision of an authorized operating engineer or operator,

and may include the time spent in performing mechanical maintenance work on registered plant equipment, as long as such maintenance time does not exceed one third of the required practical qualifying time;

“rating” means the registered authorized name plate energy rating of a plant, in kilowatts;

“refrigerant” means a liquid, vapour or gas that is used to extract heat by its expansion or evaporation;

“refrigeration plant” means an installation comprised of one or more refrigeration compressors, prime movers, equipment, pressure vessels and any associated piping;

“remote control”, in relation to an installation, means that the operation of the installation is not controlled where the installation is located;

“reset” means the manual resetting of a switch that allows the safety cut out control device to restart a unit or equipment that has been shut down on an alarm condition;

“self contained”, with reference to a refrigeration plant, means a refrigeration plant that consists of a manufactured package of equipment, including compressor, condenser, receiver, evaporator and associated controls;

“shift engineer” means an operating engineer who has charge of and operates a plant under the direction and supervision of a chief operating engineer and who has the authority to perform the powers and duties of the chief operating engineer when the chief operating engineer is absent from the plant and, in the case of a plant other than one requiring a fourth class chief operating engineer, the shift engineer shall be no less than one class lower than the required class of chief operating engineer;

“shift operator” means an operator or operating engineer who has charge of and operates a compressor or refrigeration plant under the direction and supervision of a chief operator or a chief operating engineer and who has the authority to perform the powers and duties of the chief operator or the chief operating engineer when the chief operator or the chief operating engineer is absent from the plant and, in the case of a plant other than one requiring a fourth class chief operating engineer or class B refrigeration operator or compressor operator, the shift operator shall be no less than one class lower than the required class of chief operating engineer or operator;

“special permit” means the permit referred to in subsection 31 (4);

“steam engine” means an engine that derives its power from the direct expansion of steam;

“steam plant” means the total power rating in kilowatts of its registered boilers and any registered air compressors required for the steam plant operation;

“steam powered traction plant” means a self propelled or portable stationary steam powered railway locomotive, road vehicle, traction engine, roller, hoisting plant or portable engine with a mechanical horse power rating greater than 3.73 kW (5 BHP, .13TH);

“steam prime mover plant” means a steam engine or turbine including any pressure vessels, associated equipment and piping that has a rating of more than 7 kW (10 BHP, .26TH) and that is driven by steam,

(a) from a boiler that is not owned by or under the control of the user of the engine or turbine, or

(b) from another plant of the user of the engine or turbine;

“steam traction operator” means the operator of a steam powered traction plant;

“steam turbine” means a turbine that derives its power from the direct expansion and velocity of steam;

“system water content”, in relation to hot water systems, includes all boilers, pressure vessels, distribution piping and fittings and, in relation to steam systems, includes all boilers, economizers, accumulators and associated piping and fittings;

“temporary heating plant” means one or more boilers, with or without compressors, including the associated equipment, pressure vessels and piping that supply heat to a project within the meaning of the Occupational Health and Safety Act or to a shaft, tunnel, caisson or coffer dam to which the regulations made under that act apply and that operates at a pressure,

(a) of not more than 15 psi (103 kpa) and has a total kilowatt rating of more than 1471 kW (150 BHP, 50TH),

(b) of more than 15 psi (103 kpa) and has a total kilowatt rating of more than 490 kW (50 BHP, 17TH);

“therm-hour” or “TH” means 100,000 British thermal units per hour or 39.3082 brake horse-power (30 kW);

“thermal liquid” means a non-aqueous liquid, the boiling point of which at atmospheric pressure exceeds 212°F (100°C), that may transfer heat in a liquid or vapour state;

“thermal liquid boiler” means an unfired boiler together with any pipe, fitting and other equipment attached to or used with the vessel or system in which steam is generated, or steam or water is heated, by a hot liquid or vapour other than water or steam, and that may be used at greater than atmospheric pressure;

“thermal liquid heater” means a fired pressure vessel or fired pressure containing system, together with any pipe, fitting and other equipment attached to or used with the vessel or system, that may be used at greater than atmospheric pressure,

(a) to generate or heat a vapour other than steam, or

(b) to heat a liquid other than water to a temperature less than its boiling point at the pressure within the vessel or system;

“training” means a formal and consistent process that is recorded and that includes technical guidance given to plant employees engaged in the operation, maintenance and service of a plant;

“unattended”, in relation to a guarded plant or guarded installation, means that the plant or installation may be operated,

(a) without the appointment of a chief operating engineer or chief operator, and

(b) without an operating engineer or operator on shift duty providing supervision;

“unauthorized access” means access to a plant not permitted by the chief operating engineer or chief operator;

“unit” means a single boiler, prime mover, compressor, refrigeration compressor or any energy producer or energy user that is a component of the plant;

“user” includes the person or persons in control of a plant as owner, lessee or otherwise, but does not include the operating engineers or operators who operate, control or maintain the plant;

“vicinity” means,

(a) in relation to an installation of equipment and units in a registered plant, the area in which an operating engineer or operator can at all times,

(i) have safe and timely access to the controls of the installation, and

(ii) if the installation is guarded, be alerted by an audible or visual alarm system, or both, as the case requires, acceptable to the chief officer, and

(b) in relation to a plant, the area that includes every installation that is part of the plant;

“water tube boiler” means any type of boiler that consists of water tubes within which passes the boiler water where the water tubes are heated externally by a combustion process. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 1 (1).

