O. Reg. 339/01: HOUSING PROJECTS SUBJECT TO PART VI OF THE ACT, Social Housing Reform Act, 2000, S.O. 2000, c. 27
Social Housing Reform Act, 2000
Amended to O. Reg. 74/07
Historical version for the period March 1, 2007 to May 3, 2007.
This is the English version of a bilingual regulation.
PART I | |
Application | |
Interpretation | |
Corporate requirements | |
Conflict of interest | |
Replacement of conflict of interest rules | |
Expenses and remuneration, directors | |
Management of housing project | |
Property management | |
Provision of information to the public | |
Before centralized waiting list established | |
Internal transfers | |
Request to be a special priority household | |
Special priority households | |
Waiting lists, rent-geared-to-income units | |
Duty to provide information | |
Waiting list, special needs housing | |
Selection of households | |
Households referred to in s. 35.1 of O. Reg. 298/01 | |
Alternative housing provider | |
Selection of households, supportive housing provider | |
Notice of decision | |
Refusal to offer | |
Record of refusal to offer | |
Internal review of refusal | |
PART V | |
Requirements | |
Rent | |
Occupancy standards | |
Capital reserve requirements | |
Investments | |
Exception, investments | |
Definitions | |
Market rent index | |
Operating reserve | |
Revenue and operating costs | |
Benchmark amounts | |
Section 106 housing providers | |
Change in economic conditions, calculating housing provider’s mortgage subsidy | |
Change in economic conditions | |
Additional subsidy | |
Records | |
Annual report | |
Insurance | |
Mortgage renewals | |
Transitional | |
1. This Regulation applies as follows:
1. To every housing provider in respect of a transferred housing project referred to in section 92 of the Act that is subject to Part VI of the Act, commencing on the date set out in Table 1 opposite the housing project.
2. To a local housing corporation in the manner required by section 32 of the Act and Part IX in respect of a housing project, commencing on the first day this Regulation applies to a housing provider in respect of a housing project in the service area in which the local housing corporation is located. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 1; O. Reg. 408/01, s. 1; O. Reg. 341/04, s. 1.
“centralized waiting list” means the waiting list established under section 35 of Ontario Regulation 298/01; (“liste d’attente centralisée”)
“eligible capital expenditure” means an expenditure made by a housing provider on the capital account for the construction, renovation or repair of a housing project and includes reasonable expenditures incurred by the housing provider in planning and budgeting for those expenditures; (“dépense en immobilisations admissible”)
“internal transfer” means, in respect of a household residing in a housing project of a housing provider,
(a) the transfer of the household from one rent-geared-to-income unit to another rent-geared-to-income unit in the same or another housing project of the housing provider, or
(b) the transfer of the household from one special needs housing to another special needs housing in the same or another housing project of the housing provider; (“transfert interne”)
“mandate” means, in respect of a housing provider, its mandate established under section 99 of the Act; (“mandat”)
“rent” means,
(a) in relation to a unit of a non-profit housing co-operative that is occupied by a member of the co-operative, housing charges as defined in the Co-operative Corporations Act, other than the sector support levy, if any, and initial membership fees, or
(b) in all other cases, rent as defined in the Tenant Protection Act, 1997; (“loyer”)
“subsidiary waiting list” means, in respect of a housing project, the subsidiary waiting list for the housing project referred to in section 36 of Ontario Regulation 298/01; (“liste d’attente subsidiaire”)
“targeting plan” means, in respect of a housing provider, its targeting plan established under section 98 of the Act. (“plan de ciblage”) O. Reg. 339/01, s. 2 (1); O. Reg. 557/05, s. 1.
(2) Unless otherwise indicated by the context, a reference in this Regulation to a service manager, in relation to a housing provider or housing project, means the service manager for the service area in which the housing provider’s housing project is located. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 2 (2).
Corporate requirements
3. (1) Every housing provider shall ensure that it is a non-profit corporation or a non-profit co-operative corporation in good standing under one of the following statutes by the end of six months after its operating agreement is terminated under section 91 of the Act and shall ensure that it continues to be in good standing as long as it is subject to Part VI of the Act.
1. Business Corporations Act.
2. Corporations Act.
3. Co-operative Corporations Act.
4. Canada Business Corporations Act. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 3 (1).
(2) A housing provider shall continue to do the following:
1. Provide rent-geared-to-income housing or special needs housing as part of its regular activities.
2. Operate only as a charity registered under the Income Tax Act (Canada) or as a non-profit corporation exempt from tax under Part I of that Act. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 3 (2).
(3) A housing provider shall not amend its articles, amalgamate with another corporation or take action to voluntarily wind-up or dissolve the corporation without the prior written consent of the service managers for all service areas in which its housing projects are located. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 3 (3).
(4) Despite subsection (3), a housing provider’s articles must require that upon the winding-up or dissolution of the corporation, all of its assets, after discharging all outstanding liabilities, must be distributed to one or more of the following entities:
1. A registered charity, within the meaning of the Income Tax Act (Canada), that operates only in Canada.
2. Another housing provider under the Act.
3. A service manager or municipality within the service area of the service manager where the housing provider is located. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 3 (4); O. Reg. 86/02, s. 1.
(5) The board of directors of a housing provider shall meet at least four times each year. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 3 (5).
Conflict of interest
4. (1) This section applies to a housing provider in addition to the provisions of the Act listed in subsection 3 (1) to which the housing provider is subject. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 4 (1).
(2) A conflict of interest exists if any of the following situations occur:
1. The personal or business interests of a director, officer, agent or employee of a housing provider are in conflict with the interests of the housing provider.
2. A personal gain, benefit, advantage or privilege is directly or indirectly given to or received by a director, officer, agent or employee of the housing provider or a person related to one of them as a result of a decision by the housing provider. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 4 (2).
(3) A director, officer, agent or employee of the housing provider shall not enter into any situation, arrangement or agreement which results in a conflict of interest. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 4 (3).
(4) Directors, officers, agents and employees of the housing provider must notify the chair of the board of directors of the housing provider of every potential or actual conflict of interest no later than the first meeting of the board after the director, officer, agent or employee becomes aware that he or she has entered into a situation, arrangement or agreement that results in or may result in a conflict of interest. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 4 (4).
(5) The board of directors shall consider the notice given under subsection (4) no later than the second meeting of the board after the notice is given and consideration of the notice must be reflected in the minutes of the meeting. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 4 (5).
(6) The chair of the board shall notify the service manager in writing of the receipt of every notice under subsection (4) and the board of directors shall resolve every conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest to the satisfaction of the service manager. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 4 (6).
(7) Despite subsection (3), a director, officer, agent or employee or a person related to one of them may directly or indirectly receive a gain, benefit, advantage, privilege or remuneration from the housing provider if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
1. A notice of the conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest is given in accordance with subsection (4).
2. The service manager agrees that there is no reasonable alternative for the housing provider other than entering into the situation, arrangement or agreement that results in or may result in the conflict of interest. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 4 (7).
(8) For the purposes of this section, a person related to a director, officer, agent or employee includes a parent, spouse, child, household member, sibling, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, mother-in-law, father-in-law sister-in-law, brother-in-law or grandparent, or a person with whom the director, officer, agent or employee has a business relationship. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 4 (8); O. Reg. 341/05, s. 1 (1).
(9) In this section,
“child”, in relation to an individual, means a child of the individual born within or outside marriage (unless that child has been adopted by one or more other individuals in Ontario or according to the law of another jurisdiction), a child adopted by the individual in Ontario or according to the law of another jurisdiction, and a child whom the individual has demonstrated a settled intention to treat as a child of his or her family, but does not include a child placed in the individual’s home as a foster child for consideration by another person having lawful custody; (“enfant”)
“parent”, in relation to an individual, means a natural parent of the individual (unless the individual has been adopted by one or more other persons in Ontario or according to the law of another jurisdiction), an adoptive parent of the individual who has adopted the individual in Ontario or according to the law of another jurisdiction, and a person who has demonstrated a settled intention to treat the individual as a child of his or her family, but does not include a person in whose home the individual has been placed as a foster child for consideration by another person having lawful custody; (“père ou mere”)
“spouse”, in relation to a person, means,
(a) an individual who, together with the person, has advised the housing provider that the individual and the person are spouses, or
(b) an individual who is residing in the same dwelling place as the person, if the social and familial aspects of the relationship between the individual and the person amount to cohabitation and,
(i) the individual is providing financial support to the person,
(ii) the person is providing financial support to the individual, or
(iii) the individual and the person have a mutual agreement or arrangement regarding their financial affairs. (“conjoint”) O. Reg. 339/01, s. 4 (9); O. Reg. 341/05, s. 1 (2-4).
Replacement of conflict of interest rules
5. The conflict of interest provisions set out in section 4 may be replaced for a housing provider by rules agreed to by the housing provider and the service managers for all areas in which its housing projects are located, in accordance with subsection 93 (3) of the Act. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 5.
Expenses and remuneration, directors
6. (1) A housing provider shall not pay remuneration to a director other than amounts to reimburse the director for reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of the director’s duties as a director. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 6 (1).
(2) A housing provider may employ a director if,
(a) the director resides in the housing provider’s housing project and is employed by the housing provider on a part-time or temporary basis; or
(b) the director does not reside in the housing provider’s housing project and is employed by the housing provider to carry out functions of a non-supervisory and non-managerial nature and the housing provider has,
(i) five or fewer directors and no other director is employed by the housing provider to carry out the same functions, or
(ii) more than five directors and not more than one-fifth of the directors are employed by the housing provider to carry out the same functions. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 6 (2).
(3) Despite subsection (1), a housing provider may pay reasonable remuneration to a director employed in accordance with subsection (2) in respect of his or her employment functions. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 6 (3).
Management of housing project
7. (1) A housing provider shall ensure that its housing projects are well managed, are maintained in a satisfactory state of repair and are fit for occupancy. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 7 (1).
(2) Subject to the provisions of any mortgage guaranteed by the Province of Ontario or the Ontario Housing Corporation to which the housing project is subject, a housing provider shall proceed diligently to repair, restore and make habitable any unit in a housing project that is damaged to such an extent that it is uninhabitable. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 7 (2).
Property management
8. (1) Subject to subsection (4), a housing provider shall establish and follow open and competitive practices in hiring its employees, subject to the provisions of any collective bargaining agreement to which the housing provider is a party, and in retaining persons to provide property management services for its housing projects. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 8 (1).
(2) A contract for property management services for a housing project must be in writing and must satisfy the following requirements:
1. The term of the contract must not exceed three years.
2. The contract must not be renewable.
3. The contract must be capable of termination by the housing provider on 60 days written notice any time during the term of the contract and on 30 days written notice if the termination is for breach of the contract, unless the parties to the contract agree to shorter notice periods.
4. The contract must specifically identify and describe the nature of the goods and services provided under the contract and the consideration to be paid by the housing provider.
5. The contract must be non-assignable. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 8 (2).
(3) Every corporation providing management services for a housing project shall give notice to the housing provider of the housing project of any change in control of the corporation. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 8 (3).
(4) A housing provider is not required to follow open and competitive practices in retaining persons to provide property management services if the service manager is satisfied that open and competitive practices are not appropriate in the circumstances in order for the housing provider to obtain a reasonable level of property management services at a reasonable cost. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 8 (4).
Provision of information to the public
9. (1) Every housing provider shall make the following information concerning a housing project available to the public:
1. The information provided under section 60 of Ontario Regulation 298/01 to the housing provider by the service manager.
2. Information concerning the types and sizes of units in its housing project.
3. The housing provider’s policies and procedures for internal transfers.
4. The housing provider’s procedures for internal reviews under section 20. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 9 (1).
(2) A housing provider shall allow members of the public to make copies of the information at their own expense. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 9 (2).
Before centralized waiting list established
10. (1) Until a centralized waiting list is established, a housing provider shall continue to select households for placement in vacant units in accordance with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Directive 97-17 dated July 4, 1997 — Implementing a Modified Chronological Resident Selection System. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 10 (1).
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the directive mentioned in that subsection shall be read without reference to the portion entitled Changes to Portfolio Targets. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 10 (2).
Internal transfers
11. (1) Every housing provider shall do the following in respect of its housing projects in a service area:
1. Establish policies and procedures for internal transfers and provide a copy of them to the service manager.
2. Establish and maintain a waiting list for internal transfers in accordance with its policies and procedures for internal transfers. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 11 (1).
(2) A housing provider’s policies and procedures for internal transfers in housing projects in a service area must include the following requirements:
1. Revoked: O. Reg. 86/02, s. 2 (1).
1.1 That the waiting list for internal transfers include all special priority households referred to in section 11.1.
2. That the waiting list for internal transfers include all households referred to in subsection 32 (2) of Ontario Regulation 298/01 if the housing provider has at least one unit of a size within the range for which the household is eligible to receive rent-geared-to-income assistance.
3. Revoked: O. Reg. 181/02, s. 1 (2).
4. That households described in paragraph 1.1 (special priority households) rank higher in priority on the waiting list for internal transfers than households described in paragraph 2 and households not described in paragraph 2 that are eligible to be included on the waiting list for internal transfer.
4.1 That special priority households that also meet the requirements of paragraph 2 rank higher in priority on the waiting list for internal transfers than households described in paragraph 2.
4.2 That a special priority household ranks higher on the waiting list for internal transfers than another special priority household if the housing provider determines that a member of the first household is at greater risk of being abused than the members of the other household.
4.3 That, subject to paragraph 4.2, if the member who has been subject to abuse of a special priority household lives with the person who has committed the abuse, that household ranks higher on the waiting list for internal transfers than another special priority household for which that is not the case.
4.4 That, subject to paragraph 4, households described in paragraph 2 rank higher in priority on the waiting list for internal transfers than households not described in paragraph 2 that are eligible to be included on the waiting list for internal transfer.
5. That the housing provider notify the service manager when a household that has been placed on the waiting list for internal transfers under paragraph 2 has refused an offer of a unit. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 11 (2); O. Reg. 86/02, s. 2; O. Reg. 181/02, s. 1; O. Reg. 557/05, s. 2.
Request to be a special priority household
11.1 (1) If a household is applying for an internal transfer, any member of the household who is 16 years old or older may request that the housing provider determine whether it should be included in the special priority household category on the waiting list for internal transfers. O. Reg. 181/02, s. 2.
(2) A request for a determination that a household should be included in the special priority household category may not be made except as provided in subsection (1). O. Reg. 181/02, s. 2.
(3) The request must be in writing and must state that,
(a) a member of the household has been subject to abuse from another individual;
(b) the abusing individual is or was living with the member or is sponsoring the member as an immigrant; and
(c) the abused member who intends to live permanently apart from the abusing individual. O. Reg. 181/02, s. 2.
(4) The request must be signed by the member making the request. O. Reg. 181/02, s. 2.
(5) If the member making the request is unable for any reason to sign the request or to make a valid request, the request may be signed on the member’s behalf by another individual who,
(a) is the parent or guardian of the member;
(b) is an attorney of the member under a power of attorney that authorizes the attorney to make the request on the member’s behalf; or
(c) is otherwise authorized to make the request on the member’s behalf. O. Reg. 181/02, s. 2.
(6) The request must include a consent signed by the abused member consenting to the disclosure to the housing provider of information and documents required by the housing provider for the purpose of verifying the statement required under clause (3) (a). O. Reg. 181/02, s. 2.
(7) If the abused member is less than 16 years old or is unable for any reason to sign the consent or to give a valid consent, the consent may be signed on the member’s behalf by another individual who,
(a) is the parent or guardian of the member;
(b) is an attorney of the member under a power of attorney that authorizes the attorney to give the consent on the member’s behalf; or
(c) is otherwise authorized to give the consent on the member’s behalf. O. Reg. 181/02, s. 2.
(8) The member making the request shall provide such information and documentation as the housing provider may require for the purpose of verifying the statement required under clause (3) (a). O. Reg. 181/02, s. 2.
(9) If the housing provider is satisfied that the member making the request or a third party is unable to provide information or a document, the housing provider shall not require the member or the third party to provide the information or document. O. Reg. 181/02, s. 2.
(10) If the member making the request believes that he or she will be at risk of being abused by the abusing individual if he or she attempts to obtain information or a document, the housing provider shall not require the member to provide that information or document. O. Reg. 181/02, s. 2.
(11) The housing provider shall not require information as to whether the member making the request or the abused member has commenced legal proceedings against the abusing individual and shall not require information or documents relating to such proceedings. O. Reg. 181/02, s. 2.
(12) The housing provider shall not require information or documents from more than one person for the purpose of verifying the statement required under clause (3) (a). O. Reg. 181/02, s. 2.
(13) If the abused member and the abusing individual lived together but no longer do so, the request must be submitted to the housing provider within three months after they ceased to live together. O. Reg. 181/02, s. 2.
(14) The housing provider may allow a request to be submitted later than would be allowed under subsection (13) if the housing provider is satisfied that it is appropriate to do so after considering whether,
(a) no member of the household knew that he or she could request that the household be included in the special priority household category;
(b) no member of the household knew that a request should be submitted within the time limit set out in subsection (13); or
(c) the abused member is at risk of further abuse from the abusing individual. O. Reg. 181/02, s. 2.
(15) The member making the request may inform the housing provider of the manner and form in which he or she wishes to receive communications from the housing provider and of the telephone number, postal address or other address at which he or she wishes to receive such communications. O. Reg. 181/02, s. 2.
(16) The housing provider shall communicate with the member making the request only in accordance with the instructions provided by the member under subsection (15). O. Reg. 181/02, s. 2.
(17) Upon receiving the request, the housing provider shall determine whether,
(a) the request meets the requirements of subsection (3) and the request and the consent have been signed; and
(b) the housing provider has received all other information and documents required by the housing provider, including information and documents from a third party, for the purpose of verifying the statement required under clause (3) (a). O. Reg. 181/02, s. 2.
(18) Within seven business days after receiving the request, the housing provider shall give the member making the request a written notice,
(a) stating the request is complete, if the housing provider has determined that the requirements set out in subsection (17) have been met; or
(b) stating the request is not complete and explaining why it is not complete, if the housing provider has determined that the conditions set out in subsection (17) have not been met. O. Reg. 181/02, s. 2.
(19) If the housing provider gives the member making the request a written notice that the request is not complete, the housing provider shall, if it determines subsequently that the conditions set out in subsection (17) have been met, promptly give the member making the request a written notice stating that the request is now complete. O. Reg. 181/02, s. 2.
(20) The request shall be considered to be complete for the purposes of this Regulation on the day of the written notice given by the housing provider stating that the request is complete. O. Reg. 181/02, s. 2.
Special priority households
11.2 (1) If a request is made under section 11.1, the housing provider shall determine that the household should be included in the special priority household category on the waiting list for internal transfers if the housing provider verifies the statement required under clause 11.1 (3) (a) that a member of the household has been subject to abuse from another individual. O. Reg. 181/02, s. 2.
(2) The housing provider is not required to make a decision if the request is not complete. O. Reg. 181/02, s. 2.
(3) The housing provider shall accept, as verification of the statement required under clause 11.1 (3) (a) that a member of the household has been subject to abuse from another individual, a record described in subsection (4) that is prepared by an individual described in subsection (5), whether the information is provided to the housing provider in written or verbal form. O. Reg. 181/02, s. 2.
(4) The record referred to in subsection (3) is any one of the following:
1. A record of intervention by the police indicating that the member was abused by the abusing individual.
2. A record of physical injury caused to the member by the abusing individual.
3. A record of the application of force by the abusing individual against the member to force the member to engage in sexual activity against his or her will.
4. A record of words, actions or gestures by the abusing individual that threaten the member or his or her property including, but not limited to, the following:
i. Threatening to physically harm the member or another member of the household.
ii. Threatening to destroy or injure the member’s property.
iii. Intentionally killing or injuring pets.
iv. Threatening to remove the member’s children from the household.
v. Threatening to prevent the member from having access to his or her children.
vi. Forcing the member to perform degrading acts.
vii. Terrorizing the member.
viii. Threatening to take action to withdraw from sponsoring the member as an immigrant.
ix. Threatening to take action that might lead to the member being deported.
x. Other words, actions or gestures which lead the member to fear for his or her safety.
5. A record of undue or unwarranted control by the abusing individual over the member’s daily personal and financial activities. O. Reg. 181/02, s. 2.
(5) The individual referred to in subsection (3) is any of the following:
1. A doctor.
2. A lawyer.
3. A law enforcement officer.
4. A member of the clergy.
5. A teacher
6. A guidance counsellor.
7. An individual in a managerial or administrative position employed by the housing provider.
8. A community health care worker.
9. A social worker.
10. A social service worker.
11. A victim services worker.
12. A settlement services worker.
13. A shelter worker. O. Reg. 181/02, s. 2.
(6) In subsection (5),
“community health care worker” means an individual employed by a community health centre to provide health care and health promotion education and information and to administer health care and health promotion programs; (“travailleur de la santé en milieu communautaire”)
“settlement services worker” means an individual employed by an agency or organization to assist individuals coming to Ontario to settle in, adapt to and be integrated into the community; (“travailleur dans un service d’établissement”)
“shelter worker” means an individual employed by an agency or organization to assist individuals for whom the agency or organization provides accommodation in an emergency or transitional shelter because of homelessness or abuse; (“travailleur dans un refuge”)
“social service worker” means an individual who performs the role of a social service worker within the meaning of section 10 of Ontario Regulation 383/00 made under the Social Work and Social Service Work Act, 1998; (“technicien en travail social”)
“social worker” means an individual who performs the role of a social worker within the meaning of section 9 of Ontario Regulation 383/00 made under the Social Work and Social Service Work Act, 1998; (“travailleur social”)
“victim services worker” means an individual employed by an agency or organization to provide support initiatives for victims of crime and disaster. (“professionnel de l’aide aux victimes”) O. Reg. 181/02, s. 2.
(7) Once a housing provider determines that a household should be included in the special priority household category on the waiting list for internal transfers, the housing provider shall not reconsider whether the household should be included in that category. O. Reg. 181/02, s. 2.
Waiting lists, rent-geared-to-income units
12. (1) After a centralized waiting list is established by a service manager under section 35 of Ontario Regulation 298/01, a housing provider in the service area of the service manager shall not establish or maintain a waiting list of households eligible for rent-geared-to-income assistance other than the following:
1. A waiting list for internal transfers established and maintained in accordance with section 11.
2. A waiting list for special needs housing established and maintained in accordance with section 13. O. Reg. 86/02, s. 3.
(2) A housing provider shall refer all households wishing to receive rent-geared-to-income assistance to the service manager. O. Reg. 86/02, s. 3.
Duty to provide information
12.1 It is the duty of a service manager, supportive housing provider or lead agency to provide to a household applying for special needs housing a copy of the information described in paragraphs 4, 4.1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 9.1, 9.2, 10, 18, 19 and 20 of subsection 60 (1) of Ontario Regulation 298/01 (Rent-Geared-to-Income and Special Needs Housing) made under the Act. O. Reg. 557/05, s. 3.
Waiting list, special needs housing
13. (1) Unless the waiting list for special needs housing for a service area is established and maintained by the service manager or a lead agency, a supportive housing provider shall,
(a) adopt policies and procedures consistent with section 45 of Ontario Regulation 298/01, the housing provider’s mandate and its targeting plan for the establishment and maintenance of a waiting list for households who require the type of special needs housing available in its housing project;
(b) provide, within six months after the termination of its operating agreement, a copy of the policies and procedures described in clause (a) in written or electronic format to the service manager; and
(c) accept applications for special needs housing from households who require the type of special needs housing available in the housing project. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 13 (1).
(2) A housing provider shall not impose a charge for accepting or processing an application for special needs housing. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 13 (2).
Selection of households
14. (1) Subject to sections 15 and 16, a housing provider shall select a household for placement in a vacant unit in its housing project in accordance with the rules set out in this section. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 14 (1).
(2) The vacant unit is considered to be a rent-geared-to-income unit if,
(a) no targeting plan has been established for the housing project in which the unit is located; or
(b) the unit must be a rent-geared-to-income unit in order to satisfy the requirements of the targeting plan established for the housing project in which the unit is located. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 14 (2).
(3) The following rules apply with respect to rent-geared-to-income units, other than special needs housing:
1. The housing provider shall offer the unit to households on the housing provider’s waiting list for internal transfers as referred to in paragraphs 1.1 and 2 of subsection 11 (2) of this Regulation that are eligible for the unit under Part V of Ontario Regulation 298/01 (Rent-Geared-to-Income and Special Needs Housing) made under the Act, starting with the highest ranked household and continuing in the order in which the households are ranked on that list until an offer is accepted.
