Today, February 7, 2025, current consolidated laws on e-Laws are current (up-to-date) to December 31, 2024 (e-Laws currency date).
Planning Act
Loi sur l’aménagement du territoire
Consolidation Period: From May 12, 2023 to the e-Laws currency date.
No amendments.
This Regulation is made in English only.
1. In this Order,
“community cultural centre” means any part of a building or structure that is used for the provision of community activities, including recreation, arts, crafts, museum, social and charitable activities;
“zoning by-law no. 0225-2007” means Zoning By-law No. 0225-2007 of the City of Mississauga.
2. This Order applies to lands in the City of Mississauga in the Regional Municipality of Peel, in the Province of Ontario, being the lands identified on the maps numbered Map 332, Map 333 and Map 334 which are filed at the Toronto office of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing located at 777 Bay Street.
General zoning requirements
3. (1) This section applies to the lands identified as Lakeview Village on Map 332 referred to in section 2.
(2) The zoning requirements set out in zoning by-law no. 0119-2022 of the City of Mississauga shall not apply to the lands described in subsection (1) except for section of that by-law.
(3) The zoning requirements set out in Article, Lines 1.0 and 3.0 in Table, sections 2.1.14 and 2.1.30 of the zoning by-law no. 0025-2007 shall not apply to the lands described in subsection (1).
(4) The following zoning requirements apply to the lands described in subsection (1):
1. There shall be no more than 16,000 dwelling units.
2. Paragraph 1 does not apply to the lands identified as “Block “E” on Map 334 referred to in section 2.
3. For the portion of buildings or structures within the area identified as “10-C” on Map 334,
i. the maximum height is 10 storeys, and
ii. any portion of a building or structures shall be a minimum of 20.0 metres from the street lot line or, when abutting an Open Space 2 (OS2) Zone as shown on Map 333 referred to in section 2, from the interior side yard adjacent to the Open Space 2 (OS2) Zone.
4. For the portion of buildings or structures within the area identified as “10-D” as shown on Map 334,
i. the maximum height is 10 storeys, and
ii. any portion of a building or structures shall have a minimum 5.0 metre setback to the street lot line.
5. Each block of land on a registered plan of subdivision shall be considered one lot.
6. Despite paragraph 5, “Block A” and “Block B” as shown on Map 334 are each considered one lot.
7. If a lot has frontage on two or more streets, except for a corner lot having only two street frontages, only the front yard provisions set out in zoning by-law no. 0225-2007 shall apply, along all street frontages.
(5) The parking requirements set out in Part 3 of zoning by-law no. 0225-2007 shall apply to the lands described in subsection (1), with the following exceptions:
1. There shall be a minimum of 0.7 resident parking spaces per unit in an apartment building, including a townhouse, a back-to-back townhouse or a stacked townhouse constructed as part of an apartment building.
2. There shall be a minimum of 1.0 resident parking spaces per unit for a townhouse, a townhouse on a common element condominium road, a back-to-back townhouse on a condominium road, a back-to-back townhouse on a common element condominium road and a stacked townhouse without exclusive use of a garage and driveway.
3. There shall be a minimum of 0.15 visitor parking spaces per unit for an apartment building including a townhouse, a back-to-back or a stacked townhouse constructed as part of an apartment building, a townhouse on a common element condominium road, a back-to-back townhouse on a condominium road, a back-to-back townhouse on a common element condominium road and a stacked townhouse without exclusive use of a garage and driveway.
4. There shall be a minimum of 0.3 parking spaces per unit in a retirement building and 0.3 parking spaces per bed in a long-term care building.
5. 10 per cent of the total required resident parking spaces, or 1.0 space, whichever is greater, is the minimum number of required electric-vehicle-ready resident parking spaces for an apartment, a townhouse, a townhouse on a common element condominium road, a back-to-back townhouse on a condominium road, a back-to-back townhouse on a common element condominium road and a stacked townhouse without exclusive use garage and driveway.
6. Five per cent of the total required visitor parking spaces, or 1.0 space, whichever is greater, is the minimum number of required electric-vehicle-ready visitor parking spaces for an apartment.
