O. Reg. 297/13: OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY AWARENESS AND TRAINING, Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.1
Occupational Health and Safety Act
Historical version for the period November 14, 2013 to June 30, 2014.
No amendments.
This is the English version of a bilingual regulation.
Note: On July 1, 2014, sections 1 to 4 come into force. (See: O. Reg. 297/13, s. 7 (2))
Basic Occupational Health and Safety Awareness Training
Basic occupational health and safety awareness training — workers
1. (1) An employer shall ensure that a worker who performs work for the employer completes a basic occupational health and safety awareness training program that meets the requirements set out in subsection (3) as soon as practicable. O. Reg. 297/13, s. 1 (1).
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if,
(a) the worker previously completed a basic occupational health and safety awareness training program and provides the employer with proof of completion of the training; and
(b) the employer verifies that the previous training meets the requirements set out in subsection (3). O. Reg. 297/13, s. 1 (2).
(3) A basic occupational health and safety awareness training program for workers must include instruction on the following:
1. The duties and rights of workers under the Act.
2. The duties of employers and supervisors under the Act.
3. The roles of health and safety representatives and joint health and safety committees under the Act.
4. The roles of the Ministry, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board and entities designated under section 22.5 of the Act with respect to occupational health and safety.
5. Common workplace hazards.
6. The requirements set out in Regulation 860 (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)) with respect to information and instruction on controlled products.
7. Occupational illness, including latency. O. Reg. 297/13, s. 1 (3).
Basic occupational health and safety awareness training — supervisors
2. (1) An employer shall ensure that a supervisor who performs work for the employer completes a basic occupational health and safety awareness training program that meets the requirements set out in subsection (3) within one week of performing work as a supervisor. O. Reg. 297/13, s. 2 (1).
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if,
(a) the supervisor previously completed a basic occupational health and safety awareness training program and provides the employer with proof of completion of the training; and
(b) the employer verifies that the previous training meets the requirements set out in subsection (3). O. Reg. 297/13, s. 2 (2).
(3) A basic occupational health and safety awareness training program for supervisors must include instruction on the following:
1. The duties and rights of workers under the Act.
2. The duties of employers and supervisors under the Act.
3. The roles of health and safety representatives and joint health and safety committees under the Act.
4. The roles of the Ministry, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board and entities designated under section 22.5 of the Act with respect to occupational health and safety.
5. How to recognize, assess and control workplace hazards, and evaluate those controls.
6. Sources of information on occupational health and safety. O. Reg. 297/13, s. 2 (3).
3. (1) The requirements set out in section 1 do not apply to an employer with respect to a supervisor if,
(a) before this Regulation came into force, the supervisor was performing work as a supervisor for the employer; and
(b) the employer verifies that, before this Regulation came into force, the supervisor completed a basic occupational health and safety awareness training program that meets the requirements set out in subsection 2 (3). O. Reg. 297/13, s. 3 (1).
(2) The requirements set out in section 1 do not apply to an employer with respect to a worker or supervisor if,
(a) another employer was exempt with respect to the worker or supervisor under subsection (1); and
(b) the worker or supervisor provides the employer with proof of the exemption. O. Reg. 297/13, s. 3 (2).
Record of training
4. (1) An employer shall maintain a record of the basic occupational health and safety awareness training required by sections 1 and 2 that is completed by workers and supervisors who perform work for the employer. O. Reg. 297/13, s. 4 (1).
(2) An employer shall maintain a record of workers and supervisors who perform work for the employer in respect of whom the employer is exempt under section 3. O. Reg. 297/13, s. 4 (2).
(3) If a worker or supervisor completes a training program under subsection 1 (1) or 2 (1), the employer shall, at the request of the worker or supervisor, provide the worker or supervisor with written proof of completion of the training. O. Reg. 297/13, s. 4 (3).
(4) If an employer is exempt with respect to a supervisor under subsection 3 (1), the employer shall, at the request of the supervisor, provide the supervisor with written proof of the exemption. O. Reg. 297/13, s. 4 (4).
(5) If, within six months of a worker or supervisor no longer performing work for an employer, the worker or supervisor requests a written proof described in subsection (3) or (4), the employer shall provide the worker or supervisor with the requested written proof. O. Reg. 297/13, s. 4 (5).
Certification Training
Certification training
5. (1) An employer shall carry out the training programs necessary to enable a committee member to become a certified member, and the programs must be selected in accordance with the training and other requirements established by the Chief Prevention Officer under section 7.6 of the Act. O. Reg. 297/13, s. 5 (1).
(2) For greater certainty, in subsection (1),
“carry out” includes paying for the training. O. Reg. 297/13, s. 5 (2).
6. Omitted (revokes other Regulations). O. Reg. 297/13, s. 6.
7. Omitted (provides for coming into force of provisions of this Regulation). O. Reg. 297/13, s. 7.