O. Reg. 279/19: CALCULATION OF AVERAGE DAILY ENROLMENT FOR THE 2019-2020 SCHOOL BOARD FISCAL YEAR, Under: Education Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.2

Today, February 14, 2025, current consolidated laws on e-Laws are current (up-to-date) to February 11, 2025 (e-Laws currency date).

Education Act



Consolidation Period:  From January 1, 2025 to the e-Laws currency date.

Last amendment: 412/24.

Legislative History: 608/21, 412/24.

This is the English version of a bilingual regulation.




Application and interpretation


Document referred to in this Regulation


Qualifying education programs



Counting pupils under this Part


Credits and credit values, repeated classes or courses


Independent study courses


Day school A.D.E. for pupils of a board


Day school A.D.E. for elementary school pupils


High-credit factor


Day school A.D.E. for secondary school pupils


Day school high-credit A.D.E. for secondary school pupils


Day school A.D.E. for pupils who are 21 or older



Day school A.D.E. for other pupils



Interpretation, Part IV


Continuing education A.D.E., general


Continuing education A.D.E., other pupils


Continuing education A.D.E., fully high-credit and 21 or older pupils



Interpretation, Part V


Summer school A.D.E., general


Summer school A.D.E., other pupils


Summer school A.D.E., fully high-credit and 21 or older pupils

Part I

Application and interpretation

1. (1) This Regulation applies to boards for the fiscal year beginning on September 1, 2019 and ending on August 31, 2020. O. Reg. 279/19, s. 1 (1).

(2) In this Regulation,

“credit value” means, in respect of a class or course, the number of credits that a pupil is eligible to earn on successfully completing the class or course; (“valeur en crédits”)

“cycle” means the number of school days for which a schedule of classes in a school continues before the schedule is repeated; (“horaire”)

“exempt class or course” means a class or course in actualisation linguistique en français (ALF), English literacy development (ELD) or English as a second language (ESL) or in respect of programme d’appui aux nouveaux arrivants (PANA); (“classe ou cours exempté”)

“exempt credit” means a credit granted to a pupil in respect of an exempt class or course; (“crédit exempté”)

“full-time pupil” means,

(a) a pupil who is,

(i) enrolled in a day school and, in respect of a cycle, is enrolled for classroom instruction for an average of at least 210 minutes per school day, or

(ii) enrolled in a day school which has, in accordance with a calendar that has been approved by the Minister under Regulation 304 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 (School Year Calendar, Professional Activity Days) made under the Act, a designated school year of 12 months and instructional days in each of those months, and in which the credit value of the courses in which the pupil is enrolled in a school year is at least seven, or

(b) a supervised alternative learning pupil who is enrolled in a day school and, in respect of a cycle, whose supervised alternative learning plan includes classroom instruction for an average of at least 70 minutes per school day; (“élève à temps plein”)

“high-credit factor” means the factor determined under section 9 in respect of a pupil; (“coefficient de crédits excédentaires”)

“independent study course” means a credit course that is provided to a pupil other than a full-time pupil and that,

(a) meets the criteria set out in the independent study course register for inclusion in the determination of day school enrolment, or

(b) is approved by the Minister as an independent study course to be included in the determination of day school enrolment; (“cours d’études personnelles”)

“individual education plan” means an individual education plan within the meaning of section 6 of Ontario Regulation 181/98 (Identification and Placement of Exceptional Pupils); (“plan d’enseignement individualisé”)

“other pupil” means a pupil,

(a) who is a registered Indian residing on a reserve within the meaning of the Indian Act (Canada), other than a pupil who is, or whose parent or guardian is, an owner or tenant of property within the area of jurisdiction of the board that is assessed for an amount not less than the assessment limit for the fiscal year set out in section 1 of Ontario Regulation 471/98 (School Attendance Rights — Non-Resident Property Owners),

(b) who is liable to pay fees as specified in subsection 49 (6) of the Act, or

(c) whose parent or guardian does not reside in Ontario and who was not counted as a pupil of a board for the purposes of Ontario Regulation 284/18 (Grants for Student Needs — Legislative Grants for the 2018-2019 School Board Fiscal Year); (“autre élève”)

“part-time pupil” means a pupil who is enrolled in day school and is neither a full-time pupil nor a supervised alternative learning pupil whose supervised alternative learning plan in respect of a cycle includes classroom instruction for an average of less than 70 minutes per school day; (“élève à temps partiel”)

“supervised alternative learning pupil” means a pupil who has been approved by a supervised alternative learning committee to participate in supervised alternative learning. (“élève en apprentissage parallèle dirigé”) O. Reg. 279/19, s. 1 (2); O. Reg. 412/24, s. 1.

