O. Reg. 570/05: LICENSING OF ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS AND MASTER ELECTRICIANS, Electricity Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, c. 15, Sched. A
Electricity Act, 1998
Loi de 1998 sur l’électricité
Historical version for the period January 1, 2007 to May 31, 2011.
No amendments.
This Regulation is made in English only.
Interpretation and Application
1. (1) In this Regulation,
“certificate of qualification” means a certificate of qualification issued under the Trades Qualification and Apprenticeship Act or the Apprenticeship and Certification Act, 1998, as the case may be;
“electrical contracting business” means a business that is engaged in the carrying out of electrical work;
“electrical contractor” means a person who is licensed to operate an electrical contracting business under this Regulation;
“electrical equipment” means any apparatus, appliance, device, instrument, fitting, fixture, machinery, material or thing used in or for, or capable of being used in or for, the generation, transformation, transmission, distribution, supply or utilization of electric power or energy, and, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, includes any assemblage or combination of materials or things which is used, or is capable of being used or adapted, to serve or perform any particular purpose or function when connected to an electrical installation, notwithstanding that any of such materials or things may be mechanical, metallic or non-electric in origin;
“electrical installation” means the installation of any wiring in or upon any land, building or premises from the point or points where electric power or energy can be supplied from any source to the point or points where such power or energy can be used in or on the land, building or premises by any electrical equipment, including the connection of any such wiring with any of that equipment, and any part of the wiring, and the maintenance, alteration, extension and repair of such wiring;
“Electrical Safety Code” means the Electrical Safety Code adopted by reference in section 1 of Ontario Regulation 164/99 (Electrical Safety Code) made under the Act;
“electrical work” means work within the scope of the Electrical Safety Code that consists of constructing, installing, protecting, maintaining, repairing, extending, altering, connecting or disconnecting any electrical installation or electrical equipment;
“industrial establishment” means an office building, factory, arena, shop or office, and any land, buildings and structures appertaining thereto;
“master electrician” means an individual who is licensed under this Regulation to assume the responsibilities set out in section 6 for the carrying out of electrical work on behalf of an electrical contractor;
“prior electrical contractor licence” means a licence that was issued before July 1, 2006 by a municipality or other jurisdiction authorizing the operation of an electrical contracting business within the municipality or other jurisdiction and that was valid and in good standing on June 30, 2006;
“prior master electrician licence” means a licence that was issued before July 1, 2006 by a municipality or other jurisdiction authorizing the holder of the licence to assume responsibilities similar to those set out in section 6 for electrical work carried out on behalf of an electrical contractor within the municipality or other jurisdiction and that was valid and in good standing on June 30, 2006;
“professional engineer” means a holder of licence, a limited licence or a temporary licence issued under the Professional Engineers Act. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 1 (1).
(2) The use in this Regulation of “employ” and “employee” refers to the employer-employee relationship and not to an arrangement whereby a person engages an independent contractor to work on the person’s behalf. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 1 (2).
Non-application of regulation
2. This Regulation does not apply to a person engaged in the following types of electrical work:
1. Work done on original equipment of a manufacturer if done by an employee or agent of the original equipment manufacturer who has been trained by the manufacturer to perform maintenance, service or repair on the equipment and if the work being done does not include extending or altering the equipment or installing, extending, altering or repairing any electrical wiring connected to that equipment.
2. Work done on equipment or electrical installations within an industrial establishment or on a farm if done by an owner, an operator or an employee of the owner or operator.
3. Work done on electrical equipment or installations within a residential dwelling if done by an owner or occupant of the dwelling.
4. Work done on the controls and equipment within refrigeration and air-conditioning units by a person authorized to do such work under Ontario Regulation 75/05 (Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic) made under the Trades Qualification and Apprenticeship Act.
5. Work done on fire protection alarm systems by a person authorized to do such work under Regulation 1078 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 (Sprinkler and Fire Protection Installer) made under the Trades Qualification and Apprenticeship Act.
