O. Reg. 330/22: ZONING ORDER - CITY OF TORONTO, Under: Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13
Today, December 5, 2024, current consolidated laws on e-Laws are current (up-to-date) to November 1, 2024 (e-Laws currency date).
Planning Act
Loi sur l’aménagement du territoire
Consolidation Period: From April 8, 2022 to the e-Laws currency date.
No amendments.
This Regulation is made in English only.
1. In this Order,
“accessory” means a use, building or structure that is naturally and normally incidental, subordinate in purpose or floor area and exclusively devoted to the permitted uses on the same lot, including,
(a) administrative offices,
(b) religious education uses, and
(c) a funeral visitation centre;
“Zoning By-law” means Zoning By-law 569-2013 of the City of Toronto.
2. (1) This Order applies to lands in the City of Toronto, in the Province of Ontario, being lands described as Parcel A-12 Section M736; Part of Block A on Registered Plan M736, designated as Part 1 on Plan R-1465, and further identified by Property Identification Number 10369-0050 (LT) registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Toronto (No. 80).
(2) For the purposes of this Order, the lands described in subsection (1) shall be considered as a single lot.
(3) Despite any future severance, partition or division of the lands described in subsection (1), this Order shall apply to the lands as if no severance, partition or division occurred.
Non-application of s. 114 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, site plan control area
3. Section 114 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006 does not apply to the lands described in section 2 of this Order.
Non-application of other Zoning By-law
4. The former Borough of East York Zoning By-law 1916 (former Town of Leaside) does not apply to the lands described in section 2.
Permitted uses
5. In addition to the uses permitted on the lands described in subsection 2 (1) under the Zoning By-law, the following uses are permitted:
1. Retail stores.
2. Retail services.
3. Personal service shops.
4. Offices.
5. Medical offices.
6. A place of worship.
7. A community centre.
8. Accessory uses, buildings and structures.
Zoning requirements
6. The zoning requirements for the uses permitted under section 5 are the zoning requirements for the Employment Industrial Office (EO) Zone set out in Chapter 60 of the Zoning By-law, with the following exceptions:
1. The maximum building height is 11 metres.
2. There are no minimum landscaping requirements.
3. A maximum of 151 parking spaces are permitted.
4. A minimum of 16 parking spaces are required.
5. A minimum of eight accessible parking spaces are required.
6. A parking space in a street yard or front yard is permitted to have a centre line at an interior angle of 30 to 60 degrees to the centre line of the drive aisle.
7. The minimum length for a parking space accessed by a one-way drive aisle is 5.5 metres.
8. The minimum width for a parking space accessed by a one-way drive aisle is 2.6 metres.
9. The minimum width for a parking space accessed by a one-way drive aisle is 2.8 metres if one or both sides of the parking space are obstructed.
10. The minimum vertical clearance for a parking space accessed by a one-way drive aisle is two metres.
11. The required parking space in a street yard must be at least two metres from the front lot line.
12. The required parking space in a street yard must be at least 0.5 metres from the side and rear lot lines.
13. A minimum of one Type “B” loading space is required.
14. A maximum of 15 parking spaces are permitted in the front yard that abuts Overlea Boulevard.
15. The minimum permitted width of a driveway is four metres for one-way drive aisles.
16. The maximum gross floor area of retail services, retail stores or personal service shops is 2,500 square metres.
17. There is no minimum number of required bicycle parking spaces.
18. There are no requirements for shower and change facilities.
19. The green roof requirements set out in the Zoning By-law do not apply.
20. The maximum permitted height encroachment is four metres from the maximum permitted height for mechanical equipment, rooftop signage, domes and minarets.
21. The maximum permitted height for minarets is 15 metres.
Terms of use
7. (1) Every use of land and every erection, location and use of buildings or structures shall be in accordance with this Order.
(2) Nothing in this Order prevents the use of any land, building or structure for any use prohibited by this Order if the land, building or structure is lawfully so used on the day this Order comes into force.
(3) Nothing in this Order prevents the reconstruction of any building or structure that is damaged or destroyed by causes beyond the control of the owner if the dimensions of the original building or structure are not increased and its original use is not altered.
(4) Nothing in this Order prevents the strengthening or restoration to a safe condition of any building or structure.
Deemed by-law
8. This Order is deemed for all purposes, except the purposes of section 24 of the Act, to be and to always have been a by-law passed by the council of the City of Toronto.
9. Omitted (provides for coming into force of provisions of this Regulation).