Education Act
Historical version for the period April 9, 2009 to June 3, 2010.
Last amendment: O. Reg. 152/09.
This is the English version of a bilingual regulation.
PART I | |
Application and interpretation | |
Fiscal year | |
Documents referred to in this Regulation | |
Pupil of a board | |
Enrolment | |
Level of accuracy | |
Legislative grants | |
Payments | |
Conditions for grant | |
Adjusting overpayment | |
Adjusting underpayment | |
Grant allocations | |
Amount of grant | |
2007-2008 tax revenue | |
Pupil foundation allocation | |
School foundation allocation | |
Primary class size allocation | |
Special education allocation | |
Enrolment-based special education amount | |
Special equipment | |
High needs amount | |
Special incidence | |
Facilities amount | |
Special education pupil, move to new board | |
Language allocation, English-language boards | |
French as a second language amount | |
ESL/ESD amount | |
Language allocation, French-language boards | |
French as a first language amount | |
ALF/PDF amount | |
First Nation, Métis and Inuit Education supplemental allocation | |
Learning resources for distant and outlying schools allocation | |
Remote and rural allocation | |
Rural and small community allocation | |
Learning opportunities allocation | |
Continuing education and other programs allocation | |
Cost adjustment and teacher qualification and experience allocation | |
Transportation allocation | |
Administration and governance allocation | |
Program enhancement allocation | |
Pupil accommodation allocation | |
Amount for school operations | |
Amount for school renewal | |
Amount for urgent and high priority renewal projects | |
Amount for new pupil places | |
Amount for primary class size reduction | |
Amount for growth schools | |
Amount for the capital transitional adjustment | |
Amount for the replacement of schools that are prohibitive to repair | |
Amount for the construction of facilities described in clauses 234 (1) (b) and (c) of the Act | |
Amount for outstanding capital commitments | |
Calculations for the pupil accommodation allocation | |
Debt charges allocation | |
Adjustment for declining enrolment | |
Compliance | |
Required spending, special education | |
Required spending, capital assets | |
Maximum administration and governance expenditures | |
Grants to isolate boards | |
Grants to s. 68 boards | |
Definitions | |
Pupil attending school in Manitoba or Quebec | |
Pupil attending school on reserve | |
Amounts payable to board, attendance at school for Indian children | |
High needs per-pupil amount/Somme liée aux besoins élevés fondée sur l’effectif | |
Esl/Esd grant/subvention esl/esd | |
Assimilation factors for alf funding/Facteurs d’assimilation pour le financement des programmes d’alf | |
Demographic component of first nation, métis and inuit education supplement/Composante démographique du supplément pour l’éducation des Premières nations, des Métis et des Inuits | |
Learning resources for distant schools allocation/Élément ressources d’apprentissage pour écoles éloignées | |
Remote and rural allocation, rural and small community allocation/Élément conseils ruraux et éloignés et élément collectivités rurales et de petite taille | |
Learning opportunities/Programmes d’aide à l’apprentissage | |
Teacher qualification and experience/Compétence et expérience des enseignants | |
Cost adjustment amount for non-teachers/Somme liée au redressement des coûts pour le personnel non enseignant | |
Transportation allocation/Élément transport des élèves | |
Changes to distant schools/Rajustements pour écoles éloignées | |
Amount for renewal software licensing fees/Somme liée au renouvellement des permis d’utilisation de logiciels | |
Community use of schools compensation amount/Allocation d’utilisation communautaire des écoles | |
Percentage of total area of elementary and secondary schools less than 20 years old or 20 years or older/Pourcentage de la superficie totale des écoles élémentaires et secondaires qui datent de moins de 20 ans ou de 20 ans ou plus | |
School renewal enhancement amount/Augmentation au titre de la réfection des écoles | |
Geographic adjustment factors/Facteurs de redressement géographique | |
Good places to learn — maximum allocations/Lieux propices à l’apprentissage — allocations maximales | |
2005 capital policy adjustment/Redressement des immobilisations en 2005 | |
Growth schools amount eligible for long-term financing/Somme liée aux quartiers à forte croissance qui est admissible au financement à long terme | |
Capital transitional adjustment 1/Redressement temporaire des immobilisations (no 1) | |
Capital transitional adjustment 2/Redressement temporaire des immobilisations (no 2) | |
Schools for which cost of repair is prohibitive 1/Écoles dont le coût des réparations est prohibitif (no 1) | |
Schools for which cost of repair is prohibitive 2/Écoles dont le coût des réparations est prohibitif (no 2) | |
Outstanding capital commitments/Engagements d’immobilisations non réalisés | |
Capital related debt eligible for funding support by district school board/Dette liée aux immobilisations admissible à un soutien financier, par conseil scolaire de district | |
Per pupil exclusion for declining enrolment adjustment/Montant par élève à exclure du redressement pour baisse des effectifs | |
Rural schools/Écoles rurales |
Application and interpretation
1. (1) This Regulation applies to boards for the 2007-2008 fiscal year and to governing authorities in respect of payments for the period from September 1, 2007 to August 31, 2008. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 1 (1).
(2) In this Regulation,
“2003-2004 grant regulation” means Ontario Regulation 139/03 (Student Focused Funding — Legislative Grants for the 2003-2004 School Board Fiscal Year) made under the Act as it read immediately before it was revoked; (“règlement sur les subventions de 2003-2004”)
“2004-2005 grant regulation” means Ontario Regulation 145/04 (Grants for Student Needs — Legislative Grants for the 2004-2005 School Board Fiscal Year) made under the Act as it read immediately before it was revoked; (“règlement sur les subventions de 2004-2005”)
“2005-2006 grant regulation” means Ontario Regulation 400/05 (Grants for Student Needs — Legislative Grants for the 2005-2006 School Board Fiscal Year) made under the Act; (“règlement sur les subventions de 2005-2006”)
“2006-2007 grant regulation” means Ontario Regulation 341/06 (Grants for Student Needs — Legislative Grants for the 2006-2007 School Board Fiscal Year) made under the Act; (“règlement sur les subventions de 2006-2007”)
“2007-2008 A.D.E. regulation” means Ontario Regulation 150/07; (“règlement sur l’effectif quotidien moyen de 2007-2008”)
“2007-2008 fees regulation” means Ontario Regulation 151/07; (“règlement sur les droits de 2007-2008”)
“ALF” stands for actualisation linguistique en français; (“ALF”)
“capital asset” means,
(a) a school site that provides or is capable of providing pupil accommodation and an addition or improvement to such a school site,
(b) a school building, fixture of a school building or fixture of school property, and an addition, alteration, renovation or major repair to a school building, fixture of a school building or fixture of school property,
(c) furniture and equipment to be used in school buildings,
(d) library materials for the initial equipping of a library in a school building,
(e) an installation on school property to supply a school building on the property with water, sewer, septic, electrical, heating, cooling, natural gas, telephone or cable services, and an alteration, replacement or major repair to the installation, and
(f) changes to the level, drainage or surface of school properties; (“immobilisation”)
“cycle” has the same meaning as in the 2007-2008 A.D.E. regulation; (“horaire”)
“elementary school pupil” means a pupil who is enrolled in any of junior kindergarten, kindergarten and grades 1 to 8; (“élève de l’élémentaire”)
“ESD” stands for English skills development; (“ESD”)
“ESL” stands for English as a second language; (“ESL”)
“full-time pupil” has the same meaning as in the 2007-2008 A.D.E. regulation; (“élève à temps plein”)
“half-time pupil” has the same meaning as in the 2007-2008 A.D.E. regulation; (“élève à mi-temps”)
“independent study course” has the same meaning as in the 2007-2008 A.D.E. regulation; (“cours d’études personnelles”)
“isolate board” is a school authority other than a section 68 board; (“conseil isolé”)
“part-time pupil” has the same meaning as in the 2007-2008 A.D.E. regulation; (“élève à temps partiel”)
“PDF” stands for perfectionnement du français; (“PDF”)
“revenue from other sources” means, with respect to a district school board, the revenue of the board other than,
(a) the amount of grants payable to the board under this Regulation,
(b) the amount that would be the board’s 2007-2008 tax revenue amount if no amount were required to be deducted under paragraph 3 or 4 of subsection 14 (1), and
(c) any amount transferred from reserve funds; (“recettes provenant d’autres sources”)
“rural elementary school” means, with respect to a board, an elementary school listed in Column 3 of Table 25 opposite the name of the board in Column 1 of that Table that has a 2007-2008 enrolment, within the meaning of subsection 40 (2), that is greater than zero; (“école élémentaire rurale”)
“rural secondary school” means, with respect to a board, a secondary school listed in Column 4 of Table 25 opposite the name of the board in Column 1 of that Table that has a 2007-2008 enrolment, within the meaning of subsection 40 (2), that is greater than zero; (“école secondaire rurale”)
“secondary school pupil” means a pupil who is enrolled in any of grades 9 to 12; (“élève du secondaire”)
“section 68 board” is a board established under section 68 of the Act. (“conseil créé en vertu de l’article 68”) O. Reg. 152/07, s. 1 (2); O. Reg. 152/09, s. 1.
Fiscal year
2. Any fiscal year referred to in this regulation is from September 1 to August 31. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 2.
Documents referred to in this Regulation
3. (1) The Instruction Guide, dated 2002, referred to in paragraph 1 of subsection 16 (3) and paragraphs 1 and 50 of subsection 44 (1) is available for public inspection at the offices of the Education Finance Branch of the Ministry of Education and on the Ministry’s website. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 3 (1).
(2) The document entitled “Special Education Funding Guidelines: Special Equipment Amount (SEA) and Special Incidence Portion (SIP) 2007-08”, dated Spring 2007, referred to in clauses 20 (1) (a), 22 (1) (a) and 59 (2) (a), is available for public inspection at the offices of the Education Finance Branch of the Ministry of Education and on the Ministry’s website. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 3 (2).
(3) The list of common course codes referred to in subsections 26 (4) and 31 (6) is available for public inspection at the offices of the Education Finance Branch of the Ministry of Education and on the Ministry’s website. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 3 (3).
(4) The document entitled “Ontario Secondary Schools, Grades 9 to 12 — Program and Diploma Requirements — 1999”, referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of subsection 35 (5), is available for public inspection at the offices of the Education Finance Branch of the Ministry of Education and on the Ministry’s website. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 3 (4).
(5) The 2005 Data Form A, referred to in paragraphs 4 and 5 of subsection 36 (10) is available for public inspection at the offices of the Education Finance Branch of the Ministry of Education. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 3 (5).
(6) The documents entitled “Good Places to Learn: Stage 1 Funding Allocation”, referred to in clause 43 (2) (a), “Good Places to Learn: Stage 2 Funding Allocation”, referred to in clause 43 (3) (a), and “Good Places to Learn: Stage 3 Funding Allocation”, referred to in clause 43 (4) (a), are available for public inspection at the offices of the Education Finance Branch of the Ministry of Education and on the Ministry’s website. O. Reg. 81/08, s. 1.
(7) The Report of the Pupil Accommodation Review Committee, dated August, 1998, referred to in paragraph 1 of subsection 51 (6), is available for public inspection at the offices of the Education Finance Branch of the Ministry of Education and on the Ministry’s website. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 3 (7).
Pupil of a board
4. (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), for the purposes of this Regulation, a pupil is a pupil of a board if he or she is enrolled in a school operated by the board. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 4 (1).
(2) A pupil who receives instruction in an education program provided by a board that is a qualifying education program within the meaning of subsection 23 (2) is not a pupil enrolled in a school operated by the board for the purposes of subsection (1). O. Reg. 152/07, s. 4 (2).
(3) For the purposes of this Regulation, the following are not pupils of a board even if they are enrolled in a school of the board:
1. A pupil who is a registered Indian residing on a reserve within the meaning of the Indian Act (Canada).
2. A pupil who is liable to pay fees as specified in subsection 49 (6) of the Act.
3. A pupil in respect of whom the board may charge a fee under section 5 of the 2007-2008 fees regulation. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 4 (3).
5. (1) For the purposes of this Regulation, the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of a board is the day school average daily enrolment for the board determined under section 2 of the 2007-2008 A.D.E. regulation, counting all pupils of the board other than secondary school pupils who are 21 years of age or older on December 31, 2007. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 5 (1).
(2) For the purposes of this Regulation, the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of elementary school pupils of a board is the day school average daily enrolment for the board determined under section 2 of the 2007-2008 A.D.E. regulation, counting only the elementary school pupils of the board. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 5 (2).
(3) For the purposes of this Regulation, the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of secondary school pupils of a board is the day school average daily enrolment for the board determined under section 2 of the 2007-2008 A.D.E. regulation, counting only secondary school pupils of the board who are under 21 years of age on December 31, 2007. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 5 (3).
(4) For the purposes of this Regulation, the day school full-time equivalent enrolment for a board as of October 31, 2007 is determined using the formula,
A + B + C/D
in which,
“A” is the number of full-time pupils of the board enrolled on October 31, 2007, excluding secondary school pupils who are at least 21 years of age on December 31, 2007,
“B” is the amount equal to 0.5 times the number of half-time pupils of the board enrolled on October 31, 2007,
“C” is the total of all amounts each of which is an amount determined for a part-time pupil of the board enrolled on October 31, 2007, other than a secondary school pupil who is at least 21 years of age on December 31, 2007, equal to the number of minutes for which the pupil is registered for classroom instruction in the cycle that includes October 31, 2007, in a course other than an independent study course, and
“D” is the amount determined by multiplying the number of days in the cycle described in the definition of “C” by 300.
O. Reg. 152/07, s. 5 (4).
(5) If this Regulation requires that pupils be counted but does not provide that the count be on the basis of average daily enrolment or on the basis of full-time equivalent enrolment, each pupil, whether full-time, half-time or part-time, must be counted as one. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 5 (5).
Level of accuracy
6. (1) A count of pupils for the purposes of this Regulation on the basis of average daily enrolment or on the basis of full-time equivalent enrolment must be accurate to two decimal places. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 6 (1).
(2) A count of teachers or teacher assistants for the purposes of this Regulation on the basis of full-time equivalence must be accurate to one decimal place. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 6 (2).
Legislative grants
7. (1) The legislative grant payable for the fiscal year to a district school board is the amount calculated under Part II. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 7 (1).
(2) The legislative grant payable for the fiscal year to an isolate board is the amount calculated under section 58. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 7 (2).
(3) The legislative grant payable for the fiscal year to a section 68 board is the amount calculated under section 59. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 7 (3).
8. A legislative grant payable under this Regulation is paid on an estimated basis during the fiscal year and such adjustments as may be necessary must be made after the actual financial, enrolment and other data are available. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 8.
Conditions for grant
9. (1) It is a condition of the payment of a grant to a board under this Regulation that the board comply with all Acts administered by the Minister and with all regulations, policies, guidelines, directives and similar instruments made under an Act administered by the Minister. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 9 (1).
(2) If a board contravenes an Act administered by the Minister or a regulation, policy, guideline, directive or similar instrument made under an Act administered by the Minister, the Minister may withhold all or part of a grant otherwise payable to the board under the Act. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 9 (2).
Adjusting overpayment
10. If the amount payable to a board under a legislative grant regulation was overpaid and the overpayment has not been deducted from grants payable to the board under other legislative grant regulations, the overpayment must be deducted from the grants payable under this Regulation to the board. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 10.
Adjusting underpayment
11. If the amount payable to a board under a legislative grant regulation was underpaid, the amount of the underpayment that has not previously been paid must be added to the grants payable under this Regulation to the board. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 11.
Grant allocations
12. A district school board is entitled to the following grant allocations, in the amounts determined under this Part, in determining the amount of the grant payable to it for the fiscal year:
1. Pupil foundation allocation.
2. School foundation allocation.
3. Primary class size allocation.
4. Special education allocation.
5. Language allocation.
6. First Nation, Métis and Inuit supplemental allocation.
7. Learning resources for distant and outlying schools allocation.
8. Remote and rural allocation.
8.1 Rural and small community allocation.
9. Learning opportunities allocation.
10. Continuing education and other programs allocation.
11. Cost adjustment and teacher qualification and experience allocation.
12. Transportation allocation.
13. Administration and governance allocation.
14. Program enhancement allocation.
15. Pupil accommodation allocation.
16. Debt charges allocation. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 12; O. Reg. 507/07, s. 1.
Amount of grant
13. The grant payable to a district school board for the fiscal year is the amount determined using the following formula:
(A + B) – (C + D + E)
in which,
“A” is the total amount of the grant allocations to which the board is entitled for the fiscal year,
“B” is the amount of the board’s adjustment for declining enrolment for the fiscal year,
“C” is the amount of the board’s 2007-2008 tax revenue, as determined in this Regulation,
“D” is the amount of the board’s total fees revenue for the fiscal year in respect of pupils described in subsection 46 (2) of the Act, as determined under section 4 of the 2007-2008 fees regulation, and
“E” is the amount of the board’s reserve fund under subsection 233 (1) of the Act on August 31, 2008 before the transfer under subsection 233 (2) of the Act.
O. Reg. 152/07, s. 13.
2007-2008 tax revenue
14. (1) The 2007-2008 tax revenue of a district school board is determined as follows:
1. Add,
i. 38 per cent of the sum of,
A. the total of the amounts distributed to the board in respect of the 2007 calendar year under subsections 237 (12) and 238 (2), section 239, subsection 240 (5), sections 250 and 251 and subsections 257.8 (2) and 257.9 (1) of the Education Act, under sections 447.20 and 447.52 of the Municipal Act as made applicable by section 474 of the Municipal Act, 2001, under subsections 364 (22) and 365.2 (16) of the Municipal Act, 2001, under subsections 331 (22) and 334 (14) of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, under section 10 of Ontario Regulation 509/98 (Tax Matters — Relief in Unorganized Territory (Section 257.2.1 of the Act) made under the Act and under subsection 13 (2) of Ontario Regulation 3/02 (Tax Relief in Unorganized Territory for 2001 and Subsequent Years) made under the Act,
B. the amounts, if any, referred to in subsection 364 (22) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as made applicable by section 257.12.3 of the Education Act, that are paid to the board in respect of the 2007 calendar year,
C. the total of all amounts, if any, received by the board in respect of the 2007 calendar year from a municipality under subsections 353 (4), (4.1) and 366 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, or under subsections 318 (4), (4.1) and 336 (3) of the City of Toronto Act, 2006,
D. the amounts, if any, applied by the board against the cancellation price of land sold for tax arrears in the 2007 calendar year under sections 380 and 380.1 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as made applicable by subsection 371 (2) of that Act,
E. the payments in lieu of taxes distributed to the board in respect of the 2007 calendar year under subsection 322 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, or under subsection 284 (1) of the City of Toronto Act, 2006,
F. the grants, if any, made to the board in respect of the 2007 calendar year under subsection 302 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, or under subsection 238 (2) of the City of Toronto Act, 2006,
G. the amounts, if any, received by the board in respect of the 2007 calendar year under the Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act (Canada) and under any Act of Canada that permits a payment to be made by a government or a government agency in lieu of taxes on real property, and
H. the amounts, if any, paid to the board in respect of the 2007 calendar year under subsections 9 (2) and (4) of the Tax Incentive Zones Act (Pilot Projects), 2002,
ii. 62 per cent of the sum of,
A. the total of the amounts distributed to the board in respect of the 2008 calendar year under subsections 237 (12) and 238 (2), section 239, subsection 240 (5), sections 250 and 251 and subsections 257.8 (2) and 257.9 (1) of the Education Act, under sections 447.20 and 447.52 of the Municipal Act as made applicable by section 474 of the Municipal Act, 2001, under subsections 364 (22) and 365.2 (16) of the Municipal Act, 2001, under subsections 331 (22) and 334 (14) of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, under section 10 of Ontario Regulation 509/98 and under subsection 13 (2) of Ontario Regulation 3/02,
B. the amounts, if any, referred to in subsection 364 (22) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as made applicable by section 257.12.3 of the Education Act, that are paid to the board in respect of the 2008 calendar year,
C. the total of all amounts, if any, paid to the board in respect of the 2008 calendar year under subsections 353 (4), (4.1) and 366 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, or under subsections 318 (4), (4.1) and 336 (3) of the City of Toronto Act, 2006,
D. the amounts, if any, applied by the board against the cancellation price of land sold for tax arrears in the 2008 calendar year under sections 380 and 380.1 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as made applicable by subsection 371 (2) of that Act,
E. the payments in lieu of taxes distributed to the board in respect of the 2008 calendar year under subsection 322 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, or under subsection 284 (1) of the City of Toronto Act, 2006,
F. the grants, if any, made to the board in respect of the 2008 calendar year under subsection 302 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, or under subsection 238 (2) of the City of Toronto Act, 2006,
G. the amounts, if any, received by the board in respect of the 2008 calendar year under the Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act (Canada) and under any Act of Canada that permits a payment to be made by a government or a government agency in lieu of taxes on real property, and
H. the amounts, if any, paid to the board in respect of the 2008 calendar year under subsections 9 (2) and (4) of the Tax Incentive Zones Act (Pilot Projects), 2002,
iii. the total of the taxes received by the board in respect of the 2007 calendar year under section 35 of the Assessment Act,
iv. the total of the amounts, if any, distributed to the board in the fiscal year under subsection 2 (2) of Ontario Regulation 365/98 (Pre-1998 School Tax Arrears) made under the Act, and
v. the total of the amounts, if any, paid to the board in the fiscal year under clause 3 (1) (a) of Ontario Regulation 366/98 (Tax Arrears in Annexed Areas) made under the Act.
2. Calculate the difference between the following amounts and deduct that difference if the amount described in subparagraph i is less than the amount described in subparagraph ii or add that difference if the amount described in subparagraph i is more than the amount described in subparagraph ii:
i. The amount that was determined under subparagraph 1 ii of subsection 14 (1) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation for the purposes of calculating the amount payable to the board as legislative grant in respect of the 2006-2007 school board fiscal year.
ii. The amount that would have been determined under subparagraph 1 ii of subsection 14 (1) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation if that amount had been determined on the basis of the board’s annual financial statements as reported to the Ministry for the 2006-2007 school board fiscal year.
3. If the board is required to levy taxes for school purposes in respect of property in territory without municipal organization, deduct the sum of,
i. $50,000,
ii. 0.76 per cent of the total of the amount of those taxes levied for school purposes for the 2007 calendar year and the amount of the tax imposed by section 21.1 of the Provincial Land Tax Act that is levied by the board for that year, and
iii. 1.24 per cent of the total of the taxes described in subparagraph ii that are levied by the board for the 2008 calendar year.
4. Deduct the costs for which the board is responsible under the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 that are incurred in the fiscal year to conduct elections of members in territory without municipal organization that is deemed to be a district municipality for the purposes of clause 257.12 (3) (a) of the Education Act.
5. Deduct the amounts charged to the board in the 2007 calendar year by a municipal council under section 353 of the Municipal Act, 2001, or under section 318 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, including amounts charged under that section as a result of private legislation.
6. Deduct the total of the amounts rebated, paid or credited by the board under sections 257.2.1 and 257.12.3 of the Act in the fiscal year.
7. Deduct 38 per cent of the total of the amounts, if any, paid by the board in respect of the 2007 calendar year under paragraph 3 of subsection 7 (4) of Ontario Regulation 3/02 and under subsections 361 (7), 364 (11), 365 (3), 365.1 (13) to (15) and 365.2 (8) of the Municipal Act, 2001 or under subsections 329 (6), 331 (11), 332 (2), 333 (14) and 334 (6) of the City of Toronto Act, 2006.
8. Deduct 62 per cent of the total of the amounts, if any, paid by the board in respect of the 2008 calendar year under paragraph 3 of subsection 7 (4) of Ontario Regulation 3/02 and under subsections 361 (7), 364 (11), 365 (3), 365.1 (13) to (15) and 365.2 (8) of the Municipal Act, 2001 or under subsections 329 (6), 331 (11), 332 (2), 333 (14) and 334 (6) of the City of Toronto Act, 2006. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 14 (1); O. Reg. 152/09, s. 2.
(2) For the purposes of determining the amount of a district school board’s 2007-2008 tax revenue, the following rules apply:
1. All amounts, if any, paid by the Minister to the board in respect of the 2007 calendar year under sections 257.10.1 and 257.11 of the Act are deemed to be amounts distributed to the board in respect of the 2007 calendar year under a provision of the Act referred to in sub-subparagraph 1 i A of subsection (1).
2. All amounts, if any, paid by the Minister to the board in respect of the 2008 calendar year under sections 257.10.1 and 257.11 of the Act are deemed to be amounts distributed to the board in respect of the 2008 calendar year under a provision of the Act referred to in sub-subparagraph 1 ii A of subsection (1). O. Reg. 152/07, s. 14 (2).
Pupil foundation allocation
15. The amount of the pupil foundation allocation for a district school board for the fiscal year is the sum of the following amounts:
1. The amount determined by multiplying the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of elementary school pupils of the board by $3,896.
2. The amount determined by multiplying the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of secondary school pupils of the board by $5,059. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 15; O. Reg. 507/07, s. 2.
School foundation allocation
16. (1) The amount of the school foundation allocation for a district school board for the fiscal year is the sum of the following amounts:
1. The principals amount determined under subsection (4).
2. The vice-principals amount determined under subsection (5).
3. The school secretaries amount determined under subsection (6).
4. The school supplies amount determined under subsection (7). O. Reg. 152/07, s. 16 (1).
(2) For the purposes of this section,
“2007-2008 enrolment” means, in respect of a qualifying sole elementary school or qualifying sole secondary school of the board, the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board, counting only pupils enrolled in the school; (“effectif de 2007-2008”)
“2007-2008 combined enrolment” means, in respect of a qualifying combined school of a board, the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board, counting only pupils enrolled in schools that are part of the qualifying combined school. (“effectif combiné de 2007-2008”) O. Reg. 152/07, s. 16 (2).
(3) For the purposes of this section, the following rules determine whether a school is a qualifying sole elementary school, a qualifying sole secondary school or a part of a qualifying combined school:
1. A school of the board is a qualifying elementary or secondary school of the board if it has been identified as an elementary or secondary school in accordance with the Instruction Guide, which is available as described in subsection 3 (1), and it has a 2007-2008 enrolment of one or more.
2. If one or more qualifying elementary schools of the board and one or more qualifying secondary schools of the board are located on the same school site, the schools make up a qualifying combined school of the board.
3. Any qualifying school that is not part of a qualifying combined school is a qualifying sole elementary school or a qualifying sole secondary school, as the case may be.
4. Despite paragraph 3, two or more qualifying sole elementary schools of the board shall be treated as if they were one qualifying sole elementary school if,
i. the board reported the schools together as one school in its school reports submitted to the Ministry in respect of the 2007-2008 school year, or
ii. the schools are all located on the same school site.
5. Despite paragraph 3, two or more qualifying sole secondary schools of the board shall be treated as if they were one qualifying sole secondary school if,
i. the board reported the schools together as one school in its school reports submitted to the Ministry in respect of the 2007-2008 school year, or
ii. the schools are all located on the same school site. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 16 (3).
(4) The principals amount is determined as follows:
1. Multiply the number of qualifying sole elementary schools of the board for which the 2007-2008 enrolment is 50 or less, by $55,590.55.
2. Multiply the number of qualifying sole elementary schools of the board for which the 2007-2008 enrolment is greater than 50, by $111,181.10.
3. Total the following numbers:
i. The number of qualifying sole secondary schools of the board for which the 2007-2008 enrolment is greater than 50.
ii. The number of qualifying combined schools of the board for which the 2007-2008 combined enrolment is greater than 50.
iii. The number of qualifying combined schools of the board for which,
A. the sum of the 2007-2008 enrolments of the qualifying elementary schools that form part of the qualifying combined school is greater than 300, and
B. the sum of the 2007-2008 enrolments of the qualifying secondary schools that form part of the qualifying combined school is greater than 500.
4. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 3 by $121,252.32.
5. Add the number of qualifying sole secondary schools of the board for which the 2007-2008 enrolment is 50 or less to the number of qualifying combined schools of the board for which the 2007-2008 combined enrolment is 50 or less.
6. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 5 by $60,626.16.
7. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 1, 2, 4 and 6. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 16 (4).
(5) The vice-principals amount is determined as follows:
1. For each qualifying sole elementary school of the board for which the 2007-2008 enrolment is less than 500, calculate a number as follows:
(A – 250) × 0.003
in which,
“A” is the 2007-2008 enrolment of the school.
2. If the product determined under paragraph 1 is a negative number, it is deemed to be zero.
3. Total the numbers determined under paragraph 1 for the qualifying sole elementary schools of the board.
4. For each qualifying sole elementary school of the board for which the 2007-2008 enrolment is 500 or more but less than 1,000, calculate a number as follows:
0.75 + ((A – 500) × 0.0025)
in which,
“A” is the 2007-2008 enrolment of the school.
5. Total the numbers determined under paragraph 4 for the qualifying sole elementary schools of the board.
6. Multiply 2.0 by the number of qualifying sole elementary schools of the board for which the 2007-2008 enrolment is 1,000 or more.
7. Total the numbers determined under paragraphs 3, 5 and 6.
8. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 7 by $105,310.58.
9. For each qualifying sole secondary school of the board or qualifying combined school of the board for which the 2007-2008 enrolment or the 2007-2008 combined enrolment, as the case may be, is less than 500, calculate a number as follows:
(A – 100) × 0.0025
in which,
“A” is the 2007-2008 enrolment or the 2007-2008 combined enrolment of the school, as the case may be.
10. If the product determined under paragraph 9 is a negative number, it is deemed to be zero.
11. Total the numbers determined under paragraph 9 for the qualifying sole secondary schools of the board and the qualifying combined schools of the board.
12. For each qualifying sole secondary school of the board or qualifying combined school of the board for which the 2007-2008 enrolment or the 2007-2008 combined enrolment, as the case may be, is 500 or more but less than 1,500, calculate a number as follows:
1 + ((A – 500) × 0.0020)
in which,
“A” is the 2007-2008 enrolment or the 2007-2008 combined enrolment of the school, as the case may be.
13. Total the numbers determined under paragraph 12 for the qualifying sole secondary schools of the board and the qualifying combined schools of the board.
14. For each qualifying sole secondary school of the board or qualifying combined school of the board for which the 2007-2008 enrolment or the 2007-2008 combined enrolment, as the case may be, is 1,500 or more, calculate a number as follows:
3 + ((A – 1,500) × 0.0010)
in which,
“A” is the 2007-2008 enrolment or the 2007-2008 combined enrolment of the school, as the case may be.
15. Total the numbers determined under paragraph 14 for the qualifying sole secondary schools of the board and the qualifying combined schools of the board.
16. Total the numbers determined under paragraphs 11, 13 and 15.
17. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 16 by $111,100.
18. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 8 and 17. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 16 (5); O. Reg. 507/07, s. 3 (1-7).
(6) The school secretaries amount is determined as follows:
1. Determine the number of qualifying sole elementary schools of the board for which the 2007-2008 enrolment is less than 100.
2. For each qualifying sole elementary school of the board for which the 2007-2008 enrolment is 100 or more but less than 300, calculate a number as follows:
1 + ((A – 100) × 0.00125)
in which,
“A” is the 2007-2008 enrolment of the school.
3. Total the numbers determined under paragraph 2 for the qualifying sole elementary schools of the board.
4. For each qualifying sole elementary school of the board for which the 2007-2008 enrolment is 300 or more but less than 500, calculate a number as follows:
1.25 + ((A – 300) × 0.0025)
in which,
“A” is the 2007-2008 enrolment of the school.
5. Total the numbers determined under paragraph 4 for the qualifying sole elementary schools of the board.
6. For each qualifying sole elementary school of the board for which the 2007-2008 enrolment is 500 or more, calculate a number as follows:
1.75 + ((A – 500) × 0.0035)
in which,
“A” is the 2007-2008 enrolment of the school.
7. Total the numbers determined under paragraph 6 for the qualifying sole elementary schools of the board.
8. Total the numbers determined under paragraphs 1, 3, 5 and 7.
9. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 8 by $43,063.68.
10. Total the number of qualifying sole secondary schools of the board for which the 2007-2008 enrolment is less than 100 and the number of qualifying combined schools of the board for which the 2007-2008 combined enrolment is less than 100.
11. For each qualifying sole secondary school of the board or qualifying combined school of the board for which the 2007-2008 enrolment or the 2007-2008 combined enrolment, as the case may be, is 100 or more but less than 500, calculate a number as follows:
1 + ((A – 100) × 0.003125)
in which,
“A” is the 2007-2008 enrolment or the 2007-2008 combined enrolment of the school, as the case may be.
12. Total the numbers determined under paragraph 11 for the qualifying sole secondary schools of the board and the qualifying combined schools of the board.
13. For each qualifying sole secondary school of the board or qualifying combined school of the board for which the 2007-2008 enrolment or the 2007-2008 combined enrolment, as the case may be, is 500 or more but less than 1,000, calculate a number as follows:
2.25 + ((A – 500) × 0.0055)
in which,
“A” is the 2007-2008 enrolment or the 2007-2008 combined enrolment of the school, as the case may be.
14. Total the numbers determined under paragraph 13 for the qualifying sole secondary schools of the board and the qualifying combined schools of the board.
15. For each qualifying sole secondary school of the board or qualifying combined school of the board for which the 2007-2008 enrolment or the 2007-2008 combined enrolment, as the case may be, is 1,000 or more, calculate a number as follows:
5 + ((A – 1,000) × 0.0040)
in which,
“A” is the 2007-2008 enrolment or the 2007-2008 combined enrolment of the school, as the case may be.
16. Total the numbers determined under paragraph 15 for the qualifying sole secondary schools of the board and the qualifying combined schools of the board.
17. Total the numbers determined in respect of the board under paragraphs 10, 12, 14 and 16.
18. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 17 by $45,365.19.
19. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 9 and 18. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 16 (6); O. Reg. 507/07, s. 3 (8, 9).
(7) The school supplies amount is determined as follows:
1. Multiply the number of qualifying sole elementary schools of the board by $2,050.
2. Total the 2007-2008 enrolments of the qualifying sole elementary schools of the board.
3. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 2 by $6.
4. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 1 and 3.
5. Multiply the number of qualifying sole secondary schools of the board by $3,050.
6. Total the 2007-2008 enrolments of the qualifying sole secondary schools of the board.
7. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 6 by $7.
8. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 5 and 7.
9. Multiply the number of qualifying combined schools of the board by $3,050.
10. Total the 2007-2008 combined enrolments of the qualifying combined schools of the board.
11. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 10 by $7.
12. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 9 and 11.
13. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 4, 8 and 12. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 16 (7); O. Reg. 507/07, s. 3 (10-12).
Primary class size allocation
17. (1) The amount of the primary class size allocation for a district school board for the fiscal year is the amount determined by multiplying $784 by the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of elementary school pupils of the board, counting only pupils enrolled in junior kindergarten, kindergarten and grades 1 to 3. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 17 (1); O. Reg. 507/07, s. 4.
(2) It is a condition of payment of a grant to the board under this Regulation that,
(a) the board submit a plan by June 29, 2007, setting out how the board plans to provide instruction in the primary division in the 2007-2008 school board fiscal year; and
(b) the board use the allocation to establish the number of classes approved or confirmed by the Minister to provide instruction in the primary division in the 2007-2008 school board fiscal year. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 17 (2).
(3) If a district school board does not meet a condition set out in subsection (2), the Minister may withhold all or part of the grant otherwise payable to the board under the Act. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 17 (3).
Special education allocation
18. The amount of the special education allocation for a district school board for the fiscal year is the total of the following amounts:
1. The enrolment-based special education amount for the board for the fiscal year as determined under section 19.
2. The special equipment claim for the board for the fiscal year as determined under subsection 20 (2).
3. The high needs amount for the board for the fiscal year as determined under section 21.
4. The special incidence claim for the board for the fiscal year as determined under subsection 22 (2).
5. The facilities amount for the board for the fiscal year as determined under section 23. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 18.
Enrolment-based special education amount
19. The enrolment-based special education amount for a board for the fiscal year is determined as follows:
1. Multiply the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of elementary school pupils of the board, counting only pupils enrolled in junior kindergarten, kindergarten and grades 1 to 3, by $669 to determine the enrolment-based special education amount for junior kindergarten to grade 3.
2. Multiply the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of elementary school pupils of the board, counting only pupils enrolled in grades 4 to 8, by $515 to determine the enrolment-based special education amount for grades 4 to 8.
3. Multiply the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of secondary school pupils of the board by $340 to determine the enrolment-based special education amount for secondary schools.
4. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 to determine the board’s enrolment-based special education amount for the fiscal year. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 19; O. Reg. 507/07, s. 5.
Special equipment
20. (1) For the purposes of subsection (2), a special equipment claim for a pupil of a district school board is an approved claim if,
(a) the pupil meets the eligibility criteria for special equipment set out in the document entitled “Special Education Funding Guidelines: Special Equipment Amount (SEA) and Special Incidence Portion (SIP) 2007-08”, which is available as described in subsection 3 (2); and
(b) the board has made a claim for the fiscal year for expenditures in excess of $800 for special equipment for the pupil, in accordance with the publication mentioned in clause (a), and the Minister has approved the claim. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 20 (1).
(2) The special equipment claim for a board for the fiscal year is the sum of all approved special equipment claims for pupils of the board, after any adjustment required under section 24. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 20 (2).
High needs amount
21. The high needs amount for a board is the greater of,
(a) the amount determined by multiplying the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board by the amount set out in Column 2 of Table 1 opposite the name of the board; and
(b) the amount determined for the board under section 21 of the 2006-2007 grant regulation. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 21.
Special incidence
22. (1) A special incidence claim for a pupil of a board is an approved special incidence claim for the pupil if,
(a) the board has designated the pupil as a pupil requiring special incidence funding in accordance with the document entitled “Special Education Funding Guidelines: Special Equipment Amount (SEA) and Special Incidence Portion (SIP) 2007-08”, which is available as described in subsection 3 (2); and
(b) the board has made a special incidence claim for the pupil for the fiscal year in an amount not exceeding $27,000, in accordance with the publication mentioned in clause (a), and the Minister has approved the claim. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 22 (1).
(2) The special incidence claim for a board for the fiscal year is the sum of all approved special incidence claims for pupils of the board, after any adjustment required under section 24. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 22 (2).
Facilities amount
23. (1) The facilities amount for a board for the fiscal year is determined as follows:
1. For each qualifying education program provided by the board under an agreement with a facility listed in subsection (4), determine the amount for the qualifying education program in accordance with subsection (5).
2. Total the amounts determined under paragraph 1. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 23 (1).
(2) An education program provided by the board under an agreement with a facility listed in subsection (4) is a qualifying education program for the purposes of this section if the following conditions are satisfied:
1. The education program is provided by a teacher employed by the board.
2. No education program is provided by the Province in the facility.
3. The board has entered into a written agreement with the facility and the Minister has approved it on the basis that it satisfies the requirements set out in subsection (3). O. Reg. 152/07, s. 23 (2).
(3) The requirements for the written agreement referred to in paragraph 3 of subsection (2) are as follows:
1. The agreement includes a staffing plan that sets out the number of teachers and teacher assistants to be employed by the board for the purposes of the program.
2. The agreement adequately sets out the responsibilities of the board and the facility.
3. The agreement sets out the number of pupil places in the program. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 23 (3).
(4) The following are facilities for the purposes of this section:
1. A psychiatric facility.
2. An approved charitable institution as defined in the Charitable Institutions Act.
3. An agency approved under subsection 8 (1) of the Child and Family Services Act.
4. A facility designated under the Developmental Services Act.
5. A place of temporary detention, open custody or secure custody continued or established under section 89 of the Child and Family Services Act.
6. A home for special care licensed under the Homes for Special Care Act.
7. A hospital approved by the Minister.
8. A nursing home operated under a licence issued under the Nursing Homes Act.
9. A correctional institution as defined in the Ministry of Correctional Services Act.
10. A place of temporary detention and a youth custody facility under the Youth Criminal Justice Act (Canada). O. Reg. 152/07, s. 23 (4).
(5) Subject to subsections (6) and (7), the amount for a qualifying education program is determined as follows:
1. Take the lesser of,
i. the expenditure of the board in the fiscal year for salary and employee benefits of teachers employed by the board to provide the program, and
ii. the amount that could be expended by the board in the fiscal year for salary and employee benefits of teachers employed by the board to provide the program under the staffing plan referred to in paragraph 1 of subsection (3).
2. Multiply the number of full-time equivalent teachers employed by the board to provide the program by $2,666. For the purposes of this paragraph, the counting practices usually followed by the board for staffing purposes are to be followed.
3. Take the lesser of,
i. the expenditure of the board in the fiscal year for salary and employee benefits of teacher assistants employed by the board to assist teachers in providing the program, and
ii. the amount that could be expended by the board in the fiscal year for salary and employee benefits of teacher assistants employed by the board under the staffing plan referred to in paragraph 1 of subsection (3).
4. Multiply the number of full-time equivalent teacher assistants employed by the board to assist teachers in providing the program by $1,302. For the purposes of this paragraph, the counting practices usually followed by the board for staffing purposes are to be followed.
5. Determine the expenditure of the board in the fiscal year for the purchase of furniture or equipment for any classroom used in the program. The amount determined for a classroom under this paragraph, added to the total of all amounts received for the classroom under similar provisions of previous legislative grant regulations, shall not exceed $3,523 unless the board obtains the Minister’s approval.
6. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 1 to 5. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 23 (5).
(6) Despite subsection (5), if the predecessor to a qualifying education program provided by the board was an education program provided by the Ministry in the facility, the amount otherwise determined under this section for a qualifying education program may be increased by an amount determined by the Minister to be appropriate having regard to reasonable costs of the board in connection with program expenditures that were previously made by the Ministry and are not mentioned in subsection (5). O. Reg. 152/07, s. 23 (6).
(7) Despite subsections (5) and (6), the amount otherwise determined under this section for a qualifying education program must be reduced by the amount determined by the Minister to be appropriate having regard to the reasonable costs of the board in connection with the program, if the program,
(a) operates on a smaller scale than was projected in the materials submitted by the board for consideration by the Minister for the purposes of paragraph 3 of subsection (2);
(b) does not operate during the 2007-2008 school year; or
(c) ceases to operate during the 2007-2008 school year. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 23 (7).
Special education pupil, move to new board
24. (1) Subsection (2) applies if,
(a) special equipment has been purchased in respect of a pupil through a special equipment claim approved for a district school board for the fiscal year or under section 20 of the 2006-2007 grant regulation or a predecessor of that section in the grant regulation for a prior fiscal year and the pupil enrols during the fiscal year in a school that is operated by a different district school board or by a section 68 board; or
(b) a section 68 board has made expenditures to purchase special equipment for a pupil of a district school board and the pupil enrols during the fiscal year in a school operated by a different district school board. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 24 (1).
(2) The special equipment referred to in subsection (1) must move with the pupil to the new board, unless in the opinion of the new board it is not practical to move the equipment. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 24 (2).
(3) Subsection (4) applies if a special equipment claim has been approved for a district school board in respect of a pupil and the pupil enrols during the fiscal year in a school operated by a different district school board. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 24 (3).
(4) Any unspent part of the special equipment claim amount approved in respect of the pupil must be deducted from the amount determined under subsection 20 (2) for the former board and added to the amount determined under subsection 20 (2) for the new board. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 24 (4).
(5) Subsection (6) applies if a pupil,
(a) was a pupil approved for special incidence funding in respect of a district school board; and
(b) enrols in a school operated by a different district school board after the end of the 2006-2007 school year. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 24 (5).
(6) The total amount of the approved special incidence claims for pupils of the board referred to in clause (5) (a) is reduced and the amount of the approved special incidence claims for pupils of the board referred to in clause (5) (b) is increased to the extent, if any, that the Minister considers appropriate having regard to the costs of each board in the fiscal year in connection with providing the pupil’s special education program. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 24 (6).
Language allocation, English-language boards
25. The amount of the language allocation for an English-language district school board for the fiscal year is the sum of,
(a) the French as a second language amount for the board for the fiscal year; and
(b) the ESL/ESD amount for the board for the fiscal year. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 25.
French as a second language amount
26. (1) The French as a second language amount for an English-language district school board for the fiscal year is the sum of,
(a) the French as a second language amount for elementary school pupils of the board; and
(b) the French as a second language amount for secondary school pupils of the board. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 26 (1).
(2) The French as a second language amount for elementary school pupils of a board is determined as follows:
1. Multiply $264.71 by the number of pupils of the board enrolled in any of grades 4 to 8 who are scheduled on October 31, 2007 to take instruction in French for an average of 20 or more minutes but less than 60 minutes per school day.
2. Multiply $301.59 by the number of pupils of the board enrolled in any of grades 4 to 8 who are scheduled on October 31, 2007 to take instruction in French for an average of 60 or more minutes but less than 150 minutes per school day.
3. Multiply $337.39 by the number of pupils of the board enrolled in any of grades 1 to 8 who are scheduled on October 31, 2007 to take instruction in French for an average of 150 or more minutes per school day.
4. Multiply $337.39 by the number of pupils of the board enrolled in junior kindergarten or kindergarten who are scheduled on October 31, 2007 to take instruction in French for an average of 75 minutes or more per school day.
5. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 1 to 4. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 26 (2); O. Reg. 507/07, s. 6 (1-4).
