O. Reg. 173/20: ZONING ORDER - CITY OF VAUGHAN, REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK, Under: Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13
Today, February 7, 2025, current consolidated laws on e-Laws are current (up-to-date) to December 31, 2024 (e-Laws currency date).
Planning Act
Loi sur l’aménagement du territoire
Consolidation Period: From April 29, 2022 to the e-Laws currency date.
Last amendment: 456/22.
Legislative History: 456/22.
This Regulation is made in English only.
1. In this Order,
“distribution facility” means a building or part of a building used primarily for the storage and distribution of goods and material, including the outside storage and maintenance of commercial motor vehicles, heavy commercial vehicles and intermodal containers;
“outside storage” means the leaving, placing or parking of equipment or vehicles, including trucks, trailers, and tractor trailers, directly associated with a distribution facility;
“Zoning By-law” means Zoning By-law No. 1-88 of the City of Vaughan.
2. This Order applies to lands in the City of Vaughan, in the Regional Municipality of York, in the Province of Ontario, being the lands on a map numbered 306 and filed at the Toronto office of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing located at 777 Bay Street. O. Reg. 173/20, s. 2; O. Reg. 456/22, s. 1.
Permitted uses
3. (1) Every use of land and every erection, location or use of any building or structure is prohibited on the lands identified as “Area 1” on the map described in section 2, except for the following uses:
1. A distribution facility.
2. Outside storage.
3. Uses described in Section 6.3.1, General Employment Area (EM2) Zone of the Zoning By-law. O. Reg. 173/20, s. 3 (1).
(2) Every use of land and every erection, location or use of any building or structure is prohibited on those lands identified as “Area 2” on the map described in section 2, except for the uses described in Section 6.2.1, Prestige Employment Area (EM1) Zone of the Zoning By-law. O. Reg. 173/20, s. 3 (2).
(3) Every use of land and every erection, location or use of any building or structure is prohibited on those lands identified as “Area 3” on the map described in section 2, except for the following uses:
1. A distribution facility.
2. An office.
3. Outside storage. O. Reg. 456/22, s. 2.
Zoning requirements
4. There are no zoning requirements for the lands described in Section 2.
Terms of use
5. (1) Every use of land and every erection, location or use of any building or structure shall be in accordance with this Order.
(2) Nothing in this Order prevents the use of any land, building or structure for any use prohibited by this Order if the land, building or structure is lawfully so used on the day this Order comes into force.
(3) Nothing in this Order prevents the reconstruction of any building or structure that is damaged or destroyed by causes beyond the control of the owner if the dimensions of the original building or structure are not increased or its original use altered.
(4) Nothing in this Order prevents the strengthening or restoration to a safe condition of any building or structure.
Deemed by-law
6. This Order is deemed for all purposes, except the purposes of section 24 of the Act, to be and to always have been a by-law passed by the council of the City of Vaughan.
7. Omitted (provides for coming into force of provisions of this Regulation).