O. Reg. 239/00: SPEED LIMITS, Filed April 25, 2000 under Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8



made under the

Highway Traffic Act

Made: April 25, 2000
Filed: April 25, 2000

Amending Reg. 619 of R.R.O. 1990

(Speed Limits)

Note: Since the end of 1998, Regulation 619 has been amended by Ontario Regulations 2/99, 203/99, 223/99, 224/99, 225/99, 255/99, 362/99, 363/99, 364/99, 405/99, 440/99, 466/99, 467/99, 468/99, 634/99, 223/00 and 232/00.  Previous amendments are listed in the Table of Regulations in the Statutes of Ontario, 1998.

1. (1) Paragraph 1 of Part 2 of Schedule 19 of Regulation 619 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 is revoked.

(2) Paragraph 1 of Part 3 of Schedule 19 to the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

Leeds–Grenville — Twp. of Edwardsburgh

1.  That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 16 in the Township of Edwardsburgh in the United Counties of Leeds–Grenville lying between a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as Leeds–Grenville Road No. 2 and a point situate at its intersection with the King’s Highway known as Number 416.

2. (1) Paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 260 to the Regulation is revoked and the  following substituted:

Leeds–Grenville — Twp. of Edwardsburgh
Regional Municipality of Ottawa–Carleton — City of Nepean

1.  That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 416 (Northbound Lanes) in the Township of Edwardsburgh in the United Counties of Leeds–Grenville lying between a point situate at the centre line of the overpass for the roadway known as Cedargrove Road and a point situate at its intersection with the King’s Highway known as No. 417 in the City of Nepean in The Regional Municipality of Ottawa–Carleton.

(2) Part 1 of Schedule 260 to the Regulation is amended by adding the following paragraph:

Regional Municipality of Ottawa–Carleton — City of Nepean
Leeds–Grenville — Twp. of Edwardsburgh

2.  That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 416 (Southbound Lanes) in the City of Nepean in The Regional Municipality of Ottawa–Carleton lying between a point situate at its intersection with the King’s Highway known as No. 417 and a point situate at its intersection with the King’s Highway known as No. 401 in the Township of Edwardsburgh in the United Counties of Leeds–Grenville.

David Turnbull

Minister of Transportation

Dated on April 25, 2000.