(3) The French as a second language amount for secondary school pupils of a board is determined as follows:
1. Determine an amount for grades 9 and 10 instruction in the subject of French by multiplying $67.51 by the sum of the amounts determined under the following subparagraphs:
i. Determine the credit value of each grade 9 course and grade 10 course in the subject of French that is taught on a non-semestered basis. Multiply the credit value by the number of pupils of the board enrolled in the course on October 31, 2007, excluding pupils who are at least 21 years of age on December 31, 2007.
ii. Determine the credit value of each grade 9 course and grade 10 course in the subject of French that is taught on a semestered basis. Multiply the credit value by the total of the number of pupils of the board enrolled in the course on October 31, 2007 and the number of pupils of the board enrolled in the course on March 31, 2008, excluding pupils who are at least 21 years of age on December 31, 2007.
2. Determine an amount for grades 9 and 10 instruction in a subject other than French if the language of instruction is French by multiplying $111.06 by the sum of the amounts determined under the following subparagraphs:
i. Determine the credit value of each grade 9 course and grade 10 course in a subject other than French that is taught in French on a non-semestered basis. Multiply the credit value by the number of pupils of the board enrolled in the course on October 31, 2007, excluding pupils who are at least 21 years of age on December 31, 2007.
ii. Determine the credit value of each grade 9 course and grade 10 course in a subject other than French that is taught in French on a semestered basis. Multiply the credit value by the total of the number of pupils of the board enrolled in the course on October 31, 2007 and the number of the pupils of the board enrolled in the course on March 31, 2008, excluding pupils who are at least 21 years of age on December 31, 2007.
3. Determine an amount for grades 11 and 12 instruction in the subject of French by multiplying $89.28 by the sum of the amounts determined under the following subparagraphs:
i. Determine the credit value of each grade 11 course and grade 12 course in the subject of French that is taught on a non-semestered basis. Multiply the credit value by the number of pupils of the board enrolled in the course on October 31, 2007, excluding pupils who are at least 21 years of age on December 31, 2007.
ii. Determine the credit value of each grade 11 course and grade 12 course in the subject of French that is taught on a semestered basis. Multiply the credit value by the total of the number of pupils of the board enrolled in the course on October 31, 2007 and the number of the pupils of the board enrolled in the course on March 31, 2008, excluding pupils who are at least 21 years of age on December 31, 2007.
4. Determine an amount for grades 11 and 12 instruction in a subject other than French if the language of instruction is French by multiplying $173.13 by the sum of the amounts determined under the following subparagraphs:
i. Determine the credit value of each grade 11 course and grade 12 course in a subject other than French that is taught in French on a non-semestered basis. Multiply the credit value by the number of pupils of the board enrolled in the course on October 31, 2007, excluding pupils who are at least 21 years of age on December 31, 2007.
ii. Determine the credit value of each grade 11 course and grade 12 course in a subject other than French that is taught in French on a semestered basis. Multiply the credit value by the total of the number of pupils of the board enrolled in the course on October 31, 2007 and the number of pupils of the board enrolled in the course on March 31, 2008, excluding pupils who are at least 21 years of age on December 31, 2007.
5. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 1 to 4. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 26 (3); O. Reg. 507/07, s. 6 (5-8).
(4) In this section,
“course” means a course at the secondary level that is assigned a common course code in the list of common course codes, which is available as described in subsection 3 (3); (“cours”)
“credit value” means, in respect of a course in which a pupil is enrolled, the number of credits that the pupil is eligible to earn on successfully completing the course; (“valeur en crédits”)
“instruction in French” means instruction in the subject of French or instruction in any other subject if the language of instruction is French. (“enseignement en français”) O. Reg. 152/07, s. 26 (4).
ESL/ESD amount
27. (1) The ESL/ESD amount for an English-language district school board for the fiscal year is the sum of the amount set out for the board in Table 2 and the product determined by multiplying $3,449 by the sum of,
(a) the number of pupils of the board, as of October 31, 2007,
(i) who were born in countries described in subsection (2) after December 31, 1986, and
(ii) who entered Canada during the period beginning September 1, 2006 and ending October 31, 2007;
(b) the amount determined by multiplying 0.7 by the number of pupils of the board, as of October 31, 2007,
(i) who were born in countries described in subsection (2) after December 31, 1986, and
(ii) who entered Canada during the period beginning September 1, 2005 and ending August 31, 2006;
(c) the amount determined by multiplying 0.5 by the number of pupils of the board, as of October 31, 2007,
(i) who were born in countries described in subsection (2) after December 31, 1986, and
(ii) who entered Canada during the period beginning September 1, 2004 and ending August 31, 2005; and
(d) the amount determined by multiplying 0.25 by the number of pupils of the board, as of October 31, 2007,
(i) who were born in countries described in subsection (2) after December 31, 1986, and
(ii) who entered Canada during the period beginning September 1, 2003 and ending August 31, 2004. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 27 (1).
(2) The countries described for the purposes of subsection (1) are,
(a) countries in which English is not the first language of a majority of the population; and
(b) countries in which a majority of the population speaks a variety of English that is sufficiently different from the English used as the language of instruction in schools of the board that it is appropriate to offer an ESL or ESD program to pupils from those countries. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 27 (2).
Language allocation, French-language boards
28. The amount of the language allocation for a French-language district school board for the fiscal year is the total of the amounts determined under the following paragraphs:
1. The French as a first language amount for the board for the fiscal year.
2. The ALF/PDF amount for the board for the fiscal year. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 28.
French as a first language amount
29. The French as a first language amount for a French-language district school board for the fiscal year is the total of the amounts determined under the following paragraphs:
1. Multiply $662.73 by the number of elementary school pupils of the board on October 31, 2007.
2. Multiply $752.42 by the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of the board, counting only secondary school pupils of the board.
3. Multiply $16,455.18 by the number of elementary schools of the board that are governed for the first time by the board in September, 2007. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 29; O. Reg. 507/07, s. 7.
ALF/PDF amount
30. (1) The ALF/PDF amount for a French-language district school board for the fiscal year is the total of the ALF funding level for the board for the fiscal year and the PDF funding level for the board for the fiscal year. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 30 (1).
(2) The ALF funding level for the board for the fiscal year is determined as follows:
1. Multiply the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of elementary school pupils of the board by the assimilation factor for the board set out in Table 3.
2. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 1 by $792.78.
3. Multiply by $41,839 the number of elementary schools of the board that are qualifying sole elementary schools of the board under subsection 16 (3).
4. Multiply the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of secondary school pupils of the board by the assimilation factor for the board set out in Table 3.
5. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 4 by $350.06.
6. Multiply by $77,558 the number of secondary schools of the board that are qualifying sole secondary schools or qualifying combined schools of the board under subsection 16 (3).
7. For each qualifying sole secondary school or qualifying combined school of the board under subsection 16 (3), determine an amount as follows:
i. If the 2007-2008 enrolment or the 2007-2008 combined enrolment of the school, as the case may be, is 1 or more but less than 100, the amount for purposes of this paragraph is $71,438.41.
ii. If the 2007-2008 enrolment or the 2007-2008 combined enrolment of the school, as the case may be, is 100 or more but less than 200, the amount for purposes of this paragraph is $107,157.62.
iii. If the 2007-2008 enrolment or the 2007-2008 combined enrolment of the school, as the case may be, is 200 or more but less than 300, the amount for purposes of this paragraph is $142,786.82.
iv. If the 2007-2008 enrolment or the 2007-2008 combined enrolment of the school, as the case may be, is 300 or more but less than 400, the amount for purposes of this paragraph is $178,596.03.
v. If the 2007-2008 enrolment or the 2007-2008 combined enrolment of the school, as the case may be, is 400 or more, the amount for purposes of this paragraph is $214,315.23.
8. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7.
9. Add $259,311 to the amount determined under paragraph 8. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 30 (2).
(3) The PDF funding level for the board is the amount determined by multiplying $3,449 by the sum of,
(a) the number of pupils of the board, as of October 31, 2007,
(i) who are eligible for PDF funding under subsection (4),
(ii) who were born after December 31, 1986 in countries in which French is a standard language of schooling or public administration, and
(iii) who entered Canada during the period beginning September 1, 2006 and ending October 31, 2007;
(b) the amount determined by multiplying 0.7 by the number of pupils of the board, as of October 31, 2007,
(i) who are eligible for PDF funding under subsection (4),
(ii) who were born after December 31, 1986 in countries in which French is a standard language of schooling or public administration, and
(iii) who entered Canada during the period beginning September 1, 2005 and ending August 31, 2006;
(c) the amount determined by multiplying 0.5 by the number of pupils of the board, as of October 31, 2007,
(i) who are eligible for PDF funding under subsection (4),
(ii) who were born after December 31, 1986 in countries in which French is a standard language of schooling or public administration, and
(iii) who entered Canada during the period beginning September 1, 2004 and ending August 31, 2005; and
(d) the amount determined by multiplying 0.25 by the number of pupils of the board, as of October 31, 2007,
(i) who are eligible for PDF funding under subsection (4),
(ii) who were born after December 31, 1986 in countries in which French is a standard language of schooling or public administration, and
(iii) who entered Canada during the period beginning September 1, 2003 and ending August 31, 2004. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 30 (3).
(4) For the purposes of subsection (3), a pupil is eligible for PDF funding if the pupil is admitted to a school of the board under section 293 of the Act, and,
(a) the pupil speaks a variety of French that is sufficiently different from the French used as the language of instruction in schools of the board that it is appropriate to offer a PDF program to the pupil;
(b) the pupil’s schooling has been interrupted or delayed; or
(c) the pupil has little knowledge of English or French. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 30 (4).
(5) In this section,
“2007-2008 enrolment” has the same meaning as in subsection 16 (2); (“effectif de 2007-2008”)
“2007-2008 combined enrolment” has the same meaning as in subsection 16 (2). (“effectif combiné de 2007-2008”) O. Reg. 152/07, s. 30 (5).
First Nation, Métis and Inuit Education supplemental allocation
31. (1) The First Nation, Métis and Inuit education supplemental allocation for the fiscal year is the total of,
(a) the Native language amount for elementary school pupils of the board;
(b) the Native language amount for secondary school pupils of the board;
(c) the Native studies amount; and
(d) the census-based Aboriginal amount. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 31 (1).
(2) The Native language amount for elementary school pupils of the board is the total of the amounts determined under the following paragraphs:
1. Multiply $1,785.96 by the number of elementary school pupils of the board who, on October 31, 2007, are scheduled to take instruction in the subject of a Native language for an average of at least 20 minutes but less than 40 minutes per school day.
2. Multiply $2,678.94 by the number of elementary school pupils of the board who, on October 31, 2007, are scheduled to take instruction in the subject of a Native language for an average of at least 40 minutes per school day. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 31 (2).
(3) The Native language amount for secondary school pupils of the board is the total of the amounts determined under the following paragraphs:
1. Multiply $1,488.30 by the sum of the products determined by multiplying the credit value of each course in a Native language that is a level one, level two or level three course taught on a non-semestered basis by the number of pupils of the board enrolled in the course on October 31, 2007, excluding pupils who are at least 21 years of age on December 31, 2007.
2. Multiply $1,488.30 by the sum of the products determined by multiplying the credit value of each course in a Native language that is a level one, level two or level three course taught on a semestered basis by the total of the number of pupils of the board enrolled in the course on October 31, 2007 and the number of pupils of the board enrolled in the course on March 31, 2008, excluding pupils who are at least 21 years of age on December 31, 2007.
3. Multiply $1,488.30 by the sum of the products determined by multiplying the credit value of each course in a Native language that is a grade 11 course or grade 12 course taught on a non-semestered basis by the number of pupils of the board enrolled in the course on October 31, 2007, excluding pupils who are at least 21 years of age on December 31, 2007.
4. Multiply $1,488.30 by the sum of the products determined by multiplying the credit value of each course in a Native language that is a grade 11 course or grade 12 course taught on a semestered basis by the total of the number of pupils of the board enrolled in the course on October 31, 2007 and the number of pupils of the board enrolled in the course on March 31, 2008, excluding pupils who are at least 21 years of age on December 31, 2007. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 31 (3).
(4) The Native Studies amount for the board is the total of the amounts determined under the following paragraphs:
1. Multiply $1,488.30 by the sum of the products determined by multiplying the credit value of each course in Native studies taught on a non-semestered basis by the number of secondary school pupils of the board enrolled in the course on October 31, 2007, excluding pupils who are at least 21 years of age on December 31, 2007.
2. Multiply $1,488.30 by the sum of the products determined by multiplying the credit value of each course in Native studies taught on a semestered basis by the total number of secondary school pupils of the board enrolled in the course on October 31, 2007 and the number of secondary school pupils of the board enrolled in the course on March 31, 2008, excluding pupils who are at least 21 years of age on December 31, 2007. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 31 (4).
(5) The census-based Aboriginal amount for the board is determined as follows:
1. Multiply the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of elementary school pupils of the board by the estimated weighted percentage of students of the board that are First Nation, Métis and Inuit, set out in Column 2 of Table 4 opposite the name of the board.
2. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 1 by $69.
3. Multiply the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of secondary school pupils of the board by the estimated weighted percentage of students of the board that are First Nation, Métis and Inuit, set out in Column 2 of Table 4 opposite the name of the board.
4. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 3 by $69.
5. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 2 and 4. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 31 (5); O. Reg. 507/07, s. 8.
(6) In this section,
“course” means a course at the secondary level that is assigned a common course code in the list of common course codes, which is available as described in subsection 3 (3); (“cours”)
“credit value” of a course in which a pupil is enrolled means the number of credits that the pupil is eligible to earn on successfully completing the course. (“valeur en crédits”) O. Reg. 152/07, s. 31 (6).
Learning resources for distant and outlying schools allocation
32. (1) The amount of the learning resources for distant and outlying schools allocation for a district school board for the fiscal year is determined as follows:
1. Take the amount determined under subsection 29 (4) of the 2003-2004 grant regulation for the learning resources component of the distant schools allocation for each distant elementary school of the board, within the meaning of subsection 29 (2.1) of the 2003-2004 grant regulation, that,
i. on June 30, 2004, was operated by the board,
ii. on June 30, 2004, was located 20 kilometres or more from every other elementary school described in paragraph 1 of subsection 29 (2.1) of the 2003-2004 grant regulation,
iii. is operated by the board in the 2007-2008 school board fiscal year, and
iv. has a 2007-2008 enrolment that is greater than zero.
2. Total the amounts determined under paragraph 1 for the elementary schools described in that paragraph.
3. Take the amount determined under subsection 29 (8) of the 2003-2004 grant regulation for the learning resources component of the distant schools allocation for each distant secondary school of the board, within the meaning of subsection 29 (2.6) of the 2003-2004 grant regulation, that,
i. on June 30, 2004, was operated by the board and,
A. was located 45 kilometres or more from every other secondary school described in paragraph 1 of subsection 29 (2.6) of the 2003-2004 grant regulation, or
B. was a school described in subparagraph 2 ii of that subsection,
ii. is operated by the board in the 2007-2008 school board fiscal year, and,
iii. has a 2007-2008 enrolment that is greater than zero.
4. Total the amounts determined under paragraph 3 for the secondary schools described in that paragraph.
5. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 2 and 4.
6. Add to the amount determined under paragraph 5 the total of the amounts, if any, set out in Column 7 of Table 5 opposite the names of the schools of the board set out in Columns 3 and 4 where the distance in Column 6 is 20 kilometres or more, in the case of an elementary school, and 45 kilometres or more, in the case of a secondary school.
7. For each outlying elementary school of the board, calculate an amount as follows:
i. If the 2007-2008 enrolment of the school is 1 or more but less than 50, the amount is determined using the formula:
$61,437.03 + (A × $6,157.99)
in which,
“A” is the 2007-2008 enrolment of the school.
ii. If the 2007-2008 enrolment of the school is 50 or more but less than 150, the amount is determined using the formula:
$535,788.08 – (A × $3,329.03)
in which,
“A” is the 2007-2008 enrolment of the school.
iii. If the 2007-2008 enrolment of the school is 150 or more, the amount is $36,433.59.
8. Total the amounts determined under paragraph 7 for the outlying elementary schools of the board.
9. For each outlying secondary school of the board, calculate an amount as follows:
i. If the 2007-2008 enrolment or the 2007-2008 combined enrolment of the school, as the case may be, is 1 or more but less than 50, the amount is determined using the formula:
$52,507.23 + (A × $14,823.47) – B
in which,
“A” is the 2007-2008 enrolment or the 2007-2008 combined enrolment of the school, as the case may be, and
“B” is the amount calculated for the school under paragraph 7 of subsection 30 (2).
ii. If the amount determined under subparagraph i is negative, it is deemed to be zero.
iii. If the 2007-2008 enrolment or the 2007-2008 combined enrolment of the school, as the case may be, is 50 or more but less than 200, the amount is determined using the formula:
$1,000,137.74 – (A × $4,129.14) – B
in which,
“A” is the 2007-2008 enrolment or the 2007-2008 combined enrolment of the school, as the case may be, and
“B” is the amount calculated for the school under paragraph 7 of subsection 30 (2).
iv. If the amount determined under subparagraph iii is negative, it is deemed to be zero.
v. If the 2007-2008 enrolment or the 2007-2008 combined enrolment of the school, as the case may be, is 200 or more but less than 500, the amount is determined using the formula:
$242,890.59 – (A × $342.90) – B
in which,
“A” is the 2007-2008 enrolment or the 2007-2008 combined enrolment of the school, as the case may be, and
“B” is the amount calculated for the school under paragraph 7 of subsection 30 (2).
vi. If the amount determined under subparagraph v is negative, it is deemed to be zero.
vii. If the 2007-2008 enrolment or the 2007-2008 combined enrolment of the school, as the case may be, is 500 or more, the amount is determined using the following formula:
$71,438.41 – B
in which,
“B” is the amount calculated for the school under paragraph 7 of subsection 30 (2).
viii. If the amount determined under subparagraph vii is negative, it is deemed to be zero.
10. Total the amounts determined under paragraph 9 for the outlying secondary schools of the board.
11. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 8 and 10.
12. Take the greater of the amounts determined under paragraphs 6 and 11.
13. Take the amount determined under subsection 29 (4) of the 2003-2004 grant regulation for the learning resources component of the distant schools allocation for each distant elementary school of the board, within the meaning of subsection 29 (2.1) of the 2003-2004 grant regulation, that
i. on June 30, 2004, was operated by the board,
ii. on June 30, 2004, was located less than 20 kilometres from at least one other elementary school described in paragraph 1 of subsection 29 (2.1) of the 2003-2004 grant regulation,
iii. is operated by the board in the 2007-2008 school board fiscal year, and
iv. has a 2007-2008 enrolment that is greater than zero.
14. Total the amounts determined under paragraph 13 for the elementary schools described in that paragraph.
15. Take the amount determined under subsection 29 (8) of the 2003-2004 grant regulation for the learning resources component of the distant schools allocation for each distant secondary school of the board, within the meaning of subsection 29 (2.6) of the 2003-2004 grant regulation, that,
i. on June 30, 2004, was operated by the board and,
A. was located less than 45 kilometres from at least one other secondary school described in paragraph 1 of subsection 29 (2.6) of the 2003-2004 grant regulation, or
B. was a school described in subparagraph 2 ii of that subsection,
ii. is operated by the board in the 2007-2008 school board fiscal year, and,
iii. has a 2007-2008 enrolment that is greater than zero.
16. Total the amounts determined under paragraph 15 for the secondary schools described in that paragraph.
17. Total the amounts, if any, set out in Column 7 of Table 5 opposite the names of the schools of the board set out in Columns 3 and 4 where the distance set out in Column 6 is less than 20 kilometres, in the case of an elementary school, and less than 45 kilometres, in the case of a secondary school.
18. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 12, 14, 16 and 17. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 32 (1); O. Reg. 507/07, s. 9 (1-6).
(2) In this section,
“2007-2008 enrolment” has the same meaning as in subsection 16 (2); (“effectif de 2007-2008”)
“2007-2008 combined enrolment” has the same meaning as in subsection 16 (2); (“effectif combiné de 2007-2008”)
“outlying elementary school” means a qualifying sole elementary school under subsection 16 (3) that is located at least 20 kilometres from every other qualifying sole elementary school of the board; (“école élémentaire excentrée”)
“outlying secondary school” means a qualifying sole secondary school or a qualifying combined school under subsection 16 (3) that is located at least 45 kilometres from every other qualifying sole secondary school and qualifying combined school of the board. (“école secondaire excentrée”) O. Reg. 152/07, s. 32 (2); O. Reg. 507/07, s. 9 (7, 8).
(3) The following rules apply for purposes of subsections (1) and (2):
1. A measure of distance shall be by road and shall be accurate to 0.1 kilometre.
2. A qualifying sole elementary school, a qualifying sole secondary school or a qualifying combined school under subsection 16 (3) that is located on an island that is not connected by road to the mainland shall be considered an outlying elementary or secondary school, as the case may be, unless the school is located in the City of Toronto.
3. Where two or more qualifying sole elementary schools are treated as one qualifying sole elementary school under paragraph 4 of subsection 16 (3), the qualifying sole elementary school within the group that has the largest capacity, within the meaning of subsection 51 (31), shall be used for the purpose of measuring distance.
4. Where two or more qualifying sole secondary schools are treated as one qualifying sole secondary school under paragraph 5 of subsection 16 (3), the qualifying sole secondary school within the group that has the largest capacity, within the meaning of subsection 51 (32), shall be used for the purpose of measuring distance.
5. The school that, among the schools making up a qualifying combined school under paragraph 2 of subsection 16 (3), has the greatest capacity within the meaning of subsection 51 (31) or (32), as the case may be, shall be used for the purpose of measuring distance.
6. The distance between schools shall be determined as of June 30, 2008. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 32 (3).
Remote and rural allocation
33. (1) The amount of the remote and rural allocation for a district school board for the fiscal year is the total of the board’s small board amount, the board’s distance amount and the board’s dispersion amount. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 33 (1).
(2) The board’s small board amount is the amount, if any, determined under the following paragraph that applies to the board:
1. If the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board is less than 4,000,
i. multiply the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board by $0.01631,
ii. subtract the amount determined under subparagraph i from $300.27, and
iii. multiply the amount determined under subparagraph ii by the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board.
2. If the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board is at least 4,000 but less than 8,000,
i. subtract 4,000 from the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board,
ii. multiply the number determined under subparagraph i by $0.01873,
iii. subtract the amount determined under subparagraph ii from $235.04, and
iv. multiply the amount determined under subparagraph iii by the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board.
3. If the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board is 8,000 or more,
i. subtract 8,000 from the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board,
ii. multiply the number determined under subparagraph i by $0.02002,
iii. subtract the amount determined under subparagraph ii from $160.14,
iv. if the amount determined under subparagraph iii is greater than zero, multiply the amount determined under subparagraph iii by the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board, and
v. if the amount determined under subparagraph iii is not greater than zero, the board’s small board amount is zero. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 33 (2); O. Reg. 507/07, s. 10 (1-6).
(3) The board’s distance amount is,
(a) the product of the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board multiplied by the board’s distance factor per pupil, if the board is an English-language district school board; or
(b) the product of the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board multiplied by the greater of the board’s distance factor per pupil or $167.32, if the board is a French-language district school board. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 33 (3); O. Reg. 507/07, s. 10 (7).
(4) The board’s distance factor per pupil is the amount determined by multiplying the urban factor specified for the board in Column 3 of Table 6 by the amount determined under the following paragraph that applies to the board:
1. If the distance specified for the board in Column 2 of Table 6 is less than 151 kilometres, the amount is zero.
2. If the distance specified for the board in Column 2 of Table 6 is equal to or greater than 151 kilometres but less than 650 kilometres, the amount is determined using the formula:
(A – 150) × $1.02438
in which,
“A” is the distance specified for the board in Column 2 of Table 6.
3. If the distance specified for the board in Column 2 of Table 6 is equal to or greater than 650 kilometres but less than 1,150 kilometres, the amount is determined using the formula:
[(A – 650) × $0.13786] + $512.19
in which,
“A” is the distance specified for the board in Column 2 of Table 6.
4. If the distance specified for the board in Column 2 of Table 6 is equal to or greater than 1,150 kilometres, the amount is $581.12. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 33 (4); O. Reg. 507/07, s. 10 (8-10).
(5) The board’s dispersion amount is the amount calculated using the formula,
(DD – F) × ADE × $5.38996
in which,
“DD” is the dispersion distance in kilometres set out in Column 4 of Table 6 opposite the name of the board in Column 1 of that Table,
“F” is the lesser of “DD” and 14 kilometres, and
“ADE” is the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board.
O. Reg. 152/07, s. 33 (5); O. Reg. 507/07, s. 10 (11).
Rural and small community allocation
33.1 The amount of the rural and small community allocation for a district school board for the fiscal year is determined as follows:
1. If the percentage set out in Column 5 of Table 6 opposite the name of the board is less than 25 per cent, the amount of the allocation is zero.
2. If the percentage set out in Column 5 of Table 6 opposite the name of the board is greater than or equal to 25 per cent but less than 75 per cent, the amount of the allocation is determined using the formula:
$41 × ADE × (A – 25%)
“ADE” is the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board, and
“A” is the percentage set out in Column 5 of Table 6 opposite the name of the board.
3. If the percentage set out in Column 5 of Table 6 opposite the name of the board is greater than or equal to 75 per cent, the amount of the allocation is the product of $20.50 and the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board. O. Reg. 507/07, s. 11.
Learning opportunities allocation
34. (1) The amount of the learning opportunities allocation for a district school board for the fiscal year is the total of the amounts set out or determined under the following paragraphs:
1. The amount set out in Column 2 of Table 7 opposite the name of the board.
2. The board’s literacy and numeracy assistance amount for the fiscal year.
3. The board’s student success, grades 7 to 12, amount for the fiscal year. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 34 (1).
(2) The board’s literacy and numeracy assistance amount for the fiscal year is determined as follows:
1. Determine the summer school average daily enrolment for the board for the fiscal year in accordance with section 4 of the 2007-2008 A.D.E. regulation, counting only pupils of the board enrolled in classes or courses described in subclauses (c) (iii) and (iv) of the definition of “summer school class or course” in subsection 4 (1) of that regulation.
2. Determine the continuing education average daily enrolment for the board for the fiscal year in accordance with section 3 of the 2007-2008 A.D.E. regulation, counting only pupils of the board enrolled in classes or courses described in paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of subsection 3 (2) of that regulation.
3. Add the numbers determined under paragraphs 1 and 2.
4. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 3 by $5,798.
5. Add the amount of the board’s transportation costs related to literacy and numeracy instruction for the fiscal year. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 34 (2); O. Reg. 507/07, s. 12 (1).
(3) The amount of the board’s transportation costs related to literacy and numeracy instruction for the fiscal year is determined as follows:
1. Take the amount of the board’s transportation allocation for the fiscal year.
2. Deduct the amount determined for the board under paragraph 7 of section 37.
3. Divide the result obtained under paragraph 2 by the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board.
4. Multiply the result obtained under paragraph 3 by the enrolment amount determined under paragraph 1 of subsection (2).
5. Multiply the result obtained under paragraph 4 by 3.0. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 34 (3).
(4) The board’s student success, grades 7 to 12, amount for the fiscal year is the amount determined as follows:
1. Multiply $27.37 by the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board, counting only pupils enrolled in grades 9, 10, 11 and 12.
2. Multiply $10.93 by the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board, counting only pupils enrolled in grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.
3. Multiply 0.0023 by the difference obtained by subtracting the amount determined in respect of the board under paragraph 7 of section 37 from the transportation allocation for the board for the fiscal year.
4. Multiply the student success, grades 7 to 12, demographic factor set out in Column 3 of Table 7 opposite the name of the board in Column 1 of that Table by $10,989,246.
5. Multiply the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board, counting only pupils enrolled in grades 9, 10, 11 and 12, by the dispersion distance in kilometres set out in Column 4 of Table 6 opposite the name of the board in Column 1 of that Table.
6. Multiply the amount determined in paragraph 5 by $0.55.
7. Multiply the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board, counting only pupils enrolled in grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, by the dispersion distance in kilometres set out in Column 4 of Table 6 opposite the name of the board in Column 1 of that Table.
8. Multiply the amount determined in paragraph 7 by $0.21.
9. Add the amounts determined under paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8.
10. Add $152,641 to the sum determined under paragraph 9. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 34 (4); O. Reg. 507/07, s. 12 (2-6).
Continuing education and other programs allocation
35. (1) The amount of the continuing education and other programs allocation for a district school board for the fiscal year is determined as follows:
1. Determine the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment for the board, for the fiscal year, in accordance with section 2 of the 2007-2008 A.D.E. regulation, counting only pupils of the board who are at least 21 years of age on December 31, 2007.
2. Determine the continuing education average daily enrolment for the board for the fiscal year, in accordance with section 3 of the 2007-2008 A.D.E. regulation, counting only pupils enrolled in classes or courses described in paragraphs 1, 2, 6 and 7 of subsection 3 (2) of that regulation and excluding,
i. pupils to whom subsection 49 (6) of the Act applies, and
ii. pupils in respect of whom the board charges a fee under subsection 8 (4) of the 2007-2008 fees regulation.
3. Determine the summer school average daily enrolment for the board for the fiscal year, in accordance with section 4 of the 2007-2008 A.D.E. regulation, counting only pupils enrolled in classes or courses described in subclause (c) (i), (ii), (v) or (vi) of the definition of “summer school class or course” in subsection 4 (1) of that regulation, excluding pupils to whom subsection 49 (6) of the Act applies and pupils in respect of whom the board charges a fee under subsection 8 (5) of the 2007-2008 fees regulation.
4. Add the numbers determined under paragraphs 1, 2 and 3.
5. Multiply the total determined under paragraph 4 by $2,660.
6. Determine the amount for international languages for the board.
7. Determine the amount for the board for prior learning assessment and recognition that is not provided as part of a day school program.
8. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 5, 6 and 7. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 35 (1).
(2) Subsections (3) and (4) apply if a board establishes classes to provide instruction in a language other than English or French and the classes are approved by the Minister as part of an international languages elementary school program. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 35 (2).
(3) Except as provided in subsection (4), the amount for international languages for the board is the number of hours of instruction provided by the board in classes described in subsection (2), multiplied by $45.32. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 35 (3).
(4) If the quotient obtained by dividing the number of elementary school pupils enrolled in classes described in subsection (2) that have been established by the board by the number of those classes is less than 23, the $45.32 per hour rate specified in subsection (3) is reduced by the product of $1 and the difference between the quotient and 23. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 35 (4).
(5) The amount for the board for the fiscal year for prior learning assessment and recognition that is not provided as part of a day school program is the sum of the amounts determined under the following paragraphs:
1. Multiply $107 by the number of mature students of the board who, during the school board fiscal year, received an individual student assessment for grade 9 or 10 credits in accordance with section 6.6 of the document entitled “Ontario Secondary Schools, Grades 9 to 12 — Program and Diploma Requirements — 1999”, which is available as described in subsection 3 (4).
2. Multiply $107 by the number of mature students of the board who, during the school board fiscal year, received an individual student equivalency assessment for grade 11 or 12 credits in accordance with section 6.6 of the document entitled “Ontario Secondary Schools, Grades 9 to 12 — Program and Diploma Requirements — 1999”, which is available as described in subsection 3 (4).
3. Multiply $322 by the number of completed challenges for grades 11 and 12 credits undertaken during the school board fiscal year by mature students of the board in accordance with section 6.6 of the Ministry’s publication entitled “Ontario Secondary Schools Grades 9 to 12 — Program and Diploma Requirements — 1999”, which is available as described in subsection 3 (4). O. Reg. 152/07, s. 35 (5).
(6) The following rules apply for purposes of subsection (5):
1. A pupil of the board is a mature student for the fiscal year if he or she is at least 18 years of age on December 31, 2007 and was not enrolled in a day school program in one or more prior school years.
2. In determining the number of completed challenges for grades 11 and 12 credits undertaken by mature students of the board, a full credit course is counted as one credit and a half-credit course is counted as 0.5 credit. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 35 (6).
Cost adjustment and teacher qualification and experience allocation
“AEFO” stands for l’Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens; (“AEFO”)
“AEFO certification” means the AEFO certification of Group 1, Group 2, Group 3 or Group 4; (“certification de l’AEFO”)
“OSSTF” stands for the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation; (“FEESO”)
“OSSTF certification” means the OSSTF certification of Group 1, Group 2, Group 3 or Group 4; (“certification de la FEESO”)
“QECO” stands for Qualifications Evaluation Council of Ontario; (“COEQ”)
“QECO category” means the QECO category D, C, B, A1, A2, A3 or A4; (“catégorie du COEQ”)
“qualification category” means AEFO certification, OSSTF certification or QECO category; (“catégorie de qualifications”)
“teacher” includes a temporary teacher and does not include an occasional teacher. (“enseignant”) O. Reg. 152/07, s. 36 (1).
(2) In this section, a cell of Table 8 is referred to by its qualification category co-ordinate followed by the number co-ordinate representing full years of teaching experience. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 36 (2).
(3) For example, cell C-1 of Table 8 contains the number 0.6185 and cell A1/group 1-3 contains the number 0.7359. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 36 (3).
(4) For the purposes of this section, the number of teachers employed by a board is the full-time equivalent number of persons employed by the board as of October 31, 2007 to teach. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 36 (4).
(5) For the purposes of subsection (4), the counting practices usually followed by the board for staffing purposes must be followed, subject to the following rules:
1. A teacher who is not assigned to provide instruction to pupils of the board in a regular timetable that is in effect as of October 31, 2007 is not counted for the purposes of this section, unless the teacher satisfies the conditions described in subsection (6).
2. The provision of library instruction or guidance to pupils is considered the provision of instruction to pupils for the purposes of paragraphs 1, 3 and 4.
3. If a teacher is assigned in a regular timetable that is in effect as of October 31, 2007 to spend part of his or her time providing instruction to pupils of the board and is also assigned, as of that date, under section 17 of Regulation 298 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 (Operation of Schools — General) made under the Act, to spend part of his or her time acting as a consultant, co-ordinator or supervisor, the full-time equivalency for the teacher is determined as follows:
i. Determine the average number of hours per day in the cycle that includes October 31, 2007 for which the teacher is regularly scheduled, in accordance with the timetable, to provide instruction to pupils of the board or to prepare for such instruction. For the purposes of this subparagraph, a count of hours is accurate to one decimal place.
ii. Divide the total determined under subparagraph i by 5.
4. If a principal or vice-principal is assigned in a regular timetable that is in effect as of October 31, 2007 to spend part of his or her time providing instruction to pupils of the board, the principal or vice-principal is counted as a teacher for the purposes of this section and his or her full-time equivalency as a teacher is determined as follows:
i. Determine the average number of hours per day in the cycle that includes October 31, 2007 for which the principal or vice-principal is regularly scheduled, in accordance with the timetable, to provide instruction to pupils of the board. For the purposes of this subsection, a count of hours is accurate to one decimal place.
ii. Divide the number determined under subparagraph i by 5.
5. An occasional teacher who is assigned to provide instruction to pupils of the board in a regular timetable in effect on October 31, 2007 is not counted if the teacher the occasional teacher replaces is included in determining the number of teachers employed by the board under subsection (4) and the board can reasonably expect the teacher to resume instructional duties with the board in the fiscal year. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 36 (5).
(6) For the purposes of paragraph 1 of subsection (5), a teacher is counted for the purposes of this section if he or she is on a leave of absence with pay on October 31, 2007 and the board is not reimbursed for the teacher’s pay during the leave of absence. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 36 (6).
(7) The number of full years of teaching experience of a teacher is deemed to be the teacher’s number of years of teaching experience before the first day of the 2007-2008 school year, rounded to the nearest whole number if the teacher’s number of years of teaching experience is not a whole number and, for this purpose, a number ending in .5 is considered to be nearer to the next whole number. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 36 (7).
(8) If the number of full years of teaching experience of a teacher exceeds 10, the number of full years of teaching experience of the teacher is deemed to be 10. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 36 (8).
(9) The number of full years of teaching experience of a principal or vice-principal is deemed to be 10. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 36 (9).
(10) The following rules apply, as of October 31, 2007, to determine the qualification category of a teacher:
1. If a board uses an AEFO certification system for salary purposes in relation to a teacher employed by it, that AEFO certification system is used for that teacher for the purposes of this section.
2. If a board uses a QECO categories system for salary purposes in relation to a teacher employed by it, that QECO categories system is used for that teacher for the purposes of this section.
3. If a board uses an OSSTF certification system for salary purposes in relation to a teacher employed by it, that OSSTF certification system is used for that teacher for the purposes of this section.
4. Subject to paragraph 6, if a board does not use a QECO categories system for salary purposes in relation to an elementary school teacher employed by it, the classification system used by the board for elementary school teachers in filling out the 2005 Data Form A submitted to the Office of Collective Bargaining Information of the Ministry of Labour is used for that teacher for the purposes of this section.
5. Subject to paragraph 6, if a board does not use an AEFO certification system, a QECO categories system or an OSSTF certification system for salary purposes in relation to a secondary school teacher employed by it, the classification system used by the board for secondary school teachers in filling out the 2005 Data Form A submitted to the Office of Collective Bargaining Information of the Ministry of Labour is used for that teacher for the purposes of this section.
6. In the circumstances described in paragraph 4 or 5, the board may elect, by written notice to the Minister, to use the AEFO certification system, the QECO categories system referred to by QECO as QECO Programme Level 4 or the 1992 OSSTF certification system, instead of the classification system required under paragraph 4 or 5.
7. The qualification category of a principal or vice-principal is deemed to be A4/Group 4.
8. If the qualification category of a person is changed after October 31, 2007 and the change for salary purposes is retroactive to a day in the period between the first day of the 2007-2008 school year and October 31, 2007, the changed qualification category must be used for the purposes of this section.
9. The 2005 Data Form A, referred to in paragraphs 4 and 5, is available as described in subsection 3 (5). O. Reg. 152/07, s. 36 (10).
(11) The amount of the cost adjustment and teacher qualification and experience allocation for a district school board is the total of,
(a) the elementary school teacher qualification and experience allocation;
(b) the secondary school teacher qualification and experience allocation; and
(c) the amount set out in Column 2 of Table 9 opposite the name of the board. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 36 (11).
(12) The amount of the elementary school teacher qualification and experience allocation for a district school board is determined as follows:
1. For each cell in Table 8, determine the number of teachers employed by the board to provide instruction to elementary school pupils who have the qualification category and the number of full years of teaching experience that correspond with the co-ordinates of the cell. For example, a teacher with a qualification category of D and 0.7 years of teaching experience is counted for the purposes of cell D-1 and a teacher with a qualification category of A2 or group 2 and 3.2 years of teaching experience is counted for the purposes of cell A2/group 2-3.
2. For each cell in Table 8, multiply the number of teachers employed by the board to provide instruction to elementary school pupils who are counted for the purposes of the cell by the number set out in that cell in that Table.
3. Add all the products obtained under paragraph 2 for the board.
4. Divide the sum determined under paragraph 3 by the total number of teachers employed by the board to provide instruction to elementary school pupils.
5. Subtract one from the number obtained under paragraph 4.
6. Multiply the result obtained under paragraph 5 by $3,433.
7. Multiply the amount determined under paragraph 6 by the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of elementary school pupils of the board. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 36 (12).
(13) The amount of the secondary school teacher qualification and experience allocation for a district school board is determined as follows:
1. For each cell in Table 8, determine the number of teachers employed by the board to provide instruction to secondary school pupils who have the qualification category and the number of full years of teaching experience that correspond with the co-ordinates of the cell. For example, a teacher with a qualification category of D and 0.7 years of teaching experience is counted for the purposes of cell D-1 and a teacher with a qualification category of A2 or group 2 and 3.2 years of teaching experience is counted for the purposes of cell A2/group 2-3.
2. For each cell in Table 8, multiply the number of teachers employed by the board to provide instruction to secondary school pupils who are counted for the purposes of the cell by the number set out in that cell in that Table.
3. Add all the products obtained under paragraph 2 for the board.
4. Divide the sum determined under paragraph 3 by the total number of teachers employed by the board to provide instruction to secondary school pupils.
5. Subtract one from the number obtained under paragraph 4.
6. Multiply the result obtained under paragraph 5 by $4,391.
7. Multiply the amount determined under paragraph 6 by the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of secondary school pupils of the board. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 36 (13).
Transportation allocation
37. The amount of the transportation allocation for a district school board for the fiscal year is determined as follows:
1. Take the amount determined in respect of the board under paragraph 9 of section 37 of the 2006-2007 grant regulation.
2. Multiply the amount determined under paragraph 1 by 0.02.
3. Take the 2006-2007 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board, within the meaning of the 2006-2007 grant regulation.
4. Divide the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board by the number determined under paragraph 3. If the quotient is less than 1, it is deemed to be 1.
5. Multiply the amount determined under paragraph 1 by the number determined under paragraph 4.
6. Add the amount set out in Column 2 of Table 9.1 opposite the name of the board to the total of the amounts determined under paragraphs 2 and 5.
7. Determine the board’s expenditure in the fiscal year that is approved by the Minister, based on submissions by the board, in respect of transportation to and from the Ontario School for the Blind, an Ontario School for the Deaf or a demonstration school established by or operated under an agreement with the Minister for pupils with severe communicational exceptionalities.
8. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 6 and 7. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 37; O. Reg. 81/08, s. 2.
Administration and governance allocation
38. (1) The amount of the administration and governance allocation for a district school board for the fiscal year is the total of the amounts listed in the following paragraphs:
1. The amount determined under subsection (2) for the board for board members’ and student trustees’ honoraria and expenses.
2. The amount determined under subsection (4) for the board for directors of education and supervisory officers.
3. The amount determined under subsection (5) for the board for administration costs.
4. The amount determined under subsection (6) for the board for multiple municipalities. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 38 (1).
(2) The amount for the board for board members’ and student trustees’ honoraria and expenses is determined as follows:
1. Multiply the number of members of the board by $5,000. For the purposes of this paragraph and paragraphs 3, 5, and 11, the number of members of the board is the sum of,
i. the number of members determined for the board under subclause 58.1 (2) (k) (i) of the Act for the purposes of the 2006 regular election or, if a resolution referred to in subsection 58.1 (10.1) of the Act is in effect for the purposes of that election, the number of members specified in the resolution, and
ii. the number of Native representatives determined for the board under subsection 188 (5) of the Act for the term of office beginning in December, 2006.
2. Add $10,000 to the amount determined under paragraph 1.
3. Multiply $7,100 by the number of members of the board.
4. Add $7,500 to the amount determined under paragraph 3.
5. Multiply $1,800 by the number of members of the board if the board has,
i. a board area greater than 9,000 square kilometres, as set out in Table 1 of Ontario Regulation 412/00 (Elections to and Representation on District School Boards) made under the Act, as that regulation read on January 1, 2007, or
ii. a dispersal factor of greater than 25 as set out in Table 5 of Ontario Regulation 412/00, made under the Act, as that regulation read on January 1, 2007.
6. Take the sum of the amounts that would be determined for the members of the board under subsections 6 (2), (3) and (4) of Ontario Regulation 357/06 (Honoraria for Board Members) made under the Act, for the year beginning December 1, 2007, if only pupils of the board were counted in determining the enrolment of the board in section 9 of that regulation.
7. Take the total of the amounts determined under paragraphs 4 and 6 and under paragraph 5, if any.
8. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 2 from the amount determined under paragraph 7.
9. Multiply the amount determined under paragraph 8 by 0.5.
10. Add the amount determined under paragraph 9 to the amount determined under paragraph 2 to determine the amount for board members’ honoraria.
11. Multiply the number of members of the board by $5,000 to determine the amount for board members’ expenses.
12. Determine the amount for the fiscal year of the honoraria to which student trustees of the board are entitled under subsection 55 (8) of the Act.
13. Divide the amount determined under paragraph 12 by 2 to determine the amount for student trustees’ honoraria.
14. Multiply the number of student trustees required by board policy on September 1, 2007 by $5,000, to determine the amount for student trustees’ expenses.
15. Total the amounts obtained under paragraphs 10, 11, 13 and 14. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 38 (2).
(3) For the purposes of subsection (4), pupils are counted on the basis of the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 38 (3).
(4) The amount for the board for directors of education and supervisory officers is determined as follows:
1. Allow $487,093 as a base amount.
2. Allow $12.41 per pupil for the first 10,000 pupils of the board.
3. Allow $18.13 per pupil for the next 10,000 pupils of the board.
4. Allow $24.93 per pupil for the remaining pupils of the board.
5. Total the amounts allowed under paragraphs 1 to 4.
6. Add 2.17 per cent of the amount of the board’s remote and rural allocation for the fiscal year.
7. Add 0.62 per cent of the total of the amounts determined for the board under paragraph 1 of subsection 34 (1).
8. Add 1 per cent of the total of the amounts determined for the board under section 44 for new pupil places, section 45 for primary class size reduction, section 46 for growth schools, section 47 for the capital transitional adjustment, section 48 for the replacement of schools that are prohibitive to repair and section 49 for the construction of facilities described in clauses 234 (1) (b) and (c) of the Act. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 38 (4).
(5) The amount for the board for administration costs is determined as follows:
1. Allow $90,486 as a base amount.
2. Add the product of $196.00 and the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board.
3. Add 11.94 per cent of the amount of the board’s remote and rural allocation for the fiscal year.
4. Add 0.62 per cent of the amount set out in Column 2 of Table 7 opposite the name of the board.
5. Add 1 per cent of the total of the amounts determined for the board under section 44 for new pupil places, section 45 for primary class size reduction, section 46 for growth schools, section 47 for the capital transitional adjustment, section 48 for the replacement of schools that are prohibitive to repair and section 49 for the construction of facilities described in clauses 234 (1) (b) and (c) of the Act. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 38 (5); O. Reg. 81/08, s. 3.
(6) The amount, if any, for a board for multiple municipalities is the amount determined under the following rules:
1. If, on September 1, 2007, there are at least 30 but not more than 49 municipalities situated wholly or partly within the board’s area of jurisdiction, the amount is determined using the following formula:
(n – 29) × $500
in which,
“n” is the number of those municipalities.
2. If, on September 1, 2007, there are at least 50 but not more than 99 municipalities situated wholly or partly within the board’s area of jurisdiction, the amount is determined using the following formula:
$10,000 + [(n – 49) × $750]
in which,
“n” is the number of those municipalities.
3. If, on September 1, 2007, there are at least 100 municipalities situated wholly or partly within the board’s area of jurisdiction, the amount is determined using the following formula:
$47,500 + [(n – 99) × $1,000]
in which,
“n” is the number of those municipalities.
O. Reg. 152/07, s. 38 (6).
(7) For the purposes of subsection (6), a deemed district municipality is not counted as a municipality. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 38 (7).
Program enhancement allocation
39. The amount of the program enhancement allocation for a district school board for the fiscal year is determined by multiplying $7,500 by the total number of qualifying sole elementary schools, qualifying sole secondary schools and qualifying combined schools of the board, as determined under subsection 16 (3). O. Reg. 152/07, s. 39.
Pupil accommodation allocation
40. (1) The amount of the pupil accommodation allocation for a district school board for the fiscal year is the total of the following amounts:
1. The amount for school operations.
2. The amount for school renewal.
3. The amount for urgent and high priority renewal projects.
4. The amount for new pupil places.
5. The amount for primary class size reduction.
6. The amount for growth schools.
7. The amount for the capital transitional adjustment.
8. The amount for the replacement of schools that are prohibitive to repair.
9. The amount for the construction of facilities described in clauses 234 (1) (b) and (c) of the Act.
10. The amount for outstanding capital commitments. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 40 (1).
(2) In this section and in sections 41 to 51,
“2004-2005 enrolment” means, in respect of a school operated by a board, the 2004-2005 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board, within the meaning of Ontario Regulation 143/04 (Calculation of Average Daily Enrolment for the 2004-2005 School Board Fiscal Year) made under the Act, counting only pupils enrolled in the school; (“effectif de 2004-2005”)
“2004-2005 reported capacity” means, in respect of a school operated by a board, the school capacity as reported in Appendix C to the board’s 2004-2005 financial statements prepared and submitted to the Ministry under the Act; (“capacité d’accueil déclarée pour 2004-2005”)
“2005-2006 enrolment” means, in respect of a school operated by a board, the 2005-2006 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board, within the meaning of Ontario Regulation 398/05 (Calculation of Average Daily Enrolment for the 2005-2006 School Board Fiscal Year) made under the Act, counting only pupils enrolled in the school; (“effectif de 2005-2006”)
“2005-2006 reported capacity” means, in respect of a school operated by a board, the school capacity as reported in Appendix C to the board’s 2005-2006 financial statements prepared and submitted to the Ministry under the Act; (“capacité d’accueil déclarée pour 2005-2006”)
“2006-2007 enrolment” means, in respect of a school operated by a board, the 2006-2007 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board, within the meaning of Ontario Regulation 339/06 (Calculation of Average Daily Enrolment for the 2006-2007 School Board Fiscal Year) made under the Act, counting only pupils enrolled in the school; (“effectif de 2006-2007”)
“2006-2007 reported capacity” means, in respect of a school operated by a board, the school capacity as reported in Appendix C to the board’s 2006-2007 financial statements prepared and submitted to the Ministry under the Act; (“capacité d’accueil déclarée pour 2006-2007”)
“2007-2008 enrolment” means, in respect of a school operated by a board, the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board, counting only pupils enrolled in the school; (“effectif de 2007-2008”)
“elementary facility” means a facility that is or was an elementary school of a board; (“établissement élémentaire”)
“instructional space” means a space in a school that can reasonably be used for instructional purposes; (“aire d’enseignement”)
“outlying elementary school” has the same meaning as in subsection 32 (2); (“école élémentaire excentrée”)
“outlying secondary school” has the same meaning as in subsection 32 (2); (“école secondaire excentrée”)
“secondary facility” means a facility that is or was a secondary school of a board. (“établissement secondaire”) O. Reg. 152/07, s. 40 (2).
Amount for school operations
41. (1) The amount for the board for the fiscal year for school operations is determined as follows:
1. Determine the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of elementary school pupils of the board.
2. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 1 by the benchmark area requirement per pupil of 9.7 metres squared to obtain the elementary school area requirement for the board.
3. Determine the adjusted elementary school area requirement for the board in metres squared by applying, to the amount determined under paragraph 2, the supplementary elementary school area factor approved for the board by the Minister in accordance with subsections (2) and (3).
4. Determine the day school average daily enrolment for the board for the 2007-2008 fiscal year, in accordance with section 2 of the 2007-2008 day school A.D.E. regulation, counting only pupils who are at least 21 years of age on December 31, 2007.
5. Determine the continuing education average daily enrolment for the board for the 2007-2008 fiscal year, in accordance with section 3 of the 2007-2008 A.D.E. regulation, counting only pupils enrolled in a course for which the pupil may earn a credit and in which instruction is given between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and excluding,
i. pupils enrolled in a continuing education course delivered primarily through means other than classroom instruction,
ii. pupils to whom subsection 49 (6) of the Act applies, and
iii. pupils in respect of whom the board charges a fee under subsection 8 (4) of the 2007-2008 fees regulation.
6. Determine the summer school average daily enrolment for the board for the 2007-2008 fiscal year, in accordance with section 4 of the 2007-2008 A.D.E. regulation, excluding,
i. pupils to whom subsection 49 (6) of the Act applies, and
ii. pupils in respect of whom the board charges a fee under subsection 8 (5) of the 2007-2008 fees regulation.
7. Take the total number of pupil places in education programs provided by the board that are qualifying education programs within the meaning of subsection 23 (2) for which instruction is provided on board premises.
8. Add the numbers determined under paragraphs 4, 5, 6 and 7.
9. Multiply the total determined under paragraph 8 by the benchmark area requirement per pupil of 9.29 metres squared, to obtain the continuing education and other programs area requirement for the board.
10. Determine the adjusted continuing education and other programs area requirement for the board in metres squared by applying, to the amount determined under paragraph 9, the supplementary continuing education and other programs area factor approved for the board by the Minister in accordance with subsection (4).
11. Determine the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of secondary school pupils of the board.
12. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 11 by the benchmark area requirement per pupil of 12.07 metres squared to obtain the secondary school area requirement for the board.
13. Determine the adjusted secondary school area requirement for the board in metres squared by applying, to the amount determined under paragraph 12, the supplementary secondary school area factor approved for the board by the Minister in accordance with subsection (6).
14. Obtain the adjusted total area requirement for the board in metres squared by adding the following amounts:
i. The adjusted elementary school area requirement for the board determined under paragraph 3.
ii. The adjusted continuing education and other programs area requirement for the board determined under paragraph 10.
iii. The adjusted secondary school area requirement for the board determined under paragraph 13.
15. Multiply the number obtained under paragraph 14 by the benchmark operating cost of $66.48 per metre squared.
16. For each elementary school of the board, calculate a top-up amount for school operations as follows:
i. Determine the 2007-2008 enrolment.
ii. Determine the capacity of the school, in terms of pupil places, in accordance with subsection 51 (31). However, the capacity of a school for which the number determined under subparagraph i is zero is deemed, for the purposes of this paragraph, to be zero.
iii. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph i by the benchmark area requirement per pupil of 9.7 metres squared.
iv. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph iii by the benchmark operating cost of $66.48 per metre squared.
v. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph iv by the supplementary elementary school area factor approved for the board by the Minister in accordance with subsections (2) and (3).
vi. Multiply the capacity of the school, in terms of pupil places, as determined under subparagraph ii, by the benchmark area requirement per pupil of 9.7 metres squared.
vii. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph vi by the benchmark operating cost of $66.48 per metre squared.
viii. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph vii by the supplementary elementary school area factor approved for the board by the Minister in accordance with subsections (2) and (3).
ix. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph viii by 0.2.
x. Subtract the number determined under subparagraph v from the number determined under subparagraph viii.
xi. Take the lesser of the number determined under subparagraph ix and the number determined under subparagraph x to obtain the top-up amount for school operations for the elementary school. However, if the number determined under subparagraph x is zero or a negative number or if the number determined under subparagraph i is zero, the top-up amount for school operations for the elementary school is zero.
17. Total the top-up amounts determined under paragraph 16 for each elementary school of the board.
18. Identify the elementary schools of the board that are distant elementary schools of the board within the meaning of subsection 29 (2.1) of the 2003-2004 grant regulation, but that are neither rural elementary schools nor outlying elementary schools.
19. For each elementary school identified under paragraph 18, subtract the amount determined under paragraph 15 of subsection 37 (3) of the 2003-2004 grant regulation from the amount determined under paragraph 16.1 of that subsection of that regulation. If the difference determined for a school is negative, the amount for that school is deemed to be zero.
20. Total the amounts determined under paragraph 19 for the elementary schools identified under paragraph 18.
21. Take the amount, if any, set out in Column 2 of Table 10 opposite the name of the board.
22. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 20 and 21.
23. Identify the rural elementary schools of the board that are not outlying elementary schools of the board.
24. Total the amounts determined under subparagraph 16 x for the rural elementary schools of the board identified in paragraph 23. If the number determined for a school under subparagraph 16 i is zero, or if the number determined for the school under subparagraph 16 x is negative, the number determined for the school under subparagraph 16 x is deemed to be zero for the purposes of this paragraph.
25. Total the amounts determined under subparagraph 16 xi for the rural elementary schools of the board identified in paragraph 23.
26. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 25 from the amount determined under paragraph 24.
27. Total the amounts determined under subparagraph 16 x for the outlying elementary schools of the board. If the number determined for a school under subparagraph 16 i is zero, or if the number determined for the school under subparagraph 16 x is negative, the number determined for the school under subparagraph 16 x is deemed to be zero for the purposes of this paragraph.
28. Total the amounts determined under subparagraph 16 xi for the outlying elementary schools of the board.
29. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 28 from the amount determined under paragraph 27.
30. For each secondary school of the board, calculate a top-up amount for school operations as follows:
i. Determine the 2007-2008 enrolment.
ii. Determine the capacity of the school, in terms of pupil places, in accordance with subsection 51 (32). However, the capacity of a school for which the number determined under subparagraph i is zero is deemed, for the purposes of this paragraph, to be zero.
iii. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph i by the benchmark area requirement per pupil of 12.07 metres squared.
iv. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph iii by the benchmark operating cost of $66.48 per metre squared.
v. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph iv by the supplementary secondary school area factor approved for the board by the Minister in accordance with subsection (6).
vi. Multiply the capacity of the school, in terms of pupil places, as determined under subparagraph ii, by the benchmark area requirement per pupil of 12.07 metres squared.
vii. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph vi by the benchmark operating cost of $66.48 per metre squared.
viii. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph vii by the supplementary secondary school area factor approved for the board by the Minister in accordance with subsection (6).
ix. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph viii by 0.2.
x. Subtract the number determined under subparagraph v from the number determined under subparagraph viii.
xi. Take the lesser of the number determined under subparagraph ix and the number determined under subparagraph x to obtain the top-up amount for school operations for the secondary school. However, if the number determined under subparagraph x is zero or a negative number or if the number determined under subparagraph i is zero, the top-up amount for school operations for the secondary school is zero.
31. Total the top-up amounts for school operations determined under paragraph 30 for each secondary school of the board.
32. Identify the secondary schools of the board that are distant secondary schools of the board within the meaning of subsection 29 (2.6) of the 2003-2004 grant regulation, but that are neither rural secondary schools nor outlying secondary schools.
33. For each secondary school identified under paragraph 32, subtract the amount determined under paragraph 17 of subsection 37 (3) of the 2003-2004 grant regulation from the amount determined under paragraph 18.1 of that subsection of that regulation. If the difference determined for a school is negative, the amount for that school is deemed to be zero.
34. Total the amounts determined under paragraph 33 for the secondary schools identified under paragraph 32.
35. Take the amount, if any, set out in Column 3 of Table 10 opposite the name of the board.
36. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 34 and 35.
37. Identify the rural secondary schools of the board that are not outlying secondary schools of the board.
38. Total the amounts determined under subparagraph 30 x for the rural secondary schools of the board identified in paragraph 37. If the number determined for a school under subparagraph 30 i is zero, or if the number determined for the school under subparagraph 30 x is negative, the number determined for the school under subparagraph 30 x is deemed to be zero for the purposes of this paragraph.
39. Total the amounts determined under subparagraph 30 xi for the rural secondary schools of the board identified in paragraph 37.
40. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 39 from the amount determined under paragraph 38.
41. Total the amounts determined under subparagraph 30 x for the outlying secondary schools of the board. If the number determined for a school under subparagraph 30 i is zero, or if the number determined for the school under subparagraph 30 x is negative, the number determined for the school under subparagraph 30 x is deemed to be zero for the purposes of this paragraph.
42. Total the amounts determined under subparagraph 30 xi for the outlying secondary schools of the board.
43. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 42 from the amount determined under paragraph 41.
44. Take the lesser of,
i. the amount for renewal software licensing fees set out in Column 2 of Table 11 opposite the name of the board, and
ii. the board’s expenditure for renewal software licensing fees as reported to the Ministry in the board’s annual financial statements for the school board fiscal year.
45. Take the community use of schools compensation amount set out in Column 2 of Table 12 opposite the name of the board.
46. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 15, 17, 22, 26, 29, 31, 36, 40, 43, 44 and 45. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 41 (1); O. Reg. 507/07, s. 13.
(2) For the purposes of paragraph 3 of subsection (1), the Minister shall approve a supplementary elementary school area factor for a board that the Minister considers appropriate in order to make allowance for any disproportionate space needs that are particular to the board and that are caused by,
(a) the fact that the board is operating a school that can reasonably be considered to be too large for the community it serves, whether because of declining enrolment or for some other reason;
(b) the fact that the board is operating a school in a building, the physical characteristics of which can reasonably be considered to be neither compatible with nor easily modified to conform to the benchmark area requirements referred to in subsection (1);
(c) the fact that the board has disproportionately high space requirements because the board serves a disproportionately high number of pupils in special education programs or in other education programs with high space requirements; or
(d) other circumstances approved by the Minister. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 41 (2).
(3) In determining an amount for the purposes of subsection (2), the Minister shall have regard to the effect of the circumstances referred to in clauses (2) (a) to (d) on the board’s space needs. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 41 (3).
(4) Subject to subsection (5), subsections (2) and (3) apply with necessary modifications to require the Minister to approve a supplementary continuing education and other programs area factor for a board and, for that purpose, a reference to elementary school area is deemed to be a reference to continuing education and other programs area. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 41 (4).
(5) The Minister shall not approve a factor for a board under subsection (4) that is greater than the factor approved for the board under subsection (6). O. Reg. 152/07, s. 41 (5).
(6) Subsections (2) and (3) apply with necessary modifications to require the Minister to approve a supplementary secondary school area factor for a board and, for that purpose, a reference to elementary school area is deemed to be a reference to secondary school area. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 41 (6).
Amount for school renewal
42. The amount for the board for the fiscal year for school renewal is determined as follows:
1. Take the percentage of the total elementary school area of the board that relates to buildings that are less than 20 years old, as set out in Column 2 of Table 13 opposite the name of the board.
2. Apply the percentage referred to in paragraph 1 to the benchmark renewal cost per metre squared of $7.03.
3. Take the percentage of the total elementary school area of the board that relates to buildings that are 20 years old or older, as set out in Column 3 of Table 13 opposite the name of the board.
4. Apply the percentage referred to in paragraph 3 to the benchmark renewal cost per metre squared of $10.54.
5. Add the amounts obtained under paragraphs 2 and 4, to obtain a weighted average benchmark elementary school renewal cost per metre squared.
6. Multiply the amount obtained under paragraph 5 by the adjusted elementary school area requirement for the board determined under paragraph 3 of subsection 41 (1).
7. Take the percentage of the total secondary school area of the board that relates to buildings that are less than 20 years old, set out in Column 4 of Table 13 opposite the name of the board.
8. Apply the percentage referred to in paragraph 7 to the benchmark renewal cost per metre squared of $7.03.
9. Take the percentage of the total secondary school area of the board that relates to buildings that are 20 years old or older, as set out in Column 5 of Table 13 opposite the name of the board.
10. Apply the percentage referred to in paragraph 9 to the benchmark renewal cost per metre squared of $10.54.
11. Add the amounts obtained under paragraphs 8 and 10, to obtain a weighted average benchmark secondary school renewal cost per metre squared.
12. Multiply the amount obtained under paragraph 11 by the adjusted secondary school area requirement for the board determined under paragraph 13 of subsection 41 (1).
13. Multiply the amount obtained under paragraph 11 by the adjusted continuing education and other programs area requirement for the board determined under paragraph 10 of subsection 41 (1).
14. For each elementary school of the board, calculate a top-up amount for school renewal as follows:
i. Determine the 2007-2008 enrolment.
ii. Determine the capacity of the school, in terms of pupil places, in accordance with subsection 51 (31). However, the capacity of a school for which the number determined under subparagraph i is zero is deemed, for the purposes of this paragraph, to be zero.
iii. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph i by the benchmark area requirement per pupil of 9.7 metres squared.
iv. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph iii by the weighted average benchmark elementary school renewal cost per metre squared, as determined for the board under paragraph 5.
v. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph iv by the supplementary elementary school area factor approved for the board by the Minister in accordance with subsections 41 (2) and (3).
vi. Multiply the capacity of the school, in terms of pupil places, as determined under subparagraph ii, by the benchmark area requirement per pupil of 9.7 metres squared.
vii. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph vi by the weighted average benchmark elementary school renewal cost per metre squared, as determined for the board under paragraph 5.
viii. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph vii by the supplementary elementary school area factor approved for the board by the Minister in accordance with subsections 41 (2) and (3).
ix. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph viii by 0.2.
x. Subtract the number determined under subparagraph v from the number determined under subparagraph viii.
xi. Take the lesser of the number determined under subparagraph ix and the number determined under subparagraph x to obtain the top-up amount for school renewal for the elementary school. However, if the number determined under subparagraph x is zero or a negative number or if the number determined under subparagraph i is zero, the top-up amount for school renewal for the elementary school is zero.
15. Total the top-up amounts for school renewal determined under paragraph 14 for each elementary school of the board.
16. Identify the elementary schools of the board that are distant elementary schools of the board within the meaning of subsection 29 (2.1) of the 2003-2004 grant regulation, but that are neither rural elementary schools nor outlying elementary schools.
17. For each elementary school identified under paragraph 16, subtract the amount determined under paragraph 14 of subsection 37 (9) of the 2003-2004 grant regulation from the amount determined under paragraph 14.1 of that subsection of that regulation. If the difference determined for a school is negative, the amount for that school is deemed to be zero.
18. Total the amounts determined under paragraph 17 for the elementary schools identified under paragraph 16.
19. Take the amount, if any set out in Column 4 of Table 10 opposite the name of the board.
20. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 18 and 19.
21. Identify the rural elementary schools of the board that are not outlying elementary schools of the board.
22. Total the amounts determined under subparagraph 14 x for the rural elementary schools of the board identified in paragraph 21. If the number determined for a school under subparagraph 14 i is zero, or if the number determined for the school under subparagraph 14 x is negative, the number determined for the school under subparagraph 14 x is deemed to be zero for the purposes of this paragraph.
23. Total the amounts determined under subparagraph 14 xi for the rural elementary schools of the board identified in paragraph 21.
24. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 23 from the amount determined under paragraph 22.
25. Total the amounts determined under subparagraph 14 x for the outlying elementary schools of the board. If the number determined for a school under subparagraph 14 i is zero, or if the number determined for the school under subparagraph 14 x is negative, the number determined for the school under subparagraph 14 x is deemed to be zero for the purposes of this paragraph.
26. Total the amounts determined under subparagraph 14 xi for the outlying elementary schools of the board.
27. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 26 from the amount determined under paragraph 25.
28. For each secondary school of the board, calculate a top-up amount for school renewal as follows:
i. Determine the 2007-2008 enrolment.
ii. Determine the capacity of the school, in terms of pupil places, in accordance with subsection 51 (32). However, the capacity of a school for which the number determined under subparagraph i is zero is deemed, for the purposes of this paragraph, to be zero.
iii. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph i by the benchmark area requirement per pupil of 12.07 metres squared.
iv. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph iii by the weighted average benchmark secondary school renewal cost per metre squared, as determined for the board under paragraph 11.
v. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph iv by the supplementary secondary school area factor approved for the board by the Minister in accordance with subsection 41 (6).
vi. Multiply the capacity of the school, in terms of pupil places, as determined under subparagraph ii, by the benchmark area requirement per pupil of 12.07 metres squared.
vii. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph vi by the weighted average benchmark secondary school renewal cost per metre squared, as determined for the board under paragraph 11.
viii. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph vii by the supplementary secondary school area factor approved for the board by the Minister in accordance with subsection 41 (6).
ix. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph viii by 0.2.
x. Subtract the number determined under subparagraph v from the number determined under subparagraph viii.
xi. Take the lesser of the number determined under subparagraph ix and the number determined under subparagraph x to obtain the top-up amount for school renewal for the secondary school. However, if the number determined under subparagraph x is zero or a negative number or if the number determined under subparagraph i is zero, the top-up amount for school renewal for the secondary school is zero.
29. Total the top-up amounts for school renewal determined under paragraph 28 for each secondary school of the board.
30. Identify the secondary schools of the board that are distant secondary schools of the board within the meaning of subsection 29 (2.6) of the 2003-2004 grant regulation, but that are neither rural secondary schools nor outlying secondary schools.
31. For each secondary school identified under paragraph 30, subtract the amount determined under paragraph 16 of subsection 37 (9) of the 2003-2004 grant regulation from the amount determined under paragraph 16.1 of that subsection of that regulation. If the difference determined for a school is negative, the amount for that school is deemed to be zero.
32. Total the amounts determined under paragraph 31 for the secondary schools identified under paragraph 30.
33. Take the amount, if any set out in Column 5 of Table 10 opposite the name of the board.
34. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 32 and 33.
35. Identify the rural secondary schools of the board that are not outlying secondary schools of the board.
36. Total the amounts determined under subparagraph 28 x for the rural secondary schools of the board identified in paragraph 35. If the number determined for a school under subparagraph 28 i is zero, or if the number determined for the school under subparagraph 28 x is negative, the number determined for the school under subparagraph 28 x is deemed to be zero for the purposes of this paragraph.
37. Total the amounts determined under subparagraph 28 xi for the rural secondary schools of the board identified in paragraph 35.
38. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 37 from the amount determined under paragraph 36.
39. Total the amounts determined under subparagraph 28 x for the outlying secondary schools of the board. If the number determined for a school under subparagraph 28 i is zero, or if the number determined for the school under subparagraph 28 x is negative, the number determined for the school under subparagraph 28 x is deemed to be zero for the purposes of this paragraph.
40. Total the amounts determined under subparagraph 28 xi for the outlying secondary schools of the board.
41. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 40 from the amount determined under paragraph 39.
42. Take the amount for school renewal enhancement set out opposite the name of the board in Table 14.
43. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 6, 12, 13, 15, 24, 27, 29, 38, 41 and 42.
44. Multiply the sum determined under paragraph 43 by the geographic adjustment factor specified for the board in Column 3 of Table 15.
45. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 20, 34 and 44. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 42.
Amount for urgent and high priority renewal projects
43. (1) The amount for the board for the fiscal year for urgent and high priority renewal projects is determined as follows:
1. Determine the portion of the cost of urgent and high priority renewal projects described in subsection (2) and set out in Column 2 of Table 16 opposite the name of the board, that was incurred by the board in each of the 2004-2005, 2005-2006, 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 school board fiscal years for construction or renovation work that began on or after March 18, 2005.
2. Total the portions determined under paragraph 1 for the four fiscal years.
3. Determine the portion of the cost of urgent and high priority renewal projects described in subsection (3) and set out in Column 3 of Table 16 opposite the name of the board, that was incurred by the board in each of the 2005-2006, 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 school board fiscal years for construction or renovation work that began on or after January 1, 2006.
4. Total the portions determined under paragraph 3 for the three fiscal years.
4.1 Determine the portion of the cost of urgent and high priority renewal projects described in subsection (4) and set out in Column 4 of Table 16 opposite the name of the board, that was incurred by the board in each of the 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 school board fiscal years for construction or renovation work that began on or after January 1, 2007.
4.2 Total the portions determined under paragraph 4.1 for the two fiscal years.
5. Add the amounts determined under paragraphs 2, 4 and 4.2.
6. Determine the portion of the amount determined under paragraph 5 in respect of which the board incurred short-term interest.
7. Take the lesser of,
i. the amount of short-term interest incurred by the board in the 2007-2008 fiscal year in respect of the amount determined under paragraph 6, and
ii. the amount of short-term interest that the board would incur in the 2007-2008 fiscal year in respect of the portion determined under paragraph 6 if each amount borrowed were subject to an annual interest rate of not more than 0.20 per cent greater than the annual interest rate for three-month bankers’ acceptances applicable at the time of borrowing.
8. Determine the portion of the amount determined under paragraph 5 in respect of which the board did not incur interest.
9. Determine the amount of short-term interest that the board would incur in the 2007-2008 fiscal year in respect of the portion referred to in paragraph 8 if the amount of each cost making up the portion were borrowed on the date that it was withdrawn from reserves of the board, at the annual interest rate for three-month bankers’ acceptances applicable on September 4, 2007.
10. Determine the total of principal and interest payments incurred by the board in the 2007-2008 fiscal year in respect of funds that the board borrowed from the Ontario Financing Authority to pay the costs or a portion of the costs determined under paragraph 5.
11. Add the amounts, if any, determined under paragraphs 7, 9 and 10. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 43 (1); O. Reg. 583/07, ss. 1, 2; O. Reg. 81/08, s. 4 (1, 2).
(2) For the purposes of paragraph 1 of subsection (1), an urgent and high priority renewal project is a project that,
(a) is at a school of the board listed in Appendix B of the document entitled “Good Places to Learn: Stage 1 Funding Allocation”, which is available as described in subsection 3 (6); and
(b) has been approved by the Minister, as indicated in the document mentioned in clause (a), on the basis that the project addresses an urgent and high priority renewal need at the school. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 43 (2).
(3) For the purposes of paragraph 3 of subsection (1), an urgent and high priority renewal project is a project that,
(a) is at a school of the board listed in Appendix C of the document entitled “Good Places to Learn: Stage 2 Funding Allocation”, which is available as described in subsection 3 (6); and
(b) has been approved by the Minister, as indicated in the document mentioned in clause (a), on the basis that the project addresses an urgent and high priority renewal need at the school. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 43 (3); O. Reg. 507/07, s. 14.
(4) For the purposes of paragraph 4.1 of subsection (1), an urgent and high priority renewal project is a project that,
(a) is at a school of the board listed in Appendix B of the document entitled “Good Places to Learn: Stage 3 Funding Allocation”, which is available as described in subsection 3 (6); and
(b) has been approved by the Minister, as indicated in the document mentioned in clause (a), on the basis that the project addresses an urgent and high priority renewal need at the school. O. Reg. 81/08, s. 4 (3).
Amount for new pupil places
44. (1) The amount for the board for the fiscal year for new pupil places is determined as follows:
1. Determine the number of new elementary pupil places that the board reports, by August 31, 2005, were constructed by September 30, 2003 and financed in whole or in part with amounts calculated for the board under a predecessor of this subsection. For the purpose, a new pupil place shall be determined by the board in accordance with the Instruction Guide, which is available as described in subsection 3 (1).
2. Determine the number of new elementary pupil places that have been constructed by September 30, 2007, that are under construction on that date, or for which the board has awarded a tender for construction on or before that date.
3. Determine the number of new elementary pupil places that have been constructed by March 31, 2008, that are under construction on that date, or for which the board has awarded a tender for construction on or before that date.
4. Determine the construction costs that are reported by August 31, 2008, for projects that make permanent additions to elementary schools with respect to instructional spaces to which a loading of zero applies, as determined under subsection 51 (6), where,
i. construction of the project is completed by September 30, 2007,
ii. the project is under construction on that date, or
iii. the board has awarded a tender for construction of the project on or before that date.
5. Determine the amount that is payable in the 2007-2008 fiscal year if the amount determined under paragraph 4 is amortized over 25 years at an annual interest rate of 5.25 per cent, with no compounding.
6. Determine the construction costs that are reported by August 31, 2008, for projects that make permanent additions to elementary schools with respect to instructional spaces to which a loading of zero applies, as determined under subsection 51 (6), where,
i. construction of the project is completed by March 31, 2008,
ii. the project is under construction on that date, or
iii. the board has awarded a tender for construction of the project on or before that date.
7. Determine the amount that is payable in the 2007-2008 fiscal year if the amount determined under paragraph 6 is amortized over 25 years at an annual interest rate of 5.25 per cent, with no compounding.
8. Determine the leasing costs for new elementary pupil places paid in the 2007-2008 fiscal year and reported by August 31, 2008.
8.1 Determine the costs for relocating and installing temporary accommodations that provide elementary pupil places, if the costs are incurred by the board in the 2007-2008 fiscal year and reported by August 31, 2008, not including the amounts determined under paragraph 8, amounts determined under paragraph 6 of subsection 45 (1) or amounts associated with the initial installation of any temporary accommodations on school premises.
9. Determine the costs for temporary accommodation of new elementary pupil places that are incurred in the 2005-2006, 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 fiscal years and reported by August 31, 2008, where the accommodation costs do not include amounts determined under paragraph 8, under a predecessor of that paragraph for a prior school board fiscal year or under paragraph 8.1.
10. Subtract the amount determined in respect of the board under paragraph 9 of subsection 36 (10) of the 2005-2006 grant regulation from the amount determined under paragraph 9.
11. Determine the amount that is payable in the 2007-2008 fiscal year if the amount determined under paragraph 10 is amortized over 25 years at an annual interest rate of 5.25 per cent, with no compounding.
12. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 8, 8.1 and 11.
13. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 1 by the pre-September, 2005, benchmark area requirement per pupil of 9.29 metres squared.
14. Multiply the product determined under paragraph 13 by the pre-September, 2004, benchmark construction cost of $118.40 per metre squared.
15. Multiply the amount determined under paragraph 14 by the geographic adjustment factor set out in Column 2 of Table 15 opposite the name of the board.
16. Subtract the number determined under paragraph 1 from the number determined under paragraph 2.
17. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 16 by the benchmark area requirement per pupil of 9.7 metres squared.
18. Multiply the product determined under paragraph 17 by the benchmark construction cost of $120.77 per metre squared.
19. Multiply the amount determined under paragraph 18 by the geographic adjustment factor set out in Column 3 of Table 15 opposite the name of the board.
20. Subtract the number determined under paragraph 2 from the number determined under paragraph 3.
21. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 20 by the benchmark area requirement per pupil of 9.7 metres squared.
22. Multiply the product determined under paragraph 21 by the benchmark construction cost of $120.77 per metre squared.
23. Multiply the amount determined under paragraph 22 by the geographic adjustment factor set out in Column 3 of Table 15 opposite the name of the board.
24. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 5 from the amount determined under paragraph 7.
25. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 23 and 24.
26. Multiply the amount determined under paragraph 25 by 0.37.
27. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 5, 12, 15, 19 and 26.
28. For each elementary facility of the board that was also an elementary facility in the 2005-2006 fiscal year, apply the loadings determined under subsection 37 (16) of the 2004-2005 grant regulation to the instructional spaces of the facility, as categorized under that subsection.
29. Total the numbers determined under paragraph 28 for the elementary facilities of the board.
30. Total the numbers, if any, determined in respect of the board under the following provisions:
i. Subsection 51 (8), if it applies as described in subsection 51 (7).
ii. Subsection 51 (19), if it applies as described in subsection 51 (18).
iii. Subsection 51 (22), if it applies as described in subsection 51 (21).
iv. Subsection 39 (24) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation.
v. Subsection 39 (35) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation.
vi. Subsection 39 (38) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation.
vii. Subsection 36 (18) of the 2005-2006 grant regulation.
viii. Subsection 36 (29) of the 2005-2006 grant regulation.
ix. Subsection 36 (32) of the 2005-2006 grant regulation.
31. Subtract the number determined under paragraph 30 from the number determined under paragraph 29.
32. Add to the number determined under paragraph 31 the sum of the numbers, if any, determined in respect of the board under the following provisions:
i. Subsection 51 (1).
ii. Subsection 51 (11), if it applies as described in subsection 51 (10).
iii. Subsection 51 (16), if it applies as described in subsection 51 (14).
iv. Subsection 51 (24).
v. Subsection 51 (28), if it applies as described in subsection 51 (27).
vi. Subsection 39 (17) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation.
vii. Subsection 39 (27) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation.
viii. Subsection 39 (32) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation.
ix. Subsection 39 (40) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation.
x. Subsection 39 (45) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation.
xi. Subsection 36 (11) of the 2005-2006 grant regulation.
xii. Subsection 36 (21) of the 2005-2006 grant regulation.
xiii. Subsection 36 (26) of the 2005-2006 grant regulation.
xiv. Subsection 36 (34) of the 2005-2006 grant regulation.
xv. Subsection 36 (39) of the 2005-2006 grant regulation.
33. Subtract the number determined under paragraph 32 from the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of elementary school pupils of the board. If the difference is negative, the number determined under this paragraph is deemed to be zero.
34. Add to the number determined under paragraph 33 the sum of the numbers, if any, each of which is the number of the board’s new pupil places to meet elementary enrolment pressures as calculated for a prior school board fiscal year.
35. Add to the number determined under paragraph 34 the sum of the numbers, if any, of new elementary pupil places that are needed for the purpose of accounting for the capital transitional adjustment as calculated for a prior school board fiscal year in respect of the pupil places set out in Column 4 of Table 18 in the municipalities set out in Column 2 opposite the name of the board.
36. Add to the number determined under paragraph 35 the number, if any, of new elementary pupil places that are needed for the 2005 capital policy adjustment, set out in Column 2 of Table 17 opposite the name of the board.
37. Subtract the number determined in respect of the board under paragraph 2 of subsection 37 (10) of the 2003-2004 grant regulation from the number determined in respect of the board under paragraph 3.2 of that subsection of that regulation. If the difference is negative, the number determined under this paragraph is deemed to be zero.
38. Total the numbers determined under paragraphs 36 and 37.
39. Add to the number determined under paragraph 38 the number, if any, of the board’s new pupil places in respect of its elementary schools for which the cost of repair is prohibitive as calculated for a prior school board fiscal year, named in Column 3 of Table 20 opposite the name of the board in Column 1 of the Table.
40. If the number determined under paragraph 33 is zero, add to the number determined under paragraph 39 the number, if any, of the board’s new pupil places to meet elementary enrolment pressures as determined under subsection 51 (1).
41. Take the lesser of the numbers determined under,
i. paragraph 1, and
ii. paragraph 39 or 40, as the case may be.
42. Subtract the number determined under paragraph 41 from the number determined under paragraph 39 or 40, as the case may be.
43. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 41 by the pre-September, 2005, benchmark area requirement per pupil of 9.29 metres squared.
44. Multiply the product determined under paragraph 43 by the pre-September, 2004, benchmark construction cost of $118.40 per metre squared.
45. Multiply the amount determined under paragraph 44 by the geographic adjustment factor set out in Column 2 of Table 15 opposite the name of the board.
46. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 42 by the benchmark area requirement per pupil of 9.7 metres squared.
47. Multiply the product determined under paragraph 46 by the benchmark construction cost of $120.77 per metre squared.
48. Multiply the amount determined under paragraph 47 by the geographic adjustment factor set out in Column 3 of Table 15 opposite the name of the board.
49. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 45 and 48.
50. Determine the number of new secondary pupil places that the board reports, by August 31, 2005, were constructed by September 30, 2003 and financed in whole or in part with amounts calculated for the board under a predecessor of this subsection. For the purpose, a new pupil place shall be determined by the board in accordance with the Instruction Guide, which is available as described in subsection 3 (1).
51. Determine the number of new secondary pupil places that have been constructed by September 30, 2007, that are under construction on that date, or for which the board has awarded a tender for construction on or before that date.
52. Determine the number of new secondary pupil places that have been constructed by March 31, 2008, that are under construction on that date, or for which the board has awarded a tender for construction on or before that date.
53. Determine the construction costs that are reported by August 31, 2008, for projects that make permanent additions to secondary schools with respect to instructional spaces to which a loading of zero applies, as determined under subsection 51 (6), where,
i. construction of the project is completed by September 30, 2007,
ii. the project is under construction on that date, or
iii. the board has awarded a tender for construction of the project on or before that date.
54. Determine the amount that is payable in the 2007-2008 fiscal year if the amount determined under paragraph 53 is amortized over 25 years at an annual interest rate of 5.25 per cent, with no compounding.
55. Determine the construction costs that are reported by August 31, 2008, for projects that make permanent additions to secondary schools with respect to instructional spaces to which a loading of zero applies, as determined under subsection 51 (6), where,
i. construction of the project is completed by March 31, 2008,
ii. the project is under construction on that date, or
iii. the board has awarded a tender for construction of the project on or before that date.
56. Determine the amount that is payable in the 2007-2008 fiscal year if the amount determined under paragraph 55 is amortized over 25 years at an annual interest rate of 5.25 per cent, with no compounding.
57. Determine the leasing costs for new secondary pupil places paid in the 2007-2008 fiscal year and reported by August 31, 2008.
57.1 Determine the costs for relocating and installing temporary accommodations that provide secondary pupil places, if the costs are incurred by the board in the 2007-2008 fiscal year and reported by August 31, 2008, not including the amounts determined under paragraph 57 or amounts associated with the initial installation of any temporary accommodations on school premises.
58. Determine the costs for temporary accommodation of new secondary pupil places that have been incurred in the 2005-2006, 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 fiscal years and reported by August 31, 2008, where the accommodation costs do not include amounts determined under paragraph 57, under a predecessor of that paragraph for a prior school board fiscal year or under paragraph 57.1.
59. Subtract the amount determined in respect of the board under paragraph 54 of subsection 36 (10) of the 2005-2006 grant regulation from the amount determined under paragraph 58.
60. Determine the amount that is payable in the 2007-2008 fiscal year if the amount determined under paragraph 59 is amortized over 25 years at an annual interest rate of 5.25 per cent, with no compounding.
61. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 57, 57.1 and 60.
62. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 50 by the benchmark area requirement per pupil of 12.07 metres squared.
63. Multiply the product determined under paragraph 62 by the pre-September, 2004, benchmark construction cost of $129.17 per metre squared.
64. Multiply the amount determined under paragraph 63 by the geographic adjustment factor set out in Column 2 of Table 15 opposite the name of the board.
65. Subtract the number determined under paragraph 50 from the number determined under paragraph 51.
66. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 65 by the benchmark area requirement per pupil of 12.07 metres squared.
67. Multiply the product determined under paragraph 66 by the benchmark construction cost of $131.75 per metre squared.
68. Multiply the amount determined under paragraph 67 by the geographic adjustment factor set out in Column 3 of Table 15 opposite the name of the board.
69. Subtract the number determined under paragraph 51 from the number determined under paragraph 52.
70. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 69 by the benchmark area requirement per pupil of 12.07 metres squared.
71. Multiply the product determined under paragraph 70 by the benchmark construction cost of $131.75 per metre squared.
72. Multiply the amount determined under paragraph 71 by the geographic adjustment factor set out in Column 3 of Table 15 opposite the name of the board.
73. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 54 from the amount determined under paragraph 56.
74. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 72 and 73.
75. Multiply the amount determined under paragraph 74 by 0.37.
76. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 54, 61, 64, 68 and 75.
77. Determine the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of secondary school pupils of the board.
78. Subtract the secondary capacity for the board as determined under subsection 51 (5) from the number determined under paragraph 77. If the difference is negative, the number determined under this paragraph is deemed to be zero.
79. Add to the number determined under paragraph 78 the sum of the numbers, if any, each of which is the number of the board’s new pupil places to meet secondary enrolment pressures as calculated for a prior school board fiscal year.
80. Add to the number determined under paragraph 79 the sum of the numbers, if any, of new secondary pupil places that are needed for the purpose of accounting for the capital transitional adjustment as calculated for a prior school board fiscal year in respect of the pupil places set out in Column 5 of Table 18 in the municipalities set out Column 2 opposite the name of the board.
81. Add to the number determined under paragraph 80 the number, if any, of new secondary pupil places that are needed for the 2005 capital policy adjustment, set out in Column 3 of Table 17 opposite the name of the board.
82. Subtract the number determined in respect of the board under paragraph 17 of subsection 37 (10) of the 2003-2004 grant regulation from the number determined in respect of the board under paragraph 18.2 of that subsection of that regulation. If the difference is negative, the number determined under this paragraph is deemed to be zero.
83. Total the numbers determined under paragraphs 81 and 82.
84. Add to the number determined under paragraph 83 the number, if any, of the board’s new pupil places in respect of its secondary schools for which the cost of repair is prohibitive as calculated for a prior school board fiscal year, named in Column 4 of Table 20 opposite the name of the board in Column 1 of the Table.
85. If the number determined under paragraph 78 is zero, add to the number determined under paragraph 84 the number, if any, of the board’s new pupil places to meet secondary enrolment pressures as determined under subsection 51 (3).
86. Take the lesser of the numbers determined under,
i. paragraph 50, and
ii. paragraph 84 or 85, as the case may be.
87. Subtract the number determined under paragraph 86 from the number determined under paragraph 84 or 85, as the case may be.
88. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 86 by the benchmark area requirement per pupil of 12.07 metres squared.
89. Multiply the product determined under paragraph 88 by the pre-September, 2004, benchmark construction cost of $129.17 per metre squared.
90. Multiply the amount determined under paragraph 89 by the geographic adjustment factor set out in Column 2 of Table 15 opposite the name of the board.
91. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 87 by the benchmark area requirement per pupil of 12.07 metres squared.
92. Multiply the product determined under paragraph 91 by the benchmark construction cost of $131.75 per metre squared.
93. Multiply the amount determined under paragraph 92 by the geographic adjustment factor set out in Column 3 of Table 15 opposite the name of the board.
94. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 90 and 93.
95. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 27 and 76.
96. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 49 and 94.
97. Add to the amount determined under paragraph 96 the amount, if any, calculated in respect of the board under paragraph 35 of subsection 37 (10) of the 2004-2005 grant regulation.
98. Take the lesser of the amounts determined under paragraphs 95 and 97.
99. Determine the portion of each capital project of the board that was wholly or partially funded with amounts calculated under this subsection or a predecessor of this subsection for a prior school board fiscal year, where capital projects are projects for purposes established under subsection 1 (2) of Ontario Regulation 446/98 (Reserve Funds) made under the Act and includes projects that have been constructed by August 31, 2008, that are under construction on that date or for which the board has awarded a tender for construction on or before that date.
100. For each capital project described in paragraph 99, determine the debt incurred between August 31, 1998 and August 31, 2008, in respect of the portion of the project determined under paragraph 99, where debt does not include,
i. debt incurred to finance the construction of new elementary pupil places needed for primary class size reduction under subsection 45 (1) or under a predecessor of that subsection for a prior school board fiscal year,
ii. debt incurred to finance the construction of new elementary pupil places or new secondary pupil places described in the plan submitted under subsection 46 (3) or under subsection 39 (15) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation in relation to the growth schools amount,
iii. debt related to the amounts determined under sections 47, 48, 49 and 50 or under predecessors of those sections for a prior school board fiscal year, or
iv. non-permanently financed debt or permanently financed debt, within the meaning of subsection 52 (2).
101. Total the amounts determined under paragraph 100 for the capital projects described in paragraph 99.
102. Determine the debt service costs incurred in the 2007-2008 fiscal year in respect of the amount determined under paragraph 101.
102.1 For each multi-year lease entered into wholly or partly for the purpose of providing instructional space, other than for providing new pupil places needed for the primary class size reduction, determine the amount payable in the 2007-2008 fiscal year in relation to the provision of instructional space.
102.2 Total the amounts determined under paragraph 102.1 for all the multi-year leases described in that paragraph.
102.3 Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 102 and 102.2.
103. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 98 from the amount determined under paragraph 97. If the difference is negative, the number determined under this paragraph is deemed to be zero.
104. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 98 from the amount determined under paragraph 102.3. If the difference is negative, the number determined under this paragraph is deemed to be zero.
105. Take the lesser of the amounts determined under paragraphs 103 and 104.
106. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 98 and 105.
107. Determine the portion of each capital project of the board that was wholly or partially funded with amounts calculated under this subsection or a predecessor of this subsection for a prior school board fiscal year, where capital projects are projects for purposes established under subsection 1 (2) of Ontario Regulation 446/98 and includes projects that have been constructed by August 31, 2006, that are under construction on that date or for which the board has awarded a tender for construction on or before that date.
