O. Reg. 67/00: GENERAL, Filed February 7, 2000 under Health Insurance Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.6
made under the
Health Insurance Act
Made: February 2, 2000
Filed: February 7, 2000
Amending Reg. 552 of R.R.O. 1990
Note: Since the end of 1998, Regulation 552 has been amended by Ontario Regulations 58/99, 59/99, 60/99, 85/99, 108/99, 177/99, 178/99, 201/99, 232/99, 271/99, 334/99, 368/99, 482/99, 483/99 and 490/99. Previous amendments are listed in the Table of Regulations in the Statutes of Ontario, 1998.
1. Subsection 1 (1) of Regulation 552 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 is amended by adding the following definitions:
“same–sex partner” means a person of the same sex with whom the person is living, in a conjugal relationship outside marriage, if the two persons,
(a) have cohabited for at least one year,
(b) are together the parents of a child, or
(c) have together entered into a cohabitation agreement under section 53 of the Family Law Act;
“spouse” means a person of the opposite sex,
(a) to whom the person is married, or
(b) with whom the person was living, in a conjugal relationship outside marriage, if the two persons,
(i) have cohabited for at least one year,
(ii) are together the parents of a child, or
(iii) have together entered into a cohabitation agreement under section 53 of the Family Law Act;
2. (1) Paragraph 7 of clause (b) of the definition of “resident” in subsection 1.1 (1) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “The spouse or dependent child” at the beginning and substituting “The spouse, same–sex partner or dependent child”.
(2) Paragraph 9 of clause (b) of the definition of “resident” in subsection 1.1 (1) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “The spouse and dependent children” at the beginning and substituting “The spouse or same–sex partner and the dependent children”.
(3) Subparagraph 4 i of subsection 1.1 (3) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “is the spouse” at the beginning and substituting “is the spouse or same–sex partner”.
3. Paragraph 7 of subsection 3 (4) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “The spouse” at the beginning and substituting “The spouse, same–sex partner”.
4. (1) Subsection 10 (7) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “spouse” wherever it occurs and substituting in each case “spouse or same–sex partner”.
(2) Subsection 10 (8) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “October 15, 1996” and substituting “February 28, 2000”.
(3) Clause (a) of the definition of “dependent” in subsection 10 (11) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “a spouse” at the beginning and substituting “a spouse or same–sex partner”.
(4) The definition of “spouse” in subsection 10 (11) of the Regulation is revoked.
5. This Regulation comes into force on March 1, 2000.