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filed January 24, 2013 under Endangered Species Act, 2007, S.O. 2007, c. 6
Skip to contentontario regulation 25/13
made under the
Endangered Species Act, 2007
Made: January 24, 2013
Filed: January 24, 2013
Published on e-Laws: January 25, 2013
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: February 9, 2013
Amending O. Reg. 230/08
1. Schedules 1, 2, 3 and 4 to Ontario Regulation 230/08 are revoked and the following substituted:
Item |
Common Name |
Scientific Name |
Mosses |
1. |
Incurved Grizzled Moss |
Ptychomitrium incurvum |
Vascular Plants |
2. |
Illinois Tick-trefoil |
Desmodium illinoense |
3. |
Spring Blue-eyed Mary |
Collinsia verna |
Insects |
4 |
American Burying Beetle |
Nicrophorus americanus |
5. |
Eastern Persius Duskywing |
Erynnis persius persius |
6. |
Frosted Elfin |
Callophrys irus |
7. |
Karner Blue |
Lycaeides melissa samuelis |
Fishes |
8. |
Gravel Chub |
Erimystax x-punctatus |
9. |
Paddlefish |
Polyodon spathula |
Amphibians |
10. |
Blanchard’s Cricket Frog |
Acris blanchardi |
11. |
Eastern Tiger Salamander |
Ambystoma tigrinum |
12. |
Spring Salamander |
Gyrinophilus porphyriticus |
Reptiles |
13. |
Timber Rattlesnake |
Crotalus horridus |
Birds |
14. |
Eskimo Curlew |
Numenius borealis |
15. |
Greater Prairie-Chicken |
Tympanuchus cupido |
Item |
Common Name |
Scientific Name |
Lichens |
1. |
Pale-bellied Frost Lichen |
Physconia subpallida |
Mosses |
2. |
Spoon-leaved Moss |
Bryoandersonia illecebra |
Vascular Plants |
3. |
American Chestnut |
Castanea dentata |
4. |
American Columbo |
Frasera caroliniensis |
5. |
American Ginseng |
Panax quinquefolius |
6. |
Bent Spike-rush |
Eleocharis geniculata |
7. |
Bird’s-foot Violet |
Viola pedata |
8. |
Bluehearts |
Buchnera americana |
9. |
Blunt-lobed Woodsia |
Woodsia obtusa |
10. |
Butternut |
Juglans cinerea |
11. |
Cherry Birch |
Betula lenta |
12. |
Cucumber Tree |
Magnolia acuminata |
13. |
Drooping Trillium |
Trillium flexipes |
14. |
Eastern Flowering Dogwood |
Cornus florida |
15. |
Eastern Prairie Fringed-orchid |
Platanthera leucophaea |
16. |
Eastern Prickly Pear Cactus1 |
Opuntia humifusa |
17. |
Engelmann’s Quillwort |
Isoetes engelmannii |
18. |
False Hop Sedge |
Carex lupuliformis |
19. |
Few-flowered Club-rush2 |
Trichophorum planifolium |
20. |
Forked Three-awned Grass |
Aristida basiramea |
21. |
Four-leaved Milkweed |
Asclepias quadrifolia |
22. |
Gattinger’s Agalinis |
Agalinis gattingeri |
23. |
Heart-leaved Plantain |
Plantago cordata |
24. |
Hoary Mountain-mint |
Pycnanthemum incanum |
25. |
Horsetail Spike-rush |
Eleocharis equisetoides |
26. |
Juniper Sedge |
Carex juniperorum |
27. |
Large Whorled Pogonia |
Isotria verticillata |
28. |
Nodding Pogonia |
Triphora trianthophora |
29. |
Ogden’s Pondweed |
Potamogeton ogdenii |
30. |
Pink Milkwort |
Polygala incarnata |
31. |
Red Mulberry |
Morus rubra |
32. |
Scarlet Ammannia |
Ammannia robusta |
33. |
Showy Goldenrod (Great Lakes Plains population) |
Solidago speciosa |
34. |
Skinner’s Agalinis |
Agalinis skinneriana |
35. |
Slender Bush-clover3 |
Lespedeza virginica |
36. |
Small White Lady’s-slipper |
Cypripedium candidum |
37. |
Small Whorled Pogonia |
Isotria medeoloides |