108. For each capital project described in paragraph 107, determine the debt incurred between August 31, 1998 and August 31, 2008, in respect of the portion of the project determined under paragraph 107, where debt does not include,
i. debt incurred to finance the construction of new elementary pupil places needed for primary class size reduction under subsection 45 (1) or under a predecessor of that subsection for a prior school board fiscal year,
ii. debt incurred to finance the construction of new elementary pupil places or new secondary pupil places described in the plan submitted under subsection 46 (3) or under subsection 39 (15) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation in relation to the growth schools amount,
iii. debt related to the amounts determined under sections 47, 48, 49 and 50 or under predecessors of those sections for a prior school board fiscal year, or
iv. non-permanently financed debt or permanently financed debt, within the meaning of subsection 52 (2).
109. Total the amounts determined under paragraph 108 for the capital projects described in paragraph 107.
110. Determine the debt service costs incurred in the 2007-2008 fiscal year in respect of the amount determined under paragraph 109.
110.1 Determine the debt service costs incurred in the 2007-2008 fiscal year in respect of the amount determined under subsection (4).
110.2 For each multi-year lease entered into on or before August 31, 2006 wholly or partly for the purpose of providing instructional space, other than for providing new pupil places needed for the primary class size reduction, determine the amount payable in the 2007-2008 fiscal year in relation to the provision of instructional space.
110.3 Total the amounts determined under paragraph 110.2 for all the multi-year leases described in that paragraph.
110.4 Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 110.1 and 110.3.
110.5 Take the lesser of the amounts determined under paragraph 110.4 and the amount determined in respect of the board under paragraph 100.2 of subsection 39 (11) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation.
110.6 Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 110 and 110.5.
111. Determine an amount for the board in accordance with subsection (2).
112. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 111 from the amount determined under paragraph 110.6. If the difference is negative, the amount determined under this paragraph is deemed to be zero.
113. If the amount determined under paragraph 112 is less than or equal to the amount determined under paragraph 97, the amount determined under this paragraph is deemed to be zero. If the amount determined under paragraph 112 is greater than the amount determined under paragraph 97, calculate an amount as follows:
i. Determine the number of the board’s new pupil places to meet elementary enrolment pressures, as determined under subsection 51 (1) or a predecessor of that subsection, that are to be provided in projects other than those that have been constructed by March 31, 2006, that are under construction on that date or for which the board has awarded a tender for construction on or before that date.
i.1 Determine the number of the board’s new elementary pupil places that are needed for the 2005 capital policy adjustment, set out in Column 2 of Table 17 opposite the name of the board, that are to be provided in projects other than those that have been constructed by March 31, 2006, that are under construction on that date or for which the board has awarded a tender for construction on or before that date.
i.2 Total the numbers determined under subparagraphs i and i.1.
ii. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph i.2 by the benchmark area requirement per pupil of 9.7 metres squared.
iii. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph ii by the benchmark construction cost of $120.77 per metre squared.
iv. Multiply the amount determined under subparagraph iii by the geographic adjustment factor set out in Column 3 of Table 15 opposite the name of the board.
v. Determine the number of the board’s new pupil places to meet secondary enrolment pressures, as determined under subsection 51 (3) or a predecessor of that subsection, that are to be provided in projects other than those that have been constructed by March 31, 2006, that are under construction on that date or for which the board has awarded a tender for construction on or before that date.
v.1 Determine the number of the board’s new secondary pupil places that are needed for the 2005 capital policy adjustment, set out in Column 3 of Table 17 opposite the name of the board, that are to be provided in projects other than those that have been constructed by March 31, 2006, that are under construction on that date or for which the board has awarded a tender for construction on or before that date.
v.2 Total the numbers determined under subparagraphs v and v.1.
vi. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph v.2 by the benchmark area requirement per pupil of 12.07 metres squared.
vii. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph vi by the benchmark construction cost of $131.75 per metre squared.
viii. Multiply the amount determined under subparagraph vii by the geographic adjustment factor set out in Column 3 of Table 15 opposite the name of the board.
ix. Total the amounts determined under subparagraphs iv and viii.
114. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 113 from the amount determined under paragraph 97.
115. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 114 from the amount determined under paragraph 112. If the difference is negative, the amount determined under this paragraph is deemed to be zero.
116. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 11 of subsection 39 (14.1) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation from the amount determined under paragraph 10 of that subsection.
117. Take the lesser of the amounts determined under paragraphs 115 and 116.
118. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 117 from the amount determined under paragraph 115. If the difference is negative, the amount determined under this paragraph is deemed to be zero.
119. Add the amount determined under paragraph 106 to the amount determined under paragraph 118.
120. Revoked: O. Reg. 507/07, s. 15 (5).
O. Reg. 152/07, s. 44 (1); O. Reg. 507/07, s. 15 (1-5); O. Reg. 545/07, s. 1; O. Reg. 81/08, s. 5 (1-12); O. Reg. 294/08, s. 1; O. Reg. 152/09, s. 3.
(2) The amount referred to in paragraph 111 of subsection (1) is determined as follows:
1. Take the lesser of,
i. the amount determined under paragraph 111 of subsection 39 (11) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation, and
ii. the amount determined under paragraph 112 of that subsection.
2. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 1 from the amount determined under paragraph 112 of subsection 39 (11) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation.
3. Determine an amount calculated using the formula,
A + (B – C) × 0.5
in which,
“A” is the greater of,
i. zero, and
ii. the amount determined under paragraph 2,
“B” is the total of all transfers of $100,000 or more made in the fiscal year to the board’s proceeds of disposition reserve fund or to its reserve fund for the proceeds of disposition of schools that are prohibitive to repair, and
“C” is the amount of transfers from the board’s proceeds of disposition reserve fund or from its reserve fund for the proceeds of disposition of schools that are prohibitive to repair that are authorized by resolutions of the board passed in the 2007-2008 fiscal year for the purpose of acquiring, before August 31, 2010, in fee simple, a proposed school site in respect of which the conditions set out in subsection (3) are met.
O. Reg. 507/07, s. 15 (6); O. Reg. 81/08, s. 5 (13).
(3) The following are conditions for the calculation of “C” in subsection (2) and for the payment of the amount for new pupil places to a district school board:
1. The board submits a plan for the proposed school site by March 31, 2008 containing the board’s evaluation that,
i. every pupil place that will be provided on the proposed school site will be provided in a facility on the site that will provide adequate accommodation for pupils of the board in each of the first ten school board fiscal years that the board operates a school on the site after acquiring it in fee simple,
ii. for each elementary pupil place to be provided in a facility on the proposed school site, there is another elementary pupil place of the board located,
A. within 8 kilometres of the proposed school site, and
B. on a school site that was leased continuously by the board since any date before January 1, 1999 until the date that the board acquires the fee simple for the proposed school site,
iii. for each secondary pupil place to be provided in a facility on the proposed school site, there is another secondary pupil place of the board located,
A. within 32 kilometres of the proposed school site, and
B. on a school site that was leased continuously by the board since any date before January 1, 1999 until the date that the board acquires the fee simple for the proposed school site, and
iv. over the first ten school board fiscal years in which the board operates a school on the proposed school site after acquiring it in fee simple, an average of 80 per cent or more of the pupil places that are provided in the facility on the proposed school site will be needed for accommodation of pupils of the board.
2. The Minister approves the plan on the basis that it contains all the information described in paragraph 1 and that it is reasonable. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 44 (3).
(4) The amount referred to in paragraph 110.1 of subsection (1) is determined as follows:
1. Determine the debt, if any, incurred during the 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 fiscal years to acquire a school site in fee simple that provides pupil places that, immediately before the acquisition, were financed by leases described in paragraph 100.1 of subsection 39 (11) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation and entered into before August 31, 2006.
2. Determine the debt, if any, incurred during the 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 fiscal years to acquire a school site in fee simple that will provide pupil places to replace other pupil places, where, immediately before the acquisition, the pupil places being replaced were financed by leases described in paragraph 100.1 of subsection 39 (11) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation and entered into before August 31, 2006.
3. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 1 and 2. O. Reg. 81/08, s. 5 (14).
(5) For purposes of paragraph 2 of subsection (4), a pupil place is considered to replace another pupil place if,
(a) in the case of an elementary school pupil place, it is located within 8 kilometres of the school site that provided the elementary school pupil place that is being replaced; or
(b) in the case of a secondary school pupil place, it is located within 32 kilometres of the school site that provided the secondary school pupil place that is being replaced. O. Reg. 81/08, s. 5 (14).
Amount for primary class size reduction
45. (1) The amount for the board for the fiscal year for new pupil places needed for primary class size reduction, as described in subsection (2), is determined as follows:
1. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 12 to 16 of subsection 39 (12) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation.
2. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 1 from the amount determined under paragraph 9 of subsection 39 (12) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation. If the difference is a negative number, it is deemed to be zero.
3. For each multi-year lease entered into in the 2007-2008 fiscal year for the purpose of providing new pupil places needed for primary class size reduction, determine the total amount payable over the entire term of the lease.
4. Total the amounts determined under paragraph 3 for all the multi-year leases described in that paragraph.
5. Take the lesser of the amounts determined under paragraphs 2 and 4.
6. Determine the costs for relocating and installing temporary accommodations that provide new pupil places needed for primary class size reduction, if the costs are incurred by the board in the 2007-2008 fiscal year and reported by August 31, 2008, not including the amount determined under paragraph 4 or amounts associated with the initial installation of any temporary accommodations on school premises.
7. Determine the costs for temporary accommodations that provide new pupil places needed for primary class size reduction, if the costs are incurred by the board in the 2007-2008 fiscal year and reported by August 31, 2008, not including amounts determined under paragraphs 4 and 6.
8. Determine the construction costs for program retrofits, described in subsection (3), incurred by the board in the 2007-2008 fiscal year and reported by August 31, 2008 that provide new pupil places needed for primary class size reduction.
9. Determine the construction costs incurred by the board in the 2007-2008 fiscal year and reported by August 31, 2008 in respect of new pupil places needed for primary class size reduction, not including the amount determined under paragraph 8.
10. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 7, 8 and 9.
11. Subtract the total of the amounts determined under paragraphs 5 and 6 from the amount determined under paragraph 2. If the difference is negative, it is deemed to be zero.
12. Take the lesser of paragraphs 10 and 11.
13. Add the amount determined under paragraph 12 to the amount determined under paragraph 19 of section 39 (12) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation.
14. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 21 of subsection 39 (12) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation from the amount determined under paragraph 13.
15. Determine the amount of principal and interest incurred by the board in the 2007-2008 fiscal year in connection with the financing of the amount determined under paragraph 14, as follows:
i. Determine the portion of the amount determined under paragraph 14 in respect of which the board incurred short-term interest in the 2007-2008 fiscal year.
ii. Take the lesser of,
A. the amount of short-term interest incurred by the board in the 2007-2008 fiscal year in respect of the portion determined in subparagraph i, and
B. the amount of short-term interest that the board would incur in the 2007-2008 fiscal year in respect of the portion determined under subparagraph i if each amount borrowed were subject to an annual interest rate of not more than 0.20 per cent greater than the annual interest rate for three-month bankers’ acceptances applicable at the time of borrowing.
iii. Determine the portion of the amount determined under paragraph 14 in respect of which the board did not incur interest in the 2007-2008 fiscal year.
iv. Determine the amount of short-term interest that the board would incur in the 2007-2008 fiscal year in respect of the portion determined under subparagraph iii if the amount of each cost making up the portion were borrowed on the date that it was withdrawn from reserves of the board, at the annual interest rate for three-month bankers’ acceptances applicable on September 4, 2007.
v. Determine the total of the principal and interest payments incurred by the board in the 2007-2008 fiscal year in respect of funds that the board borrowed from the Ontario Financing Authority to pay the amount determined under paragraph 14.
vi. Total the amounts, if any, determined under subparagraphs ii, iv and v.
16. Determine the amount that is payable in the 2007-2008 fiscal year in respect of the amount determined under paragraph 21 of subsection 39 (12) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation if that amount is amortized over 25 years at an annual interest rate of 5.25 per cent, with no compounding.
17. Determine the leasing costs for new pupil places needed for primary class size reduction paid in the 2007-2008 fiscal year and reported by August 31, 2008.
18. Add the amount determined under paragraph 5 to the amount determined under paragraph 29 of subsection 39 (12) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation.
19. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 30 of subsection 39 (12) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation from the amount determined under paragraph 18. If the difference is negative, it is deemed to be zero.
20. Take the lesser of the amounts determined under paragraphs 17 and 19.
21. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 5 from the amount determined under paragraph 2. If the difference is negative, it is deemed to be zero.
22. Take the lesser of the amounts determined under paragraphs 6 and 21.
23. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 15, 16, 20 and 22. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 45 (1); O. Reg. 583/07, ss. 1, 3.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), new pupil places are needed for primary class size reduction if they are needed for the sole purpose of addressing the reduction in primary class size resulting from the change in the loadings determined under subsection 37 (16) of the 2004-2005 grant regulation and the loadings determined under subsection 36 (16) of the 2005-2006 grant regulation. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 45 (2).
(3) For the purposes of subsection (1), a program retrofit is a construction project in a school that alters instructional space so that,
(a) it has a higher loading under paragraph 2 of subsection 51 (6) after the alteration than it did before, without enlarging the exterior dimensions of the school; or
(b) it has a lower loading under paragraph 2 of subsection 51 (6) after the alteration than it did before, and the lower loading is solely because of the conversion of instructional space to instructional space categorized as classrooms for kindergarten or junior kindergarten pupils from instructional space in other categories. O. Reg. 507/07, s. 16.
Amount for growth schools
46. (1) The amount for the board for the fiscal year for growth schools is determined as follows:
1., 2. Revoked: O. Reg. 507/07, s. 17 (1).
3. Determine the costs incurred by the board before August 31, 2008 on the construction of new elementary pupil places and new secondary pupil places specified in the plan submitted under,
i. subsection 39 (15) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation, and
ii. subsection (3) of this section.
4. Take the lesser of,
i. the amount determined under paragraph 3, and
ii. the total of the amount determined under subsection 39 (14.1) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation and the amount determined under subsection (2).
5. Take the lesser of the amount determined under paragraph 4 and the amount set out in Column 2 of Table 17.1 opposite the name of the board.
6., 7. Revoked: O. Reg. 81/08, s. 6 (1).
8. Determine the portion of the amount determined under paragraph 5 in respect of which the board incurred short-term interest in the 2007-2008 fiscal year.
9. Take the lesser of,
i. the amount of short-term interest incurred by the board in the 2007-2008 fiscal year in respect of the portion determined in paragraph 8, and
ii. the amount of short-term interest that the board would incur in the 2007-2008 fiscal year in respect of the portion determined under paragraph 8 if each amount borrowed were subject to an annual interest rate of not more than 0.20 per cent greater than the annual interest rate for three-month bankers’ acceptances applicable at the time of borrowing.
10. Determine the portion of the amount determined under paragraph 5 in respect of which the board did not incur interest in the 2007-2008 fiscal year.
11. Determine the amount of short-term interest that the board would incur in the 2007-2008 fiscal year in respect of the portion determined under paragraph 10 if the amount of each cost making up the portion were borrowed on the date that it was withdrawn from reserves of the board, at the annual interest rate for three-month bankers’ acceptances applicable on September 4, 2007.
11.1 Revoked: O. Reg. 81/08, s. 6 (4).
12. Determine the total of the principal and interest payments incurred by the board in the 2007-2008 fiscal year in respect of funds that the board borrowed from the Ontario Financing Authority to pay the costs determined under paragraph 5.
13. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 9, 11 and 12. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 46 (1); O. Reg. 507/07, s. 17 (1); O. Reg. 583/07, ss. 1, 4; O. Reg. 81/08, s. 6 (1-5).
(2) The amount for the purposes of subparagraph 4 ii of subsection (1) is determined as follows:
1. Determine the number of new elementary pupil places specified in the plan submitted under subsection (3).
2. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 1 by the benchmark area requirement per pupil of 9.7 metres squared.
3. Multiply the product determined under paragraph 2 by the unamortized benchmark construction cost of $1,660.25 per metre squared.
4. Multiply the amount determined under paragraph 3 by the geographic adjustment factor set out in Column 3 of Table 15 opposite the name of the board.
5. Determine the number of new secondary pupil places specified in the plan submitted under subsection (3).
6. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 5 by the benchmark area requirement per pupil of 12.07 metres squared.
7. Multiply the product determined under paragraph 6 by the unamortized benchmark construction cost of $1,811.20 per metre squared.
8. Multiply the amount determined under paragraph 7 by the geographic adjustment factor set out in Column 3 of Table 15 opposite the name of the board.
9. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 4 and 8.
10.-12. Revoked: O. Reg. 81/08, s. 6 (7).
O. Reg. 152/07, s. 46 (2); O. Reg. 507/07, s. 17 (2); O. Reg. 81/08, s. 6 (6, 7).
(3) The following are conditions of the payment to a district school board of any part of the growth schools amount that relates to costs incurred in the 2007-2008 school board fiscal year:
1. The board submits a plan setting out the following:
i. The number of new elementary pupil places and the number of new secondary pupil places, if any, that the board plans to provide for pupils of the board from September 1, 2007 to August 31, 2008.
ii. The number of new elementary pupil places and the number of new secondary pupil places, if any, that the board plans to provide for pupils of the board from September 1, 2008 to August 31, 2009.
iii. The number of new elementary pupil places and the number of new secondary pupil places, if any, that the board plans to provide for pupils of the board from September 1, 2009 to August 31, 2010.
iii.1 The board’s plan that the new elementary pupil places or the new secondary pupil places, as the case may be, will be located on a school site,
A. acquired in whole or in part with funds from an education development charge reserve fund, or
B. that provided existing elementary school pupil places or existing secondary school pupil places, as described in subparagraphs 3 i and ii of section 7 of Ontario Regulation 20/98 (Education Development Charges — General), that were counted in the calculation of an education development charge of the board and that the board continues to provide at the time the plan is submitted.
iv. The board’s plan that the school site on which the new elementary pupil places or the new secondary pupil places, as the case may be, will be located is within an area in which an education development charge by-law of the board applied on September 1, 2005.
v. The board’s evaluation that, in the area referred to in subparagraph iv, after accommodating as many elementary school pupils or secondary school pupils, as the case may be, as possible using the alternative methods set out in subsection (4), over the 10 consecutive school board fiscal years starting with the fiscal year mentioned in sub-subparagraph A, B or C, an average of at least 80% of the new pupil places mentioned under subparagraph i, ii or iii that are located on any one school site will be needed for pupils of the board:
A. The 2008-2009 fiscal year, for new pupil places under subparagraph i.
B. The 2009-2010 fiscal year, for new pupil places under subparagraph ii.
C. The 2010-2011 fiscal year, for new pupil places under subparagraph iii.
2. The Minister approves the plan on the basis that it contains all the information described in paragraph 1 and that it is reasonable. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 46 (3); O. Reg. 507/07, s. 17 (3-5); O. Reg. 81/08, s. 6 (8).
(4) For purposes of subparagraph 1 v of subsection (3), the alternative methods of providing accommodation are,
(a) using other pupil places available in a nearby school of the board;
(b) re-drawing the boundaries of the attendance areas of its elementary schools or secondary schools, as the case may be; and
(c) making program changes. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 46 (4).
Amount for the capital transitional adjustment
47. The amount for the board for the fiscal year for the capital transitional adjustment is determined as follows:
1. Determine the costs incurred by the board before August 31, 2008 to construct the new elementary pupil places and the new secondary pupil places set out in Columns 4 and 5 of Table 19, in the municipalities or former municipalities set out in Column 2 of that Table opposite the name of the board.
2. Take the lesser of,
i. the amount determined under paragraph 1, and
ii. the total of the amounts set out in Column 6 of Table 19 opposite the name of the board.
3. Determine the portion of the amount determined under paragraph 2 in respect of which the board incurred short-term interest in the 2007-2008 fiscal year.
4. Take the lesser of,
i. the amount of short-term interest incurred by the board in the 2007-2008 fiscal year in respect of the portion determined in paragraph 3, and
ii. the amount of short-term interest that the board would incur in the 2007-2008 fiscal year in respect of the portion determined under paragraph 3 if each amount borrowed were subject to an annual interest rate of not more than 0.20 per cent greater than the annual interest rate for three-month bankers’ acceptances applicable at the time of borrowing.
5. Determine the portion of the amount determined under paragraph 2 in respect of which the board did not incur interest in the 2007-2008 fiscal year.
6. Determine the amount of short-term interest that the board would incur in the 2007-2008 fiscal year in respect of the portion determined under paragraph 5 if the amount of each cost making up the portion were borrowed on the date that it was withdrawn from reserves of the board, at the annual interest rate for three-month bankers’ acceptances applicable on September 4, 2007.
7. Determine the total of the principal and interest payments incurred by the board in the 2007-2008 fiscal year in respect of funds that the board borrowed from the Ontario Financing Authority to pay the costs determined under paragraph 2.
8. Total the amounts, if any, determined under paragraphs 4, 6 and 7. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 47; O. Reg. 583/07, ss. 1, 5.
Amount for the replacement of schools that are prohibitive to repair
48. The amount for the board for the fiscal year for the replacement of schools that are prohibitive to repair is determined as follows:
1. Determine the portion of the cost of replacing schools of the board for which the cost of repair is prohibitive, named in Columns 3 and 4 of Table 21 opposite the name of the board, that was incurred by the board between April 1, 2006 and August 31, 2008.
2. Take the lesser of,
i. the amount determined under paragraph 1, and
ii. the amount set out in Column 6 of Table 21 opposite the name of the board.
3. Determine the portion of the amount determined under paragraph 2 in respect of which the board incurred short-term interest in the 2007-2008 fiscal year.
4. Take the lesser of,
i. the amount of short-term interest incurred by the board in the 2007-2008 fiscal year in respect of the portion determined in paragraph 3, and
ii. the amount of short-term interest that the board would incur in the 2007-2008 fiscal year in respect of the portion determined under paragraph 3 if each amount borrowed were subject to an annual interest rate of not more than 0.20 per cent greater than the annual interest rate for three-month bankers’ acceptances applicable at the time of borrowing.
5. Determine the portion of the amount determined under paragraph 2 in respect of which the board did not incur interest in the 2007-2008 fiscal year.
6. Determine the amount of short-term interest that the board would incur in the 2007-2008 fiscal year in respect of the portion determined under paragraph 5 if the amount of each cost making up the portion were borrowed on the date that it was withdrawn from reserves of the board, at the annual interest rate for three-month bankers’ acceptances applicable on September 4, 2007.
7. Determine the total of the principal and interest payments incurred by the board in the 2007-2008 fiscal year in respect of funds that the board borrowed from the Ontario Financing Authority to pay the costs determined under paragraph 2.
8. Total the amounts, if any, determined under paragraphs 4, 6 and 7. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 48; O. Reg. 583/07, ss. 1, 6; O. Reg. 81/08, s. 7.
Amount for the construction of facilities described in clauses 234 (1) (b) and (c) of the Act
49. The amount for the board for the fiscal year for the construction of facilities described in clauses 234 (1) (b) and (c) of the Act is determined as follows:
1. Determine the costs for the construction of facilities described in clauses 234 (1) (b) and (c) of the Act, that are reported by August 31, 2008,
i. for which construction is completed at any time from September 1, 2005 to August 31, 2008,
ii. that are under construction during that period, or
iii. for which a tender for construction is awarded during that period.
2. Determine the amount that is payable in the 2007-2008 fiscal year if the amount determined under paragraph 1 is amortized over 25 years at an annual interest rate of 5.25 per cent, with no compounding.
3. Take the number of child care spaces that,
i. are in schools of the board that provide pupil accommodation for the first time on or after September 1, 2006, and
ii. the Minister confirms have been approved, by a municipality or district social services administration board established under section 3 of the District Social Services Administration Boards Act, as part of a facility described in clause 234 (1) (b) or (c) of the Education Act.
4. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 3 by the benchmark area requirement per child of 9.7 metres squared.
5. Multiply the number determined under paragraph 4 by the benchmark construction cost of $120.77 per metre squared.
6. Multiply the amount determined under paragraph 5 by the geographic adjustment factor set out in Column 3 of Table 15 opposite the name of the board.
7. Multiply the amount determined under paragraph 6 by 1.4.
8. Take the lesser of the amounts determined under paragraph 2 and paragraph 7. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 49.
Amount for outstanding capital commitments
50. The amount for the board for the fiscal year for outstanding capital commitments is determined as follows:
1. Take the number of elementary school pupil places shown in Column 2 of Table 22, opposite the name of the board.
2. Multiply the number taken under paragraph 1 by the pre-September, 2005 benchmark area requirement per pupil of 9.29 metres squared.
3. Multiply the product obtained under paragraph 2 by the pre-September, 2004 benchmark construction cost of $118.40 per metre squared.
4. Take the number of secondary school pupil places shown in Column 3 of Table 22, opposite the name of the board.
5. Multiply the number taken under paragraph 4 by the benchmark area requirement per pupil of 12.07 metres squared.
6. Multiply the product obtained under paragraph 5 by the pre-September, 2004 benchmark construction cost of $129.17 per metre squared.
7. Add the products obtained under paragraphs 3 and 6. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 50.
Calculations for the pupil accommodation allocation
51. (1) The number, if any, of the board’s new pupil places to meet elementary enrolment pressures is the sum of the numbers calculated under subsection (2) for each elementary school of the board in respect of which the conditions in the following paragraphs are satisfied:
1. The 2006-2007 enrolment of the school exceeded by at least 100 the sum of,
i. the 2006-2007 reported capacity of the school, and
ii. the number of the board’s new pupil places to meet the elementary enrolment pressure for the school calculated under subsection 39 (18) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation.
2. The 2005-2006 enrolment of the school exceeded by at least 100 the sum of,
i. the 2005-2006 reported capacity of the school, and
ii. the number of the board’s new pupil places to meet the elementary enrolment pressure for the school calculated under subsection 36 (12) of the 2005-2006 grant regulation.
3. The number of the board’s new pupil places to meet the elementary enrolment pressure that would be determined for the school under subsection (2) exceeds the amount calculated using the formula,
A – B
in which,
“A” is the sum of the 2006-2007 reported capacities of all other elementary schools of the board located not more than eight kilometres by road from the school and the total of all amounts calculated under subsection 39 (18) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation in respect of those other schools, and
“B” is the sum of the 2006-2007 enrolment of the other schools referred to in “A”.
4. The school is not listed in Table 20 or 21. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (1); O. Reg. 583/07, s. 7.
(2) The number of the board’s new pupil places to meet the elementary enrolment pressure for each elementary school is the average of,
(a) the amount by which the 2006-2007 enrolment of the school exceeded the sum of,
(i) the 2006-2007 reported capacity of the school, and
(ii) the number of the board’s new pupil places to meet the elementary enrolment pressure for the school calculated under subsection 39 (18) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation; and
(b) the amount by which the 2005-2006 enrolment of the school exceeded the sum of,
(i) the 2005-2006 reported capacity of the school, and
(ii) the number of the board’s new pupil places to meet the elementary enrolment pressure for the school calculated under subsection 36 (12) of the 2005-2006 grant regulation. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (2).
(3) The number, if any, of the board’s new pupil places to meet secondary enrolment pressures is the sum of the numbers calculated under subsection (4) for each secondary school of the board in respect of which the conditions in the following paragraphs are satisfied:
1. The 2006-2007 enrolment of the school exceeded by at least 100 the sum of,
i. the 2006-2007 reported capacity of the school, and
ii. the number of the board’s new pupil places to meet the secondary enrolment pressure for the school calculated under subsection 39 (20) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation.
2. The 2005-2006 enrolment of the school exceeded by at least 100 the sum of,
i. the 2005-2006 reported capacity of the school, and
ii. the number of the board’s new pupil places to meet the secondary enrolment pressure for the school calculated under subsection 36 (14) of the 2005-2006 grant regulation.
3. The number of the board’s new pupil places to meet the secondary enrolment pressure that would be determined for the school under subsection (4) exceeds the amount calculated using the formula,
A – B
in which,
“A” is the sum of the 2006-2007 reported capacities of all other secondary schools of the board located not more than 32 kilometres by road from the school and the total of all amounts calculated under subsection 39 (20) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation in respect of those other schools, and
“B” is the sum of the 2006-2007 enrolment of the other schools referred to in “A”.
4. The school is not listed in Table 20 or 21. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (3); O. Reg. 81/08, s. 8.
(4) The number of the board’s new pupil places to meet the secondary enrolment pressure for each secondary school is the average of,
(a) the amount by which the 2006-2007 enrolment of the school exceeded the sum of,
(i) the 2006-2007 reported capacity of the school, and
(ii) the number of the board’s new pupil places to meet the secondary enrolment pressure for the school calculated under subsection 39 (20) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation; and
(b) the amount by which the 2005-2006 enrolment of the school exceeded the sum of,
(i) the 2005-2006 reported capacity of the school, and
(ii) the number of the board’s new pupil places to meet the secondary enrolment pressure for the school calculated under subsection 36 (14) of the 2005-2006 grant regulation. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (4).
(5) For the purposes of paragraph 78 of subsection 44 (1), the secondary capacity for the board is the secondary capacity determined for the board under the 2006-2007 grant regulation subject to the adjustments set out in subsections (9), (12), (17), (20), (23), (25), (26) and (30) of this section. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (5).
(6) The Minister shall determine loadings and categories of instructional space as follows:
1. The Minister shall identify categories of instructional space for all elementary facilities and secondary facilities of the board. In identifying categories of instructional space, the Minister shall use the categories identified in the Report of the Pupil Accommodation Review Committee, which is available as described in subsection 3 (7). Where the Report does not include an appropriate category for an instructional space, the Minister shall identify the category of that space in a manner that is consistent with the categorizations in the Report.
2. The Minister shall assign a loading to each category of instructional space identified under paragraph 1, based on the number of pupils that can reasonably be accommodated in each category of instructional space. In determining the number, the Minister shall consider the physical characteristics of the category of instructional space and the class size requirements under the Act. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (6).
(7) Subsection (8) or (9) applies in relation to an elementary facility or secondary facility of a board if, on or after January 1, 2004 and before February 17, 2005, the board issued a proposal under Ontario Regulation 444/98 (Disposition of Surplus Real Property) made under the Act to dispose of the facility at no cost to the Ontario Realty Corporation or to a board. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (7).
(8) The number referred to in subparagraph 30 i of subsection 44 (1) is determined as follows:
1. For each elementary facility of the board to which this subsection applies, apply the loadings determined under subsection (6) to the instructional spaces of the facility, as categorized under subsection (6).
2. Total the amounts determined under paragraph 1 for elementary facilities of the board. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (8).
(9) The secondary capacity determined for the board under subsection (5) is adjusted as follows:
1. For each secondary facility of the board to which this subsection applies, apply the loadings determined under subsection (6) to the instructional spaces of the facility, as categorized under subsection (6).
2. Total the amounts determined under paragraph 1 for secondary facilities of the board.
3. Subtract the total determined under paragraph 2 from the secondary capacity determined for the board under subsection (5). O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (9).
(10) Subsection (11) or (12) applies in relation to an elementary facility or secondary facility of the board if,
(a) the facility is acquired by the board as a result of a proposal issued by another board on or after January 1, 2004 and before February 17, 2005 under Ontario Regulation 444/98, to dispose of the facility at no cost; and
(b) subsections (16) and (17) do not apply to the facility. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (10).
(11) The number referred to in subparagraph 32 ii of subsection 44 (1) is determined as follows:
1. For each elementary facility of the board to which this subsection applies, apply the loadings determined under subsection (6) to the instructional spaces of the facility, as categorized under subsection (6).
2. Total the amounts determined under paragraph 1 for the elementary facilities of the board. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (11); O. Reg. 507/07, s. 18 (1).
(12) The secondary capacity determined for the board under subsection (5) is adjusted as follows:
1. For each secondary facility of the board to which this subsection applies, apply the loadings determined under subsection (6) to the instructional spaces of the facility, as categorized under subsection (6).
2. Total the amounts determined under paragraph 1 for the secondary facilities of the board.
3. Add the total determined under paragraph 2 to the secondary capacity determined for the board under subsection (5). O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (12).
(13) Subsection (16) or (17) applies in relation to an elementary facility or secondary facility of the board if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
1. The facility is acquired by the board as a result of a proposal issued by another board on or after January 1, 2004 and before February 17, 2005 under Ontario Regulation 444/98, to dispose of the facility at no cost.
2. Within 30 days after offering to acquire the facility at no cost, the board notifies the Minister in writing of the offer and provides such information and material as the Minister may require to verify that the acquisition of the facility,
i. is consistent with the long-term accommodation plan of the board,
ii. would benefit the pupils of the board,
iii. would result in more effective use of public assets, and
iv. would reduce the need of the board for the construction of new school facilities. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (13).
(14) Subsection (16) applies in relation to an elementary school of the board if the school provides pupil accommodation for elementary school pupils during the fiscal year and is located in a municipality or former municipality set out in Column 2 of Table 18 opposite the name of the board in Column 1 of that Table and opposite a number greater than zero in Column 4 of that Table. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (14).
(15) Subsection (17) applies in relation to a secondary school of the board if the school provides pupil accommodation for secondary school pupils during the fiscal year and is located in a municipality or former municipality set out in Column 2 of Table 18 opposite the name of the board in Column 1 of that Table and opposite a number greater than zero in Column 5 of that Table. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (15).
(16) The number referred to in subparagraph 32 iii of subsection 44 (1) is determined as follows:
1. For each elementary school to which this subsection applies, apply the loadings determined under subsection (6) to the instructional spaces of the school, as categorized under subsection (6).
2. Determine the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board, counting only pupils enrolled in that school.
3. Take the lesser of the amounts determined for the school under paragraphs 1 and 2.
4. Total the amounts determined under paragraph 3 for each of the elementary schools to which this subsection applies. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (16); O. Reg. 507/07, s. 18 (2).
(17) The secondary capacity determined for the board under subsection (5) is adjusted as follows:
1. For each secondary school to which this subsection applies, apply the loadings determined under subsection (6) to the instructional spaces of the school, as categorized under subsection (6).
2. Determine the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board, counting only pupils enrolled in that school.
3. Take the lesser of the amounts determined for the school under paragraphs 1 and 2.
4. Total the amounts determined under paragraph 3 for each of the secondary schools to which this subsection applies.
5. Add the total determined under paragraph 4 to the secondary capacity determined for the board under subsection (5). O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (17).
(18) Subsection (19) or (20) applies in relation to an elementary facility or secondary facility of a board if,
(a) in the 2006 calendar year, the board agreed with another board to dispose of the elementary facility or secondary facility of the board to the other board, in consideration for the conveyance to it of an elementary facility or secondary facility of the other board; and
(b) before the agreement referred to in clause (a) was entered into, the Minister indicated in writing that, in his or her opinion, the transfer provided for by the agreement,
(i) is consistent with the long-term accommodation plans of both boards,
(ii) would benefit pupils of both boards,
(iii) would result in more effective use of public assets, and
(iv) would reduce the needs of both boards for the construction of new school facilities. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (18).
(19) The number referred to in subparagraph 30 ii of subsection 44 (1) is determined as follows:
1. For each elementary facility of the board to which this subsection applies, apply the loadings determined under subsection (6) to the instructional spaces of the facility, as categorized under subsection (6).
2. Total the amounts determined under paragraph 1 for elementary facilities of the board. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (19).
(20) The secondary capacity determined for the board under subsection (5) is adjusted as follows:
1. For each secondary facility of the board to which this subsection applies, apply the loadings determined under subsection (6) to the instructional spaces of the facility, as categorized under subsection (6).
2. Total the amounts determined under paragraph 1 for secondary facilities of the board.
3. Subtract the total determined under paragraph 2 from the secondary capacity determined for the board under subsection (5). O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (20).
(21) Subsection (22) or (23) applies in relation to an elementary facility or secondary facility of a board acquired in the circumstances described in subsection (18). O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (21).
(22) The number referred to in subparagraph 30 iii of subsection 44 (1) is determined as follows:
1. For each elementary facility of the board acquired in the circumstances described in subsection (18), apply the loadings determined under subsection (6) to the instructional spaces of the facility, as categorized under subsection (6).
2. Determine the 2007-2008 enrolment for the facility, if any.
3. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 2 from the amount determined under paragraph 1. If the difference is a negative number, it is deemed to be zero. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (22).
(23) The secondary capacity determined for the board under subsection (5) is adjusted as follows:
1. For each secondary facility of the board acquired in the circumstances described in subsection (18), apply the loadings determined under subsection (6) to the instructional spaces of the facility, as categorized under subsection (6).
2. Determine the 2007-2008 enrolment for the facility, if any.
3. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 2 from the amount determined under paragraph 1. If the difference is a negative number, it is deemed to be zero.
4. Total the amounts determined under paragraph 3 for secondary facilities of the board.
5. Subtract the total determined under paragraph 4 from the secondary capacity determined for the board under subsection (5). O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (23).
(24) If the board has an elementary facility that it acquired after December 31, 1998 and before the start of the fiscal year in circumstances described in subsection (18), the number referred to in subparagraph 32 iv of subsection 44 (1) is determined as follows:
1. For each elementary facility acquired, apply the loadings determined under subsection (6) to the instructional spaces of the facility, as categorized under subsection (6).
2. Determine the 2007-2008 enrolment for the facility, if any.
3. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 2 from the amount determined under paragraph 1. If the difference is a negative number, it is deemed to be zero.
4. Total the amounts determined under paragraph 3 for each of the elementary facilities acquired.
5. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 4 from the total of the amounts determined for the board under the provisions comparable to this subsection in the regulations made under section 234 of the Act in respect of grants payable to boards for previous fiscal years. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (24); O. Reg. 507/07, s. 18 (3).
(25) If the board has a secondary facility that it acquired after December 31, 1998 and before the start of the fiscal year in circumstances described in subsection (18), the secondary capacity determined for the board under subsection (5) is adjusted as follows:
1. For each secondary facility acquired, apply the loadings determined under subsection (6) to the instructional spaces of the facility, as categorized under subsection (6).
2. Determine the 2007-2008 enrolment for the facility, if any.
3. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 2 from the amount determined under paragraph 1. If the difference is a negative number, it is deemed to be zero.
4. Total the amounts determined under paragraph 3 for each of the secondary facilities acquired.
5. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 4 from the total of the amounts determined for the board under the provisions comparable to this subsection in the regulations made under section 234 of the Act in respect of grants payable to boards for previous fiscal years.
6. Add the difference determined under paragraph 5 to the secondary capacity determined for the board under subsection (5). O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (25).
(26) The secondary capacity determined for the board under subsection (5) is adjusted by adding the number, if any, of new pupil places to meet the secondary enrolment pressures as determined under subsection (3). O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (26).
(27) Subsection (28) applies in relation to an elementary facility of the board described in a provision comparable to subsection (13) or (14) in the regulations made under section 234 of the Act in respect of grants payable to boards for previous fiscal years. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (27).
(28) The number referred to in subparagraph 32 v of subsection 44 (1) is determined as follows:
1. For each elementary facility to which this subsection applies, apply the loadings determined under subsection (6) to the instructional spaces of the facility, as categorized under subsection (6).
2. Determine the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board, counting only pupils enrolled in that facility.
3. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 2 from the amount determined under paragraph 1 for that school. If the difference is a negative number, it is deemed to be zero.
4. Total the amounts determined under paragraph 3 for each of the elementary facilities to which this subsection applies.
5. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 4 from the total of the amounts determined for previous fiscal years for the board under provisions comparable to subsection (16) in the regulations made under section 234 of the Act in respect of grants payable to boards for previous fiscal years. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (28).
(29) Subsection (30) applies in relation to a secondary facility of the board described in a provision comparable to subsection (13) or (15) in the regulations made under section 234 of the Act in respect of grants payable to boards for previous fiscal years. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (29).
(30) The secondary capacity determined for the board under subsection (5) is adjusted as follows:
1. For each secondary facility to which this subsection applies, apply the loadings determined under subsection (6) to the instructional spaces of the facility, as categorized under subsection (6).
2. Determine the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board, counting only pupils enrolled in that school.
3. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 2 from the amount determined under paragraph 1 for that facility. If the difference is a negative number, it is deemed to be zero.
4. Total the amounts determined under paragraph 3 for each of the secondary facilities to which this subsection applies.
5. Subtract the amount determined under paragraph 4 from the total of the amounts determined for previous fiscal years for the board under the provisions comparable to subsection (17) in the regulations made under section 234 of the Act in respect of grants payable to boards for previous fiscal years.
6. Add the difference determined under paragraph 5 to the secondary capacity for the board determined under subsection (5). O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (30); O. Reg. 507/07, s. 18 (4).
(31) For the purposes of paragraphs 3 and 5 of subsection 32 (3), subparagraph 16 ii of subsection 41 (1) and subparagraph 14 ii of section 42, the capacity of an elementary school is determined by applying the loadings determined under subsection (6) to the instructional spaces of the school, as categorized under subsection (6). O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (31).
(32) For the purposes of paragraphs 4 and 5 of subsection 32 (3), subparagraph 30 ii of subsection 41 (1) and subparagraph 28 ii of section 42, the capacity of a secondary school is determined by applying the loadings determined under subsection (6) to the instructional spaces of the school, as categorized under subsection (6). O. Reg. 152/07, s. 51 (32).
Debt charges allocation
52. (1) The amount of the debt charges allocation for a district school board for the fiscal year is the sum of,
(a) the total amount of principal and interest paid by the board in the fiscal year in respect of the permanently financed debt of the board; and
(b) the total amount payable in the fiscal year in respect of the financing arranged to refinance the board’s non-permanently financed debt, including the amount of any payments required to be made in the year to a reserve account or sinking fund and the amount of reasonable expenses. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 52 (1).
(2) In this section,
“non-permanently financed debt” means, in respect of a board, the amount listed in Column 3 opposite the name of the board in Table 23; (“dette sans financement permanent”)
“permanently financed debt” means, in respect of a board, the amount that is listed in Column 2 opposite the name of the board in Table 23. (“dette avec financement permanent”) O. Reg. 152/07, s. 52 (2).
Adjustment for declining enrolment
53. (1) The amount of a district school board’s adjustment for declining enrolment for the fiscal year for the purposes of section 13 is the sum of the following amounts:
1. The product obtained when 0.25 is multiplied by the amount, if any, that was determined under subsection 38 (3) of the 2005-2006 grant regulation.
2. The product obtained when 0.5 is multiplied by the amount, if any, that was determined under subsection 41 (2) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation.
3. If the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board is less than the 2006-2007 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board as determined under section 2 of Ontario Regulation 339/06 (Calculation of Average Daily Enrolment for the 2006-2007 School Board Fiscal Year) made under the Act, the amount, if it exceeds zero, determined in accordance with subsection (2). O. Reg. 152/07, s. 53 (1).
(2) The amount for the purposes of paragraph 3 of subsection (1) is the amount calculated using the formula,
[(A – B) – 0.58 (A × C)] × D/C
in which,
“A” is the amount determined in respect of the board under subsection (3),
“B” is the amount determined in respect of the board under subsection (4),
“C” is the amount determined in respect of the board under subsection (5), and
“D” is the amount determined in respect of the board under subsection (6).
O. Reg. 152/07, s. 53 (2).
(3) The amount determined under this subsection in respect of a board is the sum of the following amounts determined for the board for its 2006-2007 fiscal year under the 2006-2007 grant regulation:
1. The pupil foundation allocation for the fiscal year.
2. The enrolment-based special education amount for the fiscal year.
3. In the case of a French-language district school board, the French as a first language amount included in the board’s language allocation for the fiscal year.
4. The remote and rural allocation for the fiscal year.
5. The sum of the amounts listed in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of subsection 38 (1) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation.
6. The sum of the amounts determined under paragraphs 15, 17, 20, 26, 28, 31 and 37 of subsection 39 (3) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation less the amount determined using the following formula:
(A × B) × 9.29 × $64.28
in which,
“A” is the number calculated in respect of the board under paragraph 7 of subsection 39 (3) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation, and
“B” is the supplementary continuing education and other programs area factor approved by the Minister in respect of the board under subsection 39 (6) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation.
O. Reg. 152/07, s. 53 (3); O. Reg. 507/07, s. 19 (1).
(4) The amount determined under this subsection in respect of a board is the amount calculated in respect of the board’s 2007-2008 fiscal year as follows:
1. Add,
i. the pupil foundation allocation for the fiscal year,
ii. the enrolment-based special education amount for the fiscal year,
iii. in the case of a French-language district school board, the French as a first language amount included in the board’s language allocation for the fiscal year,
iv. the remote and rural allocation for the fiscal year,
v. the sum of the amounts listed in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of subsection 38 (1), and
vi. the sum of the amounts determined under paragraphs 15, 17, 22, 26, 29, 31, 36, 40 and 43 of subsection 41 (1), less the amount determined using the following formula:
(A × B) × 9.29 × $66.48
in which,
“A” is the number calculated in respect of the board under paragraph 7 of subsection 41 (1), and
“B” is the supplementary continuing education and other programs area factor approved by the Minister in respect of the board under subsection 41 (4).
2. Subtract from the total determined under paragraph 1, the product of the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board and the amount shown in Column 2 of Table 24 opposite the name of the board in Column 1 of that Table. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 53 (4); O. Reg. 507/07, s. 19 (2, 3).
