O. Reg. 835/93: REGISTRATION, Occupational Therapy Act, 1991, S.O. 1991, c. 33
Occupational Therapy Act, 1991
Loi de 1991 sur les ergothérapeutes
Amended to O. Reg. 122/01
Note: This Regulation was revoked on April 25, 2001. See: O. Reg. 122/01, s. 2.
This Regulation is made in English only.
1. The following are prescribed as classes of certificates of registration:
1. General practising certificate.
2. Provisional practising certificate.
. . . . .
4. Temporary certificate. O. Reg. 835/93, s. 1; O. Reg. 228/96, s. 1.
2. (1) A person may apply for the issue of a certificate of registration by submitting a completed application in the form approved by the College to the Registrar together with the initial application fee.
(2) The initial application fee is $75.
(3) When eligibility for registration has been determined, the name of the person will be entered onto the register and a certificate will be issued upon payment of the required registration fee for the appropriate class. O. Reg. 835/93, s. 2.
3. (1) The following are registration requirements for a certificate of registration of any class:
1. The applicant has not been found guilty of a criminal offence or an offence related to the regulation of the practice of occupational therapy.
2. Where the applicant has been registered or licensed in Ontario in another health profession or in another jurisdiction in occupational therapy or another health profession, the applicant has not been the subject of a finding of professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity.
3. Where the applicant is registered in Ontario in another health profession or is registered or licensed in another jurisdiction in occupational therapy or another health profession, the applicant is not the subject of any current professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity proceeding.
3.1 Nothing in the applicant’s previous conduct affords reasonable grounds for the belief that he or she lacks the knowledge, skill or judgment to practise safely and ethically.
4. The applicant must be able to speak and write either English or French with reasonable fluency.
5. The applicant must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada or authorized under the Immigration Act (Canada) to engage in employment as an occupational therapist. O. Reg. 835/93, s. 3 (1); O. Reg. 118/94, s. 1 (1).
(2) It is a condition of a certificate of registration of any class that the member shall provide the College with details of any of the following that relate to the member and that occur or arise after the registration of the member:
1. A finding of guilt in relation to a criminal offence or an offence related to the regulation of the practice of occupational therapy.
2. A finding of professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity, in Ontario in relation to another health profession or in another jurisdiction in relation to occupational therapy or another health profession.
3. A proceeding for professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity, in Ontario in relation to another profession or in another jurisdiction in relation to occupational therapy or another health profession. O. Reg. 835/93, s. 3 (2); O. Reg. 118/94, s. 1 (2); O. Reg. 228/96, s. 2.
(3) If the member ceases to be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada or ceases to be authorized under the Immigration Act (Canada) to engage in employment as an occupational therapist, the member’s certificate of registration shall be revoked.
(4) An applicant shall be deemed not to have satisfied the requirements for a certificate of registration if the applicant made a false or misleading statement or representation in his or her application. O. Reg. 835/93, s. 3 (3, 4).
General Practising Certificate of Registration
4. (1) The following are non-exemptible registration requirements for a general practising certificate of registration:
1. The applicant must have,
i. a degree in Occupational Therapy described in Schedule 1 or an academic qualification considered equivalent by the College from a program or institution outside Ontario, or
ii. a diploma in Occupational Therapy granted not later than 1973 by the University of Toronto or a diploma in Occupational Therapy granted not later than 1968 by the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapy.
2. The applicant must have completed a minimum of 1,000 hours fieldwork or clinical practicum approved by the College.
3. Where the applicant completes the requirements in paragraphs 1 and 2 more than eighteen months before the date the application is made, evidence of one of the following must be provided,
i. completion of at least 750 hours of service within the scope of practice of the profession in the three years prior to the application date,
ii. completion of at least 1,550 hours of service within the scope of practice of the profession in the five years prior to the application date, or
iii. successful completion of a refresher or upgrading program approved by the College within the previous eighteen months.
4. The applicant must provide evidence satisfactory to the Registrar that he or she has professional liability insurance that includes a sexual abuse therapy and counselling fund endorsement that,
i. provides coverage for funding for therapy and counselling for every person eligible for funding under clause 85.7 (4) (a) of the Health Professions Procedural Code on the basis of a finding by a panel of the Discipline Committee that the person, while a patient, was sexually abused by the applicant, and
ii. provides coverage, in respect of each such eligible person, for the maximum amount of funding that may be provided for the person under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 for therapy and counselling as a result of sexual abuse by the applicant. O. Reg. 835/93, s. 4 (1); O. Reg. 224/95, s. 1 (1); O. Reg. 228/96, s. 3 (1).
(1.1) For the purpose of subparagraph i of paragraph 1 of subsection (1), an academic qualification is equivalent if the curriculum includes courses within the basic sciences, the behavioral sciences, the clinical sciences, the managerial sciences and occupational therapy theory, practice and fieldwork. O. Reg. 228/96, s. 3 (2).
(2) It is a registration requirement for a general practising certificate of registration that the applicant must have successfully completed the examination set by or approved by the College. O. Reg. 835/93, s. 4 (2).