7. There shall be a minimum of 3.0 parking spaces per 100 square metres of gross floor area for an animal care establishment, an art gallery, a museum, a repair establishment, a retail store, a service establishment, a financial institution, a medical office, a medical office — restricted, a restaurant and a take-out restaurant.
8. There shall be a minimum of 2.0 parking spaces per 100 square metres of gross floor area for an office and a science and technology facility.
9. For the visitor component of required parking, the required visitor or non-residential parking shall be the greater of 0.15 visitor parking spaces per unit or the required parking for all non-residential uses, located in the same building or on the same lot as the residential use.
10. Off-street bicycle parking spaces are required in accordance with section 3.1.6 of zoning by-law no. 0225-2007.
11. A bicycle parking space — class b, required under Table of zoning by-law no. 0225-2007, may have a maximum of 50 per cent of the required bicycle parking spaces in an indoor and enclosed area.
12. A maximum of 10 per cent of the required parking spaces are not required to comply with sections,, and of zoning by-law no. 0225-2007.
(6) A building or structure required for the purpose of delivering heating and cooling, or piped services for heating and cooling, shall be permitted anywhere on the lands described in subsection (1) and shall not be subject to any zoning requirements.
Residential Apartment 5 (RA5) Zone
4. (1) Every use of land and every erection, location or use of any building or structure is prohibited on the lands identified as Residential Apartment 5 (RA5) Zone on Map 333 referred to in section 2, except,
(a) the uses set out in sections 2.1.9 and 4.1.15 and in Table 4.15.1 of zoning by-law no. 0225-2007;
(b) a stacked townhouse;
(c) a back-to-back townhouse;
(d) a townhouse;
(e) a back-to-back townhouse on a common element condominium road;
(f) a townhouse on a common element condominium road;
(g) a public school that is situated in an apartment building, retirement building or long-term care building;
(h) a restaurant, including a take-out restaurant, and any outdoor patio accessory to a restaurant;
(i) a recreational establishment;
(j) a medical office; and
(k) an animal care establishment.
(2) The zoning requirements set out in sections 1, 2, 4.1 and 4.15 of zoning by-law no. 0225-2007 shall apply to the lands identified as Residential Apartment 5 (RA5) Zone on Map 333, except the following:
1. The height of a townhouse or stacked townhouse that is attached to an apartment building or retirement building shall be measured from established grade.
2. The minimum setback from a side wall or rear wall of an apartment building, long-term care building or retirement building to a side wall of any of a townhouse, back-to-back townhouse, stacked townhouse, back-to-back townhouse on a common element condominium road or townhouse on a common element condominium road is 4.5 metres.
3. There is no minimum setback from a sight triangle.
4. The minimum width of a condominium road is 6.0 metres.
5. The maximum amount of required resident parking spaces that may be tandem is 20 per cent.
6. Driveways, condominium roads, private roads, common element condominium roads, aisles and required parking areas, parking structures, amenity areas and landscaped areas are permitted to be shared with abutting lands identified as Residential Apartment 5 (RA5) Zone and Commercial 4 (C4) Zone as shown on Map 333.
7. The maximum area for each accessory building and structure is 40 square metres.
8. The maximum combined area for all accessory buildings and structures on each lot or block is 160 square metres.
9. The maximum height of an accessory building or structure is 5.5 metres.
10. Stairs with a maximum of six risers may encroach a maximum of 0.9 metres into a yard provided that the yard is a minimum of 1.2 metres.
11. There is no minimum depth of a landscaped buffer abutting a lot line that is a street line or lands identified as Open Space 2 (OS2) Zone as shown on Map 333.
12. No landscaped buffer to a maximum of 30.0 metres in length shall be required between a driveway, internal roadway, private road, common element condominium road, condominium road or lane, that is not a street, and an interior side yard starting from a front yard.
13. The minimum interior amenity area is the lesser of 2.8 square metres per dwelling unit or five per cent of the lot.
14. The minimum exterior amenity area to be provided either at grade or on a roof is 55 square metres.
15. The minimum width of a sidewalk adjacent to a street, condominium road, private road or common element condominium road and a walkway is 1.5 metres.
