Ontario Planning and Development Act, 1994
Loi de 1994 sur la planification et l’aménagement du territoire de l’Ontario
formerly under The Parkway Belt Planning and Development Act, 1973 formerly under The Parkway Belt Planning and Development Act formerly under Parkway Belt Planning and Development Act
County of Halton (now part of The Regional Municipalities of Halton and peel), town of oakville (NOW PART OF THE TOWNS OF HALTON HILLS, MILTON, OAKVILLE and the city of mississauga)
Historical version for the period November 29, 2012 to April 23, 2013.
Note: This Regulation was consolidated under subsection 99 (3) of the Legislation Act, 2006 on October 12, 2011.
Last amendment: O. Reg. 387/12.
This Regulation is made in English only.
Sections |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4-7 |
8-9 |
10 |
11 |
12-13 |
14-90 |
“accessory”, when used to describe a use, building or structure, means a use, building or structure normally incidental or subordinate to the principal use, building or structure located on the same lot;
“agricultural use” includes a use of land, buildings or structures for the purpose of forestry, field crops, fruit farming, market gardening, dairying, animal husbandry, poultry or beekeeping;
“automobile service station” means a place where,
(a) gasoline and oil are kept for retail sale and sold by retail,
(b) only minor emergency repairs and services may be performed, and
(c) grease, anti-freeze, tires and automobile parts may be sold as incidental to the above operations;
“dwelling” means one or more habitable rooms designed for use by, and occupied by not more than one family and in which separate kitchen and sanitary facilities are provided for the exclusive use of such family, with a private entrance from the outside the building or from a common hallway or stairway inside the building;
“family” means,
(a) a person,
(b) two or more persons interrelated by bonds of consanguinity, legal adoption or marriage, or
(c) not more than five persons not related by bonds of consanguinity, legal adoption or marriage, living as a single housekeeping unit in one dwelling;
“floor area” means the total area of all floors contained within the outside walls of a building, excluding in the case of a single-family dwelling, the floor area of a private garage, porch, verandah, unfinished attic, basement or cellar;
“frontage” means the width of a lot measured along a line twenty-five feet back from the street and parallel to the lot line abutting the street;
“front yard” means a yard extending across the full width of a lot on which a building is situate, and extending from the front lot line to the main wall of the building for which such front yard is required that is nearest to the front lot line.
“home occupation” means any occupation for gain or support conducted entirely within a single-family or semi-detached dwelling by one or more member of the family residing in the dwelling, provided that,
(a) there is no external display or advertising other than a sign having a total display area not exceeding two square feet,
(b) there is no external storage of goods or materials, and not more than 25 per cent of the total floor area is used for the home occupation use, and
(c) there are no persons employed in the dwelling except,
(i) the members of the family residing in the dwelling, or
(ii) in the case of a dentist, physician or veterinarian, a staff of one person;
“lot” means a parcel of land, described in a deed or other document legally capable of conveying title to or interest in land, or shown as a lot or block on a registered plan of subdivision;
“lot area” means the total horizontal area within the lot lines of a lot;
“rear yard” means a yard extending across the full width of a lot on which a building is situate, and extending from the rear lot line to the main wall of the building for which such rear yard is required that is nearest to the rear lot line;
“side yard” means a yard extending from the front yard to the rear yard and from the side lot line to the main wall of the building for which such side yard is required that is nearest to the side lot line;
“single-family dwelling” means a separate building containing only one dwelling;
“street” means a public highway that is the principal means of access to abutting lots that is under the jurisdiction of the Province of Ontario or a municipality, including a regional municipality, or is a road within a registered plan of subdivision or is a road the maintenance of which has been assumed by a municipality;
“yard” means a space open from the ground to the sky on a lot on which a building is situate which space is unoccupied except for such accessory buildings as are permitted in this Regulation. O. Reg. 481/73, s. 1; O. Reg. 146/81, s. 1; O. Reg. 598/81, s. 1.
2. (1) In this section,
“designated lands” means any land designated on a map as a Public Use Area or as a Complementary Use Area and includes the lands designated by the following symbol ░░░ notwithstanding that such lands are not within a Public Use Area or a Complementary Use Area;
“map” means a map that is included in The Parkway Belt West Plan that was approved by the Lieutenant Governor by Order-in-Council 2188/78 on July 19, 1978. O. Reg. 146/81, s. 2.
(2) This Regulation applies to the following lands:
1. Those lands formerly in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, now in the Town of Halton Hills and the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton and in the City of Mississauga in The Regional Municipality of Peel, being the designated lands shown on maps 3, 4, 6 and 7 in:
i. Lots 13, 14 and 15 in Concession X, New Survey.
ii. Lots 13, 14 and 15 in Concession XI, New Survey.
iii. Lots 6 and 7 and Lots 27 to 35 inclusive, in Concession I, North of Dundas Street, excepting:
1. Those lands being part of Lot 32 in Concession I (Trafalgar), North of Dundas Street, designated as Parts 1, 2 and 3 on Reference Plan 20R-15300 and identified as Property Identifier Number 24927-0142 (LT), registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Halton (No. 20).
2. Those lands being part of Lot 6 in Concession I, North of Dundas Street, designated as Parts 2 and 4 on Reference Plan 20R-6774, save and except Part 1 on Reference Plan 20R-14461 and identified as whole of Property Identifier Number 24930-0048 (LT), and part of Property Identifier Number 24930-0119 (LT), registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Halton (No. 20).
3. Those lands being part of Lots 33 and 34 in Concession I (Trafalgar), North of Dundas Street, and identified as Property Identifier Number 24927-0150 (LT), registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Halton (No. 20).
iv. Lots 6 to 30, inclusive, in Concession II, North of Dundas Street, excepting:
A. the northerly half of Lots 6 to 20, inclusive,
B. those portions of Lots 21 and 22 lying north of the centre line of Fourth Line Road,
C. those portions of Lots 29 and 30 lying northwest of the centre line of the King’s Highway No. 25.
D. those lands being part of Lot 9 in Concession II (Trafalgar), North of Dundas Street and identified as Property Identifier Number 24930-0052 (LT), registered in the Lands Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Halton (No. 20).
E. Those lands being part of Lot 12, in Concession II (Trafalgar), North of Dundas Street identified as Property Identifier Number 24930-0064 (LT), registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Halton (No. 20) and further described as follows:
Commencing at an iron pipe planted in the southeasterly limit of said Lot Number 12, being the northwesterly limit of the road allowance between Concessions I and II, distant 223.05 feet measured south 38° west therealong from the most easterly angle of said Lot 12;
Thence south 38° west continuing along said southeasterly limit of Lot 12, 430 feet to an iron pipe planted;
Thence north 44° 47' 30" west 743.40 feet along a post and wire fence to an iron pipe planted;
Thence north 37° 20' east along a post and wire fence 430.65 feet to an iron post planted;
Thence south 44° 47' 30" east 748.40 feet to the place of beginning, containing by admeasurement 7.305 acres being the same more or less.
F. Those lands being part of Lot 21 in Concession II (Trafalgar), North of Dundas Street and identified as Property Identifier Number 24928-0039 (LT), registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Halton (No. 20).
v. Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Concession 1, South of Dundas Street and Property Identifier Number 24926-0009 (LT), located at the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Halton (No. 20), being that Part of Lots 31, 32 and 33 in Concession I, South of Dundas Street, save and except:
A. That parcel of land in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being Part of Lots 4 and 5 in Concession I, South of Dundas Street, further described as:
Firstly: PIN 24902-0174 (LT), being Part of Lot 4 in Concession I Trafalgar, SDS, now in the Town of Oakville described as Parts 19 to 27, both inclusive. on Plan 20R-17936.
Secondly: PIN 24902-0175 (LT), being Part of Lot 4 in Concession I Trafalgar, SDS, now in the Town of Oakville, described as Parts 16, 17 and 18 on Plan 20R-17936.
Thirdly: PIN 24902-0176 (LT), being Part of Lot 4 in Concession I Trafalgar, SDS, now in the Town of Oakville, described as described as Parts 1 to 15, both inclusive, on Plan 20R-17936.
Fourthly: PIN 24902-0171 (LT), being Part of Lot 5 in Concession I Trafalgar, SDS, now in the Town of Oakville, as described in Instrument 609155.
Fifthly: PIN 24902-00170 (LT), being Part of Lot 5 in Concession I Trafalgar, SDS, now in the Town of Oakville, designated as Part 9 on Plan 20R-10385.
Sixthly: PIN 24902-0178 (LT), being Part of Lots 4 and 5 in Concession I Trafalgar, SDS, now in the Town of Oakville, registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Halton (No. 20).
vi. Lots 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 and Lots 26 to 35, inclusive, in Concession II, South of Dundas Street, save and except those lands in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton further described as follows:
A. Part of Lot 30 in Concession II, Trafalgar, South of Dundas Street, being Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 on Reference Plan 20R-13700, save and except Parts 2 and 3 on Reference Plan 20R-18517 and identified as Property Identification Number 25069-0155 (LT), registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Halton (No. 20).
B. Part of Lot 30 in Concession II, Trafalgar, South of Dundas Street, being Parts 1 and 2 on Reference Plan 20R-2531 and Part 5 on Reference Plan 20R-6034, save and except Parts 1, 2 and 3 on Reference Plan 20R-17101 and Part 1 on Reference Plan 20R-18517 and identified as Property Identification Number 25069-0157 (LT), registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Halton (No. 20).
C. Part of Lot 30 in Concession II, Trafalgar, South of Dundas Street, more particularly described as in Instruments 147455, 147820 and 146535 lying southeast of Part 8 on Reference Plan 20R-6034 and identified as Property Identification Number 25069-0009, (LT) registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Halton (No. 20).
D. Parts of Lots 29 and 30 in Concession II, Trafalgar, South of Dundas Street, being Parts 14, 16, 18 and 19 on Reference Plan 20R-16565 and identified as part of Property Identification Number 25069-0106 (LT), registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Halton (No. 20).
E. Parts of Lots 29 and 30 in Concession II, Trafalgar, South of Dundas Street, being Parts 13, 15, 17 and 20 on Reference Plan 20R-16565 and identified as part of Property Identification Number 25069-0003 (LT), registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Halton (No. 20).
vii. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and Lots 26 to 32 inclusive, in Concession III, South of Dundas Street, save and except:
1. Those parts of Lots 2 and 3 in Concession III, South of Dundas Street described as follows:
Premising that all bearings contained herein are astronomic and premising that the northeasterly limit of Part 1 on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-2830 has a bearing of north 46° 01' 10" west and relating all bearings herein thereto;
Commencing at the most easterly angle of Block C on a Plan of Sub-division registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number M-168;
Thence north 41° 31' 40" east on a production of Constance Drive on the said Plan M-168 a distance of 36.61 metres to the place of beginning;
Thence north 46° 01' 10" west a distance of 239.19 metres to a point;
Thence on a curve to the right having a radius of 500 metres, an arc distance of 154.78 metres, the chord equivalent being 154.16 metres measured on a course of north 37° 09' west to a point;
Thence north 28° 17' west a distance of 103.77 metres to a point;
Thence north 38° 55' 30" east a distance of 361.39 metres to a point;
Thence north 38° 57' 30" east a distance of 10.31 metres to a point;
Thence north 87° 23' 30" east a distance of 121.49 metres to a point;
Thence south 44° 37' 50" east a distance of 591.79 metres to a point;
Thence north 73° 59' 40" east a distance of 93.76 metres to a point;
Thence south 44° 36' 50" east a distance of 143.37 metres to a point;
Thence south 44° 27' 10" east a distance of 47.22 metres to a point;
Thence south 76° 02' 40" west a distance of 23.60 metres to a point;
Thence north 67° 37' 20" west a distance of 49.53 metres to a point;
Thence south 80° 18' 40" west a distance of 37.52 metres to a point;
Thence south 49° 08' 20" west a distance of 83.91 metres to a point;
Thence south 82° 15' 50" west a distance of 64.92 metres to a point;
Thence south 31° 22' 30" west a distance of 43.22 metres to a point;
Thence south 64° 19' 20" west a distance of 58.76 metres to a point;
Thence south 64° 34' 20" west a distance of 35.52 metres to a point;
Thence north 67° 25' 20" west a distance of 40.42 metres to a point;
Thence north 67° 57' 50" west a distance of 54.68 metres to a point;
Thence north 81° 48' 40" west a distance of 30.04 metres to a point;
Thence south 38° 04' 10" west a distance of 52.07 metres to a point;
Thence south 78° 47' west a distance of 49.70 metres to a point;
Thence north 27° 05' 20" west a distance of 8.56 metres to a point;
Thence south 50° 54' 30" west a distance of 12.36 metres to a point;
Thence south 89° 15' 40" west a distance of 29.89 metres to a point;
Thence north 55° 59' 40" west a distance of 35.62 metres to a point;
Thence south 79° 13' 20" west a distance of 43.01 metres to a point;
Thence south 72° 03' 50" west a distance of 15.85 metres to a point;
Thence south 2° 51' east a distance of 16.01 metres to a point;
Thence north 47° 13' west a distance of 15.13 metres, more or less, to the place of beginning.
2. That parcel of land in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being part of Lot 1 in Concession III Trafalgar, South of Dundas Street, described as Part 1 on Reference Plan 20R-9647 and identified as Property Identifier Number 24784-0434(LT), registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Halton (No. 20).
3. Those lands being part of Lot 1 in Concession III (Trafalgar), South of Dundas Street, described as Part 1 on Reference Plan 20R-10402, save and except Parts 1 and 3 on Reference Plan 20R-12540, and identified as Property Identifier Number 24784-0486(LT), and registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Halton (No. 20).
viii. The town plot of Bronte known as Lots 29, 30 and 31 in Concession IV, South of Dundas Street, excepting:
A. Those lands being part of Lot 30, in Concession IV laid out as part of Lots 56, 57, 58, 59 and 60 on Registered Plan M-10 registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Halton (No. 20) and further described as Part 1 on Reference Plan 20R-18339, identified as part of Property Identified Number 24757-0364 (LT).
2. All original road allowances between or fronting on the lands described in this subsection.
3. Revoked: O. Reg. 199/86, s. 1 (2).
4. Revoked: O. Reg. 643/84, s. 1 (1).
5. Those lands formerly in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, now in the City of Mississauga in The Regional Municipality of Peel described as follows:
i. Those parts of the southerly half of Lots 4 and 5 in Concession II, North of Dundas Street, that are not included in the designated lands.
ii. Those parts of Lots 13 and 14 in Concessions X and XI, New Survey, that are not included in the designated lands. O. Reg. 146/81, s. 2; O. Reg. 265/81, s. 1; O. Reg. 643/84, s. 1 (1); O. Reg. 341/85, s. 1; O. Reg. 199/86, s. 1; O. Reg. 408/86, s. 1; O. Reg. 45/04, s. 1; O. Reg. 279/08, s. 1; O. Reg. 307/08, s. 1; O. Reg. 231/09, s. 1; O. Reg. 135/10, s. 1; O. Reg. 254/10, s. 1; O. Reg. 531/10, s. 1; O. Reg. 11/11, s. 1; O. Reg. 25/12, s. 1; O. Reg. 291/12, s. 1; O. Reg. 387/12, s. 1.
