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filed February 18, 2005 under Insurance Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. I.8
Skip to contentontario regulation 46/05
made under the
Insurance Act
Made: February 16, 2005
Filed: February 18, 2005
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: March 5, 2005
Amending Reg. 664 of R.R.O. 1990
(Automobile Insurance)
1. Subsection 5 (2) of Regulation 664 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 is amended by adding the following clauses:
(d.1) the employment history of a person who would be an insured person under the contract;
(d.2) the fact whether a person who would be an insured person under the contract has a credit card;
(d.3) the credit history of a person who would be an insured person under the contract;
(d.4) the credit rating of a person who would be an insured person under the contract;
(d.5) the fact whether a person who would be an insured person under the contract is bankrupt or has a history of bankruptcy;
(d.6) the residence history of a person who would be an insured person under the contract;
(d.7) the fact whether a person who would be an insured person under the contract owns a home;
(d.8) the gross or net worth of a person who would be an insured person under the contract;
(d.9) the indebtedness of a person who would be an insured person under the contract;
(d.10) the fact whether a person who would be an insured person under the contract has made premium payments that were late or dishonoured in respect of a contract of automobile insurance that was not terminated by reason of the late or dishonoured payments;
2. Section 16 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsection:
(4.2) Except as permitted under subsection (5), no element of a risk classification system shall use any of the following factors:
1. The level of income of a person who would be an insured person under the contract.
2. The employment history of a person who would be an insured person under the contract.
3. The occupation, profession or employment circumstances of a person who would be an insured person under the contract, unless the contract is in respect of a commercial vehicle or a public vehicle or a vehicle used in the course of carrying on a business, trade or profession.
4. The fact whether a person who would be an insured person under the contract has a credit card.
5. The credit history of a person who would be an insured person under the contract.
6. The credit rating of a person who would be an insured person under the contract.
7. The fact whether a person who would be an insured person under the contract is bankrupt or has a history of bankruptcy.
8. The residence history of a person who would be an insured person under the contract.
9. The fact whether a person who would be an insured person under the contract owns a home.
10. The gross or net worth of a person who would be an insured person under the contract.
11. The indebtedness of a person who would be an insured person under the contract.
12. The fact whether a person who would be an insured person under the contract has made premium payments that were late or dishonoured in respect of a contract of automobile insurance that was not terminated by reason of the late or dishonoured payments.