O. Reg. 594/20: ZONING ORDER - CITY OF TORONTO, Under: Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13
Today, February 14, 2025, current consolidated laws on e-Laws are current (up-to-date) to February 11, 2025 (e-Laws currency date).
Planning Act
Loi sur l’aménagement du territoire
Consolidation Period: From October 22, 2020 to the e-Laws currency date.
No amendments.
This Regulation is made in English only.
1. (1) In this Order,
“amenity space” means indoor or outdoor space that is communal and available for use by the occupants of a building for recreational or social activities;
“bicycle parking space” means an area located above and below the ground that is equipped with a bicycle rack, locker or bicycle stacker for the purposes of parking and securing bicycles;
“bicycle stacker” means a device where a bicycle parking space is positioned above or below another bicycle parking space and can be accessed by means of an elevating device;
“grade” means 78.0 metres Canadian Geodetic Datum;
“green roof” means an extension of an above grade roof, built on top of a human-made structure, that allows vegetation to grow in a growing medium and which is designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with the City of Toronto Green Roof Construction Standard;
“height” means the vertical distance between grade and the highest point of a building or structure;
“non-residential gross floor area” means the sum of the total area of each floor level of the non-residential portion of a mixed-use building, above and below the ground, measured from the exterior of the main wall of each floor level, reduced by the area in the building used for,
(a) parking, loading and bicycle parking below ground,
(b) required loading spaces at the ground level and required bicycle parking spaces at or above ground,
(c) storage rooms, washrooms, electrical rooms, utility rooms, mechanical rooms and ventilation rooms in the basement,
(d) shower and change facilities for required bicycle parking spaces,
(e) amenity space,
(f) elevator shafts,
(g) garbage shafts,
(h) mechanical penthouse,
(i) exit stairwells, and
(j) the functional operation and maintenance of the building;
“parking space” means an area that has dimensions not less than 2.6 metres in width, 5.6 metres in length and 2.0 metres in height, and that is readily accessible at all times for the parking and removal of a motor vehicle without the necessity of moving another motor vehicle;
“residential gross floor area” means the sum of the total area of each floor level of the residential portion of a mixed-use building, above and below the ground, measured from the exterior of the main wall of each floor level, reduced by the area in the building used for,
(a) parking, loading and bicycle parking below ground,
(b) required loading spaces at the ground level and required bicycle parking spaces at or above ground,
(c) storage rooms, washrooms, electrical rooms, utility rooms, mechanical rooms and ventilation rooms in the basement,
(d) shower and change facilities for required bicycle parking spaces,
(e) amenity space,
(f) elevator shafts,
(g) garbage shafts,
(h) mechanical penthouse,
(i) exit stairwells, and
(j) the functional operation and maintenance of the building;
“temporary leasing office” means a building, structure, facility or trailer used for the purpose of the leasing of residential units to be erected on the lands;
“Zoning By-law” means City of Toronto Zoning By-law No. 438-86.
(2) Required indoor residential amenity space is excluded from the calculation of residential gross floor area.
2. (1) This Order applies to lands in the City of Toronto, in the Province of Ontario, described as Block 20 on Plan 66M-2488, and further identified by Property Identification Number 21077-0316 (LT) registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Toronto (No. 66).
(2) For the purposes of this Order, the lands described in subsection (1) shall be considered a single lot.
Permitted uses
3. Every use of land and every erection, location or use of any building or structure is prohibited on the lands described in subsection 2 (1), except for,
(a) the uses permitted in subsection 7 (1) of the Zoning By-law;
(b) a temporary sales office;
(c) a commercial parking garage; and
(d) a car-share.
Zoning requirements
4. (1) The zoning requirements for the lands described in subsection 2 (1) are as follows:
1. The maximum total residential gross floor area and non-residential gross floor area is 82,250 square metres.
2. The maximum residential gross floor area is 55,741.82 square metres.
3. The minimum non-residential gross floor area is 750 square metres.
4. Any part of a building or structure at or below a height of 33 metres is subject to the following location requirements:
i. A minimum setback of 7.6 metres from the north lot line.
ii. A minimum setback of 1.7 metres from the east lot line.
iii. A minimum setback of 3 metres from the south lot line.
iv. No minimum setback from the west lot line.
5. A building or structure above a height of 33 metres is subject to the following location requirements:
i. A minimum setback of 11.8 metres from the north lot line.
ii. A minimum setback of 83.5 metres from the east lot line.
iii. A minimum setback of 3 metres from the south lot line.
iv. A minimum setback of 1.7 metres from the west lot line.
6. Subject to paragraphs 7 to 9, the maximum height of any portion of a building or structure,
i. within 40 metres of the west lot line shall be 152.95 metres, and
ii. beyond 40 metres of the west lot line shall be 114.95 metres.