6. Work done on elevators and escalators by a person authorized to do such work under Ontario Regulation 209/01 (Elevating Devices) made under the Technical Standards and Safety Act, 2000.
7. Work done on electrical components of appliances by a person authorized to do such work under Ontario Regulation 210/01 (Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems), Ontario Regulation 211/01 (Propane Storage and Handling) and Ontario Regulation 215/01 (Fuel Industry Certificates) made under the Technical Standards and Safety Act, 2000.
8. Work done on electrical equipment that plugs into an electrical source if the work being done constitutes maintenance, service or repair of the equipment that does not include extending or altering the equipment or installing, extending, altering or repairing any electrical wiring connected to that equipment.
9. Work done that falls within the scope of Ontario Regulation 22/04 (Electrical Distribution Safety) made under the Electricity Act, 1998.
10. Work done on any electrical equipment or electrical installation that is specifically excluded by Rule 2-000 of the Electrical Safety Code. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 2.
Licence required, electrical contractor
3. No person shall operate an electrical contracting business without an electrical contractor licence issued under this Regulation. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 3.
Duties of electrical contractor
4. (1) An electrical contractor shall ensure that all electrical work carried out on the electrical contractor’s behalf is carried out in accordance with all applicable laws, including the Electrical Safety Code and the laws relating to health and safety, employment standards, consumer protection, business tax and business practices. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 4 (1).
(2) An electrical contractor shall designate one or more master electricians to assume the responsibilities set out in section 6 for the carrying out of electrical work on the contractor’s behalf. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 4 (2).
(3) An electrical contractor shall not designate a master electrician under subsection (2) if the designation will result in the master electrician acting as a designated master electrician on behalf of more than one electrical contractor at the same time. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 4 (3).
Licence required, master electrician
5. No person shall assume the responsibilities set out in section 6 for the carrying out of electrical work on behalf of an electrical contractor without a master electrician licence issued under this Regulation. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 5.
Responsibilities of designated master electrician
6. A master electrician designated by an electrical contractor is, within the scope of the designation, responsible,
(a) for the personal planning and direct supervision of electrical work carried out on behalf of the electrical contractor;
(b) for ensuring that the electrical work is carried out in accordance with applicable law, including the Electrical Safety Code and the laws relating to health and safety and consumer protection, on behalf of the electrical contractor; and
(c) for other matters of a similar nature. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 6.
Prohibitions, master electrician
7. (1) A master electrician shall not accept a designation from an electrical contractor unless the master electrician is actively employed by the designating electrical contractor. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 7 (1).
(2) A master electrician designated by an electrical contractor shall not accept a designation from another electrical contractor if accepting the second designation will result in the master electrician acting in this capacity on behalf of more than one electrical contractor at the same time. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 7 (2).
(3) A master electrician shall not carry out electrical work unless he or she holds a valid certificate of qualification authorizing the carrying out of the electrical work. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 7 (3).
Electrical contractor licence: requirements
8. A person who applies for an electrical contractor licence shall not be issued the licence unless the applicant,
(a) in the case of an individual, is at least 18 years old;
(b) is a master electrician or, if the applicant is not a master electrician, the applicant employs at least one master electrician whom the applicant has designated as having the responsibilities set out in section 6 for the carrying out of electrical work on the applicant’s behalf;
(c) has a place of business in Ontario;
(d) has public liability and property damage insurance coverage of at least $2,000,000;
(e) has registered with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, if the applicant is required to register under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997;
(f) is not in default of filing a return with the Minister of Finance or of paying any tax, penalty or interest assessed under the Retail Sales Tax Act or the Corporations Tax Act, if applicable, for which payment arrangements have not been made; and
(g) does not owe the Authority any money for which payment arrangements have not been made. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 8.
