O. Reg. 345/96: APPOINTMENTS, Under: Ontario College of Teachers Act, 1996, S.O. 1996, c. 12
Today, February 14, 2025, current consolidated laws on e-Laws are current (up-to-date) to February 11, 2025 (e-Laws currency date).
Ontario College of Teachers Act, 1996
Consolidation Period: From August 6, 2021 to the e-Laws currency date.
Last amendment: 567/21.
Legislative History: 83/03, 121/15, 92/17, 567/21.
This is the English version of a bilingual regulation.
1. In this Regulation,
“roster” has the same meaning as in Ontario Regulation 563/21 (General) made under the Act. O. Reg. 567/21, s. 2.
Members of Council
2. (1) The Lieutenant Governor in Council shall appoint persons under clause 4 (2) (b) of the Act who are, in the opinion of the Lieutenant Governor in Council, able to represent the public interest and the interests of the education community. O. Reg. 567/21, s. 2.
(2) In appointing persons under subsection (1), the Lieutenant Governor in Council may consider the list of nominees prepared by the Selection and Nominating Subcommittee under clause 15.2 (4) (b) of the Act. O. Reg. 567/21, s. 2.
(3) The Lieutenant Governor in Council shall ensure that at least one member of the Council appointed under clause 4 (2) (b) of the Act is Francophone and at least one member identifies as an Indigenous person. O. Reg. 567/21, s. 2.
(4) A person is ineligible to be appointed to Council if the person has been a member of the Council, a regulatory committee, a roster or a statutory committee for a combined total of six consecutive years, or seven consecutive years if the person’s appointment is extended under subsection 5 (2) of the Act, unless at least three years have elapsed since the end of the person’s last term as of the day the term would start. O. Reg. 567/21, s. 2.
(5) In this section,
“Indigenous peoples” includes the First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples within Canada; (“peuples autochtones”)
“Indigenous person” means an individual who forms part of the Indigenous peoples. (“Autochtone”) O. Reg. 567/21, s. 2.
Term of office, members of Council
3. A person appointed under clause 4 (2) (b) of the Act shall hold office for the term specified in the appointment or as determined in accordance with subsection 5 (2) of the Act. O. Reg. 567/21, s. 2.
Roster of eligible panellists
4. (1) A person is eligible to be appointed under clause 17 (4) (b) of the Act if the person meets both of the following criteria:
1. The person is, in the opinion of the Lieutenant Governor in Council, able to represent the public interest and the interests of the education community.
2. If the person is a member of the College, as of the day the term would start, the person would not have been employed, or held an elected or appointed position, at the provincial or local level, in any organization listed in Schedule 1 to Ontario Regulation 563/21 (General) made under the Act within the immediately preceding three years. O. Reg. 567/21, s. 2.
(2) In appointing persons under subsection (1), the Lieutenant Governor in Council may consider the list of nominees prepared by the Selection and Nominating Subcommittee under clause 15.2 (4) (e) of the Act. O. Reg. 567/21, s. 2.
(3) A person is ineligible to be appointed under clause 17 (4) (b) of the Act if the person has been a member of the Council, a regulatory committee, a roster or a statutory committee for a combined total of six consecutive years, or seven consecutive years if the person’s appointment is extended under subsection 5 (2) of the Act, unless at least three years have elapsed since the end of the person’s last term as of the day the term would start. O. Reg. 567/21, s. 2.
Term of office, panellists
5. A person appointed under clause 17 (4) (b) of the Act shall hold office for the term specified in the appointment. O. Reg. 567/21, s. 2.
Oath or affirmation
6. A person appointed under clause 17 (4) (b) of the Act shall take the oath or affirmation required under section 33 of Ontario Regulation 563/21 (General) made under the Act. O. Reg. 567/21, s. 2.
Appointment of Chair
7. (1) The Council shall appoint a Chair of the Council. O. Reg. 567/21, s. 2.
(2) In appointing a Chair, the Council shall consider the recommendations of the Selection and Nominating Subcommittee made under clause 15.2 (4) (d) of the Act. O. Reg. 567/21, s. 2.
(3) The Chair of the Council shall not concurrently be appointed as Chair of a subcommittee of the Council. O. Reg. 567/21, s. 2.
Term of office, Chair
8. The term of office for the Chair of Council shall be one year. O. Reg. 567/21, s. 2.
Duties of Chair
9. (1) The Chair of the Council may vote at meetings of the Council, subject to section 34 of Ontario Regulation 563/21 (General) made under the Act. O. Reg. 567/21, s. 2.
(2) The duties of the Chair of the Council are limited to the following:
1. Providing leadership to the Council by,
i. guiding the Council in carrying out its responsibilities, and working collaboratively with the Registrar,
ii. leading orderly deliberation and decision-making on matters before the Council, and
iii. acting as the liaison between the Council and the Registrar.
2. Managing meetings by,
i. calling and presiding over meetings,
ii. approving meeting agendas and meeting dates,
iii. ensuring that meeting agendas reflect matters assigned to the Council in accordance with the Act or the regulations,
iv. ensuring that minutes are taken at each meeting, reviewing and approving minutes at subsequent meetings and signing the minutes once approved,
v. directing members of the Council who have made a conflict of interest declaration to leave the meeting when the issue in question is being discussed, and
vi. providing reports for inclusion in the annual report and for presentation to the annual meeting of members. O. Reg. 567/21, s. 2.