(3) For the purposes of this Regulation, the terms “day school”, “day school program”, “elementary school” and “secondary school” do not include continuing education or summer school classes or courses. O. Reg. 279/19, s. 1 (3).

Document referred to in this Regulation

2. The document referred to in this Regulation entitled “Ontario Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Program Requirements, 2016” is available on a website of the Government of Ontario.

Qualifying education programs

3. For the purposes of this Regulation, a pupil who receives instruction in an education program provided by a board that is a qualifying education program within the meaning of Ontario Regulation 277/19 (Grants for Student Needs — Legislative Grants for the 2019-2020 School Board Fiscal Year) is not a pupil enrolled in a school of the board.

Part II
Day School — General

Counting pupils under this Part

4. For the purposes of counting pupils under this Part, the following rules apply:

1. Other pupils (as defined in subsection 1 (2)) shall not be counted.

2. Pupils who are 21 years old or older on December 31, 2019 shall not be counted for the purposes of sections 8, 10 and 11.

3. Pupils who are under 21 years old on December 31, 2019 shall not be counted for the purposes of section 12.

Credits and credit values, repeated classes or courses

5. (1) For the purposes of counting credits under this Part, if a pupil repeats a class or course for which the pupil has previously earned a credit, the credit shall be counted in respect of each time the pupil completes the class or course successfully.

(2) For the purposes of determining the credit value of a class or course that a pupil is enrolled in, the credit value shall be counted even if the pupil has previously earned a credit in respect of the same class or course.

Independent study courses

6. For the purposes of the calculations under this Part, the following rules apply to a pupil’s enrolment in an independent study course:

1. If the course is started and completed by the pupil during one semester,

i. the course shall be deemed to be a semestered course,

ii. the pupil shall be deemed to be enrolled in the course on October 31, 2019 if the pupil is registered for the course during a semester that includes October 31, 2019 but has not either successfully completed or withdrawn from the course before that day, and

iii. the pupil shall be deemed to be enrolled in the course on March 31, 2020 if the pupil is registered for the course during a semester that includes March 31, 2020 but has not either successfully completed or withdrawn from the course before that day.

2. If the course is started by the pupil during one semester and completed during another semester,

i. the course shall be deemed to be a non-semestered course, and

ii. the pupil shall be deemed to be enrolled in the course on October 31, 2019.

Day school A.D.E. for pupils of a board

7. The 2019-2020 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of a board is the sum of the following:

1. The 2019-2020 day school average daily enrolment of elementary school pupils of a board determined under section 8.

2. The 2019-2020 day school average daily enrolment of secondary school pupils of a board determined under section 10.

Day school A.D.E. for elementary school pupils

8. The 2019-2020 day school average daily enrolment of elementary school pupils of a board is the sum of the following:

1. The product of 0.5 and the sum of:

i. The number of full-time pupils enrolled on October 31, 2019 in elementary schools of the board.

ii. The product of 0.5 and the number of supervised alternative learning pupils whose supervised alternative learning plans include classroom instruction for an average of less than 70 minutes per school day enrolled on October 31, 2019 in elementary schools of the board.

iii. The quotient obtained by determining, for each part-time pupil enrolled on October 31, 2019 in an elementary school of the board, the number of minutes for which the pupil is registered for classroom instruction in a course in the cycle that includes that day, and dividing the sum of the numbers so determined by the product of 300 and the number of days in the cycle.

2. The product of 0.5 and the sum of the numbers calculated in accordance with subparagraphs 1 i, ii and iii, reading references to October 31, 2019 as references to March 31, 2020.

