O. Reg. 423/11: PAYMENTS IN LIEU (SECTION 92 OF THE ACT) RE GENERATING AND TRANSFORMER STATIONS, Under: Electricity Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, c. 15, Sched. A
Today, February 7, 2025, current consolidated laws on e-Laws are current (up-to-date) to December 31, 2024 (e-Laws currency date).
Consolidation Period: From January 1, 2013 to the e-Laws currency date.
Last amendment: O. Reg. 423/11.
This Regulation is made in English only.
Prescribed amounts re generating station buildings or structures | |
Prescribed amounts re transformer station buildings or structures | |
Returns | |
Payments by Ontario Power Generation Inc. | |
Payments by Hydro One Inc. | |
Payments by municipal electricity utilities | |
Minimum amount of all payments | |
Interest on overdue payments | |
Penalty on overdue payments | |
Generating stations – ontario power generation inc. and subsidiaries (2011 and subsequent taxation years) | |
Generating stations – municipal electricity utilities (2011 and subsequent taxation years) | |
Transformer stations – ontario power generation inc. and subsidiaries (2011 and subsequent taxation years) | |
Transformer stations – hydro one inc. and subsidiaries (2011 and subsequent taxation years) | |
Transformer stations – certain municipal electricity utilities (2011 and subsequent taxation years) | |
Transformer stations – toronto hydro corporation (2011 and subsequent taxation years) |
Determining Assessed Value
(Clause 92 (1) (a) of the Act)
Prescribed amounts re generating station buildings or structures
1. For 2011 and subsequent taxation years, the following amounts are prescribed for the purposes of clause 92 (1) (a) of the Act with respect to the determination of the assessed value of the land on which are situated generating station buildings or structures:
1. For generating station buildings or structures owned by Ontario Power Generation Inc. or any of its subsidiaries, the amount set out in Table 1 opposite the roll number and subordinate roll number for the property on which they are located.
2. For generating station buildings or structures owned by a municipal electricity utility, the amount set out in Table 2 opposite the roll number and subordinate roll number for the property on which they are located. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 1.
Prescribed amounts re transformer station buildings or structures
2. For 2011 and subsequent taxation years, the following amounts are prescribed for the purposes of clause 92 (1) (a) of the Act with respect to the determination of the assessed value of the land on which are situated transformer station buildings or structures:
1. For transformer station buildings or structures owned by Ontario Power Generation Inc. or any of its subsidiaries, the amount set out in Table 3 opposite the roll number and subordinate roll number for the property on which they are located.
2. For transformer station buildings or structures owned by Hydro One Inc. or any of its subsidiaries, the amount set out in Table 4 opposite the roll number and subordinate roll number for the property on which they are located.
3. For transformer station buildings or structures owned by a municipal electricity utility other than Toronto Hydro Corporation, the amount set out in Table 5 opposite the roll number and subordinate roll number for the property on which they are located.
4. For transformer station buildings or structures owned by Toronto Hydro Corporation, the amount set out in Table 6 opposite the roll number and subordinate roll number for the property on which they are located. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 2.
3. Revoked: O. Reg. 423/11, s. 14.
4. (1) For 2011 and subsequent taxation years, the following entities shall file a return with the Minister of Revenue on or before October 16 of the year:
1. Ontario Power Generation Inc. and each of its subsidiaries.
2. Hydro One Inc. and each of its subsidiaries.
3. Every municipal electricity utility. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 4 (1).
(2) The return must include the following information and documents with respect to the properties owned by the entity on which it is liable to make payments under subsection 92 (1) of the Act:
1. A copy of the municipal tax bill for each of the properties for the year and a copy of any notices for the payment of taxes given with respect to assessments under section 33 or 34 of the Assessment Act in the 12 months before the return is filed.
2. If a property is in unorganized territory within the jurisdiction of a school board,
i. for taxation years before 2009, a copy of the final notice issued by the school board under subsection 257.7 (1) of the Education Act for the property for the year and any notices for the payment of school taxes given with respect to assessments under section 33 or 34 of the Assessment Act in the 12 months before the filing of the return, and
ii. for 2009 and subsequent taxation years, a copy of the tax bill issued by the Minister under section 6 of the Provincial Land Tax Act, 2006 for the property for the year and any notices for the payment of school taxes given with respect to assessments under section 33 or 34 of the Assessment Act in the 12 months before the filing of the return.
3. An itemized account of the amounts payable under subsection 92 (1) of the Act for each of the properties, including,
i. the roll number and subordinate roll number for the property,
ii. the inside ground floor area of each building or structure on the property, in square metres,
iii. the amount payable under clause 92 (1) (a) of the Act for the property,
iv. the amount payable under clause 92 (1) (b) of the Act for the property, and
v. the total amount payable under subsection 92 (1) of the Act for the property.
4. The aggregate amount payable under subsection 92 (1) of the Act for all of the properties. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 4 (2).
(3) Ontario Power Generation Inc. is permitted to file a consolidated return for itself and on behalf of its subsidiaries and, if it does so, the properties owned by the subsidiaries are deemed, for the purposes of this section, to be owned by Ontario Power Generation Inc. and to be properties on which it is liable to make payments under subsection 92 (1) of the Act. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 4 (3).
(4) Hydro One Inc. is permitted to file a consolidated return for itself and on behalf of its subsidiaries and, if it does so, the properties owned by the subsidiaries are deemed, for the purposes of this section, to be owned by Hydro One Inc. and to be properties on which it is liable to make payments under subsection 92 (1) of the Act. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 4 (4).
(5) In this section,
“municipal tax bill” means, in relation to a property, the tax bill issued for a particular year under section 343 of the Municipal Act, 2001 by a local municipality or under section 307 or 308 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006 by the City of Toronto. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 4 (5).
5. Revoked: O. Reg. 423/11, s. 14.
Payments by Ontario Power Generation Inc.
6. (1) For 2011 and subsequent taxation years, Ontario Power Generation Inc. or its subsidiary, as the case may be, shall make monthly payments to the Financial Corporation with respect to its liability under subsection 92 (1) of the Act for each property it owns that has a roll number set out in Table 1 or 3. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 6 (1).
(2) Payments with respect to each property must be made on or before the 16th day of the month and,
(a) the amount of each payment to be made in the first nine months of a year must be 1/12 of the total amount paid with respect to the property for the preceding year; and
(b) the amount of each payment to be made in the remaining three months of the year must be 1/3 of the difference between the total amount payable for the year under subsection 92 (1) of the Act with respect to the property and the sum of the amounts paid in the first nine months of the year under clause (a). O. Reg. 423/11, s. 6 (2).
(3) If Ontario Power Generation Inc. or a subsidiary, as the case may be, acquires a property on or after January 1 but before October 16 in a year, the amount payable under subsection 92 (1) of the Act for that year shall be paid in three equal instalments on or before October 16, November 16 and December 16 of that year. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 6 (3).
(4) If Ontario Power Generation Inc. or a subsidiary, as the case may be, acquires a property on or after October 16 in a year, the amount payable under subsection 92 (1) of the Act for that year shall be included in the first payment made under subsection (1) in the following year. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 6 (4).
(5) If subsection (4) applies, the monthly payment with respect to the property for the subsequent year shall be determined as if the property had been owned by Ontario Power Generation Inc. or the subsidiary for the entire year in which the property was acquired. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 6 (5).
(6) If Ontario Power Generation Inc. or a subsidiary disposed of a property after January 1 of a year, the payments made under clause (2) (a) or (b) may be adjusted to eliminate any payment made in respect of the property commencing in the month after the disposition of the property. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 6 (6).
(7) If subsection (6) applies, the monthly payments for a subsequent year shall be determined as if the property had not been owned by Ontario Power Generation Inc. or the subsidiary for the entire year in which the property was disposed of. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 6 (7).
(8) Ontario Power Generation Inc. is permitted to make consolidated payments under this section for itself and on behalf of its subsidiaries with respect to their liabilities under subsection 92 (1) of the Act. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 6 (8).
Payments by Hydro One Inc.
7. (1) For 2011 and subsequent taxation years, Hydro One Inc. or its subsidiary, as the case may be, shall make two payments to the Financial Corporation with respect to its liability under subsection 92 (1) of the Act for each property it owns that has a roll number set out in Table 1 or 3. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 7 (1).
(2) An interim payment with respect to each property must be made on or before April 16, and the amount of the interim payment is 50 per cent of the total amount paid with respect to the property for the preceding year. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 7 (2).
(3) A final payment with respect to each property must be made on or before October 16, and the amount of the final payment is the difference between the amount of the interim payment, if any, and the amount payable for the year under subsection 92 (1) of the Act with respect to the property. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 7 (3).
(4) If Hydro One Inc. or the subsidiary, as the case may be, acquires a property whose roll number is set out in any of the Tables and the property is acquired on or after January 1 but before October 16, the following rules apply:
1. The amount payable under subsection 92 (1) for the year must be paid on or before October 16.
2. The interim payment with respect to the property for the subsequent year is 50 per cent of the amount that would have been payable for the year in which the property was acquired, had subsection 92 (1) of the Act applied to the property for the full year. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 7 (4).
(5) If Hydro One Inc. or the subsidiary, as the case may be, acquires a property on or after October 16 in a year, the amount payable under subsection 92 (1) of the Act for the year must be included in the interim payment to be made in the following year. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 7 (5).
(6) Hydro One Inc. is permitted to make consolidated payments under this section for itself and on behalf of its subsidiaries with respect to their liabilities under subsection 92 (1) of the Act. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 7 (6).
8. Revoked: O. Reg. 423/11, s. 14.
Payments by municipal electricity utilities
9. (1) For 2011 and subsequent taxation years, each municipal electricity utility shall make two payments to the Financial Corporation with respect to its liability under subsection 92 (1) of the Act for each property it owns that has a roll number set out in Table 2, 4, 5 or 6. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 9 (1).
(2) Subsections 7 (2), (3), (4) and (5) apply, with necessary modifications, with respect to the payments to be made by each municipal electricity utility. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 9 (2).
10. Revoked: O. Reg. 423/11, s. 14.
Minimum amount of all payments
11. (1) Despite sections 6, 7 and 9, if the total amount determined to be payable under subsection 92 (1) of the Act by an entity for a year with respect to all of its properties referred to in Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 is less than $50, no payment shall be made and, if that amount is less than $100, payment shall be made with the filing of the return under section 4. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 11 (1).
(2) If either Ontario Power Generation Inc. or Hydro One Inc. makes consolidated payments under section 6 or 7 for itself and on behalf of its subsidiaries, the amounts referred to in subsection (1) apply with respect to the total amount of the consolidated payments. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 11 (2).
(3), (4) Revoked: O. Reg. 423/11, s. 14.
Interest on overdue payments
12. (1) Interest is payable on any amount that is not paid when it is due. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 12 (1).
(2) The amount of the interest is determined at the same rate and in the same manner as interest on overdue amounts under the Corporations Tax Act. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 12 (2).
(3) If the amount prescribed for the purposes of clause 92 (1) (a) of the Act changes after the return or an amended return for the year has been filed or if no return is filed, interest is payable on any refund that becomes payable as a result of the change in the prescribed amount, and the interest is payable for the period from the date of the overpayment to the Financial Corporation and is determined at the rates determined for overpayments under the Corporations Tax Act. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 12 (3).
Penalty on overdue payments
13. (1) A penalty is payable with respect to any amount that is not paid when it is due. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 13 (1).
(2) The amount of the penalty is $6 or 5 per cent of the amount due, whichever is greater. O. Reg. 423/11, s. 13 (2).
