O. Reg. 316/07: DESIGNATION AND CLASSIFICATION OF PROVINCIAL PARKS, Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006, S.O. 2006, c. 12
Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006
Loi de 2006 sur les parcs provinciaux et les réserves de conservation
Historical version for the period March 12, 2010 to April 17, 2011.
Last amendment: O. Reg. 65/10.
This Regulation is made in English only.
Provincial parks
1. The parks named in Column 1 of Table 1 are the provincial parks of Ontario. O. Reg. 316/07, s. 1.
Land set aside
2. A provincial park consists of the land delimited or set aside for it, as described in the Schedule or the section referred to in Column 2 of Table 1 opposite the name of the park in Column 1. O. Reg. 198/08, s. 2.
3. In Table 1,
“Schedule” means the schedule in Appendix A or B to Regulation 821 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1980, as it read on December 31, 1990, that bears the same number as the Schedule referred to in the Table. (For example: The land in Quetico Provincial Park is described in Schedule 6, Appendix A to Regulation 821 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1980 and the legal description for Albany River Provincial Park is found in Schedule 240, Appendix B to that regulation as those schedules read at the end of 1990.)
“section 2” means section 2 of Regulation 951 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 (Designation of Parks) made under the Provincial Parks Act, as that section read on the day before this Regulation comes into force. O. Reg. 316/07, s. 3.
Classification of provincial parks
4. A provincial park is classified in the class, if any, shown in brackets after the name of the park in Column 1 of Table 1. O. Reg. 198/08, s. 3.
Wilderness class parks
5. The following are classified as wilderness class parks:
1. Kesagami Provincial Park.
2. Killarney Provincial Park.
3. Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater Provincial Park.
4. Opasquia Provincial Park.
5. Polar Bear Provincial Park.
6. Quetico Provincial Park.
7. That part of Wabakimi Provincial Park in the geographic Townships of Bertrand, Bulmer, Chevrier, Fletcher, Furlonge, Heathcote, Manion and McLaurin in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay, containing 155,000 hectares more of less, designated as part 7 on a plan known as Wabakimi Provincial Park, filed on June 17, 1997 in the Office of the Surveyor General of Ontario in the Ministry of Natural Resources.
8. Woodland Caribou Provincial Park. O. Reg. 198/08, s. 3.
Column 1 |
Column 2 |
Name of Park |
Land Set Aside |
Aaron Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Abitibi-De-Troyes Provincial Park (Historical Class) |
Section 2 |
Adam Creek Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 202, Appendix B |
Agassiz Peatlands Provincial Park (Nature Reserve Class) |
Section 2 |
Albany River Provincial Park |
Schedule 240, Appendix B |
Albert Lake Mesa Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 168, Appendix B |
Alexander Lake Forest Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Alexander Stewart Provincial Park (Nature Reserve Class) |
Section 2 |
Algoma Headwaters Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Algonquin Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Amable du Fond River Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Arrow Lake Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Arrowhead Peninsula Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 132, Appendix B |
Arrowhead Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Aubinadong-Nushatogaini Rivers Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Aubinadong River Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Aubrey Falls Provincial Park |
Schedule 169, Appendix B |
Awenda Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Balsam Lake Provincial Park |
Schedule 69, Appendix B |
Barron River Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Bass Lake Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Batchawana Provincial Park |
Schedule 107, Appendix B |
Batchawana River Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Bayview Escarpment Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 133, Appendix B |
Beattie Pinery Provincial Park (Nature Reserve Class) |
Section 2 |
Bell Bay Provincial Park |
Schedule 233, Appendix B |
Big East Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Bigwind Lake Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Biscotasi Lake Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Bissett Creek Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Black Creek Provincial Park |
Schedule 241, Appendix B |
Black Sturgeon River Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Blind River Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Blue Jay Creek Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Blue Lake Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Bon Echo Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Bonheur River Kame Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 134, Appendix B |
Bonnechere Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Bonnechere River Provincial Park |
Schedule 217, Appendix B |
Bonnechère River Provincial Park (Waterway Class) Addition |
Section 2 |
Boyne Valley Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Brightsand River Provincial Park |