High-credit factor

9. (1) For the purposes of sections 10 and 11, a pupil’s high-credit factor shall be determined in accordance with this section. O. Reg. 279/19, s. 9 (1).

(2) A pupil’s high-credit factor, as of October 31, 2019, is the greater of zero and the number determined in accordance with the following formula:

[A − (34 − B)] ÷ C

in which,

  “A” is the sum of,

(a) the total credit value of the semestered classes and courses in which the pupil is enrolled on October 31, 2019 in a secondary school of the board, other than exempt classes and courses, and

(b) the product of 0.5 and the total credit value of the non-semestered classes and courses in which the pupil is enrolled on October 31, 2019 in a secondary school of the board, other than exempt classes and courses,

  “B” is the lesser of 34 and the number of credits that the pupil has earned before October 31, 2019, other than exempt credits, and

  “C” is the sum of,

(a) the total credit value of the semestered classes and courses in which the pupil is enrolled on October 31, 2019 in a secondary school of the board, and

(b) the product of 0.5 and the total credit value of the non-semestered classes and courses in which the pupil is enrolled on October 31, 2019 in a secondary school of the board. O. Reg. 279/19, s. 9 (2).

(3) A pupil’s high-credit factor, as of March 31, 2020, is the greater of zero and the number determined in accordance with the following formula:

[A − (34 − B)] ÷ C

in which,

  “A” is the sum of,

(a) the total credit value of the semestered classes and courses in which the pupil is enrolled on March 31, 2020 in a secondary school of the board, other than exempt classes and courses, and

(b) the product of 0.5 and the total credit value of the non-semestered classes and courses in which the pupil is enrolled on either or both of October 31, 2019 and March 31, 2020 in a secondary school of the board, other than exempt classes and courses and any class or course in respect of which a credit was earned before March 31, 2020,

  “B” is the lesser of 34 and the sum of,

(a) the number of credits that the pupil has earned before March 31, 2020, other than exempt credits and credits earned on or after October 31, 2019 that were not earned in respect of a class or course that is part of a day school program, and

(b) the product of 0.5 and the total credit value of the non-semestered classes and courses in which the pupil is enrolled on either or both of October 31, 2019 and March 31, 2020 in a secondary school of the board, other than exempt classes or courses and any class or course in respect of which a credit was earned before March 31, 2020, and

  “C” is the sum of,

(a) the total credit value of the semestered classes and courses in which the pupil is enrolled on March 31, 2020 in a secondary school of the board, and

(b) the product of 0.5 and the total credit value of the non-semestered classes and courses in which the pupil is enrolled on either or both of October 31, 2019 and March 31, 2020 in a secondary school of the board, other than any class or course in respect of which a credit was earned before March 31, 2020. O. Reg. 279/19, s. 9 (3).

(4) Despite subsections (2) and (3), the high-credit factor of the following pupils is zero:

1. Any pupil who,

i. was enrolled in grade 9 in a secondary school (within the meaning of the Act) in the 2016-2017 school year or any subsequent school year, and

ii. in the case of a pupil who enrolled in grade 9 in a secondary school more than once, did not enrol in grade 9 in any school year prior to the 2016-2017 school year.

2. Any pupil who,

i. was never enrolled in grade 9 in a secondary school (within the meaning of the Act), and

ii. is under 18 years old on December 31, 2019.

3. Any pupil who has an individual education plan,

i. on October 31, 2019, for the purposes of the pupil’s high-credit factor as of October 31, 2019, or

ii. on March 31, 2020, for the purposes of the pupil’s high-credit factor as of March 31, 2020. O. Reg. 279/19, s. 9 (4); O. Reg. 608/21, s. 1.