(3) The following are conditions of a general practising certificate of registration:
1. The member shall practise the profession only if he or she,
i. has completed at least 750 hours of service within the scope of practice of the profession in the previous three years,
ii. has completed at least 1,550 hours of service within the scope of practice of the profession in the previous five years, or
iii. has, within the previous 18 months, successfully completed a refresher course approved by the College.
2. The member shall have professional liability insurance that includes a sexual abuse therapy and counselling endorsement that provides the coverage described in paragraph 4 of subsection (1) and shall, on request, provide evidence of such insurance to the Registrar.
(4) The condition set out in paragraph 1 of subsection (3) does not apply to members for the first 18 months after their graduation. O. Reg. 224/95, s. 1 (2).
(5) Despite subsection (1), an applicant for a general practising certificate of registration who applies no later than one year after the day this Regulation comes into force may be issued the certificate if the applicant meets the following non-exemptible registration requirements:
1. The applicant must hold a degree or diploma in Occupational Therapy from a school approved by the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists or the World Federation of Occupational Therapists.
2. The applicant must satisfy one of the following requirements:
i. The applicant is practising as an occupational therapist in Ontario on the date of application.
ii. The applicant has,
A. practised as an occupational therapist in Ontario,
B. completed at least 750 hours of service within the scope of practice of the profession in the previous three years or at least 1,550 hours of service within the scope of practice of the profession in the previous five years, and
C. provided satisfactory evidence of an offer of employment or detailed plans about commencing practice as a self-employed occupational therapist in Ontario within one year after the day this Regulation comes into force.
(6) A member who qualified for a general practising certificate of registration under subsection (5) has two years from the date his or her certificate is issued to satisfy the condition in subsection (3). O. Reg. 835/93, s. 4 (5, 6).
Provisional Practising Certificate of Registration
5. (1) The following are non-exemptible registration requirements for a provisional practising certificate of registration:
1. The applicant must,
i. have a degree in Occupational Therapy described in Schedule 1 or an academic qualification considered equivalent by the College from a program or institution outside Ontario, or be found by the Registration Committee to require minimal educational upgrading to achieve an equivalent status, or
ii. have a diploma in Occupational Therapy granted not later than 1973 by the University of Toronto or a diploma in Occupational Therapy granted not later than 1968 by the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapy.
2. The applicant must have completed a minimum of 1,000 hours fieldwork or clinical practicum approved by the College.
3. Where the applicant completes the requirements in paragraphs 1 and 2 more than eighteen months before the date the application is made, evidence of one of the following must be provided,
i. completion of at least 750 hours of service within the scope of practice of the profession in the three years prior to the application date,
ii. completion of at least 1,550 hours of service within the scope of practice of the profession in the five years prior to the application date,
iii. successful completion within the previous eighteen months of a refresher or upgrading program approved by the College.
4. The applicant must be employed by, or have an appointment with, an Ontario institution described in Schedule 2, a private organization where registered general practising therapists are employed or are available to supervise the member or must have an offer of such employment or appointment.
5. The applicant must provide evidence satisfactory to the Registrar that he or she has professional liability insurance that includes a sexual abuse therapy and counselling fund endorsement that,
i. provides coverage for funding for therapy and counselling for every person eligible for funding under clause 85.7 (4) (a) of the Health Professions Procedural Code on the basis of a finding by a panel of the Discipline Committee that the person, while a patient, was sexually abused by the applicant, and
ii. provides coverage, in respect of each such eligible person, for the maximum amount of funding that may be provided for the person under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 for therapy and counselling as a result of sexual abuse by the applicant. O. Reg. 835/93, s. 5 (1); O. Reg. 118/94, s. 2; O. Reg. 224/95, s. 2 (1); O. Reg. 228/96, s. 4 (1).
(1.1) For the purpose of subparagraph i of paragraph 1 of subsection (1), an academic qualification is equivalent if the curriculum includes courses within the basic sciences, the behavioral sciences, the clinical sciences, the managerial sciences and occupational therapy theory, practice and fieldwork. O. Reg. 228/96, s. 4 (2).
(2) The following are registration requirements for a provisional practising certificate of registration:
1. The applicant must be eligible to write the examination set by or approved by the College.
2. The applicant must sign an undertaking with the College to complete any additional requirements that may be required by the Registration Committee. O. Reg. 835/93, s. 5 (2).
(3) The following are conditions of a provisional practising certificate of registration:
1. The member shall practise the profession under the supervision of an occupational therapist holding a general practising certificate of registration and, if required by the College, the member shall practise the profession only within the scope of his or her employment by, or appointment with, the institution set out in the certificate.
2. The member’s certificate of registration is automatically revoked on its second anniversary.
3. A member may be issued a general practising certificate of registration if, within two years of being issued a provisional practising certificate of registration, the member,
i. passes the examination set or approved by the Council,
ii. successfully completes any requirements that the Registration Committee may require, or
iii. if requested by the Registration Committee, meets the requirements of subparagraphs i and ii.
