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filed October 4, 2004 under Mining Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.14
Skip to contentontario regulation 309/04
made under the
mining act
Made: September 30, 2004
Filed: October 4, 2004
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: October 23, 2004
Amending O. Reg. 6/96
(Assessment Work)
1. (1) Subsection 4 (1) of Ontario Regulation 6/96 is amended by striking out “Subject to sections 8 and 21” at the beginning and substituting “Subject to section 8”.
(2) Subsection 4 (2) of the Regulation is revoked.
2. (1) Subsection 6 (1) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
(1) All technical work reports must be filed in duplicate with the prescribed form and a statement of costs in the office designated by the Minister.
(2) Subsection 6 (2) of the Regulation is revoked.
(3) Clauses 6 (3) (f) and (g) of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:
(f) the assessment work is a duplication of work previously performed and reported;
(g) the data presented in the work report consists predominantly of expressions of opinion or of compilations of previously published material or previously accepted documents, or of both types of compilations; or
(h) the type of work reported or the cost claimed for assessment work credit is not eligible for assessment work credit.
(4) Subsection 6 (8) of the Regulation is revoked.
3. Section 9 of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
9. Prospecting work is eligible for assessment work credit if the holder of the claim submits,
(a) a report on good quality paper suitable for reproduction,
(i) identifying the mining land on which the survey was performed, its location and the means of access to it,
(ii) containing a key map showing the land surveyed in relation to identifiable topographic features and township boundaries or in relation to established survey lines, stations or markers,
(iii) providing a daily log describing in detail the nature and content of the work and the nature of rocks and mineralization observed during the performance of the work,
(iv) including all assays and analyses with their corresponding certificates,
(v) giving the names of the persons who performed the work, along with their signatures,
(vi) giving the date of completion of the report; and
(b) a legible, uncoloured plan of the mining claim, drawn in ink on durable paper at a scale between 1:100 and 1:5,000 and suitable for photographic reproduction, showing,
(i) the location and date of all traverses,
(ii) the location of all outcrops investigated and of rock types, mineralization and trenches,
(iii) a plan of sampling, clearly identifying the location of each sample by number, letter or grid coordinate designation,
(iv) the character of the overburden, including boulders, clay, gravel and sand,
(v) the distribution of swamp, muskeg and forest cover areas along all lines traversed,
(vi) lakes, streams and other notable topographic features, and railways, roads, trails, power lines, pipelines and buildings,
(vii) claim posts and boundary lines, township boundary lines, lot and concession lines, base lines, established survey lines, if any, and stations,
(viii) the mining claim, lease, patent or parcel numbers of all mining land covered by the survey,
(ix) a descriptive list of all symbols used, and
(x) a graphic or bar scale and the north direction and indicating whether the bearing is astronomic or magnetic.
4. Subsections 10 (1) and (2) of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:
(1) The types of physical work eligible for assessment work credit are,
(a) manual and mechanical overburden stripping;
(b) bedrock trenching;
(c) open cutting;
(d) digging pits; and
(e) recutting boundary claim lines once every five years.
(2) Physical work submitted for assessment work credit must be supported by,
(a) a report on good quality paper suitable for reproduction,
(i) identifying the mining land on which the work was performed, its location and the means of access to it,
(ii) stating the purpose for which the physical work was performed,
(iii) containing a key map showing the land worked in relation to identifiable topographic features and township boundaries or established survey lines, stations or markers,
(iv) providing a daily log describing in detail the nature and content of the work and the observations made during the performance of the work, the nature of rocks and mineralization exposed, as well as the type of equipment used, the dates and hours of use of the equipment, the dates and hours worked by the equipment operator and the hourly rates for equipment use and for the operator,
(v) including all assays and analyses with their corresponding certificates,
(vi) giving the name of the person who prepared the report, his or her signature and the date of completion of the report, and
(vii) if there is any recutting of the boundary lines, identifying which claim lines were cut;
(b) a legible, uncoloured plan of the mining claim, drawn in ink on durable paper at a scale between 1:100 and 1:5,000 and suitable for photographic reproduction, showing,
(i) the location of trenches and stripped areas in relation to the land disposition boundaries,
(ii) lakes, streams and other notable topographic features, and railways, roads, trails, power lines, pipelines and buildings,
(iii) claim posts and boundary lines, township boundary lines, lot and concession lines, base lines, established survey lines, if any, and grid stations,
(iv) the mining claim, leases, patent or parcel numbers of all mining land covered by the work,
(v) a graphic or bar scale and the north direction and indicating whether the bearing is astronomic or magnetic, and
(vi) if there is any recutting of claim boundary lines, the location of the claim lines cut, claim posts and topographic features; and
(c) a legible, uncoloured, detailed plan of each of the workings, drawn in ink on durable paper at a scale between 1:10 and 1:500 and suitable for photographic reproduction,
(i) showing the dimensions of the workings, trenches and stripping and clearly identifying areas previously worked, if applicable, and new surface stripping, bedrock trenching and known rock outcrops,
(ii) showing the nature of the rocks and mineralization exposed during the performance of the work,
(iii) clearly identifying the location of each sample by number, letter or grid coordinate designation,
(iv) showing a graphic or bar scale and the north direction and indicating whether the bearing is astronomic or magnetic, and
(v) showing a descriptive list of all symbols used.
