O. Reg. 337/00: DRIVERS' LICENCES, Filed June 9, 2000 under Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8



made under the

Highway Traffic Act

Made: June 7, 2000
Filed: June 9, 2000

Amending O. Reg. 340/94

(Drivers’ Licences)

Note: Since the end of 1998, Ontario Regulation 340/94 has been amended by Ontario Regulations 494/99, 89/00, 304/00 and 336/00.  Previous amendments are listed in the Table of Regulations in the Statutes of Ontario, 1998.

1. (1) Clause 29 (1) (b) of Ontario Regulation 340/94 is revoked and the following substituted:

(b) is the equivalent of a fully licensed driver in Ontario, other than in Class M, and has held for at least 24 months in the last three years a valid driver’s licence, other than a driver’s licence equivalent to a Class M1 or M2 driver’s licence, issued by,

(i) another province or territory of Canada, Canada Forces Europe, a state of the United States of America or Japan, or

(ii) a jurisdiction which is a party to a valid and subsisting agreement with Ontario respecting the reciprocal exchange of driver’s licences.

(2) Subsection 29 (7) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(7) Subject to subsection (3), any driver who has held for less than 24 months in the last three years before the time of application a valid driver’s licence issued by a jurisdiction described in subclause (1) (b) (i) or (ii) shall be entitled to a credit for the period of time he or she held the licence and shall qualify for placement in level 2 without the necessity of a level 1 exit test.