(5) The amount determined under this subsection in respect of a board is the amount calculated using the following formula,
1 – E/F
in which,
“E” is the 2007-2008 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board,
“F” is the 2006-2007 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of the board, as determined under section 2 of Ontario Regulation 339/06, and
“E/F” is rounded to five decimal points.
O. Reg. 152/07, s. 53 (5).
(6) The amount determined under this subsection in respect of a board is the amount calculated as follows:
1. If the amount determined in respect of the board under subsection (5) does not exceed 0.0025, the amount determined under this subsection in respect of the board is calculated using the formula,
0.5 × C
in which,
“C” is the amount determined in respect of the board under subsection (5).
2. If the amount determined in respect of the board under subsection (5) is greater than 0.0025 but does not exceed 0.015, the amount determined under this subsection in respect of the board is calculated using the formula,
(C – 0.0025) + 0.00125
in which,
“C” is the amount determined in respect of the board under subsection (5).
3. If the amount determined in respect of the board under subsection (5) is greater than 0.015, the amount determined under this subsection in respect of the board is calculated using the formula,
1.5 × (C – 0.015) + 0.01375
in which,
“C” is the amount determined in respect of the board under subsection (5).
O. Reg. 152/07, s. 53 (6).
54. Every district school board shall manage its estimates process and its expenditures so as to ensure compliance with the requirements of sections 55 to 57. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 54.
Required spending, special education
55. (1) Subject to subsection (2), a district school board shall ensure that the amount it spends in the fiscal year on special education for pupils of the board is not less than the amount of the board’s special education allocation for the fiscal year. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 55 (1).
(2) If a board’s net expenditure on special education for its pupils in the fiscal year is less than the amount required under subsection (1), the board shall place the difference in the board’s special education reserve fund. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 55 (2).
(3) For the purposes of this section, a board’s net expenditure on special education in the fiscal year is determined as follows:
1. Add the part of the amount that is in the board’s reserve fund under subsection 233 (1) of the Act on August 31, 2008, immediately before the transfer under subsection 233 (2) of the Act, that is attributable to special education to the board’s expenditure on special education for its pupils in the 2007-2008 fiscal year.
2. Deduct the following amounts from the amount determined under paragraph 1:
i. The amount of any transfers from the board’s special education reserve fund in the fiscal year.
ii. The amounts of any other transfers from reserves in the fiscal year that were applied against the board’s expenditure on special education for its pupils.
iii. Any revenue from other sources received by the board in the fiscal year that is spent by the board in the fiscal year on special education for its pupils. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 55 (3).
(4) This section shall not be interpreted as limiting the amount that a board may spend on special education. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 55 (4).
Required spending, capital assets
56. (1) Subject to subsection (2), a district school board shall ensure that an amount equal to the total of the following amounts determined for the board is spent in the fiscal year on the acquisition of capital assets:
1. The amount for school renewal, determined under section 42.
2. The amount for new pupil places, determined under section 44.
3. The amount for the construction of facilities described in clauses 234 (1) (b) and (c) of the Act, determined under section 49 of this Regulation.
4. The amount for outstanding capital commitments, determined under section 50. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 56 (1).
(2) If a board’s net expenditure in the fiscal year on the acquisition of capital assets is less than the total amount determined under subsection (1), the board shall place the difference in the board’s pupil accommodation allocation reserve fund. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 56 (2).
(3) For the purposes of this section, a board’s net expenditure in the fiscal year on the acquisition of capital assets is determined by deducting the following amounts from its expenditures in the fiscal year on the acquisition of capital assets:
1. The amounts of any transfers in the fiscal year from the pupil accommodation allocation reserve fund.
2. The amounts of any transfers in the fiscal year from the proceeds of disposition reserve fund that were applied in the fiscal year against expenditures for the acquisition of capital assets.
3. The amounts of any transfers in the fiscal year from other reserves, other than education development charge reserve funds, that were applied in the fiscal year against expenditures for the acquisition of capital assets.
4. Any revenue from other sources received by the board in the fiscal year that is spent by the board in the fiscal year on the acquisition of capital assets. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 56 (3).
(4) This section shall not be interpreted as limiting the amount that a board may spend on the acquisition of capital assets. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 56 (4).
Maximum administration and governance expenditures
57. (1) A district school board shall ensure that its net administration and governance expenditures in the fiscal year do not exceed its administration and governance limit. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 57 (1).
(2) The amount of the board’s administration and governance limit for the fiscal year is the sum of,
(a) the portion of the board’s adjustment for declining enrolment, if any, that is allocated by the board to the administration and governance limit; and
(b) the board’s administration and governance allocation for the fiscal year. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 57 (2).
(3) For the purposes of this section,
(a) an expenditure by a board is an administration expenditure if it is an expenditure categorized in the Ministry’s Uniform Code of Accounts as an administration expenditure; and
(b) an expenditure by a board is a governance expenditure if it is an expenditure categorized in the Ministry’s Uniform Code of Accounts as a governance expenditure. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 57 (3).
(4) For the purposes of this section, a board’s net administration and governance expenditures in the fiscal year is determined as follows:
1. Determine the sum of the administration expenditures made by the board in the fiscal year and the governance expenditures made by the board in the fiscal year.
2. Add the part of the amount that is in the board’s reserve fund under subsection 233 (1) of the Act on August 31, 2008, before the transfer under subsection 233 (2) of the Act, that is attributable to administration and governance to the amount determined under paragraph 1 of this subsection.
3. Deduct the following amounts from the amount determined under paragraph 2:
i. The amounts of any transfers from reserves in the fiscal year that were applied against the board’s administration expenditures or governance expenditures.
ii. Any revenue from other sources received by the board in the fiscal year that is spent by the board in the fiscal year on board administration expenditures or governance expenditures. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 57 (4).
Grants to isolate boards
58. (1) For the purposes of this section, the approved expenditure of an isolate board is the expenditure that is acceptable to the Minister as shown on the forms provided by the Ministry to the isolate board for the purpose of calculating its 2007-2008 legislative grant. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 58 (1).
(2) In making determinations for the purposes of subsection (1), the Minister shall apply the funding formula on which the provisions of this Regulation relating to grants to district school boards is based, with such adaptations as the Minister considers advisable to take account of characteristics particular to isolate boards. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 58 (2).
(3) For the purposes of this section, the 2007-2008 tax revenue of an isolate board is determined as follows:
1. Add:
i. 38 per cent of the sum of,
A. the total of the amounts distributed to the board in respect of the 2007 calendar year under subsections 237 (12) and 238 (2), section 239, subsection 240 (4), sections 250 and 251 and subsections 257.8 (2) and 257.9 (1) of the Education Act, under sections 447.20 and 447.52 of the Municipal Act as made applicable by section 474 of the Municipal Act, 2001, under subsections 364 (22) and 365.2 (16) of the Municipal Act, 2001, under section 10 of Ontario Regulation 509/98 (Tax Matters — Relief in Unorganized Territory (Section 257.2.1 of the Act)) made under the Act and under subsection 13 (2) of Ontario Regulation 3/02 (Tax Relief in Unorganized Territory for 2001 and Subsequent Years) made under the Act,
B. the amounts, if any, referred to in subsection 364 (22) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as made applicable by section 257.12.3 of the Education Act, that are paid to the board in respect of the 2007 calendar year,
C. the total of all amounts, if any, paid to the board in respect of the 2007 calendar year by a municipality under subsections 353 (4), (4.1) and 366 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001,
D. the amounts, if any, applied by the board against the cancellation price of land sold for tax arrears in the 2007 calendar year under section 380 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as made applicable by subsection 371 (2) of that Act,
E. the payments in lieu of taxes distributed to the board in respect of the 2007 calendar year under subsection 322 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001,
F. the grants, if any, made to the board in respect of the 2007 calendar year under subsection 302 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001,
G. the amounts, if any, received by the board in respect of the 2007 calendar year under the Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act (Canada) or under any Act of Canada that permits a payment to be made by a government or a government agency in lieu of taxes on real property, and
H. the amounts, if any, paid to the board in respect of the 2007 calendar year under subsections 9 (2) and (4) of the Tax Incentive Zones Act (Pilot Projects), 2002,
ii. 62 per cent of the sum of,
A. the total of the amounts distributed to the board in respect of the 2008 calendar year under subsections 237 (12) and 238 (2), section 239, subsection 240 (4), sections 250 and 251 and subsections 257.8 (2) and 257.9 (1) of the Education Act, under sections 447.20 and 447.52 of the Municipal Act as made applicable by section 474 of the Municipal Act, 2001, under subsections 364 (22) and 365.2 (16) of the Municipal Act, 2001, under section 10 of Ontario Regulation 509/98 and under subsection 13 (2) of Ontario Regulation 3/02,
B. the amounts, if any, referred to in subsection 364 (22) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as made applicable by section 257.12.3 of the Education Act, that are paid to the board in respect of the 2008 calendar year,
C. the total of all amounts, if any, paid to the board in respect of the 2008 calendar year by a municipality under subsections 353 (4), (4.1) and 366 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001,
D. the amounts, if any, applied by the board against the cancellation price of land sold for tax arrears in the 2008 calendar year under sections 380 and 380.1 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as made applicable by subsection 371 (2) of that Act,
E. the payments in lieu of taxes distributed to the board in respect of the 2008 calendar year under subsection 322 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001,
F. the grants, if any, made to the board in respect of the 2008 calendar year under subsection 302 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001,
G. the amounts, if any, received by the board in respect of the 2008 calendar year under the Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act (Canada) or under any Act of Canada that permits a payment to be made by a government or a government agency in lieu of taxes on real property, and
H. the amounts, if any, paid to the board in respect of the 2008 calendar year under subsections 9 (2) and (4) of the Tax Incentive Zones Act (Pilot Projects), 2002,
iii. the total of the amounts, if any, distributed to the board in the fiscal year under subsection 2 (3) of Ontario Regulation 365/98 (Pre-1998 School Tax Arrears) made under the Act, and
iv. the total of the amounts, if any, paid to the board in the fiscal year under clause 3 (1) (a) of Ontario Regulation 366/98 (Tax Arrears in Annexed Areas) made under the Act.
2. Calculate the difference between the following amounts and deduct that difference if the amount described in subparagraph i is less than the amount described in subparagraph ii or add that difference if the amount described in subparagraph i is more than the amount described in subparagraph ii:
i. The amount that was determined under subparagraph 1 ii of subsection 46 (3) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation for the purposes of calculating the amount payable to the board as legislative grant in respect of the 2006-2007 school board fiscal year.
ii. The amount that would have been determined under subparagraph 1 ii of subsection 46 (3) of the 2006-2007 grant regulation if that amount had been determined on the basis of the board’s annual financial statements as reported to the Ministry for the 2006-2007 school board fiscal year.
3. If the board is required to levy taxes for school purposes in respect of property in territory without municipal organization, deduct the sum of,
i. 0.76 per cent of the total of the amount of those taxes levied for school purposes for the 2007 calendar year and the amount of the tax imposed by section 21.1 of the Provincial Land Tax Act that is levied by the board for that year, and
ii. 1.24 per cent of the total of the taxes described in subparagraph i that are levied by the board for the 2008 calendar year.
4. Deduct the costs for which the board is responsible under the Act or the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 that are incurred in the fiscal year to conduct elections of members in territory without municipal organization that is deemed to be a district municipality for the purposes of clause 257.12 (3) (a) of the Education Act.
5. Deduct the amounts charged to the board in the 2007 calendar year by a municipal council under section 353 of the Municipal Act, 2001, including amounts charged under that section as a result of private legislation.
6. Deduct the total of the amounts rebated, paid or credited by the board under section 257.2.1 of the Act in the fiscal year.
7. Deduct 38 per cent of the total of the amounts, if any, paid by the board in respect of the 2007 calendar year under paragraph 3 of subsection 7 (4) of Ontario Regulation 3/02 and under subsections 361 (7), 364 (11), 365 (3), 365.1 (13) to (15) and 365.2 (8) of the Municipal Act, 2001.
8. Deduct 62 per cent of the total of the amounts, if any, paid by the board in respect of the 2008 calendar year under paragraph 3 of subsection 7 (4) of Ontario Regulation 3/02 and under subsections 361 (7), 364 (11), 365 (3), 365.1 (13) to (15) and 365.2 (8) of the Municipal Act, 2001. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 58 (3); O. Reg. 81/08, s. 9.
(4) Amounts, if any, paid by the Minister to the board in respect of the 2007 calendar year under section 257.10.1 or 257.11 of the Act are deemed to be amounts distributed to the board in respect of the 2007 calendar year under a provision of the Act referred to in subparagraph 1 i of subsection (3) of this section. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 58 (4).
(5) Amounts, if any, paid by the Minister to the board in respect of the 2008 calendar year under section 257.10.1 or 257.11 of the Act are deemed to be amounts distributed to the board in respect of the 2008 calendar year under a provision of the Act referred to in subparagraph 1 ii of subsection (3) of this section. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 58 (5).
(6) Paragraph 3 of subsection (3) shall not be interpreted to preclude the inclusion in the board’s approved expenditure of an amount on account of the costs incurred by the board in collecting taxes in territory without municipal organization, if those costs exceed the amount deducted under paragraph 3 of subsection (3). O. Reg. 507/07, s. 20.
(7) If the approved expenditure of an isolate board exceeds its 2007-2008 tax revenue, the board is paid a grant equal to the excess. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 58 (7).
Grants to s. 68 boards
59. (1) A section 68 board is paid a grant in an amount determined as follows:
1. Take the expenditure of the board for the fiscal year that is acceptable to the Minister for grant purposes, excluding,
i. expenditures for debt charges,
ii. expenditures for the purchase of capital assets,
iii. expenditures for the restoration of destroyed or damaged capital assets, and
iv. provisions for reserves for working funds and provisions for reserve funds.
2. Deduct the revenue of the board for the fiscal year, not including revenue from,
i. legislative grants,
ii. an organization on whose property a school of the board is located, and
iii. refunds of expenditure of the kind described in subparagraph 1 i, ii or iii. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 59 (1).
(2) Subsection (3) applies if,
(a) a section 68 board makes expenditures to purchase special equipment in accordance with the document entitled “Special Education Funding Guidelines: Special Equipment Amount (SEA) and Special Incidence Portion (SIP) 2007-08”, which is available as described in subsection 3 (2), for a pupil of a section 68 board and the pupil enrols in a school operated by a district school board or by a different section 68 board during the fiscal year; or
(b) a claim for special equipment for a pupil of a section 68 board has been approved and the pupil enrols in a school operated by a different section 68 board during the 2006-2007 school board fiscal year. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 59 (2).
(3) The special equipment referred to in subsection (2) must move with the pupil to the new board unless, in the opinion of the new board, it is not practical to move the equipment. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 59 (3).
“Crown establishment” means an establishment maintained by a Department of the Government of Canada, a federal Crown company, The Royal Canadian Mounted Police or Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, on lands held by the Crown in right of Canada that are not assessable for school purposes, and includes a reserve as defined in the Indian Act (Canada); (“établissement de la Couronne”)
“reserve” means a reserve within the meaning of the Indian Act (Canada). (“réserve”) O. Reg. 152/07, s. 60.
Pupil attending school in Manitoba or Quebec
61. (1) If a pupil who resides in a territorial district attends a school supported by local taxation in Manitoba or Quebec, the Minister may pay the governing authority of the school an amount agreed on between him or her and the authority if, in the Minister’s opinion,
(a) daily transportation to a school in Ontario is impracticable due to distance or terrain;
(b) the provision of board, lodging and weekly transportation to a school in Ontario is impracticable because of the age or disability of the pupil; and
(c) the pupil attends a school that it is reasonable for him or her to attend, having regard to distance or terrain and any special needs of the pupil. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 61 (1).
(2) In making a determination under subsection (1) with respect to a pupil who is a French-speaking person, the Minister shall have regard to language of instruction. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 61 (2).
Pupil attending school on reserve
62. (1) This section applies if a pupil who resides in a territorial district,
(a) is not resident in the area of jurisdiction of a board and is not resident on a Crown establishment; and
(b) attends a school on a reserve that is operated by,
(i) the Crown in right of Canada, or
(ii) a band, the council of a band or an education authority, if the band, council of a band or education authority is authorized by the Crown in right of Canada to provide education for Indians. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 62 (1).
(2) The Minister shall pay the governing authority of the school attended by the pupil the amount agreed on between the governing authority and the Minister. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 62 (2).
Amounts payable to board, attendance at school for Indian children
63. (1) This section applies in respect of a board that has submitted to the Minister an arrangement for admission of one or more persons who are qualified to be resident pupils of the board to a school for Indian children under section 185 of the Act. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 63 (1); O. Reg. 294/08, s. 2 (1).
(2) Subject to subsection (3), the Minister shall pay to the board, for each elementary school pupil to whom the arrangement applies, an amount equal to the cost per pupil of elementary instruction for the 2007-2008 fiscal period in the school to which the child is admitted under the arrangement. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 63 (2); O. Reg. 294/08, s. 2 (2).
(3) The amount paid by the Minister under subsection (2) shall not exceed the fee that the board would charge to elementary school pupils under section 3 of the 2007-2008 fees regulation. O. Reg. 152/07, s. 63 (3).
(4) Subject to subsection (5), the Minister shall pay to the board, for each secondary school pupil to whom the arrangement applies, an amount equal to the cost per pupil of secondary instruction for the 2007-2008 fiscal period in the school to which the child is admitted under the arrangement. O. Reg. 294/08, s. 2 (3).
(5) The amount paid by the Minister under subsection (4) shall not exceed the fee that the board would charge to secondary school pupils under section 3 of the 2007-2008 fees regulation. O. Reg. 294/08, s. 2 (3).
Item/Point |
Column/Colonne 1 |
Column/Colonne 2 |
Name of Board/Nom du conseil |
Amount/Montant $ | |
1. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
719.17 |
2. |
Algoma District School Board |
740.68 |
3. |
Rainbow District School Board |
496.75 |
4. |
Near North District School Board |
804.64 |
5. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
1239.85 |
6. |
Rainy River District School Board |
1016.84 |
7. |
Lakehead District School Board |
697.08 |
8. |
Superior-Greenstone District School Board |
642.60 |
9. |
Bluewater District School Board |
628.62 |
10. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
502.87 |
11. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
414.03 |
12. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
452.78 |
13. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
479.03 |
14. |
Toronto District School Board |
522.93 |
15. |
Durham District School Board |
521.34 |
16. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
583.61 |
17. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
738.12 |
18. |
York Region District School Board |
447.56 |
19. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
585.03 |
20. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
365.38 |
21. |
Peel District School Board |
339.58 |
22. |
Halton District School Board |
601.81 |
23. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
443.28 |
24. |
District School Board of Niagara |
355.46 |
25. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
521.70 |
26. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
487.24 |
27. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
498.00 |
28. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
750.59 |
29. |
Limestone District School Board |
771.86 |
30. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
407.95 |
31. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
619.22 |
32. |
Northeastern Catholic District School Board |
1128.65 |
33. |
Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board |
1058.34 |
34. |
Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board |
375.69 |
35. |
Sudbury Catholic District School Board |
366.30 |
36. |
Northwest Catholic District School Board |
417.84 |
37. |
Kenora Catholic District School Board |
801.22 |
38. |
Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board |
591.46 |
39. |
Superior North Catholic District School Board |
1541.37 |
40. |
Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board |
612.19 |
41. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
359.45 |
42. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
486.85 |
43. |
English-language Separate District School Board No. 38 |
410.92 |
44. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
481.01 |
45. |
Toronto Catholic District School Board |
604.59 |
46. |
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board |
693.08 |
47. |
York Catholic District School Board |
504.53 |
48. |
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board |
375.13 |
49. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
470.26 |
50. |
Durham Catholic District School Board |
383.93 |
51. |
Halton Catholic District School Board |
445.58 |
52. |
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board |
522.57 |
53. |
Wellington Catholic District School Board |
361.92 |
54. |
Waterloo Catholic District School Board |
485.45 |
55. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
487.42 |
56. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
386.39 |
57. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
704.49 |
58. |
Ottawa Catholic District School Board |
379.82 |
59. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
603.21 |
60. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
606.42 |
61. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l’Ontario |
1586.50 |
62. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l’Ontario |
1673.35 |
63. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
376.35 |
64. |
Conseil de district des écoles publiques de langue française no 59 |
507.29 |
65. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
499.53 |
66. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
1161.84 |
67. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
717.33 |
68. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales |
1509.80 |
69. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
427.51 |
70. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud |
505.26 |
71. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien |
786.23 |
72. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
605.22 |
O. Reg. 152/07, Table 1.
Item/Point |
Column/Colonne 1 |
Column/Colonne 2 |
Name of Board/Nom du conseil |
Amount/Somme $ | |
1. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
19,985 |
2. |
Algoma District School Board |
12,166 |
3. |
Rainbow District School Board |
26,163 |
4. |
Near North District School Board |
14,731 |
5. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
13,012 |
6. |
Rainy River District School Board |
4,840 |
7. |
Lakehead District School Board |
52,458 |
8. |
Superior-Greenstone District School Board |
823 |
9. |
Bluewater District School Board |
89,369 |
10. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
130,038 |
11. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
441,258 |
12. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
112,201 |
13. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
797,699 |
14. |
Toronto District School Board |
9,664,631 |
15. |
Durham District School Board |
287,527 |
16. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
42,891 |
17. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
0 |
18. |
York Region District School Board |
1,225,755 |
19. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
87,121 |
20. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
283,803 |
21. |
Peel District School Board |
2,195,445 |
22. |
Halton District School Board |
238,189 |
23. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
665,824 |
24. |
District School Board of Niagara |
207,696 |
25. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
141,670 |
26. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
877,928 |
27. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
1,030,167 |
28. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
33,631 |
29. |
Limestone District School Board |
79,875 |
30. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
16,009 |
31. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
39,436 |
32. |
Northeastern Catholic District School Board |
5,586 |
33. |
Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board |
5,798 |
34. |
Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board |
10,224 |
35. |
Sudbury Catholic District School Board |
12,250 |
36. |
Northwest Catholic District School Board |
2,886 |
37. |
Kenora Catholic District School Board |
249 |
38. |
Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board |
26,714 |
39. |
Superior North Catholic District School Board |
0 |
40. |
Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board |
6,415 |
41. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
15,830 |
42. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
301,733 |
43. |
English-language Separate District School Board No. 38 |
243,067 |
44. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
39,978 |
45. |
Toronto Catholic District School Board |
4,101,169 |
46. |
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board |
18,571 |
47. |
York Catholic District School Board |
692,343 |
48. |
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board |
1,732,556 |
49. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
46,926 |
50. |
Durham Catholic District School Board |
132,797 |
51. |
Halton Catholic District School Board |
166,014 |
52. |
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board |
373,316 |
53. |
Wellington Catholic District School Board |
56,003 |
54. |
Waterloo Catholic District School Board |
354,346 |
55. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
100,814 |
56. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
45,752 |
57. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
17,915 |
58. |
Ottawa Catholic District School Board |
483,074 |
59. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
6,510 |
60. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
39,196 |
O. Reg. 152/07, Table 2.
Item/Point |
Column/Colonne 1 |
Column/Colonne 2 |
Name of Board/Nom du conseil |
Assimilation Factor/Facteur d’assimilation % | |
1. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l’Ontario |
75 |
2. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l’Ontario |
75 |
3. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
97 |
4. |
Conseil de district des écoles publiques de langue française no 59 |
76 |
5. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
75 |
6. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
75 |
7. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
75 |
8. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales |
88 |
9. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
97 |
10. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud |
97 |
11. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien |
75 |
12. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
84 |
O. Reg. 152/07, Table 3.
Item/Point |
Column/Colonne 1 |
Column/Colonne 2 |
Name of Board/Nom du conseil |
Estimated weighted percentage of First Nation, Métis and Inuit Student Population/ Pourcentage estimatif d’élèves qui font partie des Premières nations ou sont des Métis ou des Inuits | |
1. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
19.14 |
2. |
Algoma District School Board |
27.44 |
3. |
Rainbow District School Board |
23.56 |
4. |
Near North District School Board |
18.98 |
5. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
63.21 |
6. |
Rainy River District School Board |
57.93 |
7. |
Lakehead District School Board |
25.06 |
8. |
Superior-Greenstone District School Board |
22.38 |
9. |
Bluewater District School Board |
4.24 |
10. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
2.08 |
11. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
4.13 |
12. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
3.93 |
13. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
3.36 |
14. |
Toronto District School Board |
1.06 |
15. |
Durham District School Board |
2.84 |
16. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
4.30 |
17. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
5.20 |
18. |
York Region District School Board |
1.15 |
19. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
4.67 |
20. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
2.80 |
21. |
Peel District School Board |
1.30 |
22. |
Halton District School Board |
1.69 |
23. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
3.23 |
24. |
District School Board of Niagara |
3.54 |
25. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
4.94 |
26. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
2.76 |
27. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
3.50 |
28. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
5.88 |
29. |
Limestone District School Board |
5.70 |
30. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
15.20 |
31. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
6.85 |
32. |
Northeastern Catholic District School Board |
20.22 |
33. |
Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board |
20.18 |
34. |
Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board |
23.92 |
35. |
Sudbury Catholic District School Board |
17.92 |
36. |
Northwest Catholic District School Board |
72.39 |
37. |
Kenora Catholic District School Board |
69.66 |
38. |
Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board |
26.24 |
39. |
Superior North Catholic District School Board |
45.45 |
40. |
Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board |
3.23 |
41. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
2.12 |
42. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
4.08 |
43. |
English-language Separate District School Board No. 38 |
3.43 |
44. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
4.05 |
45. |
Toronto Catholic District School Board |
1.06 |
46. |
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board |
3.95 |
47. |
York Catholic District School Board |
0.85 |
48. |
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board |
1.25 |
49. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
5.11 |
50. |
Durham Catholic District School Board |
2.48 |
51. |
Halton Catholic District School Board |
1.68 |
52. |
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board |
3.23 |
53. |
Wellington Catholic District School Board |
2.63 |
54. |
Waterloo Catholic District School Board |
2.90 |
55. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
3.79 |
56. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
5.13 |
57. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
5.72 |
58. |
Ottawa Catholic District School Board |
3.50 |
59. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
16.64 |
60. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
5.95 |
61. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l’Ontario |
20.02 |
62. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l’Ontario |
19.44 |
63. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
3.62 |
64. |
Conseil de district des écoles publiques de langue française no 59 |
4.10 |
65. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
17.70 |
66. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
23.02 |
67. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
19.66 |
68. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales |
28.52 |
69. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
3.86 |
70. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud |
3.15 |
71. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien |
5.15 |
72. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
3.85 |
O. Reg. 152/07, Table 4; O. Reg. 507/07, s. 21.
Item/Point |
Column/ Colonne 1 |
Column/ Colonne 2 |
Column/ Colonne 3 |
Column/ Colonne 4 |
Column/ Colonne 5 |
Column/ Colonne 6 |
Column/ Colonne 7 |
Name of Board/Nom du conseil |
SFIS No./No du SIIS |
Elementary School/École élémentaire |
Secondary School/École secondaire |
Municipality or Locality/ Municipalité ou localité |
Distance/ Distance (km) |
Learning resources for distant schools allocation/ Ressources d’apprentissage pour écoles éloignées $ | |
1. |
Conseil de district des écoles publiques de langue française n° 59 |
10394 |
École secondaire publique le Sommet |
Hawkesbury |
75.5 |
376,607 |
2. |
Conseil de district des écoles publiques de langue française n° 59 |
10575 |
École s.p. Marc Garneau |
Quinte West |
90.7 |
562,658 |
3. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales |
10740 |
École secondaire catholique de La Vérendrye |
Thunder Bay |
100 |
559,336 |
3.1 |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales |
10768 |
Immaculée-Conception, E |
Ignace |
68.9 |
100,684 | |
4. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
10658 |
Centre Scolaire Catholique Jeanne-Lajoie Secondaire |
Pembroke |
133.6 |
411,990 |
4.1 |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
10784 |
École Catholique Ange-Gabriel Élémentaire |
Brockville |
40.6 |
115,805 | |
5. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
10618 |
École secondaire catholique Jeunesse-Nord |
Blind River |
97.1 |
550,265 |
6. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
10872 |
É.s. St-Joseph (site temporaire) |
Michipicoten |
130.5 |
227,326 |
7. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
10710 |
Carrefour des Jeunes |
Brampton |
21.2 |
51,347 |
8. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l’Ontario |
10634 |
Villa Française des Jeunes É.p |
Elliot Lake |
156.7 |
155,527 |
9. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l’Ontario |
10745 |
École p. l’Escalade |
Michipicoten |
195.8 |
133,320 |
10. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
10765 |
St. Mary’s School |
North Perth |
33 |
118,712 |
11. |
Superior North Catholic District School Board |
10661 |
St. Edward Catholic School |
Nipigon |
19.8 |
46,487 |
O. Reg. 152/07, Table 5; O. Reg. 81/08, s. 10.
Item/ Point |
Column/Colonne 1 |
Column/Colonne 2 |
Column/Colonne 3 |
Column/Colonne 4 |
Column/Colonne 5 |
Name of Board/Nom du conseil |
Distance/Distance |
Urban Factor/ Facteur urbain |
Dispersion Distance in kilometres/ Distance, en kilomètres, liée à la dispersion |
Rural and Small Communities Index/Indice des collectivités rurales et de petite taille | |
1. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
680 km |
0.946 |
47.28 |
47.8% |
2. |
Algoma District School Board |
790 km |
0.809 |
38.63 |
30.5% |
3. |
Rainbow District School Board |
455 km |
0.821 |
21.21 |
25.2% |
4. |
Near North District School Board |
332 km |
0.913 |
25.73 |
49.6% |
5. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
1801 km |
1 |
60.12 |
74.4% |
6. |
Rainy River District School Board |
1630 km |
1 |
40.15 |
100.0% |
7. |
Lakehead District School Board |
1375 km |
0.549 |
5.77 |
12.8% |
8. |
Superior-Greenstone District School Board |
1440 km |
1 |
71.69 |
100.0% |
9. |
Bluewater District School Board |
177 km |
1 |
21.55 |
78.6% |
10. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
16.38 |
78.1% |
11. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
8.32 |
21.8% |
12. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
16.28 |
42.5% |
13. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
9.39 |
25.5% |
14. |
Toronto District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
3.78 |
0.0% |
15. |
Durham District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
5.98 |
13.2% |
16. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
161 km |
0.942 |
14.94 |
39.4% |
17. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
253 km |
1 |
27.79 |
87.1% |
18. |
York Region District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
6.52 |
6.2% |
19. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
11.3 |
24.2% |
20. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
10.65 |
42.3% |
21. |
Peel District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
4.54 |
4.0% |
22. |
Halton District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
5.59 |
7.5% |
23. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
3.79 |
7.3% |
24. |
District School Board of Niagara |
< 151 km |
1 |
6.49 |
13.5% |
25. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
10.07 |
54.9% |
26. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
4.96 |
10.0% |
27. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
6.11 |
8.0% |
28. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
22.4 |
73.5% |
29. |
Limestone District School Board |
235 km |
0.717 |
12.74 |
43.4% |
30. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
21.03 |
70.0% |
31. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
251 km |
0.971 |
15.17 |
57.0% |
32. |
Northeastern Catholic District School Board |
680 km |
0.946 |
71.27 |
47.6% |
33. |
Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board |
332 km |
0.913 |
19.07 |
23.7% |
34. |
Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board |
790 km |
0.777 |
48.56 |
19.3% |
35. |
Sudbury Catholic District School Board |
390 km |
0.78 |
15.88 |
13.8% |
36. |
Northwest Catholic District School Board |
1715 km |
1 |
133.32 |
100.0% |
37. |
Kenora Catholic District School Board |
1855 km |
1 |
3.62 |
25.5% |
38. |
Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board |
1375 km |
0.501 |
3.64 |
5.3% |
39. |
Superior North Catholic District School Board |
1440 km |
1 |
97.06 |
100.0% |
40. |
Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board |
177 km |
1 |
22.57 |
67.5% |
41. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
19.38 |
58.4% |
42. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
7.73 |
15.6% |
43. |
English-language Separate District School Board No. 38 |
< 151 km |
1 |
11.83 |
11.8% |
44. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
20.81 |
34.7% |
45. |
Toronto Catholic District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
4.47 |
0.0% |
46. |
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board |
161 km |
0.942 |
15.91 |
23.4% |
47. |
York Catholic District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
7.8 |
4.4% |
48. |
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
4.96 |
3.7% |
49. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
17.09 |
18.5% |
50. |
Durham Catholic District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
7.23 |
5.1% |
51. |
Halton Catholic District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
7.35 |
7.4% |
52. |
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
4.04 |
7.3% |
53. |
Wellington Catholic District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
11.37 |
18.0% |
54. |
Waterloo Catholic District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
6.27 |
3.4% |
55. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
8.5 |
9.2% |
56. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
13.91 |
40.4% |
57. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
< 151 km |
1 |
24.49 |
60.9% |
58. |
Ottawa Catholic District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
6.69 |
8.0% |
59. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
< 151 km |
1 |
25.91 |
54.9% |
60. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
277 km |
0.986 |
24.63 |
28.5% |
61. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l’Ontario |
634 km |
0.939 |
149.2 |
44.7% |
62. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l’Ontario |
1191 km |
0.862 |
140.63 |
27.1% |
63. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
< 151 km |
1 |
47.17 |
0.8% |
64. |
Conseil de district des écoles publiques de langue française nº 59 |
< 151 km |
1 |
38.75 |
12.8% |
65. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
680 km |
0.952 |
49.76 |
52.9% |
66. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
332 km |
0.933 |
23.94 |
57.2% |
67. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
790 km |
0.879 |
45.27 |
26.7% |
68. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales |
1745 km |
0.727 |
207.39 |
46.5% |
69. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
< 151 km |
1 |
29.78 |
21.2% |
70. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud |
< 151 km |
1 |
37.27 |
4.2% |
71. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien |
< 151 km |
1 |
17.32 |
54.2% |
72. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
< 151 km |
1 |
23.39 |
9.7% |
O. Reg. 507/07, s. 22.
Item/Point |
Column/Colonne 1 |
Column/Colonne 2 |
Column/Colonne 3 |
Name of Board/Nom du conseil |
Demographic Component Amount/Montant de l’élément démographique $ |
Student Success, Grades 7-12, Demographic Factor/Réussite des élèves, 7e à 12e année, facteur démographique |
1. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
1,355,389 |
0.0043 |
2. |
Algoma District School Board |
2,489,980 |
0.0097 |
3. |
Rainbow District School Board |
1,901,070 |
0.0084 |
4. |
Near North District School Board |
1,946,065 |
0.0071 |
5. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
732,323 |
0.0028 |
6. |
Rainy River District School Board |
447,089 |
0.0026 |
7. |
Lakehead District School Board |
1,806,937 |
0.0065 |
8. |
Superior-Greenstone District School Board |
453,037 |
0.0012 |
9. |
Bluewater District School Board |
1,324,605 |
0.0045 |
10. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
984,938 |
0.003 |
11. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
5,376,845 |
0.0151 |
12. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
1,469,905 |
0.0077 |
13. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
8,558,233 |
0.0246 |
14. |
Toronto District School Board |
119,551,326 |
0.3807 |
15. |
Durham District School Board |
2,809,202 |
0.0087 |
16. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
1,993,221 |
0.0093 |
17. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
739,956 |
0.0045 |
18. |
York Region District School Board |
9,829,660 |
0.0182 |
19. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
1,578,625 |
0.0084 |
20. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
1,304,432 |
0.003 |
21. |
Peel District School Board |
17,029,061 |
0.0333 |
22. |
Halton District School Board |
704,923 |
0.0008 |
23. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
11,213,627 |
0.0419 |
24. |
District School Board of Niagara |
3,994,885 |
0.0143 |
25. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
2,585,652 |
0.0097 |
26. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
5,508,117 |
0.0138 |
27. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
13,092,047 |
0.0413 |
28. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1,629,832 |
0.0065 |
29. |
Limestone District School Board |
1,889,668 |
0.0068 |
30. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
701,772 |
0.0032 |
31. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
2,166,670 |
0.012 |
32. |
Northeastern Catholic District School Board |
470,618 |
0.0013 |
33. |
Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board |
471,023 |
0.002 |
34. |
Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board |
1,169,155 |
0.0041 |
35. |
Sudbury Catholic District School Board |
954,707 |
0.0039 |
36. |
Northwest Catholic District School Board |
103,611 |
0.0005 |
37. |
Kenora Catholic District School Board |
120,265 |
0.0005 |
38. |
Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board |
867,078 |
0.0033 |
39. |
Superior North Catholic District School Board |
147,589 |
0.0004 |
40. |
Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board |
170,123 |
0.0007 |
41. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
137,414 |
0.0004 |
42. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
3,545,167 |
0.0089 |
43. |
English-language Separate District School Board No. 38 |
3,133,798 |
0.0035 |
44. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
584,120 |
0.0022 |
45. |
Toronto Catholic District School Board |
43,978,923 |
0.1261 |
46. |
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board |
549,509 |
0.0018 |
47. |
York Catholic District School Board |
4,465,807 |
0.0093 |
48. |
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board |
12,221,242 |
0.0204 |
49. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
440,216 |
0.0027 |
50. |
Durham Catholic District School Board |
828,977 |
0.001 |
51. |
Halton Catholic District School Board |
413,284 |
0.0008 |
52. |
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board |
4,472,997 |
0.0134 |
53. |
Wellington Catholic District School Board |
390,944 |
0.0008 |
54. |
Waterloo Catholic District School Board |
2,014,089 |
0.0041 |
55. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
1,716,722 |
0.0049 |
56. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
784,721 |
0.0028 |
57. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
834,975 |
0.0025 |
58. |
Ottawa Catholic District School Board |
5,859,580 |
0.0177 |
59. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
449,339 |
0.0024 |
60. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
1,021,177 |
0.0028 |
61. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l’Ontario |
197,171 |
0.001 |
62. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l’Ontario |
202,648 |
0.001 |
63. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
1,226,748 |
0.0038 |
64. |
Conseil de district des écoles publiques de langue française nº 59 |
1,492,414 |
0.0059 |
65. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
1,781,831 |
0.0054 |
66. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
627,307 |
0.002 |
67. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
1,292,501 |
0.0042 |
68. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales |
169,995 |
0.0003 |
69. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
455,846 |
0.0012 |
70. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud |
1,463,019 |
0.0036 |
71. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien |
1,284,212 |
0.004 |
72. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
2,452,686 |
0.0089 |
O. Reg. 507/07, s. 23.
Full years of teaching experience/Années complètes d’expérience en enseignement |