Application for electrical contractor licence
9. An application for an electrical contractor licence shall,
(a) be in the form established by the Authority under clause 12 (1) (a) of the Safety and Consumer Statutes Administration Act, 1996 and be completed in full;
(b) be accompanied by the fee set by and payable to the Authority;
(c) include a certificate of insurance for public liability and property damage insurance coverage of at least $2,000,000;
(d) include the applicant’s employer account number issued by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board if the applicant is required to have one. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 9.
Provisional electrical contractor licence: requirements and application procedure
10. (1) A person may be issued a provisional electrical contractor licence in accordance with this section if, on July 1, 2006,
(a) the person operates an electrical contracting business in a part of Ontario where a licence to operate an electrical contracting business was not required on June 30, 2006; or
(b) the person operates an electrical contracting business in a part of Ontario where a licence to operate the business was required on June 30, 2006 and the person held the required licence on that date, but it was not a condition for the obtaining of that licence that the person either hold a prior master electrician licence, or employ a person with a prior master electrician licence and assign to that person responsibilities similar to those set out in section 6. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 10 (1).
(2) A provisional electrical contractor licence shall not be issued unless the applicant,
(a) in the case of an individual, is at least 18 years old;
(b) has a place of business in Ontario;
(c) demonstrates at least five years experience in,
(i) operating an electrical contracting business in a part of Ontario where a licence to operate such a business was not required on June 30, 2006, or in operating an electrical contracting business in a part of Ontario where a licence to operate such a business was required on June 30, 2006 and the person held the required licence on that date, but where it was not a condition for obtaining that licence that the person either hold a prior master electrician licence or employ a person with a prior master electrician licence and assign to that person responsibilities similar to those set out in section 6, and
(ii) carrying out electrical work;
(d) demonstrates that the applicant has been in compliance with the requirements of Rule 2-004 of the Electrical Safety Code for at least five years;
(e) has public liability and property damage insurance coverage of at least $2,000,000;
(f) has registered with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, if the applicant is required to register under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997;
(g) is not in default of filing a return with the Minister of Finance or of paying any tax, penalty or interest assessed under the Retail Sales Tax Act or the Corporations Tax Act, if applicable, for which payment arrangements have not been made; and
(h) does not owe the Authority any money for which payment arrangements have not been made. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 10 (2).
(3) A person described in subsection (1) may apply for a provisional electrical contractor licence between July 1, 2006 and November 30, 2006 and, with the Director’s approval, after November 30, 2006, if, in the Director’s opinion, it would be a hardship not to allow the person to apply. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 10 (3).
(4) An application for a provisional electrical contractor licence shall be in the form established by the Authority under clause 12 (1) (a) of the Safety and Consumer Statutes Administration Act, 1996, be completed in full and be accompanied by the fee set by and payable to the Authority. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 10 (4).
(5) An applicant for a provisional electrical contractor licence shall provide with the application proof of the matters set out in clauses (2) (b) to (f) and, if applicable, evidence that the applicant has made arrangements for payment with the Minister of Finance. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 10 (5).
(6) For the purpose of proving the matters set out in clauses (2) (e) and (f), the applicant shall provide,
(a) a certificate of insurance for public liability and property damage insurance coverage of at least $2,000,000;
(b) the applicant’s employer account number issued by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board if the applicant is required to have one. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 10 (6).
Master electrician licence: requirements
11. An individual who applies for a master electrician licence shall not be issued the licence unless the applicant,
(a) is at least 18 years old;
(b) demonstrates at least three years experience,
(i) as a construction and maintenance electrician, a domestic and rural electrician or an industrial electrician carrying out electrical work under a valid certificate of qualification,
(ii) working for an electrical contractor as a licensed professional engineer registered with the Professional Engineers of Ontario, or
(iii) working for an electrical contractor in the capacity of a certified engineering technician or a certified engineering technologist registered with the Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists;
(c) has passed the master electrician qualifying examination within the 12-month period preceding the date of the application; and
(d) does not owe the Authority any money for which payment arrangements have not been made. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 11.