(2) A reference to a unit of measurement in imperial units is an exact measurement in that unit, a reference to a measurement in metric units is an approximate equivalent measurement in that unit, and an exact conversion from an imperial unit to a metric unit can be calculated by applying the appropriate conversion factor in Table 1. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 1 (2).

(3) For the purposes of this Regulation,

“chief officer” means a director appointed under the Act for the purpose of this Regulation. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 1 (3).

General requirement for compliance

2. (1) Every person engaged in an activity, use of equipment, process or procedure to which the Act and this Regulation apply shall comply with the Act and this Regulation. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 2 (1).

(2) In subsection (1), “activity, use of equipment, process or procedure” includes, but is not limited to, design, construction, erection, modification, management, operation, service, maintenance and repair. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 2 (2).


3. (1) This Regulation applies to the operation of all registered plants. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 3 (1).

(2) This Regulation does not apply to,

(a) a person who performs work in connection with a plant other than the actual operation of it;

(b) a person, other than an operating engineer or operator, engaged in installing, testing or repairing a plant;

(c) a plant that is subject to inspection by the Canadian Transport Commission or the National Energy Board;

(d) a boiler used in connection with an open-type hot water heating system having no intervening valves between the boiler and any direct vent, preventing any pressure build up above atmospheric pressure;

(e) a high or low pressure steam plant or power plant or a high or low temperature water or power plant while used in connection with any growing operation, except a growing operation being carried on in a greenhouse where a person, other than the user of the plant or his or her immediate family, is employed or works in connection with the growing operation;

(f) a boiler or an installation comprised of more than one boiler, where the boiler contains hot water at a temperature of less than 212°F (100°C);

(g) a thermal liquid heater;

(h) a compressor or refrigeration compressor that operates at a pressure of 15 psi (103 kPa) or less;

(i) a non-refrigeration compressor of the centrifugal, turbine, screw, rotary vane and rotary lobe type;

(j) a compressor situated in a remote area to which a person does not normally have access and that is controlled automatically or by remote manual control; or

(k) a mobile off shore plant. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 3 (2).

(3) On the day this Regulation comes into force, it applies to all existing registrations or certificates of persons and things, including plants, equipment, installations and operations, except as indicated in the following chart:



Maximum Compliance Time Allowance as from Date of Regulation

Final Date for Compliance


Low water volume boilers

3 years


Table 3

Low water volume boilers without economizer or accumulators power rating

Existing non-attended plants as of (date of regulation)



Requirements (1)

3 years



New only



Procedure manual

1 year



Boiler water conditioning

1 year



Replacement of existing plant registration Authority

3 years


Upon plant inspection


Table 7

Traction operator

1 year


Table 8

Practical qualifying time 4th Class

Within 4 months of this Regulation


Table 5

Refrigeration operators holding a Compressor Operator Certificate which has lapsed by the use of the Refrigeration Certificate for Compressor Operation

Must renew Compressor Operator Certificate within 6 months of this Regulation


Table 5

Refrigeration operators cannot operate a compressor plant unless holding a Compressor Operators Certificate as of date of this Regulation

May continue to operate that specific plant

Upon moving to another compressor plant

Table 6

Unattended allowance for >100 BHP <200 BHP for Plant Code R11

Upon approved application following an inspection


O. Reg. 219/01, s. 3 (3).

Plant Registration

Plant registration

4. (1) No person shall use or operate a plant or cause a plant to be used or operated unless it is registered. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 4 (1).

(2) Unless determined otherwise by the chief officer, two or more plants of a user that are located on the same premises shall be registered as one plant. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 4 (2).

Issue of certificate

5. Upon receiving an application from a user of a plant in the form published by the designated administrative authority and payment of the fee set by the authority, the chief officer shall issue a certificate of registration for the plant to the user. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 5.

Contents of a plant certificate of registration

6. (1) A certificate of registration for a plant shall state,

(a) the name of the plant user or users;

(b) the name of the plant or the name the plant goes by;

(c) the location of the plant;

(d) the registration number;

(e) the type of plant;

(f) the number of units, type, rating and code of,

(i) boilers,

(ii) steam prime movers,

(iii) compressors,

(iv) refrigeration compressors,

(v) total plant rating;

(g) economizers and accumulators recorded in low water volume boiler plants;

(h) the units sealed;

(i) dual controls;

(j) registered equipment operations limiting interlocks;

(k) tubes blocked to reduce boiler power rating;

(l) burner input reduced to reduce boiler power rating;

(m) maximum safety valves settings for each pressure type;

(n) maximum water temperature in hot water heating plants;

(o) required maintenance programs;

(p) level of operating staff and attendance required by,

(i) chief operating engineer or operator,

(ii) shift operating engineer or operator,

(iii) assistant shift operating engineer or operator. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 6 (1).

(2) A certificate of registration for a traction plant shall state,

(a) the name of the owner;

(b) the registered address of the plant;

(c) the registration number;

(d) the name of the manufacturer;

(e) the type of traction plant;

(f) the power rating; and

(g) the safety valve setting. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 6 (2).

Display of a plant certificate of registration

7. The user of a plant shall conspicuously display the certificate of registration for the plant in the office of the chief operating engineer or chief operator, the control room, boiler room, engine room or compressor room and on a visible inboard location or, where the traction plant is of a size which makes display of the certificate of registration impractical, the traction plant operator shall keep the certificate of registration in his or her possession at all times. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 7.

Changes to a plant registration

8. (1) Where the setting of a safety valve or rating of a registered plant is to be changed, the user of the plant shall notify the chief officer, in writing, within 15 days prior to the change and provide full particulars of the change. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 8 (1).