4. The member shall have professional liability insurance that includes a sexual abuse therapy and counselling endorsement that provides the coverage described in paragraph 5 of subsection (1) and shall, on request, provide evidence of such insurance to the Registrar. O. Reg. 835/93, s. 5 (3); O. Reg. 224/95, s. 2 (2).
(4) Despite subsection (1), an applicant for a provisional practising certificate of registration who applies within one year after the day this Regulation comes into force may be issued the certificate if the applicant meets the following non-exemptible registration requirements:
1. The applicant must hold a degree or diploma in occupational therapy from a school approved by the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists or the World Federation of Occupational Therapists.
2. The applicant must have practised as an occupational therapist in Ontario.
3. The applicant must provide satisfactory evidence of an offer of employment or detailed plans about commencing practice as a self-employed occupational therapist in Ontario within one year after the day this Regulation comes into force.
(5) A person who qualified for a provisional practising certificate under subsection (4) shall be issued a general practising certificate of registration if, in addition to meeting the requirements of paragraph 3 of subsection (3), the person satisfactorily completes a clinical practice review.
(6) A member who qualifies for a general practising certificate of registration under paragraph 3 of subsection (3) or under subsection (5) has two years from the date his or her general certificate is issued to satisfy the condition in subsection 4 (3). O. Reg. 835/93, s. 5 (4-6).
6. Revoked: O. Reg. 228/96, s. 5.
Temporary Certificate of Registration
7. (1) The following are registration requirements for a temporary certificate of registration:
1. The applicant must hold a valid certificate of registration as an occupational therapist in another jurisdiction with education and clinical requirements equivalent to those of the College.
2. The applicant must have an offer of employment or appointment, which does not exceed four months, in an Ontario institution described in Schedule 2 or a private organization.
3. A general practising member has agreed to supervise the applicant and to be responsible for ensuring the provision of appropriate care for clients attended by the applicant in Ontario.
4. The applicant must provide evidence satisfactory to the Registrar that he or she has professional liability insurance that includes a sexual abuse therapy and counselling fund endorsement that,
i. provides coverage for funding for therapy and counselling for every person eligible for funding under clause 85.7 (4) (a) of the Health Professions Procedural Code on the basis of a finding by a panel of the Discipline Committee that the person, while a patient, was sexually abused by the applicant, and
ii. provides coverage, in respect of each such eligible person, for the maximum amount of funding that may be provided for the person under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 for therapy and counselling as a result of sexual abuse by the applicant. O. Reg. 835/93, s. 7 (1); O. Reg. 224/95, s. 3 (1).
(2) A temporary certificate of registration shall not be issued to a person for more than four months within a twelve-month period. O. Reg. 835/93, s. 7 (2).
(3) It is a condition of a general practising certificate of registration that the member shall have professional liability insurance that includes a sexual abuse therapy and counselling endorsement that provides the coverage described in paragraph 4 of subsection (1) and shall, on request, provide evidence of such insurance to the Registrar. O. Reg. 224/95, s. 3 (2).
Relating to Suspension and Revocation of a Certificate
8. (1) Where the Registrar has suspended a member’s certificate of registration for failure to pay a prescribed fee, the suspension may be lifted on payment of,
(a) the fee the member failed to pay;
(b) the fee that would have been payable had the member’s certificate not been suspended; and
(c) any applicable penalties.
(2) Where the Registrar has suspended a member’s certificate of registration for failure to pay a prescribed fee, and the suspension remains in effect for a period of two years, the certificate is automatically revoked.
(3) A member whose certificate of registration was revoked under subsection (2) and who applies to be reinstated is required to satisfy the requirements for the class of certificate for which reinstatement is sought and to pay the application fee and the annual fee payable for the year in which the member wishes to be reinstated. O. Reg. 835/93, s. 8.
University |
Degree Granted |
University of Western Ontario |
B.Sc. (Occupational Therapy) |
McMaster University |
B.H.Sc. (Occupational Therapy) |
Queen’s University |
B.Sc. (Occupational Therapy) |
University of Ottawa |
B.Sc. (Occupational Therapy) |
University of Toronto |
B.Sc. (Occupational Therapy) |
O. Reg. 835/93, Sched. 1.
Post secondary educational institutions |
Boards under the Education Act |
Public Hospitals under the Public Hospitals Act |
Psychiatric Facilities under the Mental Health Act |
Designated Institutions under the Mental Hospitals Act |
Approved Charitable Homes for the Aged under the Charitable Institutions Act |
Nursing Homes under the Nursing Homes Act |
Homes for the Aged under the Homes for the Aged and Rest Homes Act |
Boards of Health under the Health Protection and Promotion Act |
Agencies, Boards or Commissions of the Government of Ontario |
Independent Health Facilities under the Independent Health Facilities Act |
Institutions funded by the Minister as community health centres, health service organizations or comprehensive health organizations. |
O. Reg. 835/93, Sched. 2; O. Reg. 118/94, s. 3.