2. If no household on the housing provider’s waiting list for internal transfers as referred to in paragraphs 1.1 and 2 of subsection 11 (2) is eligible for the unit or accepts the unit, the housing provider shall offer the unit, in each case starting with the highest ranked household on the list,
i. to a household on the waiting list for internal transfers, or
ii. to a household on the centralized waiting list. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 14 (3); O. Reg. 557/05, s. 4.
Households referred to in s. 35.1 of O. Reg. 298/01
14.1 The housing provider shall select as a rent-geared-to-income unit the unit occupied by the highest ranked household on the subsidiary waiting list for the housing project that is a household referred to in section 35.1 of Ontario Regulation 298/01 (Rent-Geared-to-Income and Special Needs Housing) made under the Act, if the following circumstances apply:
1. The number of households in the project that are receiving rent-geared-to-income assistance is less than the minimum number of rent-geared-to-income units specified in the targeting plan for the project.
2. The service manager agrees to the selection. O. Reg. 557/05, s. 5.
Alternative housing provider
15. (1) The rules set out in section 14, as they apply to alternative housing units, may be replaced in accordance with subsection 93 (3) of the Act with rules agreed to by the alternative housing provider and the service manager. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 15 (1).
(2) In this section,
“alternative housing provider” means a housing provider that has a mandate to provide housing to households that are homeless or hard to house; (“fournisseur de logements aux ménages non conventionnels”)
“alternative housing unit” means a rent-geared-to-income unit of an alternative housing provider that is made available to households that are homeless or hard to house. (“logement pour ménages non conventionnels”) O. Reg. 339/01, s. 15 (2).
Selection of households, supportive housing provider
16. (1) A supportive housing provider that is a specified supportive housing provider shall select households for its units in accordance with the following rules:
1. If the specified supportive housing provider provides provincially-funded support services in respect of the unit and the unit has been modified to improve accessibility, the specified supportive housing provider shall offer the unit to the highest ranked household on its own waiting list that requires both the accessibility modifications of the unit and the provincially-funded support services, whether or not the household is eligible for rent-geared-to-income assistance.
2. If the specified supportive housing provider provides provincially-funded support services in respect of the unit and the unit has not been modified to improve accessibility, the specified supportive housing provider shall offer the unit to the highest ranked household on its own waiting list that requires the provincially-funded support services, whether or not the household is eligible for rent-geared-to-income assistance.
3. If the unit has been modified to improve accessibility but the specified supportive housing provider does not provide provincially-funded support services in respect of the unit, the specified supportive housing provider shall offer the unit to the highest ranked household on its own waiting list that requires the accessibility modifications of the unit, whether or not the household is eligible for rent-geared-to-income assistance. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 16 (1).
(2) A supportive housing provider, other than a specified supportive housing provider, shall select households for its units in accordance with the following rules:
1. If the supportive housing provider provides provincially-funded support services in respect of the unit and the unit has been modified to improve accessibility, the supportive housing provider shall offer the unit to the highest ranked household on the area waiting list that requires both the accessibility modifications of the unit and the provincially-funded support services, whether or not the household is eligible for rent-geared-to-income assistance.
2. If the supportive housing provider provides provincially-funded support services in respect of the unit and the unit has not been modified to improve accessibility, the supportive housing provider shall offer the unit to the highest ranked household on the area waiting list that requires the provincially-funded support services, whether or not the household is eligible for rent-geared-to-income assistance.
3. If the unit has been modified to improve accessibility but the specified supportive housing provider does not provide provincially-funded support services in respect of the unit, the specified supportive housing provider shall offer the unit to the highest ranked household on the area waiting list that requires the accessibility modifications of the unit, whether or not the household is eligible for rent-geared-to-income assistance. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 16 (2); O. Reg. 181/02, s. 3 (1).
(3) If the highest ranked household to whom a supportive housing provider offers the unit under subsection (1) or (2) does not accept the unit, the supportive housing provider shall offer the unit to other households on the same waiting list who would otherwise qualify for the unit, starting with the next highest ranked household and continuing in the order in which the households are ranked on the waiting list until an offer is accepted by a household. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 16 (3).
(3.1) If the highest ranked household to whom a supportive housing provider offers the unit under subsection (1) or (2) applies for rent-geared-to-income assistance, the household shall provide the service manager with the information and documents that the service manager may require under section 5 of Regulation 298/01 to determine if the household is eligible for rent-geared-to-income assistance and the amount of the assistance and the service manager shall determine if the household is so eligible. O. Reg. 181/02, s. 3 (2).
(3.2) If the service manager determines under subsection (3.1) that the household is eligible for rent-geared-to-income assistance, the rent for the unit shall be the rent as determined in accordance with section 22. O. Reg. 181/02, s. 3 (2).
(3.3) If a household receives rent-geared-to-income assistance under subsection (3.1), the unit is deemed to be a rent-geared-to-income unit for purposes of section 100 of the Act. O. Reg. 181/02, s. 3 (2).
(4) In subsections (1) and (2), a supportive housing provider is a specified supportive housing provider in respect of a housing project if,
(a) a lead agency is not designated with respect to the supportive housing provider’s special needs housing in the housing project; and
(b) the supportive housing provider is listed in Column 2 of Table 2 of Ontario Regulation 298/01 opposite the name of the service manager for the service area in which the housing project is located. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 16 (4).
(5) In this section,
“area waiting list” means, in respect of a housing project, the waiting list for special needs housing maintained by a lead agency designated with respect to special needs housing in the housing project or the waiting list for special needs housing maintained by the service manager. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 16 (5).
Notice of decision
17. (1) If a housing provider offers a unit to a household, other than a household on the housing provider’s waiting list for internal transfers, the housing provider shall give the service manager notice in writing of the household’s decision to accept or refuse the unit. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 17 (1).
(2) A notice under subsection (1) must be given within 10 days after the household advises the housing provider of the household’s acceptance or refusal and must include the following information:
1. The name and address of the housing provider.
2. The name and address of the housing project and sufficient information to identify the unit.
3. The name of the members of the household and sufficient information to enable the service manager to identify the members of the household who will reside in the unit or who would have resided in the unit if the household had not refused the unit. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 17 (2).
Refusal to offer
18. (1) Despite sections 14 and 16 and any rules referred to in section 15, a housing provider may refuse to offer a unit to a household if,
(a) selection of the household would be contrary to its mandate;
(b) the housing provider has reasonable grounds to believe, based on the household’s rental history, that the household may fail to fulfil the obligation to pay rent for the unit in the amount and at the times it is due;
(c) the household does not agree to accept its responsibilities as a member of the housing provider, if the housing provider is a non-profit housing co-operative, or the housing provider has reasonable grounds to believe that the household will not accept or will be unable to accept those responsibilities;
(d) in the case of a unit in which individuals will reside in a shared living situation, the housing provider has reasonable grounds to believe that it is unreasonable for the household to reside in the shared accommodation;
(e) the housing provider has reasonable grounds to believe that the unit is not suitable for the household due to the physical characteristics of the unit in relation to the number, gender and ages of the members of the household; or
(f) in the case of special needs housing, the level of service required by the household is significantly greater or significantly less than the level of service provided to a household in the unit. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 18 (1).
(2) Despite sections 14 and 16 and any rules referred to in section 15, a housing provider shall refuse to offer special needs housing to a household if the household is not eligible under section 19 of Ontario Regulation 298/01 for special needs housing. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 18 (2).
(3) A housing provider who refuses to offer a unit to a household under subsection (1) or (2) shall notify the household of the refusal. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 18 (3).
(3.1) In the case of a non-profit housing co-operative, if there is a committee of the board of directors of the co-operative responsible for membership selection, the members of the committee shall be deemed to be the individuals who participated in the decision to refuse to offer a unit. O. Reg. 557/05, s. 6 (1).
(4) The following rules apply in respect of a notice under subsection (3):
1. The notice must be in writing and given to the household not more than 10 days after the housing provider offers the unit to another household, or within such longer time frame as may be determined by the housing provider.
2. The notice must contain the reasons for the housing provider’s refusal to offer the unit to the household and set out the facts on which the housing provider relied in making its decision.
3. The notice must set out the procedures established by the housing provider under section 20 for the internal review of the housing provider’s refusal to offer the unit to the household. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 18 (4); O. Reg. 557/05, s. 6 (2).
Record of refusal to offer
19. (1) If a housing provider refuses to offer a unit to a household under section 18, the housing provider shall maintain a written record of its decision, including a copy of the notice given to the household under that section and the information used by the housing provider in making its decision to refuse to offer the unit to the household, for a period of at least seven years after the day the notice of the decision is given to the household. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 19 (1).
(2) The service manager may review the written record described in subsection (1) on reasonable notice and within normal business hours at any time within the time period described in subsection (1). O. Reg. 339/01, s. 19 (2).
Internal review of refusal
20. (1) A housing provider shall establish procedures for the internal review of a refusal to offer a unit to a household. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 20 (1).
(2) The procedures established under subsection (1) must include the following:
1. An internal review must be carried out if a written request for the review from the household is given to the housing provider within 10 business days after the housing provider gives a notice of refusal to the household under section 18 or within such longer time frame as may be determined by the housing provider.
2. The household may withdraw the request for internal review by giving written notice of the withdrawal to the housing provider before the review is completed.
3. An individual who participated in the making of the decision to refuse to offer the unit to the household shall not participate in an internal review of that decision.
4. The internal review must be completed within 10 business days after the request for the review is received by the housing provider or within such longer time frame as may be determined by the housing provider.
5. The housing provider shall give written notice of the result of the internal review to the household within five business days after the review is completed or within such longer time frame as may be determined by the housing provider. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 20 (2); O. Reg. 557/05, s. 7.
(3) In this section,
“business day” means a day from Monday to Friday, other than a holiday. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 20 (3).
21. (1) Every housing provider and every household that rents or occupies a rent-geared-to-income unit in the housing provider’s housing project shall enter into a lease or, in the case of a co-operative housing unit, an occupancy agreement that meets the following requirements:
1. In the case of a lease, the term of the lease must not exceed one year.
2. The lease or agreement must specify the amount of rent that would be payable if the unit were a market unit, the amount of geared-to-income rent payable for one month by the household as determined by the service manager, and all other charges that the housing provider may impose under this Regulation or the Tenant Protection Act, 1997.
3. The lease or agreement must,
i. restrict the occupancy of the unit to the members of the household at the time the lease or agreement is entered into and any additional persons whose occupation of the unit is agreed to subsequently by the housing provider,
ii. require the household to advise the housing provider of any persons who cease to occupy the unit or commence to occupy the unit after the lease or agreement is executed, and
iii. prohibit the assignment of the lease or the agreement, as the case may be, and prohibit the household from renting or subletting the unit to any person.
4. The lease or agreement must provide that the amount of the geared-to-income rent payable by the household for the unit is subject to change if the household’s financial circumstances change to such an extent that the service manager determines that the amount of the geared-to-income rent payable by the household should change or that the household is no longer eligible for rent-geared-to-income assistance.
5. The lease or agreement must be executed by every individual,
i. whose income is taken into consideration in determining the amount of rent payable by the household, or
ii. who is a member of the household and at least 16 years of age, if the service manager so requires. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 21 (1); O. Reg. 453/01, s. 1; O. Reg. 181/02, s. 4; O. Reg. 557/05, s. 8.
(2) A housing provider shall ensure that the household residing in a rent-geared-to-income unit complies with the requirements described in paragraph 3 of subsection (1). O. Reg. 339/01, s. 21 (2).
(3) A housing provider shall establish rules for the temporary accommodation of guests in its rent-geared-to-income units and shall provide a copy of the rules in either written or electronic format to the service manager and to the households residing in those units. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 21 (3).
22. (1) The amount of rent payable by a household for a rent-geared-to-income unit is the amount determined under the rules prescribed under Part V of the Act. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 22 (1).
(2) A housing provider may impose only fees or charges other than rent that are not prohibited by the Tenant Protection Act, 1997 in respect of a unit that is subject to that Act. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 22 (2).
(3) A housing provider that is a non-profit housing co-operative may impose on a member of the co-operative only the following fees and charges in respect of a unit in addition to occupancy charges:
1. Any fee or charge that would be permitted under the Tenant Protection Act, 1997 if the unit were a rental unit.
2. The initial fee for membership in the housing provider.
3. The annual amount for the sector support levy.
4. Any reasonable charges established by the members of a co-operative in a by-law for the enforcement of co-operative policies and by-laws. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 22 (3); O. Reg. 557/05, s. 9.
(4) A housing provider shall not refuse to give vacant possession of a rent-geared-to-income unit to a household that is unable to pay part or all of an amount that is required to be paid at the time that it enters into the written lease or occupancy agreement for the unit, other than rent or occupancy charges, if the household agrees to make payments on account of the unpaid amount in accordance with a reasonable payment schedule acceptable to the housing provider. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 22 (4).
(5) Unpaid amounts referred to in subsection (4) that are not paid in accordance with the payment schedule are deemed to be rent payable for the unit. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 22 (5).
(6) A housing provider shall give notice of a rent increase to a household in the following manner if the rent increase is required for a reason other than a change in the household’s financial circumstances:
1. If the housing provider is subject to the Tenant Protection Act, 1997, the housing provider shall give a notice of rent increase in accordance with that Act.
2. If the housing provider is not subject to the Tenant Protection Act, 1997, the housing provider shall give the household a written notice of the rent increase at least 60 days before the day the increase comes into effect. O. Reg. 408/01, s. 2.
Occupancy standards
23. The housing provider shall comply with the occupancy standards applicable to its units, as prescribed in Part V of Ontario Regulation 298/01. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 23.
Capital reserve requirements
24. (1) A housing provider that receives a subsidy under the Act shall establish and maintain a capital reserve for its housing projects in a service area that includes the following amounts:
1. The amount of the capital reserve the housing provider was required to maintain for those housing projects under an operating agreement immediately before the operating agreement was terminated under section 91 of the Act.
2. Contributions made by the housing provider to the capital reserve.
3. Income earned from the investment of funds in the capital reserve. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 24 (1); O. Reg. 408/01, s. 3; O. Reg. 86/02, s. 5.
(2) The housing provider shall contribute all amounts each of which is its contribution for a fiscal year, as determined under subsection (3), to its capital reserve for its housing projects in a service area. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 24 (2).
(3) The amount of a housing provider’s contribution for a fiscal year to its capital reserve for its housing projects in a service area is the amount determined under the following rules:
1. If the fiscal year ends before the fiscal year referred to in paragraph 2, the amount of the housing provider’s contribution is the amount determined by the Minister.
2. If the fiscal year is the first fiscal year beginning after the Minister determines the benchmark annual contribution for the housing provider, the amount of the housing provider’s contribution is the amount of the benchmark annual contribution.
3. If the fiscal year ends after the fiscal year referred to in paragraph 2, the amount of the housing provider’s contribution is the amount determined by multiplying the amount of the housing provider’s contribution for the previous fiscal year by the cost index applicable to those housing projects for the fiscal year, as determined by the Minister. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 24 (3).
(4) Despite subsection (3), a housing provider shall not contribute an amount to its capital reserve fund for a fiscal year for its housing projects in a service area in excess of the amount by which its surplus for the fiscal year in respect of those housing projects, as determined for the purposes of Part VI of the Act, exceeds,
(a) the amount of “E” for that fiscal year under subsection 103 (2) of the Act, if the housing provider is entitled for that year to a subsidy calculated under that subsection; or
(b) the amount of “E” for that fiscal year under subsection 106 (2) of the Act, if the housing provider is entitled for that year to a subsidy calculated under that subsection. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 24 (4).
(5) At the option of a housing provider, contributions made by it to its capital reserve within five months after the end of a fiscal year may be considered to be contributions made during the fiscal year. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 24 (5); O. Reg. 453/01, s. 2 (1).
(6) A housing provider shall account for the funds and property in its capital reserve and the income and expenses of the capital reserve separately from its other property, income and expenses. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 24 (6).
(7) A housing provider may use its capital reserve for its housing projects in a service area only for the following purposes:
1. To fund eligible capital expenditures related to those housing projects.
2. To make investments permitted under the Act or this Part. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 24 (7); O. Reg. 453/01, s. 2 (2).
(8) Despite subsection (7), a housing provider shall use funds in its capital reserve that were provided by a service manager in accordance with any conditions or requirements imposed by the service manager at the time the funds were provided. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 24 (8).
25. (1) Subject to section 26, a housing provider shall maintain its capital reserve only in the following types of property:
1. Debt obligations that are fully guaranteed by a financial institution.
2. Debt obligations that are fully secured by deposits with a financial institution.
3. Debt obligations that are fully secured by other debt obligations that are fully guaranteed by a financial institution.
4. Debt obligations issued by the Government of Canada, the government of a province or territory of Canada, a municipality or an agency of such a government or municipality.
5. Debt obligations that are guaranteed by, or fully secured by securities issued by, the Government of Canada, the government of a province or territory of Canada, a municipality or an agency of such a government or municipality.
6. Interests in Canadian dollar money market mutual funds sold by a financial institution with no front-end or back-end sales charges. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 25 (1).
(2) Investments made in a housing provider’s capital reserve must mature no later than one year after acquisition or must be marketable or capable of redemption no later than one year after acquisition. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 25 (2).
(3) If, before the operating agreement for an eligible housing provider is terminated under section 91 of the Act, the Minister has approved a proposal in respect of the investment of funds in the housing provider’s capital reserve, the housing provider may continue to invest the funds in its capital reserve in accordance with the proposal. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 25 (3).
(4) In this section,
“eligible housing provider” means Toronto Housing Company Inc., Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation or City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation; (“fournisseur de logements admissible”)
“financial institution” means,
(a) a bank,
(b) a corporation registered under the Insurance Act or the Investment Contracts Act,
(c) a corporation registered under the Loan and Trust Corporations Act,
(d) an entity that is,
(i) incorporated or formed by or under an Act of the Parliament of Canada or of the legislature of a province, and
(ii) primarily engaged in dealing in securities, including portfolio management and investment counselling, or
(e) a credit union. (“institution financière”) O. Reg. 339/01, s. 25 (4).
Exception, investments
26. The following rules apply if a housing provider is prescribed for the purposes of clause 142 (1) (c) of the Act:
1. Section 25 does not apply in respect of the housing provider’s capital reserve.
2. The housing provider shall participate in a system for pooling capital reserves for investment purposes and shall follow such investment policies referred to in that clause as may be established by the Social Housing Services Corporation. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 26.
“class” means, in respect of units in a housing project, a class that includes only townhouses or apartments of a specific size; (“catégorie”)
“transfer date” means, in respect of a housing provider’s housing projects in a service area, the day on which this Regulation first applies to those housing projects. (“date de transfert”) O. Reg. 339/01, s. 27.
Market rent index
28. (1) For the purposes of paragraph 2 of subsection 103 (7) of the Act, the market rent index applicable for a fiscal year to a housing provider’s rent-geared-to-income units in housing projects in a service area is the index determined under the following rules:
1. If the fiscal year begins before the Minister determines the final amounts of the benchmark market rents applicable to those units, the market rent index is one.
2. If the fiscal year begins after the Minister determines the final amounts of the benchmark market rents applicable to those units, the market rent index applicable to those units is as follows, subject to subsection (2.1):
i. For the calendar year in which the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, comes into force, or for a previous calendar year, the lesser of,
A. the rent guideline referred to in section 129 of the Tenant Protection Act, 1997 for the calendar year in which the housing provider’s fiscal year begins, and
B. the percentage change from year to year, as determined under subsection (2), in the average rent for rental units, which is reported annually in the Rental Market Report published by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
ii. For a calendar year after the calendar year in which the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, comes into force, the lesser of,
A. the percentage change from year to year in the Consumer Price Index for Ontario for prices of goods and services as reported monthly by Statistics Canada, averaged over the 12-month period that ends at the end of May of the previous calendar year, rounded to the first decimal point, and
B. the percentage change from year to year, as determined under subsection (2), in the average rent for rental units, which is reported annually in the Rental Market Report published by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
O. Reg. 339/01, s. 28 (1); O. Reg. 456/06, s. 1 (1).
(2) Subject to subsection (2.1), the percentage change referred to in sub-subparagraphs 2 i B and ii B of subsection (1) is the number determined as follows, rounded to the first decimal point:
(A/B – 1) × 100
in which,
“A” is the number indicated in the most recently published Rental Market Report as the “Total” average rent for a “Private Apartment” or “Private Row (Townhouse)”, as the case may be, and for a census metropolitan area centre or census agglomeration centre, as the case may be, and
“B” is the number indicated in the report published in the year before the report referred to in “A” that corresponds to the number determined under “A”.
O. Reg. 456/06, s. 1 (2).
(2.1) If any of the following is less than 1, it is deemed to be 1:
1. The rent guideline referred to in sub-subparagraph 2 i A of subsection (1).
2. The percentage change referred to in sub-subparagraph 2 ii A of subsection (1).
3. The percentage change determined under subsection (2).
O. Reg. 456/06, s. 1 (1).
(3) For the purposes of paragraph 2 of subsection 103 (9) of the Act, the market rent index applicable to a housing provider’s housing projects in a service area, for a fiscal year beginning after the Minister determines the final amount of the housing provider’s benchmark market revenue in respect of those housing projects, is the index determined under the formula:
in which,
“F” is the market rent index that would be determined under subsection (1) for the housing provider for the fiscal year in respect of the service area if the housing provider had rent-geared-to-income units in the fiscal year in the service area,
“G” is,
(a) the final amount of the housing provider’s benchmark market rent in respect of the housing projects, if the fiscal year is the first fiscal year referred to in paragraph 2 of subsection 103 (9) of the Act, or
(b) the housing provider’s indexed market rent in respect of the housing projects for the previous fiscal year, if the fiscal year is subsequent to the fiscal year referred to in clause (a), and
“H” is,
(a) the final amount of the housing provider’s benchmark market revenue from the housing projects, if the fiscal year is the first fiscal year referred to in paragraph 2 of subsection 103 (9) of the Act, or
(b) the housing provider’s indexed market revenue from the housing projects for the previous fiscal year, if the fiscal year is subsequent to the fiscal year referred to in clause (a).
O. Reg. 339/01, s. 28 (3).
Operating reserve
29. (1) The amount of a housing provider’s operating reserve, if any, in respect of its housing projects in a service area for a fiscal year ending after the transfer date for the purposes of subsection 103 (10) of the Act is the amount determined under the following rules:
1. If the housing provider’s accumulated surplus in respect of the service area at the beginning of the fiscal year or at the beginning of any previous fiscal year that ends after the transfer date, as set out in its annual report for that fiscal year under section 113 of the Act, is equal to or greater than the product of $300 multiplied by the number of the housing provider’s units in housing projects in the service area at the beginning of that fiscal year, the housing provider’s operating reserve for the fiscal year is nil.
2. If the amount determined in respect of the housing provider for the fiscal year under subsection (2) is nil or a negative amount, the housing provider’s operating reserve for the fiscal year in respect of those housing projects is the amount by which “I” exceeds “J” where,
“I” is the product of 300 multiplied by the average number of the housing provider’s units in the service area in the fiscal year, and
“J” is the housing provider’s accumulated surplus for its housing projects in the service area at the beginning of the fiscal year.
3. If neither paragraph 1 nor 2 applies for the fiscal year, the housing provider’s operating reserve for the fiscal year in respect of those projects is the amount by which “K” exceeds “L” where,
“K” is the housing provider’s net operating income for the fiscal year from those housing projects, as determined for the purposes of subsection 103 (11) of the Act, and
“L” is the sum of the housing provider’s affordable mortgage payment, as determined under subsection 103 (4) of the Act, and its mandatory payment for the fiscal year, if any, as determined under subsection 103 (8) of the Act, in respect of those housing projects.
O. Reg. 339/01, s. 29 (1); O. Reg. 408/01, s. 4 (1).
(2) For the purposes of paragraph 2 of subsection (1), the amount determined under this subsection is the amount determined using the formula:
I – [J + (K – L)]
in which,
“I” and “J” are the amounts that would be determined under paragraph 2 of subsection (1) in respect of those housing projects for the fiscal year, and
“K” and “L” are the amounts that would be determined under paragraph 3 of subsection (1) in respect of those housing projects for the fiscal year.