16. A landscape buffer may contain a walkway, sidewalk, stairwells, ventilation structures, acoustic wall, wind mitigation features and utilities such as electrical transformers and gas meters.
(3) In addition to the zoning requirements set out in subsection (2), the following zoning requirements apply to apartment buildings, long-term care buildings and retirement buildings on the lands identified as Residential Apartment 5 (RA5) Zone on Map 333:
1. The provisions of Line 3.1 of Table, Line 6.2 of Table, Lines 4.0, 5.0, 7.0, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, 11.1, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 13.3, 13.6, 15.2, 15.3 and 15.5 of Table 4.15.1 of zoning by-law no. 0225-2007 shall not apply.
2. There is no maximum height.
3. The maximum gross floor area per storey for each storey above 12 storeys is 2,200 square metres with the exception of Block “A”, as shown on Map 334 referred to in section 2, which has no maximum gross floor area per storey.
4. There are no minimum front and exterior side yards.
5. The minimum interior side yard is 1.75 metres.
6. The minimum rear yard is 7.5 metres.
7. The minimum interior side or rear yard when abutting Open Space 2 (OS2) Zone as shown on Map 333 is 1.75 metres.
8. There is no minimum rear yard when abutting Commercial 4 (C4) Zone as shown on Map 333.
9. The minimum setback from a parking structure above or partially above finished grade to all lot lines is 4.0 metres.
10. The minimum setback from a parking structure completely below finished grade, inclusive of external access stairwells, to any lot line is 1.0 metre.
11. There is no minimum setback to an interior side lot line for accessory buildings and structures located in an interior side yard.
12. The minimum setback of all buildings and structures to all lands identified as Greenbelt 2-A (G2-A) Zone on Map 333 is 3.0 metres.
13. The minimum depth of a landscaped buffer measured to lands identified as Greenbelt 2-A (G2-A) Zone on Map 333 is 2.0 metres.
14. The minimum setback of parking areas, driveways, loading spaces and other paved areas to lands identified as Greenbelt 2-A (G2-A) Zone on Map 333 is 2.0 metres.
15. The minimum setback from a parking structure completely below finished grade, inclusive of external access stairwells, to any lot line and to all lands identified as Open Space 2 (OS2) Zone or Greenbelt 2-A (G2-A) Zone on Map 333 is 1.0 metre.
16. The maximum projection of an awning from the outermost face or faces of the building from which the awning projects, provided that each shall have a maximum width of 20.0 metres, is 3.8 metres.
17. The maximum projection of a balcony located above the first storey measured from the outermost face or faces of the building from which the balcony projects is 4.0 metres.
18. A balcony supported or partially supported by the storey below shall not have a maximum projection provided it does not extend more than 3.0 metres beyond the outermost face or faces of the storey supporting the balcony.
19. The minimum above grade separation between buildings for the portion of a dwelling with a height greater than 12 storeys is 25.0 metres.
20. The minimum landscaped area is 10 per cent of the lot area.
(4) For the purposes of subsection (3), the calculation of height shall be exclusive of,
(a) mechanical or architectural appurtenances, such as mechanical equipment, ventilation equipment, mechanical penthouse, elevator machine rooms, turrets, cupolas, stairs and covered stairs or stair enclosures, electrical, utility, roof access, maintenance equipment storage, chimneys and vents, structures that enclose, screen or cover the equipment, architectural features, parapets, elements associated with a green roof, guard rails, lightning rods, telecommunication equipment and enclosures and permanent window washing equipment located on the roof of a dwelling provided that the maximum height of such element is no higher than 8.0 metres above the height limit otherwise applicable; and
(b) an enclosed rooftop amenity area provided that the enclosed amenity area does not occupy more than 40 per cent of the rooftop, and that the height of such element is no higher than 8.0 metres above the height limit otherwise applicable.