Schedule 243, Appendix B |
Bronte Creek Provincial Park (Recreation Class) |
Section 2 |
Burnt Lands Provincial Park (Nature Reserve Class) |
Section 2 |
Butler Lake Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 135, Appendix B |
Cabot Head Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 136, Appendix B |
Caliper Lake Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Carson Lake Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Castle Creek Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 137, Appendix B |
Cavern Lake Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 113, Appendix B |
Centennial Lake Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 218, Appendix B |
Chapleau-Nemegosenda River Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Charleston Lake Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Chiniguchi Waterway Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Chutes Provincial Park |
Schedule 78, Appendix B |
Coral Rapids Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 186, Appendix B |
Craig’s Pit Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 170, Appendix B |
Craigleith Provincial Park |
Schedule 59, Appendix B |
Cranberry Lake Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 138, Appendix B |
Daisy Lake Uplands Provincial Park (Nature Reserve Class) |
Section 2 |
Dana-Jowsey Lakes Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Darlington Provincial Park |
Schedule 33, Appendix B |
Devil’s Glen Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Devon Road Mesa Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 187, Appendix B |
Divide Ridge Provincial Park (Nature Reserve Class) |
Section 2 |
Dividing Lake Provincial Park (Nature Reserve Class) |
Section 2 |
Driftwood Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Duclos Point Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 189, Appendix B |
Duncan Escarpment Provincial Nature Reserve |
Section 2 |
Eagle-Dogtooth Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
East English River Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Earl Rowe Provincial Park |
Schedule 53, Appendix B |
East Sister Island Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 118, Appendix B |
Edward Island Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 172, Appendix B |
Egan Chutes Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 245, Appendix B |
Egan Chutes Provincial Park Addition (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Emily Provincial Park |
Schedule 3, Appendix B |
Englehart River Fine Sand Plain and Waterway Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Esker Lakes Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Fairbank Provincial Park |
Schedule 5, Appendix B |
Fawn River Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Ferris Provincial Park |
Schedule 95, Appendix B |
Finlayson Point Provincial Park (Recreation Class) |
In the geographic Township of Strathcona, in the Municipality of Temagami, in the Territorial District of Nipissing, containing 47 hectares, more or less, being composed of Part 1 on a plan known as Finlayson Point Provincial Park (Recreation Class), filed on March 17, 2004, with the Office of the Surveyor General of Ontario in the Ministry of Natural Resources. |
Fish Point Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 141, Appendix B |
Fitzroy Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Five Mile Lake Provincial Park |
Schedule 21, Appendix B |
Forks of the Credit Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Foy Property Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Fraleigh Lake Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 142, Appendix B |
Frederick House Lake Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 143, Appendix B |
French River Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Frontenac Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Fushimi Lake Provincial Park |
Schedule 124, Appendix B |
Gem Lake Maple Bedrock Provincial Park (Nature Reserve Class) |
Section 2 |
Gibson River Provincial Park (Nature Reserve Class) |
Section 2 |
Goose Island Provincial Park (Nature Reserve Class) |
In unsurveyed territory, south of the Township of Watten, in the Territorial District of Rainy River, containing 72 hectares, more or less, being composed of Part 1, on a plan known as Goose Island Provincial Park (Nature Reserve Class), filed on February 6, 2007, with the Office of the Surveyor General of Ontario in the Ministry of Natural Resources. |
Goulais River Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Grant’s Creek Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Grassy River-Mond Lake Lowlands and Ferris Lake Uplands Provincial Park (Nature Reserve Class) |
Section 2 |
Gravel River Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 173, Appendix B |
Greenwater Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Groundhog River Waterway Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Grundy Lake Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Gull River Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Halfway Lake Provincial Park |
Schedule 125, Appendix B |
Halfway Lake Provincial Park Addition (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Hardy Lake Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Hicks-Oke Bog Provincial Nature Reserve |