(2) Where the change is sufficient to change the classes of operating engineers or operators required for the plant or the power ratings set out in the certificate of registration, the user shall return the certificate, together with an application for a new registration and the fee set by the designated administrative authority, whereupon a new certificate of registration for the plant shall be issued. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 8 (2).

Power Ratings

Rating of prime movers

9. (1) The power rating of a prime mover in kilowatts is the maximum brake horsepower, as determined by its manufacturer name plate data for its normal continuous operation. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 9 (1).

(2) The power rating of steam reciprocating engines not having a brake horsepower rating shall be taken as indicated horsepower calculated as P.L.A.N./3300 x 2. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 9 (2).

(3) Where the power rating of an engine cannot be determined, the chief officer may establish the power rating of the engine in kilowatts in accordance with generally accepted engineering principles. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 9 (3).

Rating of plants and units

10. (1) For the rating of plants, the power rating in kilowatts,

(a) of a steam or water plant, other than a low water volume water tube steam plant, is the total power rating in kilowatts of its registered boilers and air compressors that are required for the steam or water plant, excluding any water tube low water volume boilers;

(b) of a power plant, other than a low water volume water tube power plant, is the total power rating in kilowatts of its registered boilers, steam prime movers, compressors and refrigeration compressors, excluding any water tube low water volume boilers;

(c) of a low water volume water tube steam plant is the total power rating in kilowatts of its registered boilers and air compressors that are required for the steam plant;

(d) of a low water volume water tube power plant is the total power rating in kilowatts of its registered boilers, steam prime movers, compressors and refrigeration compressors;

(e) of a steam prime mover and traction plant is the total power rating in kilowatts of its registered steam prime movers;

(f) of a compressor plant is the total power rating in kilowatts of its registered compressors that are not used for refrigeration;

(g) of a refrigeration plant is the total power rating in kilowatts of its registered refrigeration compressors; and

(h) of a configuration that is any combination of plants referred to in clauses (a) to (g). O. Reg. 219/01, s. 10 (1).

(2) With respect to a configuration mentioned in clause (1) (b), the water tube low water volume boiler power rating shall be separate from the registered power rating of boilers that are not water tube low water volume boilers. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 10 (2).

(3) For the rating of units, the power rating,

(a) of a boiler is the maximum output in kilowatts, as stated on the name plate of the boiler;

(b) of a steam engine, steam turbine or traction plant is the maximum power rating defined in kilowatts during continuous operation of the engine or turbine as stated on the name plate of the engine, turbine or traction plant;

(c) of a compressor is the maximum power rating defined in kilowatts of the prime mover driving the compressor;

(d) of a refrigeration compressor is the maximum power rating defined in kilowatts of the prime mover driving the compressor; and

(e) of an electric motor is the maximum power rating defined in kilowatts during continuous operation of the motor as defined from the horsepower rating on the name plate of the motor. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 10 (3).

(4) The power rating of driven units from which a power plant provides an external energy or utility source and that is driven by an authorized steam prime mover is defined in kilowatts of the steam prime mover. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 10 (4).

Rating of plants, exceptions

11. (1) Where a plant is not a plant described in subsection 10 (1), its power rating in kilowatts shall be determined by the chief officer in accordance with generally accepted engineering principles. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 11 (1).

(2) Where two or more plants of a user are located on the same premises and are registered as a plant, the power rating in kilowatts of the registered plant is the total of the power ratings in kilowatts of the plants. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 11 (2).

(3) For the purpose of calculating the rating of a plant in kilowatts, low water volume boilers shall not be combined with other boilers in the plant that are not low water volume boilers. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 11 (3).

Reduction of the power rating of a plant

12. (1) Where a user intends to reduce the power rating of a plant, the user shall notify the chief officer of the intention to have the rating reduced. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 12 (1).

(2) The power rating of a plant may be reduced by the isolation of a boiler, prime mover, compressor, refrigeration plant or by any other reasonable means and, where the power rating is so reduced, an inspector shall affix a seal or seals to the reduced unit or any part of the plant in such a manner that no increase to the new power rating of the plant may be made without removing the seal. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 12 (2).

(3) Where the output of a boiler is permanently reduced by the welding of blanking plates to the tubes, an inspector is not required to affix a seal to the boiler as required under subsection (2). O. Reg. 219/01, s. 12 (3).

(4) A reduction in the fuel supply to a burner shall be made by an approved method that allows for a seal attachment. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 12 (4).

(5) The user shall pay the fees set by the designated administrative authority for the affixing or removal of a seal. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 12 (5).

(6) No person shall operate a boiler, prime mover, compressor or refrigeration compressor unless the power rating of all units is included in the total power rating of the plant. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 12 (6).

Information required by chief officer

13. The chief officer may, for the purposes of the Act and this Regulation, require a user or the manufacturer of a boiler, prime mover, compressor or refrigeration compressor,

(a) to furnish information with respect to any of them; or

(b) to perform tests to establish the safety, capacity or power rating of any of them. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 13.

Plant Staffing

Plant staffing

14. (1) In addition to the requirements set out in Tables 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, the owner or user, as the case requires, of a plant shall,

(a) employ and designate an operating engineer or operator having the qualifications required of a chief operating engineer or chief operator of the plant, as the case requires;

(b) provide a copy of the appointment of the plant’s chief operating engineer or chief operator, to the chief officer, and upon request, to an inspector upon an inspection, and inform the chief officer, of any change of such appointment; and

(c) provide the chief operating engineer or chief operator of the plant with the means necessary to ensure that the plant is safely managed, operated and maintained in accordance with the Act and this Regulation. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 14 (1).