(5) In addition to the zoning requirements set out in subsection (2), the following zoning requirements apply to the uses listed in clauses (1) (b) to (f):
1. A front yard shall be a minimum of 2.0 metres.
2. An exterior side yard shall be a minimum of 1.5 metres.
3. An interior side yard shall be a minimum of,
i. 4.5 metres to the front or rear wall of a building, and
ii. 2.5 metres to the side wall of building.
4. A rear yard shall be a minimum of 4.5 metres.
5. An interior side or rear yard when abutting lands identified as Open Space 2 (OS2) Zone on Map 333 shall be 2.0 metres.
6. A dwelling unit shall have a minimum width of 4.5 metres.
7. The maximum height for a dwelling shall be 14.0 metres for a flat roof and 18.0 metres for the highest ridge of a sloped roof.
8. The maximum projection of a balcony, awning, porch or deck, exclusive of stairs, from the outermost face of the front wall of the building is 3.0 metres.
9. The maximum projection of an awning, porch or deck, located at and accessible from the first storey or below the first storey, inclusive of stairs, from the outermost face of the rear wall of the building is 5.5 metres.
10. The maximum encroachment of an awning, porch or deck, located at and accessible from the first storey or below the first storey, inclusive of stairs, into the required rear yard is 4.5 metres.
11. The maximum encroachment of a balcony, porch, awning or deck, inclusive of stairs, into the required front yard is 2.0 metres.
12. The minimum setback from a garage face to a street, condominium road, common element condominium road or sidewalk is 5.5 metres.
13. The minimum setback from the front wall of a building to a front wall of another building on the same lot is 12.0 metres.
14. The minimum setback from the front wall of a building to an abutting rear lot line or interior side lot line is 4.0 metres.
15. The minimum setback from the front wall of a building to a side wall of another building on the same lot is 7.5 metres.
16. The minimum setback from a rear wall of a building to a side wall of another building on the same lot is 9.0 metres.
17. The minimum setback from a side wall of a building to an abutting condominium rear lot line is 3.5 metres.
18. The minimum setback from a side wall of a building to a condominium road, common element condominium road, common element condominium amenity area or parking space is 2.5 metres.
19. The minimum setback from a side wall of a building to a side wall of another building on the same lot is 2.3 metres.
20. The minimum setback from a side wall of a building to a sidewalk or walkway is 1.0 metre except there is no minimum setback up to a maximum of 50 per cent of one side wall where two side walls face each other, provided the opposing side wall maintains the required 1.0 metre setback from a side wall of a building to a sidewalk or walkway.
21. The minimum setback from the front or rear wall of a building to lands identified as Open Space 2 (OS2) Zone on Map 333 is 2.5 metres.
22. The minimum setback of a wing wall to any lot line is 1.5 metres.
23. The minimum setback between a surface parking space and an interior side lot line or rear lot line is 2.0 metres.
24. The minimum setback of a parking structure constructed above or partially above finished grade to any lot line is 4.0 metres.
25. The minimum landscaped buffer abutting any interior or exterior side and rear lot line is 1.2 metres.
26. The minimum landscaped area is 10 per cent of the lot area.
27. Despite paragraph 26, the minimum landscaped area for a use under clause (1) (c) is 5 per cent of the lot area.
28. Landscaped areas may include decks, walkways and patios.
29. The minimum setback from an amenity area is,
i. 0.0 metres to a side wall of a building,
ii. 3.0 metres to a front or rear wall of a building, and
iii. 1.5 metres to any type of road.
(6) For the purposes of subsection (5), the calculation of height shall be exclusive of structures for rooftop access, mechanical or utility equipment, kitchens or washrooms, provided that the structure has a maximum floor area of 20 square metres and it is set back a minimum of 2.5 metres from the exterior front wall or rear wall of the building.
(7) The zoning requirements set out in Table of zoning by-law no. 0225-2007 shall apply to the use set out in clause (1) (g) except,
(a) the minimum front and exterior side yard is 0.0 metres;
(b) no maximum height applies; and
(c) the minimum amount of required parking to be located underground is 80 per cent.
