O. Reg. 259/04: MINIMUM CAPITAL TEST, Insurance Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. I.8

Insurance Act
Loi sur les assurances


No Amendments


Historical version for the period August 26, 2004 to September 30, 2004.

Note: This Regulation comes into force on October 1, 2004. See: O. Reg. 259/04, s. 6.

This Regulation is made in English only.


1. In this Regulation,

“guideline” means the document made by the Superintendent and entitled, “Minimum Capital Test Guideline for Property and Casualty Insurance Companies, Superintendent’s Guideline No. 08/04”, dated August, 2004, as amended from time to time, which document is available on the web site of the Financial Services Commission of Ontario. O. Reg. 259/04, s. 1.

Requirement for s. 102 (8) of Act

2. For the purposes of subsection 102 (8) of the Act, every insurer shall for every fiscal year, commencing with the fourth quarter of the 2004 fiscal year, maintain capital in compliance with the requirements set out in the guideline. O. Reg. 259/04, s. 2.

Maximum proportions

3. The maximum proportion of risks that an insurer may reinsure with insurers that are not licensed under the Act shall be determined in accordance with the guideline. O. Reg. 259/04, s. 3.


4. This Regulation does not apply to an insurer that comes within a class set out in paragraph 4, 7 or 8 of subsection 42 (1) of the Act. O. Reg. 259/04, s. 4.

5. Omitted (revokes other Regulations). O. Reg. 259/04, s. 5.


6. This Regulation comes into force on October 1, 2004. O. Reg. 259/04, s. 6.