(2) No owner or user of a plant shall employ or designate more than one chief operating engineer or chief operator, as the case requires, for the plant. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 14 (2).

(3) No operating engineer or operator shall be the chief operating engineer, chief operator, shift engineer or shift operator of more than one plant at any one time unless such plants are part of a common installation or are on one property. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 14 (3).

(4) An owner or user of a plant shall employ a sufficient number of qualified operating engineers or operators, or both, to operate the plant and its installations in accordance with the Act and this Regulation consistent with the plant’s size and equipment and such additional number of operating engineers or operators as may be required to ensure the safe operation of the plant. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 14 (4).

(5) The chief operating engineer or chief operator of the plant shall ensure,

(a) that a qualified operating engineer or operator is on duty as the shift engineer or shift operator of the plant at any time any unit in the plant is operating; and

(b) that a qualified operating engineer or operator is on shift to operate the plant and is providing the required supervision for each installation or group of installations that is operating. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 14 (5).

(6) In any type of power plant, the senior class of certification for an operating engineer required in Table 2 for any component of the total registered plant shall be considered the class of the chief operating engineer. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 14 (6).

(7) Subject to subsection (8), no person other than a qualified operating engineer or operator shall be permitted to reset any control device in a registered plant. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 14 (7).

(8) In the case of the fourth class guarded plant referred to in Table 3 (B18 & B30), the chief operating engineer may direct, verbally or in writing, a person other than a qualified operating engineer or operator to reset a safety device but such a direction does not permit more than one attempt to restart before calling for assistance from a call list acceptable to the chief operating engineer. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 14 (8).

Chief operating engineer and chief operator

15. (1) A chief operating engineer or a chief operator, as the case may be, shall,

(a) take all measures necessary to manage, operate and maintain a plant in a safe condition and shall notify the owner or user of the measures taken;

(b) maintain discipline among the persons employed in the plant who are under his or her control or supervision;

(c) be available to accept from the owner or user authority to hire, dismiss, promote or demote any employee in the plant under his or her control or supervision;

(d) direct, supervise and train shift engineers, shift operators and operating assistants, as the case may be, in their work duties and responsibilities for the safe operation and maintenance of the plant;

(e) alone authorize, approve and be responsible for all maintenance, repairs or work performed within the plant or in connection with associated equipment;

(f) ensure that an accurate record of matters that may affect the safe management, operation and maintenance of the plant is made and maintained at all times;

(g) be on day work; and

(h) not be the day shift engineer if the person holds the position of chief operating engineer in a first or second class plant as set out in Table 2. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 15 (1).

(2) When the chief operating engineer or chief operator is absent from the plant, the owner or user shall ensure that the person acting in replacement of that person is an operating engineer or operator who holds a class of certification not less than one class lower than that required to operate the plant and the person acting in replacement shall perform the same functions and have the same work schedule as the person replaced. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 15 (2).

(3) Despite subsection (2), an alternative arrangement may be made for replacing the absent person as long as that arrangement is consistent with the safe operation of the plant. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 15 (3).

(4) The holder of an operating engineer certificate of qualification who has received documented training specific to the equipment of the fuel, air delivery and associated combustion systems may service and maintain such equipment but shall not engage in the installation or alteration from the original design and set-up at and related to the registered plant under Ontario Regulation 220/01 (Boilers and Pressure Vessels). O. Reg. 219/01, s. 15 (4).

(5) In this section,

“day work” means work done between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday during the management hours of the plant’s host facility. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 15 (5).

Shift engineer and shift operator

16. A shift engineer or shift operator,

(a) shall, under the direction and supervision of the chief operating engineer or chief operator, as the case may be,

(i) be responsible for the safe operation and maintenance of the plant, including the logbooks in accordance with section 37,

(ii) supervise other employees on their shift who are under his or her control; and

(b) may, subject to section 23, perform maintenance and operational work on the premises on which the plant is situated. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 16.

Operating assistant

17. A person who is obtaining training and qualifying experience for his or her initial certificate of qualification as an operating engineer or operator may not perform work in connection with the actual operation of a plant except under the direction and supervision of an operating engineer or operator and shall not take the place of an operating engineer or operator unless otherwise approved. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 17.

Other operators

18. Where a low pressure power plant or high pressure power plant has a compressor or a refrigeration compressor, the user of the plant may employ one or more compressor operators for the compressors and one or more refrigeration operators for the refrigeration compressors in addition to the operating engineers required for the plant. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 18.

Absence from plant

19. Where an operating engineer or operator is absent from the plant, the chief operating engineer or chief operator may appoint an operating engineer or operator with acceptable plant knowledge and experience holding a certificate of qualification not less than one class lower than that of the operating engineer or operator who is absent, and that person may, during such absence, operate the plant for not more than 30 working days per year. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 19.

Requirements in case of absences

20. (1) Except as otherwise provided in section 21, 23 or 24 or under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, an operating engineer or operator who is on duty at a plant shall not leave his or her duty unless the plant or installation for which he or she is responsible is safely shut down and secured. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 20 (1).

(2) Every operating engineer or operator of a plant shall make every reasonable effort in the circumstances to give immediate notice to his or her chief operating engineer, chief operator or immediate supervisor if they know that they,

(a) will be absent from their duties; or

(b) are unable to commence or continue their duties. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 20 (2).

Temporary absences

21. (1) While a plant is in operation, an operating engineer or an operator qualified to be in charge of the plant shall be present in the boiler room, engine room or compressor room, as the case may be, or, where the plant is not enclosed, in their immediate vicinity, unless,

(a) an operating engineer or an operator holding a certificate of qualification that is not less than one class lower is present during his or her absence; or

(b) his or her absence is authorized under section 23 or 24. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 21 (1).