Section 2 |
Hockley Valley Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 247, Appendix B |
Holland Landing Prairie Provincial Nature Reserve |
Section 2 |
Hope Bay Forest Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 144, Appendix B |
Indian Point Provincial Park |
Schedule 248, Appendix B |
Inverhuron Provincial Park |
Schedule 60, Appendix B |
Ira Lake Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 219, Appendix B |
Ivanhoe Lake Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
J. Albert Bauer Provincial Park |
Schedule 203, Appendix B |
James N. Allan Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Jocko Rivers Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
John E. Pearce Provincial Park |
Schedule 8, Appendix B |
Johnston Harbour-Pine Tree Point Provincial Park |
Schedule 249, Appendix B |
Kabitotikwia River Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 190, Appendix B |
Kaiashk Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 250, Appendix B |
Kakabeka Falls Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Kama Hills Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 191, Appendix B |
Kap-Kig-Iwan Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Kashabowie Provincial Park |
Schedule 192, Appendix B |
Kawartha Highlands Signature Site Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Kenny Forest Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Kesagami Provincial Park |
Schedule 128, Appendix B |
Kettle Lakes Provincial Park |
Schedule 10, Appendix B |
Killarney Lakelands and Headwaters Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Killarney Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Killbear Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Komoka Provincial Park |
Schedule 251, Appendix B |
Kopka River Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
La Cloche Provincial Park |
Schedule 193, Appendix B |
La Motte Lake Provincial Park |
Schedule 253, Appendix B |
Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater Provincial Park |
Schedule 106, Appendix B |
Lake Abitibi Islands Provincial Park (Nature Reserve Class) |
Section 2 |
Lake Nipigon Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Lake of the Woods Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Lake on the Mountain Provincial Picnic Grounds |
Schedule 11, Appendix B |
Lake St. Peter Provincial Park |
Schedule 98, Appendix B |
Lake Superior Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Larder River Waterway Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
LaVerendrye Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Le Pate Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 194, Appendix B |
Lighthouse Point Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 145, Appendix B |
Limestone Islands Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 126, Appendix B |
Lion’s Head Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 146, Appendix B |
Little Abitibi Provincial Park |
Schedule 195, Appendix B |
Little Cove Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 147, Appendix B |
Little Current River Provincial Park |
Schedule 222, Appendix B |
Little Greenwater Lake Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 196, Appendix B |
Little White River Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Livingstone Point Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 148, Appendix B |
Lola Lake Provincial Nature Reserve |
Section 2 |
Long Point Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Lower Madawaska River Provincial Park |
Schedule 223, Appendix B |
Macgregor Point Provincial Park |
Schedule 114, Appendix B |
Macleod Provincial Park |
Schedule 45, Appendix B |
Macmurchy Township End Moraine Provincial Park (Nature Reserve Class) |
Section 2 |
Magnetawan River Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Makobe-Grays River Provincial Park |
Schedule 150, Appendix B |
Manitou Islands Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 235, Appendix B |
Mara Provincial Park |
Schedule 79, Appendix B |
Marks S. Burnham Provincial Park |
Schedule 12, Appendix B |
Marten River Provincial Park |
Schedule 38, Appendix B |
Mashkinonje Provincial Park |
Schedule 46, Appendix B |
Mashkinonje Provincial Park Addition (Recreation Class) |
Section 2 |
Matawatchan Provincial Park |
Schedule 72, Appendix B |
Matawin River Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 174, Appendix B |
Matinenda Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Mattagami River Beach and Aeolian Deposit Provincial Park (Nature Reserve Class) |
Section 2 |
Mattawa River Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Maynard Lake Provincial Nature Reserve |
Section 2 |
McRae Point Provincial Park |
Schedule 100, Appendix B |
Menzel Centennial Provincial Nature Reserve |
Section 2 |
Michipicoten Island Provincial Park |
Schedule 151, Appendix B |
Michipicoten Provincial Park |
Schedule 127, Appendix B |
Mikisew Provincial Park |
Schedule 54, Appendix B |
Minnitaki Kames Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 224, Appendix B |
Misery Bay Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 255, Appendix B |
Missinaibi Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Mississagi Delta Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 152, Appendix B |