(3) This Regulation does not apply to the following land:
Those parcels of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being designated lands shown on maps 3, 6 and 7 and shown in the Zoning By-laws of the Town of Oakville as follows:
Zoning By-law |
Zone |
Map Schedules |
1983 - 170 |
05 |
A - 1 |
05 |
A - 2 |
05 |
A - 3 |
05 |
A - 4 |
05 |
A - 5 |
05 |
A - 6 |
05 |
A - 7 |
1983 - 169 |
05 |
A |
05 |
B |
1983 - 180 |
05 |
A |
1983 - 178 |
05 |
A |
1983 - 177 |
05 |
A |
1983 - 173 |
05 |
A |
1983 - 175 |
05 |
A |
1983 - 171 |
05 |
A - 1 |
05 |
A - 2 |
05 |
A - 3 |
1984 - 55 |
05 |
A |
1983 - 170 |
G |
A - 6 |
1983 - 171 |
A - 1 |
1983 - 172 |
05 |
A |
1985 - 137 |
05 |
A - 1 |
05 |
A - 2 |
1985 - 138 |
05 |
A - 1 |
05 |
A - 2 |
1984 - 239 |
M-5 |
A |
M-5 |
B |
Excepting therefrom that part of Lot 52, Plan M-10, in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Halton (No. 20) designated as Part 1 on a Reference Plan deposited in the said Land Registry Office as Plan 20R-6288. O. Reg. 643/84, s. 1 (2); O. Reg. 615/85, s. 1; O. Reg. 15/86, s. 1.
3. No land shall be used and no building or structure shall be erected or used except in accordance with the terms of this Regulation, but nothing in this Regulation prevents the use of any land, building or structure for a purpose prohibited by this Regulation if such land, building or structure was lawfully used for such purpose on the day this Regulation comes into force, or prevents the erection or use of any building or structure the plans for which have, prior to the day this Regulation comes into force, been approved by the municipal building inspector. O. Reg. 481/73, s. 3.
4. Every use of land and every erection or use of buildings or structures to which this Regulation applies within the lands to which this Regulation applies is prohibited, except agricultural uses, and buildings and structures accessory thereto, including one single-family dwelling used in connection with each agricultural operation. O. Reg. 481/73, s. 4; O. Reg. 146/81, s. 3.
5. Requirements for agricultural uses and buildings and structures accessory thereto, including one single-family dwelling used in connection with the agricultural operation, are established as follows:
No more than one dwelling shall be erected on any lot |
Minimum lot area |
50 acres |
Minimum lot frontage |
900 feet |
Minimum front, side and rear yards |
50 feet |
Minimum ground floor area for dwellings |
one storey — 1,000 square feet and one and one-half storeys or more — 750 square feet |
O. Reg. 481/73, s. 5.
6. A single-family dwelling and buildings or structures accessory thereto existing on the date this Regulation comes into force may be extended or enlarged provided that such single-family dwelling and buildings or structures accessory thereto as extended or enlarged comply with the following requirements:
Minimum front yard |
25 feet |
Minimum side yard |
10 feet on one side and 4 feet on the other side |
Minimum rear yard |
25 feet |
O. Reg. 481/73, s. 6.
7. Buildings or structures accessory to single-family dwellings may be erected or built provided that such buildings or structures comply with the following requirements:
1. No accessory building or structure shall be closer to the front lot line than the single-family dwelling on such lot.
2. No accessory building or structure shall be closer than six feet to the single-family dwelling.
3. No accessory building or structure shall be less than four feet from any lot line.
4. No accessory building or structure shall exceed a height of twelve feet.
5. The total area covered by any accessory building or structure shall not exceed 10 per cent of the area of the lot upon which it is constructed.
6. No accessory building or structure shall be used for human habitation. O. Reg. 481/73, s. 7.
8. No building or any part thereof shall be erected or extended nearer to the centre line of any street than in accordance with the following:
Provincial highways |
100 feet |
Regional roads |
78 feet |
Town roads and other roads or streets |
60 feet |
O. Reg. 481/73, s. 8.
9. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Regulation,
(a) the Town of Oakville or any local board thereof, as defined in The Municipal Affairs Act;
(b) any ministry, department or agency of the Government of Canada or Ontario;
(c) any telephone or telegraph company;
(d) The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario;
(e) a gas company holding a franchise from the Town of Oakville;
(f) The Halton Region Conservation Authority;
(g) The Regional Municipality of Halton; and
(h) The Regional Municipality of Peel,
may use land or erect any building or structure for the purpose of providing a service to the public. O. Reg. 481/73, s. 9; O. Reg. 263/79, s. 7.
10. Nothing in this Regulation prevents,
(a) the repair or reconstruction of any building or structure that is damaged or destroyed subsequent to the date this Regulation comes into force, if the dimensions of the original building or structure are not increased or its original use altered; or
(b) the strengthening or restoration to a safe condition of any building or structure or part of any such building or structure. O. Reg. 481/73, s. 10.
11. No person shall erect any building or structure unless the lot upon which such building or structure is to be erected fronts upon a street. O. Reg. 481/73, s. 11.
12. Nothing in this Regulation prevents the carrying on of a home occupation in a single-family or semi-detached dwelling. O. Reg. 481/73, s. 12.
13. Omitted (provides for coming into force of provisions of this Regulation). O. Reg. 481/73, s. 13.
14. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Regulation, the lands described in Schedule 1 may be used for the construction thereon of an extension covering a ground area of 1,080 square feet on the north side of the club-house located on Lot 31 in Concession II, South of Dundas Street provided the requirements mentioned in section 6 and 8 are met. O. Reg. 614/74, s. 2.
15. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Regulation, the lands described as Lot 12 and shown on plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 360, may be used for one single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the requirements of section 7 and the following requirements are met:
Minimum front yard |
25 feet |
Minimum side yard |
10 feet on one side and 4 feet on the other side |
Minimum rear yard |
25 feet |
O. Reg. 832/74, s. 2.
16. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Regulation, the lands described in Schedule 2 may be used for one single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto, provided the requirements of section 7 and the following requirements are met:
Minimum front yard |
25 feet |
Minimum side yard |
10 feet on one side and 4 feet on the other side |
O. Reg. 832/74, s. 2.
17. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Regulation, the land described in Schedule 3 may be used for the construction of a test track and an extension, not exceeding 1,400 square feet, to the northeast section of the existing research centre, provided the test track is distant 2,000 feet from the westerly limit of Registered Plan M-7. O. Reg. 26/75, s. 3.
18. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Regulation, the land described in Schedule 4 may be used for one single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto, provided the requirements of section 7 are met. O. Reg. 26/75, s. 3.
19. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Regulation, the land described in Schedule 5 may be used for two single-family dwellings and buildings and structures accessory thereto, provided the requirements of section 7 are met. O. Reg. 184/75, s. 2.
20. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Regulation, the lands described in Schedule 6 may be used for one single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto, provided the requirements of sections 6 and 7 are met. O. Reg. 184/75, s. 3.
21. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Regulation, the lands described in Schedule 7 may be used for the construction and use thereon of one single-family dwelling and one barn and buildings and structures accessory thereto, provided that the following requirements are met:
Minimum frontage |
150 feet |
Minimum depth |
150 feet |
Maximum lot coverage of all buildings and structures |
25 per cent |
Maximum height of dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto |
35 feet |
Minimum total floor area for dwelling |
one-storey — 950 square feet |
one and one-half storeys — 1,100 square feet |
two-storeys — 1,250 square feet |
Minimum yards: |
(i) for a dwelling |
front yard 30 feet |
side yard 8 feet |
rear yard 25 feet |
(ii) for other buildings and structures |
front yard 50 feet |
side yard 50 feet |
rear yard 50 feet |
O. Reg. 753/75, s. 1.
22. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Regulation, the land described in Schedule 8 may be used for the erection and use thereon of one single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto and one barn provided the requirements of sections 6 and 7 are met. O. Reg. 1026/75, s. 3.
23. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 9 may be used for the erection and use thereon of one single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the requirements of sections 6 and 7 are met. O. Reg. 167/76, s. 1.
24. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 10 may be used for the erection and use thereon of one single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum front yard |
30 feet |
Minimum side yards |
8 feet on each side |
Minimum rear yard |
25 feet |
Maximum height of dwelling |
35 feet |
Maximum lot coverage |
25 per cent |
Minimum floor area |
one storey — 950 square feet |
one and one-half storeys — 1,100 square feet |
two storeys — 1,250 square feet |
O. Reg. 402/76, s. 1.
25. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the lands described in Schedules 11, 12 and 13 may each be used for the erection and use thereon of one single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the requirements of sections 6 and 7 are met. O. Reg. 547/76, s. 2.
26. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 14 may be used for recreational purposes provided no development occurs except that which is permitted under section 7 of this Order. O. Reg. 603/76, s. 2.
27. (1) In this section, “floor area” means the total area of the first ground floor contained within the outside walls of a building or structure. O. Reg. 603/76, s. 2.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 15 may be used for the erection and use thereon of one building and structure for sales, service and repair of automobiles provided the provisions of the agreement registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 430213 are satisfied and the following requirements are met:
Maximum floor area |
12,300 square feet |
Minimum front yard |
25 feet |
Minimum rear yard |
50 feet |
Minimum side yards |
25 feet |
Maximum height |
two storeys |
O. Reg. 603/76, s. 2.
28. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, one building on each parcel of land described in Schedules 16 and 17 may be used as a single family dwelling and the said land may be used for the erection and use thereon of buildings and structures accessory thereto. O. Reg. 190/77, s. 2.
29. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the parcels of land described in paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Schedule 18 may each be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum distance of any building or structure from any lot line |
55 feet |
Maximum height of single-family dwelling |
35 feet |
O. Reg. 313/78, s. 2.
30. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 19 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a chicken barn provided that the following requirements are met:
Maximum ground floor |
8,900 square feet |
Minimum front yard |
25 feet |
Minimum side yards |
10 feet on each side |
Minimum rear yard |
25 feet |
O. Reg. 481/77, s. 1.
31. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 20 may be used for the erection and use thereon of an administration building for The Regional Municipality of Halton and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the following requirements are met:
Maximum ground floor area |
30,000 square feet |
Minimum front yard |
25 feet |
Minimum side yards |
10 feet on each side |
Minimum rear yard |
25 feet |
Maximum height |
35 feet |
Maximum lot coverage |
10 per cent |
O. Reg. 516/77, s. 1.
32. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 21 may be used for the erection and use thereon of an outdoor recreation complex including,
(a) a club house;
(b) a mobile air dome without foundations;
(c) a golf driving range; and
(d) tennis courts,
and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the following requirements are met:
Maximum ground floor area of the club house |
2,000 square feet |
Maximum height of the club house |
25 feet |
Minimum distance of any building or structure from the top of the valley of Joshua Creek |
50 feet |
Minimum distance of any building or structure from the centre line of Dundas Street |
100 feet |
Minimum rear yard |
25 feet |
Minimum easterly yard |
4 feet |
O. Reg. 773/77, s. 1.
33. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 22 may be used for the erection and use thereon of,
(a) a building for the following uses:
1. Repairing and overhauling equipment.
2. Manufacturing pressurized concrete products.
3. Office and storage facilities accessory to the uses permitted by paragraphs 1 and 2; and
(b) a silo, accessory to the use permitted by paragraph 2 of clause (a),
provided the following requirements are met:
Maximum ground floor area of building |
30,200 square feet |
Maximum height of building |
25 feet |
Minimum front yard |
50 feet |
Minimum side yards |
200 feet |
Minimum rear yard |
850 feet |
Maximum height of silo |
45 feet |
O. Reg. 654/79, s. 1.
34. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 23 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum front yard |
50 feet |
Minimum side yards |
25 feet |
O. Reg. 850/77, s. 1.
35. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, an accessory building containing an office, a tuck shop, washrooms and showers may be erected and used on the land described in Schedule 24 as a building accessory to the existing Bible school located on the said land provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum ground floor of accessory building |
1,700 square feet |
Maximum height of accessory building |
25 feet |
Minimum distance of accessory building from any lot line |
150 feet |
O. Reg. 312/78, s. 1.
36. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 25 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a storage building for agricultural and gardening machines and supplies, as an accessory building to the existing garden and lawn centre located on the said land provided the following requirements for the said storage building are met:
Maximum ground floor area |
1,500 square feet |
Minimum distance from the centre line of Highway No. 25 |
100 feet |
Minimum distance from the top of the valley containing Oakville Creek |
50 feet |
Minimum distance from the centre line of Derry Road |
78 feet |
Minimum side yards |
25 feet |
Minimum rear yard |
25 feet |
Maximum height |
25 feet |
O. Reg. 388/78, s. 1.
37. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 26 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum distance between any building or structure and the centre line of the Fourth Line |
78 feet |
Minimum rear yard |
100 feet |
Minimum side yards |
10 feet on one side and 4 feet on the other side |
Maximum height of dwelling |
28 feet |
Maximum ground floor area of dwelling |
3,500 square feet |
O. Reg. 886/78, s. 1.
38. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 27 may be used for,
(a) the erection and use thereon of a building containing tennis courts, squash courts, a swimming pool, locker rooms, a sporting goods shop, a dining room, a bar and other accessory uses provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum distance of building from any lot line |
100 feet |
Maximum height of building |
40 feet |
Maximum ground floor area of building |
50,000 square feet |
(b) the construction and use thereon of outdoor tennis courts provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum distance of tennis courts from the centre line of Derry Road |
78 feet |
Minimum distance of tennis courts from the centre line of Third Line Road |
60 feet |
(c) the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum distance of dwelling from the centre line of Derry Road |
78 feet |
Minimum distance of dwelling from the centre line of Third Line Road |
60 feet |
Minimum distance of dwelling from any lot lines other than those adjacent to Derry Road or Third Line Road |
10 feet |
Maximum height of dwelling |
28 feet |
Maximum ground floor area of dwelling |
2,500 square feet |
(d) the construction and use thereon of an eighteen-hole golf course;
(e) the construction and use thereon of a golf driving range; and
(f) parking for not more than 250 motor vehicles. O. Reg. 10/79, s. 1.
39. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 28 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum distance of any building or structure from the centre line of Ninth Line Road |
78 feet |
Minimum side yards |
40 feet |
Minimum rear yard |
40 feet |
Minimum distance of any building or structure from the top of the valley of the creek traversing the said land |
25 feet |
Maximum height of dwelling |
25 feet |
Maximum ground floor area of dwelling |
2,500 square feet |
O. Reg. 11/79, s. 1.
40. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 29 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum side yards |
40 feet |
Minimum distance of any building or structure from the centre line of Ninth Line Road |
133 feet |
Minimum distance of any building or structure from the top of the valley of Joshua Creek |
100 feet |
Maximum height of dwelling |
25 feet |
Maximum height of accessory buildings or structures |
15 feet |
Maximum ground floor area of dwelling |
2,500 square feet |
O. Reg. 85/79, s. 1.
41. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 30 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto, including a barn, provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum distance of any building or structure from the centre line of Ninth Line Road |
133 feet |
Minimum distance between any building or structure and the side and rear lot lines |
40 feet |
Maximum height of dwelling |
25 feet |
Maximum height of accessory buildings and structures including the barn |
15 feet |
Maximum ground floor area of dwelling |
5,000 square feet |
O. Reg. 98/79, s. 1.
42. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 31 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto, including a barn, provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum front yard |
150 feet |
Minimum side yards |
150 feet |
Minimum rear yard |
150 feet |
Maximum height of dwelling and barn |
25 feet |
Maximum height of accessory buildings and structures |
15 feet |
Maximum ground floor area of dwelling |
2,500 square feet |
O. Reg. 374/79, s. 1.
43. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 32 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum distance of any building or structure from the centre line of Highway No. 25 |
100 feet |
Minimum side yards |
10 feet on one side and 4 feet on the other side |
Minimum rear yard |
100 feet |
Maximum height of dwelling |
25 feet |
Maximum height of accessory buildings and structures |
15 feet |
Maximum ground floor area of dwelling |
2,500 square feet |
O. Reg. 463/79, s. 1.
44. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 33 may be used for the extension of the existing drive-in theatre to accommodate 300 additional vehicles, and for the erection and use thereon of buildings and structures accessory thereto including:
(a) a new concession projection booth; and
(b) a new screen for attachment to the existing screen structure,
provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum distance of any building or structure from all lot lines |
50 feet |
Maximum height of the concession projection booth |
25 feet |
Maximum height of the new screen |
40 feet |
Maximum height of all accessory buildings and structures |
15 feet |
Minimum lot frontage |
1,100 feet |
O. Reg. 559/79, s. 1.
45. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 34 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto, including a barn, provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum distance between the dwelling and the centre of Ninth Line |
128 feet |
Minimum distance between the barn and the centre of Ninth Line |
197 feet |
Minimum distance between any building or structure and the side lot lines |
40 feet |
Minimum distance between any building or structure and the rear lot lines |
40 feet |
Minimum distance from any building or structure to the top of the Joshua Creek Valley |
100 feet |
Minimum distance between any building or structure and the top of valley of the tributary in the Joshua Creek |
44 feet |
Maximum height of dwelling |
25 feet |
Maximum height of the barn |
16 feet |
Maximum ground floor area of dwelling |
5,000 square feet |
Maximum ground floor area of the barn |
4,000 square feet |
O. Reg. 655/79, s. 1.
46. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 35 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum distance between any building or structure and the centre of Ninth Line |
95 feet |
Minimum side yards |
40 feet |
Minimum rear yard |
40 feet |
Maximum height of dwelling |
25 feet |
Maximum height of any building or structure other than the dwelling |
15 feet |
Maximum ground floor area of dwelling |
2,500 square feet |
O. Reg. 763/79, s. 1.
47. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 36 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum distance of any building or structure from the centre line of King’s Highway No. 25 |
150 feet |
Minimum distance of any building or structure from the southeasterly lot line |
110 feet |
Minimum distance of any building or structure from the northeasterly lot line |
39 feet |
Maximum height of dwelling |
25 feet |
Maximum ground floor area of dwelling |
3,000 square feet |
Maximum height of any building or structure other than the dwelling |
15 feet |
O. Reg. 764/79, s. 1.
48. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 37 may be used for,
(a) the continued use thereon of the single-family dwelling and the dog kennel existing on October 11, 1983; and
(b) the erection and use thereon of a building for breeding, raising and housing chinchillas, and buildings and structures accessory thereto, provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum distance of any building or structure from the centre of Eighth Line |
83 metres |
Minimum distance between the side lot lines and any building or structure |
12 metres |
Minimum distance between the rear lot line and any building or structure |
1.5 metres |
Maximum height of any building or structure |
3.6 metres |
Maximum ground floor area of the building for breeding, raising and housing chinchillas |
1,107 square metres |
Maximum ground floor area of any accessory building or structure |
114 square metres |
O. Reg. 715/83, s. 1.
49. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 38 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum distance of any building or structure from the centre line of King’s Highway No. 25 |
133 feet |
Minimum distance of any building or structure from the side lot lines |
40 feet |
Minimum distance of any building or structure from the rear lot line |
450 feet |
Maximum height of single-family dwelling |
25 feet |
Maximum height of all accessory buildings and structures |
15 feet |
Maximum ground floor area of single-family dwelling |
2,500 square feet |
O. Reg. 377/80, s. 1.
50. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 39 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the following requirements are met:
Maximum ground floor area of dwelling |
180 square metres |
Maximum height of dwelling |
7.5 metres |
Minimum distance of the dwelling from the centre line of Burnhamthorpe Road |
45 metres |
Minimum distance of the dwelling from the centre line of Tremaine Road |
45 metres |
Minimum distance of the dwelling from the northeasterly boundary |
30 metres |
Minimum distance of the dwelling from the southeasterly boundary |
60 metres |
O. Reg. 551/80, s. 1.
51. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 40 may be used for a cemetery and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the following requirement is met:
Maximum height of any building or structure |
10 metres |
O. Reg. 588/80, s. 1.
52. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 41 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum distance of the dwelling from Winston Churchill Boulevard |
24 metres |
Minimum side yards |
4 metres |
Minimum rear yard |
5.49 metres |
Maximum height of dwelling |
7.6 metres |
Maximum lot coverage of dwelling |
15 per cent |
O. Reg. 705/80, s. 1.
53. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 42 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a church and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum front yard |
20 metres |
Minimum side yards |
10 metres |
Maximum height of church |
13 metres |
Maximum ground floor area of church |
2,000 square metres |
O. Reg. 784/80, s. 1.
54. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 43 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum front yard |
25 metres |
Minimum side yards |
10 metres |
Minimum rear yard |
382 metres |
Maximum floor area of dwelling |
278.7 square metres |
Maximum height of dwelling |
7 metres |
O. Reg. 192/81, s. 1.
55. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 44 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a barn as a building accessory to the existing single-family dwelling on the said land provided the following requirements are met:
Maximum height of barn |
5 metres |
Maximum ground floor area of barn |
140 square metres |
Minimum distance between the barn and the top of the valley rim on the said land |
7.6 metres |
Minimum distance between the barn and the Ninth Line road |
14 metres |
Minimum side yards |
8 metres |
O. Reg. 184/81, s. 1.
56. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 45 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto, including a barn as an accessory structure, provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum front yard |
65 metres |
Maximum floor area of single-family dwelling |
420 square metres |
Maximum height of single-family dwelling |
3.5 metres |
O. Reg. 258/81, s. 1.
57. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 46 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the following requirements are met:
Maximum floor area of single-family dwelling |
200 square metres |
Maximum height of single-family dwelling |
7.8 metres |
O. Reg. 317/81, s. 1.
58. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 47 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto. O. Reg. 386/81, s. 1.
59. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 48 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum front yard |
15.24 metres |
Minimum northeasterly side yard |
15.24 metres |
Minimum southeasterly side yard |
30.48 metres |
Minimum rear yard |
22.86 metres |
Maximum height of single-family dwelling |
6 metres |
O. Reg. 419/81, s. 1.
60. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 49 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum front yard |
15.24 metres |
Minimum side yards |
15.24 metres |
Minimum rear yard from the top of the bank of Joshua Creek |
7.6 metres |
O. Reg. 449/81, s. 1.
61. (1) In this section,
“full service automobile service station” means an automobile service station where attendants dispense and sell gasoline and oil. O. Reg. 598/81, s. 2.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 50 may be used,
(a) as a full service automobile service station; and
(b) for the erection and use thereon of,
(i) a building for use as a restaurant and office, and
(ii) a building for use for the servicing and repair of motor vehicles,
and for uses, buildings and structures accessory thereto, including a picnic and recreation area as an accessory use, provided the following requirements are met:
Maximim floor area of the building for use as a restaurant and office |
475 square metres |
Maximum floor area of the building for use for the servicing and repair of motor vehicles |
88 square metres |
Maximum height of any building or structure |
5 metres |
Minimum distance between the building for use as a restaurant and office and the front lot line |
30 metres |
Minimum distance between the building for use for the servicing and repair of motor vehicles and the front lot line |
30 metres |
Minimum side yards |
8 metres |
Minimum rear yard |
10 metres |
Minimum number of parking spaces |
45 |
O. Reg. 598/81, s. 2.
(3) No accessory building or structure shall be located between the front line and,
(a) the building for use as an office and restaurant; or
(b) the building for use for the servicing and repair of motor vehicles. O. Reg. 598/81, s. 2.
(4) Notwithstanding subsection (3), an island consisting of pumps and facilities for the dispensing and sale of gasoline and oil may be located between the building for use as a restaurant and office and the front lot line, provided the following requirement is met:
Minimum distance between the pump island and the front lot line |
18 metres |
O. Reg. 598/81, s. 2.
(5) Notwithstanding subsection (2), the land described in Schedule 50 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a sign as a structure accessory to the uses set out in subsection (2), provided the following requirements are met:
Maximum height of the sign |
18.3 metres |
Minimum distance between the sign and Trafalgar Road |
55 metres |
Minimum distance between the sign and the north lot line |
17 metres |
O. Reg. 444/83, s. 1.
62. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 51 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a dog kennel provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum front yard |
75 metres |
Minimum side yards |
3.2 metres |
Minimum rear yard |
15 metres |
Maximum height |
5.5 metres |
Maximum floor area |
190 square metres |
O. Reg. 709/81, s. 1.
63. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order,
(a) the land described in paragraph 1 of Schedule 52 may be used for one 18-hole golf course and for uses accessory thereto, including the erection and use of a clubhouse, storage building and pumphouse; and
(b) the land described in paragraph 2 of Schedule 52 may be used for one 18-hole golf course and two miniature golf courses and for uses accessory thereto, including the erection and use of as clubhouse, storage building and pumphouse,
provided the following requirements are met:
Maximum floor area of each clubhouse |
930 square metres |
Maximum height of each clubhouse |
10 metres |
Maximum floor area of each storage building |
200 square metres |
Maximum height of each storage building |
10 metres |
Maximum floor area of each pumphouse |
20 square metres |
Off-street vehicular parking having an area of at least one hectare shall be provided on the land described in paragraph 1 of Schedule 52 and on the land described in paragraph 2 of Schedule 52. |
O. Reg. 362/82, s. 1.
64. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 53 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum floor area of single-family dwelling |
300 square metres |
Maximum height of single-family dwelling |
8 metres |
Minimum front yard |
60 metres |
Minimum side yards |
20 metres |
O. Reg. 377/82, s. 1.
65. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 54 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling and a barn and buildings and structures accessory to the single-family dwelling. O. Reg. 505/82, s. 1.
66. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 55 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a building for use as a noise testing unit for the testing of trucks, for the outdoor storage of assembled trucks and for an employee parking lot. O. Reg. 817/82, s. 1.
67. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 56 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto. O. Reg. 705/82, s. 1.
68. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in subsection (2) may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto, provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum front yard |
30 metres |
Minimum side yards |
3 metres |
Minimum rear yard |
15 metres |
Maximum height of dwelling |
2 storeys |
O. Reg. 27/86, s. 1.
(2) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being that part of the southwest half of Lot 6 in Concession V, New Survey, described as Part 1 on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-5966. O. Reg. 27/86, s. 1.
69. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 58 may be used as a golf course and miniature golf course, and for the erection and use thereon of,
(a) an accessory building for use as a clubhouse, pro shop and restaurant;
(b) an accessory building for the storage of maintenance equipment;
(c) a water slide as an accessory structure to the miniature golf course,
provided the following requirements are met:
Maximum floor area of the building for use as a clubhouse, pro shop and restaurant |
465 square metres |
Maximum height of the building for use as a clubhouse, pro shop and restaurant |
11 metres |
Maximum floor area of the building for the storage of maintenance equipment |
186 square metres |
Maximum height of the building for the storage of maintenance equipment |
6 metres |
Off-street vehicular parking provided on the land described in Schedule 58 in connection with the above uses shall not exceed a maximum of 300 spaces |
O. Reg. 706/82, s. 1.
70. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 59 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a barn accessory to the existing agricultural use, provided the following requirements are met:
Maximum floor area of the barn |
134 square metres |
Maximum height of the barn |
6 metres |
O. Reg. 707/82, s. 1.
71. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 60 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto, provided that no building or structure shall be located within 15.24 metres of that part of the King’s Highway known as No. 25. O. Reg. 88/83, s. 1.
72. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 61 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling provided the following requirements are met:
Maximum floor area of the single-family dwelling |
112 square metres |
Maximum height of the single-family dwelling |
7 metres |
O. Reg. 116/83, s. 1.
73. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 62 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling and provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum front yard |
9 metres |
Minimum side yards |
2.4 metres |
Maximum height of the single-family dwelling |
6 metres |
Maximum floor area of the single-family dwelling |
762 square metres |
Minimum distance between any building or structure and the rear lot line |
61 metres |
O. Reg. 136/83, s. 1.
74. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, an addition to the kitchen of the building existing on May 15, 1983 on the lands described in Schedule 63 may be erected provided the following requirements are met:
Maximum height of addition |
4 metres |
Minimum floor area of addition |
40 square metres |
O. Reg. 356/83, s. 1.
75. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 64 may be used for,
(a) the continued use of the existing single-family dwelling or, if the existing single-family dwelling is removed, the erection and use of a new single-family dwelling; and
(b) the retail sale of nursery stock and garden supplies and equipment and the erection and use, as buildings accessory to the sale use, of a pay booth and a building for the storage of nursery stock and garden supplies and equipment,
provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum distance between new single-family dwelling and Ninth Line |
18 metres |
Minimum distance between new single-family dwelling and Dundas Street |
125 metres |
Minimum distance between new single-family dwelling and the south lot line |
7 metres |
Maximum height of new single-family dwelling |
2 storeys |
Minimum distance between the storage building and Ninth Line |
130 metres |
Minimum distance between the storage building and Dundas Street |
90 metres |
Minimum distance between the storage building and the south lot line |
20 metres |
Minimum distance between the pay booth and Ninth Line |
53 metres |
Minimum distance between the pay booth and Dundas Street |
75 metres |
Minimum distance between the pay booth and the south lot line |
70 metres |
O. Reg. 363/83, s. 1.
76. (1) For the purposes of this section,
“convenience store” means a retail store serving the daily or occasional needs of the residents of the immediate area and other persons with a variety of goods such as groceries, meats, beverages, dairy products, patent medicines, sundries, tobacco, stationary, magazines and newspapers;
“dairy bar” means a retail store for the sale of ice cream;
“dry cleaning depot” means a building or that part of a building used for the purpose of collection and distribution only of articles or goods to be subjected elsewhere to the processes of dry cleaning or pressing;
“gas bar” means fuel pump islands, with an accessory canopy and a kiosk, for the retail sale of gasoline and oil. O. Reg. 471/83, s. 1.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 65 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a self-serve gas bar and a building for the retail uses of a convenience store, dry cleaning depot and dairy bar provided the following requirements are met:
Maximum floor area of the gas bar kiosk |
15 square metres |
Maximum height of the gas bar kiosk |
3 metres |
Maximum height of the gas bar canopy |
6 metres |
Maximum floor area of building |
372 square metres |
Maximum height of building |
6 metres |
Minimum distance between the gas bar fuel pump islands and Highway 25 |
5 metres |
Minimum distance between the gas bar fuel pump islands and Derry Road |
37 metres |
Minimum distance between the gas bar kiosk and Highway 25 |
22 metres |
Minimum distance between the gas bar kiosk and Derry Road |
45 metres |
Minimum distance between the building and Derry Road |
27 metres |
Minimum distance between the building and the rear lot line |
7 metres |
O. Reg. 471/83, s. 1.
77. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in Schedule 66 may be used for the erection and use thereon of a single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto. O. Reg. 635/83, s. 1.
78. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, a single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto may be erected and used on the land described in subsection (2) provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum floor area of single-family dwelling |
793 square metres |
Minimum front yard |
52 metres |
Minimum side yards |
21 metres |
Minimum rear yard |
61 metres |
Maximum height of single-family dwelling |
9 metres |
O. Reg. 232/84, s. 1.
(2) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being the southwest half of Lot 7 in Concession V, New Survey, and designated as Part 1 on a Reference Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-5728. O. Reg. 232/84, s. 1.
79. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, a single-family dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto may be erected and used on the land described in subsection (2) provided the following requirements are met:
Minimum distance between any building or structure and Ninth Line |
9.1 metres |
Minimum side yards |
2.4 metres |
Minimum rear yard |
9.1 metres |
Maximum height of single-family dwelling |
2 storeys |
Maximum floor area of single-family dwelling |
168 square metres |
O. Reg. 305/84, s. 1.
(2) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being that part of Lot 6 in Concession I, North of Dundas Street, more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 6 distant 507.05 metres measured south 44° 27' 15" east from the northerly angle of the said Lot;
Thence south 44° 27' 15" east along that northeasterly limit 106.12 metres to a point;
Thence north 78° 53' 15" west 119.52 metres to a point;
Thence north 39° 10' 40" east 68.02 metres to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 305/84, s. 1.
80. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the building existing on the 23rd day of March, 1984 on the land described in subsection (2) may be extended and may be used for the purpose of a dog kennel, horse stable and dog and horse breeding establishment provided the following requirements are met:
Maximum floor area of extension |
148 square metres |
Minimum side yards |
7.5 metres |
Minimum rear yard |
7.5 metres |
O. Reg. 306/84, s. 1.
(2) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being part of Lot 5 in Concession II, South of Dundas Street, being more particularly described as Parts 2 and 5 on a Reference Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-3243. O. Reg. 306/84, s. 1.
81. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in subsection (2) may be used for the erection and use thereon of,
(a) a building for the growing of mushrooms;
(b) a concrete pad for the storage of compost; and
(c) a single-family dwelling,
provided the following requirements are met:
Maximum floor area of building |
2,350 square metres |
Maximum height of building |
8 metres |
Minimum distance of building from any existing single-family dwelling, and from the dwelling referred to in clause (c) |
125 metres |
Minimum front, rear and side yards for building |
16 metres |
Minimum distance of concrete pad from any existing single-family dwelling, and from the dwelling referred to in clause (c) |
125 metres |
Minimum distance of concrete pad from any lot line |
16 metres |
Maximum floor area of single-family dwelling |
190 square metres |
Maximum height of single-family dwelling |
11 metres |
Minimum front yard for single-family dwelling |
9 metres |
Minimum side yards for single-family dwelling |
3 metres on one side and 21 metres on the other side |
Minimum rear yard for single-family dwelling |
8 metres |
O. Reg. 586/84, s. 1.
(2) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being that part of Lot 31 in Concession II, North of Dundas Street, more particularly described as Parts 1 and 2 as shown on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-2998. O. Reg. 586/84, s. 1.
82. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, sections 3 to 12, both inclusive, do not apply to the land described in subsection (3). O. Reg. 643/84, s. 2.
(2) The land described in subsection (3) shall not be used for,
(a) public or private hospitals;
(b) buildings or structures dedicated for religious worship; or
(c) public or private educational institutions, including schools, universities and colleges. O. Reg. 643/84, s. 2.
(3) This section applies to those parcels of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being designated lands shown on maps 3, 6 and 7 referred to in section 2 and shown in the Zoning By-laws of the Town of Oakville as follows:
Zoning By-law |
Zone |
Map Schedules |
1983 - 170 |
P.B.A. |
A - 5 |
P.B.A. |
A - 7 |
1983 - 169 |
P.B.A.. |
A |
P.B.A. |
B |
P.B.A. |
C |
1983 - 180 |
P.B.A. |
A |
1983 - 178 |
P.B.A. |
A |
1983 - 177 |
P.B.A. |
A |
1983 - 171 |
P.B.A. |
A1 |
1983 - 157 |
P.B.A. |
A |
P.B.A. |
B |
1984 - 159 |
P.B.A. |
A |
P.B.A. |
B |
1983 - 172 |
P.B.A. |
A |
P.B.R. |
A |
Excepting therefrom that part of Lot 6 in Concession II, North of Dundas Street, shown as Part 1 on Plan 20R-6223 deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) on July 18, 1983. O. Reg. 643/84, s. 2; O. Reg. 356/86, s. 1.
83. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, the land described in subsection (2) may be used for the purpose of an automobile garage and service station and the erection and use of buildings and structures accessory thereto. O. Reg. 690/84, s. 1.
(2) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being that part of Lot 14 in Concession VII of the New Survey, described as follows:
Beginning at the southeasterly angle of the said Lot 14;
Thence north 44° 29' 30" west along the easterly limit of that Lot 650 feet to a point;
Thence south 39° 57' 30" west 200 feet to a point;
Thence south 44° 29' 30" east to the southerly limit of that Lot;
Thence north 39° 57' 30" east along that southerly limit to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 690/84, s. 1.
84. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, a single-family dwelling and a barn may be erected and used on the land described in subsection (2) provided the following requirements are met:
Single-family dwelling:
Minimum front yard |
30 metres |
Minimum side yards |
9 metres |
Minimum rear yard |
90 metres |
Minimum floor area |
78 square metres |
Minimum front yard |
90 metres |
Minimum side yards |
15 metres |
Minimum rear yard |
90 metres |
Maximum floor area |
90 square metres |
O. Reg. 461/85, s. 1.
(2) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being that part of Lot 2 in Concession IX, New Survey, designated as Parts 1 and 2 on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-6028. O. Reg. 461/85, s. 1.
85. (1) Notwithstanding section 4, the building existing on the land described in subsection (2) on the date this section comes into force may be used for a place of worship and uses accessory thereto, and buildings and structures accessory to that place of worship may be constructed and used on the land. O. Reg. 377/88, s. 1.
(2) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Oakville (formerly the Township of Trafalgar) being that part of Lot 4 in Concession II, South of Dundas Street designated as Part 1 on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-6262. O. Reg. 377/88, s. 1.
86. (1) Despite section 4, the buildings or structures that existed on the lands described in subsection (3) on the 1st day of September, 1988 may be joined together and enlarged and may be used as an educational institution, the main purpose of which is the provision of instruction to at least five pupils in any of the subjects of the elementary or secondary school courses of study that are prescribed under the Education Act and uses, buildings and structures accessory thereto are also permitted. O. Reg. 79/93, s. 1.
(2) The requirements for the buildings and structures permitted by subsection (1) are as follows:
Minimum lot area |
2,787 square metres |
Minimum lot frontage |
45.5 metres |
Minimum floor area |
i. one storey |
88 square metres |
ii. one and one-half storeys |
102 square metres |
iii. two storeys |
116 square metres |
Maximum building height |
10.5 metres |
Minimum front yard |
5 metres |
Minimum side yards |
13.5 metres |
Minimum rear yard |
12 metres |
Maximum percentage of lot to be covered by buildings or structures |
12.5 per cent |
O. Reg. 79/93, s. 1; O. Reg. 68/97, s. 1.
(3) Subsections (1) and (2) apply to that parcel of land formerly in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, now in the Town of Halton Hills and the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton and in the City of Mississauga in The Regional Municipality of Peel, being the designated lands shown on maps 3, 4, 6 and 7 in Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35 in Concession I, South of Dundas Street, excepting those parts of Lot 5 described as follows:
Premising that the northeasterly limit of the road allowance between Lots 5 and 6 in Concession I, South of Dundas Street, Ninth Line, has an astronomic bearing of north 44° 50' 20" west as shown on a Plan of Expropriation filed in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 475-Misc. and relating all bearings herein thereto;
Beginning at a point in the interior of Lot 5 which may be located by beginning at the most southerly angle of Lot 5;
Thence north 44° 50' 20" west along the northeasterly limit of the Ninth Line 339.97 feet;
Thence north 38° 32' 20" east 52.35 feet to the place of beginning being an angle in Plan 475-Misc.;
Thence south 44° 50' 20" east along the limit of Plan 475-Misc., 211.28 feet to an angle therein;
Thence continuing along the limit of the Plan north 86° 46' 20" east, 66.41 feet to an angle therein;
Thence continuing along the limit of the Plan north 38° 22' 50" east, 136.91 feet to an angle therein;
Thence continuing along the limit of the Plan north 42° 9' 45" east, 176.60 feet to an angle therein;
Thence continuing along the limit of the Plan north 39° 19' 24" east, 234.16 feet to an angle therein;
Thence north 45° 27' 50" west, 274.91 feet, more or less, to a point in a line drawn on a course of north 38° 32' 20" east from the place of beginning;
Thence south 38° 32' 20" west, 545.89 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 79/93, s. 1.
87. (1) Notwithstanding section 4, if the requirements set out below are met, a building may be constructed on the lands described in subsection (2) and may be used as an educational institution, the main purpose of which is the provision of instruction to at least five or more pupils in any of the subjects of the elementary courses of study that are prescribed under the Education Act, and uses, buildings and structures accessory thereto are permitted:
Minimum front yard |
15 metres |
Minimum rear yard |
15 metres |
Maximum percentage of lot to be covered by buildings and structures |
10 per cent |
O. Reg. 188/89, s. 1; O. Reg. 20/90, s. 1.
(2) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton (formerly the County of Halton) being part of Lot 6 in Concession I, North of Dundas Street, described as follows:
Premising that the bearings herein are astronomic and referred to the southwesterly limit of the road allowance between Lots 5 and 6 in Concession I, North of Dundas Street, and assumed to be north 44° 31' 30" west and relating all bearings herein thereto;
Commencing at a point in the southwesterly limit of the road allowance between Lots 5 and 6 in Concession I distant 3,397.37 feet measured north 44° 31' 30" west from the most easterly angle of Lot 6;
Thence north 44° 31' 30" west along the said southwesterly limit of the road allowance 640 feet to a standard iron bar planted;
Thence south 39° 06' 40" west 690.78 feet to an iron bar planted;
Thence south 44° 28' 40" east 499.11 feet to an iron bar planted in a line of post and wire fence;
Thence south 45° 06' 10" east along the said line of fence 140.79 feet to an iron bar planted;
Thence north 39° 06' 40" east 689.78 feet to the point of commencement.
O. Reg. 188/89, s. 1.
88. (1) Despite section 4, a golf facility, including a club house, staff office building, workshop building and storage building may be erected, located and used on the lands described in subsection (2) if the following requirements are met:
Maximum floor area of the clubhouse: |
485 square metres |
Maximum height of the clubhouse: |
9 metres |
Maximum number of parking spaces: |
100 cars |
Maximum floor area for staff office building: |
135 square metres |
Maximum height of staff office building: |
6 metres |
Maximum floor area of workshop building: |
40 square metres |
Maximum height of workshop building: |
5 metres |
Maximum floor area of equipment storage building: |
330 square metres |
Maximum height of equipment storage building: |
7 metres |
O. Reg. 1/08, s. 1.
(2) Subsection (1) applies to the parcel of land located in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton being part of Lots 21, 22, and 23 in Concession II, North of Dundas, more particularly described as,
(a) part of Lot 21 and Lot 22 in Concession II Trafalgar, NDS being parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8 on Plan 20R-9926 and parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 on Plan 20R-10123 save and except for parts 1 and 2 on Plan 20R-10126 identified as PIN 24928-0031(LT);
(b) part of Lot 23 in Concession II Trafalgar, NDS being Part 2 on Plan 20R-5735 identified as PIN 24928-0054(LT); and
(c) part of Lot 23 in Concession II Trafalgar, NDS being part 1 on Plan 20R-5735, save and except part 1 on Plan 20R-5958 and part 1 on Plan 20R-12482 identified as PIN 24928-0145(LT). O. Reg. 1/08, s. 1.
89. (1) Despite paragraph 4 of section 7, one accessory building or structure may be erected and built on the lands described in subsection (2) if the maximum height does not exceed 4.9 metres. O. Reg. 287/12, s. 1.
(2) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton (formerly the County of Halton), being those lands in part of Lot 29 in Concession 2, Trafalgar North of Dundas Street, more particularly identified as Property Identification Number 24928-0020 (LT), registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of Halton (No. 20). O. Reg. 287/12, s. 1.
90. (1) Despite section 4, one single dwelling together with accessory buildings and structures may be erected and used on the lands described in subsection (2) if the following requirements are met:
Minimum lot area |
2,787 square metres |
Minimum lot frontage |
44.87 metres |
Minimum floor area |
116 square metres |
Minimum front yard |
25.5 metres |
Minimum side yard |
12.16 metres on south west side and 2.4 metres on the north east side |
Minimum rear yard |
43 metres |
Maximum height of dwelling |
10.5 metres |
Maximum lot coverage |
10 per cent |
O. Reg. 292/12, s. 1.
(2) Subsection (1) applies to that parcel of land in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton (formerly the County of Halton), being those lands in part of Lot 34 in Concession I, North of Dundas Street, more particularly identified as Property Identifier Number 24927-0100 (LT), registered in the Land Registry Office of the Land Titles Division for Halton (No. 20). O. Reg. 292/12, s. 1.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Town of Oakville in the County of Halton, and being composed of those parts of Lots 31 and 32 in Concession III, South of Dundas Street in the said Town, more particularly described as follows:
Premising that the bearings herein are astronomic and are referred to the southeast of the right-of-way of the Canadian National Railways running through the said Lots 31 and 32 assumed to be north 37° 12' 20" east and relating all bearings herein thereto;
Commencing at a point in a line drawn parallel to the southeasterly limit of Lot 32 at a distance of 60 feet measured northwesterly and perpendicularly therefrom and beginning at the southerly angle of the said Lot 32;
Thence north 44° 46' west along the southwesterly limit of Lot 32 a distance of 60.45 feet;
Thence north 38° 16' 30" east, a distance of 1,044 feet to an angle therein;
Thence north 38° 44' east, a distance of 80 feet to the place of beginning.
