Education Act
Historical version for the period April 4, 2018 to April 3, 2020.
Note: THIS REGULATION IS NOT YET IN FORCE. It comes into force on August 17, 2020, the day subsections 1 (1) and (4) of Schedule 12 to the Stronger, Fairer Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2017 come into force.
No amendments.
This is the English version of a bilingual regulation.
Interpretation |
Establishment of parent and program advisory committee |
Remuneration |
Meetings |
Subcommittees |
Minutes and financial records |
Incorporation |
Consultation by Consortium |
Consultation by Ministry |
Consultation by parent and program advisory committee |
Summary of activities |
By-laws |
Transition |
“meeting” does not include a training session or other event where the parent and program advisory committee does not discuss or decide matters that it has authority to decide.
Establishment of parent and program advisory committee
2. (1) The Centre Jules-Léger Consortium shall, no later than 90 days after the day this Regulation comes into force, establish a parent and program advisory committee.
(2) This section is revoked 120 days after the day this Regulation comes into force.
3. (1) A person shall not receive any remuneration for serving as a member of the parent and program advisory committee.
(2) Subsection (1) does not preclude payment of an honorarium under section 191 of the Act that takes into account the attendance of a member of the Consortium at a parent and program advisory committee meeting.
(3) The Consortium shall establish policies respecting the reimbursement of members of the parent and program advisory committee for expenses incurred as members of the committee.
(4) The Consortium shall reimburse members of the parent and program advisory committee for expenses incurred as members of the committee in accordance with the policies referred to in subsection (3).
4. (1) The parent and program advisory committee shall meet at least four times in each school year.
(2) A meeting of the parent and program advisory committee cannot be held unless,
(a) the director of education is present, or is absent for a reason such as illness or personal emergency; and
(b) the member of the Consortium who sits on the committee is present, or the individual designated under clause 5 (3) (b) of 194/18 (Centre Jules-Léger Consortium — Object and Composition of the Parent and Program Advisory Committee) made under the Act is present.
(3) The Consortium shall make available to the parent and program advisory committee the facilities that the Consortium considers necessary for the proper functioning of the committee, and shall make reasonable efforts to enable members to participate fully in meetings of the committee by electronic means.
(4) A member of the parent and program advisory committee who participates in a meeting through electronic means shall be deemed to be present at the meeting.
(5) All meetings of the parent and program advisory committee shall be open to the public and shall be held at a location that is accessible to the public.
(6) The co-chairs of the parent and program advisory committee shall ensure that notice of each meeting is provided to all members of the committee at least five days before the meeting by,
(a) delivering a notice to each member by e-mail or regular mail; and
(b) posting a notice on the Consortium’s website.
(7) For the purposes of subsection (6), notice by regular mail is provided five days before the meeting if it is mailed five days before the meeting.
5. Subsections 4 (3) to (7) apply, with necessary modifications, to subcommittees of the parent and program advisory committee.
Minutes and financial records
6. (1) The parent and program advisory committee shall keep minutes of all of its meetings and records of all of its financial transactions.
(2) The parent and program advisory committee shall retain the minutes of its meetings and the records of its financial transactions in accordance with the policies of the Consortium, if any, respecting the retention of documents by committees of the Consortium.
(3) The minutes of the parent and program advisory committee shall be,
(a) posted on the website of the Consortium; and
(b) sent electronically to the chair or co-chairs of the school council of each school of the Consortium.
(4) The minutes of the committee’s meetings and the records of its financial transactions shall be available for examination at the Consortium’s office by any person without charge for four years.
(5) Minutes posted on the website of the Consortium shall remain on the website for four years.
7. The parent and program advisory committee shall not be incorporated.
Consultation by Consortium
8. (1) The Consortium may solicit and take into consideration the advice of the parent and program advisory committee with regard to matters that relate to improving student achievement, equity and well-being and supporting the objects of the Consortium.
(2) The Consortium shall inform the parent and program advisory committee of its response to advice provided to it by the committee.
Consultation by Ministry
9. The Ministry may solicit and take into consideration the advice of the parent and program advisory committee with regard to matters that relate to improving student achievement, equity and well-being and supporting the objects of the Consortium.
Consultation by parent and program advisory committee
10. The parent and program advisory committee may, with regard to matters under consideration by the committee, solicit and take into consideration the advice of,
(a) parents and guardians of pupils enrolled in a school of the Consortium;
(b) parents and guardians of pupils in respect of whom the Consortium is providing resource services or consultation services; or
(c) parents and guardians to whom the Consortium is providing outreach services or home-visiting services.
Summary of activities
11. (1) The parent and program advisory committee shall annually submit a written summary of the committee’s activities to the chair of the Consortium and to the Consortium’s director of education.
(2) The summary of activities shall include a report on how funding, if any, provided to the Consortium for the parent and program advisory committee, was spent.
(3) The director of education shall,
(a) provide the summary of activities to the school councils of the schools of the Consortium; and
(b) post the summary of activities on the website of the Consortium.
12. (1) The parent and program advisory committee may recommend to the Consortium by-laws,
(a) establishing rules respecting conflicts of interest of the members of the parent and program advisory committee;
(b) establishing a process for resolving conflicts internal to the parent and program advisory committee, consistent with any conflict resolution policies of the Consortium; and
(c) governing the conduct of the parent and program advisory committee’s affairs.
(2) The Consortium shall inform the parent and program advisory committee of its response to recommendations provided to it by the committee.
(3) The Consortium,
(a) shall make by-laws,
(i) establishing rules respecting conflicts of interest of the members of the parent and program advisory committee, and
(ii) establishing a process for resolving conflicts internal to the parent and program advisory committee, consistent with any conflict resolution policies of the Consortium; and
(b) may make by-laws governing the conduct of the parent and program advisory committee’s affairs.
13. The Consortium shall, no later than the day that is nine months after the day the parent and program advisory committee is established, make the by-laws required by clause 12 (3) (a).
Note: On April 4, 2020, section 13 is revoked. (See: O. Reg. 195/18, s. 14)
14. Omitted (provides for amendments to this Regulation).
15. Omitted (provides for coming into force of provisions of this Regulation).