Day school A.D.E. for secondary school pupils

10. (1) The 2019-2020 day school average daily enrolment of secondary school pupils of a board is determined as follows:

1. Identify each full-time pupil enrolled on October 31, 2019 in a secondary school of the board, other than a pupil who,

i. is a supervised alternative learning pupil, or

ii. is a pupil described in subclause (a) (ii) of the definition of “full-time pupil” in subsection 1 (2), and in respect of whom,

A. the number obtained by subtracting the pupil’s high-credit factor, as of October 31, 2019, from 1, and multiplying the result by the total credit value of the classes and courses in which the pupil is enrolled in the school year, is 7 or more, and

B. the number obtained by subtracting the pupil’s high-credit factor, as of October 31, 2019, from 1, and multiplying the result by the average number of minutes for which the pupil is registered for classroom instruction in the cycle that includes that day, is less than 210.

2. Calculate a number in respect of each pupil identified in paragraph 1 as follows:

i. Subtract the pupil’s high-credit factor, as of October 31, 2019, from 1.

ii. Determine the number of minutes for which the pupil is registered for classroom instruction in the cycle that includes that day.

iii. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph i by the number determined under subparagraph ii.

iv. Divide the number of minutes determined under subparagraph iii by the number of days in the cycle.

v. If the number of minutes determined under subparagraph iv is 210 or more, the number for the pupil under this paragraph is 1.

vi. If the number of minutes determined under subparagraph iv is less than 210, divide the number of minutes determined under subparagraph iv by 300.

3. Take the number of full-time pupils enrolled on October 31, 2019 in a secondary school of the board who meet the description in subparagraph 1 ii, other than supervised alternative learning pupils.

4. Calculate a number in respect of each full-time pupil enrolled on October 31, 2019 in a secondary school of the board who is a supervised alternative learning pupil as follows:

i. Subtract the pupil’s high-credit factor, as of October 31, 2019, from 1.

ii. Determine the number of minutes for which the pupil is registered for classroom instruction in the cycle that includes that day.

iii. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph i by the number determined under subparagraph ii.

iv. Divide the number determined under subparagraph iii by the number of days in the cycle.

v. If the number of minutes determined under subparagraph iv is 70 or higher, the number for the pupil under this paragraph is 1.

vi. If the number of minutes determined under subparagraph iv is less than 70, the number for the pupil under this paragraph is 0.5.

5. Take the product of 0.5 and the number of supervised alternative learning pupils whose supervised alternative learning plans include classroom instruction for an average of less than 70 minutes per school day enrolled on October 31, 2019 in secondary schools of the board.

6. Calculate a number in respect of each part-time pupil enrolled on October 31, 2019 in a secondary school of the board as follows:

i. Subtract the pupil’s high-credit factor, as of October 31, 2019, from 1.

ii. Determine the number of minutes for which the pupil is registered for classroom instruction in the cycle that includes that day, in a course other than an independent study course.

iii. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph i by the number determined under subparagraph ii.

iv. Multiply the number of days in the cycle by 300.

v. Divide the number determined under subparagraph iii by the number determined under subparagraph iv.

7. Multiply the total of the numbers determined under paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 by 0.5.

8. Take the number determined by repeating paragraphs 1 to 7, modified in accordance with subsection (2).

9. Calculate a number in respect of each pupil enrolled in a secondary school of the board who is registered for an independent study course, in accordance with the following formula:

(A × B ÷ 7.5) × (1− C)

in which,

“A” is the credit value of the course,

“B” is the fraction representing the portion of the total quantity of work required for completion of the course that is completed by the pupil during the fiscal year, and

“C” is,

(a) in the case of a semestered course that the pupil has not either successfully completed or withdrawn from before October 31, 2019 or March 31, 2020, as the case may be, the high-credit factor of the pupil as of the day on which the pupil is deemed under section 6 to be enrolled in the course, or

(b) in the case of a non-semestered course or a semestered course that the pupil has either successfully completed or withdrawn from before October 31, 2019 or March 31, 2020, as the case may be, the average of the high-credit factors of the pupil as of October 31, 2019 and March 31, 2020.

10. Total the numbers determined under paragraphs 7, 8 and 9.

(2) For the purposes of paragraph 8 of subsection (1), paragraphs 1 to 7 shall be modified by reading references to October 31, 2019 as references to March 31, 2020.