14. Omitted (provides for amendments to this Regulation). O. Reg. 423/11, s. 14.
15. Omitted (revokes other Regulations). O. Reg. 423/11, s. 15.
16. Omitted (provides for coming into force of provisions of this Regulation). O. Reg. 423/11, s. 16.
Roll Number |
Subordinate Roll Number |
Municipality |
Amount in Dollars per Square Metre |
040206000908900 |
9802 |
Cornwall C |
49,107.21 |
064202083505800 |
9801 |
West Carleton Tp |
25,983.22 |
071471401517400 |
9801 |
Merrickville-Woolford V |
1,944.29 |
094000303034900 |
9801 |
Lanark Highlands Tp |
1,612.75 |
112119002006100 |
9802 |
Greater Napanee T |
585.24 |
120421108503700 |
9801 |
Quinte West C |
2,960.04 |
120430108022000 |
9801 |
Quinte West C |
1,901.77 |
120441402521800 |
9801 |
Quinte West C |
2,526.58 |
143500008010600 |
9801 |
Campbellford-Seymour T |
4,360.78 |
143503402013401 |
9801 |
Campbellford-Seymour T |
3,309.18 |
143503403013200 |
9801 |
Campbellford-Seymour T |
7,925.25 |
143503404010500 |
9801 |
Campbellford-Seymour T |
6,493.49 |
143503406017800 |
9801 |
Campbellford-Seymour T |
5,309.84 |
151405011009800 |
9801 |
Peterborough C |
2,431.02 |
152400000300100 |
0000 |
Lakefield V |
3,288.43 |
180102002206800 |
9804 |
Pickering T |
734.40 |
181701002009700 |
9803 |
Clarington T |
1,414.92 |
210507099800200 |
9802 |
Mississauga C |
789.69 |
262702002315600 |
9802 |
Niagara-on-the-Lake T |
19,664.45 |
262902000110802 |
9801 |
St. Catharines C |
3,154.03 |
262902000111300 |
9801 |
St. Catharines C |
57,004.99 |
272503000220600 |
9801 |
Niagara Falls C |
4,181.19 |
272510000100100 |
9803 |
Niagara Falls C |
62,932.52 |
283302000118900 |
9802 |
Nanticoke C |
803.50 |
382200002020002 |
9802 |
Moore Tp |
670.89 |
410826000423401 |
9801 |
Bruce Tp |
944.90 |
410826000423403 |
9801 |
Bruce Tp |
2,777.83 |
421800000608800 |
9801 |
Artemesia Tp |
3,785.61 |
441802000100800 |
9801 |
Bracebridge T |
3,093.31 |
441805000909200 |
9801 |
Bracebridge T |
6,630.40 |
441805001001700 |
9802 |
Bracebridge T |
4,104.25 |
445306001103500 |
9801 |
Muskoka Lakes Tp |
8,344.10 |
446502002000200 |
9801 |
Georgian Bay Tp |
11,664.51 |
446503002108701 |
0000 |
Georgian Bay Tp |
9,753.20 |
470100101504600 |
9801 |
McNab-Braeside Tp |
39,363.20 |
470200006500800 |
9802 |
Arnprior T |
40,528.44 |
470600601073000 |
9801 |
Bagot-Blythfield-Brougham Tp |
5,102.50 |
470600601073500 |
9801 |
Bagot-Blythfield-Brougham Tp |
42,532.78 |
470600902002400 |
9801 |
Bagot-Blythfield-Brougham Tp |
72,034.03 |
474600001034700 |
9802 |
Horton Tp |
23,444.74 |
479200001001800 |
9802 |
Rolph, Buchanan, Wylie and McKay Tp |
49,867.73 |
481900000161300 |
9802 |
Mattawan Tp |
28,155.83 |
485218000100755 |
9801 |
West Nipissing T |
22,397.69 |
495900000116800 |
9803 |
Himsworth South Tp |
6,706.88 |
496400000405300 |
9801 |
Powassan T |
2,846.14 |
497100000310200 |
9801 |
Nipissing Tp |
2,899.27 |
520227000200100 |
9801 |
Sudbury Locality Education |
1,960.17 |
530104000111600 |
9801 |
Nickel Centre T |
2,954.48 |
530104000216001 |
9802 |
Nickel Centre T |
6,583.03 |
545601000002400 |
9801 |
Matachewan Tp |
2,070.01 |
549001000008800 |
0000 |
Timiskaming Locality Education |
5,997.92 |
549001000011500 |
9801 |
Timiskaming Locality Education |
63,653.66 |
549001000048800 |
9802 |
Timiskaming Locality Education |
1,867.73 |
562701002009401 |
0000 |
Timmins C |
5,843.44 |
562701009234800 |
9801 |
Timmins C |
1,588.73 |
572400001205900 |
0000 |
Huron Shores Tp |
33,338.68 |
573614000102000 |
0000 |
Central Algoma Locality Education |
86,369.28 |
580404017330900 |
9801 |
Thunder Bay C |
1,083.05 |
580824000105901 |
9801 |
Oliver and Paipoonge Tp |
3,828.84 |
581001000111600 |
0000 |
Nipigon Red Rock Locality Education |
8,050.04 |
585400000317901 |
9802 |
Terrace Bay Tp |
7,809.59 |
590100000845400 |
9802 |
Atikokan Tp |
663.89 |
604200000102400 |
9801 |
Ear Falls |
7,506.01 |
609500000201400 |
0000 |
Red Lake Locality |
28,101.38 |
O. Reg. 423/11, Table 1.
Roll Number |
Subordinate Roll Number |
Municipality |
Amount in Dollars per Square Metre |
126200001001803 |
9801 |
Bancroft T |
1,402.52 |
143503406021200 |
9802 |
Campbellford-Seymour T |
6,114.66 |
473900001000800 |
9802 |
Eganville V |
1,233.21 |
474800008016200 |
9801 |
Renfrew T |
410.79 |
474800008016500 |
9801 |
Renfrew T |
1,584.92 |
493203000412500 |
9801 |
Parry Sound T |
1,771.80 |
O. Reg. 423/11, Table 2.
Roll Number |
Subordinate Roll Number |
Amount in Dollars per Square Metre |
020900700307550 |
0000 |
3,150.17 |
040600101596000 |
9801 |
395.04 |
112119002006200 |
0000 |
7,526.88 |
272504000216000 |
9802 |
20,882.15 |
272511000108700 |
9801 |
1,583.39 |
O. Reg. 423/11, Table 3.
Roll Number |
Subordinate Roll Number |
Amount in Dollars per Square Metre |
010100601626590 |
9801 |
4,659.50 |
010100602125000 |
0000 |
6,782.46 |
010100602146550 |
0000 |
3,548.39 |
010100602341000 |
0000 |
1,687.34 |
011101100023001 |
0000 |
2,186.38 |
011101100447500 |
9801 |
2,634.41 |
011101101547000 |
0000 |
3,118.28 |
011101400071600 |
0000 |
5,720.43 |
011101400178000 |
0000 |
1,587.30 |
011101600289000 |
9801 |
1,594.98 |
011101600921500 |
9801 |
2,553.76 |
011101800071000 |
9801 |
3,978.49 |
011101800076520 |
9801 |
4,301.08 |
011101800076615 |
9802 |
778.33 |
020100000507050 |
9801 |
6,496.42 |
020806000201350 |
0000 |
7,331.38 |
020900600500920 |
0000 |
1,272.40 |
020900700106300 |
0000 |
4,910.39 |
020900700201350 |
9802 |
648.48 |
020900700304801 |
0000 |
020903000103925 |
9801 |
1,433.69 |
021200101010650 |
0000 |
6,485.22 |
021201201000750 |
9801 |
414.80 |
021202601701100 |
0000 |
6,674.08 |
023102000602210 |
0000 |
4,469.09 |
030200000138200 |
0000 |
9,912.63 |
030600003111800 |
9801 |
4,569.89 |
031601600404701 |
0000 |
4,905.91 |
031601602201390 |
9801 |
8,154.12 |
031601602303500 |
9801 |
5,506.68 |
031601602306900 |
9801 |
6,115.59 |
040206000913200 |
9803 |
418.60 |
040600100548900 |
0000 |
6,350.81 |
040600101465300 |
9801 |
4,480.29 |
041100900355000 |
0000 |
5,034.21 |
041101600456200 |
0000 |
931.90 |
050600100367800 |
0000 |
6,374.81 |
050600600291000 |
9801 |
689.81 |
050600600650800 |
0000 |
2,990.59 |
051101100514000 |
0000 |
3,020.99 |
051101600761500 |
9801 |
899.05 |
051101800007200 |
9801 |
8,164.08 |
051101900366500 |
9801 |
3,422.94 |
061402060141000 |
9801 |
1,416.25 |
061406300109200 |
9802 |
1,051.93 |
061407370159200 |
9801 |
1,439.98 |
061409510139801 |
9802 |
1,252.14 |
061410560235200 |
9801 |
2,116.66 |
061411650601600 |
9801 |
3,226.15 |
061412061000101 |
9801 |
2,030.44 |
061412085009705 |
9801 |
24,372.76 |
061418282500100 |
9801 |
9,856.63 |
061427181011300 |
9801 |
5,913.98 |
061427183016602 |
9801 |
6,182.80 |
061430081610100 |
9802 |
17,428.56 |
061442181504001 |
9801 |
5,824.37 |
061442181508901 |
9801 |
6,093.19 |
061442282001600 |
9801 |
1,083.60 |
061442282014100 |
9801 |
6,182.80 |
061442381513600 |
9801 |
11,290.32 |
061442381513601 |
9801 |
16,617.79 |
061450020125704 |
9801 |
9,356.24 |
061450030105700 |
9801 |
4,390.68 |
061450040150501 |
9801 |
061450050131601 |
9801 |
6,810.04 |
061460007006200 |
9801 |
17,595.31 |
061460008002100 |
9801 |
773.69 |
061460010015001 |
9801 |
6,678.69 |
061470001524001 |
9801 |
16,685.21 |
061470004023803 |
9801 |
9,498.21 |
061470005067602 |
9801 |
10,215.05 |
061470005511001 |
9801 |
14,907.14 |
061470006522101 |
9801 |
31,280.55 |
070170101510300 |
9801 |
5,624.48 |
070170104016801 |
0000 |
3,566.31 |
070600001510800 |
9801 |
3,606.29 |
070600003510403 |
0000 |
4,390.68 |
070600004011900 |
9801 |
2,944.58 |
071471401019801 |
9801 |
3,919.53 |
071471401507201 |
9801 |
3,172.04 |
071971602001400 |
0000 |
12,737.80 |
071971604035401 |
9801 |
10,752.69 |
071971901019700 |
9801 |
2,204.30 |
071971901501600 |
9801 |
3,261.65 |
071971901516405 |
9801 |
516.13 |
071971901520702 |
9801 |
3,010.75 |
080100001019700 |
9801 |
3,473.95 |
080100001508201 |
9801 |
2,315.96 |
080100003015501 |
0000 |
3,763.44 |
080182402908513 |
0000 |
4,480.29 |
080201003046200 |
9801 |
10,233.59 |
080202003502300 |
9801 |
1,111.11 |
080202004527000 |
9801 |
307.22 |
080203006011000 |
9801 |
2,195.34 |
080203007020000 |
9801 |
2,132.62 |
080203007022700 |
9801 |
376.34 |
080203007501301 |
9801 |
4,480.29 |
080600001514201 |
9801 |
4,731.18 |
080600002000102 |
0000 |
4,301.08 |
081281203003300 |
9801 |
3,440.86 |
081981902415700 |
9801 |
3,440.86 |
083182803803600 |
9801 |
500.46 |
083183604601203 |
0000 |
4,211.47 |
083183605105201 |
9801 |
881.84 |
083183904413800 |
9801 |
8,436.72 |
083183905405302 |
9801 |
877.42 |
090401001517301 |
9801 |
537.63 |
090401001574600 |
9801 |
985.66 |
090402002004500 |
9801 |
14,516.13 |
090402002080501 |
9801 |
394.27 |
090403003026600 |
9801 |
1,075.27 |
091990801005501 |
9801 |
3,673.84 |
091990801521001 |
9801 |
3,440.86 |
091991901500401 |
9801 |
4,211.47 |
091991902021110 |
9801 |
3,606.29 |
091991903005506 |
9801 |
4,121.86 |
092101001518700 |
9801 |
7,616.49 |
092101003509601 |
9801 |
399.39 |
092103005523830 |
9801 |
1,541.22 |
092103006005200 |
9801 |
402.06 |
092103008005101 |
9801 |
623.81 |
092400002013701 |
9801 |
3,937.14 |
092801001016500 |
9801 |
4,598.84 |
092803006526702 |
0000 |
3,673.84 |
093192902035102 |
9801 |
678.09 |
093194602510501 |
9801 |
3,673.84 |
094000303030800 |
9801 |
907.26 |
101105014014300 |
9801 |
1,540.59 |
101108012005365 |
0000 |
3,279.57 |
101108013000100 |
0000 |
1,449.28 |
101108017320200 |
0000 |
3,243.73 |
101108018003900 |
0000 |
4,659.50 |
101108018004000 |
9801 |
3,981.16 |
101108018004100 |
0000 |
1,344.09 |
101108018004201 |
0000 |
9,498.21 |
101108020009100 |
0000 |
8,781.36 |
101108024009703 |
0000 |
3,740.07 |
101109002025520 |
0000 |
5,376.34 |
101109003018200 |
0000 |
1,254.48 |
101109005004610 |
0000 |
5,645.16 |
101109005013200 |
0000 |
563.24 |
101109006014900 |
0000 |
1,856.12 |
101109009017215 |
0000 |
8,960.57 |
102904001001099 |
0000 |
5,465.95 |
102906004011500 |
0000 |
2,956.99 |
102908001000400 |
9801 |
599.49 |
102908001000401 |
0000 |
6,272.40 |
102908002000800 |
0000 |
4,211.47 |
103904001001800 |
0000 |
1,559.14 |
103904001005500 |
0000 |
2,222.22 |
103908003004200 |
0000 |
1,507.71 |
104206002006501 |
0000 |
1,684.59 |
110401003017600 |
0000 |
5,555.56 |
110401008003000 |
0000 |
2,441.15 |
110401009017300 |
0000 |
1,093.19 |
110401011014800 |
0000 |
499.85 |
110401011014801 |
0000 |
1,451.61 |
110402001029700 |
0000 |
4,301.08 |
112103002010200 |
0000 |
3,422.94 |
112107003002800 |
9802 |
413.13 |
112107003006120 |
0000 |
689.57 |
112111001001710 |
0000 |
7,168.46 |
112119002012200 |
0000 |
985.66 |
112408008003100 |
0000 |
935.02 |
112409002013805 |
0000 |
2,204.30 |
112411005007550 |
0000 |
1,821.02 |
113401003057100 |
0000 |
1,122.02 |
113402001002500 |
0000 |
1,390.84 |
113403001002401 |
0000 |
1,565.74 |
120100004502000 |
9801 |
2,251.34 |
120201002011410 |
0000 |
2,484.24 |
120401001058400 |
9801 |
2,455.20 |
120401002546202 |
9801 |
3,082.44 |
120401002560050 |
9801 |
2,885.30 |
120401003003025 |
9801 |
1,039.43 |
120402003522100 |
9801 |
651.90 |
120403005021201 |
9801 |
852.67 |
120403005524801 |
9801 |
555.18 |
120403006016200 |
9801 |
913.98 |
120403006029999 |
9801 |
3,673.84 |
120421108501900 |
9801 |
5,955.33 |
120421108503900 |
9801 |
4,168.73 |
120430104011902 |
9801 |
3,507.03 |
120430106003400 |
9801 |
1,124.90 |
120430107005200 |
9801 |
3,673.84 |
120441401519815 |
9801 |
1,039.43 |
120807022018600 |
9801 |
888.49 |
120810002514400 |
9801 |
4,631.93 |
120810005510850 |
9801 |
6,451.61 |
122021801000200 |
9801 |
4,598.84 |
122021802010650 |
9801 |
3,584.23 |
123013801009450 |
9801 |
358.42 |
123013801528900 |
9801 |
1,621.17 |
123132804000901 |
9801 |
3,629.03 |
123132804001101 |
9801 |
3,440.86 |
124114102502025 |
9801 |
3,606.29 |
125400002009810 |
0000 |
1,218.64 |
126200001008800 |
9801 |
126200001033015 |
9801 |
1,021.51 |
126206401500509 |
9801 |
7,616.49 |
135001001017600 |
9801 |
142.47 |
135002002004300 |
9801 |
243.32 |
135003003519600 |
9801 |
886.82 |
135022401012894 |
9801 |
1,863.80 |
135022401502603 |
9801 |
1,965.15 |
135032802003651 |
9801 |
6,014.78 |
135032803014501 |
9801 |
2,315.96 |
135032804010001 |
9801 |
1,792.11 |
135032804514400 |
9801 |
1,720.43 |
135032804524350 |
9801 |
2,813.62 |
135051102003170 |
9801 |
2,849.46 |
135051102503000 |
9801 |
1,541.22 |
135070101509001 |
9801 |
1,810.04 |
135080402011101 |
9801 |
860.22 |
135091801523400 |
9801 |
1,720.43 |
135091802512710 |
9801 |
559.78 |
140810802005614 |
9801 |
1,810.04 |
140810806001001 |
9801 |
8,243.73 |
140810806028518 |
9801 |
1,129.03 |
140810806030600 |
9801 |
2,025.09 |
140810806031200 |
9801 |
2,670.25 |
141101101019011 |
9801 |
3,494.62 |
141101202037600 |
9801 |
3,453.89 |
141900001015600 |
9801 |
4,887.59 |
141900003045101 |
9801 |
5,213.42 |
141900004009250 |
9801 |
692.21 |
142100018005600 |
9801 |
394.27 |
142322303000301 |
9801 |
5,286.74 |
142322304004200 |
9801 |
19,836.86 |
142322305010801 |
9801 |
2,419.35 |
143510004003100 |
9801 |
430.11 |
143510007013400 |
9801 |
824.23 |
143513406002300 |
9801 |
1,488.83 |
143513406013351 |
9801 |
5,690.65 |
143522901012000 |
9801 |
2,652.33 |
143522904001400 |
9801 |
3,440.86 |
143522904002501 |
9801 |
431.00 |
143522906006250 |
9801 |
3,763.44 |
143533203021270 |
9801 |
896.06 |
145011602022750 |
9801 |
8,512.54 |
145011602029505 |
9801 |
8,512.54 |
145011608020401 |
9801 |
3,530.47 |
145022602010590 |
9801 |
6,810.04 |
150101000304400 |
9801 |
6,451.61 |
150601000516400 |
9801 |
9,912.63 |
150901002018300 |
9801 |
9,072.58 |
150901005001201 |
9801 |
5,376.34 |
151401001000210 |
9801 |
1,802.59 |
151601000228801 |
9801 |
10,416.67 |
151601010106701 |
9801 |
10,567.30 |
151602000101700 |
9801 |
2,193.74 |
151602000119401 |
9801 |
6,182.80 |
151602000130400 |
9801 |
4,175.25 |
151602000334303 |
9801 |
5,824.37 |
151602020220000 |
0000 |
10,394.27 |
151603000317000 |
9801 |
9,240.59 |
152202000418110 |
9801 |
5,824.37 |
153101000219700 |
9801 |
6,093.19 |
153101000228900 |
9801 |
879.98 |
153101000932800 |
9801 |
9,576.61 |
153602000314200 |
9801 |
2,654.98 |
154201030206300 |
9801 |
9,744.62 |
154201030223850 |
9801 |
9,139.78 |
165100100812600 |
9801 |
8,697.03 |
165100600213802 |
9801 |
3,273.91 |
165100803026601 |
9801 |
5,376.34 |
165101000122700 |
9801 |
1,249.64 |
165101000343900 |
9802 |
587.58 |
165102000150101 |
9801 |
2,763.74 |
165102000314900 |
9801 |
1,569.31 |
165102602001506 |
9801 |
7,706.09 |
165102605008103 |
0000 |
6,003.58 |
165102800137500 |
9801 |
9,885.54 |
165104000110201 |
9801 |
1,302.94 |
165116002013510 |
0000 |
12,069.34 |
165116004005001 |
9801 |
2,508.96 |
165121001008901 |
0000 |
5,824.37 |
165121002021404 |
0000 |
5,824.37 |
165121003010202 |
0000 |
9,498.21 |
165121004005601 |
0000 |
9,319.00 |
165124000305300 |
9802 |
5,882.62 |
165124000317000 |
9801 |
5,286.74 |
165131003013001 |
9801 |
5,824.37 |
165131005002201 |
9801 |
4,480.29 |
180101001804100 |
9801 |
5,517.63 |
180501000214901 |
9801 |
24,193.55 |
180501001022100 |
0000 |
19,713.26 |
181302002501350 |
9801 |
8,040.56 |
181307000128000 |
9801 |
8,333.30 |
181701001002811 |
0000 |
14,695.34 |
181701001015500 |
9801 |
7,361.46 |
181701004013200 |
9801 |
11,579.82 |
181701012003406 |
0000 |
7,706.09 |
181701013004676 |
0000 |
20,430.11 |
181703001015901 |
9801 |
4,390.68 |
181703007007001 |
0000 |
7,706.09 |
182001000429300 |
9801 |
1,290.32 |
182001000514450 |
9801 |
17,025.09 |
182001000717825 |
0000 |
17,383.51 |
182002003021000 |
9801 |
4,569.89 |
182003000129060 |
0000 |
8,422.94 |
182004002023800 |
0000 |
14,516.13 |
182004005013605 |
0000 |
8,422.94 |
182901000221300 |
0000 |
34,408.60 |
182901000815905 |
9801 |
9,838.71 |
182903000612300 |
9801 |
30,645.16 |
182903000733505 |
9801 |
24,448.22 |
182905000202700 |
9801 |
2,020.90 |
182905001027700 |
9801 |
5,824.37 |
183901000318950 |
9801 |
5,286.74 |
183901000508800 |
9801 |
8,064.52 |
183904000131810 |
9801 |
10,215.05 |
183904000332100 |
9801 |
9,677.42 |
183904000440500 |
9801 |
1,352.82 |
183905000702010 |
9801 |
5,286.74 |
183905000722800 |
9801 |
2,652.33 |
183905000800101 |
9801 |
5,107.53 |
190104395001900 |
9801 |
7,643.36 |
190401199000400 |
9801 |
93,369.18 |
190403110001500 |
9801 |
2,255.59 |
190403202000500 |
9801 |
3,052.72 |
190404104000300 |
9801 |
11,439.67 |
190405415000100 |
9803 |
16,510.69 |
190405415000150 |
9801 |
25,268.82 |
190406208000300 |
9801 |
7,937.10 |
190406411000500 |
9802 |
3,703.93 |
190406578003700 |
9801 |
2,510.01 |
190406847001400 |
9801 |
1,651.88 |
190407332000400 |
9801 |
13,440.86 |
190407401000850 |
9801 |
1,245.74 |
190408102000660 |
9801 |
2,212.94 |
190408110001500 |
9801 |
4,498.44 |
190409542000600 |
9801 |
2,649.09 |
190410128012900 |
9801 |
47,340.69 |
190410435101350 |
9801 |
910.59 |
190411458004250 |
9801 |
1,389.84 |
190604110100100 |
9801 |
13,958.55 |
190801399000100 |
9801 |
965.35 |
190805499000400 |
9801 |
1,000.38 |
190807399000100 |
9801 |
1,690.62 |
190811599000100 |
9801 |
2,843.97 |
190812199000100 |
9801 |
2,869.44 |
191403215001300 |
9801 |
7,615.70 |
191403218000100 |
9801 |
4,136.71 |
191407117000050 |
9801 |
4,209.56 |
191901402000100 |
9801 |
3,498.77 |
191903898001700 |
9801 |
2,298.88 |
191904438100500 |
9801 |
2,094.47 |
191905435000150 |
9801 |
7,001.44 |
192800032015500 |
9801 |
13,226.51 |
192800032097000 |
9801 |
1,941.85 |
192800036903500 |
9802 |
26,511.52 |
193602013904001 |
0000 |
128,136.20 |
193807003255000 |
9801 |
101,433.69 |
194400009630100 |
9801 |
7,331.38 |
194400009868000 |
9801 |
83,154.12 |
194400010177400 |
9801 |
59,856.63 |
194400011134700 |
9801 |
37,634.41 |
194400014510000 |
9801 |
80,286.74 |
194801005015600 |
0000 |
5,707.31 |
194900005400500 |
9801 |
16,845.88 |
194900011781500 |
9801 |
20,250.90 |
195400002638650 |
9801 |
38,709.68 |
195400004635000 |
9801 |
25,089.61 |
195400007979200 |
9801 |
27,240.14 |
195400022063400 |
9801 |
30,465.95 |
195400088834601 |
0000 |
28,136.20 |
197000003072800 |
9801 |
18,996.42 |
197000004127000 |
9801 |
12,724.01 |
197000004194600 |
9801 |
41,218.64 |
197000006009000 |
9801 |
43,010.75 |
197000007113900 |
9801 |
25,268.82 |
197000009431300 |
9801 |
46,594.98 |
197000009630000 |
9801 |
40,681.00 |
197000012673000 |
9801 |
155.95 |
197000013412100 |
9801 |
52,508.96 |
197000014305100 |
9801 |
26,881.72 |
197000014345000 |
9801 |
29,211.47 |
210501099800101 |
9801 |
3,724.34 |
210502099800600 |
0000 |
17,400.65 |
210504099800101 |
9801 |
25,991.32 |
210504099800102 |
9801 |
18,415.99 |
210515099800300 |
0000 |
11,155.91 |
210515099800400 |
9801 |
7,514.91 |
211008099800200 |
9801 |
12,867.83 |
211012099800200 |
9801 |
6,741.40 |
211015099800100 |
0000 |
11,961.31 |
212401099800100 |
0000 |
55,779.57 |
212401099800400 |
0000 |
278,853.05 |
212403099800100 |
0000 |
39,784.95 |
212403099800200 |
0000 |
46,594.98 |
212403099800300 |
0000 |
87,029.57 |
212403099800400 |
0000 |
39,784.95 |
212403099800500 |
0000 |
32,258.06 |
212403099800600 |
0000 |
46,034.95 |
212403099800700 |
0000 |
64,874.55 |
212412099800100 |
0000 |
54,435.48 |
212412099800200 |
0000 |
45,878.14 |
220400000108150 |
9801 |
8,870.97 |
220400000351900 |
9801 |
1,948.92 |
220400000354900 |
9801 |
2,007.17 |
220800000108100 |
9801 |
550.18 |
221200000220950 |
9801 |
10,931.90 |
221200000415575 |
9801 |
9,498.21 |
221200000709305 |
9801 |
15,591.40 |
221600000116200 |
9801 |
4,502.69 |
221600000207700 |
9801 |
16,297.04 |
221900000515475 |
9801 |
5,465.95 |
221900000601510 |
9801 |
10,584.68 |
222100000109500 |
9801 |
6,774.19 |
222100000318310 |
9801 |
2329.75 |
230100000209750 |
9801 |
47,311.83 |
230100000614495 |
0000 |
7,616.49 |
230806000706700 |
9801 |
230806000944250 |
0000 |
121,146.95 |
230806000946400 |
9801 |
638.28 |
231100000217300 |
9801 |
17,562.72 |
231100000514750 |
9801 |
19,175.63 |
231100000610140 |
9801 |
20,250.90 |
231100000813430 |
9801 |
26,881.72 |
231100001000700 |
9801 |
3,422.94 |
231100001200250 |
9801 |
25,627.24 |
231600000107510 |
9801 |
13,978.49 |
231600000717630 |
9801 |
11,469.53 |
231600001100107 |
9801 |
6,272.40 |
232600001700180 |
9801 |
14,695.34 |
232600002103700 |
9801 |
11,648.75 |
232600002303725 |
9801 |
10,752.69 |
232600002403420 |
9802 |
958.73 |
232600002403550 |
9801 |
5,544.35 |
233200000206550 |
9802 |
11,193.55 |
233200001206600 |
9801 |
7,078.85 |
233200001211010 |
9801 |
8,243.73 |
234100000203500 |
9801 |
869.18 |
234900001006315 |
9801 |
8,781.36 |
234900001401525 |
9801 |
7,616.49 |
240101099800401 |
9801 |
8,586.85 |
240102099800101 |
9801 |
22,405.14 |
240104099800201 |
0000 |
9,133.43 |
240202099800101 |
9801 |
2,564.73 |
240205099800201 |
9801 |
14,069.01 |
240907099800100 |
0000 |
10,394.27 |
240909099800100 |
9801 |
1,855.31 |
240909099800500 |
9801 |
671.12 |
251801004507100 |
9801 |
3,490.29 |
251802015454650 |
9801 |
469.95 |
251803023402950 |
9802 |
382.47 |
251803027203230 |
9801 |
564.00 |
251804028701430 |
9802 |
1,061.57 |
251804032308520 |
9801 |
1,152.35 |
251805039103220 |
9802 |
2,218.38 |
251805048100460 |
9802 |
1,425.36 |
251807065200340 |
9802 |
1,937.36 |
251814012010020 |
0000 |
18,637.99 |
251814022031200 |
0000 |
15,770.61 |
251814028014301 |
0000 |
552.36 |
251814041040800 |
0000 |
33,887.26 |
251814041064800 |
0000 |
15,966.11 |
251814042049300 |
0000 |
31,720.43 |
251830121062200 |
9801 |
32,258.06 |
251830171002400 |
0000 |
14,336.92 |
251830211002200 |
0000 |
8,797.65 |
251830223063600 |
0000 |
11,730.21 |
251830231004600 |
0000 |
20,527.86 |
251830251043900 |
0000 |
24,372.76 |
251830351060400 |
0000 |
33,887.26 |
251830382007400 |
0000 |
4,569.89 |
251830393083200 |
0000 |
33,561.42 |
251890131007200 |
0000 |
10,915.61 |
251890212030000 |
9802 |
3,185.79 |
251890222044400 |
0000 |
6,516.78 |
251890233053100 |
0000 |
12,903.23 |
260202001006101 |
9801 |
14,662.76 |
262204000510400 |
9801 |
16,308.24 |
262702002019401 |
9801 |
9,330.85 |
262901001120300 |
9801 |
1,767.21 |
262902003410301 |
9801 |
1,703.46 |
262903003220700 |
9802 |
158.23 |
262904003800100 |
9801 |
902.28 |
271102000718100 |
9801 |
915.33 |
271400000125700 |
9801 |
8,634.73 |
271400000808900 |
9801 |
10,263.93 |
271906000819700 |
9801 |
1,461.32 |
272501001118400 |
9801 |
11,643.63 |
272504000313000 |
9801 |
1,369.08 |
272507000310100 |
9801 |
381.72 |
272511000107900 |
9801 |
539.06 |
273100000209400 |
9801 |
3,287.45 |
273100001002700 |
9801 |
7,974.91 |
273100001905300 |
9802 |
574.89 |
273100002511501 |
9801 |
1,648.75 |
273100002605500 |
9802 |
1,309.43 |
273100002922200 |
9801 |
7,616.49 |
273100003100701 |
9801 |
3,405.02 |
273202001311800 |
9801 |
16,943.63 |
281002300216904 |
9801 |
968.27 |
281015200516790 |
0000 |
4,623.66 |
281015300204650 |
0000 |
329.58 |
281015300405450 |
9801 |
1,024.07 |
281015400426610 |
0000 |
5,107.53 |
283302000150115 |
9801 |
807.63 |
292000100043200 |
9803 |
851.93 |
292000401050450 |
9801 |
824.37 |
292000404004700 |
0000 |
1,162.37 |
292001103029300 |
9801 |
123.59 |
292001104016410 |
9801 |
329.58 |
292001602041600 |
9801 |
205.99 |
300607006706500 |
9801 |
2,648.32 |
300611000803366 |
9801 |
2,341.65 |
301206001203201 |
9801 |
1588.73 |
302902000411050 |
9801 |
850.73 |
311028000403110 |
9801 |
4,233.87 |
311032000115200 |
9801 |
3,057.80 |
311032000411900 |
9801 |
4,704.30 |
311034000217401 |
9801 |
4,233.87 |
311102010004005 |
9801 |
284.59 |
311600004003700 |
9801 |
295.34 |
312014000405410 |
9801 |
2,553.76 |
313024000201520 |
9801 |
2,083.33 |
313024001501610 |
9801 |
2,721.77 |