O. Reg. 339/01, s. 29 (2).
(3) The amount of a housing provider’s operating reserve, if any, in respect of its housing projects in a service area for a fiscal year ending after the transfer date for the purposes of subsection 106 (4) of the Act is the amount determined under the following rules:
1. If the housing provider’s accumulated surplus in respect of the service area at the beginning of the fiscal year or at the beginning of any previous fiscal year that ends after the transfer date, as set out in its annual report for that fiscal year under section 113 of the Act, is equal to or greater than the product of $300 multiplied by the number of the housing provider’s units in housing projects in the service area at the beginning of that fiscal year, the housing provider’s operating reserve for the fiscal year is nil.
2. If the amount determined in respect of the housing provider for the fiscal year under subsection (4) is nil or a negative amount, the housing provider’s operating reserve for the fiscal year in respect of those housing projects is the amount by which “I” exceeds “J” where,
“I” is the product of 300 multiplied by the average number of the housing provider’s units in the service area in the fiscal year, and
“J” is the housing provider’s accumulated surplus for its housing projects in the service area at the beginning of the fiscal year.
3. If neither paragraph 1 nor 2 applies for the fiscal year, the housing provider’s operating reserve for the fiscal year in respect of those projects is the amount by which “M” exceeds “N” where,
“M” is the housing provider’s indexed operating costs for the fiscal year from those housing projects, and
“N” is the amount of the housing provider’s operating costs for the fiscal year for those housing projects.
O. Reg. 339/01, s. 29 (3); O. Reg. 408/01, s. 4 (2).
(4) For the purposes of paragraph 2 of subsection (3), the amount determined under this subsection is the amount determined using the formula:
I – [J + (M – N)]
in which,
“I” and “J” are the amounts that would be determined under paragraph 2 of subsection (3) in respect of those housing projects for the fiscal year, and
“M” and “N” are the amounts that would be determined under paragraph 3 of subsection (3) in respect of those housing projects for the fiscal year.
O. Reg. 339/01, s. 29 (4).
(5) For the purposes of this section, a housing provider’s accumulated surplus in respect of a service area at the beginning of a fiscal year is the portion of its retained earnings at the end of the previous fiscal year, as set out in its annual report under section 113 of the Act and determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as they apply to social housing, that can reasonably be considered to be derived from its housing projects in the service area. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 29 (5).
(6) All amounts that are not whole numbers that are used in calculations under this section or that result from calculations under this section must be rounded to two decimal places. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 29 (6).
Revenue and operating costs
30. (1) For the purposes of subsection 103 (11) of the Act, the revenue of a housing provider for a fiscal year with respect to its housing projects in a service area is the total of the following types of revenue earned by the housing provider in the fiscal year in respect of the housing projects and units in the housing projects:
1. Revenue derived from the parts of the housing projects allocated to residential accommodation.
2. Revenue related to the parts of the housing projects allocated for use by residents of the housing projects including revenue derived from the use of meeting rooms, recreational facilities, laundry facilities, parking areas, exterior grounds, external building walls and roofs. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 30 (1).
(2) For the purposes of subsection 103 (11) of the Act, a housing provider’s operating costs for a fiscal year from its housing projects in a service area equal the total amount of the following expenses, allowances and contributions of the housing provider for the year that are reasonably applicable to the portions of those housing projects used for residential accommodation and ancillary functions, as determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as they apply to social housing:
1. Salaries, wages and employment benefits.
2. Maintenance expenses.
3. Utility costs, including electricity, fuel, water and sewer charges.
4. Administration expenses.
5. Insurance premiums.
6. Bad debt expenses.
7. Contributions to the housing provider’s capital reserve. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 30 (2).
(3) For the purposes of this section, gifts and donations made to a housing provider are not considered to be revenue of the housing provider. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 30 (3).
Benchmark amounts
31. (1) For the purposes Part VI of the Act, the Minister shall determine a housing provider’s benchmark revenue and benchmark costs for its housing projects in a service area based on an analysis of historical data from comparable housing projects operated under comparable market conditions. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 31 (1).
(2) The Minister shall determine a housing provider’s benchmark market rent for each unit in a housing project based on an analysis of historical data from comparable units in comparable housing projects operated under comparable market conditions. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 31 (2).
Section 106 housing providers
32. For purposes of section 106 of the Act, the cost index for a fiscal year applicable to the housing projects in a service area named in Table 3 is either the index for projects heated by electricity or the index for projects heated with a fuel other than electricity as set out in the same row of that Table as,
(a) the name of the housing provider;
(b) the calendar year in which the fiscal year ends; and
(c) the name of the service manager for the service area in which the housing projects are located. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 32; O. Reg. 181/02, s. 5.
Change in economic conditions, calculating housing provider’s mortgage subsidy
32.1 (1) The requirement set out in subsection (2) is prescribed under section 110 of the Act as a requirement governing the manner, set out in section 103 of the Act, of calculating the amount of the subsidy payable to housing providers in Ontario under section 102 of the Act. O. Reg. 244/04, s. 1.
(2) For the purpose of the definition of “A” in the formula set out in subsection 103 (2) of the Act, the amount of the housing provider’s mortgage subsidy for a fiscal year in respect of its housing projects in the service area is not the amount determined under subsection 103 (3) of the Act, but is the amount determined using the formula,
R – S
in which,
“R” is the total amount of principal and interest payable by the provider for the fiscal year under mortgages guaranteed by the Province of Ontario or the Ontario Housing Corporation in respect of those projects, and
“S” is the amount of the provider’s affordable mortgage payment in respect of those projects, as determined under subsection 103 (4) of the Act.
O. Reg. 244/04, s. 1.
(3) An amount determined under subsection (2) may be a positive or negative number or zero. O. Reg. 244/04, s. 1.
Change in economic conditions
33. (1) This section applies to a housing provider in respect of its housing projects located in a service area in a part of Ontario determined by the Minister for the purposes of subsection 110 (2) of the Act. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 33 (1).
(2) Despite section 103 of the Act, if this section applies to a housing provider for a fiscal year in respect of its housing projects in a service area, the amount of the housing provider’s subsidy under section 102 of the Act for the fiscal year in respect of those housing projects is the amount that would be determined under section 103 of the Act and section 32.1 of this Regulation for the fiscal year if the amount of the housing provider’s mandatory payment for the fiscal year in respect of those housing projects for the purposes of subsection 103 (2) of the Act were the lesser of,
(a) the amount that otherwise would be determined to be its mandatory payment for the fiscal year in respect of those housing projects under subsection 103 (8) of the Act; and
(b) the amount of its adjusted mandatory payment for the fiscal year in respect of those housing projects. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 33 (2); O. Reg. 181/02, s. 6; O. Reg. 244/04, s. 2.
(3) For the purposes of subsection (2), the amount of a housing provider’s adjusted mandatory payment for a fiscal year in respect of its housing projects in a service area is the amount determined using the formula:
in which,
“A” is the difference between the housing provider’s indexed market rents for the fiscal year from all units in those housing projects and the total of the housing provider’s benchmark market rents for those units, as determined under this Part, and
“B” is the difference between the housing provider’s indexed operating costs for the fiscal year in respect of those housing projects and the benchmark operating costs for those housing projects.
O. Reg. 339/01, s. 33 (3).
(4) For the purposes of subsection (3), a housing provider’s indexed operating costs for a fiscal year in respect of its housing projects in the service area is the amount that otherwise would be determined under the rules in subsection 106 (3) of the Act for the fiscal year in respect of the housing projects, if that subsection applied to the housing provider, using the indices set out in Table 4 opposite the name of the service manager for the service area in which the housing projects are located and calendar year in which the fiscal year ends. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 33 (4).
(5) For the purposes of subsections (1) and (2), an amount determined under subsection (2) or (3) may be a positive or negative number or zero. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 33 (5).
(6) Subsection 103 (5) of the Act applies with necessary modifications if the amount of subsidy payable to a housing provider, as determined under this section, is less than the subsidy (other than a rent-geared-to-income subsidy) paid to the housing provider under an operating agreement that is terminated by the Act. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 33 (6).
(7) Section 105 of the Act applies with necessary modifications in respect of a housing provider entitled to a subsidy calculated under this section. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 33 (7).
Additional subsidy
34. (1) A service manager may impose the following terms and conditions for the payment of an additional subsidy to a housing provider:
1. The service manager may require the housing provider to provide proof to the satisfaction of the service manager that the housing provider requires the additional subsidy.
2. The service manager may require the housing provider to repay all or part of the additional subsidy within a period of time specified by the service manager.
3. If the housing provider is required to repay all or part of the additional subsidy, the service manager may require the housing provider to establish a reasonable schedule for the repayment and to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the service manager how the housing provider intends to fund the repayment.
4. If the housing provider is required to repay all or part of the additional subsidy, the service manager may require the housing provider to submit the housing provider’s annual budgets for the housing projects for review and approval by the service manager for five or fewer fiscal years after the fiscal year in which the additional subsidy is repaid or its repayment is forgiven by the service manager.
5. If the housing provider is required to repay all or part of the additional subsidy, the service manager may require the housing provider to provide reports on the following at such times as the service manager may direct during the period that ends not later than five years after the additional subsidy is repaid or its repayment is forgiven by the service manager:
i. the market rents established by the housing provider for units in the housing project, and
ii. the variances and explanations of the variances between amounts forecasted in the housing provider’s budgets, as approved by the service manager, and actual amounts.
6. The service manager may require the housing provider to retain a person acceptable to the service manager to provide property management services or to terminate a contract for property management services in accordance with the terms of the contract and enter into a contract for property management services with a different person acceptable to the service manager.
7. The service manager may require the housing provider to increase its revenue by increasing occupancy charges or market rents on units, subject to any restriction imposed by the Tenant Protection Act, 1997.
8. The service manager may require the housing provider to obtain training for its staff or directors.
9. Subject to the Act and the regulations, the service manager may impose restrictions on the amount the housing provider may expend on eligible capital expenditures.
10. Subject to subsection 111 (4) of the Act and to subsection (2), the service manager may require the housing provider to agree to any temporary amendment to the housing provider’s targeting plan for the housing project to which the additional subsidy relates or to the housing providers’ mandate as the service manager may specify, including an increase or decrease in the number of rent-geared-to-income units in the housing project. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 34 (1); O. Reg. 86/02, s. 7.
(2) A temporary amendment mentioned in paragraph 10 of subsection (1) must provide that it ceases to apply and the original provisions of the targeting plan or mandate, as the case may be, applies as of a day that is not later than two years after the day the temporary amendment takes effect. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 34 (2).
35. (1) Subject to subsection (2), every housing provider shall retain its financial records and its records relating to a housing project for at least seven years after the end of the fiscal year to which the record relates. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 35 (1).
(2) Every housing provider shall retain its records relating to every household which occupies a unit in its housing projects for a period of at least five years after the date the household last resides in a unit in the housing project. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 35 (2).
Annual report
36. For the purposes of subsection 113 (2) of the Act, a housing provider shall include the following information and documents in its annual report for a fiscal year:
1. Audited financial statements for the fiscal year.
2. Information concerning amounts reported in the audited financial statements for the fiscal year.
3. The information needed to enable the service manager to calculate the amount of any subsidy payable to the housing provider for the fiscal year under section 102 of the Act.
4. Statistical information concerning households in housing projects in the service area. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 36.
37. (1) Every housing provider, other than a non-profit housing co-operative, shall obtain and maintain insurance with respect to its housing projects in accordance with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Directive 2001-02 dated March 14, 2001 — Group Insurance Program for Municipal and Private Non-profit Housing Corporations. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 37 (1); O. Reg. 86/02, s. 8.
(2) Despite subsection (1), if a housing provider is prescribed for the purposes of clause 142 (1) (d) of the Act, it shall participate in such insurance programs as may be co-ordinated by the Social Housing Services Corporation. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 37 (2); O. Reg. 181/02, s. 7.
Mortgage renewals
38. For the purposes of clause 93 (2) (h) of the Act, a housing provider shall participate in such process as may be established by the Minister for the renewal and replacement of mortgages. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 38.
39. (1) A local housing corporation that has a housing project in the service area of a service manager listed in Table 1 shall select households for placement in vacant units of the housing project in accordance with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Directive 97-17 dated July 4, 1997 — Implementing a Modified Chronological Resident Selection System, commencing on the day set out in Table 1 opposite the housing project and ending on the day the centralized waiting list is established by the service manager for the service area. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 39 (1); O. Reg. 341/04, s. 2.
(2) For the purposes of the application of the provisions of the directive referred to in subsection (1),
(a) the directive shall be read without reference to the portion entitled Changes to Portfolio Targets; and
(b) a local housing corporation shall be treated as if it had a targeting plan under section 98 of the Act that requires all of its units to be rent-geared-to-income. O. Reg. 339/01, s. 39 (2).
40. Omitted (provides for coming into force of provisions of the English version of this Regulation). O. Reg. 339/01, s. 40.
Service Manager |
Housing Project |
Commencement Date |
City of Brantford |
Grace Fellowship — Grey Winds, 454-470 Grey St., Brantford — Beth-Zuriel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 |
Branlyn Meadows, 2-10 Buchanan St., Brantford — Brantford Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
104 Nelson St, Brantford — Brantford YM-YWCA Non-Profit Homes Association |
January 1, 2002 | |
Brant Urban Housing, 19-43 Harriett St. / 26-40 Mintern St., Brantford — Hotinohsioni Incorporated |
January 1, 2002 | |
Jaycees Brantford Homes — Phase III, Brantford — Jaycees Brantford Non-Profit Homes Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
73-75 Pearl St., Brantford — Saint Basil (Brantford) Community Homes Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
Silver Pines, 401- 407 Dundson St., Brantford — Victoria Park Community Homes Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
39-55 Galileo Blvd., Brantford — Westglen Co-operative Homes of Brantford Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
Project # 2, 136-152 Fifth Ave., Brantford — Slovak Village Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
June 1, 2002 | |
Unit 4, 22 D’Aubigny Road, Brantford — Harmony Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2002 | |
228-240 Charing Cross Street, Brantford — Brant Community Place Homes |
April 1, 2003 | |
183-185 Pearl Street, Brantford — Saorsie Co-operative Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2004 | |
187 Dalhousie Street, Brantford — The Governing Council of the Salvation Army in Canada/Conseil de direction de l’Armée du Salut du Canada |
November 1, 2004 | |
County of Bruce |
Bradley H. Davis Senior. Apts., St. Edmunds — Bruce County Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 |
Lucknow River Valley Apts., 550 Willoughby St., Lucknow — Bruce County Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Oatman’s Village View Apts., 5 Railway St. South, Teeswater-Culross — Bruce County Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Wiarton II, 621 Mary St, Wiarton — Bruce County Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Walkerton Family Housing, 920 Durham Rd., Walkerton — Bruce County Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Valley View Terrace, 41 John St., Culross — Formosa Seniors Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Elgin Place West, 539 Ivings Dr., Port Elgin — Port Elgin Rotary Non-Profit Accommodations |
January 1, 2002 | |
735 Campbell Ave., Kincardine — Russell Meadows Non-Profit Accommodations Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
Municipality of Chatham-Kent |
Chatham Hope I (scattered buildings), Chatham — Chatham Hope Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
April 1, 2002 |
Chatham Hope II (scattered buildings), Chatham — Chatham Hope Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
Chatham Hope III (scattered buildings), Chatham — Chatham Hope Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
Chatham Hope IV (scattered buildings), Chatham — Chatham Hope Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
40 Elm Street, Mail Slot 97, Chatham — Christian Senior Citizens Home of Chatham |
April 1, 2002 | |
534 St. Clair Street, Chatham — Clairvue Housing Co-operative Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
179 Sheldon Avenue, Chatham — Columbus Estates of Chatham Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
340 Park Avenue West, Chatham — Columbus Estates of Chatham Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
265 Tweedsmuir Ave. W., Chatham — Columbus Estates of Chatham Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
330 Catherine Street Extension, Blenheim — Corporal Harry Miner V.C. (Ont-185) Senior Citizens Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
74 King Street East, Chatham — Labourview Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
254 Park Ave. E., 164 King St. E., 6 Martina Ct., 16 Timmins Cres., Chatham — New Beginnings Housing Project of Chatham |
April 1, 2002 | |
40 Wedgewood Ave., Chatham — Park Street United Church (Chatham) Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
45 George Street, Ridgetown — Ridgetown Community Estates (Non-Profit) Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
65 Riverview Drive, Chatham — Riverway Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
459 Murray Street & 500 Albert Street, Wallaceburg — Wallaceburg Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
200 Westcourt Blvd., Wallaceburg — Wallaceburg Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
City of Cornwall |
210 Augustus Street, 210 Augustus Street, Cornwall — Beek Lindsay Seniors Residences Cornwall |
March 1, 2002 |
Birmingham / Pitt / Malborough, 1600 Birmingham Street & 845 Marlborough Street, Cornwall — Cornwall Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
Johnstown Court, 550 Lemay Street, Cornwall — Cornwall Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
1700 Walton Avenue, — Cornwall Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
Finchview Villa -Phase 2, 10 Nelson Street, Finch — Finch & District Seniors Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
Glencairn Lodge, 210 Victoria Street North, Lancaster — Lancaster & District Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
176 Marguerite d’Youville, Cornwall — Logement La Nativité (Cornwall) Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
104-112 McConnell Ave., Cornwall — Logement La Nativité (Cornwall) Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
200 Industrial Boulevard, Alexandria — The Alexandria Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
100 St. George Street East, Alexandria — The Alexandria Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
Morningside Place, 16 Broadway Avenue, Avonmore — The Township of Roxborough Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
Kingsway Residence, 18 County Road, Williamsburg — Williamsburg Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
Park Lane, Williamsburg — Williamsburg Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
Schell Street Group Home, Williamsburg — Williamsburg Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
211 Water Street West, Cornwall — Religious Hospitallers of St. Joseph Housing Corporation |
June 1, 2002 | |
708 Twelfth Street East, Cornwall — Royal Oaks Housing Co-operative Inc. |
July 1, 2002 | |
County of Dufferin |
Quarry Gates-60 Chisholm St., Orangeville — Credit River Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 |
Dufferin Gardens, 11-15 Sherbourne St., Orangeville — Dufferin Gardens Co-operative Homes Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
Hillside House-Dufferin (Shelter), Orangeville — Family Transition Place (Dufferin) Foundation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Hillside House — Diane (Shelter), Orangeville — Family Transition Place (Dufferin) Foundation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Hillside House — South Park (Shelter), Orangeville — Family Transition Place (Dufferin) Foundation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Old Mill Lane, 225 & 325 Robert St., Shelburne — Fiddleville (Shelburne) Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
31 Morgandale Cres., Orangeville — Hiwhois Assistance Group |
January 1, 2002 | |
110 Morgandale Cres., Orangeville — Hiwhois Assistance Group |
January 1, 2002 | |
Unit 20-61 Second St., 42 Fourth Ave., Orangeville — Lavender Lane Co-operative Homes Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
Regional Municipality of Durham |
River Breeze, 1 Richards Lane (Westney Road & Hwy. 2), Ajax — Ajax Municipal Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 |
Westwood Manor, 960 Westney Road South, Ajax — Ajax Municipal Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Post Hill, 132 Kingston Rd.., Ajax — Ajax Municipal Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
59 Jackman Road, Bowmanville — Bowmanville Valley Co-operative Homes Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
Maple Glen (20 units), 36 Church Street, Brock — Brock Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
22 Beatrice Street, Oshawa — Consideration Co-operative Homes Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
454 Bloor Street East, Oshawa — Cornerstone Community Association Durham Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
133 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa — Cornerstone Community Association Durham Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
1555 Finch Avenue, Pickering — Duffin’s Creek Co-operative Homes Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
100 Glen Hill Drive South, Whitby — Durham Christian Homes Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
Wilson Village, 765-767 Wilson Rd. N., Oshawa — Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Orchard Valley Court, 1580 Kingston Road, Pickering — Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Dryden Heights / Winfield St. Apts., 90 Waller Street, Whitby — Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Mearns Meadows (Soper Court), 94 Concession Street East, Newcastle — Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Perry Terrace, 220 Perry Street, Whitby — Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Marigold Court, 3438 Gerrard Street North, Whitby — Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Bowmanville Heights, 41 Freeland Avenue, Newcastle — Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Highbush Village, 1840 Westcreek Drive, Pickering — Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Ormond Place, 240 Ormond Drive, Oshawa — Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Beatrice Terrace, 385 Beatrice St. East, Oshawa — Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Wood Farm Manor, 1525 Nichol Avenue, Whitby — Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Old School House Apartments, 28 Queen Street, Brock — Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Reach Gardens, 57 Enzo Crescent, Uxbridge — Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
CY Elsey Building, 28 Albert Street, Oshawa — Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Garrard Heights, 123 Eric Clarke Drive, Whitby — Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Gillespie Gardens, 75 Nine Mile Road, Beaverton — Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Gateway Chambers, 375 Buena Vista Ave., Oshawa — Gateway Community Homes (Durham) Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
Gateway Terrace, 120 Colborne Street West, Oshawa — Gateway Community Homes (Durham) Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
Cormack Station, 250 Hickory Street South, Whitby — Heritage Community Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
J. D. Cochrane Court, 61 Ash Street, Port Perry — Immaculate Conception Senior Citizens’ Residence |
February 1, 2002 | |
Sarah McDonald’s Place, 1467 Whites Road, Pickering — Inter-Organization Resources Network Non-Profit Homes |
February 1, 2002 | |
Duffin’s Creek Landing, Rossland Road, 1 Marsh Lane, Ajax — Life Centre Non-Profit Housing Corporation (Ajax) |
February 1, 2002 | |
139 Mary Street North, Oshawa — New Hope Non-Profit Dwellings (Durham) Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
1252 Pentland Street, Oshawa — Northview Meadow Co-operative Homes Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
Legion Manor, 470 Albert St. South, Oshawa, Ont. — Oshawa Branch 43 Legion Senior Citizens Manor |
February 1, 2002 | |
830,835 & 855 McQuay Blvd., Whitby — Otter Creek Co-operative Homes Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
116,120 Waller Street, Whitby — Prisma Non-Profit Residences Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
130 Centre Street South, Oshawa — Sunrise Place Housing Co-operative Incorporated |
February 1, 2002 | |
75 John Street West, Oshawa — Sunrise Seniors Place (Oshawa-Durham) Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
Oshawa YWCA (Shelter), Oshawa — The Oshawa Young Women’s Christian Association |
February 1, 2002 | |
120 Old Kingston Road, Ajax — Unity Village Local 183 Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
Harvest Place, 106 Rossland Road West, Whitby — Whitby Christian Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
1990 Whites Road, Pickering — William Peak Co-operative Homes Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
610 Beatrice Street, Oshawa — Willow Park Co-operative Homes Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
20 Harmony Road North, Oshawa — Harmony-King Co-operative Homes Inc. |
June 1, 2002 | |
400 Kingston Road, Pickering — Rougemount Co-operative Homes Inc. |
June 1, 2002 | |
10 Borelia Crescent, Port Perry — Borelia Co-operative Homes Incorporated |
July 1, 2002 | |
Anderson Street, 298-300 Anderson Street, Oshawa — John Howard Society of Durham Region |
July 1, 2002 | |
777 Wilson Road North, Oshawa — Maple Glen Housing Co-operative Inc. |
July 1, 2002 | |
121 Ash Street, Whitby — Marigold Co-operative Homes Incorporated |
December 1, 2002 | |
114 Concession St. East, Bowmanville — The Participation House Project (Durham Region) |
April 1, 2003 | |
City of Greater Sudbury |
905 Cambrian Heights Drive, Unit 34, Sudbury — Ashwood Co-operative Homes Incorporated |
April 1, 2002 |
#121-10 Champlain St., Azilda — Azilda Senior Citizen’s Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
3604 Keith Avenue, Chelmsford — Balfour Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
38 Coulson Street, Capreol — Capreol Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
340 McLeod Street, Sudbury — Casa Bella Senior Citizen Apartments Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
285 Lourdes Street, Sudbury — Centreville 1 & 2 Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
