O. Reg. 223/10: LABOUR MOBILITY, Trades Qualification and Apprenticeship Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. T.17
Trades Qualification and Apprenticeship Act
Note: This Regulation became spent on April 8, 2013.
Note: This Regulation was revoked on April 16, 2013. (See: O. Reg. 136/13, ss. 1, 2)
Last amendment: O. Reg. 136/13.
This is the English version of a bilingual regulation.
Equivalent trades in Quebec
1. (1) The Province of Quebec is prescribed for the purposes of clause 17 (3) (b) of the Act. O. Reg. 223/10, s. 1 (1).
(2) A trade known in Quebec under the English and French trade names set out in Column 1 of the Schedule to this Regulation is prescribed for the purposes of clause 17 (3) (b) of the Act. O. Reg. 223/10, s. 1 (2).
(3) For the purposes of subsection 17 (3) of the Act,
(a) an Ontario trade and a Quebec trade listed opposite one another in Columns 1 and 2 of the Schedule to this Regulation are deemed to be the same trade; and
(b) the Director shall, subject to the requirements of subsection 17 (3) of the Act being met, issue a certificate of qualification for a trade mentioned in Column 2 of the Schedule to the holder of an equivalent document issued in Quebec for the same trade known in Quebec under the name set out opposite in Column 1 of the Schedule. O. Reg. 223/10, s. 1 (3).
2. Omitted (provides for coming into force of provisions of this Regulation). O. Reg. 223/10, s. 2.
Item |
Column 1 |
Column 2 |
Quebec Trade Name |
Ontario Trade Name | |
1. |
Monteur-mécanicien (vitrier)/Erector-mechanic (glazier) |
Architectural glass and metal technician/Technicien du verre et du métal architecturaux |
2. |
Briqueteur-maçon/Bricklayer-mason |
Brick and stone mason/Briqueteur-maçon |
3. |
Chaudronnier/Boilermaker |
Construction boilermaker/Chaudronnier de construction |
4. |
Mécanicien de chantier/Millwright |
Construction Millwright/Mécanicien-monteur de construction |
5. |
Poseur de systèmes intérieurs/Interior systems installer |
Drywall, acoustic and lathing applicator/Poseur de panneaux muraux secs, de carreaux acoustiques et de lattes |
6. |
Plâtrier/Plasterer |
Drywall finisher and plasterer/Jointoyeur et plâtrier |
7. |
Poseur de revêtements souples/Resilient flooring layer |
Floor covering installer/Installateur de revêtements de sol |
8. |
Charpentier-menuisier/Carpenter-joiner |
General carpenter/Charpentier-menuisier général |
9. |
Monteur d’acier de structure/Structural steel erector |
Ironworker and reinforcing rodworker Branch 1 (ironworker—generalist)/Monteur de charpentes métalliques et de barres d’armature, catégorie 1 (monteur de charpentes métalliques (généraliste)) |
10. |
Serrurier de bâtiment/Ornamental ironworker |
Ironworker and reinforcing rodworker Branch 2 (ironworker—structural and ornamental)/Monteur de charpentes métalliques et de barres d’armature, catégorie 2 (monteur de charpentes métalliques (structurales et ornamentales)) |
11. |
Peintre/Painter |
Painter and decorator Branch 1 (commercial and residential)/Peintre-décorateur, catégorie 1 (secteurs commercial et résidentiel) |
12. |
Ferrailleur/Reinforced steel erector |
Ironworker and reinforcing rodworker Branch 3 (reinforcing rodworker)/Monteur de charpentes métalliques et de barres d’armature, catégorie 3 (monteur de barres d’armature) |
13. |
Couvreur/Roofer |
Roofer/Couvreur |
14. |
Mécanicien en protection—incendie ou tuyauteur—spécialité de poseur de gicleurs/Pipe-fitter—specialty of the fire protection mechanic or pipefitter—specialty of the sprinkler installer |
Sprinkler and fire protection installer/Installateur de systèmes de protection contre les incendies |
15. |
Carreleur/Tile setter |
Terrazzo, tile and marble setter/Poseur de carrelage |
O. Reg. 223/10, Sched.