314036000801910 |
9801 |
4,133.06 |
314041000115600 |
9801 |
2,956.99 |
314041000502300 |
9801 |
579.45 |
314042000511010 |
9801 |
4,211.47 |
314042000801810 |
9801 |
2,724.01 |
320201002004500 |
9801 |
3,046.59 |
320203001021301 |
9801 |
7,078.85 |
320203001022901 |
9801 |
13,341.30 |
320204004009000 |
9801 |
3,351.25 |
320204005001100 |
9801 |
4,121.86 |
320401001065300 |
9801 |
1,112.71 |
321101005004400 |
0000 |
5,734.77 |
321101005012101 |
0000 |
660.61 |
322701004002701 |
9802 |
5,552.35 |
322701004013400 |
9801 |
4,670.70 |
322701005006100 |
9801 |
3,369.18 |
322701005007100 |
9801 |
5,734.77 |
322701102010801 |
9801 |
5,555.56 |
322701106004301 |
9801 |
986.05 |
322701302008201 |
9801 |
7,885.30 |
323801001012900 |
9801 |
8,064.52 |
323801006012900 |
9801 |
5,973.72 |
324206006015000 |
9801 |
324502001003600 |
9801 |
2,688.17 |
324502004011701 |
9801 |
4,838.71 |
324502006001600 |
9801 |
11,827.96 |
324502008024900 |
9801 |
7,580.65 |
331033601007210 |
0000 |
107.53 |
331033601035700 |
9801 |
1,041.67 |
331033602027960 |
0000 |
913.98 |
331033605064810 |
0000 |
3,089.85 |
331033607036000 |
9801 |
1,039.18 |
331049102346050 |
9801 |
6,810.04 |
331049200840010 |
0000 |
659.17 |
331049302001720 |
0000 |
232.97 |
331049306002760 |
0000 |
770.61 |
331049306012210 |
0000 |
1,003.58 |
331049502034701 |
0000 |
3,460.64 |
331049502034715 |
0000 |
1,308.24 |
331054101024700 |
0000 |
2,059.90 |
331054102019000 |
0000 |
555.56 |
331054201039002 |
0000 |
6,056.11 |
331054501022520 |
0000 |
376.34 |
331054502018210 |
0000 |
164.79 |
340100000901300 |
9801 |
3,470.19 |
340800007001200 |
0000 |
5,635.89 |
340800007001400 |
0000 |
1,336.97 |
340801402018605 |
9801 |
1,642.77 |
340801403000700 |
9801 |
5,645.16 |
341800000615902 |
9801 |
7,347.67 |
341800001101800 |
9801 |
7,258.06 |
341800001102100 |
9801 |
98,207.89 |
341800001102200 |
9801 |
564.20 |
341801600108701 |
9801 |
2,025.09 |
342102021008501 |
9801 |
4,801.82 |
342400001002301 |
0000 |
2,096.77 |
342903200100111 |
0000 |
5,645.16 |
343400003001701 |
9801 |
5,376.34 |
343400008008100 |
9801 |
1,397.85 |
365008000416300 |
9801 |
5,555.56 |
365011000208700 |
9801 |
2,383.51 |
365011000503810 |
9801 |
322.58 |
365011000631800 |
9801 |
2,867.38 |
365014000228500 |
9801 |
3,136.20 |
365014000247700 |
9801 |
1,075.27 |
365014000376001 |
9801 |
3,189.96 |
365014000866101 |
9801 |
4,211.47 |
365016000206100 |
9801 |
4,797.98 |
365021000439010 |
9801 |
3,584.23 |
365021000496400 |
9801 |
1,451.61 |
365021000496500 |
9801 |
1,881.72 |
365028000121801 |
9801 |
1,899.64 |
365031000100201 |
9801 |
2,025.09 |
365032000100601 |
9801 |
3,225.81 |
365036000104620 |
9801 |
3,297.49 |
365039000129100 |
9801 |
3,476.70 |
365039000205400 |
9801 |
2,168.46 |
365041000649200 |
9801 |
515.79 |
365042000705700 |
9803 |
539.44 |
365042000713464 |
9802 |
28,315.41 |
365048000311500 |
9801 |
8,154.12 |
365048000704500 |
9801 |
1,738.35 |
370105000000100 |
9801 |
2,329.75 |
370637000007300 |
9801 |
10,752.69 |
370640000000300 |
9801 |
10,752.69 |
370660000000400 |
9801 |
19,354.84 |
370663000001401 |
9801 |
2,562.72 |
370665000003810 |
9801 |
2,419.35 |
370683000001000 |
9801 |
8,870.97 |
371114000000800 |
9801 |
2,222.22 |
371135000005500 |
9802 |
1,698.26 |
371139000000900 |
9801 |
1,559.14 |
371164000000100 |
9801 |
17,535.15 |
372901000002900 |
9801 |
35,125.45 |
372941000003700 |
9801 |
7,347.67 |
372943000002400 |
9801 |
8,333.33 |
372951000003900 |
9801 |
32,974.91 |
373414000004000 |
9801 |
7,168.46 |
373416000007600 |
9801 |
11,469.53 |
373417000007800 |
9801 |
11,469.53 |
373904024010700 |
9802 |
2,254.18 |
373907022000100 |
9801 |
758.60 |
373907030507500 |
9802 |
3,931.92 |
373908081001800 |
9801 |
546.38 |
373908084032700 |
9802 |
2,460.10 |
373909004001100 |
9802 |
1,504.28 |
374445000001850 |
9801 |
23,476.70 |
374448000001200 |
9801 |
4,301.08 |
374455000018300 |
9801 |
7,795.70 |
374457000004800 |
9801 |
7,902.58 |
375170000003400 |
9801 |
8,422.94 |
375193000000200 |
9801 |
4,301.08 |
375462000019300 |
9801 |
179.21 |
375467000002100 |
9801 |
125.45 |
375472000003100 |
9801 |
8,243.73 |
380501001008901 |
9801 |
7,437.28 |
380501004018500 |
9801 |
5,125.45 |
380522001012701 |
9801 |
2,103.79 |
380600602000901 |
9801 |
1,863.80 |
381514000219600 |
9801 |
4,032.26 |
381600005007500 |
9801 |
3,584.23 |
381600013012501 |
9801 |
8,960.57 |
381600016002102 |
9801 |
721.84 |
381900004016500 |
9801 |
663.08 |
382940004932100 |
9801 |
4,082.31 |
382940005001100 |
9801 |
1,275.61 |
382940005023100 |
9801 |
12,668.08 |
382940006463001 |
9801 |
3,296.99 |
382940006463002 |
9801 |
2,289.92 |
383100003017100 |
9801 |
1,003.81 |
383534001052201 |
9801 |
3,625.19 |
383534003035201 |
9801 |
3,279.57 |
383536000100150 |
9801 |
1,812.60 |
384104100203500 |
9801 |
2,007.17 |
384104100304901 |
9801 |
1,935.48 |
384541006001700 |
9801 |
4,659.50 |
384538001017900 |
9801 |
1,164.87 |
384538001027500 |
9801 |
483.87 |
384538003011605 |
9801 |
1,541.22 |
384546003012600 |
9801 |
967.74 |
384546005001201 |
9801 |
4,784.95 |
384552001080201 |
9801 |
17,562.72 |
390600006001800 |
0000 |
3,548.39 |
390600103006501 |
9801 |
5,197.13 |
390600802023921 |
9801 |
4,928.32 |
391600012026400 |
9802 |
5,185.69 |
391601403113700 |
9801 |
16,291.95 |
391601404012700 |
0000 |
22,401.43 |
391601404013100 |
9802 |
1,724.01 |
392600001008300 |
9801 |
40,322.58 |
392600005031701 |
9801 |
6,003.58 |
392600008005001 |
9801 |
27,060.93 |
392603104003700 |
0000 |
2,974.91 |
393601010001100 |
9801 |
1,546.53 |
393604050011500 |
9801 |
8,106.68 |
393605022102800 |
9801 |
667.36 |
393605066035900 |
9802 |
1,225.32 |
393900002031401 |
9801 |
10,394.27 |
393900004014001 |
9801 |
10,394.27 |
393901901015101 |
9801 |
6,362.01 |
393901902112700 |
9801 |
5,376.34 |
393903401017000 |
9801 |
15,232.97 |
393903402018300 |
9801 |
10,573.48 |
393903405014300 |
9801 |
14,226.63 |
394600004003500 |
9801 |
3,584.23 |
394601104005402 |
0000 |
5,197.13 |
395404400112601 |
0000 |
12,076.10 |
395404903009801 |
9801 |
5,197.13 |
395800001021600 |
0000 |
3,243.73 |
395800004001701 |
0000 |
7,795.70 |
395805900113300 |
9801 |
8,243.73 |
401001000206500 |
9801 |
3,427.42 |
401004000100300 |
9801 |
859.54 |
401004001902500 |
9801 |
2,083.33 |
401004002601100 |
9801 |
3,326.61 |
401004002705101 |
9801 |
4,200.27 |
401004002903000 |
9801 |
2,822.58 |
401004003802810 |
9801 |
4,200.27 |
401008000901350 |
9801 |
4,211.47 |
401008002800100 |
9801 |
4,390.68 |
401008003902100 |
9801 |
402009001401101 |
9801 |
3,864.25 |
402801018001000 |
9801 |
1376.44 |
403026004500200 |
9801 |
1881.72 |
404016000101000 |
9801 |
669.84 |
404016000101200 |
9801 |
560.09 |
404016003121100 |
9801 |
4704.30 |
404042001100401 |
9801 |
3,393.82 |
404600190004300 |
9801 |
2,049.73 |
406049000600901 |
9801 |
792.37 |
406049002300200 |
9801 |
5,241.94 |
406054001005600 |
9801 |
2,116.94 |
407031000700300 |
9801 |
4,200.27 |
407061000103801 |
9801 |
5,510.75 |
407061001300601 |
9801 |
6,182.80 |
410254000328005 |
9801 |
12,432.80 |
410254000429400 |
9801 |
5,611.56 |
410254000500520 |
9801 |
2,903.23 |
410254001007600 |
9801 |
4,301.08 |
410256000110800 |
9801 |
1,344.09 |
410258000217110 |
9801 |
734.77 |
410339000103810 |
9801 |
501.79 |
410339000119110 |
9801 |
716.85 |
410341000123401 |
9801 |
1,881.72 |
410349000405601 |
9801 |
638.17 |
410431000107125 |
9801 |
5,376.34 |
410431000111400 |
9801 |
2,974.91 |
410434000104500 |
9801 |
1,953.41 |
410434000205600 |
9801 |
4,032.26 |
410436000221900 |
9801 |
3,427.42 |
410501000300400 |
9801 |
4,637.10 |
410716000120600 |
9801 |
3,125.00 |
410716000204801 |
9801 |
2,956.99 |
410716000304301 |
9801 |
2,974.91 |
410821000215301 |
9801 |
2,974.91 |
410822000709100 |
9801 |
716.85 |
410826000100701 |
9801 |
1,571.55 |
410826000220001 |
9801 |
607.57 |
410962000706500 |
9801 |
3,629.03 |
410968000605501 |
9801 |
3,595.43 |
411046000218100 |
9801 |
716.85 |
420354000204420 |
9801 |
12,096.77 |
420354000207000 |
9801 |
1,326.16 |
420354000311700 |
9801 |
2,419.35 |
420354000312400 |
9801 |
1,326.16 |
420358001213500 |
9801 |
4,536.29 |
420362000210301 |
9801 |
2,956.99 |
420362000424301 |
9801 |
5,913.98 |
420432000316001 |
9801 |
4,973.12 |
420434000116300 |
9801 |
312.91 |
420436000315005 |
9801 |
3,763.44 |
420436000414510 |
0000 |
9,856.63 |
420436000510210 |
9801 |
6,093.19 |
420501000216400 |
9801 |
3,270.61 |
420526000511901 |
9801 |
734.77 |
420528000210301 |
9801 |
4,200.27 |
420706000302801 |
9801 |
4,536.29 |
420706000302802 |
9801 |
2,956.99 |
420706000502600 |
9801 |
2,419.35 |
420818000106202 |
9801 |
2,956.99 |
420818000412320 |
9801 |
3,125.00 |
420818000700500 |
9801 |
9,576.61 |
420818000933801 |
0000 |
5,645.16 |
420839000303500 |
9801 |
2,419.35 |
420839000304900 |
9801 |
539.09 |
420839004106001 |
9801 |
3,192.20 |
421048000312001 |
9801 |
2,974.91 |
421049200205610 |
9801 |
2,724.01 |
421049200210503 |
9801 |
519.71 |
421051000600601 |
9801 |
2,419.35 |
421051000618102 |
9801 |
4,166.67 |
422904000336700 |
9802 |
961.01 |
424200000206890 |
9801 |
8,064.52 |
424200000212700 |
9801 |
12,096.77 |
424200000334701 |
9801 |
8,243.73 |
424200000514001 |
9801 |
1,529.27 |
424200001105900 |
9801 |
6,552.42 |
424200001515310 |
0000 |
13,082.44 |
430102000111602 |
9801 |
10,394.27 |
431202000511000 |
9801 |
50,067.20 |
431203000401101 |
9801 |
19,534.05 |
431601001708300 |
9801 |
16,129.03 |
431601003807010 |
9801 |
30,645.16 |
431602006116230 |
9801 |
14,695.34 |
431603007416900 |
9801 |
12,903.23 |
432101000716603 |
9801 |
1,384.21 |
432101000716701 |
9801 |
786.46 |
432101000719010 |
9801 |
24,492.23 |
432101000806020 |
9801 |
15,053.76 |
432101001039500 |
9801 |
3,410.80 |
432404000304801 |
9801 |
30,107.53 |
432901000103410 |
9801 |
13,799.28 |
432901000117100 |
9801 |
2,275.99 |
432901000572400 |
9801 |
2,565.98 |
432901000819201 |
9801 |
3,118.28 |
432901001010601 |
9801 |
7,347.67 |
432902000315600 |
9801 |
1,821.95 |
432904000318501 |
9801 |
8,243.73 |
434101000318601 |
9801 |
12,936.83 |
434101000329200 |
9801 |
5,534.83 |
434101000617601 |
9801 |
13,440.86 |
434101000802101 |
9802 |
816.43 |
434103000304300 |
9801 |
8,602.15 |
434103000307500 |
9801 |
17,741.94 |
434104000117600 |
9801 |
6,003.58 |
434203200300200 |
9802 |
176.29 |
434601000220800 |
9801 |
2,168.46 |
434601000229950 |
9801 |
6,272.40 |
434601000510510 |
9801 |
9,139.78 |
434601000617300 |
9801 |
4,659.50 |
434601000905001 |
9801 |
4,569.89 |
434601001043300 |
9801 |
5,824.37 |
434602000101401 |
9801 |
4,032.26 |
434602000303901 |
9801 |
4,569.89 |
434603001028800 |
9801 |
4,393.57 |
434801000754450 |
9801 |
4,749.10 |
434801000803201 |
9801 |
4,659.50 |
434801000840100 |
9801 |
2,813.62 |
434801000947020 |
9801 |
8,960.57 |
434802000308409 |
9801 |
3,673.84 |
435101000512201 |
9801 |
3,008.54 |
435101000602703 |
9801 |
13,978.49 |
435101000715401 |
9801 |
7,974.91 |
435101000858700 |
9801 |
21,863.80 |
435102000606401 |
9801 |
3,673.84 |
435304000503701 |
9801 |
10,035.84 |
435304000555500 |
9801 |
3,027.54 |
435304000600900 |
9801 |
1,121.52 |
435304000953210 |
9801 |
8,154.12 |
436402000162500 |
9801 |
5,913.98 |
436800000146701 |
9801 |
1,903.13 |
436800000203500 |
9801 |
5,781.02 |
436800000401701 |
9801 |
18,458.78 |
436800000840900 |
9801 |
3,295.18 |
436800001203001 |
9801 |
10,573.48 |
436800001523203 |
9801 |
9,856.63 |
436800001600210 |
9801 |
18,458.78 |
437202000116801 |
9801 |
6,182.80 |
437403000126507 |
9801 |
7,974.91 |
442701001106400 |
9801 |
770.61 |
444204001209400 |
9801 |
362.09 |
446503002604400 |
9801 |
2,741.94 |
461603000046000 |
9801 |
2,183.12 |
461603100019200 |
9801 |
477.10 |
462100300003600 |
9801 |
2,788.98 |
462401100051300 |
9801 |
2,544.80 |
462401200025200 |
