O. Reg. 104/97: STANDARDS FOR BRIDGES, Under: Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.50
Today, February 14, 2025, current consolidated laws on e-Laws are current (up-to-date) to February 11, 2025 (e-Laws currency date).
Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act
Loi sur l’aménagement des voies publiques et des transports en commun
ontario REGULATION 104/97
Consolidation Period: From December 6, 2010 to the e-Laws currency date.
Last amendment: 472/10.
Legislative History: 160/02, 278/06, 472/10.
This Regulation is made in English only.
1. In this Regulation,
“Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code” means the “Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code” designated as CAN/CSA-S6-06 published by the Canadian Standards Association and the “Commentary on CAN/CSA-S6-06, Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code” published by the Canadian Standards Association, as amended from time to time;
“evaluation” has the meaning set out in the General Technical Definitions of the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code;
“Ontario Structure Inspection Manual” means the “Ontario Structure Inspection Manual (OSIM)”, published by the Ministry and dated October 2000 (revised November 2003 and April 2008), as amended from time to time and available from the Ministry;
“professional engineer” means a person who holds a licence or a temporary licence issued under the Professional Engineers Act to engage in the practice of professional engineering, but does not include a person who holds a limited licence issued under that Act;
“rehabilitation” has the meaning set out in the General Technical Definitions of the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code;
“Structural Manual” means the “Structural Manual” published by the Ministry and dated April 2008, as amended from time to time and available from the Ministry. O. Reg. 104/97, s. 1; O. Reg. 160/02, s. 1; O. Reg. 278/06, s. 1; O. Reg. 472/10, s. 1.
2. (1) Where any person undertakes or causes to be undertaken the design, evaluation, construction or rehabilitation of a bridge, the design, evaluation, construction or rehabilitation shall conform to,
(a) the standards set out in the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code; and
(b) the most current accepted engineering standards, guidelines, procedures and practices. O. Reg. 472/10, s. 2.
(2) Despite clause (1) (a), if there is a conflict or inconsistency between a standard set out in the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code and a standard set out in Division 1 of the Structural Manual entitled “Exceptions to the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code”, the design, evaluation, construction or rehabilitation of a bridge shall, instead of conforming to the standard set out in the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code, conform to the standard set out in Division 1 of the Structural Manual. O. Reg. 472/10, s. 2.
(3) The structural integrity, safety and condition of every bridge shall be determined through the performance of at least one inspection in every second calendar year under the direction of a professional engineer and in accordance with the Ontario Structure Inspection Manual. O. Reg. 472/10, s. 2.
(4) For greater certainty, the inspection referred to in subsection (3) may be performed at any time in the calendar year, regardless of when in a prior calendar year the previous inspection was performed. O. Reg. 472/10, s. 2.
(5) Despite subsection (3), the inspection of a bridge may vary from the Ontario Structure Inspection Manual if,
(a) the variation is not a marked departure from the Ontario Structure Inspection Manual; and
(b) the variation does not adversely affect the safety and mobility of people and goods. O. Reg. 472/10, s. 2.
3. Every bridge shall be kept safe and in good repair. O. Reg. 104/97, s. 3.
4. Omitted (provides for coming into force of provisions of this Regulation). O. Reg. 104/97, s. 4.