80 Barry Street, Sudbury — Co-operative Homes of Prosperity and Equality Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
296 Cote Avenue, Chelmsford — Friendship Place d’Amitie Residence (Rayside Balfour) |
April 1, 2002 | |
2146 Highgate Road, Sudbury — Habitat Boreal Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
159 Second Avenue, Sudbury — Horizon Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
216 Copper Street, Sudbury — Isles of Innisfree Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
429 Notre Dame Street West, Azilda — La Co-opérative D’Habitation Antigonish Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
1699 St. Jean Street, Val Caron — La Société Des Bons Amis de la Vallée Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
160 Leslie Street, Sudbury — La Société Nolin de Sudbury Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
3512 John Street, Chelmsford — Le Centre D’Habitation De Chelmsford Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
1845 Main Street, Val Caron — Les Maisons Co-opérative Val Caron Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
675 Bruce Street, Sudbury — Lighthouse Non-Profit Homes / Habitations à But Non-Lucratif le Phare Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
300 Christa Street, Hanmer — Maisons Co-opérative St. Jacques Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
300 Christa Street, Hanmer — Maisons Co-opérative St. Jacques Inc. (Ph II) |
April 1, 2002 | |
129 Second Avenue South, Sudbury — Palace Place Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
3545 Montpellier Road, Chelmsford — Place Bonne Entente des Aînés de Chelmsford |
April 1, 2002 | |
2 Arlington Drive East, Dowling — Place Cartier Habitation à But Non-Lucratif de Dowling Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
775 Cambrian Heights Drive, Sudbury — Prism Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
151 Mont Adam Street, Sudbury — Raiffeisen Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
50 Walford Road, Sudbury — Shamrock Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
139 Pearl Street, Sudbury — Silo Co-operative Homes / Coopérative d’Habitation Silo Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
111 Notre Dame Avenue, Sudbury — Solidarity Lodge Senior Apartments (Sudbury) Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
300a Springhill Drive, Garson — Springhill Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
233 Fourth Avenue, Sudbury — Sudbury Finnish Rest Home Society Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
Operating Agreement #N02134, Sudbury — Sudbury Y.W.C.A. Brookwood Apartments |
April 1, 2002 | |
30 Notre Dame Avenue, Sudbury — Ukrainian Senior Citizens’ Complex of Sudbury Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
725 Bruce Street, Unit 27, Sudbury — Unicorn Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
15 Ellen Street, Azilda — Whitewater Seniors Residence (Legion 553) Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
County of Grey |
329 Garafraxa Road North, Durham — Garafraxa Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2001 |
Victoria Village / Albert Place, Meaford — Golden Town Residential Community Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
St. Matthew Lutheran Manor, Hanover — Lutheran Social Services (Hanover) Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
St. Francis Place, Owen Sound — Lutheran Social Services (Owen Sound) |
December 1, 2001 | |
P.O. Box 1052, 7 Scattered Units, Owen Sound — Maam-Wiim-Win Native Homes Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Hillside Manor, Neustadt — Neustadt Hillside Manor Senior Citizen Housing |
December 1, 2001 | |
Legion Kelso Seniors Complex, Owen Sound — Owen Sound Br. 6 Legion Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
December 1, 2001 | |
Bayfield Landing, Owen Sound — Owen Sound Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
December 1, 2001 | |
Ordnance Park, Owen Sound — Owen Sound Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
December 1, 2001 | |
155 - 4th Avenue West, Owen Sound — Rockcliffe Seniors Complex |
December 1, 2001 | |
The Women’s Centre (2nd Stage Shelter), Owen Sound — The Women’s Centre (Grey-Bruce) Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
Regional Municipality of Halton |
1160 Dorval Drive, Oakville — Birch Glen Co-operative Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2002 |
111 Prince Charles Drive, Oakville — Chartwell Baptist Community Homes Inc. |
June 1, 2002 | |
53 Cook Street, Acton — Cobblehill Co-operative Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
1315 Maple Crossing Blvd., Burlington — Don Quixote Co-operative Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
Glen Oaks / C.A.W., 1180 Dorval Drive, Oakville — Glen Oaks Co-operative Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
3097 Palmer Drive, Burlington — Guelph Line Seniors Non-Profit Residential Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
2299 Bray’s Lane, Oakville — Halton Community Housing Corporation |
March 12, 2002 | |
1529, 1537 Sixth Line & 16 Upper Middle Rd., Oakville — Halton Community Housing Corporation |
March 12, 2002 | |
1150 Dorval Drive, Oakville — Halton Community Housing Corporation |
March 12, 2002 | |
1220 Glen Valley Road, Oakville — Halton Community Housing Corporation |
March 12, 2002 | |
2250 Golden Briar Trail, Oakville — Halton Community Housing Corporation |
March 12, 2002 | |
1300 Maple Crossing Boulevard, Burlington — Halton Community Housing Corporation |
March 12, 2002 | |
2301 Sheridan Garden Drive, Oakville — Halton Community Housing Corporation |
March 12, 2002 | |
2300 Walkers Line, Burlington — Halton Community Housing Corporation |
March 12, 2002 | |
513-515 Walkers Line & 4105 Longmoor Drive, Burlington — Halton Community Housing Corporation |
March 12, 2002 | |
410 John Street, Burlington — Halton Community Housing Corporation |
March 12, 2002 | |
Cote Terrace Seniors’ Apartments, 171 Main Street South, Georgetown — Holcro Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
The Manor, 2039 Walkers Line, Burlington — LIUNA (Hamilton) Association |
March 1, 2002 | |
1150 Gable Drive, Oakville — Mariposa Co-operative Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
Rotary Square, 154 Bronte St. South, Milton — Milton Community Homes Inc. |
June 1, 2002 | |
1026 Glendor Avenue, Burlington — Nelson Co-operative Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
Oakville Supportive Living Centre, 259 Robinson St., Oakville — Ontario March of Dimes Non-Profit Housing (Scarborough) |
March 1, 2002 | |
1421 Elgin Street, Burlington — St. Luke’s Close of Burlington Inc |
March 1, 2002 | |
456 Brock Avenue, Burlington — Stoa Co-operative Homes |
March 1, 2002 | |
Millcroft Place, 4090 Millcroft Park Drive, Burlington — Tansley Park Community Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
Oaklands, 2021 & 2031 Merchant’s Gate, Oakville — Union Housing Opportunities (Peel-Halton) Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
1380 Guelph Line, Burlington — Van Norman Community Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
Victoria Village, 2461 Whittaker Drive, Burlington — Victoria Park Community Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
City of Hamilton |
1172 Old Mohawk Rd., Ancaster — Ancaster Village Non-Profit Homes |
December 1, 2001 |
200 Forest Avenue, Hamilton — Corktown Co-operative Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
Motherwell Mills, Dundas — Dundas Valley Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Shadyside Ave., East 27th — Wave 1, Hamilton — Halam Park Housing Co-operative Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
Stanley Place / Stanley Woods, Hamilton — Hamilton Baptist Non-Profit Homes Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Stanley Ridge, Hamilton — Hamilton Baptist Non-Profit Homes Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
390 Freelton Road, Hamilton — Lions Freelton Villa Non-Profit Housing |
December 1, 2001 | |
595 Rymal Rd. E., Hamilton — Local 1005 Community Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
605 Stonechurch Road East, Hamilton — Los Andes of Hamilton Co-operative Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
Columbus Square, Hamilton — McGivney Community Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
Cotton Mill Estates, Dundas — McMaster Community Homes Corp. |
December 1, 2001 | |
185 Ferguson Avenue N., Hamilton — Meridian Co-operative Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
Hamilton MNP - Broadway St., Hamilton — Municipal Non-Profit (Hamilton) Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Hamilton MNP — Brock St., Hamilton — Municipal Non-Profit (Hamilton) Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Hamilton MNP — Cumberland Gage, Hamilton — Municipal Non-Profit (Hamilton) Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Hamilton MNP — Gageview Place, Hamilton — Municipal Non-Profit (Hamilton) Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Hamilton MNP — King St. E., Hamilton — Municipal Non-Profit (Hamilton) Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Hamilton MNP — Lillian Heights, Hamilton — Municipal Non-Profit (Hamilton) Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Hamilton MNP — 1150 Limeridge Rd. E., Hamilton — Municipal Non-Profit (Hamilton) Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Hamilton MNP — 580 Limeridge Rd., Hamilton — Municipal Non-Profit (Hamilton) Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Hamilton MNP — Oakwood Mews, Hamilton — Municipal Non-Profit (Hamilton) Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Hamilton MNP — Wentworth St. School — Ph. I, Hamilton — Municipal Non-Profit (Hamilton) Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Hamilton MNP — Wentworth St. School — Ph. II, Hamilton — Municipal Non-Profit (Hamilton) Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Hamilton MNP — Rymal Court, Hamilton — Municipal Non-Profit (Hamilton) Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Hamilton MNP — Stonechurch Rd. / Upper Wentworth, Hamilton — Municipal Non-Profit (Hamilton) Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Hamilton MNP — Crofts of McClure, Hamilton — Municipal Non-Profit (Hamilton) Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Hamilton MNP — The Trenholme, Hamilton — Municipal Non-Profit (Hamilton) Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
23 Delawana Drive, Hamilton — Slovenian Society of St. Joseph Hamilton |
December 1, 2001 | |
1365 Limeridge Road East, Hamilton — Southern Lights Co-operative Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
St. Matthew’s Lodge, Hamilton — St. Matthew’s House |
December 1, 2001 | |
2 & 3 Elite Drive, Hamilton — Stoneworth Co-operative Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
110 StoneyBrook Drive, Stoney Creek — Stoney Creek Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Mistywood Village, Stoney Creek — Stoney Creek Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Paramount Place, Stoney Creek — Stoney Creek Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Cherry Heights — Phase III, Stoney Creek — Stoney Creek Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Queenston Heights, Stoney Creek — Stoney Creek Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Deerfield Estates, Stoney Creek — Tabby Town Urban Housing Co-operative Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Villa Kiev, Hamilton — The Ukrainian Villa of the Resurrection Church In Hamilton |
December 1, 2001 | |
Kenatah, Stoney Creek — U.N.H. Incorporated |
December 1, 2001 | |
Braeburn, Flamborough — Victoria Park Community Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
Cedar Ridge Gardens / Rimini, Hamilton — Victoria Park Community Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
Forest Park, Hamilton — Victoria Park Community Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
Gosford Park / Green Circle, Hamilton — Victoria Park Community Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
Londonderry, Stoney Creek — Victoria Park Community Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
MacCuish Court, Hamilton — Victoria Park Community Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
Pinewood Gardens, Hamilton — Victoria Park Community Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
Sprucedale Gardens, Hamilton — Victoria Park Community Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
The Cloisters, Hamilton — Victoria Park Community Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
Woodbine Cres., Hamilton — Victoria Park Community Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
Wesley Urban — Ferguson Ave. N., Hamilton — Wesley Community Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
Wesley Urban Ministries — Holton & Sanford Aves., Hamilton — Wesley Community Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
Wesley Urban — Scattered, Hamilton — Wesley Community Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
32 Clapham Road, Hamilton — Women’s Community Co-operative Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
70 Mistywood Dr. / Bridewater Court, Stoney Creek — Andes Heritage Co-operative Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
1500, 1514, 1522 Upper Ottawa, Hamilton — Ebony Group Community Homes of Hamilton |
December 1, 2001 | |
East Ave. N. (Hampton Court), Hamilton — Hamilton East Kiwanis Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
Hayden Ave., Hamilton — Hamilton East Kiwanis Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
Highgate Mills., Stoney Creek — Hamilton East Kiwanis Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
Sanford, Hamilton — Hamilton East Kiwanis Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
Woodview — K Rymal Rd. E., Hamilton — Hamilton East Kiwanis Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
Rymal Annex — Wave 1, Hamilton — Hamilton East Kiwanis Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
Oakdale Estates, Hamilton — Hamilton East Kiwanis Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
Princess Estates, Hamilton — Hamilton East Kiwanis Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
23 and 45 Francis St. and 36 Clarke St. — 12-Unit, Scattered, Hamilton — Hamilton East Kiwanis Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
7 Chestnut, 293 Roxborough, 38 Edward, 244 Rosslyn N. - 4 Units, Scattered, Hamilton — Hamilton East Kiwanis Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
110 Essling Ave., Wentwal Estates, Hamilton — Hamilton East Kiwanis Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
320 Charlton Avenue West, Hamilton — Artaban Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2002 | |
236 & 238 Aberdeen Avenue, Hamilton — Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2002 | |
320 John Street North, 131-139 (inclusive) Simcoe Street, Hamilton — Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2002 | |
1220 Upper Wentworth Street, Hamilton — ITCA Community Involvement Incorporated |
April 1, 2003 | |
1170 Upper Wellington Street, Hamilton — Liuna (Hamilton) Association |
March 1, 2004 | |
1505 Upper Wellington Street, Hamilton — Liuna (Hamilton) Association |
March 1, 2004 | |
316 King William Street, Hamilton — Liuna (Hamilton) Association |
March 1, 2004 | |
1477 Upper Wentworth, Hamilton — Liuna (Hamilton) Association |
March 1, 2004 | |
190 Limeridge Road West, Hamilton — Sons of Italy (Hamilton) Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2004 | |
55 Towercrest Road, Hamilton — Sons of Italy (Hamilton) Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2004 | |
20 Jarvis Street, Hamilton — Sons of Italy (Hamilton) Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2004 | |
190 Gage Avenue South, Hamilton — Taras Shevchenko Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
March 1, 2004 | |
206-210 Jackson Street East, 185 Jackson Street East, Hamilton — First Place, Hamilton |
March 1, 2004 | |
425 York Boulevard, Hamilton — Housing Our People Economically (Hope Hamilton) Inc. |
March 1, 2004 | |
7, 11, 15, 19 & 23 Gurnett Drive, Vila Corvo, Hamilton — Hamilton Portuguese Community Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2006 | |
680 Stonechurch Road West, Vila Santa Maria, Hamilton — Hamilton Portuguese Community Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2006 | |
170 East Avenue South, Vila Sao Miguel, Hamilton — Hamilton Portuguese Community Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2006 | |
County of Hastings |
6505 Aldersgate Drive — Phase II, Belleville — Aldersgate Homes Incorporated |
March 1, 2002 |
RJ Brooks Living Ctr., 1 Alice Street, Bancroft — Bancroft Bible Chapel Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
March 1, 2002 | |
50 Rollins Avenue, Belleville — Belleville Emmanuel Residences for Senior Citizens Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
424 Bleecker Avenue, P.O. Box 382, Belleville — Belleville Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
24 Brown Street (phase III), Belleville — Belleville Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
46 Tracey Park Drive, Belleville — Belleville Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
Russell / Pine, 59 Russell Street, Belleville — Belleville Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
173 Cannifton Drive, Belleville — Trent-Moira Co-operative Estates Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
80 Catherine Street, Trenton — Trenton Memorial Lodge |
March 1, 2002 | |
32 Flindall Street, Trenton — Trenton Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
29 Adrian Court, Trenton — Trenton Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
30 Annwood Court, Trenton — Trenton Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
20 Quinte Street, Trenton — Trenton Ontario Branch 110 Legion Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
Parkin Living Centre, 2 Madoc Street, Marmora — Marmora District Housing Commission |
June 1, 2002 | |
39 Cleak Avenue, Bancroft — North Hastings Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
June 1, 2002 | |
1 Woodview Lane, Phase II - Wave 1, Bancroft — North Hastings Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
June 1, 2002 | |
Main & Brant, 48A Brant Street, Deseronto — Deseronto Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
July 1, 2002 | |
County of Huron |
Belle Haven Apartments, R.R. #1, Box 122, Wroxeter — Belmore Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 |
51 Church Street, Exeter — Exandarea Meadows Housing Co-operative Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
80 Balvina Drive, Goderich — Huron Sands Non-Profit Homes Incorporated |
March 1, 2002 | |
Shelter, Clinton — Women’s Shelter, Second Stage Housing, Housing and Counselling Services of Huron |
March 1, 2002 | |
Shelter, Exeter — Women’s Shelter, Second Stage Housing, Housing and Counselling Services of Huron |
March 1, 2002 | |
Shelter, Goderich — Women’s Shelter, Second Stage Housing, Housing and Counselling Services of Huron |
March 1, 2002 | |
198-12th Street, Vanastra — Vanastra Lions Club Apartments Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
City of Kawartha Lakes |
70 Murray Street, Fenelon Falls — Fenelon Area Independent Living Association |
April 1, 2002 |
Eastern Ave., Dysart et al. — Haliburton Community Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
Victoria St., Dysart, et al. — Haliburton Community Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
45 St. Patrick & 48 St. Paul Street, Lindsay — Lindsay Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
45 Durham Street East, Lindsay — Lindsay Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
Main Street, Wilberforce — Monmouth Township Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
24, 26, 28, 30 Wellington Street, Lindsay — Neighbourhood Housing in Lindsay |
April 1, 2002 | |
Floralan Park Drive, Minden — Staanworth Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
Parkside Street, Minden — Staanworth Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
City of Kingston |
333 Kingscourt Avenue, Kingston — Bridge House (Kingston) Incorporated |
October 1, 2001 |
Kingston Co-op Phase II, Kingston — Kingston Co-operative Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
10 Hamilton Street, Kingston — Kingston Home Base Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
11 Vine Street, Kingston — Kingston Home Base Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
27 John Street, Kingston — Kingston Home Base Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
330 Nelson St., Kingston — Kingston Home Base Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
510 MacDonnell Street, Kingston — Kingston Home Base Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
52 Liddell Crescent, Kingston — Kingston Home Base Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
52 Lorne Street, Kingston — Kingston Home Base Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
6 Dunkirk Avenue, Kingston — Kingston Home Base Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
721 King Street West, Kingston — Kingston Home Base Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
235 Conacher Drive, Kingston — Kingston Home Base Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
9 Shaw Street, Kingston — Kingston Home Base Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
220 Sutherland Drive, Kingston — Kingston Home Base Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
20 Terraceview Road, Kingston — Kingston Home Base Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
37 Cassidy Street, Kingston — Kingston Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
375 Patrick Street, Kingston — Kingston Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
205 Rideau Street, Kingston — Kingston Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
257 Rideau & 710 Division Streets, Kingston — Kingston Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
County Living, Glenburnie — Kingston Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
234, 242 & 298 Guthrie Street, Kingston — Lois Miller Co-operative Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
Gillam I/II & Tseng, Sharbot Lake — North Frontenac Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
North Frontenac NPHC — Phase I, Sharbot Lake — North Frontenac Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Cota Site, Sharbot Lake — North Frontenac Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
700 Division Street, Kingston — Porto Village Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
671 Princess Street, Kingston — Royal Canadian Legion Villa Kingston |
October 1, 2001 | |
760 Front Road, Kingston — St. Andrew-Thomas Senior Citizens Residences Kingston Township Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
65 Daly Street, Kingston — Weller Arms Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
107 Day Street, Kingston — The Elizabeth Fry Society of Kingston |
October 1, 2001 | |
1086 Montreal St., Kingston — The Elizabeth Fry Society of Kingston |
October 1, 2001 | |
11 Shaw Street, Kingston — The Elizabeth Fry Society of Kingston |
October 1, 2001 | |
1343 Montreal Street, Kingston — The Elizabeth Fry Society of Kingston |
October 1, 2001 | |
152 Weller Ave., Kingston — The Elizabeth Fry Society of Kingston |
October 1, 2001 | |
18 Smith Street, Kingston — The Elizabeth Fry Society of Kingston |
October 1, 2001 | |
326 Elmwood Street, Kingston — The Elizabeth Fry Society of Kingston |
October 1, 2001 | |
46-48 Markland Street, Kingston — The Elizabeth Fry Society of Kingston |
October 1, 2001 | |
52 Toronto Street, Kingston — The Elizabeth Fry Society of Kingston |
October 1, 2001 | |
561 Albert Street, Kingston — The Elizabeth Fry Society of Kingston |
October 1, 2001 | |
77 York Street, Kingston — The Elizabeth Fry Society of Kingston |
October 1, 2001 | |
88 Butler Street, Kingston — The Elizabeth Fry Society of Kingston |
October 1, 2001 | |
The Meadowbrook, Sydenham — Loughborough Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
The Mapleridge, Sydenham — Loughborough Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
198 Adelaide Street, Kingston — Phoenix Homes Kingston |
April 1, 2002 | |
19 MacCauley Street, Kingston — Phoenix Homes Kingston |
April 1, 2002 | |
1085 Montreal Street, Kingston — Phoenix Homes Kingston |
April 1, 2002 | |
County of Lambton |
Orchard View Apts., Arkona — Arkona Lions Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 |
1575 London Road, Sarnia — Bethel Seniors’ Apartments Sarnia |
October 1, 2001 | |
1240 Afton Court, Sarnia — Faethorne Place Housing Co-operative Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
Ozanam Manor (shelter), Sarnia — Ozanam Non-Profit Housing, Sarnia-Lambton |
October 1, 2001 | |
Berean Community Housing, Sarnia — Sarnia-Lambton Berean Community Housing |
October 1, 2001 | |
Meadowview, Thedford — Thedford Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
Widder Court, Thedford — Thedford Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
Ambassador Place, Watford — Watford Optimist Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
County of Lanark |
105 Elizabeth Street, Carleton Place — Carleton Place Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 |
Linn Bower Residence, Main Street, Clayton — Clayton Seniors Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
A.C.D.C. — Mijiwam, Concession 8, R.R. #1, Almonte — Mills Community Support Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
A.C.D.C.- 278-282 Maude Street, Almonte — Mills Community Support Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
A.C.D.C.- 322-334 Maude Street, Almonte — Mills Community Support Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
179A Caldwell Street, Carleton Place — Mississippi Community Ventures Non-Profit Housing Corp |
March 1, 2002 | |
16 Parkland Court, Smiths Falls — Settlers Private Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
31 Rogers Road, Perth — Tayside Community Residential & Support Options |
March 1, 2002 | |
Five Arches, P.O. Box 249, Pakenham — The Five Arches Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
Tay Gardens, 20 Haggart Street, Perth — Tay Valley Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
June 1, 2002 | |
United Counties of Leeds and Grenville |
Earlscourt, Park St. at Central Ave., Brockville — Brockville Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 |
Hampton Heights, 334 Victoria Ave., Gananoque — Gananoque Family Housing Incorporated |
January 1, 2002 | |
Stocking Hill Apts., 550 Emma St., Gananoque — Gananoque Housing Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
Seniors Residence Phase I, 10 Charlotte Pl., Brockville — Legion Village 96 Seniors Residence Brockville Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
Seniors Residence Phase II, 12 Charlotte Pl., Brockville — Legion Village 96 Seniors Residence Brockville Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
42 Liston Ave., Brockville — Shepherd’s Green Co-operative Homes Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
Delta & Portland P.O. Box 9, Portland — Township of Bastard and South Burgess Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Mill Bay Court, Campbell St. & Rideau Lake — P.O. Box 7, Portland — Township of Bastard and South Burgess Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
48 Main Street, Elgin — South Crosby Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
November 1, 2004 | |
1-8 Maple Avenue, 9-16, 18, 20, 22, 24 Cedar Crescent, Elgin — South Crosby Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
November 1, 2004 | |
County of Lennox and Addington |
Hwy #2 & 15 Main St., Odessa — Odessa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 |
Harmony House, Main St. West / P.O. Box 1035, Picton — Picton Seniors Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Harmony House, 20 Richmond St., Picton — Quinte’s Isle Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Lorne A. Smart Villa, 80 Baker St., Greater Napanee — Napanee Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
101 - 139 Meadowlane Drive, Napanee — The Appanea Wynds Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
June 1, 2002 | |
715, 717, 719, 729, 731, 733, 980, 982 and 1074A to 1074H Flinton Road, Flinton, — URCA Housing Corp. |
June 1, 2002 | |
City of London |
980-982 Huron St., London — 50 Plus Housing Co-operative of London, Ontario Inc. |
February 1, 2002 |
363 Clarke Road, London — Argyle Manor (A Non-Profit Housing Corporation) |
February 1, 2002 | |
225 Taylor Street, London — Artisan Co-operative Homes Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
2040 Wavell Street, London — Bethany Christian Residences of London |
February 1, 2002 | |
90 Chapman Court, London — Bridge End Housing Co-operative Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
305 Oak Avenue, Strathroy — Columbus Non-Profit Housing of Strathroy Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
14 Spiritwood Court, London — Country Spirit Co-operative Homes of London Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
Davis Manor, 50 Young Street, Delaware — Delaware Lions Non-Profit Apartment Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Berkshire / Springbank Drive, London — Delta Place Co-operative Homes of London Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
23-40 Baseline Rd., West, London — Forest Quarter Family Residences Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
61 Bow Street, London — Genesis (London) Housing Co-operative Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
235 Park Street, Strathroy — Gilzean’s Creek Housing Co-operative Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
240 Walker Street, Glencoe — Glencoe District Lions Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
Eden Homes, Trafalgar St. / Railton, London — Good News Community Homes |
February 1, 2002 | |
Ladybrook Maisonettes, 728-792 Ladybrook Cres., London — Inter Faith Homes (London) Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
425 King St, London — Kinwell Place Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Mayan Land Villas, 126 Bonaventure Drive, London — Latin-American/Canadian Non-Profit Housing Corporation (London) |
February 1, 2002 | |
446 Queens Ave, London — LIFT Non-Profit Housing of London Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
Elaine Lucas Place, 749 Little Simcoe Street, London — LIFT Non-Profit Housing of London Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
Miraflores Place, 786 Shelborne Street, London — London Non-Profit Multicultural Residences |
February 1, 2002 | |
806 Shelborne Street, London — London Polonia Towers Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
106 Deveron Cres., London — London Polonia Towers Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
440 South Street, London — London Polonia Towers Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
550 Sarnia Road, London — London Town Co-operative Homes Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
Lions Parkview Place, 271 Beech St., Lucan — Lucan Community Non-Profit Apartment Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
St. Ansgar Place, 600 Lawson Road, London — Lutheran Independent Living (London) |
February 1, 2002 | |
1270 Bentley Drive, London — Marconi Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