Thence north 38° 44' east, along the said parallel line a distance of 1,130.86 feet to an iron pipe found at the top of the westerly bank of the Twelve Mile Creek running through Lot 31;
Thence northwesterly on the following courses along the said top of bank north 81° 10' 30" west, a distance of 246.09 feet;
Thence north 75° 28' west, a distance of 111.35 feet;
Thence north 64° 03' 30" west, a distance of 314.21 feet;
Thence north 37° 30' west, a distance of 210.25 feet;
Thence north 25° 11' 30" west, a distance of 126.55 feet;
Thence north 34° 46' west, a distance of 137.40 feet;
Thence north 25° 45' west, a distance of 248.66 feet;
Thence north 58° 49' west, a distance of 373.49 feet;
Thence north 68° 29' west, a distance of 93.47 feet;
Thence north 84° 55' west, a distance of 344.49 feet;
Thence south 77° 43' west, a distance of 402.19 feet;
Thence south 65° 09' west, a distance of 392.59 feet continuing along the said top of the bank to an iron pipe found at its intersection with the northeasterly limit of right-of-way running through the said Lot;
Thence south 46° 19' 10" east along the last-mentioned limit, a distance of 1,121 feet to an iron pipe found at an angle therein;
Thence south 46° 21' east along the said last-mentioned limit, a distance of 1,357.46 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 614/74, s. 3; O. Reg. 26/75, s. 4.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Township of Trafalgar in the County of Halton, being composed of part of Lot 35 in Concession IV, South of Dundas Street in the said Town, more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a stake planted in the northeastern limit of the road allowance between the former townships of Nelson and Trafalgar, a distance of 1,673 feet measured northwesterly along the said northeasterly limit of the said road allowance from a concrete monument planted in the northwesterly limit of that part of the King’s Highway known as No. 2;
Thence northeasterly in a straight line, a distance of 667 feet 3 inches, more or less, to an intersection with a line drawn parallel with the northeastern limit of the said Lot 35, and distant therefrom 660 feet measured southwesterly therefrom parallel with the northwesterly limit of that part of the King’s Highway known as No. 2, the said point of intersection being distant 1,661 feet, 6 inches measured northwesterly parallel with the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 35 from the aforesaid northwesterly limit of that part of the King’s Highway known as No. 2;
Thence southeasterly and parallel with the northwestern limit of the said Lot 35, a distance of 130 feet to a point;
Thence southwesterly and parallel with the firstly described course a distance of 667 feet, more or less, to a point in the aforesaid northeasterly limit of the road allowance between the former townships of Nelson and Trafalgar;
Thence northwesterly along the northeasterly limit of the last-mentioned road allowance, a distance of 130 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 832/74, s. 3.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the County of Halton, being composed of part of Lots 33, 34 and 35 in Concession IV, South of Dundas Street, more particularly described as follows:
Premising that the bearings herein are astronomic and are referred to the southwesterly limit of the said Lot 35 assumed to be north 44° 38' west and relating all bearings herein thereto:
Beginning at the most westerly angle of the said Lot;
Thence south 44° 38' east along the southwesterly limit of that Lot, a distance of 3,194.83 feet to a concrete monument found;
Thence north 47° 21' east, a distance of 666.77 feet to a concrete monument found;
Thence north 47° 12' 30" east, a distance of 662.69 feet to a concrete monument found in the line between the said Lots 34 and 35;
Thence south 44° 35' 30" east, along the last-mentioned line, a distance of 1,633.08 feet to its intersection with the northwesterly limit of that part of the King’s Highway known as No. 2 as widened, and shown on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 246;
Thence north 44° 57' east, along that northwesterly limit, a distance of 719.96 feet to a concrete monument found at an angle therein;
Thence north 42° 25' east, continuing along the said northwesterly limit, a distance of 146.93 feet to the most southerly angle of the land of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications as shown on a Plan deposited in the said Land Registry Office as Number 489;
Thence north 47° 27' 30" west, along the southwesterly limit of that land, a distance of 6.98 feet, more or less, to the most westerly angle thereof;
Thence northeasterly along the northwesterly limit of the said land on a curve to the left of a radius, having a distance of 1,382.40 feet, an arc distance of 9.02 feet, having a chord of 9.02 feet on a bearing of north 41° 54' 55" east;
Thence northeasterly continuing along the said northwesterly limit on a curve to the left radius having a distance of 1,382.40 feet, an arc distance of 216.86 feet, having a chord of 216.63 feet measured north 37° 14' 04" east, to the most southerly angle of the land deeded to City Service Limited now known as B.P. Canada Limited is Instrument Number 83994 (Trafalgar);
Thence north 45° 10' 20" west, along the southwesterly limit of the last-mentioned land, a distance of 153.60 feet to the most westerly angle thereof;
Thence northerly along the northwesterly limit of the said lands on a curve to the left radius, having a distance of 1,232.40 feet, an arc distance of 170.02 feet, having a chord of 169.67 feet on a bearing of north 27° 17' 50" east to a concrete monument found therein;
Thence northerly continuing along that northwesterly limit on a curve to the left radius, having 1,232.40 feet, an arc distance of 464.07 feet, having a chord of 461.29 feet on a bearing of north 12° 33' 45" east to a concrete monument found therein;
Thence north 3° 34' east, continuing along the said northwesterly limit, a distance of 228.52 feet to the most southwesterly angle of the lands previously deeded to the Corporation of the Town of Oakville is Instrument Number 242813 (Oakville) for park purposes;
Thence north 88° 14' west, along the southerly limit of the said land, a distance of 738.44 feet to an angle therein;
Thence south 45° 24' west, continuing along the said southerly limit, a distance of 329.65 feet to an angle therein;
Thence north 44° 36' west, along the southwesterly limit of the said land, a distance of 1,200 feet to an angle therein;
Thence north 45° 24' east, along the northwesterly limit of the said land, a distance of 1,532.58 feet, more or less, to its intersection with the line drawn parallel to the line between Lots 32 and 33, a distance of 150 feet measured southwesterly and perpendicularly therefrom;
Thence north 44° 36' west, along the said parallel line, a distance of 2,950.64 feet to its intersection with the northwesterly limit of the said Lot 33;
Thence south 38° 20' 30" west, along the northwesterly limits of Lots 33, 34 and 35, a distance of 3,854.77 feet to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 26/75, s. 5.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Town of Oakville in the County of Halton, being composed of part of Lot 21 in Concession II, North of Dundas Street, more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the most westerly angle of the said Lot 21;
Thence north 39° 10' east along the northwesterly limit of the said Lot, being also the southeasterly limit of the Base Line Road, a distance of 500 feet to an iron bar planted;
Thence south 44° 17' 50" east, a distance of 988.83 feet to an iron bar planted;
Thence south 40° 35' 20" west, a distance of 498.55 feet to an iron bar planted in a line of post and wire fence marking the line between Lots 21 and 22 in the said Concession;
Thence north 44° 17' 50" west, along the last-mentioned line, a distance of 975 feet to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 26/75, s. 5.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Town of Oakville in the County of Halton, being composed of part of Lot 14 in Concession I New Survey, more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a distance of 100 feet south 38° west from the intersection of the westerly limit of the right-of-way of the Grand Trunk Railway Company with the southerly limit of the said Lot 14;
Thence north 45° 10' west, a distance of 281 feet, more or less, to meet the southerly limit of the prolongation of Mill Street of the Town of Milton if the said Mill Street were extended on its present bearings across the said Lot 14;
Thence south 38° west, a distance of 117 feet;
Thence south 45° 10' east, a distance of 281 feet, more or less, to the southerly limit of the said Lot;
Thence north 38° east along the said southerly limit, a distance of 117 feet to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 26/75, s. 5.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville, in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Town of Oakville in the County of Halton, being composed of part of the southwesterly half of Lot 7, in Concession III, New Survey, in the said Town of Oakville, which the said parcel may be more particularly described as follows:
All bearings herein are referred to the northeasterly limit of that part of the King’s Highway known as No. 25, as shown on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 842;
Beginning at an iron bar planted in the line of the post and wire fence forming the southeasterly limit of the lands described in Instrument Number 564-L registered in the said Land Registry Office, distant 16 feet measured northeasterly therealong from a found standard iron bar in the southwesterly limit of the southwesterly half of the said Lot, and distant 134.63 feet measured southeasterly therealong from a found standard iron bar marking the westerly angle of the said southwesterly half of Lot 7;
Thence north 38° 10' 30" east along the line of the said post and wire fence, a distance of 140.3 feet to an iron bar planted at the easterly angle of the lands described in the said Instrument Number 564-L;
Thence north 45° 3' 20" west, along the line of the post and wire fence forming the northeasterly limit of the lands described in the said Instrument Number 564-L, a distance of 133.63 feet to a found iron bar in the line of the post and wire fence forming the existing limit between the southwesterly half of Lot 7 and the southwesterly half of Lot 8;
Thence north 38° 37' 30" east therealong a distance of 130.07 feet to an iron bar planted at a point from which a post and wire fence runs northwesterly;
Thence north 38° 34' 20" east, continuing along the line of the post and wire fence forming the existing limit between the southwesterly halves of Lots 7 and 8, a distance of 575.11 feet to an iron bar planted at a point therein from which a post and wire fence runs southeasterly;
Thence north 38° 16' 15" east continuing therealong a distance of 54.45 feet to an iron bar planted;
Thence north 39° 02' east continuing therealong a distance of 101.36 feet to an iron bar planted;
Thence continuing north 39° 02' east, a distance of 48.91 feet to a point in the bed of the channel of Sixteen Mile Creek;
Thence south 45° 20' 30" east, a distance of 431.23 feet to a point in the said bed, which said point is referenced by an iron bar planted at a point distant 30.37 feet measured on a bearing of south 38° 27' west therefrom;
Thence south 38° 27' west, a distance of 417.1 feet to an iron bar planted;
Thence south 45° 20' 30" east, a distance of 120.28 feet to an iron bar planted;
Thence south 44° 05' west along the northwesterly limit of an existing farm lane, a distance of 640.12 feet to an iron bar planted in the said northeasterly limit of that part of the King’s Highway known as No. 25 as shown on the said Plan Number 842;
Thence north 45° 20' 30" west therealong a distance of 341.85 feet to a found Ministry of Transportation and Communications Concrete Monument marking the beginning of the circular curve to the right;
Thence northwesterly along the area of the said curve having a radius of 11,399.16 feet, an arc distance of 15.25 feet, the chord equivalent of which is 15.25 feet measured on a bearing of north 45° 18' 12" west, to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 184/75, s. 4.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Town of Oakville in the County of Halton, being composed of that part of the northeast half of Lot 10 in Concession IV, being Part I on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20-R650.
O. Reg. 753/75, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Town of Oakville in the County of Halton, being that part of Lot 21 in Concession II, North of Dundas Street more particularly described as follows:
Premising that the bearings herein are astronomic and are referred to the northeasterly limit of the road allowance between Lots 20 and 21 in Concession II, North of Dundas Street, and assumed to be north 44° 22' west and relating all bearings herein thereto:
Beginning at a place in the northwesterly limit of Lot 21 in Concession II, North of Dundas Street distant 500 feet measured north 39° 10' east from the most westerly angle of the said Lot 21;
Thence north 39° 10' east along the said limit a distance of 500 feet to an iron bar planted;
Thence south 44° 17' 50" east a distance of 1,002.76 feet to an iron bar planted;
Thence south 40° 35' 20" west a distance of 498.55 feet to an iron bar planted;
Thence north 44° 17' 50" west a distance of 988.83 feet to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 1026/75, s. 4.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Town of Oakville in the County of Halton, being that part of Lot 4 in Concession IV more particularly described as follows:
Premising that the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 4, being also the southwesterly limit of the road allowance between Concessions IV and V has a bearing of north 49° 34' 30" west and that all bearings herein are referred thereto;
Beginning at a place in the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 4 distant 1,522 feet 9 7/8 inches measured northwesterly thereon from the most easterly angle of the said Lot;
Thence south 33° 23' west 2,244 feet, 9¼ inches, more or less, to a post and wire fence marking the westerly limit of the east half of the said Lot;
Thence north 49° 08' west along the last-mentioned limit, 489 feet, 6 3/8 inches to the most westerly angle of the east half of the said Lot;
Thence north 33° 23' east along the northwesterly limit of the said Lot 2,240 feet, 11½ inches to the most northerly angle of the said Lot;
Thence south 49° 34' 30" east along the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 489 feet, 5 3/8 inches to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 167/76, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Town of Oakville in the County of Halton, and being composed of part of the south half of the west half of Lot 14 in Concession IX of the New Survey of the Township of Trafalgar, now in the said Town of Oakville, more particularly described as follows:
Premising that the southwesterly limit of the west half of the said Lot 14 has a bearing of north 44° 29' 30" west astronomic and relating all bearings herein thereto;
Beginning at a point in the southwesterly limit of the said Lot distant 502.05 feet measured northwesterly from the southerly angle of the said Lot;
Thence south 44° 29' 30" east along the said southwesterly limit 502.05 feet to the said southerly angle;
Thence north 39° 10' 30" east along the southeasterly limit of the said Lot 2,166.42 feet, more or less, to the easterly angle of the west half of the said Lot;
Thence north 44° 53' 55" west along the existing centre line of the said Concession IX a distance of 511.17 feet to a point thereon;
Thence south 38° 55' 30" west 2,164.61 feet to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 402/76, s. 2.
That parcel of land formerly situate in the Town of Oakville, now in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being composed of part of Lot 4 in Concession IV, New Survey more particularly described as follows:
Premising that the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 4 being also the southwesterly limit of the road allowance between Concessions IV and V has a bearing of north 49° 34' 30" west and referring all bearings herein thereto;
Beginning at a place in the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 4 distant 489 feet, 11 ½ inches measured northwesterly thereon from the most easterly angle of the said Lot;
Thence north 49° 34' 30" west along the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 411 feet, 11 ½ inches to an iron pipe;
Thence south 33° 23' west 250 feet to an iron pipe;
Thence north 49° 34' 30" west 84 feet, 11 ¼ inches to a point;
Thence south 33° 23' west 1,999 feet, 1 inch, more or less, to the line of a post and wire fence marking the existing west limit of the east half of the said Lot 4, the said point being distant 981 feet, 2 ½ inches measured northwesterly thereon from the most southerly angle of the east half;
Thence south 49° 08' east along the last-mentioned limit 497 feet 4 5/8 inches to a point;
Thence north 33° 23' east 2,252 feet, 11 3/8 inches to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 547/76, s. 3.
That parcel of land formerly situate in the Town of Oakville, now in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being composed of part of the southwest half of Lot 5 in Concession IV of the New Survey more particularly described as follows:
Premising that the southeasterly limit of the road allowance between Lots 5 and 6 across the southwesterly half of the said Lot 5 has a bearing of north 38° 42' 20" east and relating all bearings herein thereto;
Beginning at an iron bar planted in the said southeasterly limit of the road allowance between Lots 5 and 6 a distance of 500 feet measured southwesterly therealong from the limit between the east and west halves of the said Lot 5;
Thence south 44° 42' 40" east a distance of 877 feet to an iron bar planted;
Thence south 38° 42' 20" west a distance of 500 feet to an iron bar planted;
Thence north 44° 42' 40" west a distance of 877 feet to an iron bar planted in the said southeasterly limit of the road allowance between Lots 5 and 6;
Thence northeasterly therealong a distance of 500 feet to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 547/76, s. 3.
