O. Reg. 293/92: SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE AND COURT OF APPEAL - FEES, Administration of Justice Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. A.6
Administration of Justice Act
Amended to O. Reg. 10/05
Historical version for the period January 31, 2005 to June 6, 2005.
This is the English version of a bilingual regulation.
1. The following fees are payable, except in respect of proceedings to which section 1.2 applies:
1. |
On the issue of, |
i. a statement of claim or notice of action |
$181.00 | |
ii. a notice of application |
181.00 | |
iii. a third or subsequent party claim |
181.00 | |
iv. a statement of defence and counterclaim adding a party |
181.00 | |
v. a summons to a witness |
22.00 | |
vi. a certificate, other than a certificate of a search by the registrar required on an application for a certificate of appointment of estate trustee, and not more than five pages of copies of the Court document annexed |
22.00 | |
for each additional page |
2.00 | |
vii. a commission |
44.00 | |
viii. a writ of execution |
55.00 | |
ix. a notice of garnishment (including the filing of the notice with the sheriff) |
115.00 | |
2. |
On the signing of, |
i. an order directing a reference, except an order on requisition directing the assessment of a bill under the Solicitors Act |
235.00 | |
ii. an order on requisition directing the assessment of a bill under the Solicitors Act |
A. if obtained by a client |
75.00 | |
B. if obtained by a solicitor |
144.00 | |
iii. a notice of appointment for the assessment of costs under the Rules of Civil Procedure |
104.00 | |
3. |
On the filing of, |
i. a notice of intent to defend |
144.00 | |
ii. if no notice of intent to defend has been filed by the same party, a statement of defence, a defence to counterclaim, a defence to crossclaim or a third party defence |
144.00 | |
iii. a notice of appearance |
102.00 | |
iv. a notice of motion served on another party, a notice of motion without notice, a notice of motion for a consent order or a notice of motion for leave to appeal, other than a notice of motion in a family law appeal |
127.00 | |
v. a notice of return of motion, other than a notice of return of motion in a family law appeal |
127.00 | |
vi. in a family law appeal, a notice of motion served on another party, a notice of motion without notice, a notice of motion for a consent order or a notice of return of motion |
90.00 | |
vii. a notice of motion for leave to appeal in a family law case |
90.00 | |
viii. a requisition for signing of default judgment by registrar |
127.00 | |
ix. a trial record, for the first time only |
337.00 | |
x. a notice of appeal from an interlocutory order |
181.00 | |
xi. a notice of appeal to an appellate court of a final order of a small claims court |
104.00 | |
xii. a notice of appeal to an appellate court of a final order of any court or tribunal, other than the Small Claims Court or the Consent and Capacity Board |
259.00 | |
xiii. a request to redeem or request for sale |
104.00 | |
xiv. an affidavit under section 11 of the Bulk Sales Act |
75.00 | |
xv. a jury notice in a civil proceeding |
104.00 | |
4. |
For obtaining an appointment with a registrar for settlement of an order |
104.00 |
5. |
For perfecting an appeal |
201.00 |
6. |
For the making up and forwarding of papers, documents and exhibits |
75.00 and the transportation costs |
7. |
For making copies of documents, |
i. not requiring certification, per page |
2.00 | |
ii. requiring certification, per page |
4.00 | |
8. |
For the inspection of a court file, |
i. by a solicitor or party in the proceeding |
No charge | |
ii. by a person who has entered into an agreement with the Attorney General for the bulk inspection of court files, per file |
4.00 | |
iii. by any other person, per file |
32.00 | |
9. |
For the retrieval from storage of a court file |
61.00 |
10. |
For the taking of an affidavit or declaration by a commissioner for taking affidavits |
13.00 |
11. |
For a settlement conference under rule 77.14 of the Rules of Civil Procedure |
127.00 |
O. Reg. 10/05, s. 1.
1.1 (1) If a minor or other person under disability is entitled to receive a payment or payments under a multi-provincial/territorial assistance program agreement between Ontario and a person who has been infected with the human immunodeficiency virus through the receipt by transfusion of blood or a blood product, no fee is payable for the issue of a notice of application under Rule 7.08 of the Rules of Civil Procedure on behalf of the minor or other person under disability, and subparagraph ii of paragraph 1 of section 1 does not apply. O. Reg. 272/94, s. 1; O. Reg. 136/04, s. 2.
(2) Where before the coming into force of this Regulation an applicant on behalf of a minor or other person under disability has paid a fee for the issue of a notice of application referred to in subsection (1), the fee shall be refunded to the applicant. O. Reg. 272/94, s. 1.
1.2 (1) The following fees are payable in respect of proceedings that are governed by Ontario Regulation 114/99 (Family Law Rules), except for proceedings under rule 38 (appeals), to which section 1 applies:
1. |
On the filing of an application |
$157.00 |
2. |
On the filing of an answer, other than an answer referred to in item 3 |
125.00 |
3. |
On the filing of an answer where the answer includes a request for a divorce by a respondent |
157.00 |
4. |
On the placing of an application on the list for hearing |
280.00 |
5. |
On the issue of a summons to a witness |
19.00 |
6. |
On the issue of a certificate with not more than five pages of copies of the Court document annexed |
19.00 |
For each additional page |
2.00 | |
7. |
For making copies of documents, |
i. not requiring certification, per page |
2.00 | |
ii. requiring certification, per page |
3.50 | |
8. |
For making up and forwarding papers, documents and exhibits |
65.00 and the transportation costs |
O. Reg. 136/04, s. 3.
(2) Despite subsection (1), no fees are payable for the filing of an application, the filing of an answer or the placing of an application on the list for hearing in respect of,
(a) proceedings under the Children’s Law Reform Act, the Family Law Act (except Parts I and II), the Family Responsibility and Support Arrears Enforcement Act, 1996, the Marriage Act or the Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act, 2002; or
(b) proceedings to enforce an order for support, custody or access made under any of these Acts. O. Reg. 136/04, s. 3.