(2) In the case of an absence under subsection (1), the operating engineer or operator shall be satisfied that the plant is operating safely at the time he or she leaves it. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 21 (2).

Temporary staff operating allowance

22. Where the chief officer is satisfied that the user of a plant has made every effort to acquire the services of a chief operating engineer, chief operator, shift engineer or shift operator but without success, he or she may, in writing, authorize the user to appoint a temporary chief operating engineer, chief operator, shift engineer or shift operator, as the case may be, to operate the plant for a specified period as long as the person who is appointed holds a certificate of qualification one class lower than that stated on the plant’s certificate of registration or is an operating engineer or operator in training who can safely operate the plant. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 22.

Absences from guarded attended plants

23. (1) Where a guarded plant complies with the requirements of section 39, 40 or 43, as the case requires, and the protective devices are functioning properly, the operating engineer or operator in charge of the guarded plant may be absent from the plant to perform maintenance work and work related to the user’s utility systems on the premises on which the plant is located with the permission of,

(a) the chief operating engineer or chief operator; or

(b) the plant user, where the guarded plant has one operating engineer or operator in charge. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 23 (1).

(2) Despite subsection (1), an operating engineer or operator in charge may not be absent under that subsection unless the plant is inspected and operating conditions at the plant are recorded, as may be required by the chief operating engineer or operator during the attended period, in order to ensure the safe operation of the plant. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 23 (2).

Staffing guarded plants

24. (1) First class plants shall not be guarded plants but may have guarded units. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 24 (1).

(2) Where the user of a guarded plant complies with the requirements of section 39, 43 or 45, as the case requires, and the protective devices are functioning properly, whether the plant operates 24 hours a day or less, the user shall have one operating engineer, compressor operator or refrigeration operator, as the case may be, in accordance with Tables 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 24 (2).

(3) The user of a plant in which any of the following parts are installed shall ensure that, when any one of them is operated, no other part of the plant is operated unless a certified operating engineer or operator, as required by the certificate of registration for the plant, is in attendance:

1. A guarded boiler for low pressure steam or low temperature hot water.

2. A guarded boiler for high pressure steam or high temperature hot water.

3. A guarded steam prime mover.

4. A guarded compressor.

5. A guarded refrigeration compressor. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 24 (3).

(4) Subsection (3) applies only to the guarded parts mentioned in it that are at least of the size prescribed in Table 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 24 (4).

(5) When the operating engineer or operator is absent from the guarded plant during permitted periods, access to it must be controlled and secure to prevent unauthorized access and must be signed to this effect at all entrances. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 24 (5).

Staffing, plant power rating increase

25. Where an operating engineer or operator has operated a plant in compliance with the Act and this Regulation or the Operating Engineers Act and Regulation 904 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990, continuously for three consecutive years immediately before an increase in the power rating of the plant that results in the operating engineer or operator no longer being qualified to operate the plant, he or she may continue to operate the plant for such period and under such terms and conditions as the chief officer may decide, and the chief officer shall notify the operating engineer or operator in writing of the terms and conditions. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 25.

Certificates of Qualification for Operating Engineers and Operators

Issuing of certificate of qualification

26. (1) The chief officer shall issue a certificate of qualification to any person who,

(a) provides proof satisfactory to the chief officer of having the experience required in Table 8 in accordance with the conditions and requirements set out in that Table;

(b) passes an examination conducted by the chief officer or furnishes evidence that he or she has successfully completed a course of training approved by the chief officer; and

(c) pays the fee set by the designated administrative authority. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 26 (1).

(2) No certificate of qualification shall be issued to a person unless,

(a) the person applies to the chief officer in the form published by the designated administrative authority; and

(b) the person fulfills the requirements referred to in subsection (1). O. Reg. 219/01, s. 26 (2).

(3) Where a certificate of qualification has not been renewed within one year of the date of its expiry, the certificate of qualification shall not be renewed until the chief officer is satisfied that the applicant is capable of performing the duties of an operating engineer or operator, all past fees retroactive to the last expiry date are paid and the fee set by the designated administrative authority for a renewal has been paid. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 26 (3).

(4) A person holding a subsisting certificate of qualification shall notify the chief officer in writing within 15 days of a change of address. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 26 (4).

(5) The chief officer shall,

(a) if satisfied that a person’s certificate of qualification has been lost or destroyed, issue a duplicate certificate to the person on payment of the fee set by the designated administrative authority;

(b) if the name of a person holding a certificate of qualification has been changed, reissue a certificate to the person in the new name. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 26 (5).

Term of certificate

27. Every certificate of qualification shall be for the period stated in it. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 27.

Posting of certificate

28. (1) Every operating engineer or operator shall display conspicuously his or her certificate of qualification in the control room, boiler room, engine room or compressor room of the plant in which he or she works. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 28 (1).

(2) A steam traction operator shall have his or her certificate of qualification available for inspection at any time while operating the plant. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 28 (2).

Equivalent certificates

29. (1) The chief officer shall, upon payment of the fee set by the designated administrative authority, issue a certificate of qualification to every person who applies for it if the person holds an equivalent subsisting certificate of qualification issued by another province or territory of Canada that qualifies the person to perform the work or duties of an operating engineer or operator in that province or territory. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 29 (1).

(2) A certificate of qualification issued under subsection (1) shall be of a class that authorizes the holder to perform the work and duties, on the basis of the requirements in Table 8, that the holder is qualified to perform in Ontario. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 29 (2).