9801 |
2,284.95 |
462404000038700 |
9801 |
1,666.67 |
470100102001050 |
9801 |
2,849.46 |
470100102507300 |
9801 |
2,215.71 |
470200002002300 |
9801 |
8,471.81 |
470200002012899 |
9801 |
627.24 |
470200005500300 |
9801 |
4,822.42 |
470200006019201 |
9801 |
1,057.35 |
470200006501500 |
9801 |
1,469.53 |
472400001027101 |
9801 |
1,111.11 |
472600001038110 |
9801 |
1,487.46 |
472600001047600 |
9801 |
2,222.22 |
472800001001600 |
9801 |
4,398.83 |
473103404036750 |
9801 |
1,433.69 |
473803906031080 |
9801 |
1,953.41 |
474204202505525 |
9801 |
2,604.17 |
474205401005200 |
9801 |
146.09 |
474600001500510 |
9801 |
1,303.36 |
475804906027500 |
9801 |
304.66 |
475805801013510 |
9801 |
1,774.19 |
476606204001310 |
9801 |
3,024.19 |
476607405527100 |
9801 |
1,346.39 |
476607406506801 |
9801 |
2,849.46 |
476906902525050 |
9801 |
1,810.04 |
476906903000500 |
9801 |
3,030.30 |
477907901000350 |
0000 |
912.35 |
479600005015300 |
9801 |
2,659.88 |
480105000118502 |
9801 |
695.76 |
481601000136301 |
0000 |
2,544.80 |
484405006511400 |
9801 |
573.56 |
484405006961400 |
9801 |
4,577.96 |
484405008012200 |
9801 |
2,508.96 |
486901000307900 |
9801 |
655.94 |
490303000802102 |
9801 |
1,047.50 |
494800000501801 |
9801 |
5,465.95 |
496600000300619 |
9801 |
2,346.04 |
497100000307300 |
9801 |
3,411.20 |
520219000014001 |
9801 |
778.64 |
522600000102700 |
9801 |
467.89 |
530702001318000 |
9801 |
733.72 |
530704001305301 |
9801 |
982.56 |
530717001201801 |
9801 |
7,467.14 |
530717002204200 |
9801 |
66,845.88 |
541801000102300 |
0000 |
14,946.24 |
541801000605000 |
0000 |
301.17 |
541801000800500 |
0000 |
4,301.08 |
541802000107000 |
0000 |
499.35 |
541100000710400 |
0000 |
7,056.45 |
541100001204301 |
0000 |
16,465.05 |
543600000209500 |
0000 |
2,724.01 |
544200000129600 |
0000 |
6,505.38 |
545200000308901 |
0000 |
7,560.48 |
545603001000401 |
0000 |
896.06 |
545800000130201 |
0000 |
645.16 |
545800000132000 |
0000 |
245.34 |
546200000457909 |
0000 |
739.25 |
546800000164601 |
0000 |
2,083.33 |
546800001615000 |
0000 |
3,030.30 |
546800001917600 |
0000 |
542.90 |
562703003007000 |
0000 |
921.36 |
562703008007700 |
0000 |
3,409.39 |
562704007032301 |
0000 |
8,788.25 |
562705001316000 |
0000 |
950.92 |
562705001900101 |
0000 |
433.72 |
562705001900800 |
0000 |
372.71 |
562705002815000 |
0000 |
1,051.98 |
562705005702500 |
0000 |
833.46 |
562705005802000 |
0000 |
2,965.14 |
563104001119601 |
0000 |
752.87 |
564018000014700 |
9801 |
638.75 |
566600002005400 |
0000 |
1,149.02 |
567601000532100 |
0000 |
882.48 |
572400001106600 |
9801 |
2,831.54 |
572800000121300 |
9801 |
1,200.72 |
572800000327300 |
9801 |
1,146.95 |
574002000215000 |
9801 |
869.40 |
574002000217900 |
9801 |
297.87 |
574100000515000 |
9801 |
2,449.22 |
574100001509900 |
9801 |
1,016.62 |
579100000413800 |
9801 |
2,222.22 |
580401009701200 |
9801 |
1,473.64 |
580402010150400 |
9801 |
2,455.12 |
580404018108300 |
9801 |
895.26 |
580824000305510 |
9801 |
10,752.69 |
582801000215600 |
9801 |
508.05 |
585900000420800 |
9801 |
1,083.60 |
586600000436000 |
9801 |
1,894.92 |
587674000705200 |
9801 |
7,006.00 |
587674000800700 |
9801 |
8,400.54 |
590100000726100 |
9801 |
309.12 |
590100000857400 |
9801 |
851.31 |
590205000107300 |
0000 |
2,580.65 |
591201000715300 |
9801 |
676.89 |
591600000213000 |
9801 |
1,308.24 |
591900000053715 |
9801 |
5,017.92 |
592401000005900 |
9801 |
7,804.37 |
600100000169000 |
9801 |
2,455.20 |
601614000104902 |
9801 |
538.89 |
601614000400500 |
9801 |
484.95 |
602100000328101 |
9801 |
3,584.23 |
602626000201500 |
9801 |
5,524.66 |
602626000217402 |
9801 |
3,584.23 |
602626000914501 |
9801 |
2,956.99 |
603462000116000 |
9801 |
645.16 |
604141000113100 |
9801 |
2,939.07 |
604141000201300 |
9801 |
437.20 |
604195001011600 |
0000 |
1,021.51 |
604900000102500 |
9801 |
1,111.11 |
609652000303101 |
9801 |
476.96 |
609658000205750 |
9801 |
2,598.57 |
O. Reg. 423/11, Table 4.
Roll Number |
Subordinate Roll Number |
Municipality |
Amount in Dollars per Square Metre |
10100600615300 |
9801 |
South Glengarry Tp |
1,254.48 |
11101100447500 |
9801 |
North Glengarry Twp |
4,032.26 |
11101600289000 |
9801 |
North Glengarry Twp |
1,487.46 |
11101800071000 |
9801 |
North Glengarry Tp |
1,767.31 |
11101800076520 |
9801 |
North Glengarry Twp |
1,234.42 |
11101800076610 |
9801 |
North Glengarry Twp |
2,455.20 |
20806000201349 |
9801 |
Town of Hawkesbury |
1,899.64 |
20903000103925 |
9801 |
Champlain Twp |
2,222.22 |
30200000113682 |
9801 |
Casselman Village |
6,346.42 |
30600003111800 |
9801 |
Russell Tp |
4,816.49 |
30600003230702 |
9801 |
Russell Tp |
5,341.04 |
40201000746910 |
9801 |
Cornwall C |
680.21 |
40206000303400 |
9801 |
Cornwall C |
1,284.45 |
50600200010000 |
9801 |
South Dundas Twp |
5,609.32 |
50600200730000 |
9801 |
South Dundas Twp |
388.29 |
50600200753550 |
9801 |
South Dundas Twp |
2,038.53 |
50600800090400 |
9801 |
South Dundas Twp |
2,808.22 |
51101800007200 |
9801 |
North Dundas Tp |
16,475.91 |
51101900366500 |
9801 |
North Dundas Twp |
4,301.08 |
61403130174100 |
9802 |
Ottawa C |
818.08 |
61404180100600 |
9801 |
Ottawa C |
1,925.40 |
61404180100600 |
9802 |
Ottawa C |
1,925.40 |
61404210135500 |
9801 |
Ottawa C |
7,665.05 |
61405280152700 |
9801 |
Ottawa C |
1,440.70 |
61405280152700 |
9802 |
Ottawa C |
1,440.70 |
61406330102000 |
9801 |
Ottawa C |
4,762.66 |
61407400250200 |
9802 |
Ottawa C |
1,381.32 |
61407400250200 |
9803 |
Ottawa C |
1,381.32 |
61410610202400 |
9801 |
Ottawa C |
736.52 |
61411650503400 |
9801 |
Ottawa C |
166.21 |
61411650503400 |
9802 |
Ottawa C |
166.21 |
70200000543302 |
9801 |
Cardinal V |
2,956.99 |
70804004000100 |
9801 |
Prescott ST |
9,525.45 |
70804004006501 |
9801 |
Prescott ST |
2,952.51 |
71971901019700 |
9801 |
North Grenville Tp |
4,802.87 |
71971901501600 |
9801 |
North Grenville Tp |
1,247.34 |
71971901520702 |
9801 |
North Grenville Tp |
6,899.64 |
80203006011000 |
9801 |
Brockville C |
7,974.91 |
80203006027900 |
9801 |
Brockville C |
7,616.49 |
80203007020000 |
9801 |
Brockville C |
4,569.89 |
80203007022700 |
9801 |
Brockville C |
2,956.99 |
80203007501301 |
9801 |
Brockville C |
4,121.86 |
90401001574500 |
9801 |
Smiths Falls ST |
3,010.75 |
92101001518700 |
9801 |
Perth T |
9,480.29 |
92101003509601 |
9801 |
Perth T |
480.32 |
92103006005200 |
9801 |
Perth T |
517.44 |
92803006526700 |
9801 |
Carleton Place T |
20,842.29 |
93103004015500 |
9801 |
Mississippi Mills T |
8,194.44 |
94000101018801 |
9801 |
Lanark Highlands Tp |
1,164.87 |
101103010001900 |
9802 |
Kingston C |
260.96 |
120201002011400 |
9801 |
Deseronto T |
21,438.17 |
120401001058400 |
9801 |
Quinte West C |
6,003.58 |
120401002546202 |
9801 |
Quinte West C |
6,863.80 |
120401002560050 |
9801 |
Quinte West C |
2,204.30 |
120401003066000 |
9801 |
Quinte West C |
8,315.41 |
120402003522100 |
9801 |
Quinte West C |
497.35 |
120403004518400 |
9801 |
Quinte West C |
6,003.58 |
120403005021201 |
9801 |
Quinte West C |
1,624.42 |
120403005524801 |
9801 |
Quinte West C |
591.18 |
120403006029999 |
9801 |
Quinte West C |
2,813.62 |
120801002502000 |
9801 |
Belleville C |
665.45 |
120803010007700 |
9801 |
Belleville C |
7,347.67 |
120803010007800 |
9801 |
Belleville C |
346.26 |
120804011011610 |
9801 |
Belleville C |
692.50 |
120804013518200 |
9801 |
Belleville C |
1,452.49 |
120806017016400 |
9801 |
Belleville C |
4,700.13 |
120807020005300 |
9801 |
Belleville C |
1,388.58 |
120807020500150 |
9801 |
Belleville C |
1,303.53 |
120807021536800 |
9801 |
Belleville C |
48,330.47 |
122021802010650 |
9801 |
Stirling-Rawdon TP |
7,491.04 |
123013801009450 |
9801 |
Centre Hastings Tp |
3,730.65 |
124200001003150 |
0000 |
Marmora V |
985.66 |
135001001017600 |
9801 |
Prince Edward County C |
13,620.07 |
135002002004300 |
9801 |
Prince Edward County C |
598.12 |
135003003519600 |
9801 |
Prince Edward County C |
6,884.49 |
135011201505600 |
9801 |
Prince Edward County C |
1,456.45 |
135022401012894 |
9801 |
Prince Edward County C |
4,659.50 |
140800002005614 |
9801 |
Brighton T |
5,949.82 |
140800006028520 |
9801 |
Brighton T |
4,442.65 |
140800006029301 |
9801 |
Brighton T |
8,682.08 |
141203003025700 |
9801 |
Colborne V |
3,711.47 |
142100004017500 |
9801 |
Cobourg T |
9,873.12 |
142100008007700 |
9801 |
Cobourg T |
28,607.71 |
142100022014510 |
9801 |
Cobourg T |
6,350.18 |
142500008013630 |
9801 |
Port Hope T |
5,824.37 |
142500017003401 |
9801 |
Port Hope T |
8,630.29 |
142500020003500 |
9801 |
Port Hope T |
43,649.46 |
143200003021270 |
9801 |
Hastings V |
931.90 |
143500004003100 |
9801 |
Campbellford-Seymour T |
1,444.09 |
143500007013400 |
9801 |
Campbellford-Seymour T |
2,934.06 |
151401001001345 |
9801 |
Peterborough C |
954.51 |
151401001003000 |
9801 |
Peterborough C |
1,466.75 |
151401012000401 |
9801 |
Peterborough C |
6,001.79 |
151401012034500 |
9801 |
Peterborough C |
1,155.58 |
151401013009102 |
9801 |
Peterborough C |
4,980.29 |
151401013010900 |
9801 |
Peterborough C |
1,625.81 |
151402003009300 |
9801 |
Peterborough C |
23,977.24 |
151402007008000 |
9801 |
Peterborough C |
1,070.56 |
151403001000600 |
9801 |
Peterborough C |
1,392.63 |
151403015000100 |
9801 |
Peterborough C |
7,437.28 |
151404010000120 |
9801 |
Peterborough C |
1,711.53 |
151404016003500 |
9801 |
Peterborough C |
8,154.12 |
151404019020201 |
9801 |
Peterborough C |
69,995.70 |
151405007002551 |
0000 |
Peterborough C |
7,731.90 |
151405007009700 |
9801 |
Peterborough C |
1,118.05 |
151405013002700 |
9801 |
Peterborough C |
725.89 |
160901000122700 |
9801 |
Lindsay T |
1,932.67 |
160901000343900 |
9801 |
Lindsay T |
460.30 |
160902000150101 |
9801 |
Lindsay T |
3,455.50 |
160902000314900 |
9801 |
Lindsay T |
2,080.12 |
160904000110201 |
9801 |
Lindsay T |
1,736.89 |
162400000317000 |
9801 |
Fenelon Falls V |
2,688.17 |
162800000137500 |
9801 |
Bobcaygeon V |
4,661.13 |
180101001822650 |
9801 |
Pickering T |
2,956.99 |
180101003001600 |
9801 |
Pickering T |
14,221.33 |
180101003002250 |
9801 |
Pickering T |
16,521.68 |
180102001710115 |
9801 |
Pickering T |
14,426.52 |
180102002400700 |
9801 |
Pickering T |
14,426.52 |
180103000330400 |
9801 |
Pickering T |
9,418.46 |
180103000823418 |
9801 |
Pickering T |
27,542.65 |
180502001506902 |
9801 |
Ajax T |
8,602.15 |
180502001535801 |
9801 |
Ajax T |
13,928.32 |
180503000709900 |
9801 |
Ajax T |
27,369.89 |
180504000609300 |
9801 |
Ajax T |
14,093.73 |
180504000610540 |
9801 |
Ajax T |
11,878.14 |
180504001309600 |
9801 |
Ajax T |
8,870.97 |
180901003602800 |
9801 |
Whitby T |
6,742.83 |
180901003704650 |
9801 |
Whitby T |
13,955.56 |
180901004105000 |
0000 |
Whitby T |
554.61 |
180902000120510 |
9801 |
Whitby T |
19,867.03 |
180902000407810 |
9801 |
Whitby T |
7,096.42 |
180903001207400 |
9801 |
Whitby T |
6,684.59 |
180903001604700 |
9801 |
Whitby T |
7,203.41 |
180904002700475 |
0000 |
Whitby T |
7,358.78 |
180904003001703 |
9801 |
Whitby T |
6,617.38 |
180904003401524 |
9801 |
Whitby T |
6,742.83 |
181301000900610 |
9801 |
Oshawa C |
839.15 |
181301001811210 |
9801 |
Oshawa C |
9,089.25 |
181302001901510 |
9801 |
Oshawa C |
7,203.41 |
181302002400150 |
9801 |
Oshawa C |
30,069.89 |
181303001000100 |
0000 |
Oshawa C |
8,832.44 |
181303001000300 |
9801 |
Oshawa C |
6,519.71 |
181303002313210 |
0000 |
Oshawa C |
6,684.59 |
181303003105104 |
9801 |
Oshawa C |
661.00 |
181304000211300 |
9801 |
Oshawa C |
17,504.66 |
181305000103550 |
9801 |
Oshawa C |
14,350.18 |
181305001903310 |
9801 |
Oshawa C |
10,591.40 |
181306002401500 |
9801 |
Oshawa C |
7,035.66 |
181307000205015 |
9801 |
Oshawa C |
724.74 |
181307000433600 |
0000 |
Oshawa C |
6,003.58 |
181702004003710 |
9801 |
Clarington T |
3,624.19 |
181702006008700 |
9801 |
Clarington T |
3,624.19 |
181702006017605 |
9801 |
