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filed June 20, 2023 under Electricity Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, c. 15, Sched. A
Skip to contentontario regulation 133/23
made under the
Electricity Act, 1998
Made: June 1, 2023
Filed: June 20, 2023
Published on e-Laws: June 20, 2023
Published in The Ontario Gazette: July 8, 2023
Amending O. Reg. 393/07
1. The definition of “billing quantity data” in section 0.1 of Ontario Regulation 393/07 is revoked and the following substituted:
“billing quantity data” means,
(a) smart metering data that is ready for use in billing consumers for their consumption or use of electricity based on the time of day when the electricity was consumed or used, and
(b) smart metering data on electricity conveyed by or on behalf of persons into a distributor’s distribution system that is ready for use in billing those persons based on the time of day when the electricity was conveyed; (“données quantitatives pour la facturation”)
2. The Regulation is amended by adding the following section:
Additional objects
3.1 The following objects of the Smart Metering Entity are prescribed for the purposes of paragraph 9 of section 53.8 of the Act:
1. To collect and manage, facilitate the collection and management of and store information and data related to the metering of electricity that is conveyed into a distributor’s distribution system, including data collected from distributors.
2. To provide and promote non-discriminatory access, on appropriate terms and subject to any conditions in its licence relating to the protection of privacy, by distributors, retailers and other persons,
i. to the information and data referred to in paragraph 1, and
ii. to the telecommunication system that permits the Smart Metering Entity to transfer data about the electricity conveyed into a distributor’s distribution system to and from its databases, including access to its telecommunication equipment, systems and technology and associated equipment, systems and technologies.
3. To own or to lease and to operate equipment, systems and technology, including telecommunication equipment, systems and technology, that permit the Smart Metering Entity to transfer data about electricity conveyed into a distributor’s distribution system to and from its databases, including owning, leasing or operating such equipment, systems and technology and associated equipment, systems and technologies, directly or indirectly, including through one or more subsidiaries.
3. (1) Paragraph 1 of subsection 5 (1) of the Regulation is amended by adding “except in relation to its objects under section 3.1 of this Regulation” at the end.
(2) Paragraph 1 of subsection 5 (1) of the Regulation, as amended by subsection (1), is amended by striking out “except in relation to its objects under section 3.1 of this Regulation” at the end.
(3) Paragraph 3 of subsection 5 (1) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “billing quantity data” and substituting “the data described in clause (a) of the definition of “billing quantity data” in section 0.1”.
(4) Paragraph 3 of subsection 5 (1) of the Regulation, as amended by subsection (3), is amended by striking out “the data described in clause (a) of the definition of “billing quantity data” in section 0.1” and substituting “billing quantity data”.
(5) Paragraph 4 of subsection 5 (1) of the Regulation is amended by adding “or paragraph 2 of section 3.1 of this Regulation” at the end.
4. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, this Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed.
(2) Sections 1 and 2 and subsections 3 (1) and (3) come into force on July 1, 2023.
(3) Subsections 3 (2), (4) and (5) come into force on January 1, 2025.