254 Marconi Boulevard, London — Marconi Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Townline Terrace, 75 Union Street North, Melbourne — Melbourne Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Roger Smith Wing, 459 York Street, London — Mission Services of London |
February 1, 2002 | |
Odell Place, 796 Shelborne St., London — Odell-Jalna Residences of London |
February 1, 2002 | |
Wavell Village, 2010 Wavell St., London — Odell-Jalna Residences of London |
February 1, 2002 | |
Jalna Woods, 870 Jalna Blvd., London — Odell-Jalna Residences of London |
February 1, 2002 | |
Ottaway Place, 227, 231, 235 & 239 Grey Street, London — Odell-Jalna Residences of London |
February 1, 2002 | |
Pondsview Point, 711 Pond Mills Rd., London — P.A.M. Gardens, Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
Pinewood Gardens, 55-730 Deveron Crescent, London — P.A.M. Gardens, Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
Riverwoods West, 1367 Commissioners Rd. W., London — P.A.M. Gardens, Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
Trinity Place, 570 Gainsborough Road, London — Sherwood Forest (Trinity) Housing Corp. |
February 1, 2002 | |
82 Jensen Road, London — St. Martin’s Co-operative Homes of London Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
Trillium Village II, 400 Dominion Street, Strathroy — Strathroy & District Christian Retirement Association Incorporated |
February 1, 2002 | |
1199 Hamilton Road, London — The Oaklands Housing Co-operative Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
Unit 2-2 Bonaventure Drive, London — The Spirit of 1919 Housing Co-operative Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
652, 654, 656 King / 380 Adelaide St. N, London — Tolpuddle Housing Co-operative Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
Unit 62-1414 Ernest Avenue, London — Whiteoak Heritage Housing Co-operative Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
331 Commissioners Road West, London — William Mercer Wilson Non-Profit Centre (London) Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
111 Belmont Drive, London — Windy Woods Co-operative Homes of London Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
London Second Stage Housing (Shelter), London — Women’s Community House |
February 1, 2002 | |
Kirby Manor, 199 Commissioners Rd. W., London — Wonderland Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
29-121 Bonaventure Drive, London — Bonaventure Place Housing Co-operative Inc. |
July 1, 2002 | |
99 Kimberly Ave & 24 Spiritwood Ct. London — Tanglewood Orchard Co-operative Homes Inc. |
July 1, 2002 | |
District Municipality of Muskoka |
220 Winewood Avenue, Gravenhurst — Bethune Housing Co-operative Inc. |
February 1, 2002 |
200 Oakwood Heights, Bracebridge — Bracebridge Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Cambrian Court, Ball’s Drive (Old Monck Dr.), Bracebridge — Bracebridge Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
285 Ridge Road, Gravenhurst — Gravenhurst Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Yonge Street, Georgian Bay — Mactier and District Community Housing |
February 1, 2002 | |
1 Iris Court, Huntsville — Trinity (Huntsville) Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
22 Walter Street (Elliott & Walter Street), Huntsville — Huntsville Legion Seniors Manor |
April 1, 2002 | |
The Fieldway, 2 Sabrina Park Dr., Huntsville — Town of Huntsville Non-Profit Housing Corporation. |
June 1, 2002 | |
Regional Municipality of Niagara |
25 Barnaby Drive, St. Catharines — Arbour Village Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 |
88 Vintage Crescent, St. Catharines — Arbour Village Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
757 Nancy Road, Fort Erie — Border Towne Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
171 Mill Street, Smithville — Branch 393, Royal Canadian Legion Senior Citizens Complex |
April 1, 2002 | |
575 Southworth St., Welland — Briar Rose Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
8175 McLeod Road, Niagara Falls — Brookside Village Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
21 St. Helena Street, St. Catharines — Calvary Seniors Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
705 Welland Avenue, St. Catharines — Central Gospel Community Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
5540 Drummond Road, Niagara Falls — City of Niagara Falls Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
8055 McLeod Road, Niagara Falls — City of Niagara Falls Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
8065 McLeod Road, Niagara Falls — City of Niagara Falls Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
15 Richardson Court, St. Catharines — Commonwealth Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
52 Promenade Richelieu, Welland — Coopérative d’Habitation Beauparlant Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
1 Esme Lane, Crystal Beach — Crystal Beach Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
115 Smit Cove, Smithville — Dove Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
31 Agar Drive, St. Catharines — Faith Lutheran Social Services (St. Catharines) |
April 1, 2002 | |
61 Francis Creek Boulevard, St. Catharines — Greenvale Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
321 Carlton Street, St. Catharines — La Résidence des Aînés Canadiens Français St.-Catharines Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
255 High Street, Fort Erie — Lions Douglas Heights Seniors Residence Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
725 Welland Avenue, St. Catharines — Local 175 UFCW Residences Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
3900 Dorchester Rd., Niagara Falls — Lutheran Homes Niagara |
April 1, 2002 | |
14 Wilholme Drive, St. Catharines — Meadowgreen Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
231 Denistoun St., Welland — Mel Swart Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
82 Roehampton Road, St. Catharines — Moonstone Co-operative Homes |
April 1, 2002 | |
413 Linwell Avenue, St. Catharines — Niagara Ina Grafton Gage Home of the United Church |
April 1, 2002 | |
366 Thorold Road, Welland — Northtown Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
4 Greenmeadow Court, St. Catharines — Paderewski Society Home (Niagara) |
April 1, 2002 | |
10 Saturn Crescent, Port Colborne — Port Colborne Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
2 Lighthouse Road, St. Catharines — Regatta Place Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
448 Louth Street, St. Catharines — Ridley Terrace Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
7887 Thorold Stone Road, Niagara Falls — Shriner’s Creek Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
7645 Preakness St., Niagara Falls — Skyline Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
60 Louth Street, St. Catharines — People’s Choice Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
372, 376, 380 & 384 Wellington St., Port Colborne — South Niagara Gateway Family Homes |
April 1, 2002 | |
340 Wellington Street, Port Colborne — South Niagara Gateway Family Homes |
April 1, 2002 | |
6995 Ailanthus Avenue, Niagara Falls — Stamford Kiwanis Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
4901 Buckley Ave., Niagara Falls — Stamford Kiwanis Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
321 Geneva Street, St. Catharines — St. Catharines Senior Citizens Residence Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
250 Prince Charles Dr., Welland — St. Charles Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
Bethlehem Project - Ph. I (shelter), St. Catharines — The Bethlehem Not-for-Profit Housing Projects of Niagara |
April 1, 2002 | |
Bethlehem Project - Ph. II (shelter), St. Catharines — The Bethlehem Not-for-Profit Housing Projects of Niagara |
April 1, 2002 | |
6945 Ailanthus Avenue, Niagara Falls — The Niagara Falls Y.W.C.A. Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
Fairhaven Homes (S00129), 3568 Montrose Road, Niagara Falls — The St. Andrews Niagara Housing Development Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
Fairhaven (S03168) 3568 Montrose Road, Niagara Falls — The St. Andrews Niagara Housing Development Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
Bartlett Street, Thorold — Thorold Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
Bolton Street, Thorold — Thorold Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
61 Ormond Street, Thorold — Thorold Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
16 Dixie Road, St. Catharines — Ukrainian Non-Profit Homes Corporation of Niagara |
April 1, 2002 | |
10 Welstead Ave., St. Catharines — Village Glen Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
4399 Concord Street, Beamsville — Vineyard Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
4369-4376 Arejay Avenue, Beamsville — Vineyard Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
35 Christopher Street, St. Catharines — Watermark Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
6550-6600 Kalar Road, Niagara Falls — Westwood Place Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
855 Ontario Road, Welland — Woodrose Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
60 King Street, Welland — Open Door Concepts Welland Inc. |
December 1, 2002 | |
85 & 86 Westland Street, St. Catharines — Pinecroft Co-operative Homes |
December 1, 2002 | |
43 King Street, Fort Erie — Fort Erie Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2004 | |
828 Concession Road, Fort Erie — Fort Erie Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2004 | |
2 Ferndale Avenue, St. Catharines — Agnes MacPhail Women’s Co-operative Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2004 | |
6420 Delta Drive, Niagara Falls — Liuna (Hamilton) Association |
March 1, 2004 | |
343 Burleigh Road, 3156 Hyman Avenue, 126, 315 Maple Leaf Avenue, 184 Neva Road, 3200 Poplar Avenue, Ridgeway — OHSTO:SERI Urban Aboriginal Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2005 | |
131 Concession Road, 660 Dominion Road, 61 Edward Avenue, 318 Eva Road, 651 Fairview Road, 16 Joseph Street, 27 Lavinia Street, 1469 Orchard Avenue, 467 Parkdale Avenue, 1297 Spear Road, Fort Erie — OHSTO:SERI Urban Aboriginal Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2005 | |
Norfolk County |
550 George Street, Dunnville — Dunnville Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 |
Marantha Gardens, 368 Queen Street North, Simcoe — Kent Park Community Homes, Simcoe Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
40-44A Atkinson Avenue, 50-52 Ted Brown Avenue, Port Rowan — Long Point Area Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Quetzal Family Homes (shelter), Simcoe — South & Metcalfe Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
St. Paul’s Court, 100 Robinson Street, Simcoe — St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church (Simcoe) Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
February 1, 2002 | |
9 Brant Street, Cayuga — Brantwood Villa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Victoria Place, 78-92 Austin Crescent, Simcoe — Town of Simcoe Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
County of Northumberland |
174 Oliver Road, Campbellford — Campbellford Memorial Multicare Lodge |
April 1, 2002 |
224 First Street, Campbellford — Campbellford Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
330 Alexandria Drive, Cobourg — Cobourg Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
700 Burnham Street, Cobourg — Cobourg Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
330 Alexander Dr., Cobourg — Cobourg Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
580 Court House Road, Cobourg — Northumberland Supportive Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
29 County Road, Percy Township — Percy Township Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
61 McCaul Street, Port Hope — Port Hope Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
144 Rose Glen Road, Port Hope — Port Hope Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
199A Sutherland Crescent, Cobourg — Sutherland Place Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
25 James Street East, Cobourg — Trinity Housing of Cobourg Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
City of Ottawa |
490 Viewmount Drive, Nepean — Asher Christian Seniors Inc. |
April 1, 2002 |
92 Dolan Drive, Nepean — Barrhaven Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
1370 Ogilvie Road, Gloucester — Better Living Residential Co-operative Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
141 Twyford Street, Block 83, Ottawa — Cardinus Housing Co-operative Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
181 Forest Glade Crescent, Ottawa — Carpenter Housing Co-operative Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
456 Cooper Street, Ottawa — Cartier Square Housing Co-operative Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
10 Stevens Avenue, Ottawa — Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
110 Nelson Street, Ottawa — Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
147 Hinchey Avenue, Ottawa — Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
155 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa — Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
258 Argyle Avenue, Ottawa — Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
283 Arlington Avenue, Bruce House, Ottawa — Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
369 Steward Street, Ottawa — Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
511 Bronson Avenue, Ottawa — Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
520 Bronson Avenue, Ottawa — Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
212-216 Carruthers Ave., Ottawa — Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
171 Armstrong Street / 277 Carruthers Avenue, Ottawa — Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
205-207 O’Connor Street, 256, 258, 264 Lisgar Street, Ottawa — Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
455 Lisgar Street, Ottawa — Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
287-293 Loretta Avenue South, Ottawa — Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
141 Clarence Street, Ottawa — Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
82-84 Putman Avenue, Ottawa — Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
515 MacLaren Street & 341 Lyon Street, Ottawa — Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
415 Gilmour Street, Ottawa — Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
312 Cumberland Street, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
206 Wiggins Private, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
185-207 Forward Avenue, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
1474-1516 Blohm Drive, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
170 Gloucester Street, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
212 Bronson Avenue, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
2-56 Horsdal Private / 1441-1461 Blohm Dr., Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
380 Cumberland St. / 175 George St., Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
10-76 Esson Street, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
128 Gable Private & 1-40 Gore Private, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
375 Gilmour Street, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
345 Le Breton Street South, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
1175 Wellington St. & 395 Parkdale, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
Hunt Club Park Expansion (Blohm and Picasso Drives), Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
1-128 Wallack Private, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
595 Rideau Street, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
Lorry Greenberg Dr. / 1-88 Finland Private, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
507 Riverdale Avenue, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
453 Cooper Street, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
340-344 Gloucester Street & 343-351 Nepean Street, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
1433 Mayview Avenue, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
450-460 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
1157/1161/1165/1173 Belanger Ave., Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
108 New Orchard Avenue, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
45-77 Kimito / 243 Siren Private, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
1514-1516 Clementine Boulevard / 1126 Rockingham Avenue, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
303 Churchill Avenue North, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
Address Confidential (shelter), Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
721 Chapel Crescent, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
500 St. Laurent Boulevard, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
1450-1470 & 1480 Heron Rd. (Various), Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
300 Goulburn Private, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
321 Goulburn Private, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
70-138 Mann Ave., Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
202-246 Wiggins Private, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
310, 320, 430 Wiggins Private, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
300 Wiggins Private - East Side, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
301-427 Wiggins Private, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
104, 105, 154, 155, 204 Wiggins & 740 Chapel, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
40-154 Provender Ave., Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
12-20 Burnside & 49-53 Carruthers, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
2-73 Winthrop / 1397-1415 Richmond, Ottawa — City of Ottawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
Marinoff Way, Cumberland — Cumberland Housing Corporation / Corporation d’Habitation de Cumberland |
April 1, 2002 | |
2980 Regional Road 28, Sarsfield — Cumberland Housing Corporation / Corporation d’Habitation de Cumberland |
April 1, 2002 | |
286 & 288 Pintail Terrace, Cumberland — Cumberland Housing Corporation / Corporation d’Habitation de Cumberland |
April 1, 2002 | |
305A-305D Cambridge St. N., 88-100 Le Breton St., Ottawa — Dalhousie Non-Profit Housing Co-operative Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
300 Cambridge Street North, Ottawa — Dalhousie Non-Profit Housing Co-operative Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
30 and 2-20 Provender Ave., 148, 150, 152, 154, 156, 158, 160, 162, 164, 166 and 168 Burma Rd., Ottawa — Communityworks Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
1370 Ogilvie Road, Gloucester — Communityworks Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
8 Bullman Street, Ottawa — Communityworks Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
200-208 Presland Road, Ottawa — Communityworks Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
1940 St. Joseph Blvd., Gloucester — Coopérative d’Habitation Côte Est Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
10 -50/56/60/70 Henderson Ave., Ottawa — Coopérative d’Habitation St. Georges Housing Co-operative Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
404 Wiggins Private, Ottawa — Coopérative d’Habitation Voisins Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
110 Marlborough Street, Murphy House, Ottawa — Daybreak Non-Profit Shelter (Ecumenical) Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
2 Dobbin Lane, Kanata — Dobbin Housing Co-operative Incorporated |
April 1, 2002 | |
485 Eagleson Road, Kanata — Eagleson Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
2270 Braeside Avenue, Ottawa — Ellwood House (Ottawa) Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
Group Number E00038 — Emily Murphy Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
175-253 Provender Ave., 220-232 Provender Ave. & 19-113 Rothbury Cr., Ottawa — Glenn Haddrell Housing Co-operative Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
2676 Innes Road, Gloucester —- Gloucester Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
1-12, 1408 Meadowbrook Drive & 1601-1669 Fine Crescent, Gloucester — Gloucester Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
4200-4298 Carver Place, Gloucester — Gloucester Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
1900-1940 Ken Steele Court, Gloucester — Gloucester Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
1081-1089 Cummings Avenue, Gloucester — Gloucester Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
28 Connelly Place, Kanata — Hazeldean Housing Co-operative Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
9 MacNeil Court, Kanata — Kanata Baptist Place Incorporated |
April 1, 2002 | |
113-159 Lebrun Street, Vanier — La Commission de Logement de Vanier Non-Profit Housing Authority |
April 1, 2002 | |
10 Bridgestone Drive, Kanata — Lao Village Housing Co-operative Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
520 St. Laurent Boulevard, Ottawa — Mario de Giovanni Housing Co-operatives Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
2 Hammill & 1-82 Hammill Court, Nepean — Nepean Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
1-101 Draffin Court, Nepean — Nepean Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
1-81 Madden Court, Nepean — Nepean Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
1-71 Dunbar Court (Bateman Dr. / Dunbar Crt.), Nepean — Nepean Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
1-71 Dunbar Court, Nepean — Nepean Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
130 Centrepointe Drive & 1-30 Plunkett Court, Nepean —- Nepean Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
762 Somerset Street West, Ottawa — Serson Clarke Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
2100 Scott Street, Ottawa — Taiga Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
131 Twyford Street, Ottawa — Tannenhof Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
467 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa — The Muslim Non-Profit Housing Corporation of Ottawa-Carleton |
April 1, 2002 | |
300 Cooper Street, Ottawa — The Shefford Heritage Housing Co-operative Incorporated |
April 1, 2002 | |
3200 Vance Street North, Osgoode — The Township of Osgoode Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
3180-3182 Logan Farm Drive, Osgoode — The Township of Osgoode Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
2592-2596 Reanyhill Way, Metcalfe —- The Township of Osgoode Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
Victoria Street, Metcalfe — The Township of Osgoode Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
1350-1360 Meadow Drive, Greely — The Township of Osgoode Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
1 Carleton Street, Stittsville — The Township of Goulbourn Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
126 Hamilton Street, Richmond — The Township of Goulbourn Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
519 Donald B. Munroe Drive, Carp — West Carleton Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
10 Clarement Drive, Ottawa — Yule Manor Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
140 Mann Avenue, Ottawa — Conservation Co-operative Homes Incorporated |
July 1, 2002 | |
96-110 Leacock Drive / 1-16 Leacock Lane / 18-40 Leacock Lane, Kanata — Kanata Co-operative Homes Inc. |
July 1, 2002 | |
248 Brittany Drive, Ottawa — LIUNA Local 527 Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
July 1, 2002 | |
303 Churchill Avenue North, Ottawa — National Capital Region Vietnamese Canadian Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
July 1, 2002 | |
55 Hilda Street, Ottawa — OCISO Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2003 | |
89 Stonehurst Avenue, Ottawa — St. Vladimir’s Russian Residence of Ottawa Inc. |
August 1, 2003 | |
906 Montreal Road, Ottawa — Co-opérative d’Habitation Desloges Inc. |
March 1, 2004 | |
County of Oxford |
220 Ingersoll Street N., Ingersoll — Adam Oliver Housing Co-operative Inc. |
December 1, 2001 |
Nellis St., Springbank & Dundas, Scattered Housing, Woodstock — Anchorage Homes, Services & Initiatives Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
Daystar Village, Woodstock — Daystar Community Homes |
December 1, 2001 | |
41-390 Quartertown Line Road, Tillsonburg — Dereham Forge Housing Co-operative Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
Maple Grove, Blandford-Blenheim — Drumbo and District Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Cambrocourt Manor, Zorra — Embro and Area Seniors Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Ingamo Family Homes (Woodstock) Inc. (2nd Stage Shelter), Woodstock — Ingamo Family Homes (Woodstock) Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
360 Springbank Avenue, Woodstock — Percy Heights Co-operative Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
Maple Lane Seniors Residence, Tillsonburg — Town of Tillsonburg Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Canterbury Towers, Woodstock — Woodstock Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Regional Municipality of Peel |
1255 Vanrose Street, Mississauga — Aghabi Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 |
2333 South Millway, Mississauga — Ahneen Co-operative Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
Armagh House (Shelter) — Armagh |
October 1, 2001 | |
110 Acorn Place, Mississauga — Barbertown Co-operative Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
54 Malta Avenue, Brampton — Bayanihan Non-Profit Co-operative Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
5975, 5985, 5995 Glen Erin Dr., Mississauga — Britannia Glen Co-operative Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
20 Strathaven Dr., Mississauga — Cervantes Lions Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
11 Church Street West, Brampton — Chegoggin Co-Operative Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
Camille’s Place, Mississauga — Congress of Black Women (Mississauga) Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
120 Acorn Place, Mississauga — Dan Benedict Co-operative Homes Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
3061 Battleford Road, Mississauga — Edenwood Seniors Village Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
1900 North Sheridan Way, Mississauga — Erin Court Co-Operative Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
Coral Place, Mississauga — Federation of Chinese Canadian Professionals Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
1180-1190 Forestwood Drive, Mississauga — Forestwood Co-operative Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
155 & 195 Forum Drive, Mississauga — Forum Italia Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Fallingbrook Mews, Mississauga — Hope Villa Non-Profit Residences of North York |
October 1, 2001 | |
2-71 Stokes Road, Brampton — Indo-Canadian Non-Profit Housing Corporation of Peel |
October 1, 2001 | |
4050 Dixie Road, Mississauga — International Ladies Garment Workers Union Housing Co-operative Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
Croatia Tower, Brampton — Kancro Non-Profit Homes Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
1185 Vanrose Street, Mississauga — Las Americas Co-operative Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
5955 Glen Erin Drive, Mississauga — Lom Nava Housing Co-operative Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
195 William Sharp Drive, Brampton — Northwood Park Co-operative Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
3420 The Collegeway, Mississauga — Pathway Non-Profit Community Developments Incorporated of Peel |
October 1, 2001 | |
Britannia Place, Mississauga — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Chelsea Gardens, Brampton — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Clipstone Court, Brampton — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Colonial Terrace, Mississauga — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Confederation Place, Mississauga — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Conover, Brampton — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Creditbend Terrace, Mississauga — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Derrybrae Place, Mississauga — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Drury Crescent, Brampton — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Fair Oaks, Brampton — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Fletcher View, Brampton — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Garden Gate, Brampton — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Gardenview Court, Mississauga — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Gran Columbia Hiscan, Mississauga — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Hammond Road, Mississauga — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
H.I.A.P.H. House, Mississauga — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Lakeside Court, Mississauga — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Lakeview Promenade, Mississauga — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Pinnacle View (Alton Seniors), Caledon — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Redmond, Mississauga — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Ridgewood Court, Mississauga — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Springfield Gardens, Mississauga — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Stationview Place, Bolton — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Surveyor’s Point, Mississauga — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
The Castlebrooke, Mississauga — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Weavers Hill (Porto Fino), Mississauga — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Wedgewood Court, Brampton — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Westwood Place, Mississauga — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Whillans Gate, Brampton — Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Kimbermount Village, Mississauga — Peel Multicultural Council Housing Project Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
3024 Cedarglen Gate, Mississauga — Shalimar International Housing Corporation Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
71 Mary Street, Brampton — St. Mary’s Senior Citizen’s Residence Brampton Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
30 Tannery Street, Mississauga — Tannery Gate Tower Co-operative Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
Villa Esperanza, Mississauga — Tinimint Housing Non-Profit Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
924 Rathburn Road, Mississauga — Tomken Grove Non-Profit Homes |
October 1, 2001 | |
Union Village, Brampton — Union Housing Opportunities (Peel-Halton) Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
Mohogany Place, Brampton — United Achievers Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Turtle Creek Manor, Mississauga — Wawel Villa, Incorporated |
October 1, 2001 | |
1035 Windsor Hill Blvd., Mississauga — Windsor Hill Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
1205 Vanrose Street, Mississauga — WISMA Mega Indah Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
2584 Rugby Road, Mississauga — Yarl Co-operative Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
3015 Parkerhill Road, Mississauga — Tatry Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