Clarington T |
617.29 |
181703012011200 |
9801 |
Clarington T |
3,503.23 |
181703013015800 |
9801 |
Clarington T |
3,729.93 |
182002001032675 |
0000 |
Scugog Tp |
4,121.86 |
182002002030650 |
9801 |
Scugog Tp |
5,306.99 |
182002003020800 |
9801 |
Scugog Tp |
3,225.81 |
182905000101910 |
9801 |
Uxbridge Tp |
5,306.99 |
182905000202600 |
9801 |
Uxbridge Tp |
4,618.46 |
182905000207000 |
9801 |
Uxbridge Tp |
14,490.14 |
183902001012000 |
9801 |
Brock Tp |
2,534.05 |
192800019001410 |
0000 |
Vaughan C |
3,763.44 |
192800020109200 |
9801 |
Vaughan C |
1,473.31 |
192800021117000 |
9801 |
Vaughan C |
23,030.65 |
192800021432400 |
9801 |
Vaughan C |
21,669.35 |
192800023359800 |
9801 |
Vaughan C |
675.82 |
192800023900000 |
9801 |
Vaughan C |
6,375.27 |
192800027130000 |
9801 |
Vaughan C |
23,745.34 |
192800032016000 |
9801 |
Vaughan C |
51,676.16 |
192800032055050 |
9801 |
Vaughan C |
9,172.76 |
192800042106400 |
0000 |
Vaughan C |
2,661.91 |
193601002077600 |
9801 |
Markham T |
28,929.44 |
193601008588400 |
9801 |
Markham T |
1,331.91 |
193602011012000 |
9801 |
Markham T |
129,738.60 |
193602012648950 |
9801 |
Markham T |
37,456.45 |
193602012680600 |
9801 |
Markham T |
5,312.36 |
193602012712000 |
9801 |
Markham T |
6,617.48 |
193603021416000 |
9801 |
Markham T |
2,225.26 |
193604028045500 |
9801 |
Markham T |
62,092.47 |
193805001204400 |
9801 |
Richmond Hill T |
1,187.42 |
194600004392000 |
9801 |
Aurora T |
13,339.43 |
194600006746768 |
9801 |
Aurora T |
14,152.87 |
194600007062800 |
9801 |
Aurora T |
13,636.02 |
194600008190100 |
9801 |
Aurora T |
13,457.35 |
194600011001550 |
0000 |
Aurora T |
14,884.41 |
194600011220100 |
9801 |
Aurora T |
14,913.62 |
194600011342950 |
9801 |
Aurora T |
44,937.28 |
194801005015700 |
9801 |
Newmarket T |
24,426.88 |
194801005027748 |
9801 |
Newmarket T |
17,567.03 |
194802011072500 |
9801 |
Newmarket T |
9,880.65 |
194802011239500 |
9801 |
Newmarket T |
5,944.44 |
194804016605200 |
9801 |
Newmarket T |
24,367.74 |
194804019944230 |
9801 |
Newmarket T |
21,893.37 |
197000007113900 |
9801 |
Georgina T |
11,191.76 |
210501000405800 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
15,229.39 |
210501001113100 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
20,784.95 |
210501001518000 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
2,960.36 |
210501006203801 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
651.23 |
210501006321000 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
2,679.13 |
210501006812200 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
7,639.78 |
210502002406410 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
2,271.05 |
210502002421401 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
2,993.71 |
210502002509201 |
9802 |
Mississauga C |
2,991.60 |
210502002602800 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
16,183.33 |
210502003117543 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
1,957.56 |
210502003706900 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
10,286.66 |
210502004016400 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
15,834.23 |
210502004810700 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
1,876.56 |
210502004811800 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
32,164.87 |
210503007514000 |
9802 |
Mississauga C |
2,313.72 |
210503009202800 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
1,643.87 |
210503009642700 |
9802 |
Mississauga C |
2,752.39 |
210504008925900 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
2,564.06 |
210504009361600 |
9802 |
Mississauga C |
3,613.64 |
210504009619700 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
19,034.25 |
210504009724207 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
2,090.07 |
210504009724550 |
9802 |
Mississauga C |
26,362.90 |
210504009804910 |
9802 |
Mississauga C |
3,179.36 |
210504009810503 |
9802 |
Mississauga C |
3,463.08 |
210504009811569 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
2,192.01 |
210504009822310 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
4,413.52 |
210504011620600 |
9802 |
Mississauga C |
24,494.80 |
210504011621750 |
9802 |
Mississauga C |
1,883.01 |
210504015400425 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
2,328.33 |
210504015405310 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
2,999.62 |
210505011312500 |
9802 |
Mississauga C |
2,790.68 |
210505011565900 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
3,492.40 |
210505011615401 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
3,026.14 |
210505011711010 |
9802 |
Mississauga C |
2,469.44 |
210505011726180 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
2,182.70 |
210505011726900 |
9802 |
Mississauga C |
2,295.39 |
210505011806700 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
2,005.66 |
210506012811900 |
9802 |
Mississauga C |
2,664.57 |
210506013101800 |
9802 |
Mississauga C |
2,121.96 |
210506013104300 |
9802 |
Mississauga C |
2,495.66 |
210506013117710 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
3,648.66 |
210506014407500 |
9802 |
Mississauga C |
3,298.50 |
210506015553120 |
9802 |
Mississauga C |
2,399.39 |
210507005316800 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
1,425.61 |
210507005614600 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
16,201.25 |
210507005616400 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
3,836.20 |
210507016201701 |
9802 |
Mississauga C |
1,878.12 |
210507016611600 |
9802 |
Mississauga C |
1,756.48 |
210509000217000 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
2,059.45 |
210509000313000 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
1,426.24 |
210509000417700 |
9802 |
Mississauga C |
654.75 |
210509000807200 |
9802 |
Mississauga C |
1,921.97 |
210511000211000 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
11,832.26 |
210512000611600 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
3,723.12 |
210515008008900 |
9801 |
Mississauga C |
13,504.48 |
210515008300400 |
9802 |
Mississauga C |
1,160.89 |
220400000336100 |
9802 |
East Luther Grand Valley Tp |
1,039.54 |
221403000907700 |
9801 |
Orangeville T |
3,494.32 |
232600000909100 |
9802 |
Centre Wellington Tp |
244.87 |
234100000902215 |
9801 |
Minto Tn |
592.60 |
234100001107300 |
9801 |
Minto Tn |
3,375.84 |
240101003016601 |
0000 |
Oakville T |
3,074.36 |
240101003017700 |
9801 |
Oakville T |
13,874.44 |
240102011001800 |
9801 |
Oakville T |
3,510.48 |
240102019031901 |
9801 |
Oakville T |
1,926.47 |
240102020001502 |
9801 |
Oakville T |
716.92 |
240102028002500 |
9801 |
Oakville T |
3,524.53 |
240102028015700 |
9801 |
Oakville T |
38,141.04 |
240102029005100 |
9801 |
Oakville T |
4,233.34 |
240103001005200 |
9801 |
Oakville T |
1,720.43 |
240103001005300 |
9802 |
Oakville T |
1,304.90 |
240103003009700 |
9801 |
Oakville T |
51,788.53 |
240103004006310 |
9801 |
Oakville T |
4,215.25 |
240103019016800 |
9801 |
Oakville T |
7,473.55 |
240103020003200 |
9801 |
Oakville T |
2,973.95 |
240103032014600 |
9801 |
Oakville T |
4,762.19 |
240104002000300 |
9801 |
Oakville T |
3,365.59 |
240104004012701 |
9801 |
Oakville T |
1,314.84 |
240104017006900 |
9801 |
Oakville T |
3,289.74 |
240104021007700 |
9801 |
Oakville T |
2,582.46 |
240104021030400 |
9801 |
Oakville T |
2,287.35 |
240104021104999 |
9801 |
Oakville T |
2,326.16 |
240104025013205 |
9801 |
Oakville T |
3,939.45 |
240201010603200 |
9801 |
Burlington C |
1,856.78 |
240201011104622 |
9801 |
Burlington C |
3,125.78 |
240201012003900 |
9801 |
Burlington C |
3,019.26 |
240202020209210 |
9801 |
Burlington C |
2,190.35 |
240202020504210 |
9801 |
Burlington C |
2,041.04 |
240202020803400 |
9801 |
Burlington C |
3,340.86 |
240202021900300 |
9801 |
Burlington C |
3,208.46 |
240203030614800 |
9801 |
Burlington C |
2,024.46 |
240204040203640 |
9801 |
Burlington C |
478.71 |
240204041713800 |
9801 |
Burlington C |
2,310.80 |
240205050205110 |
9801 |
Burlington C |
1,593.46 |
240205050205600 |
9801 |
Burlington C |
8,150.54 |
240205052100800 |
9801 |
Burlington C |
3,654.67 |
240205052113800 |
9801 |
Burlington C |
3,244.03 |
240206060807001 |
9801 |
Burlington C |
4,060.53 |
240206061903100 |
9801 |
Burlington C |
2,408.15 |
240207070615300 |
9801 |
Burlington C |
3,768.17 |
240207070803000 |
9801 |
Burlington C |
2,712.99 |
240207071004900 |
9801 |
Burlington C |
3,490.52 |
240207072116200 |
9801 |
Burlington C |
6,099.10 |
240208081907300 |
9802 |
Burlington C |
3,890.61 |
240208082010000 |
9801 |
Burlington C |
2,475.44 |
240209090200100 |
9801 |
Burlington C |
2,881.56 |
240209090305950 |
9801 |
Burlington C |
3,363.31 |
240209091403901 |
9801 |
Burlington C |
3,501.30 |
240209092206600 |
9801 |
Burlington C |
2,587.78 |
240901000307300 |
9801 |
Milton T |
3,186.86 |
240901000368000 |
9801 |
Milton T |
6,807.25 |
240901000397253 |
9801 |
Milton T |
2,019.68 |
240903000218110 |
9801 |
Milton T |
7,433.69 |
240909010010300 |
9801 |
Milton T |
2,230.29 |
240909011000510 |
9801 |
Milton T |
5,301.67 |
241501000209710 |
9801 |
Halton Hills T |
7,001.33 |
241503000106000 |
9801 |
Halton Hills T |
25,479.98 |
241503000202300 |
9801 |
Halton Hills T |
17,379.93 |
241505000144000 |
9801 |
Halton Hills T |
16,606.93 |
241505000219600 |
9802 |
Halton Hills T |
5,365.95 |
241505000303000 |
9801 |
Halton Hills T |
1,958.82 |
241507000100850 |
9801 |
Halton Hills T |
14,512.54 |
241507000133250 |
9801 |
Halton Hills T |
11,709.44 |
241507000513715 |
9801 |
Halton Hills T |
12,003.58 |
241507000537510 |
9801 |
Halton Hills T |
5,820.79 |
241507000604590 |
9801 |
Halton Hills T |
7,603.58 |
251802014203100 |
9801 |
Hamilton C |
890.64 |
251802018101370 |
9801 |
Hamilton C |
1,254.48 |
251803023256360 |
9801 |
Hamilton C |
359.84 |
251803023751180 |
9801 |
Hamilton C |
408.65 |
251803026350670 |
9801 |
Hamilton C |
360.90 |
251804030608620 |
9801 |
Hamilton C |
1,014.67 |
251804033458280 |
9801 |
Hamilton C |
137.88 |
251805042101660 |
9801 |
Hamilton C |
882.70 |
251806059200070 |
9801 |
Hamilton C |
1,068.82 |
251806060201390 |
9801 |
Hamilton C |
815.29 |
251807081209090 |
9801 |
Hamilton C |
1,056.49 |
251807082100040 |
9801 |
Hamilton C |
761.26 |
251808099102770 |
9801 |
Hamilton C |
762.00 |
252610008005200 |
9801 |
Dundas T |
13,530.47 |
252610010030600 |
9801 |
Dundas T |
1,179.20 |
252610012025200 |
9801 |
Dundas T |
11,559.14 |
252610014032600 |
9801 |
Dundas T |
1,218.64 |
252610014032800 |
9801 |
Dundas T |
2,359.73 |
252610025002200 |
9801 |
Dundas T |
10,842.29 |
252610025020400 |
9801 |
Dundas T |
5,860.22 |
261501000521800 |
9801 |
Grimsby T |
389.43 |
261501000706700 |
9801 |
Grimsby T |
3,970.22 |
261502001424100 |
9801 |
Grimsby T |
24,979.32 |
262202002504900 |
9801 |
Lincoln T |
10,627.24 |
262701000118301 |
9801 |
Niagara-on-the-Lake T |
1,935.48 |
262701000408100 |
9801 |
Niagara-on-the-Lake T |
19,103.94 |
262702001320100 |
9801 |
Niagara-on-the-Lake T |
6,197.46 |
262702001810300 |
9801 |
Niagara-on-the-Lake T |
2,029.57 |
262702002313700 |
9801 |
Niagara-on-the-Lake T |
3,960.57 |
262702002402600 |
9801 |
Niagara-on-the-Lake T |
6,262.63 |
262901000217500 |
9801 |
St. Catharines C |
3,243.73 |
262901001107900 |
9801 |
St. Catharines C |
8,763.44 |
262901002602000 |
9801 |
St. Catharines C |
11,827.96 |
262903000807000 |
9801 |
St. Catharines C |
1,242.13 |
262904000306100 |
9801 |
St. Catharines C |
15,363.98 |
262904003313300 |
9801 |
St. Catharines C |
1,213.63 |
262904003313300 |
9802 |
St. Catharines C |
1,213.63 |
262905000200700 |
9801 |
St. Catharines C |
818.73 |
262906003801500 |
9801 |
St. Catharines C |
26,266.13 |
271901000123101 |
9801 |
Welland C |
10,215.05 |
271901000606700 |
9801 |
Welland C |
1,552.24 |
