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filed March 29, 2016 under Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.33
Skip to contentontario regulation 66/16
made under the
Provincial Offences Act
Made: March 23, 2016
Filed: March 29, 2016
Published on e-Laws: March 30, 2016
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: April 16, 2016
Amending O. Reg. 161/00
(Victim Fine Surcharges)
1. Ontario Regulation 161/00 is amended by adding the following French version:
suramendes compensatoires
1. Pour l’application de l’article 60.1 de la Loi, les suramendes indiquées à la colonne 2 du tableau sont prescrites à l’égard des fourchettes d’amendes indiquées à la colonne 1.
2. . . . . .
3. . . . . .
Colonne 1 Fourchette d’amendes $ |
Colonne 2 Suramende $ |
0 |
- |
50 |
10 |
51 |
- |
75 |
15 |
76 |
- |
100 |
20 |
101 |
- |
150 |
25 |
151 |
- |
200 |
35 |
201 |
- |
250 |
50 |
251 |
- |
300 |
60 |
301 |
- |
350 |
75 |
351 |
- |
400 |
85 |
401 |
- |
450 |
95 |
451 |
- |
500 |
110 |
501 |
- |
1 000 |
125 |
Plus de 1 000 |
25 % de l’amende réelle |
2. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed.