O. Reg. 491/06: TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT IN DEFINED INDUSTRIES - AMBULANCE SERVICES, Under: Employment Standards Act, 2000, S.O. 2000, c. 41
Today, February 14, 2025, current consolidated laws on e-Laws are current (up-to-date) to February 11, 2025 (e-Laws currency date).
Employment Standards Act, 2000
Consolidation Period: From October 20, 2006 to the e-Laws currency date.
No amendments.
This is the English version of a bilingual regulation.
1. In this Regulation,
“defined industry” means the industry of providing land ambulance services or air ambulance services, as defined in the Ambulance Act; (“industrie définie”)
“emergency medical attendant” and “paramedic” have the same meanings as in the Ambulance Act. (“ambulancier” et “auxiliaire medical”) O. Reg. 491/06, s. 1.
2. This Regulation is restricted in its application to,
(a) employees in the defined industry who work as emergency medical attendants and are represented by a bargaining agent under the Labour Relations Act, 1995;
(b) employees in the defined industry who work as paramedics and are represented by a bargaining agent under the Labour Relations Act, 1995; and
(c) employers of employees described in clauses (a) and (b). O. Reg. 491/06, s. 2.
Terms and conditions of employment
3. This Regulation sets out terms and conditions of employment that apply to employees and employers described in section 2. O. Reg. 491/06, s. 3.
Hours free from work
4. (1) If an employer and the bargaining agent that represents an employee agree, subsection (2) applies to that employer and employee instead of subsection 18 (1) of the Act. O. Reg. 491/06, s. 4 (1).
(2) An employer shall give an employee a period of at least eight consecutive hours free from performing work in each day. O. Reg. 491/06, s. 4 (2).
Eating periods
5. (1) If an employer and the bargaining agent that represents an employee agree to a term that addresses the employee’s entitlement to an eating period as described in subsection (2), that term applies to that employer and employee instead of section 20 of the Act. O. Reg. 491/06, s. 5 (1).
(2) For the purpose of subsection (1), an employer and bargaining agent may agree to any of the following terms:
1. A term that entitles an employee to one or more eating periods that are or may be shorter than or at intervals that are or may be longer than are required by section 20 of the Act, including a term that does not specify the intervals.
2. A term that entitles an employee to fewer eating periods than are required by section 20 of the Act.
3. A term that entitles an employee to eating periods or to compensation or time free from performing work if the employee does not receive an eating period.
4. A term that provides that an employee is not entitled to eating periods, but provides that the employer shall make efforts to enable the employee to receive eating periods, whether or not the term entitles the employee to compensation or time free from performing work if the employee does not receive an eating period.
5. A term that provides that an employee is not entitled to eating periods.
6. A term that entitles an employee to eating periods or provides that an employee may be given an eating period, but provides that any eating period may be interrupted or missed.
7. A term that combines elements of two or more terms described in paragraphs 1 to 6. O. Reg. 491/06, s. 5 (2).