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filed February 16, 2000 under Insurance Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. I.8
Skip to contentONTARIO REGULATION 113/00
made under the
Insurance Act
Made: February 16, 2000
Filed: February 16, 2000
Amending Reg. 664 of R.R.O. 1990
(Automobile Insurance)
1. (1) Subsection 16 (7) of Regulation 664 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 is amended by,
(a) striking out “Spouses” in paragraph 1 and substituting “Spouses and same–sex partners”;
(b) striking out “spouses” in the portion of paragraph 2 before subparagraph i and substituting “spouses or same–sex partners”; and
(c) striking out “spouse” in subparagraph 2 i and substituting “spouse or same–sex partner”.
(2) Subsection 16 (8) of the Regulation is amended by adding the following definition:
“same–sex partner” means either of two persons of the same sex who are living together in a conjugal relationship outside marriage, if they have lived together,
(a) continuously for a period of at least one year, or
(b) in a relationship of some permanence, if they are the natural or adoptive parents of a child or if each of them has demonstrated a settled intention to treat a child as a child of his or her family.
2. This Regulation comes into force on the day section 31 of the Amendments Because of the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. Act, 1999 comes into force.