271901000728801 |
9802 |
Welland C |
1,880.81 |
271901001358300 |
9801 |
Welland C |
1,447.52 |
271904000102900 |
9801 |
Welland C |
3,200.72 |
271904000712101 |
9801 |
Welland C |
6,164.87 |
271904000802200 |
9801 |
Welland C |
1,021.51 |
271904001108202 |
9801 |
Welland C |
8,799.28 |
271905001109300 |
9801 |
Welland C |
8,333.33 |
271905001500100 |
9801 |
Welland C |
13,637.99 |
271906000107201 |
9801 |
Welland C |
954.61 |
271906000204900 |
9801 |
Welland C |
7,222.22 |
271906001514000 |
9801 |
Welland C |
8,064.52 |
272501000506600 |
9801 |
Niagara Falls C |
1,871.51 |
272501000619700 |
9801 |
Niagara Falls C |
2,435.30 |
272501001304900 |
9801 |
Niagara Falls C |
6,093.19 |
272501001304900 |
9802 |
Niagara Falls C |
6,093.19 |
272503000212100 |
9801 |
Niagara Falls C |
7,849.46 |
272503000405400 |
9801 |
Niagara Falls C |
3,032.97 |
272504000208800 |
9801 |
Niagara Falls C |
527.14 |
272504000400600 |
9801 |
Niagara Falls C |
2,921.15 |
272504000410600 |
9801 |
Niagara Falls C |
2,077.96 |
272505000412800 |
9801 |
Niagara Falls C |
1,661.65 |
272506001002000 |
9801 |
Niagara Falls C |
325.75 |
272506001002000 |
9802 |
Niagara Falls C |
325.75 |
272506001107001 |
9801 |
Niagara Falls C |
296.24 |
272507000201900 |
9801 |
Niagara Falls C |
2,749.10 |
272508000612800 |
9801 |
Niagara Falls C |
5,422.40 |
272510000413700 |
9801 |
Niagara Falls C |
700.54 |
273100000209400 |
9801 |
Thorold C |
3,734.34 |
273202000200901 |
9801 |
Pelham T |
10,770.61 |
273202000206300 |
9801 |
Pelham T |
9,282.93 |
273203000417305 |
9801 |
Pelham T |
11,344.09 |
280204000503750 |
0000 |
Dunnville T |
1,433.69 |
281501000501900 |
9801 |
Haldimand T |
7,974.91 |
281501000509700 |
0000 |
Haldimand T |
12,813.62 |
281504000426300 |
9801 |
Haldimand T |
8,691.76 |
283304003038400 |
9801 |
Nanticoke C |
7,168.46 |
283305002016200 |
9801 |
Nanticoke C |
14,648.37 |
284001001540020 |
9801 |
Simcoe T |
611.47 |
284902000622800 |
9801 |
Delhi Tp |
1,920.42 |
290601001013400 |
0000 |
Brantford C |
2,424.01 |
290602000419000 |
9801 |
Brantford C |
5,913.98 |
290602001205500 |
9801 |
Brantford C |
8,566.31 |
290602001455500 |
9801 |
Brantford C |
7,293.91 |
290603000612700 |
9801 |
Brantford C |
2,396.00 |
290603000810800 |
9801 |
Brantford C |
9,014.34 |
290604001430900 |
9801 |
Brantford C |
1,792.11 |
290605000101200 |
0000 |
Brantford C |
38,849.82 |
290605000223000 |
0000 |
Brantford C |
6,935.48 |
292000401047110 |
9801 |
Brant on the Grand C |
4,774.01 |
292000401050500 |
9801 |
Brant on the Grand C |
3,642.29 |
292000402015600 |
9801 |
Brant on the Grand C |
3,494.62 |
292000404005810 |
9801 |
Brant on the Grand C |
3,494.62 |
292000404030700 |
9801 |
Brant on the Grand C |
5,654.12 |
292000406017300 |
9801 |
Brant on the Grand C |
4,749.10 |
300101000511600 |
0000 |
North Dumfries Tp |
6,996.36 |
300602004106901 |
0000 |
Cambridge C |
7,616.49 |
300602004304100 |
0000 |
Cambridge C |
1,502.99 |
300603001404810 |
0000 |
Cambridge C |
9,027.78 |
300604000304100 |
0000 |
Cambridge C |
1,249.65 |
300604002810150 |
0000 |
Cambridge C |
2,776.12 |
300604005607800 |
0000 |
Cambridge C |
1,574.18 |
300606005205600 |
0000 |
Cambridge C |
1,053.11 |
300606005510500 |
9801 |
Cambridge C |
1,531.68 |
300607002710500 |
9801 |
Cambridge C |
8,691.76 |
300609000111000 |
9801 |
Cambridge C |
10,474.91 |
300609000412900 |
9801 |
Cambridge C |
1,716.88 |
300610002102950 |
9801 |
Cambridge C |
1,617.74 |
300611001802500 |
9801 |
Cambridge C |
24,862.90 |
300611001802500 |
9802 |
Cambridge C |
24,862.90 |
300612000614700 |
9801 |
Cambridge C |
8,691.76 |
300614000206100 |
9801 |
Cambridge C |
12,347.67 |
301203001037800 |
9801 |
Kitchener C |
3,793.21 |
301204000720500 |
9801 |
Kitchener C |
685.56 |
301204002803400 |
9801 |
Kitchener C |
1,243.87 |
301204002809300 |
9801 |
Kitchener C |
1,079.29 |
301205000211800 |
9801 |
Kitchener C |
412.19 |
301205000212000 |
9801 |
Kitchener C |
412.19 |
301205000806200 |
9801 |
Kitchener C |
12,690.85 |
301601185006100 |
9801 |
Waterloo C |
1,413.85 |
301601210005000 |
9801 |
Waterloo C |
2,382.47 |
301601215004010 |
9801 |
Waterloo C |
3,088.78 |
301602155000600 |
9801 |
Waterloo C |
1,696.78 |
301602160001500 |
9801 |
Waterloo C |
7,689.21 |
301603080001800 |
9801 |
Waterloo C |
1,328.40 |
301604000200500 |
9801 |
Waterloo C |
1,412.66 |
301604015002800 |
9801 |
Waterloo C |
1,366.69 |
301604045000800 |
9801 |
Waterloo C |
2,045.09 |
301604130000400 |
9801 |
Waterloo C |
615.06 |
301604325002000 |
9801 |
Waterloo C |
1,372.58 |
301604475001900 |
9801 |
Waterloo C |
1,320.03 |
301802000207550 |
9801 |
Wilmot Tp |
5,147.98 |
301804000607300 |
9801 |
Wilmot Tp |
1,146.75 |
301805001200300 |
9801 |
Wilmot Tp |
26,403.41 |
301805001612150 |
9801 |
Wilmot Tp |
4,131.94 |
301805001619207 |
9801 |
Wilmot Tp |
3,433.64 |
301808000917101 |
9801 |
Wilmot Tp |
10,361.80 |
301809001001305 |
9801 |
Wilmot Tp |
5,071.73 |
302401000108000 |
9801 |
Wellesley Tp |
8,870.97 |
302403000323001 |
9801 |
Wellesley Tp |
10,304.66 |
302404000500300 |
9801 |
Wellesley Tp |
9,587.81 |
302901000118802 |
9801 |
Woolwich Tp |
1,378.61 |
302901000213101 |
9801 |
Woolwich Tp |
5,465.95 |
302901000608511 |
9801 |
Woolwich Tp |
2,073.48 |
302901000619300 |
9801 |
Woolwich Tp |
1,458.06 |
302902000346250 |
9802 |
Woolwich Tp |
5,098.61 |
302902000413850 |
9801 |
Woolwich Tp |
9,050.18 |
302902000716650 |
9801 |
Woolwich Tp |
10,304.66 |
302903000206750 |
9801 |
Woolwich Tp |
11,021.51 |
302903000500901 |
9801 |
Woolwich Tp |
9,767.03 |
302903000527100 |
9801 |
Woolwich Tp |
3,114.63 |
311034000217401 |
9801 |
Perth East Tp |
10,097.11 |
311101004034200 |
9801 |
Stratford C |
1,466.16 |
311101007012000 |
9801 |
Stratford C |
1,879.77 |
311102001001200 |
9801 |
Stratford C |
1,256.91 |
311103006018620 |
9801 |
Stratford C |
1,202.12 |
311104008000900 |
9801 |
Stratford C |
810.76 |
311105008004100 |
9801 |
Stratford C |
1,086.13 |
311105008004300 |
9801 |
Stratford C |
1,006.72 |
311600005000500 |
9801 |
St. Marys ST |
329.25 |
313026000400910 |
9801 |
West Perth Tp |
1,242.79 |
320202003004701 |
9802 |
Norwich Tp |
1,046.18 |
320401001009100 |
9801 |
Tillsonburg T |
1,397.48 |
320402002012700 |
9801 |
Tillsonburg T |
2,792.51 |
320403003017900 |
9801 |
Tillsonburg T |
4,631.54 |
321801001004600 |
9801 |
Ingersoll T |
695.72 |
321802003021416 |
9801 |
Ingersoll T |
2,325.16 |
324201005006800 |
9801 |
Woodstock C |
1,213.15 |
324201011004000 |
9801 |
Woodstock C |
760.55 |
324202008003000 |
9801 |
Woodstock C |
9,229.39 |
324202008157584 |
9801 |
Woodstock C |
756.46 |
324203001000400 |
9801 |
Woodstock C |
741.50 |
324203001011600 |
9801 |
Woodstock C |
1,565.75 |
324206004000400 |
9801 |
Woodstock C |
1,127.55 |
324206006011300 |
9801 |
Woodstock C |
9,229.39 |
342102018019400 |
9801 |
St. Thomas C |
10,304.66 |
342102020027501 |
9801 |
St. Thomas C |
7,258.06 |
342103031014400 |
9801 |
St. Thomas C |
972.98 |
342104033003900 |
9801 |
St. Thomas C |
6,182.80 |
342104033012200 |
9801 |
St. Thomas C |
4,211.47 |
342104034012602 |
9801 |
St. Thomas C |
1,702.51 |
342104044017700 |
9801 |
St. Thomas C |
6,182.80 |
342104049010300 |
9801 |
St. Thomas C |
6,182.80 |
342104050011205 |
9801 |
St. Thomas C |
4,175.63 |
342104053008300 |
9801 |
St. Thomas C |
6,182.80 |
365011000639500 |
9802 |
Chatham-Kent C |
139.44 |
365024000230900 |
9801 |
Chatham-Kent C |
4,480.29 |
365024000410900 |
9801 |
Chatham-Kent C |
2,956.99 |
365038000101200 |
9801 |
Chatham-Kent C |
1,308.24 |
365038000101700 |
9801 |
Chatham-Kent C |
166.71 |
365038000131600 |
9801 |
Chatham-Kent C |
1,433.69 |
365039000132900 |
9801 |
Chatham-Kent C |
1,236.56 |
365039000200900 |
9801 |
Chatham-Kent C |
483.87 |
365039000401200 |
9801 |
Chatham-Kent C |
198.01 |
365039000401300 |
9801 |
Chatham-Kent C |
1,523.30 |
365042001318200 |
9801 |
Chatham-Kent C |
1,028.88 |
365042002120200 |
9801 |
Chatham-Kent C |
459.30 |
365042002712400 |
9801 |
Chatham-Kent C |
231.45 |
365042003604500 |
9801 |
Chatham-Kent C |
734.66 |
365042004127400 |
9801 |
Chatham-Kent C |
1,497.89 |
365042004905700 |
9801 |
Chatham-Kent C |
533.62 |
365044100303200 |
9801 |
Chatham-Kent C |
757.31 |
365044100617500 |
9801 |
Chatham-Kent C |
967.74 |
365044200805700 |
9802 |
Chatham-Kent C |
658.20 |
365044300200800 |
9801 |
Chatham-Kent C |
628.35 |
365044300309200 |
9802 |
Chatham-Kent C |
255.77 |
373901019017900 |
9801 |
Windsor C |
906.09 |
373901031008500 |
9801 |
Windsor C |
938.08 |
373901039001700 |
9801 |
Windsor C |
1,445.57 |
373902010002700 |
9801 |
Windsor C |
644.61 |
373902040001800 |
9801 |
Windsor C |
1,033.07 |
373903020007100 |
9801 |
Windsor C |
1,291.74 |
373903045000100 |
9801 |
Windsor C |
809.91 |
373904001003300 |
9801 |
Windsor C |
1,885.20 |
373904011004500 |
9801 |
Windsor C |
2,452.55 |
373904024011000 |
9801 |
Windsor C |
1,109.14 |
373904055002700 |
9801 |
Windsor C |
1,289.70 |
373905019002300 |
9801 |
Windsor C |
916.60 |
373905037014300 |
9801 |
Windsor C |
1,620.82 |
373905042014700 |
9801 |
Windsor C |
918.10 |
373906029010100 |
9801 |
Windsor C |
1,799.42 |
373906044005400 |
9801 |
Windsor C |
233.09 |
373907004003800 |
9801 |
Windsor C |
1,093.40 |
373908034000101 |
9801 |
Windsor C |
425.81 |
373908051007700 |
9801 |
Windsor C |
1,421.46 |
382910000222600 |
9801 |
Sarnia C |
5,107.53 |
382920000717300 |
9801 |
Sarnia C |
1,477.52 |
382920001433700 |
9801 |
Sarnia C |
823.72 |
382920001600100 |
9801 |
Sarnia C |
1,255.54 |
382920003325100 |
9801 |
Sarnia C |
6,457.83 |
382930000101900 |
9801 |
Sarnia C |
5,972.40 |
382930000315300 |
9801 |
Sarnia C |
24,849.64 |
382930000315400 |
9801 |
Sarnia C |
89.78 |
382930001307500 |
9801 |
Sarnia C |
1,375.90 |
382930001720200 |
9801 |
Sarnia C |
1,015.27 |
382930002024702 |
9801 |
Sarnia C |
1,405.53 |
382940001508300 |
9801 |
Sarnia C |
1,098.70 |
382940004000700 |
9801 |
Sarnia C |
680.75 |
382940004809000 |
9801 |
Sarnia C |
1,751.45 |
382940005025500 |
9801 |
Sarnia C |
5,316.13 |
382940005111700 |
9801 |
Sarnia C |
14,134.59 |
383800001027500 |
9801 |
Forest T |
3,081.18 |
384104200114200 |
9801 |
Warwick Tp |
4,820.79 |
384900001002001 |
9801 |
Thedford V |
5,143.37 |
391600002004400 |
9801 |
Strathroy T |
1,364.02 |
391600013014200 |
9801 |
Strathroy T |
8,207.89 |
393601002008800 |
9801 |
London C |
1,077.66 |
393601009199000 |
9801 |
London C |
1,631.55 |
393601014012601 |
9801 |
London C |
1,536.03 |
393601022000300 |
9801 |
London C |
4,400.92 |
393601024028300 |
9801 |
London C |
1,715.38 |
393601037007500 |
9801 |
London C |
1,119.17 |
393601041499900 |
9801 |
London C |
23,338.01 |
393601062000400 |
9801 |
London C |
1,367.08 |
393602013007600 |
9801 |
London C |
678.71 |
393602023001200 |
9801 |
London C |
1,322.26 |
393602036014501 |
9801 |
London C |
1,281.69 |
393602040018100 |
9801 |
London C |
1,403.24 |
393602041000700 |
9801 |
London C |
1,125.14 |
393603017019900 |
9801 |
London C |
4,219.24 |
393603028025602 |
9801 |
London C |
1,080.11 |
393603029010900 |
9801 |
London C |
4,896.85 |
393603074106400 |
9801 |
London C |
4,225.12 |
393603078007900 |
9801 |
London C |
4,434.20 |
393604001010800 |
9801 |
London C |
980.37 |
393604003005100 |
9801 |
London C |
34,991.73 |
393604027005100 |
9801 |
London C |
2,418.92 |
393604040004300 |
9801 |
London C |
2,363.75 |
393604057018500 |
9801 |
London C |
1,764.99 |
393604062006100 |
9801 |
London C |
1,116.35 |
393605007006700 |
9801 |
London C |
632.90 |
393605022104200 |
9801 |
London C |
3,413.23 |
393605035011200 |
9801 |
London C |
3,761.53 |
393605048003000 |
9801 |
London C |
1,185.79 |
393605054000300 |
9801 |
London C |
1,234.19 |
393606002019800 |
9801 |
London C |
1,386.13 |
393606021010200 |
9801 |
London C |
