O. Reg. 94/14: FEES FOR COURT TRANSCRIPTS, Under: Administration of Justice Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. A.6

Today, December 5, 2024, current consolidated laws on e-Laws are current (up-to-date) to November 1, 2024 (e-Laws currency date).

Administration of Justice Act



Consolidation Period: From April 1, 2022 to the e-Laws currency date.

Last amendment: 145/22.

Legislative History: 145/22.

This is the English version of a bilingual regulation.


1. In this Regulation,

“authorized court transcriptionist” means a member of a class of persons authorized by the Attorney General to transcribe recordings and certify transcripts; (“transcripteur judiciaire autorisé”)

“certified transcript” means a transcript of a recording that is certified in accordance with the regulations made under the Evidence Act for the purposes of subsection 5 (2) of that Act; (“transcription certifiée conforme”)

“recording” means a recording made under subsection 5 (1) of the Evidence Act of a court proceeding or of evidence in a court proceeding. (“enregistrement”) O. Reg. 94/14, s. 1; O. Reg. 145/22, s. 1 (1, 2).


2. (1) Except as otherwise provided by this section, the following fees are payable to an authorized court transcriptionist:

1. To transcribe all or part of a recording and provide a certified transcript in electronic format, the greater of $25 and,

i. $11.75 per page, if the transcript is to be provided within 24 hours,

ii. $8.80 per page, if the transcript is to be provided within five business days, or

iii. $6.30 per page, in any other case.

2. To transcribe all or part of a recording and provide a certified transcript in paper format, the greater of $25 and,

i. $12.55 per page, if the transcript is to be provided within 24 hours,

ii. $9.60 per page, if the transcript is to be provided within five business days, or

iii. $7.10 per page, in any other case.

3. For a certified transcript, in electronic format, of any part of a recording that has already been transcribed,

i. if ordered together with a certified transcript in paper format following transcription, no charge, or

ii. if not ordered together with a certified transcript in paper format following transcription, $25.

4. For a certified transcript, in paper format, of any part of a recording that has already been transcribed, the greater of $25 and 80 cents per page.

5. To transcribe all or part of a recording and provide a transcript in an accessible electronic format, the fee payable under paragraph 1, determined by reference to the transcript before it is adapted for accessibility.

6. For a transcript, in an accessible electronic format, of any part of a recording that has already been transcribed,

i. if ordered together with a certified transcript following transcription, no charge, or

ii. in any other case, $25. O. Reg. 145/22, s. 2.

(2) The fees specified under paragraphs 1 and 2 of subsection (1) for transcription of all or part of a recording and provision of a certified transcript are not payable if,

(a) that part of the recording has already been transcribed by another authorized court transcriptionist; and

(b) the authorized court transcriptionist who receives the order to transcribe part of a recording that has already been transcribed fails to notify the ordering party of the existing transcription. O. Reg. 145/22, s. 2.

(3) In the case of a certified transcript of all or part of a recording that is being provided for use in an appeal, fees payable under paragraphs 1 and 2 of subsection (1) are payable only with respect to any newly-transcribed pages of the transcript, with the title and table of contents pages being treated as newly-transcribed pages. O. Reg. 145/22, s. 2.

(4) In the case of certified transcripts that are required to be filed in paper format with the Court of Appeal or Divisional Court in an appeal, the fees specified in this section are only payable with respect to a single certified transcript. O. Reg. 145/22, s. 2.

Transcripts for judges

3. Fees payable under section 2 for transcripts requested by a judge for the judge’s own use shall be paid by the Province of Ontario. O. Reg. 94/14, s. 3.


4. This Regulation, as it read immediately before the day section 2 of Ontario Regulation 145/22 made under the Act came into force, continues to apply with respect to orders placed before that day. O. Reg. 145/22, s. 3.

5. Revoked: O. Reg. 145/22, s. 3.