30. (1) No person other than an operating engineer who holds a certificate of qualification shall perform the work and duties of an operating engineer. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 30 (1).

(2) No person other than an operator who holds a certificate of qualification shall perform the work and duties of an operator. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 30 (2).

(3) No person shall employ,

(a) a person who is not an operating engineer or operator to perform the work and duties of an operating engineer or operator, as the case may be; or

(b) an operating engineer or operator to operate a plant that he or she is not qualified to operate. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 30 (3).

(4) No operating engineer or operator shall perform any work or duties of an operating engineer or operator that he or she is not qualified to perform. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 30 (4).

Classes of operating engineers and operators

31. (1) Operating engineers shall be classified as fourth, third, second or first class. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 31 (1).

(2) Operators shall be classified as follows:

1. Compressor operator.

2. Refrigeration operator (Class A or B).

3. Steam traction operator. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 31 (2).

(3) An application for a certificate of qualification shall meet the applicable requirements set out in Table 8 and qualifying experience shall include the operation of boilers for operating engineers and steam traction operators. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 31 (3).

(4) Upon application by the owner or use of a registered plant, the chief officer may issue a special permit to allow a person without a certificate of qualification to perform the duties of a fourth class operating engineer, compressor operator or class B refrigeration operator if it is in the interest of public safety to do so. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 31 (4).

School training courses

32. Where an applicant for a certificate of qualification has successfully completed an approved course of training, such portion of the time spent by the applicant in completing the course of training that the chief officer approves may be included in the calculation of qualifying experience under Table 8. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 32.

Testimonial of plant practical experience

33. An application for a certificate of qualification shall be accompanied by a Testimonial of Qualifying Experience in the form published by the designated administrative authority or a photocopy thereof. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 33.


34. (1) Subject to subsection (2), an applicant for a certificate of qualification who fails to pass an examination required by the chief officer may, on payment of the fee set by the designated administrative authority, take the examination again at the place, date and time set by the chief officer. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 34 (1).

(2) The chief officer shall not schedule a re-examination within the 60-day period that follows the date of the examination failed by the applicant. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 34 (2).

Evidence of age

35. (1) Where evidence of age is required under this Regulation, an applicant for a certificate of qualification shall furnish his or her birth certificate. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 35 (1).

(2) Where the chief officer is satisfied that it is not practicable for the applicant to furnish his or her birth certificate, the chief officer may accept either one item of Class A evidence of birth or two items of Class B evidence of birth, as these expressions are defined in sections 8 and 10 of Regulation 1094 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 35 (2).

Portable and temporary plants

36. A person holding a certificate of qualification as an operating engineer in any class is qualified to operate a portable compressor plant, a temporary heating plant or a portable boiler or a device for melting ice or snow. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 36.

Log, registered plants

37. (1) Every user of a plant shall keep in the plant a log in the form of a book or electronic log. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 37 (1).

(2) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), the logbook shall be bound and constructed so that the pages are numbered and cannot be removed and shall be large enough to accommodate all the required entries. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 37 (2).

(3) Where a user keeps an electronic log, the user shall ensure that a dated paper print-out of the log is created at the end of each shift, is entered into the logbook and signed by the chief operating engineer or chief operator the next business day. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 37 (3).

(4) An electronic log shall include information relating to equipment used, information produced, form produced, back up ability, ambient operating limits, and authorized pass code entry by only the chief engineer, chief operator, shift engineer or shift operator, and shall be kept so that any substations have read-only ability. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 37 (4).

(5) The names of the chief operating engineer, chief operator, relief chiefs, shift engineers and shift operators and their sample signatures shall be entered on the logbook’s signature page. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 37 (5).

(6) No person except the chief operating engineer, chief operator, a shift engineer or a shift operator may make an entry in or sign the logbook. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 37 (6).

(7) Standing orders that are to be routinely followed shall be clearly documented in a location that is known and available to the persons to whom they apply and supplementary logs shall be registered in the log. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 37 (7).

(8) Shift entries to the log shall include,

(a) the date, the shift and the times at which the shift begins and ends;

(b) the names of all shift engineers, shift operators, assistant shift engineers, assistant shift operators, other staff and operating assistants or trainees on a shift and their periods of duty on the shift;

(c) any instructions for the shift operation or for staff, along with the name of the person giving the instructions;

(d) any change from normal operating procedure and the time of such change;

(e) any unusual or abnormal conditions observed in the plant and the time they were observed;

(f) the starting or stopping times of primary equipment not recorded in other logs;

(g) documentation of any repairs or maintenance, including that required under subsection 39 (9), to any part of the plant, the times the repair or maintenance took place, if they were completed and who attended at the repair or maintenance;

(h) any malfunction of any item or equipment, the time of the occurrence and any remedial action taken to correct the malfunction;

(i) any work performed by plant operating personnel outside the plant, the time spent and who attended at the work;

(j) the entry of any unauthorized person to the plant, together with the purpose of the entry and the time of entry and leaving;

(k) primary shift functions, including the times of at least the following functions:

(i) boiler blow down,

(ii) water column blow down,

(iii) controls tests,

(iv) safety valve tests,

(v) sootblower operation, and

(vi) water sampling and chemical treatment. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 37 (8).

(9) All logbook entries shall be in ink and any corrections shall not be erased but crossed out, corrected and initialled. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 37 (9).

(10) No person shall deface, damage, destroy or, without the permission of the owner or user, remove the logbook from the plant. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 37 (10).

(11) The chief operating engineer or chief operator shall read and sign the log at least once each business day. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 37 (11).