That parcel of land formerly situate in the Town of Oakville, now in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being composed of part of the northwest half of Lot 11 in Concession IV, New Survey, more particularly described as follows:
Premising that the bearings herein are referred to the southeast limit of the road allowance between Concessions IV and V, New Survey, and assumed to be north 45° 09' 40" west and relating all bearings herein thereto;
Beginning at a point marked by a standard iron bar planted in the northwesterly limit of the road allowance between Lots 10 and 11 in the said Concession, and which point is distant 500 feet measured north 38° 09' 50" east therealong from the most southerly angle of the northeast half of the said Lot 11;
Thence north 38° 09' 50" east along the northwesterly limit of the road allowance 500 feet to a point;
Thence north 45° 11' west 877.13 feet to a point;
Thence south 38° 09' 50" west 500 feet to a point;
Thence south 45° 11' east 877.13 feet to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 547/76, s. 3.
That parcel of land in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Town of Oakville in the County of Halton, being composed of that part of Lot 4 in Concession III designated as parts 1, 2 and 3 on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-2585.
O. Reg. 603/76, s. 3.
That parcel of land in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Township of Trafalgar in the County of Halton, being composed of that part of Lot 10 in Concession III, New Survey, designated as Part 2 on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-2396.
O. Reg. 603/76, s. 3.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Township of Trafalgar in the County of Halton, designated as Part 1 on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-2730.
O. Reg. 190/77, s. 3.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Township of Trafalgar in the County of Halton, designated as Part 2 on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-2730.
O. Reg. 190/77, s. 3.
Those parcels of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Town of Oakville in the County of Halton, being composed of those parts of Lot 22 in Concession II, North of Dundas Street shown on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-3019 and designated as follows:
1. Part 1.
2. Part 2.
3. Part 3.
4. Part 4.
O. Reg. 313/78, s. 3.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Town of Oakville in the County of Halton, being composed of that part of Lot 9 in Concession III New Survey more particularly described as Part I on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-1468.
O. Reg. 229/77, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Township of Trafalgar in the County of Halton, containing by admeasurement 10 acres, being composed of that part of Lot 30 in Concession II, South of Dundas Street, more particularly described as Part I on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Plan 20R-2531.
O. Reg. 516/77, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being composed of that part of Lot 6 in Concession I, North of Dundas Street, more particularly described as follows:
Premising that all bearings herein are astronomic and are referred to the southwesterly limit of the road allowance between Lots 5 and 6 in Concession I, North of Dundas Street, and assumed to be north 44º 31' 30'' west and relating all bearings herein thereto;
Beginning at a point in the northwesterly limit of that part of the King’s Highway known as No. 5, as widened, according to a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 1149, which said point may be located as follows:
Commencing at the intersection of the southwesterly limit of the said road allowance and the northwesterly limit of the said part of the King’s Highway as widened by said Plan 1149, which said point is distant 90.30 feet measured northeasterly along the said southwesterly limit from the most easterly angle of the said Lot 6;
Thence south 3º 09' 30'' east along the northwesterly limit of the said Plan 1149 a distance of 75.05 feet to an angle therein;
Thence south 38º 13' 20'' west continuing along the said northwesterly limit 302.62 feet to a standard iron bar;
Thence south 38º 18' west continuing along the said nortwesterly limit 200.67 feet to a standard iron bar, being the place of beginning;
Thence south 38º 21' 30'' west a distance of 112.13 feet to a concrete monument;
Thence south 38º 15' 20'' west continuing along the said northwesterly limit a distance of 280.26 feet;
Thence south 54º 59' 30'' west continuing along the said northwesterly limit 104.26 feet;
Thence south 38º 17' 10'' west continuing along the said northwesterly limit 200.31 feet;
Thence south 28º 04' 40'' west continuing along the said northwesterly limit 41.01 feet to standard iron bar;
Thence north 76º 25' 30'' west continuing along the said northwesterly limit a distance of 100.64 feet to an iron tube found in the line of a post and wire fence marking the southwesterly limit of the said Lot 6;
Thence north 44º 31' 50'' west along the said southwesterly limit a distance of 288.55 feet to an angle therein;
Thence north 44º 08' 30'' west continuing along the said southwesterly limit a distance of 310.80 feet to an iron bar;
Thence north 45º 26' 30'' west continuing along the said southwesterly limit a distance of 115.68 feet to an iron bar;
Thence north 47º 15' 30'' west continuing along the said southwesterly limit a distance of 94.51 feet to an iron bar;
Thence north 39º 06' 40'' east a distance of 791.01 feet to an iron bar;
Thence south 44º 36' 40'' east a distance of 913.31 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 773/77, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Town of Oakville in the County of Halton, being composed of that part of Lot 13 in Concession VIII, New Survey of the said Town of Oakville, designated as parts 1 and 2 on a Reference Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-676.
O. Reg. 849/77, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Township of Trafalgar in the County of Halton, being composed of that part of the northeast half of Lot 10 in Concession IV more particularly described as follows:
Premising that the northwesterly limit of the northeast half of the said Lot 10, being also the southeasterly limit of the road allowance between Lots 10 and 11, has a bearing of north 38º 14' 50'' east and relating all bearings herein thereto;
Beginning at the most easterly angle of the said Lot 10;
Thence north 45º west along the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 10 distance of 1,839.35 feet to an iron pipe;
Thence south 38º 14' 50'' west a distance of 160.07 feet to an iron pipe;
Thence north 45º west a distance of 177.19 feet to a point in the northwesterly limit of the said Lot 10, which point is also a distance of 160.07 feet measured southwesterly along the last-mentioned limit from the most northerly angle of the said Lot 10;
Thence south 38º 14' 50'' west along the northwesterly limit of the said Lot 10 a distance of 1,521.89 feet to an iron bar;
Thence south 44º 59' 50'' east a distance of 2,020.62 feet to an iron bar in the southeasterly limit of the said Lot 10;
Thence along the line of a fence defining the existing limit between Lots 9 and 10 on a bearing of north 38º 14' 20'' east a distance of 245.30 feet to an iron bar;
Thence continuing along the last-mentioned limit on a bearing of north 38º 04' 10'' east a distance of 333.98 feet to an iron bar;
Thence continuing along the last-mentioned limit on a bearing of north 38º 10' 50'' east a distance of 540.29 feet to an iron bar;
Thence continuing along the last-mentioned limit on a bearing of north 38º 00' 10'' east a distance of 562.73 feet to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 850/77, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Township of Trafalgar in the County of Halton, being composed of that part of Lot 1 in Concessions V and VI, New Survey, of the said former Township and part of the road allowance between the said Concessions V and VI more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the southwesterly limit of the road allowance between the said Concessions V and VI distant 32 feet, 4 inches measured southeasterly therealong from the most northerly angle of the said Lot 1 in Concession V, the said place of beginning being also in the southeasterly limit of a given road known as the Base Line;
Thence south 38° west along the last-mentioned limit 279 feet, ½ inch to an iron pipe planted in the line of a wire fence extending southeasterly therefrom;
Thence south 46° 11' east along the said fence and its southeasterly production 1,012 feet, 10 ¼ inches to an iron pipe planted;
Thence north 59° 06' east 338 feet, 9 ¾ inches to an iron pipe planted;
Thence north 17° 50' east 245 feet 7 inches to an iron pipe planted in the southwesterly limit of a given road used in place of the road between the said Concessions V and VI;
Thence north 69° 05' west 609 feet, 6 inches to an iron pipe planted;
Thence north 49° 40' west 462 feet, 6 inches to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 312/78, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Township of Trafalgar in the County of Halton, being composed of that part of Lot 10 in Concession II of the New Survey of the said former Township of Trafalgar more particularly described as follows:
All bearings herein are referred to the southeasterly limit of Derry Road being the road allowance between Lots 10 and 11 as widened by a Reference Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-3145 as north 39° 05' east;
Beginning at a point in the southwesterly limit of a Plan prepared by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and registered in the said Land Registry Office as Number 869 distant 27.19 feet measured southeasterly therealong from a point in the original southeasterly limit of Derry Road distant 27.19 feet measured therealong from the northerly angle of the said Lot 10 and which said point of commencement is the easterly angle of Part 8 of the said Reference Plan Number 20R-3145;
Thence south 44° 16' 10'' east along the southwesterly limit of the said Plan Number 869 a distance of 242.12 feet to a point;
Thence south 38° 24' 10'' west a distance of 182.39 feet to a point;
Thence north 69° 16' 10'' west a distance of 255.66 feet to a point;
Thence north 39° 05' east along the southeasterly limit of the said Part 8 a distance of 290.95 feet to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 388/78, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Town of Oakville in the County of Halton, being that part of Lot 9 in Concession V N.S. designated as Part 1 on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-3897.
O. Reg. 886/78, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Town of Oakville in the County of Halton, being composed of that part of the northeast half of Lot 10 in Concession III more particularly described as follows:
Premising that the southeasterly limit of the road allowance between Lots 10 and 11 through the said Concession III, being also the northwesterly limit of the northeast half of the said Lot 10, has a bearing of north 38° 38' east and relating all bearings herein thereto;
Beginning at an iron bar planted in the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 10 being the southwesterly limit of the road allowance between Concessions III and IV distant 27.19 feet measured south 44° 33' 50'' east therealong from the most northerly angle of the said Lot 10;
Thence south 44° 33' 50'' east along the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 10 a distance of 1,450.89 feet to an iron bar;
Thence south 38° 13' 10'' west along the line of a rail fence a distance of 506.86 feet to an iron bar;
Thence south 44° 32' 50" east a distance of 268.35 feet to an iron bar;
Thence north 45° 26' east a distance of 503 feet to an iron bar planted in the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 10;
Thence south 44° 33' 50" east a distance of 193.33 feet to an iron bar planted at the most easterly angle of the said Lot 10;
Thence along the line of a post and wire fence defining the limit between Lots 9 and 10 in the said Concession III on a bearing of south 38° 36' 30'' west a distance of 510.57 feet to an iron bar planted;
Thence continuing along the line of the said post and wire fence on a bearing of south 38° 25' 30'' west a distance of 494.12 feet to an iron bar;
Thence continuing along the line of the said post and wire fence on a bearing of south 39° 02' 40'' west a distance of 555.35 feet to an iron bar;
Thence continuing the line of the said post and wire fence on a bearing of south 38° 56' 50'' west a distance of 474.46 feet to an iron bar;
Thence continuing along the line of the said post and wire fence on a bearing of south 38° 52' 50'' west a distance of 200.34 feet to a nail found in the concrete fence post base at the most southerly angle of the northeast half of the said Lot 10;
Thence along the line of a post and wire fence defining the limit between the northeast half and the southwest half of the said Lot 10 on a bearing of north 44° 45' 10'' west a distance of 521.87 feet to an iron bar;
Thence continuing along the line of the said post and wire fence on a bearing of north 44° 59' west a distance of 514.09 feet to an iron bar;
Thence continuing along the line of the said post and wire fence on a bearing of north 44° 44' 30'' west a distance of 576.04 feet to an iron bar;
Thence continuing along the line of the said post and wire fence on a bearing of north 44° 33' 50'' west a distance of 328.63 feet to an iron bar;
Thence continuing along the line of the said post and wire fence on a bearing of north 44° 41' 30'' west a distance of 26.91 feet to an iron bar;
Thence north 13° 27' 30'' east a distance of 5.04 feet to a point;
Thence north 38° 38' east a distance of 196.22 feet to an iron bar planted in the southwesterly limit of the lands described in an Instrument registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 176687 for Trafalgar;
Thence south 44° 55' east along the southwesterly limit of the lands described in the said Instrument Number 176687 a distance of 200 feet to an iron bar;
Thence north 38° 38' east along the southeasterly limit of the lands described in the said Instrument a distance of 200 feet to an iron bar;
Thence north 44° 55' west along the northeasterly limit of the lands described in the said Instrument a distance of 200 feet to an iron bar;
Thence north 38° 38' east a distance of 1,842.35 feet to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 10/79, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being composed of that part of Lot 6 in Concession I, North of Dundas Street, more particularly described as follows:
Premising that the bearings herein are astronomic and referred to the southwesterly limit of the road allowance between Lots 5 and 6 in the said Concession, North of Dundas Street, and assumed to be north 44° 31' 33'' west and relating all bearings herein thereto;
Beginning at a point in the southwesterly limit of the said road allowance, known as the Ninth Line, and which point is distant 2,115.37 feet measured north 44° 31' 30'' west therealong from the most easterly corner of the said Lot;
Thence north 44° 31' 30'' west along the said southwesterly limit of the said road allowance 642 feet to a standard iron bar planted;
Thence south 39° 06' 40'' west 684.87 feet to an iron bar planted in a line of post and wire fence;
Thence south 44° 47' 10'' east along the said line of post and wire fence 477.61 feet to an iron bar planted at an angle in the same;
Thence south 45° 04' 20'' east 163.98 feet to an iron bar planted;
Thence north 39° 06' 40'' east 681.12 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 11/79, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Township of Trafalgar in the County of Halton, being composed of that part of Lot 6 in Concession I, South of Dundas Street, more particularly described as follows:
Premising that the southeasterly limit of the King’s Highway No. 5, as widened by a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 1149, has an assumed bearing of north 38° 16' east and relating all bearings herein thereto;
Beginning at an iron bar planted in the southwesterly limit of the Ninth Line, the road allowance between Lots 5 and 6, South of Dundas Street, which iron bar is 664.98 feet measured on a course of south 44° 55' 20" east along the westerly limit of the said Ninth Line from the most northerly angle of the said Lot 6;
Thence south 39° 04' 20" west 845.14 feet to an iron bar planted;
Thence south 44° 41' 40" east 558 feet to an iron bar planted;
Thence north 39° 05' east 847.31 feet to an iron bar planted in the southwesterly limit of the said Ninth Line;
Thence north 44° 55' 20" west 558 feet to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 85/79, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Township of Trafalgar in the County of Halton, being Lot 8 in a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 360.