2. (1) The following fees are payable in estate matters:
1. |
For a certificate of succeeding estate trustee or a certificate of estate trustee during litigation |
$75.00 |
2. |
For an application of an estate trustee to pass accounts, including all services in connection with it |
322.00 |
3. |
For a notice of objection to accounts |
69.00 |
4. |
For an application other than an application to pass accounts, including an application for proof of lost or destroyed will, a revocation of a certificate of appointment, an application for directions or the filing of a claim and notice of contestation |
173.00 |
5. |
For a notice of objection other than a notice of objection to accounts, including the filing of a notice of appearance |
69.00 |
6. |
For a request for notice of commencement of proceedings |
69.00 |
7. |
For the deposit of a will or codicil for safekeeping |
20.00 |
8. |
For an assessment of costs, including the certificate |
46.00 |
O. Reg. 10/05, s. 2.
(2) The fees set out in section 1 are payable in estate matters in addition to the fees set out in subsection (1). O. Reg. 293/92, s. 2.
3. (1) The following fees are payable in an action under the Construction Lien Act:
1. |
Where the claim, crossclaim, counterclaim or third party claim does not exceed $6,000, |
i. on the issuing of a statement of claim, crossclaim, counterclaim or third party claim |
$75.00 | |
2. |
Where the claim, crossclaim, counterclaim or third party claim exceeds $6,000, |
i. on the issuing of a statement of claim, crossclaim, counterclaim or third party claim |
181.00 | |
ii. on the filing of a statement of defence |
104.00 | |
iii. on the issuing of a certificate of action |
104.00 | |
iv. on the filing of a trial record |
339.00 |
O. Reg. 10/05, s. 3.
(2) The fees set out in section 1, except those in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of that section, are payable in an action under the Construction Lien Act in addition to the fees set out in subsection (1). O. Reg. 212/97, s. 2.
4. (1) The following fees are payable in respect of an application under the Repair and Storage Liens Act:
1. |
On the filing of, |
i. an application |
$184.00 | |
ii. a notice of objection |
104.00 | |
iii. a waiver of further claim and a receipt |
no charge | |
2. |
On the issuing of, |
i. an initial certificate |
104.00 | |
ii. a final certificate |
104.00 | |
iii. a writ of seizure |
55.00 |
O. Reg. 10/05, s. 4.
(2) The fees set out in section 1, except those in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of that section, are payable in an action under the Repair and Storage Liens Act in addition to the fees set out in subsection (1). O. Reg. 212/97, s. 3.
5. (1) The following fees are payable to an official examiner:
1. |
For the appointment, for each person examined |
$9.50 |
2. |
For the provision of facilities, for the first two hours or part |
32.00 |
For each additional hour or part |
16.00 | |
3. |
For a reporter’s attendance, for the first two hours or part |
40.00 |
For each additional hour or part |
20.00 | |
4. |
For the transcript of an examination, per page, regardless of the party ordering, |
i. for one copy of the first transcript ordered |
4.00 | |
ii. for one copy of each transcript ordered after the reporter has satisfied the order for a transcript described in subparagraph i |
3.40 | |
iii. for each additional copy ordered before the reporter has satisfied the order for a transcript described in subparagraph i or ii |
.80 | |
5. |
For handling costs, per invoice |
5.50 |
6. |
For cancellation of or failure to keep an appointment, with less than three working days notice, |
i. for the cancellation or failure to attend |
11.50 | |
ii. for the first two hours or part reserved for the appointment |
72.00 | |
iii. for each additional hour or part reserved for the appointment |
36.00 |
O. Reg. 212/97, s. 4.
(2) The official examiner shall be paid, in addition to the fees set out in subsection (1), a travelling allowance in accordance with Regulation 11 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 for attendance out of the office. O. Reg. 293/92, s. 5 (2).
(3) If a party requires a transcript within five working days of placing the order for the transcript, the party shall pay the official examiner 75 cents per page, in addition to the fee set out in paragraph iv of subsection (1). O. Reg. 293/92, s. 5 (3).
(4) If a party requires a transcript within two working days of placing the order for the transcript, the party shall pay the official examiner $1.50 per page, in addition to the fee set out in paragraph iv of subsection (1). O. Reg. 293/92, s. 5 (4).
(5) If more than one party requires a transcript as described in subsection (3) or (4), only the first party to place the order shall be required to pay the additional fee.
Note: A solicitor who is charged more than the amounts provided in section 5 of this Regulation or who receives a transcript that does not substantially conform with Rule 4.09 of the Rules of Civil Procedure should notify the Assistant Deputy Minister, Courts Administration Division, Ministry of the Attorney General, in writing.
O. Reg. 293/92, s. 5 (5).
6. Omitted (revokes other Regulations). O. Reg. 293/92, s. 6.