5. Subsection 11 (3) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
(3) Any geotechnical report submitted for assessment work credit must be accompanied by a legible, uncoloured map or plan on durable paper or transparencies, suitable for reproduction, that uses a scale between 1:10 and 1:5,000 or, in the case of a regional survey, between 1:5,000 and 1:250,000 and shows,
(a) traverse lines that have been run;
(b) a graphic or bar scale and the north direction and indicates whether the bearing is astronomic or magnetic;
(c) lakes, streams and other notable topographic features, and railways, roads, trails, power lines, pipelines and buildings;
(d) claim posts and boundary lines, township boundary lines, lot and concession lines, base lines, picket lines and traverse lines;
(e) survey stations and markers in relation to topographic features;
(f) grid coordinate lines established for reference purposes;
(g) the mining claim, lease, patent or parcel numbers of all mining land covered by the survey;
(h) the printed name of the author of the accompanying report;
(i) a plan of sampling clearly identifying the location of each sample by number, letter or grid coordinate designation; and
(j) a descriptive list of all symbols used.
6. Subsection 12 (1) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “and” at the end of clause (d), by adding “and” at the end of clause (e) and by adding the following clause:
(f) give the number of days spent in the field and the names of the persons who performed the geological mapping, including a statement of their qualifications.
7. (1) Subsection 14 (1) of the Regulation is amended by adding the following clause:
(e.1) in cases of underwater geophysical data, specify the method of navigation or ground control related to data recovery;
(2) Subsection 14 (2) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “and” at the end of clause (f) and by adding the following clauses:
(h) show recovered tracks and sub-bottom information, if available, for underwater geophysics; and
(i) provide a plan showing the projection of the drill hole to surface with the loop configuration, and a drill hole section for a down hole survey.
8. (1) Subsections 16 (1), (2) and (3) of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:
(1) Exploratory drilling by core or non-core method, including diamond or core drilling, and other drilling such as percussion, reverse circulation and auger drilling, are eligible for assessment work credit if the holder of the mining land submits a typewritten report on the drilling, the drill hole logs, the drilling plan and a drill hole section.
(2) The report must be suitable for photographic reproduction, and,
(a) indicate the number of holes drilled and the total length of drilling;
(b) identify the mining land on which the work was performed, its location and the means of access to it;
(c) contain a key map showing the land worked in relation to identifiable topographic features and township boundaries or established survey lines, stations or markers;
(d) give the name of the author of the report and the names and addresses of the persons who supervised the work;
(e) give a summary of the exploration and development work performed on the land;
(f) give the date of completion of the report; and
(g) contain a list of references or a bibliography.
(3) The drill hole logs must be on durable paper suitable for photographic reproduction, and,
(a) identify the hole by number;
(b) give the mining claim numbers or mining land numbers on which the hole is drilled;
(c) indicate the location of the drill hole collar in relation to the grid line coordinates, claim posts and identifiable geographic reference points;
(d) indicate the angle and azimuth of the hole;
(e) indicate the size of the core, or the diameter of the drill hole if bored other than by core drilling;
(f) state the start and completion dates of the drilling;
(g) state the name of the drill contractor;
(h) state the storage location of the core or drill sample material;
(i) indicate the thickness of overburden in the core drilling holes;
(j) adequately describe all geological units encountered in terms of their thickness, composition, colour, textures, structure, grain size, degree of sorting, mineralization and alteration, as appropriate;
(k) indicate the total depth of penetration of the drill hole in bedrock and unconsolidated material;
(l) indicate the location and type of all samples taken for assay or physical tests;
(m) state the date of completion of the log;
(n) contain the printed name of the author of the log;
(o) provide a legend of all symbols or abbreviations used in the logs;
(p) include assay values for sections assayed with appropriate certificates;
(q) be signed by the author of the report or core logger; and
(r) for overburden drilling designated specifically to sample unconsolidated materials, describe the stratigraphy of the materials encountered as to type of material, thickness, colour, textures, structure, grain size, degree of sorting and mineralization, and describe the type of bedrock penetrated, if reached.