645.94 |
393606049004200 |
9801 |
London C |
1,007.19 |
393606056016201 |
9801 |
London C |
1,401.27 |
393607010004000 |
9801 |
London C |
5,031.50 |
393607025100600 |
9801 |
London C |
5,518.71 |
393607034100900 |
9801 |
London C |
2,719.13 |
400800039002100 |
9801 |
Exeter T |
724.48 |
402801017000175 |
9801 |
Goderich T |
151.17 |
402801028001405 |
9801 |
Goderich T |
1,427.97 |
402804127005112 |
9801 |
Goderich T |
1,328.44 |
405104018006000 |
9801 |
Wingham T |
4,745.30 |
411046000407611 |
9801 |
Port Elgin-Saugeen-Southampton T |
673.69 |
411046000425402 |
9801 |
Port Elgin-Saugeen-Southampton T |
17,369.99 |
425902001306600 |
9801 |
Owen Sound C |
1,980.51 |
431201000303402 |
0000 |
Bradford West Gwillimbury T |
4,373.48 |
431601000800500 |
9801 |
Innisfil T |
11,322.76 |
431601001408601 |
9801 |
Innisfil T |
19,190.86 |
431601002303820 |
9801 |
Innisfil T |
20,340.32 |
431601002608800 |
9801 |
Innisfil T |
3,326.88 |
431601003702900 |
9801 |
Innisfil T |
8,243.55 |
431601003807200 |
9801 |
Innisfil T |
11,965.95 |
431601004500300 |
9801 |
Innisfil T |
6,522.22 |
431601004917800 |
9801 |
Innisfil T |
11,975.99 |
431602006119200 |
9801 |
Innisfil T |
3,270.61 |
431603007417300 |
9801 |
Innisfil T |
4,489.42 |
435306000129250 |
9801 |
Tay Tp |
2,186.38 |
437201000726100 |
9801 |
Penetanguishene T |
3,947.67 |
441801000301900 |
9801 |
Bracebridge T |
216.00 |
441801000700100 |
0000 |
Bracebridge T |
159.68 |
441804001005000 |
9801 |
Bracebridge T |
562.39 |
441804001502200 |
9801 |
Bracebridge T |
595.09 |
441805000700900 |
9801 |
Bracebridge T |
12,121.33 |
470200001500701 |
9801 |
Arnprior T |
716.85 |
470200002002300 |
9801 |
Arnprior T |
5,202.91 |
470200002012899 |
9801 |
Arnprior T |
1,487.46 |
470200005500300 |
9801 |
Arnprior T |
3,954.21 |
470200006019201 |
9801 |
Arnprior T |
1,845.88 |
470200006501500 |
9801 |
Arnprior T |
2,204.30 |
473900001031080 |
9801 |
Eganville V |
3,369.18 |
474800001005601 |
9801 |
Renfrew T |
4,749.10 |
474800001503305 |
9801 |
Renfrew T |
2,634.41 |
474800003008100 |
9801 |
Renfrew T |
419.67 |
474800004012200 |
9801 |
Renfrew T |
5,017.92 |
474800009003175 |
9801 |
Renfrew T |
3,942.65 |
476400001001100 |
9801 |
Pembroke C |
1,605.14 |
476400002515300 |
9801 |
Pembroke C |
915.12 |
476400003056750 |
9801 |
Pembroke C |
1,547.89 |
476400003506875 |
9801 |
Pembroke C |
779.99 |
476400003538040 |
9801 |
Pembroke C |
896.06 |
479600005015500 |
9801 |
Deep River T |
1,702.51 |
484401000614100 |
9801 |
North Bay C |
2,022.69 |
484401001701000 |
9801 |
North Bay C |
5,094.07 |
484403003802800 |
9801 |
North Bay C |
416.66 |
484404006217600 |
9801 |
North Bay C |
4,187.00 |
484405006700300 |
9801 |
North Bay C |
3,831.59 |
530702000106600 |
9801 |
Sudbury C |
2,226.80 |
530702000600500 |
9801 |
Sudbury C |
556.77 |
530703000505700 |
9801 |
Sudbury C |
1,299.26 |
530703001700700 |
9801 |
Sudbury C |
1,882.19 |
530705001101000 |
9801 |
Sudbury C |
980.41 |
530705003000400 |
9801 |
Sudbury C |
739.81 |
530707000101500 |
9801 |
Sudbury C |
1,386.17 |
530707001506701 |
9801 |
Sudbury C |
422.39 |
563104001111500 |
9801 |
Iroquois Falls T |
219.89 |
563900000204900 |
0000 |
Cochrane T |
2,419.35 |
566600000408300 |
9802 |
Kapuskasing T |
146.95 |
572800000121300 |
9801 |
Thessalon T |
2,132.62 |
572800000327300 |
9801 |
Thessalon T |
2,310.75 |
576101000400100 |
9801 |
Sault Ste Marie C |
1,080.71 |
576101004500100 |
9801 |
Sault Ste Marie C |
9,946.24 |
576101006001004 |
9801 |
Sault Ste Marie C |
1,186.61 |
576102001003900 |
9801 |
Sault Ste Marie C |
1,284.13 |
576102001903500 |
9801 |
Sault Ste Marie C |
1,149.63 |
576102002902000 |
9801 |
Sault Ste Marie C |
4,003.38 |
576102003807700 |
9801 |
Sault Ste Marie C |
1,124.64 |
576103000500800 |
9801 |
Sault Ste Marie C |
3,086.27 |
576103003202700 |
9801 |
Sault Ste Marie C |
6,505.38 |
576103004407200 |
9801 |
Sault Ste Marie C |
5,908.60 |
576103006204403 |
9801 |
Sault Ste Marie C |
11,030.47 |
576103006204900 |
9801 |
Sault Ste Marie C |
5,033.51 |
576104002206600 |
9801 |
Sault Ste Marie C |
17,921.51 |
576105000303800 |
9801 |
Sault Ste Marie C |
1,251.48 |
576106002602700 |
9801 |
Sault Ste Marie C |
1,661.31 |
576106005200300 |
9801 |
Sault Ste Marie C |
3,207.89 |
580401003723500 |
9801 |
Thunder Bay C |
996.14 |
580401007509900 |
9802 |
Thunder Bay C |
1,228.80 |
580401009406000 |
9801 |
Thunder Bay C |
1,780.96 |
590100000817625 |
9801 |
Atikokan Tp |
1,057.35 |
603434000217200 |
0000 |
Sioux Lookout T |
4,695.34 |
O. Reg. 423/11, Table 5.
Roll Number |
Subordinate Roll Number |
Amount in Dollars per Square Metre |
190102241002200 |
9801 |
190102451002300 |
9801 |
43163.28 |
190102457001300 |
9801 |
16720.64 |
190102473002100 |
9801 |
5417.131 |
190103139003900 |
9801 |
6535.924 |
190103215000300 |
9801 |
5546.808 |
190103258000800 |
9801 |
9590.593 |
190103279006400 |
9801 |
3269.039 |
190103282000100 |
9801 |
4294.692 |
190103321005400 |
9801 |
35974.12 |
190104113001600 |
9801 |
7186.78 |
190104132001900 |
9801 |
4499.073 |
190104211000400 |
9801 |
4786.367 |
190104252005500 |
9801 |
3782.792 |
190104349004400 |
9801 |
6620.48 |
190105126001700 |
9801 |
6538.824 |
190105142001700 |
9801 |
7235.94 |
190105201008600 |
9801 |
5028.699 |
190105202005200 |
9801 |
5754.552 |
190105239002100 |
9801 |
2715.707 |
190105257006900 |
9801 |
3997.707 |
190105288005300 |
9801 |
6854.26 |
190106215000100 |
9801 |
2838.718 |
190106226000100 |
9801 |
5107.965 |
190106242010300 |
9801 |
5257.756 |
190106243000200 |
9801 |
2271.195 |
190106312000300 |
9801 |
7854.745 |
190106357000800 |
9801 |
2495.009 |
190107127003200 |
0000 |
11181.48 |
190107149702500 |
9801 |
2120.018 |
190107208000100 |
9801 |
190107235001400 |
9801 |
4630.19 |
190107245002900 |
9801 |
3556.148 |
190107315002300 |
9801 |
3385.739 |
190107335100100 |
9801 |
37195.29 |
190107353000900 |
9801 |
4909.148 |
190108231005500 |
9801 |
2119.431 |
190108246003600 |
9801 |
17900.85 |
190108317000900 |
9801 |
4783.96 |
190108427004100 |
9801 |
5289.956 |
190109116004200 |
9801 |
3975.308 |
190109158007400 |
9801 |
14092.95 |
190109212003500 |
9801 |
20789.72 |
190109322000950 |
9801 |
3382.943 |
190109413001450 |
9801 |
5131.101 |
190109665005800 |
9801 |
7363.547 |
190110129000200 |
9801 |
190110123014500 |
9801 |
4988.338 |
190110132002900 |
9801 |
7685.25 |
190110218000100 |
9801 |
5804.246 |
190110495003950 |
9801 |
6845.327 |
190111127008050 |
9801 |
4210.986 |
190111137003600 |
9801 |
5350.297 |
190111234005450 |
9801 |
190111310101850 |
9801 |
3227.096 |
190112117002900 |
9801 |
4849.465 |
190401114000100 |
9801 |
29733.97 |
190401121000300 |
9801 |
41859.65 |
190401130006900 |
9801 |
82722.64 |
190401275000600 |
9801 |
3058.885 |
190401370000100 |
9801 |
825.1412 |
190402126001000 |
9801 |
1495.373 |
190402439000690 |
0000 |
4693.566 |
190402439001200 |
9801 |
190403110001400 |
9801 |
2447.684 |
190403141003600 |
9801 |
1131.734 |
190403202000320 |
9801 |
1704.619 |
190403250000400 |
9801 |
3261.327 |
190404116000100 |
9801 |
190404160003800 |
9801 |
190404160003801 |
1920.137 | |
190404330001400 |
9801 |
3310.765 |
190405363000200 |
9801 |
6104.209 |
190405418004400 |
9801 |
1109.843 |
190406208000200 |
9801 |
1577.729 |
190406215000700 |
9801 |
190406251000100 |
9802 |
1374.116 |
190406435001100 |
9801 |
1852.697 |
190406613002800 |
9801 |
881.5109 |
190406709000200 |
9801 |
2769.806 |
190406838000700 |
9801 |
1917.946 |
190407172000300 |
9801 |
6631.338 |
190407220002600 |
9801 |
14890.08 |
190408219000300 |
9801 |
928.274 |
190408219000350 |
9801 |
1512.092 |
190408437005500 |
9801 |
1659.345 |
190409310001900 |
9801 |
1255.267 |
190409544000200 |
9801 |
993.7809 |
190410305001200 |
9801 |
2200.688 |
190410328004200 |
9801 |
3732.875 |
190410404007100 |
9801 |
8014.614 |
190410435101300 |
9801 |
1380.939 |
190411215000400 |
9801 |
3936.583 |
190411304000200 |
9801 |
190411339003000 |
9801 |
4145.66 |
190411458004270 |
9801 |
2115.982 |
190602205004500 |
9801 |
5008.051 |
190602407002800 |
9801 |
190603124004800 |
9801 |
9368.589 |
190603228006800 |
9801 |
8214.563 |
190801152000600 |
9801 |
8699.599 |
190801326000100 |
9801 |
63686.47 |
190801353006600 |
9801 |
16540.87 |
190801395000300 |
9801 |
7935.299 |
190803158000600 |
9801 |
24936.39 |
190803232000900 |
9801 |
190803277000300 |
9801 |
9311.637 |
190803332100100 |
9801 |
4550.148 |
190807275001600 |
9801 |
5409.091 |
190807316008100 |
9801 |
6962.189 |
190807363000100 |
9801 |
6899.943 |
190808211011600 |
9801 |
2767.863 |
190808323000200 |
9801 |
7582.365 |
190809314001100 |
9801 |
190809408000100 |
9801 |
3222.092 |
190809430009600 |
9801 |
6154.149 |
190809439000700 |
9801 |
2932.28 |
190810121000150 |
9801 |
1681.861 |
190810128007900 |
9801 |
190810135000500 |
9801 |
2449.273 |
190810232000050 |
9801 |
12767.19 |
190810235000100 |
9801 |
6629.096 |
190810315000100 |
9801 |
60098.5 |
190811336008300 |
9801 |
9250.236 |
190811418000200 |
9801 |
2207.3 |
190812139005100 |
9801 |
10545.61 |
190812212002100 |
9801 |
4501.512 |
190812234015700 |
9801 |
190812243000600 |
9801 |
191901187005600 |
9801 |
2642.051 |
191901210002600 |
9801 |
2392.875 |
191901317003700 |
9801 |
4643.255 |
191901370001700 |
9801 |
3523.03 |
191901409003650 |
9801 |
191901412000650 |
9801 |
3244.123 |
191901422001500 |
9801 |
191901503003500 |
9801 |
2542.93 |
191901513500300 |
9801 |
31394.74 |
191901554000100 |
9801 |
5757.061 |
191901583000700 |
9801 |
1765.834 |
191901681004300 |
9801 |
4107.495 |
191901689000100 |
9801 |
3001.475 |
191901734001200 |
9801 |
2912.872 |
191901749002300 |
9801 |
16863.46 |
191901749002400 |
9801 |
1921.038 |
191901818001900 |
9801 |
41620.45 |
191901825000100 |
9801 |
5218.866 |
191902127002900 |
9801 |
43414.44 |
191902178006600 |
9801 |
5051.774 |
191902302004100 |
9801 |
4708.196 |
191902312002800 |
9801 |
6560.253 |
191902317014100 |
9801 |
2500.466 |
191902325000700 |
9801 |
1796.883 |
191902420000400 |
9801 |
1931.524 |
191902536004400 |
9801 |
35700.3 |
191902543004300 |
9801 |
4594.55 |
191902605000100 |
9801 |
2517.496 |
191902619003800 |
9801 |
3110.023 |
191902637001300 |
9801 |
5195.251 |
191902650007000 |
9801 |
3084.304 |
191903120001300 |
9801 |
2441.299 |
191903217000300 |
9801 |
5218.866 |
191903244000200 |
9801 |
1710.154 |
191903312001200 |
9801 |
5740.752 |
191903316002000 |
9801 |
1669.107 |
191903338008400 |
9801 |
2227.016 |
191903352000400 |
9801 |
1843.254 |
191903419506100 |
9801 |
1831.662 |
191903428004000 |
9801 |
2881.353 |
191903469501700 |
9801 |
4957.922 |
191903512500300 |
9801 |
4109.857 |
191903601000400 |
9801 |
1533.857 |
191903634005700 |
9801 |
3214.561 |
191903656004300 |
9801 |
2046.422 |
191903666003200 |
9801 |
2863.38 |
191903729000100 |
9801 |
5247.604 |
191903760001500 |
9801 |
4378.272 |
191903808000700 |
9801 |
1934.638 |
191903828000300 |
9801 |
1963.566 |
191903831001100 |
9801 |
2057.721 |
191903831003700 |
9801 |
5620.97 |
191904123001200 |
9801 |
5500.5 |
191904150000500 |
9801 |
5211.486 |
191904162000800 |
9801 |
35700.3 |
191904162000900 |
9801 |
1932.19 |
191904207001400 |
9801 |
5795.952 |
191904220004600 |
9801 |
4724.431 |
191904226001600 |
9801 |
3640.503 |
191904244007400 |
9801 |
2175.511 |
191904288000300 |
9801 |
5856.597 |
191904312000200 |
9801 |
5000.429 |
191904327002000 |
9801 |
4953.304 |
191904344002500 |
9801 |
1829.576 |
191904402001100 |
9801 |
2746.708 |
191904403000050 |
9801 |
2515.522 |
191904423002200 |
9801 |
3049.244 |
191904430207500 |
9801 |
2635.759 |
191904432000400 |
9801 |
3208.864 |
191905117001400 |
9801 |
40185.27 |
191905151002200 |
9801 |
191905407000750 |
9801 |
191905424004100 |
9801 |
O. Reg. 423/11, Table 6.
TABLES 7-10 Revoked: O. Reg. 423/11, s. 14.