1455 & 1475 Bristol Road West, Mississauga — Bristol Road Labourers’ Local 183 Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
June 1, 2002 | |
1400 Bristol Road West, Unit #80, Mississauga — Fletchers’ Creek Co-operative Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2002 | |
3023 Parkerhill Road, Mississauga — Pathway Non-Profit Community Developments Incorporated of Peel |
April 1, 2005 | |
3420 The Collegeway, Mississauga — Pathway Non-Profit Community Developments Incorporated of Peel |
April 1, 2005 | |
City of Peterborough |
1025 Chemong Road, Peterborough — Aots Community Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2002 |
800 Hilliard Street, Peterborough — Hilliard Park Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
185 Romaine Street, Peterborough — Kairos Non-Profit Housing of Peterborough |
March 1, 2002 | |
189 Romaine Street, Peterborough — Kairos Non-Profit Housing of Peterborough |
March 1, 2002 | |
193 Romaine Street, Peterborough — Kairos Non-Profit Housing of Peterborough |
March 1, 2002 | |
203 Dublin Street, Peterborough — Kairos Non-Profit Housing of Peterborough |
March 1, 2002 | |
345, 347 George Street, Peterborough — Kairos Non-Profit Housing of Peterborough |
March 1, 2002 | |
507 Bolivar Street, Peterborough — Kairos Non-Profit Housing of Peterborough |
March 1, 2002 | |
77 Towerhill Road, Peterborough — Kawartha Participation Projects |
March 1, 2002 | |
951 Hilliard Street, Peterborough — Kiwanis Club of Scott’s Plains Peterborough, Ontario, Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
1565 Monaghan Road, Peterborough — Marcrest at Inglewood (Peterborough) Seniors’ Residence |
March 1, 2002 | |
Millbrook Manor (Phase 2), 2 Hutchinson Street, Millbrook — Millbrook Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
Otonabee Court, Short Street, Village of Keene — Otonabee Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
St. John’s Centre, 440 Water St., Peterborough — St. John’s Retirement Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
572 Crystal Drive, Peterborough — Sunshine Homes Non-Profit Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
243 Milroy Drive, Peterborough — LETA Brownscombe Co-operative Homes Inc. |
June 1, 2002 | |
2032, 2038, 2042 Pratt’s Marina Road, 2068, 2072 7th Line, Peterborough — OHSTO:SERI Urban Aboriginal Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2005 | |
United Counties of Prescott and Russell |
Rockland-Domaine des Erables, 505 Dalrymple Drive, Rockland — Corporation de Logement de Rockland |
February 1, 2002 |
622 Nelson Street West, Hawkesbury — Hawkesbury Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
820 Cameron Street, Hawkesbury — Hawkesbury Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
675 Nelson Street West, Hawkesbury — Hawkesbury Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
P.O. Box 44, St. Albert — La Résidence Lajoie à But Non-Lucratif De St-Albert Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
383 Chatelain Street, Alfred — Logement à But Non-Lucratif de la Corporation du Village d’Alfred |
February 1, 2002 | |
320 Rue St. Joseph, Alfred — Logement à But Non-Lucratif de la Corporation du Village d’Alfred |
February 1, 2002 | |
35 Rue De l’Église, 35 Rue de L’église, St. Isidore — St-Isidore Non-Profit Housing Corporation-Corporation de Logement à But Non-Lucratif de St-Isidore |
February 1, 2002 | |
71 Derby Street, Vankleek Hill — Van Kleek Senior Citizens Manor |
February 1, 2002 | |
4535 Gregoire Street, 4535 Gregoire Street, Marionville — Villa d’Accueil Ste Thérèse de Marionville Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
County of Renfrew |
138 Baskin Drive, Arnprior — G.T. Seniors Apartments of Arnprior Incorporated |
April 1, 2002 |
222 Blakely Street, Pembroke — Kinsmen Court Home for Men & Women (Pembroke) Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
224 Vimy Blvd., Renfrew — Opeongo Non-Profit Community Residential Development Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
26 Spruce Street, Arnprior — Ottawaska Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
200 Caruso Street, Arnprior — Ottawaska Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
St. Joseph Family Residence (50), Pembroke — St. Joseph Non-Profit Housing (Pembroke) Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
1151 Pembroke Street West, (Ph. I), Pembroke — St. Joseph Non-Profit Housing (Pembroke) Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
1151 Pembroke Street West, (Residence 30), Pembroke — St. Joseph Non-Profit Housing (Pembroke) Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
1151 Pembroke Street West, (Ph. II), Pembroke — St. Joseph Non-Profit Housing (Pembroke) Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
County of Simcoe |
54-56 Peel St. / 121 Owen St., Barrie — “We Care” Non-Profit Homes (Barrie) Inc. |
April 1, 2002 |
257 Centre Street, Essa Township — Angus Legion Gardens Senior Citizens Complex |
April 1, 2002 | |
11 Mill Street, Coldwater — Coldwater Seniors’ Apartments Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
250 Erie Street, Collingwood — Collingwood Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
14 Worsley Street, Barrie — Coral Non-Profit Homes (Barrie) Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
26 Fitton’s Road East, Orillia — Elizabeth Overend Non-Profit Housing Orillia Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
615 William Street, Midland — Javelin Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
201 Matthew Way, Collingwood — Matthew Co-operative Housing Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
854 Hartman Dr., Midland — Mount Lakeview Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
860 Hartman Dr., Midland — Mount Lakeview Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
219 King Street North, Alliston — Nottawasaga Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
5 Rosemary Road, Orillia — Orillia Christian Fellowship Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
250 & 252 Barrie Road, Orillia — Orillia Christian Fellowship Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
472 High Street, Orillia — Orillia Christian Fellowship Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
75 and 80 Walker Avenue, Orillia — Orillia Community Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
210-240 Holland Street West, Bradford — Quaker Hill Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
18 Peter Street North, Orillia — St. James Court Non-Profit Apartments Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
75 Amelia Street, Barrie — St. Mary’s Seniors Residence Barrie Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
80, 90, 100 Little Ave. & 150 Bayview Dr., Barrie — The Barrie Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
131 Berczy Street, Barrie — The Barrie Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
49 Coulter Street, Barrie — The Barrie Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
10 and 20 Golfdale Road, Barrie — The Barrie Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
101-111 D’ambrosio Street, Barrie — The Barrie Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
191-193 Edgehill Drive, Barrie — The Barrie Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
186 Grove Street, Barrie — The Barrie Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
225 Kozlov St., Barrie — The Barrie Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
549 Yonge Street (FISH), Barrie — The Barrie Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
549 Yonge Street (Chapman), Barrie — The Barrie Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
205 Koslov Street II, Barrie — The Barrie Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
31 Penetang Street, Barrie — The Barrie Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
#1-380 Duckworth Street, Barrie — The Barrie Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
339 Essa Rd., Barrie — The Barrie Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
125 Fitton’s Road West, Orillia — The City of Orillia Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
90 Edgehill Drive, Barrie — Gateway Co-operative Homes Inc. |
July 1, 2002 | |
108 Anne Street North, Barrie — Project 441 Non-Profit Home Corporation |
November 1, 2004 | |
City of Stratford |
27 Barron Street, Stratford — Banbury Cross Housing Co-operative Inc. |
April 1, 2002 |
39 Borden Street, Stratford — Bard-of-Avon Housing Co-operative Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
Address Confidential (shelter) (SW2129), Stratford — Emily Murphy Second Stage Residences |
April 1, 2002 | |
55 Athlone Crescent, Stratford — Festival City Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
5 Southvale Road, St. Marys — Little Falls Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
Woodland Towers (II), 639 West Gore St., Stratford — Spruce Lodge Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
769 Downie Street, Stratford — Vineyard Village Non-Profit Homes of Stratford |
April 1, 2002 | |
City of St. Thomas |
Caledonia Gardens, 1 Lions Road, Dutton — Dutton & District Lions Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
March 1, 2002 |
Eastwood Court, 180 South Edgeware Road, St. Thomas — EFBC Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
Eastwood Village — Phase 2, 405 Wellington Street, St. Thomas — EFBC Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
Eastwood’s Heritage Park, 200 Burwell Rd., St. Thomas — EFBC Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
240 Burwell Rd. East, St. Thomas — Elmview Estates Housing Co-operative Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
Kiwanis Seniors Apartments, 229 Fourth Street, Rodney — Kiwanis Non-Profit Homes of Rodney Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
345 Highview Drive, St. Thomas — Meadowdale Community Housing Co-operative Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
Elkview Gardens, 50 Melanie Street, Aylmer — Menno Lodge of Aylmer Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
Menno Lodge, 215 South Street, Aylmer — Menno Lodge of Aylmer Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
351 Manor Rd., St. Thomas — Pinafore Station Co-operative Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
Maple Meadows, 58 Elizabeth Street, Port Burwell — Port Burwell Family Residences |
March 1, 2002 | |
Milton Towers, 21 Pitt St. / Shakespeare & 5 Milton Sts., Port Burwell — Port Burwell Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
230 South Street West, Aylmer — Troy Village Housing Co-operative Incorporated |
March 1, 2002 | |
City of Toronto |
127 Isabella Avenue, Toronto — 127 Isabella Non-Profit Residence Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
1630 Lawrence Ave. West, Toronto — 1630 Lawrence Avenue West Residences Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
91 Spencer Avenue, Toronto — 91 Spencer Avenue Co-operative Homes Incorporated |
May 1, 2002 | |
23 Edgewood / 136 Kingston Road (Ph. 1, Toronto) — AKWA Honsta (Non-Profit Aboriginal Homes) Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
2 Mascot Place, Toronto — 2 Mascot Place Co-operative Homes Incorporated |
May 1, 2002 | |
55 Howard Park Avenue, Toronto — 55 Howard Park Avenue Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
38 Lakeside Avenue, Toronto — Abbeyfield Houses Society of Toronto |
May 1, 2002 | |
88 Humber College Blvd., Toronto — ACLI Etobicoke Community Homes |
May 1, 2002 | |
3470 Keele Street, Toronto — ACLI Etobicoke Community Homes |
May 1, 2002 | |
2155 Lawrence Avenue East, Toronto — Aldebrain Attendant Care Services of Toronto |
May 1, 2002 | |
319 Dundas Street East, Toronto — All Saints Church Homes for Tomorrow Society |
May 1, 2002 | |
70 Pembroke Street, Toronto — All Saints Church Homes for Tomorrow Society |
May 1, 2002 | |
16 Concorde Place, Toronto — Almise Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
Nekenaan (second stage housing), Toronto — Anduhyaun Inc., MMAH Group #C02190 |
May 1, 2002 | |
900-910 Queen Street West, Toronto — Artscape Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
930 Queen’s Plate Drive, Toronto — Ascot Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
262 Ridley Blvd., Toronto — Avenel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
1 Coin St., Toronto — Barsa Kelly / Cari-Can Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
33 Drewry Avenue, Toronto — Bazaar Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
130 Bellamy Road North, Toronto — Bellamy Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
10 Elsinore Path, Toronto — Birmingham Homes Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
1153 Queen Street East, Toronto — Birtch Place Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
1680 Ellesmere Avenue East, Toronto — Blue Danube Housing Development (Ontario) Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
15 Torresdale Avenue, Toronto — B’Nai Brith Canada Family Housing Program |
May 1, 2002 | |
4300 Bathurst Street, Toronto — B’Nai Brith Canada Senior Citizen’s Residential Program |
May 1, 2002 | |
240 Dunn Ave., Toronto — Bonar-Parkdale Senior Citizens Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
May 1, 2002 | |
1252 Brimley Rd., Toronto — Brimell Court Co-operative Housing Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
1050 Broadview Ave., Toronto — Broadview Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
83 Park Woods Village Dr., Toronto — Brookbanks Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
1430 Woodbine Avenue, Toronto — Canadian Martyrs Seniors’ Residence East York, Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
11 Randolph Ave., Toronto — Canrise Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
338 Falstaff Ave., Toronto — Casa Abruzzo Benevolent Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
15 King Street, Toronto — Central King Seniors Residence |
May 1, 2002 | |
2319 McNicoll Avenue, Toronto — Chinese Evergreen Non-Profit Homes (Metro Toronto) Corp. |
May 1, 2002 | |
43-55 Goldwin Ave., Toronto — Chord Housing Co-operative Incorporated |
May 1, 2002 | |
3379 Lawrence Ave. East, Toronto — Church of the Master Homes Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
484 Church St. / 31 Alexander St. / 51 Alexander St., Toronto — City Park Co-operative Apartments Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
1978 Victoria Park Ave., Toronto — Clintwood Non-Profit Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
229 Meadowvale Rd., Toronto — Courtland Mews Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
106 Beverly Street, Toronto — Deep Quong Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
841 Dundas Street East, Toronto — Dixon Neighbourhood Homes Incorporated |
May 1, 2002 | |
668 Roselawn Avenue, Toronto — Dorothy Klein Seniors Housing Incorporated |
May 1, 2002 | |
100 Crawford Street, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
100 Dewson Street, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
1014 Logan Avenue, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
123 Gough Avenue, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
1387 Queen Street West, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
149 Jameson Avenue, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
154 Coxwell Avenue, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
156 Coxwell Avenue, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
1808 Queen Street East, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
188 Dunn Avenue, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
2 Ashland Avenue, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
212 Woodbine Avenue, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
228 Milan Street, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
232 Milan Street, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
249 Havelock Avenue, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
25 Hunter Street, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
252 Seaton Street, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
254 Seaton Street, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
29 Heydon Park Road, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
292 Sherbourne Street, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
31 Wrenson Road, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
351 Gladstone Avenue, Toronto —- Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
4 Ashland Avenue, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
415 Shaw Street, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
42 Bellwoods Avenue, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
453 St. Clarens Avenue, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
477 Woodbine Avenue, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
479 Woodbine Avenue, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
490 Delaware Avenue, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
65 Dixon Avenue, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
76 Northcote Avenue, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
778 Manning Avenue, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
85 Beaconsfield Avenue, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
9 Thorncliffe Avenue, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
91 Mitchell Avenue, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
93 Mitchell Avenue, Toronto — Ecuhome Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
112 George St. S., Toronto — Edgeview Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
1684 Victoria Park Avenue, Toronto — Emmanual Lutheran Manor Victoria Village |
May 1, 2002 | |
195 & 197 Wellesley Street East & 477 Sherbourne St., Toronto — Ernescliffe Non-Profit Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
20 Trent Avenue, Toronto — Esperance Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
228 Galloway Road, Unit 600, Toronto — Estonian Relief Committee Non-Profit Residences Corp. |
May 1, 2002 | |
163 Portland St., Toronto — Evangel Hall Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
31 Princess Street, Toronto — Family Action Network Housing Corporation (Ontario) |
May 1, 2002 | |
1624 Bloor Street West, Toronto — First Erdelyi Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
May 1, 2002 | |
5, 15 & 25 Forty-Third Street, Toronto — Forty-Third Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
139 Jarvis Street, Toronto — Fred Victor Centre |
May 1, 2002 | |
147 Queen Street East, Toronto — Fred Victor Centre |
May 1, 2002 | |
3370 Kingston Road, Toronto — Gardenview Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
2750 Jane Street, Toronto — Glen Gardens Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
2015 Lawrence Ave. East, Toronto — Grace Communities Corporation-Communautes Grace Corp. |
May 1, 2002 | |
155 Kendal Avenue, Toronto — Habayit Shelanu Seniors Residences Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
51 The Chimneystack Road, Toronto — Harry Sherman Crowe Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
33 Princess Street, Toronto — Harmony Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
111 Hickory Tree Road, Toronto — Hickory Tree Road Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
100 Merton Street, Toronto — Hospital Workers Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
171 Shaw St., Toronto — House of Compassion of Toronto |
May 1, 2002 | |
10 Ashdale Avenue, Toronto — Houses Opening Today Toronto Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
116 Glenmore Road, Toronto — Houses Opening Today Toronto Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
153 Alameda Avenue, Toronto — Houses Opening Today Toronto Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
40 Curzon Street, Toronto — Houses Opening Today Toronto Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
610 Woodbine Ave., Toronto — Houses Opening Today Toronto Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
73-75 Balantyre Avenue, Toronto — Houses Opening Today Toronto Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
79 Boulton Ave., Toronto — Houses Opening Today Toronto Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
192 Ashdale Ave., Toronto — Houses Opening Today Toronto Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
54 Marigold Avenue, Toronto — Houses Opening Today Toronto Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
1447 Royal York Rd., Toronto — Humbervale Christian Outreach Foundation Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
99 Vaughan Road, Toronto — Ibercan Homes Non-Profit Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
182 Hiawatha Road, Toronto — Innstead Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
6 Bloomfield Ave., Toronto — Innstead Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
239 Highfield Rd. / 29 Hiawatha Rd., Toronto — Innstead Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
444 Woodfield Avenue, Toronto — Innstead Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
23 Thorncliffe Park Dr., Toronto — Inter Faith Homes (Centenary) Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
2877 Ellesmere Road, Toronto — Inter Faith Homes (Centenary) Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
704 Mortimer Avenue, Toronto — Interchurch Community Housing Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
3010 Dufferin Street, Toronto — Italian Canadian Benevolent Seniors Apartment Corp. |
May 1, 2002 | |
3010 Lawrence Avenue East, Toronto — Jack Goodlad Senior Citizen Residences Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
300 George Street, Toronto — Jenny Green Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
773-781 The Queensway, Toronto — Kingsway-Lambton Homes For Seniors Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
33 Durnford Road, Toronto — Knight’s Village Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
1 Oscar Romero Place, Suite 11-A, Toronto — La Paz Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
10 Garnett Janes Rd., Toronto — Lakeshore Gardens Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
115 Birmingham St., Toronto — Lakeshore Village Artists’ Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
10 Dora Avenue, Toronto — Las Flores Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
7 Glenburn Avenue, Unit 105, Toronto — Liberty Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
515 Parkside Drive, Toronto — Loyola Arrupe Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
1709 Bloor Street West, Toronto — Loyola Arrupe Phase II Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
81 Dalhousie St., Toronto — Margaret Laurence Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
110 George St. S., Toronto — Marketview Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
450A Scarborough Golf Club Road, Toronto — Masaryktown Non-Profit Residences Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
730 Pape Avenue, Toronto — McClintock Manor-Nisbet Lodge |
May 1, 2002 | |
99 Dalhousie Street, Toronto — Metta Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
2480 Eglinton Avenue West, Toronto — Micah Homes Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
525 Lawrence Avenue West, Toronto — Moshav Noam Non-Profit Co-operative Housing Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
177 Mutual Street, Toronto — Myrmex Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
3078 Lakeshore Blvd. West & 140, 150, 160 and 170 13th Street, Toronto — Nakiska Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
2 Market Street, Toronto — New Hibret Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
82-84 Jones Ave., Toronto — Nishnawbe Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
2214 Keele Street, Toronto — Northminster Residences of Toronto |
May 1, 2002 | |
85 The Esplanade, Toronto — Old York Tower Non-Profit Seniors Housing |
May 1, 2002 | |
2020 Don Mills Road, Toronto — Operating Engineers Local 793 Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
76 Pembroke Street, Toronto — Operation Springboard |
May 1, 2002 | |
3392 Kingston Road, Toronto — Orchard Grove Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
200 Dora Spencer Road, Toronto — Our Lady of Victory Seniors Citizen’s Residence (York) Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
2705 Islington Ave., Toronto — Our Saviour Thistletown Lutheran Lodge |
May 1, 2002 | |
115 The Esplanade, Toronto — OWN Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
1206 Wilson Avenue, Toronto — Palisades Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
77-79 Charles St. East, Toronto — Peggy and Andrew Brewin Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
18 Grenville Street, Toronto — Peregrine Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
110 The Esplanade, Toronto — Performing Arts Lodges (Ontario) Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
751 Woodbine Ave., Toronto — Racokzi Villa |
May 1, 2002 | |
747 St. Clair Ave. W., Toronto — Rakoczi Villa |
May 1, 2002 | |
1540 Kipling Avenue, Toronto — Richview Baptist Foundation |
May 1, 2002 | |
36 Pape Avenue, Toronto — Riverdale Co-operative Houses |
May 1, 2002 | |
13 Prust Ave., Toronto — Riverdale Co-operative Houses |
May 1, 2002 | |
1117 Gerrard St. E., Toronto — Riverdale United Non-Profit Homes |
May 1, 2002 | |
20 Garnett Janes Road, Toronto — Robert Cooke Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
90 Burrows Hall Blvd., Toronto — Scarborough Heights Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
64-80 Secord Avenue, Toronto — Secord Avenue Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
4130 Lawrence Ave. E., Toronto — St. Margaret Community Homes, Scarborough |
May 1, 2002 | |
176 Cowan Avenue, Toronto — St. John’s Polish National Catholic Cathedral Residential Corp. |
May 1, 2002 | |
14 Gwynne Avenue, Toronto — START 103 Non-Profit Homes Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
15 Tyndall Avenue, Toronto — START 103 Non-Profit Homes Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
162 Dowling Avenue, Toronto — START 103 Non-Profit Homes Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
570 O’Connor Drive, Toronto — Stephenson Senior Link Homes |
May 1, 2002 | |
656-684 Kingston Road, Toronto — Stephenson Senior Link Homes |
May 1, 2002 | |
11 Coatsworth Crescent, Toronto — Stephenson Senior Link Homes |
May 1, 2002 | |
93 Lavinia Avenue, Toronto — Swansea Town Hall Residences |
May 1, 2002 | |
20 Wade Avenue, Toronto — Tamil Co-operative Homes |
May 1, 2002 | |
24 Shaw Street, Toronto — Terra Bella Non-Profit Housing Corporation of Ontario |
May 1, 2002 | |
88 Mutual Street, Toronto — Terrace Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
2353 Dufferin Street, Toronto — The St. Hilda’s Towers’ Lewis Garnsworthy Residence |
May 1, 2002 | |
78 Holly Street, Toronto — The St. Margaret’s Towers Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
1 Seymour Ave., Toronto — Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
126 Yarmouth Road, Toronto — Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
135 Barton Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
157 Galt Ave., Toronto — Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
16 Chandos Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
1702 Gerrard Street East, Toronto — Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
19 Normandy Blvd., Toronto — Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
197, 199, 201 Carlton Street, Toronto — Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
20 Saulter Street, Toronto — Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
248 Jones Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
260 Logan Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
265 Westlake Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
305 Rhodes Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
306 Berkeley St., Toronto —Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
307 Rhodes Ave., Toronto — Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
37 Boulton Ave., Toronto — Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
415 Bartlett Ave., Toronto — Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
48 Rogers Road, Toronto — Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
498 Pape Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
499 Lauder Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
67 Bristol Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
70 Westwood Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
8 Westlake Crescent, Toronto — Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
851 Cosburn Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
95 Burnside Drive, Toronto — Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
223 Ashdale Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
47 Marjory Ave. / 8 Prospect St. / 316 Shuter St., Toronto — Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
436-438 Sherbourne Street, Toronto — Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
138 Bellamy Road North, Toronto — Ujamaa Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
695 Coxwell Avenue, Toronto — Tobias House of Toronto — Caring For People |
May 1, 2002 | |
84 Carlton Street, Toronto — Tobias House of Toronto — Caring For People |
May 1, 2002 | |
1 Church Street, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
102 Tyndall Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
1022 St. Clarens Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
1167 Queen Street East, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
128 Havelock Street, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
133 Broadway Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
136 Perth Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
140 The Esplanade, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
1400 Bathurst Street, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
1466-1468 Bathurst Street, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
16 Redwood Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
17A Tiverton Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
190 John Street, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
203 Pape Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
21 St. Joseph Street, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
22 McCaul Street, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
22 O’Hara Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
2390 Gerrard Street East, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
2401 Yonge Street, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
248 Simcoe Street, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
254 Maria Street, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
26 Dingwall Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
261 Hastings Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
261 Jarvis Street, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
2745 Yonge Street, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
28 Broadway Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
285-291 Jarvis Street, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
29 Louvain Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
32 Larch Street, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
33 Coatsworth Cres., Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
357 Westmoreland Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
40 Trefann Street, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