Commercial 4 (C4) Zone
5. (1) Every use of land and every erection, location or use of any building or structure is prohibited on the lands identified as Commercial 4 (C4) Zone on Map 333 referred to in section 2, except,
(a) the uses set out in section 2.1.9 and Table 6.2.1 of zoning by-law no. 0225-2007;
(b) a long-term care building;
(c) a retirement building;
(d) a restaurant, including a take-out restaurant, and any outdoor patio accessory to a restaurant;
(e) an accessory outdoor garden centre;
(f) a medical office — restricted, as defined in zoning by-law no. 0225-2007;
(g) a science and technology facility;
(h) a banquet hall, conference centre or convention centre;
(i) a custom workshop, as defined in zoning by-law no. 0225-2007;
(j) a live-work unit in townhouse where the unit is used partly for residential purposes and partly for an office, retail store, service establishment, custom workshop or repair establishment;
(k) a contractor’s yard operated on or on behalf of a public authority; and
(l) a community cultural centre.
(2) The zoning requirements set out in sections 1, 2, 6.1 and 6.2 of zoning by-law no. 0225-2007 shall apply to the lands identified as Commercial 4 (C4) Zone on Map 333, except the following:
1. The zoning requirements set out in sections and, and Lines 5.0, 7.0, 8.1, 8.5, 9.1, 9.5, 11.0, 12.4, 12.5, 14.0 and 16.0 in Table 6.2.1 of zoning by-law no. 0225-2007 shall not apply.
2. There is no maximum height.
3. Despite the provisions of zoning by-law no. 0225-2007 set out in paragraph 1 of this subsection, the interior side yard of the first storey abutting an Open Space 2 (OS2) Zone as shown on Map 333 is 1.5 metres.
4. The minimum setback of all buildings and structures to lands identified as Greenbelt 2-A (G2-A) Zone on Map 333 is 3.0 metres.
5. The minimum depth of a landscaped buffer measured to lands identified as Greenbelt 2-A (G2-A) Zone on Map 333 is 2.0 metres.
6. The minimum setback of parking areas, driveways, loading spaces and other paved areas to lands identified as Greenbelt 2-A (G2-A) Zone on Map 333 is 2.0 metres.
7. The minimum setback from a parking structure completely below finished grade, inclusive of external access stairwells, to any lot line and to lands identified as Open Space 2 (OS2) Zone or Greenbelt 2-A (G2-A) Zone on Map 333 is 1.0 metre.
8. Dwelling units shall not be permitted on the first storey of a building.
9. The minimum above grade separation between buildings for that portion of a dwelling with a height greater than 12 storeys is 25.0 metres.
10. Driveways, condominium roads, private roads, common element condominium roads, aisles and required parking areas, parking structures, amenity areas and landscaped areas are permitted to be shared with abutting lands identified as Residential Apartment 5 (RA5) Zone and Commercial 4 (C4) Zone on Map 333.
11. The required parking for uses on lands identified as Employment 1 (E1) Zone on Map 333 may be provided on lands identified as Commercial 4 (C4) Zone on Map 333.
(3) Despite anything to the contrary in this Order, the following zoning requirements shall also apply to the area identified as Blocks “10-C” and “10-D” on Map 334 referred to in section 2:
1. The minimum above grade separation between buildings for that portion of the dwelling with a height greater than 10 storeys is 25.0 metres.
2. The minimum interior side yard for that portion of the dwelling with a height greater than 10 storeys abutting lands identified as Open Space 2 (OS2) Zone on Map 333 is 3.0 metres.
(4) Despite anything to the contrary in this Order, the following zoning requirements shall also apply to the block which abuts Lakeshore Road East and is identified as Commercial 4 (C4) Zone on Map 333:
1. The front yard lot line is deemed to be Lakeshore Road East.
2. The minimum front yard required for the portion of the building with a height less than or equal to 15.0 metres is 4.0 metres.
3. The minimum front yard for the portion of the building with a height greater than 15.0 metres is 7.0 metres.
4. The minimum exterior side yard required on the first storey is 3.0 metres.
5. There is no required minimum exterior side yard above the first storey for the portion of the building with a height less than or equal to 15.0 metres.
6. The minimum exterior side yard required for the portion of the building with a height greater than 15.0 metres is 3.0 metres.