38. |
Spotted Wintergreen |
Chimaphila maculata |
39. |
Toothcup |
Rotala ramosior |
40. |
Virginia Goat’s-rue |
Tephrosia virginiana |
41. |
Virginia Mallow |
Sida hermaphrodita |
42. |
Western Silvery Aster |
Symphyotrichum sericeum |
43. |
White Prairie Gentian |
Gentiana alba |
44. |
Wood-poppy |
Stylophorum diphyllum |
Molluscs |
45. |
Eastern Pondmussel |
Ligumia nasuta |
46. |
Fawnsfoot |
Truncilla donaciformis |
47. |
Hickorynut |
Obovaria olivaria |
48. |
Kidneyshell |
Ptychobranchus fasciolaris |
49. |
Northern Riffleshell |
Epioblasma torulosa rangiana |
50. |
Rayed Bean |
Villosa fabalis |
51. |
Round Hickorynut |
Obovaria subrotunda |
52. |
Round Pigtoe |
Pleurobema sintoxia |
53. |
Salamander Mussel |
Simpsonaias ambigua |
54. |
Snuffbox |
Epioblasma triquetra |
Insects |
55. |
Aweme Borer Moth |
Papaipema aweme |
56. |
Bogbean Buckmoth |
Hemileuca sp. |
57. |
Hine’s Emerald |
Somatochlora hineana |
58. |
Hungerford’s Crawling Water Beetle |
Brychius hungerfordi |
59. |
Laura’s Clubtail |
Stylurus laurae |
60. |
Northern Barrens Tiger Beetle |
Cicindela patruela |
61. |
Pygmy Snaketail |
Ophiogomphus howei |
62. |
Rapids Clubtail |
Gomphus quadricolor |
63. |
Rusty-patched Bumble Bee |
Bombus affinis |
Fishes |
64. |
American Eel |
Anguilla rostrata |
65. |
Eastern Sand Darter |
Ammocrypta pellucida |
66. |
Northern Madtom |
Noturus stigmosus |
67. |
Pugnose Shiner |
Notropis anogenus |
68. |
Redside Dace |
Clinostomus elongatus |
69. |
Shortnose Cisco |
Coregonus reighardi |
Amphibians |
70. |
Allegheny Mountain Dusky Salamander |
Desmognathus ochrophaeus |
71. |
Fowler’s Toad |
Anaxyrus fowleri |
72. |
Jefferson Salamander |
Ambystoma jeffersonianum |
73. |
Northern Dusky Salamander |
Desmognathus fuscus |
74. |
Small-mouthed Salamander |
Ambystoma texanum |
Reptiles |
75. |
Blue Racer |
Coluber constrictor foxii |
76. |
Butler’s Gartersnake |
Thamnophis butleri |
77. |
Common Five-lined Skink (Carolinian population) |
Plestiodon fasciatus |
78. |
Eastern Foxsnake (Carolinian population) |
Pantherophis gloydi |
79. |
Gray Ratsnake (Carolinian population) |
Pantherophis spiloides |
80. |
Lake Erie Watersnake |
Nerodia sipedon insularum |
81. |
Queensnake |
Regina septemvittata |
82. |
Spotted Turtle |
Clemmys guttata |
83. |
Wood Turtle |
Glyptemys insculpta |
Birds |
84. |
Acadian Flycatcher |
Empidonax virescens |
85. |
Barn Owl |
Tyto alba |
86. |
Golden Eagle |
Aquila chrysaetos |
87. |
Henslow’s Sparrow |
Ammodramus henslowii |
88. |
King Rail |
Rallus elegans |
89. |
Kirtland’s Warbler |
Setophaga kirtlandii |
90. |
Loggerhead Shrike |
Lanius ludovicianus |
91. |
Northern Bobwhite |
Colinus virginianus |
92. |
Piping Plover |
Charadrius melodus |
93. |
Prothonotary Warbler |
Protonotaria citrea |
94. |
Red Knot rufa subspecies |
Calidris canutus rufa |
95 |
Yellow-breasted Chat |
Icteria virens |
Mammals |
96. |
American Badger |
Taxidea taxus |
97. |
Little Brown Myotis |
Myotis lucifugus |
98. |
Mountain Lion or Cougar |
Puma concolor |
99. |
Northern Myotis |
Myotis septentrionalis |
Notes to Schedule 2:
1 The classification of Eastern Prickly Pear Cactus applies to Fish Point Provincial Nature Reserve on Pelee Island in the Township of Pelee.