O. Reg. 98/79, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Town of Oakville in the County of Halton, being composed of that part of the southeasterly half of the southwesterly half of Lot 10 in Concession III more particularly described as follows:
All bearings herein are referred to the King’s Highway known as No. 25 as shown on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) Number 851;
Beginning at an iron bar planted in the northeasterly limit of the said King’s Highway No. 25 distant 260.95 feet measured northwesterly therealong from a standard iron bar planted where the said limit is intersected by the limit between Lots 9 and 10;
Thence northwesterly continuing along the northeasterly limit of the said King’s Highway being the arc of a circular curve to the right having a radius of 22,858.32 feet, an arc distance of 214.63 feet the chord equivalent of which is 214.61 feet measured on a bearing of north 47° 07' 04" west to a found Ministry of Transportation and Communications concrete monument;
Thence continuing northwesterly along the arc of the said curve, having a radius of 22,858.32 feet an arc distance of 23.83 feet, the chord equivalent of which is 23.83 feet measured on a bearing of north 46° 53' 02" west to a standard iron bar planted;
Thence north 38° 47' 15" east a distance of 30.09 feet to a point;
Thence northwesterly along the arc of a circular curve having the radius of 22,858.32 feet a distance of 6.53 feet the chord equivalent of which is 6.53 feet measured on a bearing of north 46° 50' 24" west;
Thence north 38° 30' 30" east a distance of 190.04 feet to a railway spike cemented in concrete at the beginning of a post and wire fence running northeasterly;
Thence north 38° 31' east along the line of the post and wire fence forming the northwesterly limit of the said southeasterly half of the southwesterly half of the said Lot 10 a distance of 356.53 feet to an iron bar planted at a point therein from which a post and wire fence runs northwesterly;
Thence north 38° 40' 05" east, continuing along the line of the said post and wire fence forming the northwesterly limit of the southeasterly half of the southwesterly half of the said Lot 10, a distance of 208.90 feet to an iron bar planted at a point therein;
Thence north 38° 40' 20" east continuing therealong a distance of 745.91 feet to an iron bar planted at a point therein;
Thence north 38° 39' 30" east continuing therealong a distance of 658.87 feet to a standard iron bar planted in the line of a post and wire fence running northwesterly and southeasterly and which said post and wire fence forms the existing limit between the said southwesterly half of the said Lot 10 and the northeasterly half of the said Lot 10;
Thence south 44° 38' 20" east along the line of the said post and wire fence forming the existing limit between the northeasterly and southwesterly halves of the said Lot a distance of 456.98 feet to the southerly angle of the northeasterly half of the said Lot;
Thence south 44° 23' 30" east continuing therealong a distance of 57.05 feet to an iron bar marking the easterly angle of the southwesterly half of the said Lot;
Thence south 38° 54' 20" west along the line of the post and wire fence forming the existing limit between the southwesterly halves of Lots 9 and 10 a distance of 1,341.35 feet to an iron bar;
Thence south 38° 45' 55" west continuing therealong a distance of 263.36 feet to an iron bar;
Thence 38° 39' 50" west continuing therealong a distance of 311.96 feet to an iron bar;
Thence south 38° 16' 30" west continuing therealong a distance of 84.06 feet to an iron bar at a point therein from which a post and wire fence runs southeasterly;
Thence south 38° west continuing therealong a distance of 13.59 feet to an iron bar planted;
Thence north 47° 40' 25" west a distance of 252.74 feet to an iron bar planted;
Thence south 41° 07' west a distance of 150.05 feet to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 374/79, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Township of Trafalgar in the County of Halton, being composed of that part of Lot 31 in Concession II, South of Dundas Street, shown as Part I on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-2730.
O. Reg. 463/79, s. 2.
Those parcels of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the County of Halton, being those parts of Lot 5 in Concession I, South of Dundas Street, more particularly described as follows:
Premising that the course of the road allowance between Lots 5 and 6 has a bearing of north 45° west and relating all bearings herein thereto;
1. Beginning at a point in the northeasterly limit of the said road allowance between Lots 5 and 6 distant 3,214 feet, 1 inch measured southeasterly therealong from the most westerly angle of the said Lot 5, the said point being also distant 50 feet measured northwesterly from and at right angles to the centre line of a row of transmission towers as described in an Instrument registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 19904;
Thence north 39° 07' east parallel to the said centre line 665 feet to the line of a wire fence;
Thence north 45° 05' west along the said fence 660 feet;
Thence south 39° 07' west 664 feet to the said northeasterly limit of the said road allowance;
Thence southeasterly therealong 660 feet to the place of beginning.
2. Beginning at a point in the northeasterly limit of the said road allowance between Lots 5 and 6 distant 2,054 feet, 1 inch measured southeasterly therealong from the most westerly angle of the said Lot 5;
Thence north 45° east 666 feet, 2½ inches to a wire fence;
Thence south 44° 17' east therealong 431 feet, 11¼ inches;
Thence south 39° 07' west 664 feet to the said northeasterly limit of the said road allowance;
Thence northwesterly therealong 500 feet to the place of beginning.
Excepting therefrom that portion of the said Lot 5 more particularly described as follows:
Bearings herein are astronomic and are referred to the meridian through the most northerly angle of Lot 1 in Concession I, South of Dundas Street;
Beginning at a point in the southwesterly limit of the said Lot 5 where it is intersected by the northwesterly limit of the lands of Ontario Hydro distance 3,212.90 feet measured south 44° 58' 30" east along the said southwesterly limit from the most westerly angle of the said Lot 5;
Thence north 44° 58' 30" west along the said southwesterly limit 10.05 feet;
Thence north 39° 10' 30" east 664.93 feet to the southwesterly limit of the lands of the Ontario Hydro described in an Instrument registered in the said Land Registry Office as Number 28477;
Thence south 44° 59' 40" east along the said southwesterly limit 10.05 feet to the said northwesterly limit of the lands of Ontario Hydro;
Thence south 39° 10' 30" west along the said northwesterly limit 664.92 feet to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 559/79, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the County of Halton, being composed of that part of Lot 6 in Concession I, North of Dundas Street, more particularly described as follows:
Premising that the bearings herein are astronomic and are referred to the southwesterly limit of the road allowance between Lots 5 and 6 in the said Concession I and assumed to be north 44º 31' 30'' west and relating all bearing herein thereto;
Beginning at a point in the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 6 distant 1,445.37 feet measured northwesterly therealong from the most easterly corner of the said Lot 6;
Thence south 39º 06' 40'' west a distance of 1,340.87 feet, more or less, to an iron bar planted in the line of a post and wire fence marking the southwesterly limit of the said Lot 6;
Thence north 44º 11' 10'' west along the said southwesterly limit a distance of 313.87 feet to an iron bar;
Thence north 38º 24' east along the line of a post and wire fence a distance of 662.18 feet to an iron bar;
Thence north 45º 04' 20'' west a distance of 347.22 feet to an iron bar;
Thence north 39º 06' 40'' east a distance of 681.12 feet, more or less, to an iron bar planted in the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 6;
Thence south 44º 31' 30'' east along the said northeasterly limit a distance of 670 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 655/79, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the County of Halton, being composed of that part of Lot 6 in Concession I, North of Dundas Street, more particularly described as follows:
Premising that the bearings herein are astronomic and referred to the southwesterly limit of the road allowance between Lots 5 and 6 in the said Concession I;
Beginning at a point in the southwesterly limit of the said road allowance between Lots 5 and 6 known as Ninth Line, and which point is distant 2,757.37 feet measured north 44º 31' 30'' west from the most easterly angle of the said Lot 6;
Thence north 44º 31' 30'' west along the said southwesterly limit of the said road allowance 640 feet to an iron bar planted;
Thence south 39º 06' 40'' west 689.78 feet to an iron bar planted in a line of post and wire fence;
Thence south 45º 06' 10'' east along the said line of post and wire fence 359.19 feet to an iron bar planted;
Thence south 44º 47' 10'' east along the last line of fence 280.29 feet to an iron bar planted;
Thence north 39º 06' 40'' east 684.87 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 763/79, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Township of Trafalgar in the County of Halton, being composed of that part of Lot 30 in Concession II, North of Dundas Street, designated as Part 1 on Plan P-1738 on file with the Ministry of Transportation and Communications in the Province of Ontario, and more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the line between the north and south halves of the said Lot 30 distant 18.04 feet measured north 37º 40' east therealong from the easterly limit of the King’s Highway No. 25;
Thence north 37º 40' east along the said line 289.39 feet to a point;
Thence north 45º 08' west 538.08 feet to a point;
Thence south 18º 35' east 642.25 feet to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 764/79, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Township of Trafalgar in the County of Halton, being composed of that part of Lot 14 in Concession VIII of the New Survey more particularly described as follows:
Premising that the course of the road allowance between Concessions VIII and IX has a bearing of north 45o west and relating all bearings herein thereto;
Beginning at an iron bar planted in the southwesterly limit of the said road allowance distant 1,300 feet measured northwesterly therealong from the most easterly angle of the said Lot 14;
Thence south 38º 33' west 432 feet to an iron pipe planted;
Thence north 54º 09' west 188 feet, 7 inches to an iron pipe planted;
Thence north 38º 26' east 462 feet, 6 inches to an iron pipe planted in the said southwesterly limit of the said road allowance;
Thence southeasterly therealong 190 feet to the place of beginning.
The said parcel contains by admeasurement an area of 2.05 acres as shown on sketch of survey attached to an Instrument registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 25263-M2 for Trafalgar.
O. Reg. 825/79, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Township of Trafalgar in the County of Halton, being composed of that part of the southwest half of Lot 7 in Concession III New Survey, designated as Part 4 on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-4407.
O. Reg. 377/80, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being composed of that part of Lot 35 in Concession I, North of Dundas Street, designated as Part I on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-4769.
O. Reg. 551/80, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being composed of that part of Lot 6 in Concession I, North of Dundas Street, designated as parts 3, 4 and 5 on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-4683.
O. Reg. 588/80, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being composed of that part of Lot I in Concession III, South of Dundas Street, designated as Parts 1 and 3 on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-4883.
O. Reg. 705/80, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Township of Oakville in the County of Halton, being composed of that part of Lot 9 in Concession III, New Survey, more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at a point in the northwesterly limit of the said Lot 9 distant 3.07 metres measured southwesterly therealong from the northerly angle of the said Lot;
Thence southeasterly along a line parallel with the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 9 a distance of 6.14 metres to the place of beginning;
Thence southeasterly along the said parallel line 152.4 metres to a point;
Thence southwesterly and parallel with the northwesterly limit of the said Lot 457.2 metres to a point;
Thence northwesterly and parallel with the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 152.4 metres to a point;
Thence northeasterly and parallel with the northwesterly limit of the said Lot 457.2 metres to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 784/80, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Township of Trafalgar in the County of Halton, being that part of the east half of Lot 1 in Concession IX of the New Survey more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at an iron pipe planted in the most easterly limit of the said Lot 1, being also the most westerly limit of the road allowance between Concessions IX and X of the New Survey, which point is distant 1,670 feet, 3 inches on a course of north 45º 19' west from the southeasterly angle of the said Lot and which point shall be called the place of beginning;
Thence continuing north 45º 19' west and along the most westerly limit of the said road allowance 346 feet to an iron pipe;
Thence south 37º 12' west along a post and wire fence a distance of 1,270 feet, 9 inches to an iron pipe;
Thence south 45º 52' east 345 feet, 5 inches to an iron pipe;
Thence north 37º 12' east 1,274 feet, 1.25 inches to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 15/81, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being composed of that part of Lot 5 in Concession II, South of Dundas Street, more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the southwesterly limit of the said Lot 5 distant 136.782 metres measured south 44º 48' 40'' east therealong from the westerly angle of the said Lot;
Thence south 44º 48' 40'' east along the said southwesterly limit 221.870 metres to a point;
Thence north 38º 49' east 131.85 metres to a point;
Thence north 42º 49' 10'' west 19.5 metres to a point;
Thence south 56º 47' 50'' west 53.95 metres to a point;
Thence north 67º 51' 10'' west 47.732 metres to a point;
Thence north 16º 24' 10'' west 31.577 metres to a point;
Thence north 81º 38' 10'' west 65.023 metres to a point;
Thence north 45º 07' 50'' east 4.441 metres to a point;
Thence north 82º 18' 40'' west 66.818 metres to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 184/81, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Township of Trafalgar in the County of Halton, being that part of the northeast half of the northwest half of Lot 30 in Concession II, North of Dundas Street, more particularly described as follows:
Premising that the easterly limit of the King’s Highway No. 25, as shown on a Plan numbered P-1738-11 deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as No. 836, has an astronomic bearing of north 18º 35' west through the said Lot and relating all bearings herein thereto:
Commencing at a point where an iron pipe has been planted at the intersection of the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 30 and the line between the northwest and southeast halves of the said Lot which may be located by beginning at the most westerly angle of the said Lot 30;
Thence southeasterly along the southwesterly limit of the said Lot 30 a distance of 3,319.28 feet, more or less, to its intersection with a fence marking the existing division line between the northwest and southeast halves of the said Lot;
Thence north 37º 40' east along the said division line 678.88 feet to an iron bar planted therein;
Thence north 38º 27' 50'' east, continuing along the said division line, 672.83 feet to the said point of commencement;
Thence south 38º 27' 50'' west along the line between the northwest and southeast halves of the said Lot 30 a distance of 672.83 feet to the said iron bar planted:
Thence north 45º 08' west a distance of 571.64 feet to an iron bar planted in the said easterly limit of the diversion of the said King’s Highway No. 25 as shown on the said Plan numbered P-1738-11;
Thence north 18º 35' west along the said northeasterly limit of the diversion of the said King’s Highway, as shown on the said Plan 836, a distance of 1,486.87 feet to a planted spike in the top of a new fence post marking the intersection of the said last-mentioned limit and the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 30;
Thence south 45º 15' 40'' east along the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 30 a distance of 1,826.66 feet to the point of commencement.
O. Reg. 258/81, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Township of Trafalgar in the County of Halton, and being that part of the southeasterly half of the northeasterly half of Lot 1 in Concession IV of the New Survey of the said former Township of Trafalgar more particularly described as follows:
Premising that the northwesterly limit of the road allowance between the Old and New Surveys of the said former Township of Trafalgar has a bearing of north 38° 22' east and relating all bearings herein thereto;
Commencing at an iron pipe planted at the most southerly angle of the said southeasterly half of the northeasterly half of the said Lot 1 being the intersection of the northwesterly limit of the road allowance between the Old and New Surveys of the said former Township of Trafalgar and the line of a fence marking the boundary between the northeasterly and southwesterly halves of the said Lot;
Thence north 44° 48' west along the said wire fence a distance of 170 feet to a point;
Thence north 38° 22' east parallel to the northwesterly limit of the said road allowance between the Old and New Surveys a distance of 150 feet to a point;
Thence south 44° 48' east a distance of 170 feet to a point in the northwesterly limit of the said road allowance;
Thence south 38° 22' west a distance of 150 feet to the point of commencement.
Excepting therefrom the lands conveyed by the grantor to the Corporation of the former Township of Trafalgar for road widening purposes which lands may be more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at an iron pipe planted at the most southerly angle of the said southeasterly half of the northeasterly half of the said Lot 1 being at the intersection of the northwesterly limit of the said road allowance between the Old and New Surveys of the former Township of Trafalgar and the line of a fence marking the boundary between the northeasterly and southwesterly halves of the said Lot 1;
Thence north 44° 48' west along the said wire fence a distance of 10.07 feet to a point;
Thence north 38° 22' east parallel to the northwesterly limit of the said road allowance a distance of 150 feet to a point;
Thence south 44° 48' east a distance of 10.07 feet to an iron pipe planted in the northwesterly limit of the said road allowance;
Thence south 38° 22' west a distance of 150 feet to the point of commencement.
O. Reg. 317/81, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Township of Trafalgar in the County of Halton, being that part of Lot 9 in Concession III of the New Survey of the said former Township of Trafalgar, more particularly described as follows:
Premising the northeasterly limit of the King’s Highway No. 25 to have a bearing of north 48° 00' 30" west and relating all bearings herein thereto;
Commencing at a point in the northeasterly limit of the said King’s Highway No. 25, as shown on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 851, located as follows:
Beginning at the westerly angle of the said Lot 9;
Thence northeasterly along the limit between Lots 9 and 10 a distance of 52.87 feet to a point in the said northeasterly limit of the said Deposited Plan No. 851;
Thence south 48° 00' 30" easterly therealong a distance of 378 feet, more or less, to an angle therein;
Thence north 35° 37' 30" east a distance of 10 feet to an angle therein;
Thence south 48° 00' 30" east continuing along the said limit of Deposited Plan No. 851 a distance of 220 feet, more or less, to a point in the northwesterly limit of the lands described in an Instrument registered in the said Land Registry Office as Number 148900;
Thence continuing south 48° 00' 30" east a distance of 204.8 feet to the point of commencement of the herein described parcel;
Thence south 48° 00' 30" east along the northeasterly limit of the said Deposited Plan No. 851 a distance of 204.8 feet to a point in the southeasterly limit of the lands described in the said Instrument No. 148900;
Thence northeasterly therealong a distance of 243.6 feet to the easterly angle of the said lands described in the said Instrument No. 148900;
Thence northwesterly along the northeasterly limit of the said lands described in the said Instrument No. 148900 a distance of 200 feet to a point therein;
Thence southwesterly a distance of 242.5 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 386/81, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Township of Trafalgar in the County of Halton, being that part of Lot 5 in Concession I, South of Dundas Street, more particularly described as follows:
Premising that the northeasterly limit of the road allowance between Lots 5 and 6 in the said Concession I, South of Dundas Street, Ninth Line, has an astronomic bearing of north 44° 50' 20" west as shown on a Plan of Expropriation filed in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 475-Misc. and relating all bearings herein thereto;
Beginning at a point in the interior of the said Lot 5 which may be located by beginning at the most southerly angle of the said Lot 5;
Thence north 44° 50' 20" west along the said northeasterly limit of the Ninth Line 339.97 feet a point;
Thence north 38° 32' 20" east 52.35 feet to the said place of beginning being an angle in the said Plan 475 Misc.;
Thence south 44° 50' 20" east along the limit of the said Plan 475-Misc. a distance of 211.28 feet to an angle therein;
Thence continuing along the limit of the said Plan north 86° 46' 20" east 66.41 feet to an angle therein;
Thence continuing along the limit of the said Plan north 38° 22' 50" east 136.91 feet to an angle therein;
Thence continuing along the limit of the said Plan north 42° 09' 45" east 176.60 feet to an angle therein;
Thence continuing along the limit of the said Plan north 39° 19' 24" east 234.16 feet to an angle therein;
Thence north 45° 27' 50" west 274.91 feet, more or less, to a point in a line drawn on a course of north 38° 32' 20" east from the place of beginning;
Thence south 38° 32' 20" west 545.89 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 419/81, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Township of Trafalgar in the County of Halton, being that part of Lot 6 in Concession I, South of Dundas Street, more particularly described as follows:
Premising that the southeasterly limit of the King’s Highway No. 5, as widened by a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20), has an assumed bearing of north 38° 16' east and relating all bearings herein thereto;
Beginning at an iron bar planted in the soutwesterly limit of the Ninth Line, being the road allowance between Lots 5 and 6, South of Dundas Street, which iron bar is 2,822.98 feet measured on a course of south 44° 55' 20" east along the westerly limit of the said Ninth Line from the most northerly angle of the said Lot 6;
Thence south 39° 06' 10" west 1,351.70 feet to an iron bar planted in the southwesterly limit of the said Lot 6;
Thence south 44° 20' 30" east 500 feet to an iron bar planted in the southwesterly limit of the said Lot 6;
Thence north 39° 07' 50" east following a post and wire fence along the northerly limit of the lands of Ontario Hydro 1,210.30 feet to an iron bar;
Thence north 39° 04' 50" east 146.43 feet to an iron bar planted in the most northeasterly limit of the said Lot 6 being the southwesterly limit of the Ninth Line;
Thence north 44° 55' 20" west 500 feet to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 449/81, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Township of Trafalgar in the County of Halton, being that part of Lot 13 in Concession VIII of the New Survey designated as Part 1 on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-2177.
O. Reg. 598/81, s. 3.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Township of Trafalgar in the County of Halton, being that part of the east half of Lot 4 in Concession IX, New Survey, more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at a point in the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 4 where it is intersected by the line of wire fence distant 874.37 feet measured south 45° 10' east along the said northeasterly limit from the most northerly angle of the said Lot;
Thence 45° 10' west along the said northeasterly limit 250 feet;
Thence south 38° 46' west parallel to the line of the said wire fence 350.44 feet, more or less, to a point;
Thence south 45° 10' east along the said southwesterly limit 250 feet to the line of the said wire fence;
Thence north 38° 46' east along the line of the said wire fence 350.44 feet, more or less, to the point of commencement.
O. Reg. 709/81, s. 2.
Those parcels of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being composed of:
1. Those parts of Lots 29 and 30 in Concession II, S.D.S, more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the westerly angle of Part 1 as shown on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-4707;
Thence northeasterly along the northwesterly limit of the said Part 1 a distance of 100 metres to a point;
Thence southeasterly parallel to the westerly limit of the said Lot 30 a distance of 35 metres to a point;
Thence easterly to a point in the centre line of that Lot distant 120 metres measured southeasterly from the northwesterly limit of that Lot;
Thence due east 70 metres to a point;
Thence southerly to a point in the centre of the said Lot distant 220 metres measured southerly from the northwesterly limit of that Lot;
Thence southeasterly along the centre line of that Lot 135 metres to a point;
Thence northeasterly parallel to the northwesterly limit of that Lot 150 metres to a point;
Thence due north to the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 30;
Thence southeasterly along that northeasterly limit to a point distant 305 metres measured northwesterly from the easterly angle of the south half of that Lot;
Thence northeasterly parallel to the northwesterly limit of the said Lot 29 a distance of 305 metres to a point;
Thence southeasterly to a point on the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 29 distant 75 metres measured northwesterly from the easterly angle of the northerly half of that Lot;
Thence southeasterly along the northeasterly limit of that Lot to the easterly angle of that northerly half of that Lot;
Thence due east 125 metres to a point;
Thence southerly to a point in the centre line of the said Lot 29 distant 260 metres measured southeasterly from the northerly limit of the south half of that Lot;
Thence southwesterly parallel to that northerly limit to the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 30;
Thence southeasterly along the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 30 to a point distant 365 metres measured southeasterly from the northerly angle of the south half of that Lot;
Thence southwesterly to a point in the northeasterly limit of the King’s Highway No. 25 distant 45 metres measured northwesterly from the westerly angle of Part 1 as shown on a Plan deposited in the said Land Registry Office as Number 20R-2531;
Thence northwesterly along the northeasterly limit of the said King’s Highway No. 25 to the place of beginning.
2. Those parts of Lots 28, 29 and 30 in Concession II, S.D.S., more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the southerly angle of Part 2 as shown on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 24R-4965;
Thence northwesterly along the southwesterly limit of the said Part 2 to the westerly angle of that Part;
Thence northeasterly along the northwesterly limit of the said Part 1 to the northeasterly limit of Lot 28 in Concession II, North of Dundas Street;
Thence northwesterly along the northeasterly limit of that Lot 20 metres to a point;
Thence due west 100 metres to a point;
Thence northwesterly parallel to the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 28 a distance of 225 metres to a point;
Thence southwesterly parallel to the southeasterly limit of the said Lot 28 to the centre line of that Lot;
Thence westerly to a point distant 125 metres measured due east from the easterly angle of the north half of the said Lot 29;
Thence southerly to a point in the centre line of the said Lot 29 distant 260 metres measured southeasterly from the northerly limit of the south half of that Lot;
Thence southwesterly parallel to that northerly limit to the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 30;
Thence southeasterly along the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 30 to a point distant 365 metres measured southeasterly from the northerly angle of the south half of that Lot;
Thence southwesterly to a point in the northeasterly limit of the King’s Highway No. 25 distant 45 metres measured northwesterly from the westerly angle of Part 1 as shown on a Plan deposited in the said Land Registry Office as Number 20R-2531;
Thence southeasterly along that northeasterly limit 45 metres to the northwesterly limit of the said Part 1;
Thence northeasterly and southeasterly along the northerly limit of the said Plan to the easterly angle of that Plan;
Thence northeasterly along the southeasterly limit of Part 4 as shown on a Plan deposited in the said Land Registry Office as Number 20R-3096 and along that southeasterly limit prolonged to the southwesterly limit of the said Lot 29;
Thence southeasterly along that southwesterly limit to the northwesterly limit of the North Service Road;
Thence northeasterly along that northwesterly limit to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 362/82, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Township of Trafalgar in the County of Halton, being that part of the southwest half of Lot 5 in Concession IV of the New Survey of the said Township of Trafalgar, more particularly described as follows:
Premising that the southeasterly limit of the road allowance between Lots 5 and 6 across the southwesterly half of the said Lot 5 has a bearing of north 38° 42' 20" east and relating all bearings herein thereto;
Commencing at an iron bar planted at the intersection of the limit between the southwest half and the northeast half of the said Lot 5 with the southeasterly limit of the road allowance between the said Lots 5 and 6 and known as the most northerly angle of the southwest half of the said Lot 5;
Thence south 44° 42' 40" east along the southwesterly limit of a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 126 Miscellaneous, a distance of 877 feet to an iron bar planted;
Thence south 38° 42' 20" west a distance of 500 feet to an iron bar planted;
Thence north 44° 42' 40" west a distance of 877 feet to an iron bar planted in the southeasterly limit of the road allowance between the said Lots 5 and 6;
Thence northeasterly along the southeasterly limit of the said road allowance, being also the northwesterly limit of the southwest half of the said Lot 5, a distance of 500 feet to the point of commencement.
O. Reg. 377/82, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Town of Oakville in the County of Halton, being that part of Lot 9 in Concession III, New Survey, designated as Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-5671.
O. Reg. 505/82, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being that part of Lot 6 in Concession II, South of Dundas Street, more particularly described as Part 1 on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-4059.
O. Reg. 704/82, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being that part of Lot 9 in Concession III, New Survey, designated as Parts 1 and 2 on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-4924.
O. Reg. 705/82, s. 2.
Schedule 57 Revoked: O. Reg. 27/86, s. 1.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Township of Trafalgar in the County of Halton, being that part of Lot 6 in Concession II, South of Dundas Street, designated as Part 1 on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-2992.
O. Reg. 706/82, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Town of Oakville in the County of Halton, being that part of Lot 21 in Concession II, North of Dundas Street and part of the road allowance between Lots 20 and 21 in the said Concession more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the southwesterly limit of the said Lot 21 and the northerly limit of the Fourth Line;
Thence north 44° 17' 15" west along that southwesterly limit 178.06 feet to a point;
Thence north 40° 35' 20" east 1,441.50 feet to a point in the northeasterly limit of the road allowance between the said Lots 20 and 21;
Thence south 44° 22' east along that northeasterly limit 503.80 feet to a point;
Thence south 40° 44' 40" west 1,220.48 feet to the northerly limit of the Fourth Line;
Thence north 80° 21' 30" west along that northerly limit 374.47 feet to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 707/82, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being that part of Lot 30 in Concession II, North of Dundas Street more particularly described as follows:
Premising that all bearings herein refer to the northeasterly limit of that part of the King’s Highway known as No. 25 as shown on a Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Land Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 836 having a bearing of north 44° 55' west;
Beginning at the northerly angle of the southeasterly half of the said Lot 30;
Thence south 43° 31' 50" east along the northeasterly limit of that Lot 43.84 metres to a point;
Thence south 9° 41' 20" west 181.82 metres to a point;
Thence south 9° 38' 20" west 295.6 metres to the easterly limit of the said Highway No. 25;
Thence northerly along the said easterly limit of the said Highway to the northwesterly limit of the said southeasterly half of the said Lot;
Thence north 37° 40' east along that northwesterly limit 87.61 metres to a point;
Thence north 38° 24' 30"east along that northwesterly limit 204.73 metres to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 88/83, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being that part of the easterly half of the northwesterly half of Lot 8 in Concession III of the New Survey more particularly described as follows:
Premising the road allowance between Concessions III and IV, New Survey, to have a bearing of north 44° 43' 30" west and relating all bearings herein thereto;
Commencing at a standard iron bar marking the easterly angle of the easterly half of the northwesterly half of the said Lot 8 and which iron bar is distant 307.5 metres measured southeasterly along the southwesterly limit of the road allowance between Concessions III and IV, New Survey, from the northerly angle of the said Lot 8;
Thence south 38° 45' west a distance of 91.4 metres to a point;
Thence north 44° 43' 30" west a distance of 45.7 metres to a point;
Thence north 38° 45' east a distance of 91.4 metres to a point in the said southwesterly limit of the said road allowance;
Thence south 44° 43' 30" east therealong a distance of 45.7 metres to the point of commencement.
O. Reg. 116/83, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being that part of Lot 23 in Concession II, North of Dundas Street, designated as Parts 1, 2 and 3 on a Plan filed in the Land Registry Office in the Land Titles Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-5735, expecting Part 1 as shown on a Plan filed in the said Land Registry Office as Number 20R-5958.
O. Reg. 136/83, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being those parts of Lots 24, 25 and 26 in Concession II, North of Dundas Street, in the former Township of Trafalgar, designated as Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 11 on a Plan of Reference deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-5373.
O. Reg. 356/83, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Oakville in The Regional Municipality of Halton, formerly in the Township of Trafalgar in the County of Halton, being that part of Lot 5 in Concession I, South of Dundas Street, more particularly described as follows:
Premising that the course of the road allowance between Lots 5 and 6, herein referred to as the Ninth Line, has a bearing of north 44° 55' west and relating all bearings herein thereto;
Commencing at a point in the northeasterly limit of the Ninth Line distant 27.13 metres measured southeasterly therealong from the most westerly angle of the said Lot 5;
Thence continuing southeasterly on the northeasterly limit of the Ninth Line a distance of 185.01 metres to a point;
Thence north 38°16' east a distance of 204.21 metres to a point;
Thence north 44° 45' west a distance of 200.25 metres to an iron bar planted in the southeast limit of King’s Highway No. 5 as widened by a Plan registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 1153;
Thence south 38° 16' west along the southeast limit of the said Registered Plan a distance of 189.0 metres to a point;
Thence south 3° 20' east 22.86 metres to the point of commencement.
Save and except that part of the said Lot 5 designated as Part 1 on a Reference Plan deposited in the said Land Registry Office as Number 20R-3553.
O. Reg. 363/83, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being that part of Lot 10 in Concession II, New Survey, more particularly described as follows:
Premising that the bearings shown herein are referred to the southwesterly limit of the King’s Highway No. 25 as north 44° 16' 10" west;
Commencing at the northerly angle of the said Lot 10;
Thence south 39° 05' west along the northerly limit of that Lot 8.287 metres to a point;
Thence south 44° 16' 10" east 8.287 metres to the place of beginning;
Thence south 44° 16' 10" east along the westerly limit of the said Highway 73.798 metres to a point;
Thence south 38° 24' 10" west 55.592 metres to a point;
Thence north 69° 16' 10" west 77.925 metres to the southerly limit of Derry Road;
Thence north 0° 05' east 88.681 metres along the said southerly limit to the place of beginning.
O. Reg. 471/83, s. 2.
That parcel of land situate in the Town of Milton in The Regional Municipality of Halton, being that part of the southwest half of Lot 3 in Concession V designated as Part 1 on a Plan of Reference deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton (No. 20) as Number 20R-1804.
O. Reg. 635/83, s. 2.