7. The minimum setback required for that portion of the building with a height greater than eight storeys and facing the front lot line is 25.0 metres.
8. The maximum length of a building street wall on the first storey facing Lakeshore Road East that may be used for accessing residential uses located above the first storey is 15 per cent.
(5) In addition to the zoning requirements set out in subsection (2), the zoning requirements set out in subsections 4 (2), (3) and (4) shall apply to apartment buildings, long-term care buildings and retirement buildings on the lands identified as Commercial 4 (C4) Zone on Map 333.
Employment 1 (E1) Zone
6. (1) Every use of land and every erection, location or use of any building or structure is prohibited on the lands identified as Employment 1 (E1) Zone on Map 333 referred to in section 2, except,
(a) the uses set out in sections 2.1.9 and 8.1.2 and Table 8.2.1 of zoning by-law no. 0225-2007;
(b) a power generating facility;
(c) a district energy system or plant;
(d) an educational or public facility;
(e) a utility building;
(f) a community cultural centre;
(g) a broadcasting or communication facility;
(h) a long-term care building;
(i) a restaurant, including a take-out restaurant, and any outdoor patio accessory to a restaurant; and
(j) a parking lot.
(2) The zoning requirements set out in sections 1, 2, 8.1 and 8.2 of zoning by-law no. 0225-2007 shall apply to the lands identified as Employment 1 (E1) Zone on Map 333, except the following:
1. The zoning requirements set out in sections 2.1.4 and, and Lines 9.1, 9.2, 10.0 and 12.5 contained in Table 8.2.1 of zoning by-law no. 0225-2007 shall not apply.
2. There is no maximum height.
3. A maximum total gross floor area for a warehouse or distribution facility, a financial institution, a banquet hall or a conference centre or a convention centre and recreation establishment is 20 per cent per building.
4. The minimum lot frontage is 6.0 metres.
5. A front yard shall be a minimum of 3.0 metres.
6. An interior side yard shall be a minimum of 2.0 metres.
7. A rear yard to lands identified as Greenbelt 2-A (G2-A) Zone on Map 333 shall be a minimum of 2.0 metres.
8. The minimum setback of a parking structure completely below finished grade shall be,
i. 1.0 metre to a front yard and to lands identified as Greenbelt 2-A (G2-A) Zone on Map 333, and
ii. 0.0 metres to an interior side yard.
9. There is no minimum depth of a landscaped buffer abutting a lot line that is a street line.
10. Parking is permitted on lands identified as Commercial 4 (C4) Zone on Map 333.
11. A landscaped buffer to lands identified as Greenbelt 2-A (G2-A) Zone as shown on Map 333 shall have a minimum depth of 2.0 metres.
12. A landscape buffer may contain a walkway, sidewalk, stairwells, ventilation structures and utilities such as electrical transformers and gas meters.
13. The minimum setback of parking areas, driveways, loading spaces and other paved areas to lands identified as Greenbelt 2-A (G2-A) Zone on Map 333 is 2.0 metres.
14. The minimum distance from a surface parking space to a lot line that is a street line is 40.0 metres.
15. The maximum amount of required parking spaces to be provided as surface parking is 10 per cent.
(3) Despite anything to the contrary in this Order, a power generating facility, a district energy system or plant, an educational or public facility and a utility building shall not be subject to any zoning regulations.
(4) Despite section of zoning by-law no. 0225-2007, a restaurant, including a take-out restaurant, may be an accessory to a building or structure used as a manufacturing facility, a science and technology facility, a warehouse or distribution facility, a commercial school, a banquet hall, a conference centre or convention centre, a university or college, a district energy system or plant, a community cultural centre, a broadcasting or communication facility or a long-term care building if the restaurant is wholly within the building or structure.