Application for master electrician licence
12. An application for a master electrician licence shall,
(a) be in a form established by the Authority under clause 12 (1) (a) of the Safety and Consumer Statutes Administration Act, 1996 and be completed in full;
(b) be accompanied by the fee set by and payable to the Authority;
(c) include proof that the applicant passed the master electrician qualifying examination within the 12-month period preceding the date of the application;
(d) if the applicant is a construction and maintenance electrician, a domestic and rural electrician or an industrial electrician, include a copy of a valid certificate of qualification and proof of at least three years experience in carrying out electrical work;
(e) if the applicant is a licensed professional engineer, include a copy of a valid licence issued under the Professional Engineers Act and proof of at least three years experience working for an electrical contractor as a professional engineer; and
(f) if the applicant is a certified engineering technician or a certified engineering technologist, include a copy of a valid certificate indicating that the applicant is a certified engineering technician or a certified engineering technologist, a copy of a valid registration with the Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists and proof of at least three years experience working for an electrical contractor as a certified engineering technician or a certified engineering technologist. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 12.
13. (1) An electrical contractor licence and a provisional electrical contractor licence shall be in the form of a certificate that includes the following information:
1. Whether the licence is an electrical contractor licence or a provisional electrical contractor licence.
2. The legal name of the business, the name under which it operates and its current address.
3. The number of the licence.
4. The date the licence takes effect and its expiry date. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 13 (1).
(2) A master electrician licence shall be in the form of a card bearing a recent photograph of the licence holder, that includes the following information:
1. The name of the licence holder.
2. The type of certificate or licence relied upon by the licence holder to obtain the licence under this Regulation.
3. The number of the licence.
4. The date the licence takes effect and its expiry date. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 13 (2).
(3) A licence is valid throughout Ontario. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 13 (3).
(4) A licence is not transferable. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 13 (4).
(5) A licence shall be deemed to be, as applicable, a prior electrical contractor licence or a prior master electrician licence for the purpose of any municipal by-law. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 13 (5).
Contractor failure to continue to meet requirements for licence
14. (1) The holder of an electrical contractor licence or a provisional electrical contractor licence shall immediately cease to operate the electrical contracting business in respect of which the electrical contractor licence or provisional electrical contractor licence is issued if any of the requirements for obtaining the licence, as set out in section 8 or section 10, cease to be met during the currency of the licence. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 14 (1).
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the holder of an electrical contractor licence who ceases to meet the requirement to employ at least one designated master electrician, as set out in subsection 8 (2) if the electrical contractor notifies the Director of the loss of the last designated master electrician within five days of the occurrence, in which case the electrical contractor may continue to operate for a period of 60 days after the occurrence. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 14 (2).
(3) Despite subsection (2), if the expiry date indicated on the licence falls within the 60-day period and the electrical contractor has been unable to employ and designate a master electrician before the expiry date indicated on the licence, the licence expires on the expiry date. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 14 (3).
(4) If, within the 60-day period, the electrical contractor employs and designates a master electrician and notifies the Director of the designation, the electrical contractor may continue to operate beyond the end of the 60-day period. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 14 (4).
(5) If, within the 60-day period, the electrical contractor fails to employ and designate a master electrician, the electrical contractor shall cease to operate at the end of that period unless, at the request of the electrical contractor made at any time within the 60-day period, the Director permits the electrical contractor to continue to operate for up to 60 further days on being satisfied that,
(a) the electrical contractor has made all reasonable efforts to employ and designate a master electrician during the first 60-day period; and
(b) it is likely that the electrical contractor will be able to employ and designate a master electrician within the period of the extension. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 14 (5).
(6) If the period of operation is extended under subsection (5) and the electrical contractor fails to employ and designate a new master electrician within the extension period, the electrical contractor shall cease immediately to operate until a master electrician has again been employed and designated and the Director is notified of the designation. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 14 (6).
Expiry and renewal of licences
15. (1) An electrical contractor licence or a provisional electrical contractor licence expires on the date indicated on the licence. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 15 (1).
