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filed February 18, 2000 under Education Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.2
Skip to contentONTARIO REGULATION 136/00
made under the
Made: February 16, 2000
Filed: February 18, 2000
Amending O. Reg. 20/98
(Education Development Charges — General)
1. Section 1 of Ontario Regulation 20/98 is amended by adding the following definition:
“growth–related net education capital cost” means the net education capital cost reasonably attributable to the need for such net education capital cost that is attributed to or will result from development in all or part of the area of jurisdiction of a board and, for the purpose of this definition, “net education capital cost” has the same meaning as in Part III of the Development Charges Act as that Act read on January 31, 1998. (“dépense en capital nette à fin scolaire liée à la croissance”)
2. Paragraph 2 of subsection 16.1 (2) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
2. The costs are growth–related net education capital costs.
3. (1) Subparagraph 1 ii of subsection 23 (3) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
ii. The costs are growth–related net education capital costs.
(2) Paragraph 2 of clause 23 (6) (b) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
2. The costs are growth–related net education capital costs.
(3) Section 23 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsection:
(6.0.1) Despite subsection (6), a board that has not passed a new education development charge by–law may use money from an education development charge reserve fund established under paragraph 1 of subsection (4) for a purpose set out in section 1 of Ontario Regulation 446/98 if,
(a) the money is used to fund costs related to school properties located in the area to which applied the successor board’s predecessor by–law for the account established under subsection (1); and
(b) the money is used to fund costs that are growth–related net education capital costs.