Qualification Categories/Catégories de qualification | ||||||
D |
C |
B |
A1/group 1 A1/groupe 1 |
A2/group 2 A2/groupe 2 |
A3/group 3 A3/groupe 3 |
A4/group 4 A4/groupe 4 | |
0 |
0.5825 |
0.5825 |
0.5825 |
0.6178 |
0.6478 |
0.7034 |
0.7427 |
1 |
0.6185 |
0.6185 |
0.6185 |
0.6557 |
0.6882 |
0.7487 |
0.7898 |
2 |
0.6562 |
0.6562 |
0.6562 |
0.6958 |
0.7308 |
0.7960 |
0.8397 |
3 |
0.6941 |
0.6941 |
0.6941 |
0.7359 |
0.7729 |
0.8433 |
0.8897 |
4 |
0.7335 |
0.7335 |
0.7335 |
0.7772 |
0.8165 |
0.8916 |
0.9418 |
5 |
0.7725 |
0.7725 |
0.7725 |
0.8185 |
0.8600 |
0.9398 |
0.9932 |
6 |
0.8104 |
0.8104 |
0.8104 |
0.8599 |
0.9035 |
0.9881 |
1.0453 |
7 |
0.8502 |
0.8502 |
0.8502 |
0.9013 |
0.9475 |
1.0367 |
1.0973 |
8 |
0.8908 |
0.8908 |
0.8908 |
0.9435 |
0.9919 |
1.0856 |
1.1500 |
9 |
0.9315 |
0.9315 |
0.9315 |
0.9856 |
1.0356 |
1.1344 |
1.2025 |
10 |
1.0187 |
1.0187 |
1.0187 |
1.0438 |
1.0999 |
1.2166 |
1.2982 |
O. Reg. 152/07, Table 8.
Item/Point |
Column/Colonne 1 |
Column/Colonne 2 |
Name of Board/Nom du conseil |
Amount/Montant $ | |
1. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
90,071 |
2. |
Algoma District School Board |
74,601 |
3. |
Rainbow District School Board |
110,117 |
4. |
Near North District School Board |
101,834 |
5. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
70,094 |
6. |
Rainy River District School Board |
46,168 |
7. |
Lakehead District School Board |
267,433 |
8. |
Superior-Greenstone District School Board |
52,277 |
9. |
Bluewater District School Board |
105,085 |
10. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
35,070 |
11. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
116,912 |
12. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
87,665 |
13. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
215,476 |
14. |
Toronto District School Board |
4,282,841 |
15. |
Durham District School Board |
256,531 |
16. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
128,009 |
17. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
62,084 |
18. |
York Region District School Board |
491,018 |
19. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
138,692 |
20. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
184,287 |
21. |
Peel District School Board |
856,630 |
22. |
Halton District School Board |
132,361 |
23. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
133,337 |
24. |
District School Board of Niagara |
78,914 |
25. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
95,356 |
26. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
219,013 |
27. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
383,889 |
28. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
131,930 |
29. |
Limestone District School Board |
79,692 |
30. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
27,901 |
31. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
90,666 |
32. |
Northeastern Catholic District School Board |
38,707 |
33. |
Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board |
48,512 |
34. |
Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board |
60,143 |
35. |
Sudbury Catholic District School Board |
92,765 |
36. |
Northwest Catholic District School Board |
17,351 |
37. |
Kenora Catholic District School Board |
29,581 |
38. |
Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board |
46,111 |
39. |
Superior North Catholic District School Board |
11,309 |
40. |
Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board |
8,081 |
41. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
23,827 |
42. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
215,433 |
43. |
English-language Separate District School Board No. 38 |
202,089 |
44. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
85,230 |
45. |
Toronto Catholic District School Board |
568,326 |
46. |
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board |
78,300 |
47. |
York Catholic District School Board |
264,187 |
48. |
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board |
853,499 |
49. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
131,881 |
50. |
Durham Catholic District School Board |
86,715 |
51. |
Halton Catholic District School Board |
58,428 |
52. |
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board |
116,208 |
53. |
Wellington Catholic District School Board |
23,032 |
54. |
Waterloo Catholic District School Board |
60,271 |
55. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
94,975 |
56. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
41,200 |
57. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
90,680 |
58. |
Ottawa Catholic District School Board |
386,568 |
59. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
27,399 |
60. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
77,268 |
61. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l’Ontario |
30,048 |
62. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l’Ontario |
40,501 |
63. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
99,171 |
64. |
Conseil de district des écoles publiques de langue française no 59 |
183,598 |
65. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
58,037 |
66. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
59,333 |
67. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
146,994 |
68. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales |
21,337 |
69. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
63,386 |
70. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud |
118,087 |
71. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien |
75,867 |
72. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
132,653 |
O. Reg. 152/07, Table 9.
Item/Point |
Column/Colonne 1 |
Column/Colonne 2 |
Name of Board/Nom du conseil |
Amount/Montant $ | |
1. |
Algoma District School Board |
0 |
2. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
47,672 |
3. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
0 |
4. |
Bluewater District School Board |
0 |
5. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
0 |
6. |
Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board |
106,651 |
7. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
0 |
7.1 |
Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario |
773,883 |
8. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
0 |
9. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud |
1,036,397 |
10. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales |
0 |
11. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
0 |
12. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
332,287 |
13. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
0 |
14. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
173,103 |
15. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
159,053 |
16. Revoked: O. Reg. 294/08, s. 3 (2). | ||
17. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
653,515 |
18. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l’Ontario |
175,815 |
19. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l’Ontario |
92,197 |
20. |
District School Board of Niagara |
1,773,119 |
21. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
0 |
22. |
Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board |
1,182,071 |
23. |
Durham Catholic District School Board |
536,011 |
24. |
Durham District School Board |
0 |
25. |
English-language Separate District School Board No. 38 |
861,340 |
26. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
1,103,502 |
27. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
58,599 |
28. |
Halton Catholic District School Board |
0 |
29. |
Halton District School Board |
0 |
30. |
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board |
637,119 |
31. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
746,716 |
32. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
236,847 |
33. |
Huron-Perth Catholic District School Board |
0 |
34. |
Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board |
0 |
35. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
1,791,710 |
36. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
0 |
37. |
Kenora Catholic District School Board |
0 |
38. |
Lakehead District School Board |
0 |
39. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
2,255 |
40. |
Limestone District School Board |
834,352 |
41. |
Near North District School Board |
0 |
42. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
1,570,676 |
43. |
Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board |
222,504 |
44. |
Northeastern Catholic District School Board |
91,077 |
45. |
Northwest Catholic District School Board |
0 |
46. |
Ottawa Catholic District School Board |
0 |
47. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
0 |
48. |
Peel District School Board |
3,142,226 |
49. |
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board |
0 |
50. |
Rainbow District School Board |
0 |
51. |
Rainy River District School Board |
0 |
52. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
0 |
53. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
601,877 |
54. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
0 |
55. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
0 |
56. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
0 |
57. |
Sudbury Catholic District School Board |
0 |
58. |
Superior North Catholic District School Board |
0 |
59. |
Superior-Greenstone District School Board |
0 |
60. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
3,052,518 |
61. |
Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board |
0 |
62. |
Toronto Catholic District School Board |
0 |
63. |
Toronto District School Board |
0 |
64. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
0 |
65. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
0 |
66. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
0 |
67. |
Waterloo Catholic District School Board |
0 |
68. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
0 |
69. |
Wellington Catholic District School Board |
0 |
70. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
0 |
71. |
York Catholic District School Board |
0 |
72. |
York Region District School Board |
0 |
O. Reg. 81/08, s. 11; O. Reg. 294/08, s. 3.
Item/Point |
Column/Colonne 1 |
Column/Colonne 2 |
Column/Colonne 3 |
Column/Colonne 4 |
Column/Colonne 5 |
Name of Board/Nom du conseil |
Elementary Top Up Allocation for School Operations/Somme complémentaire liée au fonctionnement des écoles élémentaires $ |
Secondary Top Up Allocation for School Operations/Somme complémentaire liée au fonctionnement des écoles secondaires $ |
Elementary Top Up for School Renewal/ Somme complémen-taire liée à la réfection des écoles élémentaires $ |
Secondary Top Up for School Renewal/ Somme complémen-taire liée à la réfection des écoles secondaires $ | |
1. |
Conseil de district des écoles publiques de langue française nº 59 |
-59,906 |
-9,949 |
2. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien |
-26,194 |
-4,621 |
3. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
-94,529 |
-5,752 |
-15,609 |
-924 |
4. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
0 |
-76,268 |
0 |
-13,454 |
5. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
-76,936 |
-58,762 |
-13,571 |
-10,325 |
6. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l’Ontario |
17,260 |
0 |
2,912 |
0 |
7. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales |
-5,511 |
0 |
-972 |
0 |
8. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
-51,518 |
0 |
-8,912 |
0 |
9. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
-16,103 |
0 |
-2,840 |
0 |
10. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
-41,044 |
0 |
-6,896 |
0 |
11. |
Lakehead District School Board |
-21,190 |
0 |
-3,694 |
0 |
12. |
Limestone District School Board |
-34,681 |
0 |
-6,011 |
0 |
13. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
-15,804 |
0 |
-2,729 |
0 |
14. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
-5,576 |
0 |
-935 |
0 |
15. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
-25,701 |
0 |
-4,394 |
0 |
16. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
8,862 |
0 |
1,533 |
0 |
O. Reg. 152/07, Table 10.
Item/Point |
Column/Colonne 1 |
Column/Colonne 2 |
Name of Board/Nom du conseil |
Allocation for Renewal Software Licensing Fee/Somme liée au renouvellement des permis d’utilisation de logiciels $ | |
1. |
Algoma District School Board |
14,728 |
2. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
9,044 |
3. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
17,425 |
4. |
Bluewater District School Board |
17,821 |
5. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
6,163 |
6. |
Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board |
2,911 |
7. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
8,231 |
8. |
Conseil de district des écoles publiques de langue française n° 59 |
7,490 |
9. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
10,862 |
10. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud |
10,442 |
11. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien |
12,139 |
12. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales |
620 |
13. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
13,818 |
14. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
8,688 |
15. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
5,152 |
16. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
6,123 |
17. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
9,229 |
18. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l’Ontario |
3,845 |
19. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l’Ontario |
853 |
20. |
District School Board of Niagara |
41,051 |
21. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
13,417 |
22. |
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board |
41,028 |
23. |
Durham Catholic District School Board |
13,056 |
24. |
Durham District School Board |
37,502 |
25. |
English-language Separate District School Board No. 38 |
13,545 |
26. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
25,152 |
27. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
30,236 |
28. |
Halton Catholic District School Board |
12,968 |
29. |
Halton District School Board |
33,538 |
30. |
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board |
20,354 |
31. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
48,493 |
32. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
16,342 |
33. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
2,853 |
34. |
Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board |
5,747 |
35. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
28,719 |
36. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
5,898 |
37. |
Kenora Catholic District School Board |
891 |
38. |
Lakehead District School Board |
12,468 |
39. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
24,263 |
40. |
Limestone District School Board |
19,543 |
41. |
Near North District School Board |
11,892 |
42. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
14,962 |
43. |
Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board |
3,826 |
44. |
Northeastern Catholic District School Board |
2,648 |
45. |
Northwest Catholic District School Board |
868 |
46. |
Ottawa Catholic District School Board |
27,130 |
47. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
65,947 |
48. |
Peel District School Board |
68,019 |
49. |
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board |
8,908 |
50. |
Rainbow District School Board |
17,507 |
51. |
Rainy River District School Board |
4,236 |
52. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
4,330 |
53. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
12,414 |
54. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
32,760 |
55. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
11,450 |
56. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
9,304 |
57. |
Sudbury Catholic District School Board |
7,314 |
58. |
Superior North Catholic District School Board |
1,164 |
59. |
Superior-Greenstone District School Board |
4,165 |
60. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
64,853 |
61. |
Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board |
5,534 |
62. |
Toronto Catholic District School Board |
71,015 |
63. |
Toronto District School Board |
284,436 |
64. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
15,018 |
65. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
29,960 |
66. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
21,000 |
67 |
Waterloo Catholic District School Board |
14,178 |
68. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
38,590 |
69. |
Wellington Catholic District School Board |
4,534 |
70. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
17,122 |
71. |
York Catholic District School Board |
27,574 |
72. |
York Region District School Board |
51,553 |
O. Reg. 152/07, Table 11.
Item/Point |
Column/Colonne 1 |
Column/Colonne 2 |
Name of Board/Nom du conseil |
Amount/Montant $ | |
1. |
Algoma District School Board |
148,330 |
2. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
120,384 |
3. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
189,493 |
4. |
Bluewater District School Board |
201,197 |
5. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
105,630 |
6. |
Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board |
33,507 |
7. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
128,846 |
8. |
Conseil de district des écoles publiques de langue française no 59 |
119,730 |
9. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
109,110 |
10. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud |
127,025 |
11. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien |
129,169 |
12. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales |
7,452 |
13. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
172,649 |
14. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
88,436 |
15. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
49,698 |
16. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
76,136 |
17. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
94,179 |
18. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l’Ontario |
41,217 |
19. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l’Ontario |
15,142 |
20. |
District School Board of Niagara |
426,073 |
21. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
132,155 |
22. |
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board |
826,405 |
23. |
Durham Catholic District School Board |
222,909 |
24. |
Durham District School Board |
602,808 |
25. |
English-language Separate District School Board No. 38 |
196,941 |
26. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
267,632 |
27. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
352,700 |
28. |
Halton Catholic District School Board |
234,587 |
29. |
Halton District School Board |
411,614 |
30. |
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board |
270,018 |
31. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
516,949 |
32. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
185,778 |
33. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
43,405 |
34. |
Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board |
69,284 |
35. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
343,705 |
36. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
75,038 |
37. |
Kenora Catholic District School Board |
11,113 |
38. |
Lakehead District School Board |
132,369 |
39. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
270,576 |
40. |
Limestone District School Board |
239,796 |
41. |
Near North District School Board |
133,874 |
42. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
225,907 |
43. |
Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board |
40,138 |
44. |
Northeastern Catholic District School Board |
28,998 |
45. |
Northwest Catholic District School Board |
11,187 |
46. |
Ottawa Catholic District School Board |
407,434 |
47. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
769,379 |
48. |
Peel District School Board |
1,242,647 |
49. |
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board |
145,228 |
50. |
Rainbow District School Board |
179,368 |
51. |
Rainy River District School Board |
37,040 |
52. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
51,104 |
53. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
128,801 |
54. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
482,631 |
55. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
201,866 |
56. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
102,063 |
57. |
Sudbury Catholic District School Board |
73,223 |
58. |
Superior North Catholic District School Board |
13,883 |
59. |
Superior-Greenstone District School Board |
44,519 |
60. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
726,048 |
61. |
Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board |
71,575 |
62. |
Toronto Catholic District School Board |
826,645 |
63. |
Toronto District School Board |
3,003,553 |
64. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
185,802 |
65. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
356,971 |
66. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
281,898 |
67. |
Waterloo Catholic District School Board |
204,641 |
68. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
508,779 |
69. |
Wellington Catholic District School Board |
73,943 |
70. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
232,561 |
71. |
York Catholic District School Board |
475,081 |
72. |
York Region District School Board |
944,030 |
O. Reg. 152/07, Table 12.
Item/ Point |
Column/Colonne 1 |
Column/Colonne 2 |
Column/Colonne 3 |
Column/Colonne 4 |
Column/Colonne 5 |
Name of Board/Nom du conseil |
% of Total Area of Elementary Schools that are Less than 20 Years Old/% de la superficie totale des écoles élémentaires qui datent de moins de 20 ans |
% of Total Area of Elementary Schools that are 20 Years or Older/% de la superficie totale des écoles élémentaires qui datent de 20 ans ou plus |
% of Total Area of Secondary Schools that are Less than 20 Years Old/% de la superficie totale des écoles secondaires qui datent de moins de 20 ans |
% of Total Area of Secondary Schools that are 20 Years or Older/% de la superficie totale des écoles secondaires qui datent de 20 ans ou plus | |
1. |
Algoma District School Board |
3.85% |
96.15% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
2. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
14.50% |
85.50% |
57.79% |
42.21% |
3. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
5.97% |
94.03% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
4. |
Bluewater District School Board |
5.84% |
94.16% |
11.49% |
88.51% |
5. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
14.06% |
85.94% |
50.00% |
50.00% |
6. |
Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board |
27.36% |
72.64% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
7. |
Conseil de district des écoles publiques de langue française n° 59 |
39.90% |
60.10% |
14.24% |
85.76% |
8. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud |
48.01% |
51.99% |
46.63% |
53.37% |
9. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien |
10.89% |
89.11% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
10. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
31.06% |
68.94% |
14.33% |
85.67% |
11. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
0.00% |
100.00% |
0.93% |
99.07% |
12. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
3.52% |
96.48% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
13. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l’Ontario |
0.00% |
100.00% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
14. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales |
0.00% |
100.00% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
15. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
19.03% |
80.97% |
26.73% |
73.27% |
16. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l’Ontario |
12.95% |
87.05% |
8.22% |
91.78% |
17. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
0.00% |
100.00% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
18. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
8.12% |
91.88% |
7.00% |
93.00% |
19. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
5.71% |
94.29% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
20. |
District School Board of Niagara |
4.96% |
95.04% |
0.71% |
99.29% |
21. |
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board |
56.10% |
43.90% |
74.75% |
25.25% |
22. |
Durham District School Board |
39.36% |
60.64% |
15.07% |
84.93% |
23. |
Durham Catholic District School Board |
55.92% |
44.08% |
77.52% |
22.48% |
24. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
27.22% |
72.78% |
80.15% |
19.85% |
25. |
English-language Separate District School Board No. 38 |
9.38% |
90.62% |
64.35% |
35.65% |
26. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
5.20% |
94.80% |
6.33% |
93.67% |
27. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
4.96% |
95.04% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
28. |
Halton Catholic District School Board |
38.04% |
61.96% |
57.50% |
42.50% |
29. |
Halton District School Board |
14.37% |
85.63% |
13.40% |
86.60% |
30. |
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board |
17.77% |
82.23% |
67.39% |
32.61% |
31. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
7.76% |
92.24% |
9.08% |
90.92% |
32. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
3.10% |
96.90% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
33. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
0.00% |
100.00% |
100.00% |
0.00% |
34. |
Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board |
0.00% |
100.00% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
35. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
17.29% |
82.71% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
36. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
14.24% |
85.76% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
37. |
Kenora Catholic District School Board |
14.24% |
85.76% |
100.00% |
0.00% |
38. |
Lakehead District School Board |
3.57% |
96.43% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
39. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
2.31% |
97.69% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
40. |
Limestone District School Board |
5.13% |
94.87% |
0.33% |
99.67% |
41. |
Near North District School Board |
15.26% |
84.74% |
0.89% |
99.11% |
42. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
5.60% |
94.40% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
43. |
Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board |
8.35% |
91.65% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
44. |
Northeastern Catholic District School Board |
6.35% |
93.65% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
45. |
Northwest Catholic District School Board |
32.66% |
67.34% |
0.00% |
0.00% |
46. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
19.51% |
80.49% |
7.42% |
92.58% |
47. |
Ottawa Catholic District School Board |
26.08% |
73.92% |
28.35% |
71.65% |
48. |
Peel District School Board |
31.52% |
68.48% |
14.63% |
85.37% |
49. |
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board |
40.72% |
59.28% |
100.00% |
0.00% |
50. |
Rainbow District School Board |
6.15% |
93.85% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
51. |
Rainy River District School Board |
7.46% |
92.54% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
52. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
0.00% |
100.00% |
36.32% |
63.68% |
53. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
6.41% |
93.59% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
54. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
20.09% |
79.91% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
55. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
64.54% |
35.46% |
100.00% |
0.00% |
56. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
14.81% |
85.19% |
30.44% |
69.56% |
57. |
Sudbury Catholic District School Board |
0.00% |
100.00% |
26.36% |
73.64% |
58. |
Superior North Catholic District School Board |
10.53% |
89.47% |
0.00% |
0.00% |
59. |
Superior-Greenstone District School Board |
42.92% |
57.08% |
31.38% |
68.62% |
60. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
9.00% |
91.00% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
61. |
Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board |
6.83% |
93.17% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
62. |
Toronto District School Board |
7.98% |
92.02% |
2.07% |
97.93% |
63. |
Toronto Catholic District School Board |
10.50% |
89.50% |
19.59% |
80.41% |
64. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
19.34% |
80.66% |
0.00% |
100.00% |
65. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
20.97% |
79.03% |
8.51% |
91.49% |
66. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
9.19% |
90.81% |
3.04% |
96.96% |
67. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
20.08% |
79.92% |
5.03% |
94.97% |
68. |
Waterloo Catholic District School Board |
31.21% |
68.79% |
41.56% |
58.44% |
69. |
Wellington Catholic District School Board |
26.99% |
73.01% |
13.53% |
86.47% |
70. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
2.74% |
97.26% |
25.66% |
74.34% |
71. |
York Catholic District School Board |
65.29% |
34.71% |
85.24% |
14.76% |
72. |
York Region District School Board |
49.26% |
50.74% |
38.75% |
61.25% |
O. Reg. 152/07, Table 13.
Item/Point |
Column/Colonne 1 |
Column/Colonne 2 |
Name of Board/Nom du conseil |
Amount/Montant $ | |
1. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
296,769 |
2. |
Algoma District School Board |
610,342 |
3. |
Rainbow District School Board |
424,825 |
4. |
Near North District School Board |
412,926 |
5. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
200,000 |
6. |
Rainy River District School Board |
200,000 |
7. |
Lakehead District School Board |
425,735 |
8. |
Superior-Greenstone District School Board |
200,000 |
9. |
Bluewater District School Board |
569,744 |
10. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
613,151 |
11. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
885,318 |
12. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
720,778 |
13. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
937,238 |
14. |
Toronto District School Board |
4,724,847 |
15. |
Durham District School Board |
825,035 |
16. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
1,185,432 |
17. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
229,255 |
18. |
York Region District School Board |
1,804,956 |
19. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
876,164 |
20. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
1,187,308 |
21. |
Peel District School Board |
1,934,039 |
22. |
Halton District School Board |
1,133,536 |
23. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
1,480,155 |
24. |
District School Board of Niagara |
1,611,150 |
25. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
1,427,656 |
26. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
1,262,811 |
27. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
2,744,424 |
28. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
2,055,456 |
29. |
Limestone District School Board |
784,094 |
30. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
673,097 |
31. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
747,191 |
32. |
Northeastern Catholic District School Board |
200,000 |
33. |
Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board |
200,000 |
34. |
Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board |
200,000 |
35. |
Sudbury Catholic District School Board |
200,000 |
36. |
Northwest Catholic District School Board |
200,000 |
37. |
Kenora Catholic District School Board |
200,000 |
38. |
Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board |
200,000 |
39. |
Superior North Catholic District School Board |
200,000 |
40. |
Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board |
200,000 |
41. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
200,000 |
42. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
408,943 |
43. |
English-language Separate District School Board No. 38 |
627,292 |
44. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
200,000 |
45. |
Toronto Catholic District School Board |
3,519,937 |
46. |
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board |
200,000 |
47. |
York Catholic District School Board |
322,699 |
48. |
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board |
730,538 |
49. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
221,824 |
50. |
Durham Catholic District School Board |
258,352 |
51. |
Halton Catholic District School Board |
200,000 |
52. |
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board |
538,288 |
53. |
Wellington Catholic District School Board |
200,000 |
54. |
Waterloo Catholic District School Board |
564,787 |
55. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
717,296 |
56. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
200,000 |
57. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
206,455 |
58. |
Ottawa Catholic District School Board |
855,428 |
59. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
200,000 |
60. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
316,877 |
61. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l’Ontario |
200,000 |
62. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l’Ontario |
200,000 |
63. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
445,205 |
64. |
Conseil de district des écoles publiques de langue française no 59 |
224,712 |
65. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
642,303 |
66. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
278,201 |
67. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
298,186 |
68. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales |
200,000 |
69. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
210,185 |
70. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud |
230,648 |
71. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien |
688,004 |
72. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
654,625 |
O. Reg. 152/07, Table 14.
Item/Point |
Column/Colonne 1 |
Column/Colonne 2 |
Column/Colonne 3 |
Name of Board/Nom du conseil |
1998 Geographic Adjustment Factor/Facteur de redressement géographique de 1998 |
2005 Geographic Adjustment Factor/Facteur de redressement géographique de 2005 | |
1. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
1.120 |
1.290 |
2. |
Algoma District School Board |
1.106 |
1.150 |
3. |
Rainbow District School Board |
1.063 |
1.160 |
4. |
Near North District School Board |
1.042 |
1.140 |
5. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
1.144 |
1.390 |
6. |
Rainy River District School Board |
1.142 |
1.390 |
7. |
Lakehead District School Board |
1.080 |
1.220 |
8. |
Superior-Greenstone District School Board |
1.141 |
1.390 |
9. |
Bluewater District School Board |
1.007 |
1.010 |
10. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
1.010 |
1.000 |
11. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
1.000 |
0.970 |
12. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
1.000 |
0.990 |
13. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
1.000 |
0.970 |
14. |
Toronto District School Board |
1.000 |
1.000 |
15. |
Durham District School Board |
1.000 |
0.980 |
16. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
1.003 |
0.990 |
17. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
1.026 |
1.080 |
18. |
York Region District School Board |
1.000 |
1.000 |
19. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
1.000 |
1.000 |
20. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
1.000 |
0.980 |
21. |
Peel District School Board |
1.000 |
1.000 |
22. |
Halton District School Board |
1.000 |
0.990 |
23. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
1.000 |
0.960 |
24. |
District School Board of Niagara |
1.000 |
0.970 |
25. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
1.000 |
0.990 |
26. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
1.000 |
0.960 |
27. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
1.000 |
0.960 |
28. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1.000 |
0.990 |
29. |
Limestone District School Board |
1.015 |
0.980 |
30. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
1.000 |
1.000 |
31. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
1.025 |
0.990 |
32. |
Northeastern Catholic District School Board |
1.123 |
1.270 |
33. |
Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board |
1.042 |
1.120 |
34. |
Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board |
1.104 |
1.130 |
35. |
Sudbury Catholic District School Board |
1.048 |
1.150 |
36. |
Northwest Catholic District School Board |
1.149 |
1.390 |
37. |
Kenora Catholic District School Board |
1.143 |
1.390 |
38. |
Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board |
1.074 |
1.200 |
39. |
Superior North Catholic District School Board |
1.146 |
1.390 |
40. |
Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board |
1.007 |
1.010 |
41. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
1.011 |
1.000 |
42. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
1.000 |
0.960 |
43. |
English-language Separate District School Board No. 38 |
1.000 |
0.960 |
44. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
1.000 |
0.980 |
45. |
Toronto Catholic District School Board |
1.000 |
1.000 |
46. |
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board |
1.003 |
0.980 |
47. |
York Catholic District School Board |
1.000 |
1.000 |
48. |
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board |
1.000 |
1.000 |
49. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
1.000 |
1.010 |
50. |
Durham Catholic District School Board |
1.000 |
0.970 |
51. |
Halton Catholic District School Board |
1.000 |
0.990 |
52. |
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board |
1.000 |
0.950 |
53. |
Wellington Catholic District School Board |
1.000 |
0.970 |
54. |
Waterloo Catholic District School Board |
1.000 |
0.960 |
55. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
1.000 |
0.970 |
56. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
1.000 |
0.980 |
57. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
1.000 |
0.980 |
58. |
Ottawa Catholic District School Board |
1.000 |
0.950 |
59. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
1.000 |
1.000 |
60. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
1.032 |
0.980 |
61. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l’Ontario |
1.110 |
1.240 |
62. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l’Ontario |
1.116 |
1.230 |
63. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
1.000 |
0.980 |
64. |
Conseil de district des écoles publiques de langue française no 59 |
1.000 |
0.960 |
65. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
1.123 |
1.300 |
66. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
1.043 |
1.150 |
67. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
1.118 |
1.190 |
68. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales |
1.100 |
1.340 |
69. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
1.000 |
0.970 |
70. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud |
1.000 |
0.980 |
71. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien |
1.000 |
1.010 |
72. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
1.000 |
0.960 |
O. Reg. 152/07, Table 15.
Item/Point |
Column/Colonne 1 |
Column/ |
Column/ |
Column/ |
Name of Board/Nom du conseil |
Cost of Urgent and High Priority Renewal Projects in Stage 1/Coût des travaux de réfection urgents et importants — Phase I $ |
Cost of Urgent and High Priority Renewal Projects in Stage 2/Coût des travaux de réfection urgents et importants — Phase II $ |
Cost of Urgent and High Priority Renewal Projects in Stage 3/Coût des travaux de réfection urgents et importants — Phase III $ | |
1. |
Algoma District School Board |
8,566,032 |
4,995,267 |
7,419,175 |
2. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
5,520,784 |
2,676,460 |
2,383,944 |
3. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
15,736,931 |
7,232,322 |
5,376,929 |
4. |
Bluewater District School Board |
14,384,686 |
7,146,043 |
6,704,892 |
5. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
3,736,736 |
2,002,838 |
1,705,600 |
6. |
Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board |
1,451,485 |
980,893 |
481,320 |
7. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
6,219,937 |
2,530,733 |
2,803,289 |
8. |
Conseil de district des écoles publiques de langue française n° 59 |
6,274,889 |
3,040,271 |
1,353,552 |
9. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud |
6,572,429 |
2,538,560 |
6,191,446 |
10. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
11,052,079 |
3,202,518 |
5,921,700 |
11. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales |
538,819 |
232,311 |
169,689 |
12. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
5,044,082 |
3,143,085 |
1,657,108 |
13. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
7,471,767 |
4,982,994 |
3,912,531 |
14. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
7,658,633 |
3,747,791 |
3,263,607 |
15. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
3,572,837 |
1,202,050 |
2,044,028 |
16. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
3,964,416 |
2,365,391 |
1,070,885 |
17. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
7,607,684 |
5,955,460 |
2,361,611 |
18. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l’Ontario |
2,556,615 |
1,940,285 |
1,322,770 |
19. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l’Ontario |
387,631 |
1,314,211 |
0 |
20. |
District School Board of Niagara |
49,974,365 |
20,969,450 |
22,693,835 |
21. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
5,600,507 |
4,389,318 |
1,517,577 |
22. |
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board |
13,249,338 |
5,360,022 |
11,266,617 |
23. |
Durham Catholic District School Board |
2,785,579 |
2,462,113 |
1,809,156 |
24. |
Durham District School Board |
34,178,196 |
15,905,348 |
17,534,183 |
25. |
English-language Separate District School Board No. 38 |
5,753,149 |
3,337,905 |
2,003,443 |
26. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
19,857,897 |
10,108,540 |
6,694,066 |
27. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
27,319,674 |
11,876,531 |
8,611,374 |
28. |
Halton Catholic District School Board |
1,557,316 |
1,495,894 |
644,331 |
29. |
Halton District School Board |
20,243,575 |
11,833,447 |
8,180,503 |
30. |
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board |
7,963,970 |
3,543,147 |
2,662,646 |
31. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
34,103,412 |
16,283,534 |
14,648,604 |
32. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
17,758,146 |
8,352,536 |
7,638,914 |
33. |
Huron-Perth Catholic District School Board |
1,120,758 |
954,589 |
590,500 |
34. |
Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board |
3,534,484 |
2,344,354 |
199,705 |
35. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
20,046,679 |
11,577,316 |
18,200,735 |
36. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
4,196,161 |
1,811,632 |
1,028,679 |
37. |
Kenora Catholic District School Board |
389,401 |
60,746 |
0 |
38. |
Lakehead District School Board |
5,722,015 |
2,783,056 |
799,483 |
39. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
13,930,892 |
6,933,649 |
6,151,066 |
40. |
Limestone District School Board |
23,041,672 |
8,953,728 |
8,659,567 |
41. |
Near North District School Board |
11,422,809 |
6,209,331 |
5,922,960 |
42. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
17,271,446 |
7,079,291 |
5,987,964 |
43. |
Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board |
2,910,248 |
819,592 |
792,532 |
44. |
Northeastern Catholic District School Board |
593,601 |
692,687 |
550,149 |
45. |
Northwest Catholic District School Board |
242,004 |
163,826 |
100,829 |
46. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
47,997,615 |
18,638,960 |
17,876,347 |
47. |
Ottawa Catholic District School Board |
19,644,533 |
8,873,966 |
8,371,051 |
48. |
Peel District School Board |
53,515,740 |
25,922,763 |
23,378,042 |
49. |
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board |
2,272,590 |
1,159,124 |
174,670 |
50. |
Rainbow District School Board |
11,348,912 |
6,026,504 |
4,736,184 |
51. |
Rainy River District School Board |
1,072,658 |
1,066,887 |
516,235 |
52. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
2,319,798 |
1,520,769 |
1,597,920 |
53. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
8,592,082 |
6,465,615 |
4,625,447 |
54. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
33,557,187 |
16,685,935 |
12,654,293 |
55. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
6,079,445 |
3,280,954 |
1,828,933 |
56. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
3,943,656 |
2,462,347 |
1,161,122 |
57. |
Sudbury Catholic District School Board |
6,629,471 |
2,849,310 |
5,220,185 |
58. |
Superior North Catholic District School Board |
1,444,496 |
625,173 |
614,534 |
59. |
Superior-Greenstone District School Board |
1,498,725 |
970,022 |
5,079,834 |
60. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
41,210,971 |
23,246,092 |
18,216,569 |
61. |
Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board |
5,609,488 |
2,730,208 |
1,554,277 |
62. |
Toronto Catholic District School Board |
39,166,136 |
19,890,934 |
15,478,683 |
63. |
Toronto District School Board |
175,426,757 |
97,246,244 |
98,415,289 |
64. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
5,818,110 |
3,415,222 |
3,383,560 |
65. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
10,847,832 |
8,902,213 |
8,849,873 |
66. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
15,277,490 |
7,319,709 |
5,015,878 |
67. |
Waterloo Catholic District School Board |
6,082,548 |
3,513,738 |
2,377,127 |
68. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
24,732,097 |
13,047,178 |
10,325,843 |
69. |
Wellington Catholic District School Board |
1,461,091 |
1,216,228 |
799,551 |
70. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
8,094,232 |
4,684,843 |
5,249,917 |
71. |
York Catholic District School Board |
10,423,811 |
5,678,045 |
3,626,725 |
72. |
York Region District School Board |
27,532,179 |
15,940,140 |
27,902,213 |
O. Reg. 81/08, s. 12.
Item/Point |
Column/Colonne 1 |
Column/Colonne 2 |
Column/Colonne 3 |
Name of Board/Nom du conseil |
Pupil Places — Elementary/Places à l’élémentaire |
Pupil Places — Secondary/Places au secondaire | |
1. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
1569 |
0 |
2. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
0 |
903 |
3. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
1724 |
0 |
4. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
842 |
0 |
5. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
522 |
1059 |
6. |
English-language Separate District School Board No. 38 |
728 |
0 |
7. |
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board |
463 |
0 |
O. Reg. 152/07, Table 17.
Item/Point |
Column/Colonne 1 |
Column/Colonne 2 |
Name of Board/Nom du conseil |
Amount/Montant $ | |
1. |
Algoma District School Board |
0 |
2. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
0 |
3. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
0 |
4. |
Bluewater District School Board |
0 |
5. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
0 |
6. |
Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board |
0 |
7. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
0 |
8. |
Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario |
4,638,074 |
9. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud |
0 |
10. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien |
0 |
11. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales |
0 |
12. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
0 |
13. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
6,709,748 |
14. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
0 |
15. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
0 |
16. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
0 |
17. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
0 |
18. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l’Ontario |
0 |
19. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l’Ontario |
0 |
20. |
District School Board of Niagara |
0 |
21. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
0 |
22. |
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board |
0 |
23. |
Durham Catholic District School Board |
0 |
24. |
Durham District School Board |
0 |
25. |
Revoked: O. Reg. 415/08, s. 1 (3). | |
26. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
0 |
27. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
29,707,515 |
28. |
Halton Catholic District School Board |
49,445,574 |
29. |
Halton District School Board |
39,603,358 |
30. |
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board |
0 |
31. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
0 |
32. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
0 |
33. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
0 |
34. |
Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board |
0 |
35. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
0 |
36. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
0 |
37. |
Kenora Catholic District School Board |
0 |
38. |
Lakehead District School Board |
0 |
39. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
0 |
40. |
Limestone District School Board |
0 |
40.1 |
London District Catholic School Board |
0 |
41. |
Near North District School Board |
0 |
42. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
0 |
43. |
Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board |
0 |
44. |
Northeastern Catholic District School Board |
0 |
45. |
Northwest Catholic District School Board |
0 |
46. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
0 |
47. |
Ottawa Catholic District School Board |
26,292,446 |
48. |
Peel District School Board |
0 |
49. |
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board |
12,725,832 |
50. |
Rainbow District School Board |
0 |
51. |
Rainy River District School Board |
0 |
52. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
0 |
53. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
0 |
54. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
0 |
55. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
0 |
56. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
0 |
57. |
Sudbury Catholic District School Board |
0 |
58. |
Superior-Greenstone District School Board |
0 |
59. |
Superior North Catholic District School Board |
0 |
60. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
0 |
61. |
Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board |
0 |
62. |
Toronto Catholic District School Board |
11,675,708 |
63. |
Toronto District School Board |
0 |
64. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
0 |
65. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
0 |
66. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
0 |
67. |
Waterloo Catholic District School Board |
0 |
68. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
0 |
69. |
Wellington Catholic District School Board |
8,435,498 |
70. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
0 |
71. |
York Catholic District School Board |
31,178,167 |
72. |
York Region District School Board |
0 |
O. Reg. 583/07, s. 8; O. Reg. 81/08, s. 13; O Reg. 294/08, s. 4; O. Reg. 415/08, s. 1.
Item/ Point |
Column/Colonne 1 |
Column/Colonne 2 |
Column/Colonne 3 |
Column/Colonne 4 |
Column/Colonne 5 |
Name of Board/Nom du conseil |
Municipality or Former municipality/ Municipalité ou ancienne municipalité |
As that municipality or former municipality existed on/Telle que cette municipalité ou ancienne municipalité existait le |
Pupil Places — Elementary/Places à l’élémentaire |
Pupil Places — Secondary/Places au secondaire | |
1. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud |
Cambridge |
September 1, 2003/ 1er septembre 2003 |
0 |
600 |
2. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud |
York |
September 1, 2003/ 1er septembre 2003 |
0 |
700 |
3. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien |
North Glengarry |
September 1, 2003/ 1er septembre 2003 |
400 |
500 |
4. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien |
Clarence-Rockland |
September 1, 2005/ 1er septembre 2005 |
240 |
0 |
5. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales |
Thunder Bay |
September 1, 2003/ 1er septembre 2003 |
0 |
540 |
6. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
Cochrane |
September 1, 2003/ 1er septembre 2003 |
300 |
500 |
7. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
Carleton Place |
September 1, 2003/ 1er septembre 2003 |
300 |
0 |
8. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
City of/Cité de Trenton |
December 31, 1997/ 31 décembre 1997 |
300 |
0 |
9. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
Ottawa |
September 1, 2003/ 1er septembre 2003 |
0 |
960 |
10. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
Pembroke |
September 1, 2003/ 1er septembre 2003 |
500 |
500 |
11. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
Brockville |
September 1, 2004/ 1er septembre 2004 |
300 |
170 |
12. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
Blind River |
September 1, 2003/ 1er septembre 2003 |
0 |
500 |
13. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
Chapleau |
September 1, 2004/ 1er septembre 2004 |
0 |
500 |
14. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
Owen Sound |
September 1, 2003/ 1er septembre 2003 |
300 |
500 |
15. |
Conseil de district des écoles publiques de langue française no 59 |
City of/Cité de Cumberland |
December 31, 2000/ 31 décembre 2000 |
0 |
700 |
16. |
Conseil de district des écoles publiques de langue française no 59 |
Town of Vankleek Hill |
December 31, 1997/ 31 décembre 1997 |
0 |
500 |
17. |
Conseil de district des écoles publiques de langue française no 59 |
City of/Cité d’Ottawa |
December 31, 2000/ 31 décembre 2000 |
0 |
500 |
18. |
Conseil de district des écoles publiques de langue française no 59 |
Ottawa |
September 1, 2005/ 1er septembre 2005 |
0 |
500 |
19. |
Conseil de district des écoles publiques de langue française no 59 |
Casselman |
September 1, 2004/ 1er septembre 2004 |
200 |
600 |
20. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
Brampton |
September 1, 2003/ 1er septembre 2003 |
450 |
0 |
21. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
Peel |
September 1, 2003/ 1er septembre 2003 |
0 |
700 |
22. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
Windsor |
September 1, 2003/ 1er septembre 2003 |
0 |
300 |
23. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
County of Essex |
September 1, 2005/ 1er septembre 2005 |
0 |
200 |
24. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
Toronto |
September 1, 2004/ 1er septembre 2004 |
370 |
0 |
25. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
Barrie |
September 1, 2004/ 1er septembre 2004 |
0 |
500 |
26. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l’Ontario |
Marathon or Manitouwadge |
September 1, 2003/ 1er septembre 2003 |
25 |
100 |
27. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l’Ontario |
Timmins |
September 1, 2003/ 1er septembre 2003 |
0 |
502 |
28. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l’Ontario |
North Bay |
September 1, 2003/ 1er septembre 2003 |
0 |
500 |
29. |
Sudbury Catholic District School Board |
Greater Sudbury/Grand Sudbury |
September 1, 2003/ 1er septembre 2003 |
0 |
500 |
O. Reg. 152/07, Table 18; O. Reg. 583/07, s. 9; O. Reg. 415/08, s. 2; O. Reg. 152/09, s. 4.
Item/ Point |
Column/Colonne 1 |
Column/Colonne 2 |
Column/Colonne 3 |
Column/Colonne 4 |
Column/Colonne 5 |
Column/Colonne 6 |
Name of Board/Nom du conseil |
Municipality or Former municipality/ Municipalité ou ancienne municipalité |
As that municipality or former municipality existed on/Telle que cette municipalité ou ancienne municipalité existait le |
Pupil Places — Elementary/Places à l’élémentaire |
Pupil Places — Secondary/Places au secondaire |
Amount/Montant | |
1. |
Revoked: O. Reg. 81/08, s. 14. | |||||
2. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud |
Milton |
September 1, 2007/ 1er septembre 2007 |
458 |
0 |
$7,228,310 |
3. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien |
Clarence-Rockland |
September 1, 2006/ 1er septembre 2006 |
0 |
169 |
$3,731,485 |
4. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales |
Dryden |
September 1, 2006/ 1er septembre 2006 |
47 |
0 |
$1,014,257 |
5. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales |
Greenstone |
September 1, 2006/ 1er septembre 2006 |
9 |
0 |
$194,219 |
6. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
Michipicoten |
September 1, 2005/ 1er septembre 2005 |
0 |
115 |
$2,991,703 |
7. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
Michipicoten |
September 1, 2006/ 1er septembre 2006 |
0 |
125 |
$3,251,851 |
8. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
Mattawa |
September 1, 2007/ 1er septembre 2007 |
0 |
360 |
$9,050,530 |
9. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
St. Thomas |
September 1, 2005/ 1er septembre 2005 |
250 |
0 |
$3,905,323 |
10. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
Woodstock |
September 1, 2006/ 1er septembre 2006 |
0 |
400 |
$8,482,139 |
11. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
Chatham-Kent |
September 1, 2007/ 1er septembre 2007 |
476 |
0 |
$7,435,735 |
12. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
Orangeville |
September 1, 2006/ 1er septembre 2006 |
122 |
0 |
$1,925,445 |
13. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
Richmond Hill |
September 1, 2006/ 1er septembre 2006 |
0 |
500 |
$10,711,980 |
14. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
Toronto |
September 1, 2006/ 1er septembre 2006 |
700 |
0 |
$11,047,636 |
15. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
Pickering |
September 1, 2007/ 1er septembre 2007 |
500 |
0 |
$7,891,168 |
16. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
Pickering |
September 1, 2007/ 1er septembre 2007 |
0 |
500 |
$10,711,980 |
17. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
Toronto |
September 1, 2007/ 1er septembre 2007 |
700 |
0 |
$11,047,636 |
18. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l’Ontario |
Dubreuilville |
September 1, 2006/ 1er septembre 2006 |
0 |
240 |
$6,453,422 |
19. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l’Ontario |
Michipicoten |
September 1, 2007/ 1er septembre 2007 |
100 |
0 |
$1,980,844 |
20. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l’Ontario |
Temiskaming Shores |
September 1, 2004/ 1er septembre 2004 |
200 |
0 |
$3,744,823 |
21. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l’Ontario |
Temiskaming Shores |
September 1, 2006/ 1er septembre 2006 |
225 |
0 |
$4,493,135 |
22. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l’Ontario |
North Bay |
September 1, 2003/ 1er septembre 2003 |
325 |
0 |
5,688,536 |
23. |
Revoked: O. Reg. 415/08, s. 3. |
O. Reg. 152/07, Table 19; O. Reg. 507/07, s. 24; O. Reg. 583/07, s. 10; O. Reg. 81/08, s. 14; O. Reg. 415/08, s. 3; O. Reg. 152/09, s. 5.