(12) The user shall ensure that the logbook is kept accessible in the plant for at least three years after the last entry is made and shall produce the logbook for examination upon the request of an inspector and, where an electronic log is kept by the user, the user shall retain the electronic log or hard copies for at least three years. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 37 (12).

Traction plant log

38. (1) Every owner or user of a traction plant shall provide a log in the form of a book, which shall remain on board the traction plant or in possession of the operator during the operation of the plant. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 38 (1).

(2) The logbook shall be bound and constructed so that the pages are numbered and cannot be removed and large enough to accommodate all the required entries. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 38 (2).

(3) The traction log shall include,

(a) an operating log that indicates the date and time of operation, the location of operation and the name and certificate number of the traction operator; and

(b) a maintenance log that indicates the maintenance and repairs carried out at the plant and the dates of fit out, lay up, water side washout, an insurance inspection and an inspection by the designated administrative authority. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 38 (3).

(4) No person other than a certified traction operator may make an entry in or sign the logbook. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 38 (4).

(5) All logbook entries shall be in ink and any corrections shall not be erased but crossed out, corrected and initialled. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 38 (5).

(6) No person shall deface, damage, destroy or, without the permission of the user or owner, remove the logbook from the plant or cause it to be unavailable for viewing. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 38 (6).

(7) The user or owner shall ensure that the logbook is retained for at least three years after the last entry made and shall produce the logbook for examination upon the request of an inspector. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 38 (7).

Safety Devices

Fail safe devices

39. (1) The user of a boiler in a guarded high pressure steam or power plant, a guarded low pressure steam or power plant, a guarded high temperature water or power plant, a guarded high or low pressure low water volume steam or power plant, a guarded low temperature water or power plant shall provide the boiler with fail-safe devices, including,

(a) a high pressure limiting device on the steam boiler or a high temperature limiting device on the hot water boiler, separate from any other device that controls the pressure or temperature, as the case may be;

(b) a low water level limiting device separate from any other device that controls the feedwater supply to the steam boiler;

(c) a high water level limiting device separate from any other device that controls the feedwater supply to the steam boiler; and

(d) a pre-purge and flame failure device that will automatically prevent the supply of fuel to the boiler when an abnormal condition occurs during the boiler’s operation. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 39 (1).

(2) The user of a steam engine or turbine in a guarded steam-powered plant shall provide the engine or turbine with a device to automatically cut off the supply of steam when the engine or turbine exceeds its maximum safe speed and other safety devices as necessary in the interests of safe operation. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 39 (2).

(3) The user of a compressor in a guarded compressor plant shall provide the compressor with protective devices that will automatically prevent the supply of energy to the prime mover of the compressor when an abnormal condition occurs during the compressor’s operation, including,

(a) a high pressure limiting device in the compressor discharge line;

(b) a high temperature limiting device in the compressor discharge line;

(c) a high temperature limiting device in the cooling-water discharge line; and

(d) a low pressure limiting device in the lubricating oil system. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 39 (3).

(4) The user of a compressor in a guarded refrigeration plant shall provide the compressor with protective devices that will automatically prevent the supply of energy to the prime mover of the compressor when an abnormal condition occurs during the compressor’s operation, including,

(a) a high pressure limiting device in the compressor discharge line;

(b) a high liquid level limiting device on the evaporator or the suction drum of the compressor or, in absence of a flooded evaporator, a device or assembly that will provide equal compressor protection from the liquid refrigerant and or leakage of secondary coolant liquid;

(c) for Group B2 refrigerants, a high temperature limiting device in the cooling-water discharge line or high oil temperature limiting device; and

(d) for Group A1, A2 refrigerants, a low flow limiting device in the compressor and condenser coolant circuit if cooled by liquid;

(e) a low pressure limiting device in the lubricating oil system. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 39 (4).

(5) Subject to subsection (6), the user of a guarded plant referred to in sections 23 and 24 shall provide the plant with an audible and visual alarm system that will,

(a) ensure that the operating engineer or operator is warned when any abnormal or unsafe condition for which a protective device is prescribed in subsections (1) to (4) occurs; and

(b) extend to any part of the premises on which the plant is situated and in which the operating engineer or operator may be present while in charge of the plant. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 39 (5).

(6) Where the alarm system is not under local control, the user shall ensure that the alarm system actuates an electronic paging device. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 39 (6).

(7) Each protective device prescribed in subsections (1) to (5) shall,

(a) not be capable of automatically restarting the plant; and

(b) maintain the visual warning until the abnormal or unsafe condition is rectified. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 39 (7).

(8) The operating engineer or operator in charge of a guarded boiler, guarded steam prime mover, guarded compressor or guarded refrigeration compressor, as the case may be, shall ensure that the safety valves and other fittings, prescribed in Ontario Regulation 220/01 (Boilers and Pressure Vessels) are in safe working condition. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 39 (8).

(9) The user of a guarded plant shall ensure that all fail safe protective devices are independent of other control systems, are hard wired, regularly tested under operating conditions and calibrated as required, and that the results of the tests are logged. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 39 (9).

Gauge glass safety devices

40. (1) A tubular gauge glass shall be shielded with a glass or plastic guard that shields the front and sides of the glass so as to prevent injury to any person in the event of the gauge glass breaking. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 40 (1).

(2) Tubular gauge glass shut-off valves shall be equipped with stainless steel ball checks as a component of the valve’s construction. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 40 (2).

Boiler water conditioning

41. A registered boiler shall be provided with water conditioning services that meet the analysis and treatment recommendations of the boiler’s manufacturer and that are provided by the plant operating staff or contractor based on a scheduled procedure that is logged. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 41.