(2) Despite subsection (1), the licence expires on the date the electrical contractor ceases to operate the business for which the licence was issued if that date is earlier than the expiry date indicated on the licence. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 15 (2).
(3) A master electrician licence expires on the date indicated on the licence. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 15 (3).
(4) An application for the renewal of an electrical contractor licence, a provisional electrical contractor licence or a master electrician licence shall be made no later than 30 days before the expiry date of the licence, shall be in the form established by the Authority and be accompanied by the fee set by and payable to the Authority. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 15 (4).
(5) An applicant for the renewal of an electrical contractor licence shall meet the requirements set out in clauses 8 (b) to (f) and, for that purpose, shall provide the information and proof required by clauses 9 (c) and (d). O. Reg. 570/05, s. 15 (5).
(6) An applicant for the renewal of a provisional electrical contractor licence shall meet the requirements set out in clauses 10 (2) (b) and (e) to (h) and, for that purpose, shall provide proof of the matters set out in clauses 10 (2) (b), (e) and (f), including, in the case of clauses 10 (2) (e) and (f), the types of proof specified in subsection 10 (6). O. Reg. 570/05, s. 15 (6).
(7) An applicant for the renewal of a master electrician licence shall meet the requirement set out in clause 11 (d) and provide a copy of a valid certificate of qualification, a valid licence or a valid certificate and valid registration, as applicable, under clause 12 (d), (e) or (f). O. Reg. 570/05, s. 15 (7).
(8) If the licence holder applies for a renewal less than thirty days before the expiry date but no later than 14 days after that date, the licence holder shall submit the information referred to in subsection (2), (3) or (4), as applicable, and pay the renewal fee, calculated from the date of expiry of the expired licence. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 15 (8).
(9) If the licence holder applies for a renewal more than 14 days but less than one year after the expiry date, the holder shall submit the information referred to in subsection (2), (3) or (4), as applicable, pay the renewal fee, calculated from the date of expiry of the expired licence, and the late filing fee established by the Authority. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 15 (9).
(10) An application for a renewal of a master electrician licence submitted one year or more after the expiry date of the expired licence shall be treated as a new application and all requirements relating to new applications apply, including the requirement to pass the master electrician qualifying examination. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 15 (10).
(11) An application for a renewal of an electrical contractor licence submitted one year or more after the expiry date of the expired licence shall be treated as a new application and all requirements relating to new applications apply. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 15 (11).
(12) An application for a renewal of a provisional electrical contractor licence may be made up to and including November 30, 2010, but not after. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 15 (12).
Conditions of Licences
Conditions of electrical contractor licences
16. Sections 17 to 24 state conditions of an electrical contractor licence and a provisional electrical contractor licence. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 16.
Posting of licence
17. (1) An electrical contractor shall post the licence in a prominent location at the contractor’s principal place of business in a manner that the public is likely to see it. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 17 (1).
(2) An electrical contractor shall post a copy of the licence in a prominent location at any other place of business at or from which the contractor carries on business. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 17 (2).
Business name
18. An electrical contractor shall not carry on business in a name other than the name indicated on the licence. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 18.
Display of licence number
19. An electrical contractor shall prominently display the licence number in all correspondence, contracts and advertisements, on business vehicles and, generally, in all situations where they are communicating with the public. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 19.
Retention of application information
20. An electrical contractor shall retain every document provided in the application for the licence or a renewal of the licence until the expiry of the licence or renewal. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 20.
Designations to be recorded
21. (1) An electrical contractor shall keep a record of all designations of master electricians, irrespective of the number of designations made. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 21 (1).
(2) The record mentioned in subsection (1) shall include the name of the designated master electrician, the date on which the designation is made, the period of time for which the designation is effective and the scope of the designation. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 21 (2).
Notice of changes to information
22. An electrical contractor shall notify the Director in the form obtained from him or her of any change to the information provided in the licence application or renewal of licence application within five business days of the change. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 22.