Day school high-credit A.D.E. for secondary school pupils

11. (1) The 2019-2020 day school high-credit average daily enrolment of secondary school pupils of a board is determined as follows:

1. Calculate a number in respect of each pupil identified in paragraph 1 of subsection 10 (1) by subtracting the number calculated in respect of that pupil under paragraph 2 of subsection 10 (1) from 1.

2. Calculate a number in respect of each full-time pupil enrolled on October 31, 2019 in a secondary school of the board who is a supervised alternative learning pupil as follows:

i. Take the number of pupils for whom the number determined under paragraph 4 of subsection 10 (1), determined as of October 31, 2019, is 0.5.

ii. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph i by 0.5.

3. Calculate a number in respect of each part-time pupil enrolled on October 31, 2019 in a secondary school of the board as follows:

i. Take the pupil’s high-credit factor, as of October 31, 2019.

ii. Determine the number of minutes for which the pupil is registered for classroom instruction in the cycle that includes that day, in a course other than an independent study course.

iii. Multiply the number determined under subparagraph i by the number determined under subparagraph ii.

iv. Multiply the number of days in the cycle by 300.

v. Divide the number determined under subparagraph iii by the number determined under subparagraph iv.

4. Multiply the total of the numbers determined under paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 by 0.5.

5. Take the number determined by repeating paragraphs 1 to 4, modified in accordance with subsection (2).

6. Calculate a number in respect of each pupil enrolled in a secondary school of the board who is registered for an independent study course, in accordance with the following formula:

(A × B ÷ 7.5) × C

in which “A”, “B” and “C” have the same meanings as in paragraph 9 of subsection 10 (1).

7. Total the numbers determined under paragraphs 4, 5 and 6.

(2) For the purposes of paragraph 5 of subsection (1), paragraphs 1 to 4 shall be modified as follows:

1. References to October 31, 2019 shall be read as references to March 31, 2020.

2. The reference in subparagraph 2 i of subsection (1) to paragraph 4 of subsection 10 (1) shall be read as a reference to that paragraph as modified in accordance with subsection 10 (2).

Day school A.D.E. for pupils who are 21 or older

12. The 2019-2020 day school average daily enrolment of pupils of a board who are 21 years old or older, counting only pupils who are 21 years old or older, is the sum of the following:

1. The product of 0.5 and the sum of:

i. The number of full-time pupils enrolled on October 31, 2019 in day schools of the board.

ii. The quotient obtained by determining, for each part-time pupil enrolled on October 31, 2019 in a day school of the board, the number of minutes for which the pupil is registered for classroom instruction in the cycle that includes that day, in a course other than an independent study course, and dividing the sum of the numbers so determined by the product of 300 and the number of days in the cycle.

2. The number determined by repeating paragraph 1, reading references to October 31, 2019 as references to March 31, 2020.

3. The number in respect of each pupil enrolled in a day school of the board who is registered for an independent study course, calculated as follows:

A × B ÷ 7.5

in which,

“A” is the credit value of the course, and

“B” is the fraction representing the portion of the total quantity of work required for completion of the course that is completed by the pupil during the fiscal year.

Part III
Day School — Other Pupils

Day school A.D.E. for other pupils

13. The 2019-2020 day school average daily enrolment of other pupils of a board is the sum of the following, counting only other pupils enrolled in day schools of the board:

1. The product of 0.5 and the sum of:

i. The number of full-time pupils enrolled on October 31, 2019 in day schools of the board.

ii. The product of 0.5 and the number of supervised alternative learning pupils whose supervised alternative learning plans include classroom instruction for an average of less than 70 minutes per school day enrolled on October 31, 2019 in day schools of the board.

iii. The quotient obtained by determining, for each part-time pupil enrolled on October 31, 2019 in a day school of the board, the number of minutes for which the pupil is registered for classroom instruction in the cycle that includes that day, in a course other than an independent study course, and dividing the sum of the numbers so determined by the product of 300 and the number of days in the cycle.

2. The number determined by repeating paragraph 1, reading references to October 31, 2019 as references to March 31, 2020.

3. The number in respect of each pupil enrolled in a day school of the board who is registered for an independent study course, calculated as follows:

A × B ÷ 7.5

in which,

“A” is the credit value of the course, and

“B” is the fraction representing the portion of the total quantity of work required for completion of the course that is completed by the pupil during the fiscal year.