2 The classification of Few-flowered Club-rush applies to Lot 32, ranges 2 and 3, in the City of Pickering (formerly the geographic Township of Pickering), and to the Royal Botanical Gardens in the City of Hamilton.
3 The classification of Slender Bush-clover applies to Tallgrass Prairie Heritage Park, Ojibway Park and Black Oak Heritage Park in the City of Windsor.
Item |
Common Name |
Scientific Name |
Lichens |
1. |
Flooded Jellyskin |
Leptogium rivulare |
Vascular Plants |
2. |
American Water-willow |
Justicia americana |
3. |
Branched Bartonia |
Bartonia paniculata |
4. |
Colicroot |
Aletris farinosa |
5. |
Common Hoptree |
Ptelea trifoliata |
6. |
Crooked-stem Aster |
Symphyotrichum prenanthoides |
7. |
Deerberry |
Vaccinium stamineum |
8. |
Dense Blazing Star |
Liatris spicata |
9. |
Dwarf Hackberry |
Celtis tenuifolia |
10. |
False Rue-anemone |
Enemion biternatum |
11. |
Goldenseal |
Hydrastis canadensis |
12. |
Hill’s Thistle |
Cirsium hillii |
13. |
Houghton’s Goldenrod |
Solidago houghtonii |
14. |
Kentucky Coffee-tree |
Gymnocladus dioicus |
15. |
Lakeside Daisy |
Tetraneuris herbacea |
16. |
Pitcher’s Thistle |
Cirsium pitcheri |
17. |
Purple Twayblade |
Liparis liliifolia |
18. |
Round-leaved Greenbrier |
Smilax rotundifolia |
19. |
Showy Goldenrod (Boreal population) |
20. |
Small-flowered Lipocarpha |
Lipocarpha micrantha |
21. |
White Wood Aster |
Eurybia divaricata |
22. |
Wild Hyacinth |
Camassia scilloides |
23. |
Willowleaf Aster |
Symphyotrichum praealtum |
Molluscs |
24. |
Mapleleaf Mussel |
Quadrula quadrula |
25. |
Rainbow Mussel |
Villosa iris |
26. |
Wavy-rayed Lampmussel |
Lampsilis fasciola |
Fishes |
27. |
Black Redhorse |
Moxostoma duquesnei |
28. |
Channel Darter |
Percina copelandi |
29. |
Cutlip Minnow |
Exoglossum maxillingua |
30. |
Lake Chubsucker |
Erimyzon sucetta |
31. |
Lake Sturgeon (Great Lakes-Upper St. Lawrence River population) |
Acipenser fulvescens |
32. |
Lake Sturgeon (Northwestern Ontario population) |
Acipenser fulvescens |
33. |
Pugnose Minnow |
Opsopoeodus emiliae |
34. |
Shortjaw Cisco |
Coregonus zenithicus |
35. |
Silver Chub |
Macrhybopsis storeriana |
36. |
Silver Shiner |
Notropis photogenis |
37. |
Spotted Gar |
Lepisosteus oculatus |
Reptiles |
38. |
Blanding’s Turtle |
Emydoidea blandingii |
39. |
Eastern Foxsnake (Georgian Bay population) |
Pantherophis gloydi |
40. |
Eastern Hog-nosed Snake |
Heterodon platirhinos |
41. |
Eastern Musk Turtle |
Sternotherus odoratus |
42. |
Gray Ratsnake (Frontenac Axis population) |
Pantherophis spiloides |
43. |
Massasauga |
Sistrurus catenatus |
44. |
Spiny Softshell |
Apalone spinifera |
Birds |
45. |
American White Pelican |
Pelecanus erythrorhynchos |
46. |
Barn Swallow |
Hirundo rustica |
47. |
Bobolink |
Dolichonyx oryzivorus |
48. |
Cerulean Warbler |
Setophaga cerulea |
49. |
Chimney Swift |
Chaetura pelagica |
50. |
Eastern Meadowlark |