402 Delaware Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
433 Runnymede Road, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
444 Gladstone Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
50 Barrington Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
520 Kingston Road, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
52 Jones Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
53 Grant Street, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
530 Kingston Road, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
57 Brandon Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
57 Hillsview Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
60 Fairford Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
64 Muir Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
697 Woodbine Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
73 Sorauren Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
75 Northcote Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
900 & 910 Queen’s Plate Drive, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
909 St. Clair Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
790 Eglinton Avenue West, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
3036 Bathurst Street, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
5 Carling Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
495 Wilson Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
2 Faywood Blvd., Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
384 Mount Pleasant Road, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
98 Cavell Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
120 Town Haven Place, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
7 Coatsworth Crescent, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
330 Jarvis Street, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
3179 Yonge Street, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
44 Keele Street, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
72 Clinton Street, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
250 Twelfth Street, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
1315 Neilson Road, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
750 Wilson Heights Blvd., Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
1286 Wilson Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
20 Sanderling Place, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
1025 Scarlett Road, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
600 Rogers Road, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
75 Dowling Avenue, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
1447 King Street West, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
12 Thorncliffe Park Drive, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
55 Rankin Crescent, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
460 Jarvis Street, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
2468 Eglinton Avenue West, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
175 Keele Street, Toronto — Toronto Refugee Community Non-Profit Homes and Services |
May 1, 2002 | |
40 Dorval Road, Toronto — Toronto Refugee Community Non-Profit Homes and Services |
May 1, 2002 | |
48 Wanda Road, Toronto — Toronto Refugee Community Non-Profit Homes and Services |
May 1, 2002 | |
298 & 300 Queens Drive, Toronto — Upwood Park / Salvador Del Mundo Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
33 Gabian Way, Toronto — Vila Gaspar Corte Real Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
4062 Old Dundas St. West, Toronto — Villa Otthon |
May 1, 2002 | |
10-12 Gower Street, Toronto — VincentPaul Family Homes Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
835 Birchmount Road, Toronto — Walton Place (Scarborough) Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
8 Clappison Blvd., Unit 35, Toronto — West Rouge Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
156 Floyd Avenue, Toronto — Westminster Court Senior Citizens Housing Corporation |
May 1, 2002 | |
31 Lambton Ave. / 8 Keywest Ave. / 557 McRoberts Ave., Toronto — Wigwamen Incorporated |
May 1, 2002 | |
502-502A Whitmore, 240-242 Torrens, 29 Commonwealth, 9 Ray, 10 McRoberts, Toronto — Wigwamen Incorporated |
May 1, 2002 | |
25 Brucewood Crescent, Toronto — Willmar Eight Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
38 Thorncliffe Park Dr., Toronto — Willow Glen Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
967 Pharmacy Avenue, Toronto — Wilmar Heights United Church Non-Profit Homes |
May 1, 2002 | |
255 Dolly Varden Blvd., #45A, Toronto — Woburn Village Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
1070 Queen Street East, Toronto — Woodgreen Community Housing Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
137-139 Sears Street, Toronto — Woodgreen Community Housing Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
41-65, 69 Pape Avenue, Toronto — Woodgreen Community Housing Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
570 Coxwell Avenue, Toronto — Woodgreen Community Housing Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
841 Queen St. E., Toronto — Woodgreen Community Housing Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
15 Pape Avenue, Toronto — Young Women’s Christian Association of Greater Toronto |
May 1, 2002 | |
55-57 Humewood Dr., Toronto — Young Women’s Christian Association of Greater Toronto |
May 1, 2002 | |
Young Women’s Christian Association of Greater Toronto, MMAH Project #C02176 |
May 1, 2002 | |
280 Gerrard Street E., Toronto — Ysm Genesis Place Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
95 Wood Street, Toronto — International Relief Agency Inc. |
May 1, 2002 | |
15 Thorncliffe Park Dr. Toronto — 15 Thorncliffe Park Co-operative Homes Inc. |
July 1, 2002 | |
1320 Gerrard Street East, Toronto — Athens Villa Non-Profit Housing Corporation of Toronto |
July 1, 2002 | |
22 Forest Creek Pathway, Toronto — Grace Hartman Housing Co-operative Inc. |
July 1, 2002 | |
279 Jarvis Street, Toronto — Jarvis-George Housing Co-operative Inc. |
July 1, 2002 | |
10 Maple Leaf Drive — Toronto — Maple Leaf Drive Seniors Non-Profit Residential Corp. |
July 1, 2002 | |
269 Jarvis Street — Toronto — Mary Lambert Swale Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
July 1, 2002 | |
180 Niagara Street, Toronto — Niagara Neighbourhood Housing Co-operative Inc. |
July 1, 2002 | |
567 Ridelle Avenue, Toronto — Ridelle Co-operative Homes Inc. |
July 1, 2002 | |
525 Markham Road, Toronto — Robin Gardner Voce Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
July 1, 2002 | |
7 The Donway East, Toronto — St. Mark’s (Don Mills ) Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
July 1, 2002 | |
190-194 Rexleigh Drive, Toronto — Taylor Creek Co-operative Homes Inc. |
July 1, 2002 | |
95 Wood Street, Toronto — Toronto Housing Company Inc. (formerly — International Relief Agency Inc.) |
July 1, 2002 | |
3 Brimley Road, Suite 110, Scarborough, Ont. — Atahualpa Housing Co-operative Inc. |
December 1, 2002 | |
2040 Don Mills Rd., North York — Duncan Mills Labourers’ Local 183 Co-operative Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2002 | |
170/172/174/176 John Garland Blvd., Etobicoke — Maurice Coulter Housing Co-operative Inc. |
December 1, 2002 | |
22 Forest Creek Pathway, Scarborough — Wilcox Creek Co-operative Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2002 | |
1 Nashville Avenue, York — Wood Tree Co-operative Incorporated |
December 1, 2002 | |
10 Spring Grove Ave., Toronto — Wood Tree Co-operative Incorporated |
December 1, 2002 | |
1414 Davenport Road, Toronto — Wood Tree Co-operative Incorporated |
December 1, 2002 | |
6a Greenlaw Avenue, Toronto — Tahanan Non-Profit Homes Corporation |
August 1, 2003 | |
11 Winona Drive, Toronto, Ontario — Hellenic Home for the Aged Inc. |
August 1, 2003 | |
164 Jones Avenue, Toronto — Riverdale Housing Action Group Corporation |
March 1, 2004 | |
21 Hogarth Avenue, Toronto — Riverdale Housing Action Group Corporation |
March 1, 2004 | |
2156 Gerrard Street East, Toronto — Riverdale Housing Action Group Corporation |
March 1, 2004 | |
337-339 Waverley Road, Toronto — Riverdale Housing Action Group Corporation |
March 1, 2004 | |
417 and 417A Jones Avenue, Toronto — Riverdale Housing Action Group Corporation |
March 1, 2004 | |
459 Woodfield Road, Toronto — Riverdale Housing Action Group Corporation |
March 1, 2004 | |
51 Winnifred Avenue, Toronto — Riverdale Housing Action Group Corporation |
March 1, 2004 | |
572-574 Kingston Road, Toronto — Riverdale Housing Action Group Corporation |
March 1, 2004 | |
62 Dawes Road, Toronto, Ontario — Riverdale Housing Action Group Corporation |
March 1, 2004 | |
1500 Keele Street, Toronto — Bello Horizonte Non-Profit Homes Corp. |
March 1, 2004 | |
3001 Finch Avenue West, Toronto — Ahmadiyya Abode of Peace Inc. |
March 1, 2004 | |
2495 Eglinton Avenue East, Toronto — Glen Park Co-operative Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2004 | |
633 Lakeshore Blvd. West, Toronto — Harbour Channel Housing Co-operative Inc. |
March 1, 2004 | |
79 Richmond Street East and 76 Lombard Street, Toronto — Muriel Collins Housing Co-operative Inc. |
March 1, 2004 | |
80 Dundas Street East, Toronto — Victoria-Shuter Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2004 | |
175 Vaughan Road, Toronto — Homes First Society |
April 1, 2005 | |
434 Gerrard Street East, Toronto — Homes First Society |
April 1, 2005 | |
490 Huron Street, Toronto — Homes First Society |
April 1, 2005 | |
87 Bellevue Avenue, Toronto — Homes First Society |
April 1, 2005 | |
29 Wales Avenue, Toronto — Homes First Society |
April 1, 2005 | |
800 Adelaide St. West, Toronto — Homes First Society |
April 1, 2005 | |
50 Earl Street, Toronto — Homes First Society |
April 1, 2005 | |
1 Summerhill Road, Toronto — Mimico Co-operative Homes Incorporated |
April 1, 2005 | |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
693 Beechwood Drive, Waterloo — Beechwood Co-operative Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 |
Summerville Place, Kitchener — Better Canada Homes Non-Profit Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Kiwanis Village, Cambridge — Cambridge Kiwanis Village Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Preston Heights, Cambridge — Cambridge Kiwanis Village Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Elgin & Borden Sts., Cambridge — Cambridge Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Chimney Hill, Cambridge — Cambridge Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Eagle St. Seniors’ Housing, Cambridge — Cambridge Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Myers Road Family Housing, Cambridge — Cambridge Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Saint Andrews St. Seniors’ Housing, Cambridge — Cambridge Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Shamrock Heights, Cambridge — Cambridge Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Wolfe Property, Cambridge — Cambridge Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
3289 King Street East, Kitchener — Changemakers Co-operative Homes (Kitchener) Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
50 Morning Calm Drive, Cambridge — Clarion Co-operative Homes Incorporated |
October 1, 2001 | |
Cypriot Homes — Ph. I, Kitchener — Cypriot Homes of the Kitchener-Waterloo Area |
October 1, 2001 | |
Cypriot Homes Phase II, Kitchener — Cypriot Homes of the Kitchener-Waterloo Area |
October 1, 2001 | |
Hellenic Place, Kitchener — The Hellenic Community of Kitchener-Waterloo and Suburbs Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
5 Galt Avenue, Cambridge — Highland Homes Co-operative Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
Eby Village, Kitchener — House of Friendship of Kitchener |
October 1, 2001 | |
Carwood Green, Kitchener — Kitchener Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
Cedarhill Court, Kitchener — Kitchener Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
Gage Green, Kitchener — Kitchener Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
Georges Vanier, Kitchener — Kitchener Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
Izma Green, Kitchener — Kitchener Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
Lancaster Maples, Kitchener — Kitchener Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
Linden Manor / Canpar, Kitchener — Kitchener Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
Linden Terrace, Kitchener — Kitchener Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
Shantz Terrace, Kitchener — Kitchener Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
The Charles (Family & Child Services), Kitchener — Kitchener Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
Union Lane, Kitchener — Kitchener Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
Victoria School Village, Kitchener— Kitchener Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
Waldau Woods, Kitchener — Kitchener Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
155 Lincoln Road, Waterloo — Kitchener-Waterloo Young Women’s Christian Association |
October 1, 2001 | |
Morning Calm, Cambridge — Lusitania Villas of Cambridge Incorporated |
October 1, 2001 | |
930 Elgin Street North, Cambridge — Max Saltsman Community Co-operative Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
634-636 Erb Street West, Waterloo — Needlewood Glen Housing Co-operative Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
737 Doon Village Road, Kitchener — New Generation Co-operative Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
590 Kraus Drive, Waterloo — Pablo Neruda Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Chandler Drive, Kitchener — Sand Hills Co-operative Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
507 Ottawa Street South, Kitchener — Senioren Haus Concordia Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
368 Bearinger Road, Waterloo — Seven Maples Co-operative Homes Incorporated |
October 1, 2001 | |
436-456 Kingscourt Drive, Waterloo — Shamrock Co-operative Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
Luther Manor Phase III, Waterloo — St. John’s Senior Citizens’ Home |
October 1, 2001 | |
209-215 Springfield Crescent, Waterloo — Victoria Park Community Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
Cushman Court, New Hamburg — Waterloo Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Erb Court, Waterloo — Waterloo Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Kingscourt Dr., Waterloo — Waterloo Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 | |
Willowside Co-op — Ph. II, Kitchener — Willowside Housing Co-operative Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
Willowside Housing Co-op — Ph. I, Kitchener — Willowside Housing Co-operative Inc. |
October 1, 2001 | |
114 Queen Street South, New Dundee — Maple Heights Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
June 1, 2002 | |
10 Westwood Drive, Kitchener — Slavonia-Croatian Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2003 | |
588 Greenfield Avenue, Kitchener — Kitchener Alliance Community Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2004 | |
60 Westmount Road West, Kitchener — Kitchener Alliance Community Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2004 | |
11 Monte Carlo Street, Kitchener — Kitchener Alliance Community Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2004 | |
200 Chandler Drive, Kitchener — Kitchener Alliance Community Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2004 | |
166-180 Connaught Street, Kitchener — Kitchener Alliance Community Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2004 | |
101 Franklin Boulevard, Cambridge — Thorne View Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2005 | |
39 Paulander Drive, Kitchener — Village Lifestyles Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2005 | |
County of Wellington |
147 Norfolk Street, Guelph — Abbeyfield Houses Society of Guelph |
February 1, 2002 |
Jamesway Manor, 5 James St. S., Clifford — Clifford Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
186 - 190 Fife Road, Guelph — Fife Road Co-operative Homes, Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
Conestoga Crest, 81 Wood Street, Drayton — Gerousia Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
41 Cuthbert Street, Elora — Grand River Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Auden Place, 470 Auden Rd., Guelph. — Guelph Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
246 Westwood Road, Guelph – Guelph Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
75 Flaherty Drive, Guelph — Guelph Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Westwood Court, Guelph — Guelph Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Yorkhaven Place, 780 York Road, Guelph — Guelph Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Hanlon Mews, 142,146,150 Imperial Rd. North, Guelph — Guelph Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
7 Christopher Court, Guelph — Guelph Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Auden II, 394 Auden Rd., Guelph — Guelph Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
River Horizon, 85 Neeve Street, Guelph — Guelph Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
238 Willow Road, Guelph — Guelph Services for Persons with Disabilities |
February 1, 2002 | |
562 Woolwich St., Guelph — Matrix Affordable Homes for the Disadvantaged Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
264 College Avenue West, Guelph — Matrix Affordable Homes for the Disadvantaged Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
216 College Ave. West, Guelph — Matrix Affordable Homes for the Disadvantaged Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
135-145 Woolwich St., Guelph, Ontario — Matrix Affordable Homes for the Disadvantaged Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
440 King Street East, 440 King Street East, Mount Forest — Mount Forest Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
125 Cole Road, Guelph — Cole Road Co-operative Community Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
33 North Street, Guelph — Royal City Housing Co-operative Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
301 Tucker St., Arthur — Rural North Wellington New Hope Non-Profit Housing and Community Resource Centre |
February 1, 2002 | |
Fife Road, 50-60 Fife Road, Guelph — Upbuilding Non-Profit Homes (Guelph) Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
87 Neeve Street, bound by Speed River & Wellington St. to the west, Guelph — Victor Davis memorial Court Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
467 Auden Road, Guelph, — Wyndham Hill Co-operative Homes Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
City of Windsor |
Ambassador-Huron Apts., 1705, 1725 Northway Ave. at Totten, Windsor — Ambassador Huron Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 |
The Westview, 160 Pickering Drive — Unit 206 / Lot 3, Con. 1, Amherstburg — Amherstburg Non-Profit Seniors Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Belle Court Homes, 560 Desjardins Blvd. / P.O. Box 197, Belle River — Belle River Co-operative Homes Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
MacDonell Manor, 438 Niagara St., Windsor — City of Windsor Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Devon Estates I, 1104-1264 South Pacific Ave., 1416 Southdale Dr., Windsor — City of Windsor Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Devon Estates II, South Pacific Ave. / Reading St., Windsor — City of Windsor Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Devon Estates III, Reading / Jack / Hawkesbury / Marie Sts., Windsor — City of Windsor Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Devonshire Heights, 1366-1620 Hallmark Ave., Windsor — City of Windsor Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Jefferson Phase I, Jefferson Blvd., Windsor — City of Windsor Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Jefferson Phase II, 2869-2963 Jefferson Blvd., Windsor — City of Windsor Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Units 1-4 859, Units 5-11 863, Units 12-17 867, Units 18-23 871, Units 24-30 875 and Units 31-34 881 Jos Janisse Ave., Windsor — City of Windsor Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
McPhail Manor, 860 Mercer St., Windsor — City of Windsor Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Meadowbrook Lane, 3105 — 3061 Meadowbrook Lane, Windsor — City of Windsor Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Queen Elizabeth Dr. & Jefferson Blvd., Windsor — City of Windsor Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Slater St. Townhouses, Slater Street (1900 Block), Windsor — City of Windsor Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Woodward Blvd., Woodward Blvd & Chaviva Court, Windsor — City of Windsor Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Slater Street Development, Slater Street, Windsor — City of Windsor Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Drouillard Place Terrace, 980 St. Luke Road, Windsor — Drouillard Place Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
Donna Gamble Tower, 680 Aylmer Ave., Windsor — Glengarry Non-Profit Housing Corporation (Phase II) |
January 1, 2002 | |
Thompson Towers, 495 Glengarry Avenue, Windsor — Glengarry Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
General Mihailovich Place, 2428 Jos. St. Louis Ave., Windsor — Grachanica Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
5060 Wyandotte St. E., Windsor — Heimathof Retirement Home Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
Apts. Complex, 3120 Meadowbrook Lane, Windsor — Homeland Non-Profit Housing Complex Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
875 Foster Avenue, Windsor — John Moynahan Co-operative Homes Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
350 Church St., Windsor — KA WAH Community Housing Windsor |
January 1, 2002 | |
3140 Meadowbrook Lane, Windsor — La Résidence Richelieu Windsor Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
Clarence Williams, 2363 Union St., Windsor — Labour Community Service Centre of Windsor & Essex County Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
2957 Princess Ave. & 2874 Sherway Dr., Windsor — Labour Community Service Centre of Windsor & Essex County Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
3380 Ypres Ave., Windsor — Labour Community Service Centre of Windsor & Essex County Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
3490 Ypres Ave., Windsor — Labour Community Service Centre of Windsor & Essex County Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
Emerson Park, Emerson Ave. & adjacent, Leamington — Leamington Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Legion Estates, 148 Lansdowne Ave., Kingsville — Legion Senior Housing (Kingsville) Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
282 Sherk St., Pt. Lot 6, Con. 1, Leamington — Mariner’s Co-operative Homes (Leamington) Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
Parkwood Manor, 3015 Temple Drive, Windsor — Parkwood Non-Profit Housing Corporation (Windsor) |
January 1, 2002 | |
2750 Pillette Rd., Windsor — Pillette Green Community Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Hon. Paul Martin Townhomes, 6901 Charlie Brooks Court, Windsor — River Park Non-Profit Housing Corporation (Windsor) |
January 1, 2002 | |
Trillium Court, Cousineau Rd. & Huron Church Rd., Lasalle — River Park Non-Profit Housing Corporation (Windsor) |
January 1, 2002 | |
1556 Community Crescent / Renaud Street, Tecumseh — Ryegate (Tecumseh) Co-operative Homes Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
Gloster Apartments, 1950 College Avenue, Windsor — Ser-Rise Community Housing Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
Palazzo Italia, 275 Erie St. East, Windsor — St. Angela Non-Profit Housing Corp. of Windsor |
January 1, 2002 | |
The Westgate, 3294 Sandwich St., Windsor — St. John’s Anglican Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Montecassino Apts., 900 Windsor Ave., Windsor — Villa Ciociara Senior Citizens Apartments Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
2300 Howard Avenue (Scattered), Windsor — Windsor Coalition Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
441, 445, 471 Dougall Ave., Windsor — Windsor Y Residence Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
Windsor YMCA Res., 1101 McDougall Street, Windsor — Windsor Y Residence Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
275 Kempt Street, Amherstburg — The Frank Long Co-operative Homes Inc. |
June 1, 2002 | |
Regional Municipality of York |
45 Atherton Cres., Georgina — Bethany Co-operative Homes Inc. |
November 1, 2001 |
180 Grove Terrace, Newmarket — Bogart Creek Co-operative Homes Inc. |
November 1, 2001 | |
Legion Apts., Vaughan — Branch 414 Legion Village Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
November 1, 2001 | |
Calvary Manor, Markham — Calvary House (Markham) Corp. |
November 1, 2001 | |
280 Davis Dr., Newmarket — Carpenters Local 27 Housing Co-operative Inc. |
November 1, 2001 | |
172 James Henry Dr., Aurora — Charles Darrow Housing Co-operative Inc. |
November 1, 2001 | |
Cedarview Lodge Project, Newmarket — Davis Drive Non-Profit Homes Corp. |
November 1, 2001 | |
60 Friuli Court, Vaughan — Friuli Benevolent Corporation |
November 1, 2001 | |
Germania Place, Newmarket — German-Canadian Housing of Newmarket Inc. |
November 1, 2001 | |
4460 Fourteenth Ave., Markham — Hagerman Corners Community Homes Inc. |
November 1, 2001 | |
Trinity Square, Markham — Holy Trinity Non-Profit Residences York |
November 1, 2001 | |
Alison Court, Newmarket — Inter Faith Homes (Centenary) Corporation |
November 1, 2001 | |
Manor Green (Crossland Gate), Newmarket — Inter Faith Homes (Centenary) Corporation |
November 1, 2001 | |
138 Yorkland St., Richmond Hill — Ja’fari Islamic Housing Corporation |
November 1, 2001 | |
103-105 Weldrick Rd. East, Richmond Hill — John Fitzpatrick Steelworkers Housing Co-operative Inc. |
November 1, 2001 | |
101 & 102 Yorkland St., Vaughan — Jubilee Garden Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
November 1, 2001 | |
Kin Village, Markham — Kinsmen Non-Profit Housing Corporation, (Richmond Hill) |
November 1, 2001 | |
46 Berwick Cres., Richmond Hill — Landsberg/Lewis Housing Co-operative Inc. |
November 1, 2001 | |
Preston Thompson Place, Aurora — Machell’s Corners Housing Co-operative Inc. |
November 1, 2001 | |
230 Sunset Beach Rd., Richmond Hill — Oakwil Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
November 1, 2001 | |
601 Clark Ave. West, Vaughan — OHR Somayach Residential Centre Inc. |
November 1, 2001 | |
Genesis Place, Richmond Hill — Prophetic Non-Profit (Richmond Hill) Inc. |
November 1, 2001 | |
Woodland Estates, Newmarket — Region of York Housing Corporation |
November 1, 2001 | |
Brayfield Manors, Newmarket — Region of York Housing Corporation |
November 1, 2001 | |
Hadley Grange, Aurora — Region of York Housing Corporation |
November 1, 2001 | |
Keswick Gardens, Georgina — Region of York Housing Corporation |
November 1, 2001 | |
2 Lowndes Ave./Glenwood Mews, Georgina — Region of York Housing Corporation |
November 1, 2001 | |
Oxford Village, East Gwillimbury — Region of York Housing Corporation |
November 1, 2001 | |
Rosetown, Richmond Hill — Region of York Housing Corporation |
November 1, 2001 | |
Springbrook Gardens, Richmond Hill — Region of York Housing Corporation |
November 1, 2001 | |
Heritage East, Newmarket — Region of York Housing Corporation |
November 1, 2001 | |
8675 Bayview Ave., Richmond Hill — Richmond Hill Co-operative Homes Inc. |
November 1, 2001 | |
Observatory Lane, Richmond Hill — Richmond Hill Ecumenical Homes Corporation |
November 1, 2001 | |
Kitchen-Breedon Manor, King — Schomberg Lions Club Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
November 1, 2001 | |
St. Luke’s Lodge, Markham — Thornhill St. Luke’s Seniors Home Inc. |
November 1, 2001 | |
325 Crosby Ave., Richmond Hill — St. Matthew’s Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
November 1, 2001 | |
90 Bainbridge Ave., Vaughan — St. Peter’s Seniors’ Residence Woodbridge Inc. |
November 1, 2001 | |
51-95 Inverlochy Blvd., Markham — Thornhill Green Co-operative Homes Inc. |
November 1, 2001 | |
Porter Place, East Gwillimbury — Transitional and Supportive Housing Service of York Region |
November 1, 2001 | |
Trinity Glen, Newmarket — United Church Developments (York Presbytery) |
November 1, 2001 | |
Cedarcrest Manor, Markham — Water Street Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
November 1, 2001 | |
172 Centre St. East, Richmond Hill — Centre Green Co-operative Homes Inc. |
June 1, 2002 | |
85 Alexander Blvd., Georgina — Our Lady of Smolensk Russian Orthodox Retirement Centre |
April 1, 2002 | |
Robinson Mews, Markham — Robinson Street Non-Profit Homes (Markham) Inc. |
April 1, 2002 | |
64 Abell Avenue, Woodbridge — Northwood Park Co-operative Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2005 | |
Algoma District Services Administration Board |
Hillcrest Heights, Michipicoten — Michipicoten Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 |
50 Durham Street, White River — The Township of White River Municipal Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
42 Algoma Street East, Thessalon — Thessalon Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Riverview Gardens, Blind River — Town of Blind River Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
St. Joseph Place, St. Joseph — Township of St. Joseph Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
District of Cochrane Social Services Administration Board |
381-383 Eighth Street, P.O. Box 2635, Cochrane, Ontario — Cochrane District Housing Support Services Inc. |
February 1, 2002 |
Cambridge Place, 250 Cambridge Ave, Iroquois Falls, Ont. — Iroquois Falls Seniors Apartment Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
100 Kenneth Crescent, P.O. Box 464, Porcupine, Ontario — Kenneth Crescent Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
44 Borden Avenue, Unit 100, Timmins, Ontario — Le Foyer des Aînés Francophones de Timmins Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
400 Shirley Street, Timmins, Ontario — Les Maisons Co-opérative des Pins Gris Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
Moosonee Non-Profit Housing — Phase II, Bay Road and 7th Street, Moosonee — Moosonee Non-Profit Housing Corporation Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
Moosonee Non-Profit Housing — Phase 1, Bay Road and Fifth Street, Moosonee — Moosonee Non-Profit Housing Corporation Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
Moosonee Non-Profit Housing — Phase III, Hutchinson Road, 5th to 7th Streets, Moosonee — Moosonee Non-Profit Housing Corporation Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
67 Mountjoy Street North, Timmins, Ontario — The City of Timmins Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
450 Shirley Street, Timmins, Ontario — The City of Timmins Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
231 Huot Street, Timmins, Ontario — Timmins Finnish Seniors’ Home Incorporated |
February 1, 2002 | |
900 Government Road, Timmins, Ontario — Tisdale Whitney Housing Co-operative Inc. |
February 1, 2002 | |
SIL Expansion, 1114 Edward Street, Hearst — Town of Hearst Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
Le Foyer, Halle Street, Hearst — Town of Hearst Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
St. Paul’s Court, 1015 Edward St., Hearst — Town of Hearst Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
1115 McLean Drive, Unit 96, Timmins, Ontario — Kaleidoscope Co-operative Homes Inc. |
June 1, 2002 | |
Place Gamelin Renovation, 44-46 Thirteenth Street, Hearst, Ontario — Town of Hearst Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
62 Hospital Drive, Moose Factory, Ont. — Mocreebec Housing Association |
August 1, 2003 | |
Kenora District Services Board |
Arthur Court Project II, 296 Arthur St., Dryden — Dryden Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 |
169 Colonization Rd., Dryden — Dryden Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
16-22 Swanson St., Units 1-9 127 First St., Dryden — Dryden Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
141 First St., Dryden — Dryden Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
108 Orvis St. / 37-39 Ingall Dr. / 182-184 Cecil Ave., Dryden — Dryden Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Second Stage Crisis, Dryden — Hoshizaki House Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Park Place Seniors, 809 Superior St., Keewatin — Keewatin Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Benedickson Crt., 450 Laurenson Lane, Kenora — Kenora Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Heenan Place Phase I, 1208 Heenan Pl. / Granite Crt., Kenora — Kenora Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Pine Portage Phase II, 1521-1527 Pine Portage Rd., 4 Woods Dr., 7 MacDonel St., Kenora — Kenora Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Pine Portage Phase III, Pine Portage & 4th St. North, Kenora — Kenora Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Henesy Terrace Phase IV, 14 Woods Dr. / Lot 11-Pine Portage, Kenora — Kenora Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Eagle River / Friendship Sts., Machin — Machin Municipal Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Vermilion Bay, 20-38 Primerose St., Machin — Machin Municipal Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Willow St. / Eagleview Terrace, 32 Willow St. at Railway Ave., Machin — Machin Municipal Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Family Housing Phase I, 5 Howey Bay Rd., Red Lake — Red Lake Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Family Housing Phase II, 5 Howey Bay Rd., Red Lake — Red Lake Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Low Income Singles / Homeless, Summer Rd., Red Lake — Red Lake Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Brenton Apt., 62-64 Third St.- Uren Crt., Sioux Lookout — Town of Sioux Lookout Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Family Housing, Seventh Ave., Sioux Lookout — Town of Sioux Lookout Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
First Street, 48,50,52,54,56,58,60 (A,B,C, D) First St., Sioux Lookout — Town of Sioux Lookout Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
First Street, 64 First St., Sioux Lookout — Town of Sioux Lookout Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
II Sutton Place, 38 Third St., Sioux Lookout — Town of Sioux Lookout Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Seventh / First Sts., 40,42,44,46 Seventh Ave./80,84,88 First St., Sioux Lookout — Town of Sioux Lookout Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Sioux Towers I, 33 Third Ave., Sioux Lookout — Town of Sioux Lookout Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Sioux Towers II, 33 Third Ave., Sioux Lookout — Town of Sioux Lookout Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Women In Crisis — Seventh Ave. Project, Sioux Lookout — First Step Women’s Shelter |
January 1, 2002 | |
Manitoulin-Sudbury District Social Services Administration Board |
14 Water Street, P.O. Bag 298, Gore Bay — Gore Bay Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 |
48 Meredith Street West, P.O. Box 375, Little Current — Little Current Place Non-Profit Housing and Elderly Citizens Centre Corporation |
February 1, 2002 | |
District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board |
480 Olive St., North Bay — Castle Arms Non-Profit Apartment Corporation |
December 1, 2001 |
520 Olive St., North Bay — Castle Arms Non-Profit Apartment Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
400 Olive St., North Bay — Castle Arms Non-Profit Apartment Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Place St. Vincent, North Bay — Habitation Suprêmes North Bay Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
Trillium Terrace, North Bay — Holy Name Community Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
135 Marshall Avenue, North Bay — Niska Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
Cedarcrest, North Bay — North Bay Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
545 McNamara Street, North Bay — North Bay Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Birchcrest, North Bay — North Bay Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Phara Phase I — Phara Place, North Bay — Physically Handicapped Adults’ Rehabilitation Association Nipissing - Parry Sound |
December 1, 2001 | |
Phara Phase II — Westwinds Village, North Bay — Physically Handicapped Adults’ Rehabilitation Association Nipissing — Parry Sound |
December 1, 2001 | |
163 King Street, Sturgeon Falls — Résidences Mutuelles (Légion 225) Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
Temagami — Lakeshore Drive, Temagami — Temagami Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
Temagami — Ronnocco House, Temagami — Temagami Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 | |
480 Fisher Street, North Bay — Triple Link Senior Citizen Homes North Bay Inc. |
December 1, 2001 | |
115 Coursol Road, Sturgeon Falls — West Nipissing Non-Profit Housing Corporation-La Corporation de Logement à But Non-Lucratif de Nipissing Ouest |
December 1, 2001 | |
119 Coursol Road, Sturgeon Falls — West Nipissing Non-Profit Housing Corporation-La Corporation de Logement à But Non-Lucratif de Nipissing Ouest |
December 1, 2001 | |
Allain Court, Sturgeon Falls — West Nipissing Non-Profit Housing Corporation-La Corporation de Logement à But Non-Lucratif de Nipissing Ouest |
December 1, 2001 | |
Demers Street, Sturgeon Falls — West Nipissing Non-Profit Housing Corporation-La Corporation de Logement à But Non-Lucratif de Nipissing Ouest |
December 1, 2001 | |
District of Parry Sound Social Services Administration Board |
14A Parry Sound Road, Parry Sound — Affordable Housing Now for Parry Sound Corporation |
March 1, 2002 |
Parry Sound MNPHC — Phase II — 12, 13, 15, 16 Railway St. & 7 MacFarlane St., Parry Sound — Parry Sound Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
The Pines, 325 Catherine Avenue, Powassan — The Golden Sunshine Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
District of Rainy River Social Services Administration Board |
Crisis Centre-Hematite (shelter), Atikokan — Atikokan Crisis Centre |
January 1, 2002 |
Rivercrest Terrace Apt., Armstrong Point, Atikokan — The Township of Atikokan Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
425 & 427 Nelson St., Fort Frances — Columbus Place for Seniors of Fort Frances Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
5th St. West / Home St., Fort Frances — Faith Non-Profit Housing Corp. (Fort Frances) |
January 1, 2002 | |
808-818 Victoria Ave. / 811-817 Christie Ave., Fort Frances — Fort Frances Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
260 Front St., Emo — Golden Age Manor (EMO) Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
Morley Meadowside Manor-Stratton Seniors, Hwy# 617 & Dufill St., Morley — Morley Municipal Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
District of Sault Ste. Marie Social Services Administration Board |
80 Sackville Road, Sault Ste. Marie — Croatian Housing Association of Sault Ste. Marie |
March 1, 2002 |
1001 Second Line West, Sault Ste. Marie — Haldimand Co-operative Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
Villa Santa Maria, 4 East Street, Sault Ste. Marie — Italian Housing Corporation of Sault Ste. Marie |
March 1, 2002 | |
101 Chaumiere Place, Sault Ste. Marie — La Co-opérative d’Habitation la Chaumière Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
95 Constellation Place, Sault Ste. Marie — Orion Co-operative Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
58 Pawating Place, Sault Ste. Marie — Pawating Co-operative Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
Moose Lodge Apartments, 539 & 541 Trunk Road, Sault Ste. Marie — Sault Moose Lodge Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
Columbian Towers — Phase I, 277 Northern Avenue East, Sault Ste. Marie — The Columbus Club of Sault Ste. Marie Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
Columbian Towers — Phase II, 277A Northern Avenue East, Sault Ste. Marie — The Columbus Club of Sault Ste. Marie Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
Lions Place, 623 Bay Street, Sault Ste. Marie — The Lions Club of Sault Ste. Marie Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 | |
50 Creek Side Lane, Sault Ste. Marie — Vesta Co-operative Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2002 | |
Cara II, 59 Old Garden River Road, Sault Ste. Marie — Cara Community Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board |
Wakaigin Housing I (shelter), Thunder Bay — Beendigen Incorporated |
January 1, 2002 |
Wakaigin Housing II ((shelter), Thunder Bay — Beendigen Incorporated |
January 1, 2002 | |
93 Skinner Ave. & Hwy #11, Longlac — Chateaulac Housing Incorporated |
January 1, 2002 | |
425 North Vickers Street, Thunder Bay — City of Thunder Bay Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
January 1, 2002 | |
14 Scattered Units, Turnkey St., First Ave, Picton Ave, Arundel St., Thunder Bay — City of Thunder Bay Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
January 1, 2002 | |
1908, 1930, 1940 Frederica St. West, Thunder Bay — City of Thunder Bay Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
January 1, 2002 | |
Gore St., Neebing Ave., Shuniah St., Stephens St., Thunder Bay — City of Thunder Bay Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
January 1, 2002 | |
Jasper Seniors Building, 1200 Jasper Drive, Thunder Bay — City of Thunder Bay Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
January 1, 2002 | |
Lakeside House, 283 Pearl St., Thunder Bay — City of Thunder Bay Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
January 1, 2002 | |
PH I — Parsons — Scattered Units, Thunder Bay — City of Thunder Bay Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
January 1, 2002 | |
PH II — Parsons, Parsons, Kenwood, Melvin Ave., Thunder Bay — City of Thunder Bay Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
January 1, 2002 | |
Picton I, Picton Ave. / Tamarack Cresc., Thunder Bay — City of Thunder Bay Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
January 1, 2002 | |
Picton II, Picton Ave. / Blucher Ave. / McLaughlin St., Thunder Bay — City of Thunder Bay Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
January 1, 2002 | |
Picton III, 69-111 Picton Avenue, Thunder Bay — City of Thunder Bay Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
January 1, 2002 | |
Ross / Donald St., 210 Ross St, Thunder Bay — City of Thunder Bay Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
January 1, 2002 | |
Cumberland Crt., 76 South Cumberland St., Thunder Bay — City of Thunder Bay Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
January 1, 2002 | |
The Habitat-Pearl, 219 Pearl St., Thunder Bay — City of Thunder Bay Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
January 1, 2002 | |
Walkover St, Cuyler St., Regina St., Picadilly St., Thunder Bay — City of Thunder Bay Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
January 1, 2002 | |
225 Ross St., Thunder Bay — Fort William Legion Branch No. 6 Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Phase I, 2nd Ave. SW & 1st St. East (scattered), Geraldton — Geraldton Municipal Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Phase II, 215 3rd Ave., Geraldton — Geraldton Municipal Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Phase III, 217 3rd Ave. NE & 1205, 1219 First St. East, Geraldton — Geraldton Municipal Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Hellenic Village, 700-758 Athens Dr., Thunder Bay — Greek Orthodox Community of the Holy Trinity (Fort William-Port Arthur) |
January 1, 2002 | |
411 Frontenac Bay / 415 Victoria Ave., Thunder Bay — Holy Cross Villa of Thunder Bay |
January 1, 2002 | |
256 Wolseley St., Thunder Bay — Holy Protection Millennium Home |
January 1, 2002 | |
Legion Park, R.R. #5, Hwy 11-17, Thunder Bay — Kakabeka Legion Seniors Development Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
108 Hill St., Thunder Bay — Kay Bee Seniors Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Wave 2 (Seniors), 110 Hill St., Thunder Bay — Kay Bee Seniors Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Lakehead Christian Sc. — Good Shepherd Village Ph. II, 51 Walkover St., Thunder Bay — Lakehead Christian Senior Citizens Apartments, Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
Bay Court, 245 Bay St., Thunder Bay — Lutheran Community Housing Corporation of Thunder Bay |
January 1, 2002 | |
King’s Court, 535 Kingsway Ave., Thunder Bay — Lutheran Community Housing Corporation of Thunder Bay |
January 1, 2002 | |
Luther Court, 185-201 South Court St., Thunder Bay — Lutheran Community Housing Corporation of Thunder Bay |
January 1, 2002 | |
Pioneer Court, 273 Pioneer Dr., Thunder Bay — Lutheran Community Housing Corporation of Thunder Bay |
January 1, 2002 | |
PH I — Huron Walk & Moose, Moose & Otter Ave., Manitouwadge — Manitouwadge Municipal Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
PH II — Otter Ave. & McDonald St., Manitouwadge — Manitouwadge Municipal Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
PH III — Manitou Rd. at McDonald, Manitouwadge — Manitouwadge Municipal Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
PH IV — 17-19 Ohsweken Road, Manitouwadge — Manitouwadge Municipal Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
PH 1 — Warwick Square, 5 Hemlo Drive, Marathon — Marathon Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
PH II — 2 & 4 Abrams Street, Marathon — Marathon Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
4 Wildwood Trail, Marathon — Marathon Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Wave 2 Project — 230 N. Fitzgerald, 232 E. Otto, 631 McLaughlin, Thunder Bay — Matawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Mountainview Court, Brampton St. at Taylor Ave., Red Rock — Red Rock Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
St. Paul’s Place, 30 Secord St., Thunder Bay — St. Paul’s United Church Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
527 County Blvd., Thunder Bay — Suomi Koti of Thunder Bay Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
205-207 McKellar St., Thunder Bay — Thunder Bay Metro Lions Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
1209 Victoria Avenue East, Thunder Bay — Thunder Bay Metro Lions Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Greenmantle Apt., 102-104, 106 Wade Cres., Nipigon — Nipigon Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
Rock Life Skills, Wadsworth St., Nipigon — Nipigon Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 | |
511 Kingsway Ave., Thunder Bay — Thunder Bay Deaf Housing Inc. |
January 1, 2002 | |
District of Timiskaming Social Services Administration Board |
60 Fifth Street, Kirkland Lake — Kirkland Lake Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
April 1, 2002 |
165-195 Pollock Avenue, Kirkland Lake — Kirkland Lake Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
April 1, 2002 | |
105 Market Street, New Liskeard — New Liskeard Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
103 Market Street, New Liskeard — New Liskeard Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 | |
259 Gordon Drive, Haileybury — Royal Canadian Legion Zone K 1 and Area Veterans Home Corporation |
April 1, 2002 |
O. Reg. 339/01, Table 1; O. Reg. 408/01, s. 5; O. Reg. 453/01, s. 3; O. Reg. 86/02, s. 9; O. Reg. 181/02, s. 8; O. Reg. 324/02, s. 1; O. Reg. 146/03, s. 1; O. Reg. 307/03, s. 1; O. Reg. 25/04, s. 1; O. Reg. 341/04, s. 3; O. Reg. 151/05, s. 1; O. Reg. 50/06, s. 1; O. Reg. 90/06, s. 1; O. Reg. 345/06, s. 1; O. Reg. 431/06, s. 1; O. Reg. 74/07, s. 1.
TABLE 2 Revoked: O. Reg. 456/06, s. 2.
Item |
Column 1 |
Column 2 |
Column 3 |
Column 4 |
Column 5 |
Service Manager |
Housing Provider |
Index for projects heated by electricity |
Index for projects heated by natural gas |
Year | |
1. |
County of Lambton |
Ozanam Non-Profit Housing, Sarnia-Lambton |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
2. |
City of Kingston |
Bridge House (Kingston) Incorporated |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
3. |
City of Kingston |
Kingston Home Base Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
4. |
City of Kingston |
North Frontenac Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
5. |
City of Kingston |
Royal Canadian Legion Villa Kingston |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
6. |
City of Kingston |
The Elizabeth Fry Society of Kingston |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
7. |
Regional Municipality of Peel |
Armagh |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
8. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
House of Friendship of Kitchener |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
9. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
Kitchener-Waterloo Young Women’s Christian Association |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
10. |
Regional Municipality of York |
Transitional and Supportive Housing Service of York Region |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
11. |
City of Hamilton |
Housing Our People Economically |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
12. |
City of Hamilton |
Southern Lights Co-operative Homes Inc. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
13. |
City of Hamilton |
St. Matthew’s House |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
14. |
City of Hamilton |
Wesley Community Homes Inc. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
15. |
City of Hamilton |
Women’s Community Co-operative Inc. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
16. |
County of Oxford |
Anchorage Homes, Services & Initiatives Inc. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
17. |
County of Oxford |
Ingamo Family Homes (Woodstock) Inc. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
18. |
County of Grey |
Maam-Wiim-Win Native Homes Corporation |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
19. |
County of Grey |
The Women’s Centre (Grey-Bruce) Inc. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
20. |
District of Nipissing Social Service Administration Board |
Triple Link Homes Incorporated |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
21. |
District of Nipissing Social Service Administration Board |
West Nipissing Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
22. |
City of Brantford |
Brantford — Hotinohsioni Inc. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
23. |
City of Brantford |
Jaycees Brantford Non-Profit Homes Corporation |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
24. |
County of Dufferin |
Family Transition Place (Dufferin) Foundation |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
25. |
City of Windsor |
Glengarry Non-Profit Housing Corporation (Phase II) |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
26. |
City of Windsor |
Windsor Coalition Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
27. |
City of Windsor |
Windsor Y Residence Inc. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
28. |
Kenora District Services Board |
First Step Women’s Shelter |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
29. |
Kenora District Services Board |
Hoshizaki House Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
30. |
Kenora District Services Board |
Red Lake Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
31. |
District of Rainy River Social Services Administration Board |
Atikokan Crisis Centre |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
32. |
District of Rainy River Social Services Administration Board |
Faith Non-Profit Housing Corp. (Fort Frances) |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
33. |
District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board |
Beendigen Incorporated |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
34. |
District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board |
Geraldton Municipal Housing Corporation |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
35. |
District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board |
Mattawa Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
36. |
District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board |
Thunder Bay Deaf Housing Inc. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
37. |
District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board |
Thunder Bay Metro Lions Housing Corporation |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
38. |
Regional Municipality of Durham |
Cornerstone Community Association Durham Inc. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
39. |
Regional Municipality of Durham |
The Oshawa Young Women’s Christian Association |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
40. |
City of London |
Kinwell Place Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
41. |
City of London |
LIFT Non-Profit Housing of London Inc. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
42. |
City of London |
Mission Services of London |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
43. |
City of London |
Women’s Community House |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
44. |
County of Wellington |
Abbeyfield Houses Society of Guelph |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
45. |
County of Wellington |
Matrix Affordable Homes for the Disadvantaged Inc. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
46. |
District of Cochrane Social Services Administration Board |
Cochrane District Housing Support Services Inc. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
47. |
City of Cornwall |
Cornwall Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
48. |
County of Huron |
Phoenix State 2 Housing (Victims of Family Violence) of Huron County |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
49. |
City of Peterborough |
Kairos Non-Profit Housing of Peterborough |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
50. |
City of Peterborough |
Kiwanis Club of Scott’s Plains Peterborough, Ontario, Inc. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
51. |
City of St. Thomas |
Port Burwell Family Residences |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
52. |
District of Parry Sound Social Services Administration Board |
Parry Sound Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
53. |
City of Kawartha Lakes |
Neighbourhood Housing in Lindsay |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
54. |
County of Northumberland |
Campbellford Memorial Multicare Lodge |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
55. |
County of Northumberland |
Cobourg Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
56. |
City of Ottawa |
City of Ottawa N.P.H.C. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
57. |
City of Ottawa |
Daybreak Non-Profit Shelter (Ecumenical) Corporation |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
58. |
City of Ottawa |
Emily Murphy Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
59. |
City of Ottawa |
The Muslim Non-Profit Housing Corporation of Ottawa-Carleton |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
60. |
County of Renfrew |
Kinsmen Court Home for Men & Women (Pembroke) Inc. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
61. |
County of Renfrew |
Opeongo Non-Profit Community Residential Development Inc. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
62. |
City of Greater Sudbury |
Centreville 1 & 2 Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
63. |
City of Greater Sudbury |
Habitat Boreal Inc. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
64. |
City of Greater Sudbury |
Sudbury Y.W.C.A. Brookwood Apartments |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
65. |
Regional Municipality of Niagara |
The Bethlehem Not-for-Profit Housing Projects of Niagara |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
66. |
Municipality of Chatham-Kent |
New Beginnings Housing Project of Chatham |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
67. |
District Municipality of Muskoka |
Huntsville Legion Seniors Manor |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
68. |
City of Hamilton |
Hamilton East Kiwanis Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
69. |
The City of Kingston |
Phoenix Homes Kingston |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
70. |
City of Toronto |
127 Isabella Non-Profit Residence Inc. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
71. |
City of Toronto |
A.H.E. Affordable Housing East Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
72. |
City of Toronto |
Anduhyaun Inc. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
73. |
City of Toronto |
Dixon Neighbourhood Homes Incorporated |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
74. |
City of Toronto |
Ecuhome Corporation |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
75. |
City of Toronto |
Evangel Hall Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
76. |
City of Toronto |
Fred Victor Centre |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
77. |
City of Toronto |
House of Compassion of Toronto |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
78. |
City of Toronto |
Innstead Co-operative Inc. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
79. |
City of Toronto |
Nishnawbe Homes Incorporated |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
80. |
City of Toronto |
Riverdale Co-operative Houses |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
81. |
City of Toronto |
St. Margaret Community Homes, Scarborough |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
82. |
City of Toronto |
START 103 Non-Profit Homes Corporation |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
83. |
City of Toronto |
Toronto Refugee Community Non-Profit Homes and Services |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
84. |
City of Toronto |
YSM Genesis Place Homes Inc. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
85. |
City of Stratford |
Emily Murphy Second Stage Residence |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
86. |
City of Toronto |
All Saints Church Homes for Tomorrow Society |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
87. |
City of Toronto |
Mary Lambert Swale Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
88. |
City of Toronto |
Operation Springboard |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
89. |
City of Toronto |
Toronto Christian Resource Centre Self-Help Inc. |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
90. |
City of Toronto |
Wood Tree Co-operative Incorporated |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
91. |
County of Dufferin |
Hiwhois Assistance Group |
10.32 |
23.79 |
2007 |
O. Reg. 455/06, s. 1.
Column 1 |
Column 2 |
Column 3 |
Column 4 | |
Service Manager |
Index for projects heated by electricity |
Index for project heated with fuel other than electricity |
Year | |
1. |
City of Toronto |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
2. |
Regional Municipality of Durham |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
3. |
Norfolk County |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
4. |
Regional Municipality of Halton |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
5. |
City of Hamilton |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
6. |
Regional Municipality of Niagara |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
7. |
City of Ottawa |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
8. |
Regional Municipality of Peel |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
9. |
City of Greater Sudbury |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
10. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
11. |
Regional Municipality of York |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
12. |
District Municipality of Muskoka |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
13. |
City of Brantford |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
14. |
County of Bruce |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
15. |
Municipality of Chatham-Kent |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
16. |
County of Dufferin |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
17. |
City of St. Thomas |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
18. |
City of Windsor |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
19. |
City of Kingston |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
20. |
County of Grey |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
21. |
County of Hastings |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
22. |
County of Huron |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
23. |
County of Lambton |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
24. |
County of Lanark |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
25. |
United Counties of Leeds and Grenville |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
26. |
County of Lennox and Addington |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
27. |
City of London |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
28. |
County of Northumberland |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
29. |
County of Oxford |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
30. |
City of Stratford |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
31. |
City of Peterborough |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
32. |
United Counties of Prescott and Russell |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
33. |
County of Renfrew |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
34. |
County of Simcoe |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
35. |
City of Cornwall |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
36. |
City of Kawartha Lakes |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
37. |
County of Wellington |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
38. |
Algoma District Services Administration Board |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
39. |
District of Sault Ste. Marie Social Services Administration Board |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
40. |
District of Cochrane Social Services Administration Board |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
41. |
Kenora District Services Board |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
42. |
Manitoulin-Sudbury District Social Services Administration Board |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
43. |
District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
44. |
District of Parry Sound Social Services Administration Board |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
45. |
District of Rainy River Social Services Administration Board |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
46. |
District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
47. |
District of Timiskaming Social Services Administration Board |
1.00 |
1.00 |
2002 |
O. Reg. 339/01, Table 4; O. Reg. 86/02, s. 11.