Part IV
Continuing Education

Interpretation, Part IV

14. (1) A class or course is a continuing education class or course for the purposes of this Part if it is not a summer school class or course as defined in subsection 18 (1), it is approved by the Minister and it satisfies the conditions in one of the following paragraphs:

1. The class or course,

i. is established for adults for which one or more credits, a half credit referred to in the Ministry publication entitled “Ontario Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Program Requirements, 2016” or a half credit approved by the Minister may be granted, and

ii. is in the intermediate division if it is offered by a school authority that is only authorized to provide elementary education.

2. The class or course is in Native language instruction for adults.

3. The class or course is in literacy and numeracy for pupils in grade 7 or 8 for whom a remedial program in literacy and numeracy has been recommended by the principal of the day school in which the pupil is enrolled and the class or course is not provided as part of a day school program.

4. The class or course is a non-credit class or course in literacy and numeracy for pupils in grade 9 or a higher grade for whom a grade 9 or 10 remedial program in literacy and numeracy has been recommended by the principal of the day school in which the pupil is enrolled and the class or course is not provided as part of a day school program.

5. The class or course is in literacy and numeracy and is established for adults who are parents or guardians of pupils enrolled in a day school program for whom a remedial program in literacy and numeracy has been recommended by the principal of the day school in which the pupils are enrolled.

6. The class or course is for secondary school pupils who elected to take the designated transfer course in mathematics to transfer between course types in accordance with section 7.2.4 of the Ministry publication entitled “Ontario Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Program Requirements, 2016”.

7. The class or course is for pupils who, on the recommendation of the principal, headmaster, headmistress or other person in charge of the pupil’s school, must complete additional preparation before switching from one course type in grade 9 to another course type in grade 10 in the same subject, in accordance with section 7.2.4 of the Ministry publication entitled “Ontario Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Program Requirements, 2016”.

8. The class or course is in literacy and numeracy for pupils in grade 7 or 8 for whom a remedial program in literacy and numeracy has been recommended by the principal of the continuing education program in which the pupil is enrolled and the class or course is not provided as part of a day school program.

9. The class or course is a non-credit class or course in literacy and numeracy for pupils in grade 9 or a higher grade for whom a grade 9 or 10 remedial program in literacy and numeracy has been recommended by the principal of the continuing education program in which the pupil is enrolled and the class or course is not provided as part of a day school program.

(2) Any pupils who are in a class or course offered for credit and who are not adults must be included in calculating the continuing education average daily enrolment for a board under this Part for a class or course established for adults that is referred to in subsection (1).

(3) The following rules apply in calculating the continuing education average daily enrolment for a board under this Part for a class or course referred to in subsection (4):

1. If the number of pupils in the class or course is 10 or more and less than 15, that number is increased to 15.

2. If the number of pupils in the class or course is less than 10, that number is increased by five.

(4) Subsection (3) applies with respect to a class or course,

(a) referred to in paragraph 2 of subsection (1); and

(b) referred to in paragraph 1 of subsection (1), other than a course delivered primarily through means other than classroom instruction, if the class or course is offered in a secondary school that is located in a territorial district and is more than 80 kilometres from all other secondary schools in the Province that have the same language of instruction.

Continuing education A.D.E., general

15. (1) Other pupils shall not be counted for the purposes of this section.

(2) The 2019-2020 continuing education average daily enrolment of pupils of a board is the sum of the following:

1. A number in respect of each pupil who is enrolled in a continuing education class or course established by the board, other than a continuing education course delivered primarily through means other than classroom instruction, calculated as follows:

(A × B) ÷ (300 × 190)

in which,

“A” is the number of sessions for which the pupil is enrolled in the fiscal year, and

“B” is the number of minutes in each session.

2. A number in respect of each pupil who is enrolled in a continuing education course established by the board and delivered primarily through means other than classroom instruction calculated as follows:

A × 0.1158 × B

in which,

“A” is the credit value of the course, and

“B” is the fraction representing the portion of the total quantity of work required for completion of the course that is completed by the pupil during the fiscal year.