Notice of failure to meet licence requirements
23. An electrical contractor shall notify the Director immediately of any failure to continue to meet the requirements for the relevant type of electrical contractor licence during the currency of the licence. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 23.
Return of licence
24. An electrical contractor shall return the electrical contractor licence to the Director within five business days of its suspension, revocation or expiry. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 24.
Conditions of master electrician licence
25. Sections 26 to 28 state conditions of a master electrician licence. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 25.
Carrying of licence
26. A master electrician shall carry the licence while engaged in activities requiring the licence. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 26.
Retention of application information
27. A master electrician shall retain every document provided in the application for the licence or a renewal of the licence until the expiry of the licence or renewal. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 27.
Notice of changes to information
28. A master electrician shall notify the Director in the form obtained from him or her of any change to the information provided in the licence application or renewal of licence application within five business days of the change. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 28.
Notice of failure to meet licence requirements
29. A master electrician shall notify the Director immediately of any failure to continue to meet the requirements for the licence during the currency of the licence. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 29.
Return of licence
30. A master electrician shall return the master electrician licence to the Director by registered mail within five business days of its suspension, revocation or expiry. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 30.
Transition: holders of prior licences
31. (1) If, immediately before July 1, 2006, a person holds a prior electrical contractor licence or prior master electrician licence authorizing the person to engage in activities for which a licence is required under this Regulation, the person may, despite this Regulation, continue to engage in those activities until a final decision is made with respect to the issuing of a licence to the person under this Regulation. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 31 (1).
(2) The holder of a prior electrical contractor licence or a prior master electrician licence may apply to the Director for a licence under this Regulation between July 1, 2006 and November 30, 2006 and, with the Director’s approval, after November 30, 2006, if, in the Director’s opinion, it would be a hardship not to allow the person to apply. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 31 (2).
(3) The holder of a prior master electrician licence is not required, despite this Regulation, to pass the master electrician qualifying examination for the purpose of obtaining a master electrician licence under this Regulation. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 31 (3).
(4) A person is not required, despite this Regulation, to pass the master electrician qualifying examination for the purpose of obtaining a master electrician licence under this Regulation if,
(a) the person held a valid master electrician licence issued by a municipality or other jurisdiction on the day before the municipality or other jurisdiction ceased to issue such licences; and
(b) the municipality or other jurisdiction did not issue any such licences on or after December 31, 2004 and before July 1, 2006. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 31 (4).
(5) If the Director issues a licence under this Regulation to a holder of a prior electrical contractor licence or a prior master electrician licence before the expiry date of the prior licence, the Director shall,
(a) divide the total fee payable to the Authority by 12; and
(b) subtract from the total fee payable for the licence the amount that corresponds to the amount payable for the months during which the prior licence remains valid. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 31 (5).
(6) A holder of a prior electrical contractor licence may apply for a provisional electrical contractor licence under section 10. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 31 (6).
(7) A holder of a prior licence may display their municipal licence number up to and including December 31, 2007. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 31 (7).
Transition: no prior licence
32. (1) If, immediately before July 1, 2006, a person operated an electrical contracting business in a part of Ontario where a licence to operate an electrical contracting business was not required on June 30, 2006, the person may, despite this Regulation, continue to operate the business until a final decision is made with respect to the issuing of an electrical contractor licence to the person under this Regulation. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 32 (1).
(2) A person described in subsection (1) may apply to the Director for an electrical contractor licence under this Regulation between July 1, 2006 and November 30, 2006 and, with the Director’s approval, after November 30, 2006, if, in the Director’s opinion, it would be a hardship not to allow the person to apply. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 32 (2).
(3) A person described in subsection (1) may apply for an electrical contractor licence under section 9 or a provisional electrical contractor licence under section 10. O. Reg. 570/05, s. 32 (3).
33. Omitted (provides for coming into force of provisions of this Regulation). O. Reg. 570/05, s. 33.