7. Projections associated with the following structures may exceed the maximum height set out in paragraph 6 by up to 3.5 metres and may encroach on the minimum setback set out in paragraphs 4 and 5:
i. Structures used in connection with green roofs.
ii. Parapets, railings and dividers.
iii. Access hatches.
iv. Roof assemblies.
v. Vents.
vi. Light fixtures.
vii. Architectural elements.
viii. Guardrails.
ix. Decking.
x. Pavers.
xi. Telecommunication equipment.
xii. Exit stairs.
xiii. Stair enclosures.
xiv. Elements or structures related to drainage.
xv. Structures and elements associated with green energy and renewable energy facilities.
8. Projections associated with the following structures may exceed the maximum height set out in paragraph 6 by up to 12 metres and may encroach on the minimum setback set out in paragraphs 4 and 5:
i. Mechanical penthouses and associated structural elements and stairs.
ii. Mechanical and architectural screens, cooling towers, mechanical fans, flues, chimneys, stacks, elevators and associated structural elements and equipment.
iii. Wind screens.
iv. Acoustic screens.
9. Despite paragraph 6, window washing equipment, lightning rods and antennas are not limited to a maximum vertical projection and may encroach on the minimum setback set out in paragraphs 4 and 5.
10. If a line projected at a right angle from an external building wall intercepts another external building wall above a height of 37 metres, a minimum separation distance of 25 metres is required between the walls.
11. The average gross floor area of the floors of a building or structure above a height of 37 metres shall not exceed 775 square metres of residential gross floor area, non-residential gross floor area or any combination thereof.
12. A minimum of 40 per cent of the dwelling units must contain two or more bedrooms, and a minimum of 10 per cent of the dwelling units must contain three or more bedrooms.
13. A minimum of 1.5 square metres of indoor residential amenity space for each dwelling unit and 1.5 square metres of outdoor residential amenity space for each dwelling unit shall be provided.
14. A minimum of 0.15 parking spaces for each dwelling unit shall be provided for the use of residential dwelling unit tenants.
15. A minimum of 0.06 parking spaces for each dwelling unit shall be provided for the use of residential dwelling unit visitors.
16. A minimum of 0.25 parking spaces for each 100 square metres of non-residential gross floor area shall be provided for non-residential uses.
17. Parking spaces required under paragraphs 14 to 16 may be provided above grade, below grade or at a combination of both above and below grade.
18. A minimum of 0.9 long-term bicycle parking spaces for each dwelling unit and 0.1 short-term bicycle parking spaces for each dwelling unit shall be provided.
19. A minimum of 0.2 long-term bicycle parking spaces for every 100 square metres of non-residential gross floor area and a minimum of three short-term bicycle parking spaces along with an additional 0.3 short-term bicycle parking spaces for each 100 square metres of non-residential gross floor area shall be provided.
20. The following requirements apply to bicycle parking spaces:
i. Where bicycles are to be parked on a horizontal surface, the spaces shall have horizontal dimensions of at least 0.46 metres by 1.93 metres and a vertical dimension of at least 1.22 metres.
ii. Where bicycles are to be parked in a vertical position, the spaces shall have horizontal dimensions of at least 0.6 metres by 1.2 metres and a vertical dimension of at least 1.9 metres.
iii. Long-term bicycle parking spaces shall be located in a secured room or area.
iv. Short-term bicycle parking spaces shall be located in a secured or unsecured room or area.
21. A minimum of one loading space – type “G”, one loading space – type “B” and two loading spaces – type “C” shall be provided.
(2) Paragraphs 4 and 5 of subsection (1) do not apply to,
(a) eaves;
(b) awnings;
(c) canopies;
(d) cornices;
(e) lighting fixtures;
(f) parapets, fences and safety railings;
(g) trellises;
(h) balustrades;
(i) chimneys;
(j) vents;
(k) wheelchair ramps;
(l) retaining walls;
(m) art and landscape features;
(n) window sills;
(o) mullions;
(p) privacy screens;
(q) ornamental structures;
(r) frames,
(s) underground garage ramps;
(t) walkways;
(u) stairs, covered stairs and stair enclosures associated with an entrance or exit from an underground parking garage;
(v) stair landings;
(w) decks;
(x) planters;
(y) window washing equipment;
(z) a swimming pool;
(z.1) decking;
(z.2) public art features;
(z.3) architecture features;
(z.4) railings;
(z.5) screens;
(z.6) mechanical penthouses and associated structural elements; and
(z.7) elevators and associated structural elements and equipment.
(3) Section 4 and subsection 12 (2) of the Zoning By-law do not apply to the lands described in subsection 2 (1) of this Regulation.
Terms of Use
5. (1) Every use of land and every erection, location and use of buildings or structures shall be in accordance with this Order.
(2) Nothing in this Order prevents the use of any land, building or structure for any use prohibited by this Order if the land, building or structure is lawfully so used on the day this Order comes into force.
(3) Nothing in this Order prevents the reconstruction of any building or structure that is damaged or destroyed by causes beyond the control of the owner if the dimensions of the original building or structure are not increased and its original use is not altered.
(4) Nothing in this Order prevents the strengthening or restoration to a safe condition of any building or structure.
6. Omitted (provides for coming into force of provisions of this Regulation).