Continuing education A.D.E., other pupils

16. The 2019-2020 continuing education average daily enrolment of other pupils of a board is the sum of the numbers determined in respect of each other pupil enrolled in a continuing education class or course established by the board, using the calculation set out in subsection 15 (2).

Continuing education A.D.E., fully high-credit and 21 or older pupils

17. (1) Other pupils shall not be counted for the purposes of this section.

(2) The 2019-2020 continuing education average daily enrolment of fully high-credit and 21 or older pupils of a board is the sum of the numbers determined in respect of each pupil described in subsection (3) that is enrolled in a continuing education class or course established by the board, using the calculation set out in subsection 15 (2).

(3) A pupil is eligible to be counted for the purposes of subsection (2) if the pupil,

(a) is at least 21 years old on December 31, 2019; or

(b) has a high-credit factor of one.

Part V
Summer School

Interpretation, Part V

18. (1) In this Part,

“summer school class or course” means a class or course,

(a) that is provided by a board between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.,

(b) that starts after the completion of the 2019-2020 school year and ends before the start of the 2020-2021 school year, and

(c) that is a class or course,

(i) for pupils who have a developmental disability,

(ii) in which a pupil may earn a credit,

(iii) for pupils who have completed grade 6 or a higher grade and for whom a grade 7 or 8 remedial program in literacy and numeracy has been recommended by the principal, headmaster, headmistress or other person in charge of the school at which the pupil completed grade 6, 7 or 8,

(iv) for pupils who were enrolled in grade 9 or a higher grade and for whom a non-credit grade 9 or 10 remedial program in literacy and numeracy has been recommended by the principal, headmaster, headmistress or other person in charge of the school at which the pupil was enrolled,

(v) for secondary school pupils who elected to take the designated transfer course in mathematics to transfer between course types in accordance with section 7.2.4 of the Ministry publication entitled “Ontario Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Program Requirements, 2016”, or

(vi) for pupils who, on the recommendation of the principal, headmaster, headmistress or other person in charge of the pupil’s school, must complete additional preparation before switching from one course type in grade 9 to another course type in grade 10 in the same subject, in accordance with section 7.2.4 of the Ministry publication entitled “Ontario Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Program Requirements, 2016”.

(2) Only the following pupils are counted for the purposes of this Part:

1. Pupils who were enrolled in a day school program offered by a board.

2. Pupils who were enrolled in any of grades 1 to 12 in a private school that was in compliance with subsection 16 (1) of the Act when the pupil was last enrolled in the school.

3. Pupils who were enrolled in a school established under section 13 of the Act.

Summer school A.D.E., general

19. (1) Other pupils shall not be counted for the purposes of this section.

(2) The 2019-2020 summer school average daily enrolment of pupils of a board is the sum of the numbers determined in respect of each pupil enrolled in a summer school class or course that is provided by the board, other than a course delivered primarily through means other than classroom instruction, calculated as follows:

(A × B) ÷ (300 × 190)

in which,

  “A” is the number of sessions of the summer school class or course in which the pupil is enrolled in the fiscal year, and

  “B” is the number of minutes in each session.

Summer school A.D.E., other pupils

20. The 2019-2020 summer school average daily enrolment of other pupils of a board is the sum of the numbers determined in respect of each other pupil enrolled in a summer school class or course that is provided by the board, other than a course delivered primarily through means other than classroom instruction, using the calculation set out in subsection 19 (2).

Summer school A.D.E., fully high-credit and 21 or older pupils

21. (1) Other pupils shall not be counted for the purposes of this section.

(2) The 2019-2020 summer school average daily enrolment of fully high-credit and 21 or older pupils of a board is the sum of the numbers determined in respect of each pupil described in subsection (3) that is enrolled in a summer school class or course provided by the board, using the calculation set out in subsection 19 (2).

(3) A pupil is eligible to be counted for the purposes of subsection (2) if the pupil,

(a) is at least 21 years old on December 31, 2019; or

(b) has a high-credit factor of one.

Part Vi

22. Omitted (provides for coming into force of provisions of this Regulation).