Unattended plants

42. (1) A user of a guarded installation under section 39 or 45 that is to be operated unattended shall ensure that the operating engineer, operator or other person in charge of the installation is instructed,

(a) not to start the installation if a control, device or system required for it under those sections, as the case requires, is not functioning properly;

(b) to bring the installation to a safe stop immediately if the installation is operating when it is discovered that a control, device or system required under those sections, as the case requires, has ceased to function properly; or

(c) to restrict access to the unattended plant and to provide signs to this effect at all entrances. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 42 (1).

(2) A person operating an installation that is unattended under section 39 or 45 shall comply with clauses (1) (a) and (b). O. Reg. 219/01, s. 42 (2).

(3) If a refrigerant leak from an installation is indicated by the system required by subsection 45 (4), the user or the person in charge of the installation shall warn any person who may be endangered by the leakage, take immediate steps to stop it and such steps as are necessary in the circumstances to ensure public safety. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 42 (3).

(4) Despite subsections (1) and (2), if a control, device or system required under sections 39 and 45 for an installation ceases to function properly or if a refrigerant leak is indicated by a system required for an installation under section 45, the installation may be operated if the user ensures that,

(a) the control, device or system can be repaired or replaced immediately, and the user takes immediate action to repair or replace it and has the installation attended constantly until such repair or replacement is made by a person competent to do so; and

(b) an operating engineer or operator of a class who is qualified to operate the installation is in constant attendance at the installation and determines that the installation can be safely operated. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 42 (4).

Operation of Various Boilers

Dual control boiler

43. (1) Where a plant is comprised of a dual control boiler and the power rating of the boiler is not more than 1471 kW (150 BHP, 50TH) and the dual control boiler is to be operated at a pressure of less than 15 psi (103 kpa), an operating engineer is not required to be in attendance at the plant if the plant meets the requirements of section 39 and is equipped with,

(a) a hard wired low pressure control device that restricts the operating pressure of the dual control boiler to 15 psi (103 kpa); and

(b) the protective devices required by section 39, so long as the high-pressure limiting device or the high temperature limiting device referred to in section 39 is set for low pressure or temperature operation. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 43 (1).

(2) The results obtained from the pressure recording device attached to the dual control boiler shall be retained for a period of 12 months and shall be available to an inspector at all times. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 43 (2).

(3) All protective and control devices described in subsection (1) shall be approved by the chief officer. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 43 (3).

Thermal liquid boiler

44. Thermal liquid boilers shall be operated in accordance with the requirements for steam boilers set out in Tables 2 and 3. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 44.

Refrigeration plant installation requirements

45. (1) A guarded refrigeration plant or installation that is to be operated as set out in Table 6 shall be equipped with the system devices and controls referred to in sections 39 and 42, as the case requires. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 45 (1).

(2) A refrigeration installation referred to in subsection (1) shall be equipped with,

(a) an audible, visible alarm or remote pager system that, if any potentially unsafe condition is indicated by a protective device,

(i) gives a warning to the operating engineer, operator or other person who is located in the plant and is in charge of the installation, and

(ii) continues to give a warning until the potentially unsafe condition is rectified or the installation is safely shut down;

(b) an automatic control system that controls the installation when the operating engineer, operator or other person in charge of the installation leaves the controls of the installation;

(c) protective devices and controls, including pressure relief devices, required by Ontario Regulation 220/01 (Boilers and Pressure Vessels);

(d) fail-safe devices required by section 39 that shall, if a potentially unsafe condition occurs, interrupt the supply of energy to the prime movers of the refrigerant compressor and prevent the installation from restarting under automatic control or under remote control; and

(e) such other devices as are necessary to allow the installation to be operated safely. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 45 (2).

(3) A refrigeration installation referred to in subsection (1) that is located in a machinery room, as defined by CAN/CSA-B52, shall be equipped with a gas detector system that will activate the alarm system required by clause (2) (a) and start a mechanical ventilation system if there is a leak of refrigerant causing the airborne concentration of refrigerant to rise above the level value as defined by CAN/CSA-B52. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 45 (3).

(4) A refrigeration installation referred to in subsection (1) shall comply with CAN/CSA-B52 and shall be installed and operated so as to ensure public safety. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 45 (4).

Procedure manual

46. Every owner of a plant shall keep on the premises of the plant an up-to-date, detailed operating procedures manual designed by or acceptable to the chief operating engineer or chief operator of the plant that sets out the procedures relating to training and the operation of all equipment and systems of the plant and all emergency procedures. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 46.

Reporting accidents

47. The user shall notify the chief officer, by telephone or other direct means, as soon as is practicable of any accident, injury or death, but no more than eight hours after the accident, injury or death, as the case may be, and shall within 48 hours after the accident, injury or death, send the chief officer a written report of the occurrence where,

(a) a person is seriously injured or killed from any cause; or

(b) an accident occurs involving property damage. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 47.

Certificates not transferable

48. A certificate of registration or certificate of qualification is not transferable. O. Reg. 219/01, s. 48.

49. Omitted (provides for coming into force of provisions of this Regulation). O. Reg. 219/01, s. 49.


O. Reg. 219/01, Table 1.


O. Reg. 219/01, Table 2.



O. Reg. 219/01, Table 3.



O. Reg. 219/01, Table 4.



O. Reg. 219/01, Table 5.


O. Reg. 219/01, Table 6.


O. Reg. 219/01, Table 7.


O. Reg. 219/01, Table 8.