Sturnella magna |
51. |
Eastern Whip-poor-will |
Caprimulgus vociferus |
52. |
Least Bittern |
Ixobrychus exilis |
Mammals |
53. |
Grey Fox |
Urocyon cinereoargenteus |
54. |
Polar Bear |
Ursus maritimus |
55. |
Wolverine |
Gulo gulo |
56. |
Woodland Caribou (Forest-dwelling boreal population) |
Rangifer tarandus caribou |
schedule 4
Item |
Common Name |
Scientific Name |
Mosses |
1. |
Pygmy Pocket Moss |
Fissidens exilis |
Vascular Plants |
2. |
Blue Ash |
Fraxinus quadrangulata |
3. |
Broad Beech Fern |
Phegopteris hexagonoptera |
4. |
Climbing Prairie Rose |
Rosa setigera |
5. |
Dwarf Lake Iris |
Iris lacustris |
6. |
Green Dragon |
Arisaema dracontium |
7. |
Hart’s-tongue Fern |
Asplenium scolopendrium |
8. |
Hill’s Pondweed |
Potamogeton hillii |
9. |
Riddell’s Goldenrod |
Solidago riddellii |
10. |
Shumard Oak |
Quercus shumardii |
11. |
Swamp Rose-mallow |
Hibiscus moscheutos |
12. |
Tuberous Indian-plantain |
Arnoglossum plantagineum |
Insects |
13. |
Monarch |
Danaus plexippus |
14. |
West Virginia White |
Pieris virginiensis |
Fishes |
15. |
Blackstripe Topminnow |
Fundulus notatus |
16. |
Bridle Shiner |
Notropis bifrenatus |
17. |
Grass Pickerel |
Esox americanus vermiculatus |
18. |
Lake Sturgeon (Southern Hudson Bay-James Bay population) |
Acipenser fulvescens |
19. |
Northern Brook Lamprey |
Ichthyomyzon fossor |
20. |
River Redhorse |
Moxostoma carinatum |
21. |
Silver Lamprey (Great Lakes - Upper St. Lawrence River population) |
Ichthyomyzon unicuspis |
22. |
Spotted Sucker |
Minytrema melanops |
23. |
Upper Great Lakes Kiyi |
Coregonus kiyi kiyi |
24. |
Warmouth |
Lepomis gulosus |
Reptiles |
25. |
Common Five-lined Skink (Southern Shield population) |
Plestiodon fasciatus |
26. |
Eastern Ribbonsnake |
Thamnophis sauritus |
27. |
Milksnake |
Lampropeltis triangulum |
28. |
Northern Map Turtle |
Graptemys geographica |
29. |
Snapping Turtle |
Chelydra serpentina |
Birds |
30. |
Bald Eagle |
Haliaeetus leucocephalus |
31. |
Black Tern |
Chlidonias niger |
32. |
Canada Warbler |
Cardellina canadensis |
33. |
Common Nighthawk |
Chordeiles minor |
34. |
Golden-winged Warbler |
Vermivora chrysoptera |
35. |
Horned Grebe |
Podiceps auritus |
36. |
Louisiana Waterthrush |
Parkesia motacilla |
37. |
Olive-sided Flycatcher |
Contopus cooperi |
38 |
Peregrine Falcon |
Falco peregrinus |
39. |
Red-headed Woodpecker |
Melanerpes erythrocephalus |
40. |
Short-eared Owl |
Asio flammeus |
41. |
Yellow Rail |
Coturnicops noveboracensis |
Mammals |
42. |
Beluga |
Delphinapterus leucas |
43. |
Eastern Mole |
Scalopus aquaticus |
44. |
Eastern Wolf |
Canis lupus lycaon |
45. |
Woodland Vole |
Microtus pinetorum |
2. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed.
Made by:
Pris par :
Le sous-ministre des Richesses naturelles,
David O’Toole
Deputy Minister of Natural Resources
Date made: January 24, 2013.
Pris le : 24 janvier 2013.