Open Space 2 (OS2) Zone
7. (1) Every use of land and every erection, location or use of any building or structure is prohibited on the lands identified as Open Space 2 (OS2) Zone on Map 333 referred to in section 2, except,
(a) the uses set out in section 2.1.9 and Table 9.2.1 of zoning by-law no. 0225-2007;
(b) a restaurant, including a take-out restaurant, and any outdoor patio accessory to a restaurant;
(c) a retail store;
(d) an outdoor market;
(e) a community cultural centre;
(f) a tent or stage with or without a seating area;
(g) an entertainment establishment;
(h) a banquet hall, a conference centre or a convention centre;
(i) a commercial school;
(j) a recording studio;
(k) a public washroom;
(l) a parking lot; and
(m) a municipal contractor’s yard.
(2) The zoning requirements set out in sections 1, 2, 9.1 and 9.2 of zoning by-law no. 0225-2007 shall apply to the lands identified as Open Space 2 (OS2) Zone on Map 333, except there are no parking requirements for any of the permitted uses set out in subsection (1) of this Order.
Greenbelt 1-A (G1-A) Zone
8. (1) Every use of land and every erection, location or use of any building or structure is prohibited on the lands identified as Greenbelt 1-A (G1-A) Zone on Map 333 referred to in section 2 of this Order, except the uses set out in section 10.1 of zoning by-law no. 0225-2007.
(2) The zoning requirements set out in sections 1, 2, 10.1 and 10.2 of zoning by-law no. 0225-2007 shall apply to the lands identified as Greenbelt 1-A (G1-A) Zone on Map 333.
Greenbelt 1-B (G1-B) Zone
9. (1) Every use of land and every erection, location or use of any building or structure is prohibited on the lands identified as Greenbelt 1-B (G1-B) Zone on Map 333 referred to in section 2 of this Order except,
(a) the uses set out in section 10.1 of zoning by-law no. 0225-2007;
(b) the uses set out in subsection 7 (1);
(c) all buildings or structures and conveyor belts used for infrastructure in support of power generation legally existing on the lands on the day this Regulation comes into force;
(d) any alterations and additions to existing buildings and structures used for infrastructure in support of power generation legally existing on the lands on the day this Regulation comes into force; and
(e) a shade structure, accessory building or structure.
(2) Despite subsection (1), the following uses are not permitted on the lands identified as Greenbelt 1-B (G1-B) Zone on Map 333:
1. An entertainment establishment.
2. A recording studio.
3. A commercial school.
4. A banquet hall, a conference centre or a convention centre.
5. A parking lot.
(3) The zoning requirements set out in sections 1, 2, 10.1 and 10.2 of zoning by-law no. 0225-2007 shall apply to the lands identified as Greenbelt 1-B (G1-B) Zone on Map 333.
Greenbelt 2-A (G2-A) Zone
10. (1) Every use of land and every erection, location or use of any building or structure is prohibited on the lands identified as Greenbelt 2-A (G2-A) Zone on Map 333 referred to in section 2 of this Order, except the uses set out in sections 10.1 and 10.2 of zoning by-law no. 0225-2007 and use as a trail.
(2) The zoning requirements set out in sections 1, 2 and 10.2 of zoning by-law no. 0225-2007 shall apply to the lands identified as Greenbelt 2-A (G2-A) Zone on Map 333.
Terms of use
11. (1) Every use of land and every erection, location or use of any building or structure shall be in accordance with this Order.
(2) Nothing in this Order prevents the use of any land, building or structure for any use prohibited by this Order if the land, building or structure is lawfully so used on the day this Order comes into force.
(3) Nothing in this Order prevents the reconstruction of any building or structure that is damaged or destroyed by causes beyond the control of the owner if the dimensions of the original building or structure are not increased and its original use is not altered.
(4) Nothing in this Order prevents the strengthening or restoration to a safe condition of any building or structure.
Non-application of s. 41 of the Act
12. (1) Section 41 of the Act does not apply to the lands described in section 2 of this Order.
(2) Each person who owns all or any part of the lands described in section 2 shall enter into one or more agreements with the City of Mississauga dealing with the matters listed in subsection 47 (4.4) of the Act.
Deemed by-law
13. This Order is deemed for all purposes, except the purposes of section 24 of the Act, to be a by-law passed by the council of the City of Mississauga.
14. Omitted (provides for coming into force of provisions of this Regulation).