Item/Point |
Column/Colonne 1 |
Column/Colonne 2 |
Column/Colonne 3 |
Column/Colonne 4 |
Column/Colonne 5 |
Name of Board/Nom du conseil |
Elementary Schools/Écoles élémentaires |
Secondary Schools/Écoles secondaires |
Municipality/ Municipalité |
1. |
Bluewater District School Board |
652 |
Durham District Community S |
West Grey |
2. |
Bluewater District School Board |
5759 |
Wiarton DHS |
South Bruce Peninsula |
3. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales |
4199 |
Franco-Terrace, É. |
Terrace Bay |
4. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud |
4148 |
Saint-François d’Assise |
Welland | |
5. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud |
9722 |
ÉS Jean Vanier |
Welland | |
6. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
3018 |
Algonquin, É.s. |
North Bay |
7. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
7743 |
Jean-Vanier, É.s. |
Kirkland Lake | |
8. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
6270 |
Former College Sacre Coeur |
Greater Sudbury | |
9. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l’Ontario |
10308 |
Sacré-Cœur, É.sép. |
Kapuskasing |
10. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l’Ontario |
5831 |
Jean-Éthier-Blais, É.p. |
Greater Sudbury |
11. |
District School Board of Niagara |
1756 |
Park PS |
Grimsby |
12. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
6467 |
G H Ferguson |
Cochrane |
13. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
7729 |
Kirkland Lake CVI |
Kirkland Lake | |
14. |
Durham Catholic District School Board |
8789 |
St. Joseph C.S. |
Oshawa |
15. |
Durham District School Board |
1286 |
R A Sennett PS |
Whitby |
16. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
849 |
Frank W Begley Public School |
Windsor |
17. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
3145 |
St Joseph Sep S |
Central Huron |
18. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
3433 |
St. Mary’s Separate School |
North Perth | |
19. |
Kenora Catholic District School Board |
3443 |
Mount Carmel Sep S |
Kenora |
19.1 |
Kenora Catholic District School Board |
3568 |
Our Lady of the Valley School |
Kenora |
20. |
Near North District School Board |
2231 |
Frank Casey PS |
West Nipissing |
21. |
Revoked: O. Reg. 583/07, s. 11 (2). | ||||
22. |
Ottawa Catholic District School Board |
5815 |
Jean Vanier Catholic |
Ottawa |
22.1 |
Rainy River District School Board |
9397 |
Alexander Mackenzie PS |
Fort Frances | |
23. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
3559 |
Our Lady of Sorrows Sep S |
Petawawa |
24. |
Superior North Catholic District School Board |
4230 |
St Martin |
Terrace Bay |
25. |
Superior North Catholic District School Board |
3908 |
St. Edward Separate School |
Nipigon | |
26. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
5684 |
Strathroy CI |
Strathroy-Caradoc | |
27. |
Toronto Catholic District School Board |
3572 |
Our Lady of Victory CS |
Toronto | |
28. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
388 |
Central PS |
Cornwall |
29. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
5660 |
Smiths Falls District CI |
Smiths Falls | |
30. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1617 |
Escott PS |
Front of Yonge | |
31. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1619 |
Lansdowne PS |
Leeds and the Thousand Islands | |
32. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
2545 |
William Hiscocks PS |
Leeds and the Thousand Islands | |
33. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
1559 |
Mono-Amaranth PS |
Orangeville |
34. |
York Catholic District School Board |
3361 |
John XXIII Sep S |
Markham |
35. |
York Catholic District School Board |
4181 |
St Luke Sep S |
Markham |
36. |
York Region District School Board |
6368 |
George Bailey Building |
Vaughan |
37. |
York Region District School Board |
2552 |
Woodbridge PS |
Vaughan |
O. Reg. 507/07, s. 25; O. Reg. 583/07, s. 11; O. Reg. 81/08, s. 15; O. Reg. 415/08, s. 4; O. Reg. 35/09, s. 1.
Item/Point |
Column/Colonne 1 |
Column/ Colonne 2 |
Column/Colonne 3 |
Column/Colonne 4 |
Column/Colonne 5 |
Column/Colonne 6 |
Name of Board/Nom du conseil |
SFIS No./No du SIIS |
Elementary School/École élémentaire |
Secondary School/École secondaire |
Municipality or Locality/ Municipalité ou localité |
Maximum Capital Amount Eligible for Long-term Financing/Plafond des immobilisations donnant droit au financement à long terme $ | |
1. |
Algoma District School Board |
5223 |
Bawating C & VS |
Sault Ste. Marie |
52,820,080 | |
2. |
Algoma District School Board |
5645 |
Sir James Dunn C & VS |
Sault Ste. Marie | ||
3. |
Algoma District School Board |
9573 |
Bawating C & V.S. |
Sault Ste. Marie | ||
4. |
Algoma District School Board |
10898 |
Bawating Intermediate |
Sault Ste. Marie | ||
5. |
Algoma District School Board |
848 |
Francis H Clergue Public School |
Sault Ste. Marie | ||
6. |
Algoma District School Board |
2035 |
Rosedale Public School |
Sault Ste. Marie | ||
7. |
Algoma District School Board |
7599 |
Hornepayne High School |
Hornepayne | ||
8. |
Algoma District School Board |
7598 |
Hornepayne High School Annex |
Hornepayne | ||
9. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
9229 |
Sacred Heart Catholic School Marmora |
Marmora and Lake |
9,374,708 | |
10. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
9222 |
St. Michael CES |
Belleville | ||
11. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
1661 |
Arthur Meighen PS |
St. Marys |
6,522,293 | |
12. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
396 |
St. Mary’s Central PS |
St. Marys | ||
13. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
2374 |
Victoria PS |
Goderich | ||
14. |
Bluewater District School Board |
1177 |
James A. Magee |
Hanover |
6,847,763 | |
15. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
3513 |
Our Lady of Fatima Sep School |
Brantford |
5,934,159 | |
16. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
4026 |
St. Jean de Brebeuf Sep S |
Brantford | ||
17. |
Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board |
3786 |
St. Mary’s High School |
Owen Sound |
3,709,406 | |
18. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
4138 |
St. Joseph SS / Prescott |
Prescott |
9,958,654 | |
19. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
4222 |
St. Mark |
Prescott | ||
20. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
3368 |
St. Joseph Catholic School / Toledo |
Elizabethtown -Kitley | ||
21. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
9292 |
Mother Teresa Annex |
Russell | ||
22. |
Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario |
1628 |
Ecole Madeleine-de-Roybon |
Kingston |
3,463,096 | |
23. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien |
6204 |
Ecole St-Gregoire |
Champlain |
4,651,924 | |
24. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien |
3627 |
Saint-Jean, E. Sep |
Russell | ||
25. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
3430 |
École élémentaire Montfort |
Ottawa |
9,028,785 | |
26. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-sud |
4420 |
École élémentaire Saint-Noël-Chabanel |
Toronto |
7,418,960 | |
27. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-sud |
3632 |
École élémentaire Sacré-Cœur |
Toronto | ||
28. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
3628 |
Echo-jeunesse, E. Sep |
West Nipissing |
17,279,243 | |
29. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
3663 |
St. Joseph |
West Nipissing | ||
30. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco Nord |
4547 |
Ecole Saint-Anne |
North Bay | ||
31. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco Nord |
4387 |
Ecole Saint Paul |
North Bay | ||
32. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
4066 |
École St-Jean-Baptiste |
Amhurstburg |
6,045,440 | |
33. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l’Ontario |
9946 |
École publique Camille-Perron (leased) |
Markstay-Warren |
2,812,799 | |
34. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel Ontario |
3892 |
St-Denis |
Greater Sudbury |
7,723,199 | |
35. |
District School Board of Niagara |
489 |
Colonel John Butler PS |
Niagara-On-The-Lake |
9,107,214 | |
36. |
District School Board of Niagara |
2391 |
Virgil PS |
Niagara-On-The-Lake | ||
37. |
District School Board of Niagara |
1923 |
Queen Mary Public School |
St. Catharines | ||
38. |
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board |
3384 |
Lester B. Pearson S |
Brampton |
11,160,367 | |
39. |
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board |
3752 |
St. Anthony SS |
Brampton | ||
40. |
Durham Catholic District School Board |
8775 |
St. Bernadette CS |
Ajax |
8,904,137 | |
41. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
5304 |
Delhi District SS |
Norfolk County |
25,430,022 | |
42. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
5243 |
Brantford Collegiate Institute & Vocational School |
Brantford | ||
43. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
7803 |
Leamington District SS |
Leamington |
30,980,472 | |
44. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
5358 |
Essex District HS |
Essex | ||
45. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
1163 |
J E Benson Public School |
Windsor | ||
46. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
1200 |
John Campbell Public School |
Windsor | ||
47. |
Halton Catholic District School Board |
8104 |
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School |
Oakville |
14,284,098 | |
48. |
Halton District School Board |
1314 |
Lakeshore PS |
Burlington |
3,188,676 | |
49. |
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board |
4496 |
St. Thomas CES |
Hamilton |
3,947,195 | |
50. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
8026 |
Lawfield |
Hamilton |
25,447,568 | |
51. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
8089 |
Vern Ames |
Hamilton | ||
52. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
8085 |
Stinson Street |
Hamilton | ||
53. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
8064 |
Queen Victoria |
Hamilton | ||
54. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
8075 |
Sanford Avenue |
Hamilton | ||
55. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
2157 |
Sir Mackenzie Bowell Senior Public School |
Belleville |
2,646,601 | |
56. |
Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board |
6326 |
Mount St. Joseph College |
Sault Ste. Marie |
1,626,562 | |
57. |
Revoked: O. Reg. 415/08, s. 5 (2). | |||||
58. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
86 |
Apsley PS |
North Kawartha |
13,743,898 | |
59. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
405 |
Central PS |
Port Hope | ||
60. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
1112 |
Howard Jordan PS |
Port Hope | ||
61. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
2584 |
Youngs Point PS |
Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield | ||
62. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
525 |
Castleton PS |
Cramahe | ||
63. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
526 |
South Cramahe PS |
Cramahe | ||
64. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
1740 |
Oxdrift PS |
Dryden Locality Education (assessment roll numbers beginning with “6096”) |
12,580,455 | |
65. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
2409 |
Wabigoon PS |
Dryden Locality Education (assessment roll numbers beginning with “6096”) | ||
66. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
1819 |
Pinewood PS |
Dryden | ||
67. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
2000 |
Riverview PS |
Dryden | ||
68. |
Kenora Catholic District School Board |
10543 |
St. Thomas Aquinas Annex |
Kenora |
3,089,151 | |
69. |
Lakehead District School Board |
7559 |
Hillcrest High School |
Thunder Bay |
26,590,633 | |
70. |
Lakehead District School Board |
7594 |
Port Arthur Collegiate Institute |
Thunder Bay | ||
71. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
581 |
Devine Street School |
Sarnia |
7,286,125 | |
72. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
1221 |
Johnston Memorial School |
Sarnia | ||
73. |
Limestone District School Board |
9674 |
Sandhurst PS |
Greater Napanee |
10,337,430 | |
74. |
Limestone District School Board |
2165 |
Westdale Park PS |
Greater Napanee | ||
75. |
Limestone District School Board |
992 |
HH Langford PS |
Greater Napanee | ||
76. |
London District Catholic School Board |
3537 |
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Elementary School |
Middlesex Centre |
6,184,099 | |
77. |
Near North District School Board |
5668 |
Almaguin Highland SS |
South River |
18,691,312 | |
78. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
7973 |
St. Joseph |
Grimsby |
8,685,439 | |
79. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
7980 |
Our Lady of Fatima |
Grimsby | ||
80. |
Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board |
5985 |
St. Theresa Catholic School |
East Ferris |
12,162,827 | |
81. |
Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board |
3652 |
Sacred Heart Separate School |
North Bay | ||
82. |
Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board |
4114 |
St. Joseph Separate School |
North Bay | ||
83. |
Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board |
3999 |
St. Hubert Separate School |
North Bay | ||
84. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
819 |
Fitzroy Centennial Public School |
Ottawa |
6,709,747 | |
85. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
10140 |
Fitzroy Harbour Public School |
Ottawa | ||
86. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
1655 |
Kars Public School |
Ottawa | ||
87. |
Peel District School Board |
1749 |
Palgrave PS |
Caledon |
11,804,544 | |
88. |
Peel District School Board |
338 |
Castlemore PS |
Brampton | ||
89. |
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board |
9267 |
St. Mary’s School |
Port Hope |
1,925,445 | |
90. |
Rainbow District School Board |
996 |
Markstay Public School |
Markstay-Warren |
8,499,915 | |
91. |
Rainbow District School Board |
9623 |
Warren Public School |
Markstay-Warren | ||
92. |
Rainbow District School Board |
207 |
Val Caron Public School |
Greater Sudbury | ||
93. |
Rainbow District School Board |
2360 |
Valleyview Public School |
Greater Sudbury | ||
94. |
Rainy River District School Board |
9378 |
F H Huffman PS |
Fort Frances |
9,849,466 | |
95. |
Rainy River District School Board |
9384 |
Robert Moore PS |
Fort Frances | ||
96. |
Revoked: O. Reg. 35/09, s. 2 (5). | |||||
97. |
Revoked: O. Reg. 35/09, s. 2 (5). | |||||
98. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8151 |
King Edward PS |
Barrie |
33,756,449 | |
99. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8157 |
Mount Slaven PS |
Orillia | ||
100. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8165 |
Parkview PS |
Midland | ||
101. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8168 |
Prince of Wales PS |
Barrie | ||
102. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8171 |
Regent PS |
Midland | ||
103. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8207 |
David H. Church PS |
Orillia | ||
104. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8142 |
Hillcrest PS |
Orillia | ||
105. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8193 |
Baxter Annex |
Essa | ||
106. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
8324 |
St. Paul’s Alliston |
New Tecumseth |
9,144,720 | |
107. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
8291 |
Holy Trinity SS |
Bradford West Gwillimbury | ||
108. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
3791 |
St. Benedict Catholic School |
Sarnia |
4,245,449 | |
109. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
323 |
Caradoc South PS |
Strathroy-Caradoc |
14,153,720 | |
110. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
630 |
Drumbo PS |
Blandford-Blenheim | ||
111. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
1890 |
Princeton PS |
Blandford-Blenheim | ||
112. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
5897 |
Elmdale PS |
St. Thomas | ||
113. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
1599 |
Myrtle Street PS |
St. Thomas | ||
114. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
2443 |
Wellington PS |
St. Thomas | ||
115. |
Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board |
3653 |
Sacred Heart |
Thunder Bay |
8,309,883 | |
116. |
Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board |
4500 |
St. Thomas Aquinas |
Thunder Bay | ||
117. |
Toronto Catholic District School Board |
9512 |
St. Edward |
Toronto |
2,608,917 | |
118. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
1597 |
Muskoka Falls PS |
Bracebridge |
3,478,556 | |
119. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
5716 |
Vankleek Hill C. I. |
Champlain |
10,821,286 | |
120. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
1211 |
John McCrae PS |
Guelph |
16,762,241 | |
121. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
1276 |
King George PS |
Guelph | ||
122. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
2342 |
Tytler PS |
Guelph | ||
123. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
1024 |
Harriston PS |
Minto | ||
124. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
2073 |
Ryerson |
Cambridge |
5,472,928 | |
125. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
829 |
Floradale |
Woolwich | ||
126. |
Waterloo Catholic District School Board |
3465 |
Notre Dame Sep S |
Kitchener |
6,184,099 | |
127. |
Waterloo Catholic District School Board |
4346 |
St. Patrick Sep S |
Kitchener | ||
128. |
Wellington Catholic District School Board |
4102 |
St. Joseph Elem. |
Guelph |
5,076,920 | |
129. |
York Catholic District School Board |
3638 |
Holy Name Catholic Elementary School |
King |
19,341,414 | |
130. |
York Catholic District School Board |
4252 |
St. Mary Immaculate School |
Richmond Hill | ||
131. |
York Catholic District School Board |
3500 |
Our Lady of Good Counsel |
East Gwillimbury | ||
132. |
York Catholic District School Board |
4321 |
St. Michael SS |
Markham | ||
133. |
York Catholic District School Board |
3756 |
St. Anthony |
Markham | ||
134. |
York Region District School Board |
5509 |
Markham District High School |
Markham |
44,133,375 | |
135. |
York Region District School Board |
1285 |
King City PS |
King | ||
136. |
York Region District School Board |
6351 |
Eva L. Dennis Building |
King | ||
137. |
York Region District School Board |
2057 |
Royal Orchard PS |
Markham | ||
138. |
York Region District School Board |
2558 |
Woodland PS |
Markham | ||
139. |
York Region District School Board |
1720 |
Orchard Park PS |
Whitchurch-Stouffville |
O. Reg. 294/08, s. 5; O. Reg. 415/08, s. 5; O. Reg. 35/09, s. 2.
Item/Point |
Column/Colonne 1 |
Column/Colonne 2 |
Column/Colonne 3 |
Board Name/Nom du conseil |
Pupil Places — Elementary/Places à l’élémentaire |
Pupil Places — Secondary/Places au secondaire | |
1. |
Bluewater District School Board |
0 |
111 |
2. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien |
41 |
0 |
3. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud |
0 |
452 |
4. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
144 |
0 |
5. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
281 |
0 |
6. |
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board |
274 |
0 |
7. |
Durham Catholic District School Board |
79 |
0 |
8. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
0 |
122 |
9. |
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board |
204 |
224 |
10. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
69 |
0 |
11. |
Near North District School Board |
681 |
0 |
12. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
0 |
107 |
13. |
Peel District School Board |
0 |
83 |
14. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
91 |
0 |
15. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
274 |
0 |
16. |
Superior-Greenstone District School Board |
0 |
80 |
17. |
Toronto Catholic District School Board |
0 |
25 |
18. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
0 |
188 |
O. Reg. 152/07, Table 22.
Item/Point |
Column/Colonne 1 |
Column/Colonne 2 |
Column/Colonne 3 |
Outstanding Principal as at August 31, 2001/Capital impayé au 31 août 2001 | |||
Name of Board/Nom du conseil |
Permanently Financed/Avec financement permanent $ |
Non-permanently Financed/Sans financement permanent $ | |
1. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
2,284,000 |
3,902,251 |
2. |
Algoma District School Board |
935,011 |
0 |
3. |
Rainbow District School Board |
990,000 |
0 |
4. |
Near North District School Board |
991,784 |
5,277,832 |
5. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
2,038,438 |
9,353,273 |
6. |
Rainy River District School Board |
0 |
13,256,444 |
7. |
Lakehead District School Board |
13,846,787 |
1,329,751 |
8. |
Superior-Greenstone District School Board |
380,796 |
1,718,287 |
9. |
Bluewater District School Board |
7,057,791 |
10,584,205 |
10. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
140,000 |
2,908,191 |
11. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
5,322,280 |
23,888,134 |
12. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
0 |
9,995,260 |
13. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
25,868,077 |
107,065,578 |
14. |
Toronto District School Board |
163,022,903 |
275,146,340 |
15. |
Durham District School Board |
30,619,000 |
0 |
16. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
17,945,659 |
15,044,574 |
17. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
26,528,182 |
7,875,676 |
18. |
York Region District School Board |
66,296,399 |
11,433,816 |
19. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
34,727,890 |
27,129,972 |
20. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
8,046,000 |
11,377,073 |
21. |
Peel District School Board |
21,082,542 |
13,896,303 |
22. |
Halton District School Board |
39,359,093 |
7,293,741 |
23. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
41,514,451 |
16,675,861 |
24. |
District School Board of Niagara |
1,987,230 |
9,176,721 |
25. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
6,515,674 |
3,520,453 |
26. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
13,089,250 |
1,407,664 |
27. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
19,695,586 |
33,867,011 |
28. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
13,087,000 |
0 |
29. |
Limestone District School Board |
1,720,215 |
6,139,800 |
30. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
326,000 |
3,361,213 |
31. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
0 |
0 |
32. |
Northeastern Catholic District School Board |
5,074,104 |
0 |
33. |
Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board |
3,157,000 |
0 |
34. |
Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board |
840,787 |
0 |
35. |
Sudbury Catholic District School Board |
2,032,787 |
185,141 |
36. |
Northwest Catholic District School Board |
0 |
0 |
37. |
Kenora Catholic District School Board |
2,120,648 |
0 |
38. |
Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board |
1,581,000 |
7,004,084 |
39. |
Superior North Catholic District School Board |
789,499 |
0 |
40. |
Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board |
0 |
0 |
41. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
0 |
1,823,717 |
42. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
21,728,370 |
21,647,385 |
43. |
English-language Separate District School Board No. 38 |
13,163,955 |
5,331,454 |
44. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
16,408,300 |
2,663,378 |
45. |
Toronto Catholic District School Board |
83,749,743 |
50,530,667 |
46. |
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board |
25,502,314 |
0 |
47. |
York Catholic District School Board |
87,445,813 |
3,007,847 |
48. |
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board |
15,560,434 |
45,225,666 |
49. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
33,717,356 |
5,411,046 |
50. |
Durham Catholic District School Board |
8,240,960 |
0 |
51. |
Halton Catholic District School Board |
29,596,207 |
635,900 |
52. |
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board |
30,542,204 |
14,110,520 |
53. |
Wellington Catholic District School Board |
8,264,313 |
0 |
54. |
Waterloo Catholic District School Board |
31,488,696 |
5,341,898 |
55. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
37,971,903 |
1,576,995 |
56. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
6,159,000 |
1,965,017 |
57. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
5,113,271 |
5,138,565 |
58. |
Ottawa Catholic District School Board |
23,375,000 |
4,537,537 |
59. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
313,062 |
8,891,329 |
60. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
4,534,944 |
10,286,245 |
61. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l’Ontario |
0 |
1,561,697 |
62. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l’Ontario |
0 |
0 |
63. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
4,107,626 |
7,652,471 |
64. |
Conseil de district des écoles publiques de langue française nº 59 |
2,590,831 |
2,823,908 |
65. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
3,327,994 |
391,453 |
66. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
0 |
1,416,482 |
67. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
792,253 |
629,797 |
68. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales |
0 |
0 |
69. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
0 |
13,125,508 |
70. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud |
0 |
14,404,135 |
71. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien |
3,850,994 |
1,003,420 |
72. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
13,648,851 |
11,237,346 |
O. Reg. 152/07, Table 23.
Item/Point |
Column/Colonne 1 |
Column/Colonne 2 |
Name of Board/Nom du conseil |
Amount/Montant $ |
1. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
273.87 |
2. |
Algoma District School Board |
264.66 |
3. |
Rainbow District School Board |
251.80 |
4. |
Near North District School Board |
252.48 |
5. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
273.98 |
6. |
Rainy River District School Board |
277.96 |
7. |
Lakehead District School Board |
254.07 |
8. |
Superior-Greenstone District School Board |
293.55 |
9. |
Bluewater District School Board |
242.19 |
10. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
242.07 |
11. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
238.69 |
12. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
242.04 |
13. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
237.26 |
14. |
Toronto District School Board |
244.01 |
15. |
Durham District School Board |
237.52 |
16. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
238.18 |
17. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
244.19 |
18. |
York Region District School Board |
237.65 |
19. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
237.15 |
20. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
236.48 |
21. |
Peel District School Board |
236.99 |
22. |
Halton District School Board |
235.99 |
23. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
239.28 |
24. |
District School Board of Niagara |
240.79 |
25. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
239.78 |
26. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
236.80 |
27. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
242.14 |
28. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
244.12 |
29. |
Limestone District School Board |
244.21 |
30. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
249.20 |
31. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
244.22 |
32. |
Northeastern Catholic District School Board |
270.52 |
33. |
Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board |
261.45 |
34. |
Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board |
263.43 |
35. |
Sudbury Catholic District School Board |
252.10 |
36. |
Northwest Catholic District School Board |
280.03 |
37. |
Kenora Catholic District School Board |
270.79 |
38. |
Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board |
249.24 |
39. |
Superior North Catholic District School Board |
295.21 |
40. |
Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board |
250.38 |
41. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
246.57 |
42. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
236.90 |
43. |
English-language Separate District School Board No. 38 |
239.16 |
44. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
242.58 |
45. |
Toronto Catholic District School Board |
238.00 |
46. |
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board |
242.55 |
47. |
York Catholic District School Board |
237.94 |
48. |
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board |
240.36 |
49. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
240.16 |
50. |
Durham Catholic District School Board |
237.89 |
51. |
Halton Catholic District School Board |
236.36 |
52. |
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board |
238.74 |
53. |
Wellington Catholic District School Board |
241.15 |
54. |
Waterloo Catholic District School Board |
237.10 |
55. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
238.91 |
56. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
243.66 |
57. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
239.02 |
58. |
Ottawa Catholic District School Board |
241.13 |
59. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
247.21 |
60. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
247.55 |
61. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l’Ontario |
343.05 |
62. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l’Ontario |
344.31 |
63. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
313.74 |
64. |
Conseil de district des écoles publiques de langue française no 59 |
304.32 |
65. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
318.11 |
66. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
312.52 |
67. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
315.21 |
68. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales |
365.69 |
69. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
307.86 |
70. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud |
302.99 |
71. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien |
297.41 |
72. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
298.99 |
O. Reg. 507/07, s. 27.
Item/Point |
Column/Colonne 1 |
Column/ Colonne 2 |
Column/Colonne 3 |
Column/Colonne 4 |
Column/Colonne 5 |
Name of Board/Nom du conseil |
SFIS No./ No du SIIS |
Elementary School/École élémentaire |
Secondary School/École secondaire |
Location/Lieu | |
1. |
Algoma District School Board |
114 |
Aweres 1 PS |
Sault Ste. Marie |
2. |
Algoma District School Board |
208 |
Blind River PS |
Blind River |
3. |
Algoma District School Board |
271 |
Arthur Henderson PS |
Bruce Mines |
4. |
Algoma District School Board |
698 |
Echo Bay Central PS |
Echo Bay |
5. |
Algoma District School Board |
800 |
Mountain View PS |
Goulais River |
6. |
Algoma District School Board |
969 |
Greenwood PS |
Sault Ste. Marie |
7. |
Algoma District School Board |
1151 |
Iron Bridge PS |
Iron Bridge |
8. |
Algoma District School Board |
1219 |
Johnson-Tarbutt Central PS |
Desbarats |
9. |
Algoma District School Board |
1306 |
Laird Central PS |
Echo Bay |
10. |
Algoma District School Board |
1946 |
R M Moore PS |
Sault Ste. Marie |
11. |
Algoma District School Board |
2119 |
Spanish PS |
Spanish |
12. |
Algoma District School Board |
2219 |
St Joseph Island Central S |
Richards Landing |
13. |
Algoma District School Board |
2279 |
Tarentorus PS |
Sault Ste. Marie |
14. |
Algoma District School Board |
3010 |
Rockhaven TR School |
Serpent River |
15. |
Algoma District School Board |
5206 |
Central Algoma SS |
Desbarats |
16. |
Algoma District School Board |
5235 |
W C Eaket SS (Perpetual Lease to DSB57) |
Blind River |
17. |
Algoma District School Board |
6288 |
Thessalon PS |
Thessalon |
18. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
3302 |
Holy Name Catholic School |
Kingston |
19. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
4381 |
St Patrick Catholic School, Harrowsmith |
Harrowsmith |
20. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
6525 |
St Mary Catholic School, Enterprise |
Enterprise |
21. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
6526 |
St Patrick Catholic School, Erinsville |
Erinsville |
22. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
9225 |
Sacred Heart Catholic School, Batawa |
Batawa |
23. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
9226 |
Holy Name of Mary Catholic School |
Marysville |
24. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
9227 |
St Gregory Catholic School |
Picton |
25. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
9228 |
St Mary Catholic School, Read |
Shannonville |
26. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
9230 |
St Carthagh Catholic School |
Tweed |
27. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
165 |
East Wawanosh PS |
Belgrave |
28. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
213 |
Blyth PS |
Blyth |
29. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
266 |
Brookside PS |
Lucknow |
30. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
275 |
Brussels PS |
Brussels |
31. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
384 |
Central Perth E S |
Sebringville |
32. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
467 |
Clinton PS |
Clinton |
33. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
609 |
Downie Central PS |
St. Pauls |
34. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
731 |
Elma Township |
Atwood |
35. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
771 |
Exeter PS |
Exeter |
36. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
973 |
Grey Central PS |
Ethel |
37. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
1048 |
Hensall PS |
Hensall |
38. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
1102 |
Holmesville PS |
Clinton |
39. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
1115 |
Howick Central S |
Gorrie |
40. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
1119 |
Hullett Central PS |
Londesboro |
41. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
1134 |
Huron Centennial S |
Brucefield |
42. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
1549 |
Milverton PS |
Milverton |
43. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
1555 |
Mitchell DHS |
Mitchell |
44. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
1566 |
Mornington Central PS |
Newton |
45. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
1652 |
North Easthope PS |
Stratford |
46. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
2184 |
South Perth Centennial PS |
St. Marys |
47. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
2207 |
Sprucedale PS |
Shakespeare |
48. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
2230 |
Stephen Central PS |
Crediton |
49. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
2334 |
Turnberry Central PS |
Wingham |
50. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
2346 |
Upper Thames E S |
Mitchell |
51. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
2347 |
Usborne Central S |
Exeter |
52. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
2412 |
Wallace PS |
Gowanstown |
53. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
2537 |
Wingham PS |
Wingham |
54. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
2585 |
Colborne Central S |
Goderich |
55. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
2590 |
Zurich PS |
Zurich |
56. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
5272 |
Central Huron SS |
Clinton |
57. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
5526 |
Mitchell PS |
Mitchell |
58. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
5634 |
Seaforth PS |
Seaforth |
59. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
5665 |
South Huron DHS |
Exeter |
60. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
5763 |
F E Madill SS |
Wingham |
61. |
Bluewater District School Board |
54 |
Amabel-Sauble Community S |
Sauble Beach |
62. |
Bluewater District School Board |
98 |
Arran Tara E S |
Tara |
63. |
Bluewater District School Board |
229 |
Brant Township Central S |
Walkerton |
64. |
Bluewater District School Board |
272 |
Bruce Peninsula District S (Elem) |
Lion’s Head |
65. |
Bluewater District School Board |
273 |
Bruce Peninsula District S (Sec) |
Lion’s Head |
66. |
Bluewater District School Board |
385 |
Osprey Central S |
Maxwell |
67. |
Bluewater District School Board |
653 |
Spruce Ridge Elementary |
Durham |
68. |
Bluewater District School Board |
710 |
Egremont Community S |
Holstein |
69. |
Bluewater District School Board |
713 |
Kinghurst PS (Formerly Elderslie Central School) |
Chelsey |
70. |
Bluewater District School Board |
1049 |
Hepworth Central School |
Hepworth |
71. |
Bluewater District School Board |
1080 |
Hillcrest Central S |
Teeswater |
72. |
Bluewater District School Board |
1099 |
Holland-Chatsworth Central S |
Holland Centre |
73. |
Bluewater District School Board |
1265 |
Kincardine Township-Tiverton PS |
Kincardine |
74. |
Bluewater District School Board |
1399 |
Lucknow Central PS |
Lucknow |
75. |
Bluewater District School Board |
1464 |
Beavercrest Community S |
Markdale |
76. |
Bluewater District School Board |
1537 |
Mildmay-Carrick Central S |
Mildmay |
77. |
Bluewater District School Board |
1640 |
Normanby Community S |
Ayton |
78. |
Bluewater District School Board |
1651 |
Northport E S |
Port Elgin |
79. |
Bluewater District School Board |
1744 |
Paisley Central School |
Paisley |
80. |
Bluewater District School Board |
1842 |
Port Elgin-Saugeen Central S |
Port Elgin |
81. |
Bluewater District School Board |
1894 |
Dundalk & Proton Community S |
Dundalk |
82. |
Bluewater District School Board |
2189 |
G C Huston P S |
Southampton |
83. |
Bluewater District School Board |
2254 |
Sullivan Community S |
Desboro |
84. |
Bluewater District School Board |
2303 |
Beaver Valley Community S |
Thornbury |
85. |
Bluewater District School Board |
2411 |
Walkerton PS |
Walkerton |
86. |
Bluewater District School Board |
5404 |
Grey Highlands SS |
Flesherton |
87. |
Bluewater District School Board |
5626 |
Saugeen DSS |
Port Elgin |
88. |
Bluewater District School Board |
5726 |
Walkerton DSS |
Walkerton |
89. |
Bluewater District School Board |
6083 |
Chesley District High School |
Chesley |
90. |
Bluewater District School Board |
9315 |
Dundalk Highpoint School |
Dundalk |
91. |
Bluewater District School Board |
9373 |
Ripley Huron Community School |
Ripley |
92. |
Bluewater District School Board |
10582 |
Macphail Memorial Elementary School |
Flesherton |
93. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
3069 |
Blessed Sacrament Sep S |
Burford |
94. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
3522 |
Our Lady of Fatima Sep S |
Courtland |
95. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
3536 |
Our Lady of La Salette Sep S |
La Salette |
96. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
3660 |
Sacred Heart S |
Langton |
97. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
3763 |
St Anthony Daniel |
Scotland |
98. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
3810 |
St Bernard of Clairvaux S |
Waterford |
99. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
3842 |
St Cecilia’s S |
Port Dover |
100. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
4285 |
St Marys S |
Hagersville |
101. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
4318 |
St Michaels Sep |
Walsh |
102. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
4469 |
St Stephens S |
Cayuga |
103. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
4489 |
St Theresa Sep S |
Brantford |
104. |
Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board |
3184 |
St Peter’s & St Paul’s Sep S |
Durham |
105. |
Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board |
3249 |
Mary Immaculate Community S |
Chepstow |
106. |
Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board |
3327 |
Immaculate Conception Sep S |
Formosa |
107. |
Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board |
3421 |
Sacred Heart S |
Mildmay |
108. |
Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board |
3434 |
Mother Teresa |
Walkerton |
109. |
Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board |
4572 |
Sacred Heart Sep S |
Teeswater |
110. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
3127 |
Iona Academy |
Williamstown |
111. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
3368 |
St. Joseph - Toledo |
Toledo |
112. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
3457 |
St. Jude |
Vankleek Hill |
113. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
3582 |
St. Finnan’s |
Alexandria |
114. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
3587 |
Pope John Paul |
Hammond |
115. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
3596 |
St. Francix Xavier CHS |
Hammond |
116. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
3655 |
Sacred Heart - Lanark |
Lanark |
117. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
3716 |
St. Andrew |
St. Andrew’s West |
118. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
3973 |
St. George |
Long Sault |
119. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
4070 |
St. John CHS |
Perth |
120. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
4138 |
St. Joseph - Prescott |
Prescott |
121. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
4222 |
St. Mark |
Prescott |
122. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
4270 |
St. Mary - Chesterville |
Chesterville |
123. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
4278 |
St. Mary - St. Cecilia |
Morrisburg |
124. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
6085 |
Our Lady of Good Counsel |
Ingleside |
125. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
9677 |
Holy Name of Mary |
Almonte |
126. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
9820 |
St. Francis Xavier Elementary - Hammond |
Hammond |
127. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
9821 |
St. Michael Elementary |
Kemptville |
128. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
9822 |
St. Michael CHS |
Kemptville |
129. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
10624 |
Holy Trinity CHS |
Cornwall |
130. |
Conseil de district des écoles publiques de langue française n° 59 |
9869 |
É.é.p. Des Sentiers |
Orleans |
131. |
Conseil de district des écoles publiques de langue française n° 59 |
9980 |
École secondaire publique Gisele Lalonde |
Ottawa (Orléans) |
132. |
Conseil de district des écoles publiques de langue française n° 59 |
10480 |
Gisèle-Lalonde (7e & 8e année) |
Ottawa (Orléans) |
133. |
Conseil de district des écoles publiques de langue française n° 59 |
10600 |
École élémentaire publique L’Académie de La Seigneurie |
Casselman |
134. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud |
8279 |
ÉÉC Marguerite-Bourgeois |
CFB Borden |
135. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud |
8284 |
ÉÉC Sainte-Croix |
Tiny |
136. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
3115 |
De Casselman, E.s. |
Casselman |
137. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
3141 |
Saint-Mathieu, E. sep. |
Hammond |
138. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
3143 |
Sacre-Coeur, E. sep. |
Bourget |
139. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
3150 |
Sainte-Lucie, E. sep. |
Long Sault |
140. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
3180 |
Embrun, E.s. |
Embrun |
141. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
3186 |
Cure-Labrosse, E |
St. Eugene |
142. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
3220 |
Notre-Dame-du-Rosaire, E. sep. |
Crysler |
143. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
3375 |
La Source, E. sep. |
Moose Creek |
144. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
3385 |
Laurier-Carriere, E |
Glen Robertson |
145. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
3607 |
Plantagenet, E.s. |
Plantagenet |
146. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
3621 |
Elda-Rouleau, E |
Alexandria |
147. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
3627 |
Saint-Jean, E. sep. |
Embrun |
148. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
3806 |
Saint-Bernard |
Maxville |
149. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
4009 |
Saint-Isidore-de-Prescott, E. sep. |
St-Isidore-de-Presco |
150. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
4025 |
Saint-Jean-Baptiste, E. sep. |
L’Orignal |
151. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
4128 |
Saint-Joseph, E. sep. |
Lefaivre |
152. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
4131 |
Saint-Joseph, E. sep. |
Wendover |
153. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien |
4176 |
Saint-Luc, E. sep. |
Curran |
154. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
4370 |
Saint-Paul, E. sep. |
Casselman |
155. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
4378 |
Saint-Paul, E. sep. |
Plantagenet |
156. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
4521 |
Saint-Viateur, E. sep. |
Limoges |
157. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
6202 |
St-Victor, E |
Alfred |
158. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
6204 |
St-Gregoire, E |
Vankleek Hill |
159. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
6205 |
St-Albert, E |
St-Albert |
160. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
6207 |
Ste-Felicite, E |
Clarence Creek |
161. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
6209 |
Du Rosaire, E |
St-Pascal-Baylon |
162. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
6210 |
Sainte-Euphemie, E |
Casselman |
163. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
6212 |
Saint-Viateur, E. sep. (Annexe-Rue Mable) |
Limoges |
164. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
6250 |
SEFA Campus Casselman |
Casselman |
165. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’est Ontarien |
9446 |
Saint-Jean E. sep (Annexe Rue Notre Dame) |
Embrun |
166. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien |
10724 |
de l’Ange-Gardien |
North Lancaster |
167. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien |
10725 |
Le Relais |
Alexandria |
168. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
3024 |
E.S.C. L’Alliance |
Iroquois Falls |
169. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
3217 |
Saint-Jules, E. sep. |
Moonbeam |
170. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
3341 |
Immaculee-Conception, E. sep. |
Val Gagne |
171. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
3576 |
Sainte-Rita, E. sep. |
Val-Rita |
172. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
4010 |
Pavillon Notre-Dame |
Hearst |
173. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
4169 |
Saint-Louis, E. sep. |
Hearst |
174. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
4320 |
Georges-Vanier (secondaire) |
Smooth Rock Falls |
175. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
4543 |
Sainte-Anne, E. sep. |
Hearst |
176. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
4568 |
Saints-Martyrs-Canadiens, E. sep. |
Iroquois Falls |
177. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
6473 |
St-Antoine-de-Padoue, E. sep. |
Opasatika |
178. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
6474 |
Georges-Vanier, (Elementarie) |
Smooth Rock Falls |
179. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
7714 |
St-Jude, Ecole |
Porcupine |
180. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
7734 |
Assomption, Ecole |
Earlton |
181. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
7738 |
Saint-Michel, Ecole |
New Liskeard |
182. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
7739 |
Sainte-Croix, Ecole |
Haileybury |
183. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
7742 |
Sainte-Marie, Ecole secondaire |
New Liskeard |
184. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
7758 |
Sacre-Coeur, Ecole |
New Liskeard |
185. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
3164 |
Saint-Guillaume, Ecole |
Vars |
186. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
3491 |
Sainte-Therese-d’Avila, Ecole |
Marionville |
187. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
6193 |
Beatrice-Desloges, E.s.c. |
Cumberland |
188. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
10063 |
Pavillon Béatrice-Desloges |
Orleans |
189. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
10144 |
Ecole élémentaire de la Découverte |
Ottawa |
190. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
10803 |
Riverside Sud |
Ottawa |
191. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
2836 |
Champlain, E.s.c. |
Chelmsford |
192. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
2857 |
Sainte-Marie, E. sep |
Azilda |
193. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
3029 |
Saint-Charles-Borromee, E. sep. |
St-Charles |
194. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
3181 |
Saint-Thomas, E. sep. |
Warren |
195. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
3477 |
Notre-Dame-de-la-Merci, E. sep. |
Coniston |
196. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
3769 |
Saint-Antoine, E. sep. |
Noelville |
197. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
3923 |
Saint-Etienne, E. sep. |
Dowling |
198. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
4095 |
Saint-Joseph, E. sep. |
Chelmsford |
199. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
3160 |
Christ-Roi, E. sep. |
River Valley |
200. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
3252 |
Franco Cite, E.s. |
Sturgeon Falls |
201. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
3389 |
Lorrain, E. sep. |
Bonfield |
202. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
3403 |
Ste-Marguerite-d’Youville, E. sep. |
Verner |
203. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
3615 |
La Resurrection, E. sep. |
Sturgeon Falls |
204. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
3628 |
Echo-Jeunesse, E. sep. |
Sturgeon Falls |
205. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
3663 |
Saint-Joseph, E. sep. |
Sturgeon Falls |
206. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
9323 |
St-Thomas d’Aquin, Ecole |
Astorville |
207. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
3193 |
Pavillon des Jeunes |
Belle River |
208. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
3216 |
Secondaire de Pain Court |
Pain Court |
209. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
3942 |
Saint-Francis |
Tilbury |
210. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
4419 |
Saint-Philippe |
Grande Pointe |
211. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
4548 |
Sainte-Catherine |
Paincourt |
212. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
4561 |
Saint-Paul |
Pointe-aux-Roches |
213. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
4566 |
Sainte-Ursule, E |
McGregor |
214. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
9286 |
Monseigneur Augustin Caron |
La Salle |
215. |
Conseil scolaire de district des écoles catholiques du Sud-Ouest |
9287 |
Saint-Ambroise |
St. Joachim |
216. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
8257 |
Académie la Pinède |
Borden |
217. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Centre Sud-Ouest |
9494 |
La Fontaine |
Kleinburg |
218. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l’Ontario |
5830 |
Franco-Nord, E.p. |
Azilda |
219. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l’Ontario |
9643 |
É.p. Pavillon de l’Avenir |
Chelmsford |
220. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l’Ontario |
9564 |
Cochrane (École publique secondaire) (Leased from DSB 1) |
Cochrane |
221. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l’Ontario |
9565 |
L’Alliance (École publique secondaire) (Formerly Iroquois Falls É. s.) (Leased from DSB 1) |
Iroquois Falls |
222. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l’Ontario |
9567 |
Northern (École publique secondaire) (Leased from DSB 4) |
Sturgeon Falls |
223. |
District School Board of Niagara |
7 |
A K Wigg PS |
Fonthill |
224. |
District School Board of Niagara |
181 |
Bertie PS |
Ridgeway |
225. |
District School Board of Niagara |
300 |
Caistor Central PS |
Caistor Centre |
226. |
District School Board of Niagara |
318 |
Campden PS |
Campden |
227. |
District School Board of Niagara |
485 |
College Street PS |
Smithville |
228. |
District School Board of Niagara |
489 |
Colonel John Butler PS |
Niagara-On-The-Lake |
229. |
District School Board of Niagara |
540 |
Crystal Beach PS |
Crystal Beach |
230. |
District School Board of Niagara |
664 |
E L Crossley SS |
Fonthill |
231. |
District School Board of Niagara |
774 |
F J Rutland PS |
Niagara Falls |
232. |
District School Board of Niagara |
837 |
Glynn A Green PS |
Fonthill |
233. |
District School Board of Niagara |
864 |
Gainsboro Central PS |
St. Ann’s |
234. |
District School Board of Niagara |
1175 |
Jacob Beam PS |
Beamsville |
235. |
District School Board of Niagara |
1222 |
Jordan PS |
Jordan |
236. |
District School Board of Niagara |
1780 |
Parliament Oak PS |
Niagara-On-The-Lake |
237. |
District School Board of Niagara |
1791 |
Pelham Centre PS |
Fenwick |
238. |
District School Board of Niagara |
1985 |
Ridgeway PS |
Ridgeway |
239. |
District School Board of Niagara |
2101 |
Senator Gibson PS |
Beamsville |
240. |
District School Board of Niagara |
2213 |
St Davids/Laura Secord PS |
St. Davids |
241. |
District School Board of Niagara |
2235 |
Stevensville PS |
Stevensville |
242. |
District School Board of Niagara |
2390 |
Vineland/Maplegrove PS |
Vineland |
243. |
District School Board of Niagara |
2391 |
Virgil PS |
Virgil |
244. |
District School Board of Niagara |
2410 |
Winger PS |
Wainfleet |
245. |
District School Board of Niagara |
2505 |
William E Brown PS |
Wainfleet |
246. |
District School Board of Niagara |
5227 |
Beamsville DSS |
Beamsville |
247. |
District School Board of Niagara |
5320 |
E W Farr Memorial PS |
Fonthill |
248. |
District School Board of Niagara |
5540 |
Niagara DSS |
Niagara-On-The-Lake |
249. |
District School Board of Niagara |
5619 |
Ridgeway-Crystal Beach SS |
Ridgeway |
250. |
District School Board of Niagara |
5666 |
South Lincoln HS |
Smithville |
251. |
District School Board of Niagara |
5899 |
St Davids/Laura Secord PS (Annex-Laura Secord ) |
Queenston |
252. |
District School Board of Niagara |
5900 |
Vineland/Maplegrove PS (Annex-Maplegrove) |
Vineland |
253. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
180 |
Bertha Shaw PS |
South Porcupine |
254. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
429 |
Charlton-Savard PS |
Charlton Station |
255. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
469 |
Cobalt PS |
Cobalt |
256. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
745 |
Englehart PS |
Englehart |
257. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
929 |
Golden Avenue PS |
South Porcupine |
258. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
999 |
Haileybury PS |
Haileybury |
259. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
1256 |
Kerns PS |
Thornloe |
260. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
1620 |
New Liskeard PS |
New Liskeard |
261. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
2090 |
Schumacher PS |
Schumacher |
262. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
2496 |
Frank P Krznaric Whitney Public PS |
Porcupine |
263. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
5290 |
Cochrane HS, E.s. (Lease part to DSB56 & 60a) |
Cochrane |
264. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
5352 |
Englehart HS |
Englehart |
265. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
5439 |
Iroquois Falls SS, (Lease to DSB#56 & 60a) |
Iroquois Falls |
266. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
5667 |
Roland Michener SS |
South Porcupine |
267. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
5692 |
Timiskaming Dist.SS |
New Liskeard |
268. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
7623 |
Smooth Rock Falls Secondary School |
Smooth Rock Falls |
269. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
7624 |
Smooth Rocks Fall Public School |
Smooth Rock Falls |
270. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
7733 |
Swastika Public School |
Swastika |
271. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
10635 |
Cochrane Public School |
Cochrane |
272. |
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board |
3620 |
Robert F. Hall Catholic SS |
Caledon East |
273. |
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board |
3874 |
St. Cornelius S |
Caledon East |
274. |
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board |
4357 |
St Patrick Sep S |
Brampton |
275. |
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board |
4498 |
St Thomas Aquinas Sep S |
Brampton |
276. |
Durham Catholic District School Board |
9353 |
St. John Bosco |
Oshawa |
277. |
Durham Catholic District School Board |
9354 |
St. Leo (replacement) |
Brooklin |
278. |
Durham District School Board |
159 |
Beaverton PS |
Beaverton |
279. |
Durham District School Board |
387 |
Cartwright Central PS |
Blackstock |
280. |
Durham District School Board |
397 |
Thorah Central PS |
Beaverton |
281. |
Durham District School Board |
512 |
Kedron PS |
Oshawa |
282. |
Durham District School Board |
1805 |
Claremont PS |
Claremont |
283. |
Durham District School Board |
1959 |
Prince Albert PS |
Prince Albert |
284. |
Durham District School Board |
1960 |
Greenbank PS |
Greenbank |
285. |
Durham District School Board |
2094 |
Scott Central PS |
Sandford |
286. |
Durham District School Board |
2257 |
Sunderland PS |
Sunderland |
287. |
Durham District School Board |
2349 |
Goodwood PS |
Goodwood |
288. |
Durham District School Board |
2354 |
Valley View PS |
Greenwood |
289. |
Durham District School Board |
5245 |
Brock HS |
Cannington |
290. |
Durham District School Board |
5262 |
Cartwright HS |
Blackstock |
291. |
Durham District School Board |
9400 |
Epsom PS |
Scugog |
292. |
Durham District School Board |
9776 |
Winchester PS |
Brooklin |
293. |
English-language Separate District School Board No. 38 |
3537 |
Our Lady of Lourdes Sep S |
Delaware |
294. |
English-language Separate District School Board No. 38 |
3643 |
Sacred Heart Sep S |
Parkhill |
295. |
English-language Separate District School Board No. 38 |
3846 |
St Charles Sep S |
Glencoe |
296. |
English-language Separate District School Board No. 38 |
3883 |
St David Sep S |
Dorchester |
297. |
English-language Separate District School Board No. 38 |
3931 |
St Francis S |
Princeton |
298. |
English-language Separate District School Board No. 38 |
4113 |
St Joseph S |
Thamesford |
299. |
English-language Separate District School Board No. 38 |
4235 |
St Mary’s Sep S |
West Lorne |
300. |
English-language Separate District School Board No. 38 |
4342 |
St Patrick Sep S |
Lucan |
301. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
79 |
Anna Melick Memorial S |
Dunnville |
302. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
184 |
Bethel-Oak Hill PS |
Paris |
303. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
402 |
Langton PS |
Langton |
304. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
403 |
Onondaga-Brant PS |
Brantford |
305. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
524 |
Courtland PS |
Courtland |
306. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
607 |
Doverwood PS |
Port Dover |
307. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
923 |
Glen Morris Central PS |
Glen Morris |
308. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
954 |
Grandview PS |
Dunnville |
309. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
1110 |
Houghton PS |
Langton |
310. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
1167 |
J L Mitchener PS |
Cayuga |
311. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
1190 |
Jarvis PS |
Jarvis |
312. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
1587 |
Mount Pleasant PS |
Mt. Pleasant |
313. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
1649 |
Boston PS |
Waterford |
314. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
1650 |
Teeterville PS |
Teeterville |
315. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
1705 |
Oneida Central PS |
Caledonia |
316. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
1771 |
Hagersville Elementary School (formerly Parkview PS) |
Hagersville |
317. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
1845 |
Port Rowan PS |
Port Rowan |
318. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
1949 |
Rainham Central PS |
Fisherville |
319. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
1991 |
River Heights E S |
Caledonia |
320. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
2091 |
Oakland-Scotland PS |
Scotland |
321. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
2102 |
Seneca Central PS |
York |
322. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
2178 |
Bloomsburg PS |
Waterford |
323. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
2181 |
St George-German PS |
St. George |
324. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
2326 |
Townsend Central PS |
Waterford |
325. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
2340 |
W. F. Hewitt PS |
Waterford |
326. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
2413 |
Walpole North E S |
Hagersville |
327. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
2416 |
Walsh Public School |
Simcoe |
328. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
2535 |
Windham Central PS |
Windham Centre |
329. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
5249 |
Burford Elementary (formerly Burford DHS) |