(3.1) The drilling plan must be on durable paper suitable for photographic reproduction, and,
(a) be at a scale between 1:10 and 1:5,000;
(b) contain a graphic or bar scale and show the magnetic north and the declination;
(c) show all lakes, streams and other notable topographic features, and all relevant cultural features such as railways and power lines;
(d) accurately show all mining land boundaries, claim posts, claim numbers, township boundary lines, roads, lot and concession lines, base lines, picket lines and survey boundaries and stations, where identifiable, in relation to topographic features;
(e) show the location of drill hole collars and the numbers, angles and depths of all drill holes in relation to clauses (3) (c), (d) and (e) in such a manner that relocation of the hole is simplified; and
(f) include, where available, assayed intervals and assay averages.
(2) The English version of subsection 16 (4) of the Regulation is amended by striking out the portion before clause (a) and substituting the following:
(4) The drill hole section must be on durable paper suitable for photographic reproduction, and,
. . . . .
(3) Clause 16 (4) (a) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
(a) indicate the overburden, rock types or type of material intersected;
(4) Clause 16 (4) (b) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “1:5,000 and 1:10” and substituting “1:10 and 1:5,000”.
(5) Subsections 16 (5), (6), (7) and (8) of the Regulation are revoked.
9. (1) Paragraphs 2 and 5 of section 18 of the Regulation are revoked.
(2) Section 18 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsections:
(2) Information to be provided under paragraph 1 of subsection (1) must,
(a) describe the regional and property geology;
(b) identify sources of geological data contained in the report if obtained from sources other than the survey being reported;
(c) provide an interpretation and summary of the results;
(d) include identification numbers for airphotos used in the submission;
(e) include the airphoto mosaic required for a base map; and
(f) include the satellite images interpreted.
(3) Information to be provided under paragraph 2 of subsection (1) must,
(a) include the size of the sample and a plan showing the exact location; and
(b) describe the specific test performed and provide the results.
(4) Information to be provided under paragraph 4 of subsection (1) must,
(a) provide both hand sample and microscopic descriptions;
(b) include sample preparation procedures;
(c) indicate the reasons for the study;
(d) provide a summary and conclusions; and
(e) contain a sample location map.
(5) Information to be provided under paragraph 7 of subsection (1) must,
(a) indicate the source and method of collection of the previously submitted data; and
(b) describe the new information or interpretation and compare them with the previous interpretation.
10. The Regulation is amended by adding the following section:
18.1 (1) Any industrial mineral report submitted for assessment work credit must, in addition to the requirements set out in subsection 11 (2),
(a) summarize the type of work being done;
(b) indicate the type of equipment used, the dates and hours of use of the equipment, the dates and hours worked by the equipment operator and the hourly rates for equipment use and for the operator;
(c) describe the regional and property geology;
(d) describe the rock types being tested;
(e) describe the sampling procedure, method of extraction and size of the sample;
(f) describe the method used to process the samples and the results and provide the appropriate certificates; and
(g) provide a discussion of the results of the analysis or testing and the possible markets or uses for the material tested, together with recommendations for future exploration.
(2) A map or plan submitted in connection with an industrial mineral report must, in addition to complying with the requirements of subsection 11 (3),
(a) contain a table of rock types, lithologies and formations;
(b) show outcrops designated by a letter or number corresponding to the rock type, lithologies and formations;
(c) show the character of the overburden, including boulder, clay, gravel or sand;
(d) show the distribution of swamp, muskeg and forest cover areas; and
(e) show the location and dimensions of the workings.
11. Section 20 of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
20. (1) For the purposes of subsection 81 (16) of the Act, the amount of money to be paid, in lieu of additional assessment work, for the excess area is $44 for every 1 per cent or part of 1 per cent by which the area exceeds the prescribed size.
(2) For the purposes of subsection 95 (5) of the Act, the amount of money to be paid, in lieu of additional assessment work, for the excess area is $44 for every 1 per cent or part of 1 per cent by which the area exceeds the prescribed size.
12. This Regulation comes into force 60 days after it is filed.