Mississagi Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Mississagi River Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Mono Cliffs Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Montreal River Provincial Park |
Schedule 71, Appendix B |
Morris Tract Provincial Nature Reserve |
Section 2 |
Murphys Point Provincial Park |
Schedule 68, Appendix B |
Nagagami Lake Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 154, Appendix B |
Nagagamisis Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Nakina Moraine Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Neys Provincial Park |
Schedule 56, Appendix B |
Neys Provincial Park Addition |
Section 2 |
Nimoosh Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Noganosh Lake Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Noisy River Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 256, Appendix B |
North Beach Provincial Park |
Schedule 83, Appendix B |
North Channel Inshore Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
North Driftwood River Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 175, Appendix B |
Nottawasaga Lookout Provincial Nature Reserve |
Section 2 |
O’Donnell Point Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 176, Appendix B |
Oastler Lake Provincial Park |
Schedule 63, Appendix B |
Obabika River Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Obatanga Provincial Park |
Schedule 64, Appendix B |
Obonga-Ottertooth Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Ogoki River Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Ojibway Prairie Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 121, Appendix B |
Ojibway Provincial Park |
Schedule 47, Appendix B |
Opasquia Provincial Park |
Schedule 129, Appendix B |
Opeongo River Provincial Park |
Schedule 197, Appendix B |
Otoskwin-Attawapiskat River Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Ottawa River Provincial Park |
Schedule 257, Appendix B |
Ouimet Canyon Provincial Park |
Schedule 103, Appendix B |
Oxtongue River-Ragged Falls Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Pakwash Provincial Park |
Schedule 65, Appendix B |
Pancake Bay Provincial Park (Recreation Class) |
Section 2 |
Pan Lake Fen Provincial Park (Nature Reserve Class) |
Section 2 |
Pantagruel Creek Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 226, Appendix B |
Petawawa Terrace Provincial Park (Nature Reserve Class) |
Section 2 |
Peter’s Woods Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 119, Appendix B |
Petroglyphs Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Pichogen River Mixed Forest Provincial Park (Nature Reserve Class) |
Section 2 |
Pigeon River Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Pipestone River Provincial Park |
Schedule 237, Appendix B |
Point Farms Provincial Park |
Schedule 82, Appendix B |
Pokei Lake/White River Wetlands Provincial Park (Nature Reserve Class) |
Section 2 |
Polar Bear Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Porphyry Island Provincial Park |
Schedule 73, Appendix B |
Port Bruce Provincial Park |
Schedule 112, Appendix B |
Port Burwell Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Potholes Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 155, Appendix B |
Prairie River Mouth Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 208, Appendix B |
Presqu’ile Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
In the geographic Township of Cramahe, now in the Municipality of Brighton, in the County of Northumberland, containing 982 hectares, more or less, being composed of Parts 1 to 4, both inclusive, on a plan known as Presqu’ile Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class), filed on February 6, 2007, with the Office of the Surveyor General of Ontario in the Ministry of Natural Resources. |
Pretty River Valley Provincial Park |
Schedule 156, Appendix B |
Puff Island Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 177, Appendix B |
Pukaskwa River Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Pushkin Hills Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 198, Appendix B |
Puzzle Lake Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Quackenbush Provincial Park |
Schedule 178, Appendix B |
Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Quetico Provincial Park |
Schedule 6, Appendix A |
Rainbow Falls Provincial Park |
Schedule 49, Appendix B |
Red Sucker Point Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 199, Appendix B |
René Brunelle Provincial Park |
Schedule 14, Appendix B |
Restoule Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Rideau River Provincial Park |
Schedule 51, Appendix B |
River Aux Sables Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Rock Point Provincial Park |
Schedule 15, Appendix B |
Rondeau Provincial Park |
Schedule 7, Appendix A |
Round Lake Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 227, Appendix B |
Ruby Lake Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Rushbrook Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Rushing River Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Sable Islands Provincial Park (Nature Reserve Class) |
Section 2 |
Samuel de Champlain Provincial Park |
Schedule 66, Appendix B |
Sandbanks Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Sandbar Lake Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Sandpoint Island Provincial Park |
Schedule 209, Appendix B |
Sandy Islands Provincial Park (Nature Reserve Class) |
Section 2 |
Sauble Falls Provincial Park |
Schedule 99, Appendix B |
Schreiber Channel Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 123, Appendix B |
Sedgman Lake Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 179, Appendix B |
Selkirk Provincial Park |
Schedule 67, Appendix B |
Serpent Mounds Provincial Park |
Schedule 16, Appendix B |
Severn River Provincial Park |
Schedule 258, Appendix B |
Sextant Rapids Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 158, Appendix B |
Shallow River Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 180, Appendix B |
Sharbot Lake Provincial Park (Recreation Class) |
Section 2 |
Shesheeb Bay Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 210, Appendix B |
Short Hills Provincial Park |
Schedule 159, Appendix B |
Sibbald Point Provincial Park |
Schedule 24, Appendix B |
Silent Lake Provincial Park |
Schedule 122, Appendix B |
Silent Lake Provincial Park Addition |
Section 2 |
Silver Falls Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Silver Lake Provincial Park |
Schedule 25, Appendix B |
Sioux Narrows Provincial Camp and Picnic Grounds |
Schedule 17, Appendix B |
Six Mile Lake Provincial Park (Recreation Class) |
Section 2 |
Slate Islands Provincial Park |
Schedule 160, Appendix B |
Sleeping Giant Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Smokey Head/White Bluff Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 161, Appendix B |
Solace Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 228, Appendix B |
South Bay Provincial Park |
Schedule 211, Appendix B |
Spanish River Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Springwater Provincial Park (Recreation Class) |
In the geographic Township of Vespra, in the Municipal Township of Springwater, County of Simcoe, containing 193 hectares, more or less, being composed of Part 1, on a plan known as Springwater Provincial Park (Recreation Class), filed on March 12, 2007, with the Office of the Surveyor General of Ontario in the Ministry of Natural Resources. |
Spruce Islands Provincial Park (Nature Reserve Class) |
Section 2 |
Steel River Provincial Park |
Schedule 229, Appendix B |
Stoco Fen Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 212, Appendix B |
St. Raphael Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Sturgeon Bay Provincial Park |
Schedule 41, Appendix B |
Sturgeon River Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Temagami River Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Thackeray Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 163, Appendix B |
The Massasauga Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
The Pinery Provincial Park |
Schedule 18, Appendix B |
The Shoals Provincial Park |
Schedule 86, Appendix B |
Thompson Island Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 182, Appendix B |
Tide Lake Provincial Nature Reserve |
Section 2 |
Tidewater Provincial Park |
Schedule 87, Appendix B |
Timber Island Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 164, Appendix B |
Trillium Woods Provincial Park |
Schedule 76, Appendix B |
Trout Lake Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 238, Appendix B |
Turkey Point Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Turtle River-White Otter Lake Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Upper Madawaska River Provincial Park |
Schedule 259, Appendix B |
Voyageur Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
W.J.B. Greenwood Provincial Park |
Schedule 215, Appendix B |
Wabakimi Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Wakami Lake Provincial Park |
Schedule 104, Appendix B |
Wakami Lake Provincial Park Addition (Nature Reserve Class) |
Section 2 |
Wanapitei Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Wasaga Beach Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Waubaushene Beaches Provincial Park |
Schedule 77, Appendix B |
Wenebegon River Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
West Bay Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 165, Appendix B |
West English River Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
West Montreal River Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
West Sandy Island Provincial Nature Reserve |
Section 2 |
Westmeath Provincial Park |
Schedule 213, Appendix B |
Wheatley Provincial Park |
Schedule 101, Appendix B |
White Lake Peatlands Provincial Nature Reserve |
Section 2 |
White Lake Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Whitesand Provincial Park (Waterway Class) |
Section 2 |
Widdifield Forest Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Wildgoose Outwash Deposit Provincial Park (Nature Reserve Class) |
Section 2 |
Williams Island Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 200, Appendix B |
Windigo Bay Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 239, Appendix B |
Windigo Point Provincial Nature Reserve |
Schedule 232, Appendix B |
Windy Lake Provincial Park |
Schedule 31, Appendix B |
Winisk River Provincial Park |
Section 2 |
Winnange Lake Provincial Park |
Schedule 201, Appendix B |
Wolf Island Provincial Park |
Schedule 214, Appendix B |
Woman River Forest Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) |
Section 2 |
Woodland Caribou Provincial Park |
Schedule 131, Appendix B |
O. Reg. 316/07, Table 1; O. Reg. 197/08, s. 2; O. Reg. 198/08, s. 4; O. Reg. 65/10, s. 1.