Burford |
330. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
5265 |
Cayuga SS |
Cayuga |
331. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
5408 |
Hagersville SS |
Hagersville |
332. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
5594 |
Port Dover Comp S |
Port Dover |
333. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
5715 |
Valley Heights SS |
Langton |
334. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
5730 |
Waterford DHS |
Waterford |
335. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
9873 |
A.B. Massecar |
Waterford |
336. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
10198 |
Port Dover Composite Elementary |
Port Dover |
337. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
77 |
Anderdon Central Public School |
Amherstburg |
338. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
166 |
Belle River Public School |
Belle River |
339. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
366 |
Colchester North Public School |
Essex |
340. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
368 |
Gosfield North Central Public School |
Cottam |
341. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
375 |
Maidstone Central Public School |
Maidstone |
342. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
1026 |
Harrow Senior Public School |
Harrow |
343. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
1430 |
Malden Central Public School |
Amherstburg |
344. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
1534 |
East Mersea Public School |
Wheatley |
345. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
1574 |
Mount Carmel-Blytheswood Public School |
Leamington |
346. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
1858 |
Prince Andrew Public School |
La Salle |
347. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
2259 |
Sun Parlor Jr Public School |
Essex |
348. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
5413 |
Harrow District High School |
Harrow |
349. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
7773 |
Centennial Central Public School |
Comber |
350. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
7780 |
Harrow Junior Public School |
Harrow |
351. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
7794 |
Ruthven Public School |
Ruthven |
352. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
7798 |
Belle River District High School |
Belle River |
353. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
7804 |
Sandwich Secondary School |
La Salle |
354. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
7805 |
Western Secondary School |
Amherstburg |
355. |
Halton Catholic District School Board |
8135 |
Bishop P.F. Reding Secondary |
Milton |
356. |
Halton District School Board |
267 |
Brookville PS |
Campbellville |
357. |
Halton District School Board |
1261 |
Kilbride PS |
Kilbride |
358. |
Halton District School Board |
1358 |
Limehouse PS |
Limehouse |
359. |
Halton District School Board |
1817 |
Pineview PS |
Georgetown |
360. |
Halton District School Board |
2238 |
Stewarttown Md S |
Georgetown |
361. |
Halton District School Board |
10469 |
Chris Hadfield Public School |
Milton |
362. |
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board |
3511 |
Our Lady of Mount Carmel |
Carlisle |
363. |
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board |
4496 |
St Thomas |
Waterdown |
364. |
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board |
9410 |
Holy Name of Mary CES (new school) |
Ancaster |
365. |
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board |
10115 |
Guardian Angels Catholic Elementary School |
Waterdown |
366. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
168 |
Bellmoore PS |
Binbrook |
367. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
186 |
Beverly Central PS |
Troy |
368. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
202 |
Balaclava PS |
Carlisle |
369. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
616 |
Dr John Seaton PS |
Sheffield |
370. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
821 |
Flamborough Centre Senior PS |
Hamilton |
371. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
980 |
Guy B Brown PS |
Waterdown |
372. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
1477 |
Mary Hopkins PS |
Waterdown |
373. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
1543 |
Millgrove PS |
Millgrove |
374. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
1579 |
Mount Hope PS |
Mount Hope |
375. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
2539 |
Winona PS |
Winona |
376. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
5729 |
Waterdown DHS |
Waterdown |
377. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
6175 |
Bell-Stone PS |
Mount Hope |
378. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
6343 |
Queens Rangers PS |
Copetown |
379. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
10012 |
Allan A. Greenleaf School |
Waterdown |
380. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
72 |
Massassaga-Rednersville Public School |
Belleville |
381. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
108 |
Athol Central Public School |
Cherry Valley |
382. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
124 |
Bancroft Public School |
Bancroft |
383. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
196 |
Birds Creek Public School |
Bancroft |
384. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
374 |
Madoc Township Public School |
Madoc |
385. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
392 |
South Marysburgh Central School |
Picton |
386. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
395 |
Sophiasburgh Central School |
Picton |
387. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
502 |
C M L Snider School |
Wellington |
388. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
580 |
Deseronto Public School |
Deseronto |
389. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
671 |
Earl Prentice Public School |
Marmora |
390. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
847 |
Foxboro Public School |
Foxboro |
391. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
850 |
Frankford Public School |
Frankford |
392. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
1002 |
Pinecrest Memorial Elementary School |
Bloomfield |
393. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
1015 |
Harmony Public School |
Corbyville |
394. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
1254 |
Kente Public School |
Ameliasburgh |
395. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
1419 |
Madoc Public School |
Madoc |
396. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
1471 |
Marmora Senior Public School |
Marmora |
397. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
1493 |
Maynooth Public School |
Maynooth |
398. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
1494 |
Hermon Public School |
Bancroft |
399. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
1654 |
North Hastings Senior Elementary School |
Bancroft |
400. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
1907 |
Queen Elizabeth School (Picton) |
Picton |
401. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
2076 |
S. H. Connor Public School |
Tweed |
402. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
2241 |
Stirling Primary School |
Stirling |
403. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
2242 |
Stirling Junior Public School |
Stirling |
404. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
2243 |
Stirling Senior Public School |
Stirling |
405. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
2335 |
Tweed Hungerford Senior Public School |
Tweed |
406. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
2341 |
Tyendinaga Public School |
Shannonville |
407. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
5276 |
Centre Hastings Secondary School |
Madoc |
408. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
5599 |
Prince Edward Collegiate Institute |
Picton |
409. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
3035 |
St Joseph Sep S |
Goderich |
410. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
3202 |
St Patricks Sep S |
Sebringville |
411. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
3207 |
Precious Blood Sep S |
Exeter |
412. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
3265 |
St Patricks Sep S |
Dublin |
413. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
3412 |
St Columban Sep S |
Dublin |
414. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
3553 |
Our Lady of Mt Carmel Sep S |
Dashwood |
415. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
3675 |
St James Sep S |
Seaforth |
416. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
3737 |
St Anne’s Catholic S |
Clinton |
417. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
4600 |
St Boniface Sep S |
Zurich |
418. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
10764 |
St. Joseph’s School |
Clinton |
419. |
Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board |
4246 |
St Mary Catholic School |
Massey |
420. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
247 |
Smithfield PS |
Brighton |
421. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
248 |
Brighton PS |
Brighton |
422. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
371 |
Camborne PS |
Cobourg |
423. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
372 |
North Hope Central PS |
Campbellcroft |
424. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
434 |
Chemong Sr. |
Bridgenorth |
425. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
457 |
Orono PS |
Orono |
426. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
458 |
Newtonville PS |
Newtonville |
427. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
474 |
Colborne P S |
Colborne |
428. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
501 |
South Monaghan PS |
Bailieboro |
429. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
525 |
Castleton PS |
Castleton |
430. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
526 |
South Cramahe PS |
Colborne |
431. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
552 |
Dale Road Sr S |
Cobourg |
432. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
747 |
Enniskillen PS |
Enniskillen |
433. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
882 |
George Hamilton PS |
Port Hope |
434. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
1000 |
Grafton PS |
Grafton |
435. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
1004 |
Plainville PS |
Gores Landing |
436. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
1005 |
Baltimore PS |
Baltimore |
437. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
1008 |
Hampton Jr PS |
Hampton |
438. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
1029 |
Buckhorn PS |
Buckhorn |
439. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
1032 |
Hastings PS |
Hastings |
440. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
1033 |
Havelock PS |
Havelock |
441. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
1079 |
Hillcrest PS |
Campbellford |
442. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
1186 |
James Strath PS |
Peterborough |
443. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
1297 |
Kirby Centennial Public School PS |
Orono |
444. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
1311 |
Lakefield Intermed S |
Lakefield |
445. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
1312 |
Ridpath PS |
Lakefield |
446. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
1538 |
Millbrook/South Cavan PS |
Millbrook |
447. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
1594 |
Stockdale PS |
Frankford |
448. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
1647 |
North Cavan PS |
Cavan |
449. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
1648 |
North Shore PS |
Keene |
450. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
1678 |
Norwood District PS |
Norwood |
451. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
1679 |
Norwood District Int. |
Norwood |
452. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
1794 |
Percy Centennial PS |
Warkworth |
453. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
2042 |
Roseneath Centennial PS |
Roseneath |
454. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
2200 |
Spring Valley PS |
Brighton |
455. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
2297 |
M J Hobbs Sr PS |
Hampton |
456. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
2424 |
Warsaw PS |
Warsaw |
457. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
2584 |
Youngs Point |
Youngs Point |
458. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
5258 |
Campbellford DHS |
Campbellford |
459. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
5301 |
Crestwood SS |
Peterborough |
460. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
5326 |
East Northumberland SS |
Brighton |
461. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
5468 |
Lakefield DSS |
Lakefield |
462. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
5558 |
Norwood District HS |
Norwood |
463. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
5806 |
Kent |
Campbellford |
464. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
5909 |
Cntr fr Individ’l Stdies (Bwmnville) |
Bowmanville |
465. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
5911 |
Cntr fr Individ’l Stdies (Cmpbllfrd) |
Campbellford |
466. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
120 |
Golden Learning Centre |
Balmertown |
467. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
1116 |
Hudson PS |
Hudson |
468. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
1962 |
Red Lake-Madsen PS |
Red Lake |
469. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
2409 |
Wabigoon PS |
Wabigoon |
470. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
7532 |
Valleyview P.S. |
Kenora |
471. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
7538 |
Keewatin P.S. |
Keewatin |
472. |
Kenora Catholic District School Board |
4171 |
St Louis Sep S |
Keewatin |
473. |
Lakehead District School Board |
7550 |
Crestview |
Murillo |
474. |
Lakehead District School Board |
7553 |
Five Mile |
Thunder Bay |
475. |
Lakehead District School Board |
7556 |
Gorham & Ware |
Thunder Bay |
476. |
Lakehead District School Board |
7562 |
Kakabeka Falls |
Kakabeka Falls |
477. |
Lakehead District School Board |
7570 |
Valley Central PS |
Thunder Bay |
478. |
Lakehead District School Board |
7574 |
Whitefish Valley |
Kakabeka Falls |
479. |
Lakehead District School Board |
7590 |
McKenzie |
Thunder Bay |
480. |
Lakehead District School Board |
7591 |
Nor’wester View |
Thunder Bay |
481. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
14 |
Aberarder Central S |
Camlachie |
482. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
219 |
Bosanquet Central PS |
Thedford |
483. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
246 |
Brigden S |
Brigden |
484. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
251 |
Bright’s Grove PS |
Brights Grove |
485. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
261 |
Brooke Central PS |
Alvinston |
486. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
493 |
Confederation Central S |
Sarnia |
487. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
564 |
Dawn Township Central S |
Dresden |
488. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
628 |
Dresden Area Central S |
Dresden |
489. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
756 |
Errol Village PS |
Camlachie |
490. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
948 |
Grand Bend PS |
Grand Bend |
491. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
1030 |
Harwich-Raleigh PS |
Blenheim |
492. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
1087 |
Hillcrest PS |
Petrolia |
493. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
1111 |
Howard-Harwich-Moravian PS |
Ridgetown |
494. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
1321 |
Lambton Central Centennial S |
Petrolia |
495. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
1532 |
Merlin Area PS |
Merlin |
496. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
1562 |
Mooretown-Courtright S |
Mooretown |
497. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
1911 |
Queen Elizabeth II PS |
Petrolia |
498. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
1983 |
Ridgetown PS |
Ridgetown |
499. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
2001 |
Riverview Central S |
Port Lambton |
500. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
2185 |
South Plympton Central S |
Wyoming |
501. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
2293 |
Thamesville Area Central PS |
Thamesville |
502. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
2311 |
Tilbury Area PS |
Tilbury |
503. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
2406 |
W J Baird PS |
Blenheim |
504. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
2489 |
Wheatley Area PS |
Wheatley |
505. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
2567 |
Kinnwood Central Public School |
Forest |
506. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
2576 |
Wyoming PS |
Wyoming |
507. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
2588 |
Zone Township Central PS |
Bothwell |
508. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
5233 |
Blenheim DHS |
Blenheim |
509. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
5364 |
North Lambton SS |
Forest |
510. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
5472 |
Lambton Central Collegiate V.I. |
Petrolia |
511. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
5473 |
Lambton Kent Comp S |
Dresden |
512. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
5618 |
Ridgetown DHS |
Ridgetown |
513. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
5708 |
Tilbury DHS |
Tilbury |
514. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
5733 |
East Lambton ES (Formerly Secondary) |
Watford |
515. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
10495 |
Colonel Cameron Public School |
Corunna |
516. |
Limestone District School Board |
132 |
Bath PS |
Bath |
517. |
Limestone District School Board |
720 |
Elginburg & District PS |
Elginburg |
518. |
Limestone District School Board |
918 |
Glenburnie PS |
Glenburnie |
519. |
Limestone District School Board |
992 |
H H Langford |
Napanee |
520. |
Limestone District School Board |
1027 |
Harrowsmith PS |
Harrowsmith |
521. |
Limestone District School Board |
1096 |
Hinchinbrooke PS |
Parham |
522. |
Limestone District School Board |
1329 |
Land O Lakes PS |
Mountain Grove |
523. |
Limestone District School Board |
1396 |
Loughborough PS |
Sydenham |
524. |
Limestone District School Board |
1624 |
Newburgh PS |
Newburgh |
525. |
Limestone District School Board |
1642 |
North Addington Education Centre (Elem) |
Cloyne |
526. |
Limestone District School Board |
1698 |
Odessa PS |
Odessa |
527. |
Limestone District School Board |
1799 |
Perth Road PS |
Perth Road |
528. |
Limestone District School Board |
1823 |
Joyceville PS |
Joyceville |
529. |
Limestone District School Board |
1860 |
Prince Charles PS |
Verona |
530. |
Limestone District School Board |
2099 |
Selby PS |
Selby |
531. |
Limestone District School Board |
2115 |
Sharbot Lake PS |
Sharbot Lake |
532. |
Limestone District School Board |
2116 |
Sharbot Lake HS (Elem) (2 portables) |
Sharbot Lake |
533. |
Limestone District School Board |
2247 |
Storrington PS |
Battersea |
534. |
Limestone District School Board |
2277 |
Tamworth PS |
Tamworth |
535. |
Limestone District School Board |
5195 |
North Addington Education Centre (Sec) |
Cloyne |
536. |
Limestone District School Board |
5355 |
Ernestown SS |
Odessa |
537. |
Limestone District School Board |
5636 |
Sharbot Lake HS (Sec) |
Sharbot Lake |
538. |
Limestone District School Board |
5690 |
Sydenham HS |
Sydenham |
539. |
Limestone District School Board |
9522 |
Yarker Family School |
Yarker |
540. |
Limestone District School Board |
9674 |
Sandhurst PS |
Bath |
541. |
Limestone District School Board |
9675 |
Enterprise PS |
Enterprise |
542. |
Limestone District School Board |
9707 |
Centreville PS |
Centreville |
543. |
Near North District School Board |
279 |
Land of Lakes Sr PS |
Burk’s Falls |
544. |
Near North District School Board |
281 |
M A Wittick Jr PS |
Burk’s Falls |
545. |
Near North District School Board |
308 |
M T Davidson S |
Callander |
546. |
Near North District School Board |
770 |
Evergreen Heights Education Centre |
Emsdale |
547. |
Near North District School Board |
806 |
Ferris Glen PS |
Corbeil |
548. |
Near North District School Board |
1416 |
Mactier PS |
Mactier |
549. |
Near North District School Board |
1420 |
Magnetawan Central PS |
Magnetawan |
550. |
Near North District School Board |
1499 |
McDougall PS |
Parry Sound |
551. |
Near North District School Board |
1633 |
South Shore Education Centre |
Nipissing |
552. |
Near North District School Board |
1635 |
Nobel PS |
Nobel |
553. |
Near North District School Board |
2108 |
Mapleridge Sr PS |
Powassan |
554. |
Near North District School Board |
2187 |
South River PS |
South River |
555. |
Near North District School Board |
2258 |
Sundridge Centennial PS |
Sundridge |
556. |
Near North District School Board |
2495 |
Whitestone Lake Central S |
Dunchurch |
557. |
Near North District School Board |
5668 |
Almaguin Highlands SS |
South River |
558. |
Near North District School Board |
5686 |
Northern SS (Part Lease to DSB#56) |
Sturgeon Falls |
559. |
Near North District School Board |
6379 |
Phelps Central School |
Redbridge |
560. |
Near North District School Board |
9556 |
Humphrey Central PS |
Parry Sound |
561. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
3696 |
St Alexander Sep S |
Fonthill |
562. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
3724 |
St Ann Sep S |
Fenwick |
563. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
3922 |
St Elizabeth Sep S |
Wainfleet |
564. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
4104 |
St Joseph Sep S |
Stevensville |
565. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
7967 |
St Edward |
Jordan |
566. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
7972 |
St John |
Beamsville |
567. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
7976 |
St Martin |
Smithville |
568. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
7977 |
St Michael |
Virgil |
569. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
10019 |
St. Mark Catholic Elementary |
Beamsville |
570. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
10078 |
St. George Catholic Elementary |
Crystal Beach |
571. |
Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board |
3983 |
St Gregory Sep S |
Powassan |
572. |
Northeastern Catholic District School Board |
7713 |
St Joseph School |
South Porcupine |
573. |
Northeastern Catholic District School Board |
7744 |
English Catholic Central School |
New Liskeard |
574. |
Northeastern Catholic District School Board |
7748 |
St Patrick School |
Cobalt |
575. |
Ottawa Catholic District School Board |
3223 |
St Michaels Sep S - Fitzroy |
Fitzroy Harbour |
576. |
Ottawa Catholic District School Board |
3241 |
St Mary Sep S - Gloucester |
Gloucester |
577. |
Ottawa Catholic District School Board |
3324 |
St Michaels Sep S - Carp |
Carp |
578. |
Ottawa Catholic District School Board |
3399 |
St Isidore Sep S |
Kanata |
579. |
Ottawa Catholic District School Board |
3489 |
St Catherines Sep S |
Metcalfe |
580. |
Ottawa Catholic District School Board |
4418 |
St Philip Sep S |
Richmond |
581. |
Ottawa Catholic District School Board |
10125 |
St. Theresa Catholic Elementary School |
Ottawa |
582. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
334 |
Castor Valley ES |
Greely |
583. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
548 |
D. Aubrey Moodie Intermediate S |
Nepean |
584. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
819 |
Fitzroy Centennial/Harbour PS |
Kinburn |
585. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
940 |
Goulbourn Middle S |
Stittsville |
586. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
1132 |
Huntley Centennial PS |
Carp |
587. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
1239 |
Rideau Valley Middle S |
Kars |
588. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
1593 |
Munster ES |
Munster |
589. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
1607 |
Cedarview Middle S |
Nepean |
590. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
1653 |
North Gower - Marlborough PS |
North Gower |
591. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
1655 |
Kars PS |
Kars |
592. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
1725 |
Metcalfe PS |
Metcalfe |
593. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
1726 |
Osgoode PS |
Osgoode |
594. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
1727 |
Greely PS |
Greely |
595. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
1977 |
Richmond PS |
Richmond |
596. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
2320 |
Torbolton S |
Woodlawn |
597. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
5570 |
Osgoode Township HS |
Metcalfe |
598. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
5662 |
South Carleton HS |
Richmond |
599. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
5734 |
West Carleton SS |
Dunrobin |
600. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
9537 |
Stonecrest ES new form. West Carleton ES |
Woodlawn |
601. |
Peel District School Board |
64 |
Alloa PS |
Caledon |
602. |
Peel District School Board |
164 |
Belfountain PS |
Caledon |
603. |
Peel District School Board |
302 |
Caledon Central PS |
Caledon |
604. |
Peel District School Board |
303 |
Caledon East PS |
Caledon |
605. |
Peel District School Board |
304 |
Alton PS |
Caledon |
606. |
Peel District School Board |
527 |
Credit View PS |
Cheltenham |
607. |
Peel District School Board |
1052 |
Herb Campbell PS |
Inglewood |
608. |
Peel District School Board |
1141 |
Huttonville PS |
Brampton |
609. |
Peel District School Board |
1417 |
Macville PS |
Caledon |
610. |
Peel District School Board |
1749 |
Palgrave PS |
Palgrave |
611. |
Peel District School Board |
10402 |
Edenbrook Hill Public School |
Brampton |
612. |
Peel District School Board |
10490 |
Claireville P.S. |
Brampton |
613. |
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board |
9252 |
St. Joseph’s School, Douro |
Douro |
614. |
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board |
9253 |
St. Martin’s School |
Ennismore |
615. |
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board |
9254 |
St. Paul’s School, Lakefield |
Lakefield |
616. |
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board |
9255 |
St. Paul’s School, Norwood |
Norwood |
617. |
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board |
9256 |
St. Luke’s School |
Downeyville |
618. |
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board |
9261 |
St. Mary’s School, Campbellford |
Campbellford |
619. |
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board |
9265 |
St. Mary’s School, Grafton |
Grafton |
620. |
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board |
10037 |
St Thomas Aquinas Catholic |
Lindsay |
621. |
Rainbow District School Board |
298 |
C R Judd PS |
Capreol |
622. |
Rainbow District School Board |
433 |
Chelmsford PS |
Chelmsford |
623. |
Rainbow District School Board |
504 |
Copper Cliff PS |
Copper Cliff |
624. |
Rainbow District School Board |
574 |
Robert H Murray PS |
Whitefish |
625. |
Rainbow District School Board |
590 |
Wanup PS |
Sudbury |
626. |
Rainbow District School Board |
608 |
Larchwood PS |
Dowling |
627. |
Rainbow District School Board |
2075 |
S Geiger PS |
Massey |
628. |
Rainbow District School Board |
2436 |
Webbwood PS |
Webbwood |
629. |
Rainbow District School Board |
5483 |
Levack PS (Form. DHS) |
Levack |
630. |
Rainbow District School Board |
5853 |
Chelmsford Valley District C.S. |
Chelmsford |
631. |
Rainbow District School Board |
9829 |
Chelmsford Valley District CS Elementary Program |
Chelmsford |
632. |
Rainy River District School Board |
9376 |
Crossroads E PS |
Devlin |
633. |
Rainy River District School Board |
9377 |
Donald Young PS |
Emo |
634. |
Rainy River District School Board |
9387 |
Sturgeon Creek S |
Emo |
635. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
3531 |
Our Lady of Grace Sep S |
Westmeath |
636. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
3604 |
George Vanier Sep S |
Combermere |
637. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
3715 |
St Andrews Sep S |
Killaloe |
638. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
3767 |
St Anthony’s Sep S |
Chalk River |
639. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
3829 |
St Casimir’s Sep S |
Round Lake Centre |
640. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
4013 |
St James Sep S |
Eganville |
641. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
4056 |
St John Bosco Sep S |
Barry’s Bay |
642. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
4088 |
St Joseph’s Sep S - Calabogie |
Calabogie |
643. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
4274 |
St Mary’s Sep S - Deep River |
Deep River |
644. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
4275 |
St Mary’s Sep S - Wilno |
Wilno |
645. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
4326 |
St Michael’s Sep S |
Douglas |
646. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
20 |
Admaston PS |
Renfrew |
647. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
56 |
Rockwood PS |
Pembroke |
648. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
116 |
Calabogie PS |
Calabogie |
649. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
131 |
Sherwood PS |
Barry’s Bay |
650. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
152 |
Beachburg PS |
Beachburg |
651. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
470 |
Cobden District PS |
Cobden |
652. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
1262 |
Killaloe PS |
Killaloe |
653. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
1509 |
McNab PS |
Arnprior |
654. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
1811 |
Pine View PS |
Pembroke |
655. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
2468 |
Westmeath PS |
Westmeath |
656. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
5311 |
MacKenzie HS |
Deep River |
657. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
5566 |
Opeongo HS |
Douglas |
658. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
9445 |
Eganville P.S. |
Eganville |
659. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
10766 |
Keys (housed in MacKenzie) |
Deep River |
660. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8137 |
Frederick Campbell ES |
Borden |
661. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8138 |
Goodfellow PS |
Stroud |
662. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8139 |
Guthrie PS |
Oro Station |
663. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8143 |
Hillsdale ES |
Hillsdale |
664. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8144 |
Hon. Earl Rowe PS |
Bradford |
665. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8146 |
Huronia Centennial ES |
Elmvale |
666. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8147 |
Innisfil Central PS |
Lefroy |
667. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8150 |
Killarney Beach PS |
Lefroy |
668. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8153 |
Marchmont PS |
Orillia |
669. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8154 |
Warminster ES |
Warminster |
670. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8155 |
Minesing Central PS |
Minesing |
671. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8156 |
Moonstone ES |
Moonstone |
672. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8159 |
New Lowell Central PS |
New Lowell |
673. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8161 |
Nottawasaga & Creemore PS |
Creemore |
674. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8162 |
Creemore Annex |
Creemore |
675. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8166 |
Port McNicoll PS |
Port McNicoll |
676. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8169 |
Rama Central PS |
Washago |
677. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8172 |
Shanty Bay PS |
Shanty Bay |
678. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8173 |
Sir William Osler PS |
Bradford |
679. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8176 |
Sunnybrae PS |
Stroud |
680. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8183 |
Adjala Central PS |
Loretto |
681. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8188 |
Angus Morrison ES |
Angus |
682. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8189 |
Pine River ES |
Angus |
683. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8190 |
Cumberland Beach /Ardtrea PS (Annex - Ardtrea) |
Cumberland Beach |
684. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8191 |
Cumberland Beach /Ardtrea PS |
Cumberland Beach |
685. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8194 |
Baxter Central PS |
Egbert |
686. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8196 |
Birchview Dunes ES |
Wasaga Beach |
687. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8198 |
Brechin PS |
Brechin |
688. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8199 |
Byng PS |
Stayner |
689. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8202 |
Coldwater PS |
Coldwater |
690. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8204 |
Cookstown PS |
Cookstown |
691. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8208 |
Duntroon Central PS |
Duntroon |
692. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8209 |
East Oro PS |
Hawkestone |
693. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8212 |
Forest Hill PS |
Midhurst |
694. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8214 |
Tecumseth North ES |
Beeton |
695. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8215 |
Tecumseth Beeton |
Cookstown |
696. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8216 |
Tecumseth South Central PS |
Tottenham |
697. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8217 |
Tosorontio Central PS |
Everett |
698. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8218 |
Tottenham PS |
Tottenham |
699. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8219 |
Uptergrove PS |
Orillia |
700. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8220 |
Victoria Harbour ES |
Victoria Harbour |
701. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8223 |
W. R. Best Memorial PS |
Shanty Bay |
702. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8225 |
Waubaushene ES |
Waubaushene |
703. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8227 |
Worsley ES |
Wasaga Beach |
704. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8229 |
Wyevale Central PS |
Wyevale |
705. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8241 |
Elmvale DHS |
Elmvale |
706. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8247 |
Stayner CI |
Stayner |
707. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8265 |
Alcona Glen ES |
Stroud |
708. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
8271 |
Nottawa PS (new replacement school) |
Nottawa |
709. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
9713 |
Waubaushene Pines |
Waubaushene |
710. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
10123 |
Clearview Meadows |
Stayner |
711. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
8287 |
Father F.X. O’Reilly |
Tottenham |
712. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
8288 |
Foley |
Brechin |
713. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
8298 |
Notre Dame |
Orillia |
714. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
8299 |
Our Lady of Grace |
Angus |
715. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
8300 |
Our Lady of Lourdes |
Elmvale |
716. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
8301 |
Our Lady of Mercy |
Honey Harbour |
717. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
8302 |
Our Lady of the Assumption |
New Lowell |
718. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
8306 |
Prince of Peace |
CFB Borden |
719. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
8310 |
St Charles |
Bradford |
720. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
8313 |
St James |
Tottenham |
721. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
8327 |
St Thomas Aquinas |
Tottenham |
722. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
8330 |
St Antoine Daniel |
Victoria Harbour |
723. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
9404 |
Monsignor J.E. Ronan |
Beeton |
724. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
9406 |
St Dominic’s SS |
Bracebridge |
725. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
9407 |
St Noel Chabanel |
Wasaga Beach |
726. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
3315 |
Holy Rosary Catholic S |
Wyoming |
727. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
3649 |
Sacred Heart Catholic S, Port Lambton |
Port Lambton |
728. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
3732 |
St. Anne Catholic S, Blenheim |
Blenheim |
729. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
4061 |
St. John Fisher Catholic S |
Forest |
730. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
4123 |
St. Joseph Catholic S, Tilbury |
Tilbury |
731. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
4236 |
St. Mary Catholic S. |
Blenheim |
732. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
4297 |
St. Michael Catholic S, Dresden |
Dresden |
733. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
4304 |
St. Michael Catholic S, Ridgetown |
Ridgetown |
734. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
4315 |
St. Michael Catholic S, Bright’s Grove |
Brights Grove |
735. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
4386 |
Good Shepherd Catholic School |
Thamesville |
736. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
4400 |
St. Peter Canisius Catholic S |
Watford |
737. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
4424 |
St. Philip Catholic S |
Petrolia |
738. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
4527 |
St. Vincent Catholic S |
Chatham |
739. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
6387 |
St. Joseph Catholic S, Corunna |
Corunna |
740. |
Sudbury Catholic District School Board |
3550 |
St Paul the Apostle Sep S |
Coniston |
741. |
Sudbury Catholic District School Board |
3766 |
St Christopher Sep S |
Sudbury |
742. |
Sudbury Catholic District School Board |
3844 |
St Charles Sep S |
Chelmsford |
743. |
Sudbury Catholic District School Board |
4212 |
St Mark Sep S |
Markstay |
744. |
Sudbury Catholic District School Board |
4240 |
St Mary Sep S |
Capreol |
745. |
Superior North Catholic District School Board |
3269 |
Holy Angels Sep S |
Schreiber |
746. |
Superior North Catholic District School Board |
3996 |
St Hilary Sep S |
Red Rock |
747. |
Superior North Catholic District School Board |
4230 |
St Martin (Part Perpetual lease to DSB#62) |
Terrace Bay |
748. |
Superior North Catholic District School Board |
10661 |
Saint Edward Catholic School |
Nipigon |
749. |
Superior-Greenstone District School Board |
1632 |
George O’Neill PS |
Nipigon |
750. |
Superior-Greenstone District School Board |
1963 |
Red Rock PS |
Red Rock |
751. |
Superior-Greenstone District School Board |
2089 |
Schreiber PS |
Schreiber |
752. |
Superior-Greenstone District School Board |
2289 |
Terrace Bay PS |
Terrace Bay |
753. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
5 |
A J Baker |
Kintore |
754. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
22 |
Adelaide - W G MacDonald PS |
Strathroy |
755. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
38 |
Aldborough PS |
Rodney |
756. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
192 |
Biddulph Central PS |
Lucan |
757. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
321 |
Caradoc Central PS |
Mt Brydges |
758. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
322 |
Caradoc North PS |
Strathroy |
759. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
323 |
Caradoc South PS |
Melbourne |
760. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
569 |
Delaware Central PS |
Delaware |
761. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
600 |
South Dorchester PS |
Belmont |
762. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
630 |
Drumbo Central PS |
Drumbo |
763. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
654 |
Dunwich-Dutton PS |
Dutton |
764. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
680 |
East Oxford PS |
Woodstock |
765. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
683 |
East Williams Memorial PS |
Ailsa Craig |
766. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
711 |
Ekcoe Central PS |
Glencoe |
767. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
1059 |
Hickson Central PS |
Hickson |
768. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
1148 |
Innerkip Central PS |
Innerkip |
769. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
1348 |
Leesboro Central PS |
Thorndale |
770. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
1381 |
Centennial Central PS |
Arva |
771. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
1398 |
Lucan PS |
Lucan |
772. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
1429 |
Summer’s Corners PS |
Aylmer |
773. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
1500 |
McGillivray Central PS |
Ailsa Craig |
774. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
1535 |
Metcalfe Central PS |
Strathroy |
775. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
1571 |
Mosa Central PS |
Glencoe |
776. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
1656 |
North Norwich PS |
Burgessville |
777. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
1664 |
Northdale Central Sr PS |
Dorchester |
778. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
1677 |
Norwich PS |
Norwich |
779. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
1738 |
Oxbow PS |
Ilderton |
780. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
1758 |
Parkhill-West Williams PS |
Parkhill |
781. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
1770 |
Parkview PS |
Komoka |
782. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
1826 |
Plattsville & District PS |
Plattsville |
783. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
1835 |
Plover Mills PS |
Thorndale |
784. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
1840 |
Port Burwell PS |
Port Burwell |
785. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
1857 |
Prince Andrew PS |
Denfield |
786. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
1890 |
Princeton Central PS |
Princeton |
787. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
1992 |
River Heights PS |
Dorchester |
788. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
2183 |
Otterville Central PS |
Otterville |
789. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
2194 |
Southwold PS |
St. Thomas |
790. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
2203 |
Springfield PS |
Springfield |
791. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
2248 |
Straffordville PS |
Straffordville |
792. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
2280 |
Tavistock PS |
Tavistock |
793. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
2292 |
Thamesford PS |
Thamesford |
794. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
2314 |
Tollgate Central PS |
Woodstock |
795. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
2358 |
Valleyview Central PS |
Ilderton |
796. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
2450 |
West Elgin SS |
West Lorne |
797. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
2459 |
Beachville PS |
Beachville |
798. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
2577 |
Sparta PS |
Sparta |
799. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
2578 |
New Sarum PS |
St. Thomas |
800. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
2589 |
Zorra Highland Park PS |
Embro |
801. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
5309 |
Lord Dorchester SS |
Dorchester |
802. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
5391 |
Glencoe DHS |
Glencoe |
803. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
5517 |
Medway HS |
Arva |
804. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
5548 |
North Middlesex DHS |
Parkhill |
805. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
5557 |
Norwich DHS |
Norwich |
806. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
5886 |
West Elgin Sr PS |
West Lorne |
807. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
9932 |
Sweaburg PS |
Woodstock |
808. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
82 |
Archie Stouffer ES |
Minden |
809. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
190 |
Ridgewood PS |
Coboconk |
810. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
217 |
Bobcaygeon PS |
Bobcaygeon |
811. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
274 |
Riverside PS |
Huntsville |
812. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
325 |
Cardiff ES |
Cardiff |
813. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
618 |
Dr. George Hall PS |
Little Britain |
814. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
651 |
Dunsford Dist ES |
Dunsford |
815. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
714 |
Lady MacKenzie PS |
Kirkfield |
816. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
952 |
Grandview PS |
Bethany |
817. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
1001 |
J Douglas Hodgson ES |
Haliburton |
818. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
1155 |
Irwin Memorial PS |
Dwight |
819. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
1331 |
Langton PS |
Fenelon Falls |
820. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
1428 |
Mariposa ES |
Oakwood |
821. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
1522 |
Glen Orchard /Honey Harbour PS |
Port Carling |
822. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
1569 |
K P Manson PS |
Severn Bridge |
823. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
1597 |
Muskoka Falls/Oakley PS |
Bracebridge |
824. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
1704 |
Lady Eaton ES |
Omemee |
825. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
2026 |
Rolling Hills PS |
Bethany |
826. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
2092 |
Fenelon Twp PS |
Cameron |
827. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
2350 |
V K Greer Memorial PS |
Utterson |
828. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
2379 |
CLC - Haliburton (FormerlyVictoria Street ES) |
Haliburton |
829. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
2433 |
Watt PS |
Utterson |
830. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
2501 |
Wilberforce ES |
Wilberforce |
831. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
2568 |
Woodville ES |
Woodville |
832. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
5361 |
Fenelon Falls SS |
Fenelon Falls |
833. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
5409 |
Haliburton Highland SS |
Haliburton |
834. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
5892 |
Adult Ed. & Trg Centre (Lindsay C & VI Annex-Angeline Street South) |
Lindsay |
835. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
5971 |
Glen Orchard/Honey Harbour PS (Annex Honey Hbr) |
Honey Harbour |
836. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
6372 |
Scott Young PS |
Omemee |
837. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
9548 |
Stuart Baker ES |
Haliburton |
838. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
10386 |
Fenelon Falls Community Learning Centre |
Fenelon Falls |
839. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
50 |
Algonquin Public School |
Brockville |
840. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
65 |
Naismith Memorial PS |
Almonte |
841. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
107 |
Pineview Public School |
Athens |
842. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
113 |
Roxmore PS |
Avonmore |
843. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
160 |
Beckwith PS |
Carleton Place |
844. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
178 |
Benson Public School |
Cardinal |
845. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
182 |
North Stormont PS |
Berwick |
846. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
220 |
Boundary Street Public School |
Prescott |
847. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
312 |
Cambridge PS |
Embrun |
848. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
353 |
Centennial ’67 Public School |
Spencerville |
849. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
376 |
Central Public School |
Prescott |
850. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
398 |
Dixons Corners PS |
Brinston |
851. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
441 |
Chesterville PS |
Chesterville |
852. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
538 |
South Crosby Public School |
Elgin |
853. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
631 |
Drummond Central PS |
Perth |
854. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
707 |
South Edwardsburg PS |
Prescott |
855. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
732 |
Elma PS |
Chesterville |
856. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
737 |
North Elmsley PS |
Perth |
857. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
917 |
Glen Tay PS |
Perth |
858. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1153 |
Iroquois PS |
Iroquois |
859. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1247 |
Kemptville Public School |
Kemptville |
860. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1305 |
Laggan PS |
Dalkeith |
861. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1328 |
S J McLeod PS |
Bainsville |
862. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1378 |
Lombardy Public School |
Lombardy |
863. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1382 |
Longue Sault PS |
Long Sault |
864. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1403 |
Lyn Public School |
Lyn |
865. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1423 |
Maitland Public School |
Maitland |
866. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1431 |
Front of Yonge Public School |
Mallorytown |
867. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1446 |
Maple Grove Public School |
Lanark |
868. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1450 |
Maple Ridge Sr PS |
Chesterville |
869. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1475 |
Martintown PS |
Martintown |
870. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1491 |
Maxville PS |
Maxville |
871. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1492 |
Maynard Public School |
Prescott |
872. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1533 |
Merrickville Public School |
Merrickville |
873. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1568 |
Morrisburg PS |
Morrisburg |
874. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1583 |
Inkerman PS |
Inkerman |
875. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1604 |
Nationview PS |
South Mountain |
876. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1623 |
Rideau Centennial Elementary School |
Portland |
877. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1741 |
Oxford-On-Rideau Public School |
Oxford Mills |
878. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1746 |
Pakenham PS |
Pakenham |
879. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1825 |
Plantagenet PS |
Plantagenet |
880. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1853 |
Pleasant Corners PS |
Vankleek Hill |
881. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
1981 |
Rideau Vista Public School |
Westport |
882. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
2048 |
Rothwell-Osnabruck E S |
Ingleside |
883. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
2191 |
South Branch Elementary School |
Kemptville |
884. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
2270 |
Sweets Corners Elementary School |
Lyndhurst |
885. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
2512 |
Williamstown PS |
Williamstown |
886. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
2528 |
Winchester PS |
Winchester |
887. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
2530 |
Morewood PS |
Morewood |
888. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
2549 |
Wolford Public School |
Merrickville |
889. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
5207 |
Almonte & District High School |
Almonte |
890. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
5215 |
Athens District High School |
Athens |
891. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
5253 |
Char-Lan District High School |
Williamstown |
892. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
5395 |
Glengarry DHS |
Alexandria |
893. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
5441 |
Seaway District HS |
Iroquois |
894. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
5544 |
North Dundas DHS |
Chesterville |
895. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
5546 |
North Grenville District High School |
Kemptville |
896. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
5572 |
Rothwell-Osnabruck DHS |
Ingleside |
897. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
5615 |
Rideau District High School |
Elgin |
898. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
5664 |
South Grenville District High School |
Prescott |
899. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
5691 |
Tagwi Secondary School |
Avonmore |
900. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
5716 |
Vankleek Hill CI |
Vankleek Hill |
901. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
5993 |
North Edwardsburg PS |
Spencerville |
902. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
6340 |
R Tait Mckenzie PS |
Almonte |
903. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
10551 |
Meadowview Public School |
Addison |
904. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
10552 |
Montague Public School (New School) |
Smiths Falls |
905. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
10553 |
Thousand Islands Elementary School |
Lansdowne |
906. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
101 |
Arthur PS |
Arthur |
907. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
361 |
Centennial Hylands E S |
Shelburne |
908. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
411 |
Centre Peel PS |
Drayton |
909. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
627 |
Drayton Heights P.S. |
Drayton |
910. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
739 |
Elora Sr PS |
Elora |
911. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
748 |
Eramosa PS |
Rockwood |
912. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
749 |
Brisbane PS |
Erin |
913. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
750 |
Ross R MacKay PS |
Hillsburgh |
914. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
866 |
East Garafraxa Central PS |
Orton |
915. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
939 |
Hyland Heights E S |
Shelburne |
916. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
949 |
Grand Valley & District PS |
Grand Valley |
917. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
1024 |
Harriston PS |
Harriston |
918. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
1248 |
Kenilworth PS |
Kenilworth |
919. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
1553 |
Minto-Clifford PS |
Harriston |
920. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
1561 |
Maryborough PS |
Moorefield |
921. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
1752 |
Palmerston P.S. |
Palmerston |
922. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
1789 |
Alma PS |
Alma |
923. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
1838 |
Ponsonby PS |
Guelph |
924. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
1856 |
Primrose E S |
Shelburne |
925. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
1899 |
Aberfoyle PS |
Guelph |
926. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
2020 |
Rockwood Centennial PS |
Rockwood |
927. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
2078 |
Salem PS |
Salem |
928. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
5275 |
Centre Dufferin DHS |
Shelburne |
929. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
5353 |
Erin PS |
Erin |
930. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
5531 |
Victoria Cross PS |
Mount Forest |
931. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
5556 |
Norwell DHS |
Palmerston |
932. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
9432 |
Laurelwoods ES |
Orangeville |
933. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
9987 |
Erin DHS (Multi-Use Facility) |
Erin |
934. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
10487 |
Centre Wellington District High School |
Fergus |
935. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
10488 |
Wellington Heights |
Mount Forest |
936. |
Waterloo Catholic District School Board |
4590 |
St Boniface Sep S (Maryhill) |
Maryhill |
937. |
Waterloo Catholic District School Board |
4592 |
St Clement Sep S |
St. Clements |
938. |
Waterloo Catholic District School Board |
4596 |
St Agatha S |
St. Agatha |
939. |
Waterloo Catholic District School Board |
9939 |
St. Brigid |
Ayr |
940. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
115 |
Ayr PS |
Ayr |
941. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
829 |
Floradale PS |
Elmira |
942. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
841 |
Forest Glen PS |
New Hamburg |
943. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
1369 |
Linwood PS |
Linwood |
944. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
1618 |
Grandview PS |
New Hamburg |
945. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
2428 |
Breslau PS |
Breslau |
946. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
2440 |
Wellesley PS |
Wellesley |
947. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
2519 |
New Dundee PS |
New Dundee |
948. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
2570 |
Conestogo PS |
Conestogo |
949. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
2571 |
Three Bridges PS |
St. Jacobs |
950. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
2573 |
St Jacobs PS |
St. Jacobs |
951. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
5732 |
Waterloo-Oxford DSS |
Baden |
952. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
9963 |
Cedar Creek |
Ayr |
953. |
Wellington Catholic District School Board |
4041 |
St John Cath Arth |
Arthur |
954. |
Wellington Catholic District School Board |
4059 |
St John Brebeuf Cath S |
Erin |
955. |
Wellington Catholic District School Board |
4241 |
St Mary Cath MF |
Mount Forest |
956. |
Wellington Catholic District School Board |
4242 |
St Mary Cath Elora |
Elora |
957. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
3084 |
Our Lady of the Annunciation |
Stoney Point |
958. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
4055 |
St John the Baptist Sep S |
Belle River |
959. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
4064 |
St John Sep S |
Woodslee |
960. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
4084 |
St Joseph Sep S |
River Canard |
961. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
4245 |
St Mary’s S |
Maidstone |
962. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
4406 |
St Peter Sep S |
Tecumseh |
963. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
4480 |
St Theresa Sep S |
Harrow |
964. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
4538 |
St William Sep S |
Emeryville |
965. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
4571 |
St Thomas of Villanova SS |
La Salle |
966. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
10565 |
St Anthony |
Harrow |
967. |
York Catholic District School Board |
3500 |
Our Lady of Good Counsel CES |
Sharon |
968. |
York Catholic District School Board |
3638 |
Holy Name CES |
King City |
969. |
York Catholic District School Board |
3759 |
St. Bernadette CES |
Sutton West |
970. |
York Catholic District School Board |
4280 |
St. Mary CES |
Nobleton |
971. |
York Catholic District School Board |
4352 |
St. Patrick (Schomberg) CES |
Schomberg |
972. |
York Region District School Board |
119 |
Ballantrae PS |
Stouffville |
973. |
York Region District School Board |
199 |
Black River PS |
Sutton West |
974. |
York Region District School Board |
984 |
Sharon PS |
Sharon |
975. |
York Region District School Board |
985 |
Queensville PS |
Queensville |
976. |
York Region District School Board |
1258 |
Kettleby PS |
Kettleby |
977. |
York Region District School Board |
1285 |
King City PS |
King City |
978. |
York Region District School Board |
1288 |
Schomberg PS |
Schomberg |
979. |
York Region District School Board |
1289 |
Nobleton Junior PS |
Nobleton |
980. |
York Region District School Board |
1301 |
Kleinburg PS |
Kleinburg |
981. |
York Region District School Board |
1565 |
Morning Glory PS |
Pefferlaw |
982. |
York Region District School Board |
1572 |
Mount Albert PS |
Mount Albert |
983. |
York Region District School Board |
1637 |
Nobleton Sr PS |
Nobleton |
984. |
York Region District School Board |
2267 |
Sutton PS |
Sutton West |
985. |
York Region District School Board |
2490 |
Whitchurch Highlands PS |
Stouffville |
986. |
York Region District School Board |
5689 |
Sutton DHS |
Sutton West |
O. Reg. 152/07, Table 25.