O. Reg. 399/00: CLASS SIZE, Filed June 26, 2000 under Education Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.2


made under the

Education Act

Made: June 26, 2000
Filed: June 26, 2000

Class Size


1. (1) In this Regulation,

“class”, in relation to elementary schools,  means a group of pupils who are scheduled to spend more than 50 per cent of their instructional

time together during the cycle that includes October 31, but does not include a class established for exceptional pupils; (“classe”)

“class”, in relation to secondary schools, means,

(a) a group of pupils,

(i) who are scheduled to be together for the purposes of instruction in a course for which a credit or part of a credit may be earned, during a scheduled part of the day school program provided on instructional days,

(ii) who are each eligible to earn the same number of credits on successfully completing the course that he or she is taking during that scheduled part of the day school program provided on instructional days, and

(iii) who are taught the course by a teacher who is responsible for the instruction of the course, the evaluation of the progress of the pupils in that course and the reporting to the principal of the progress of the pupils in that course, or

(b) a co–operative education class,

but does not include a class established for exceptional pupils;  (“classe”)

“co–operative education class” means a group of pupils,

(a) who are enrolled in a co–operative education program,

(b) who are scheduled to spend some instructional time together in school during the school year in connection with the co–operative education program, and

(c) who are each eligible to earn the same number of credits on successfully completing the course that he or she is taking in the co–operative education program; (“classe d’éducation coopérative”)

“course” means a course at the secondary school level that is assigned a common course code in the list of common course codes published by the Ministry; (“cours”)

“cycle” means the number of days for which a schedule of classes in a school continues before the schedule is repeated; (“horaire”)

“instructional day” has the same meaning as in Regulation 304 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990; (“journée d’enseignement”)

“part–time”, in relation to an elementary school class, means a class scheduled to meet,

(a) on half–days, or

(b) on average, on three or fewer days per week. (“temps partiel”)

(2) For the purposes of determinations under this Regulation in relation to elementary schools,

(a) pupils include pupils enrolled in a full–time or part–time junior kindergarten or kindergarten;

(b) a class can consist of pupils enrolled in the same grade or in different grades; and

(c) kindergarten and junior kindergarten are to be considered grades.

(3) For the purposes of determinations under this Regulation in relation to secondary schools,

(a) a class can consist of pupils enrolled in the same grade or in different grades and in the same course or in different courses;

(b) a pupil taking a course as an independent study course shall not be considered a class or a part of a class; and

(c) the credit value of a class is the number of credits that each pupil in the class is eligible to earn on successfully completing the course that he or she is taking in connection with the class.

Elementary School Classes

2.  (1) For the purposes of subsection 170.1 (1) of the Act, the average size of a board’s elementary school classes in the primary division, in the aggregate, shall be determined for each school year, as of October 31 in the school year, as follows:

1. Determine the number of pupils enrolled in classes in the primary division in all elementary schools of the board.

2. Determine the number of classes in the primary division in all elementary schools of the board.

3. Divide the number determined under paragraph 1 by the number determined under paragraph 2.

(2) For the purposes of subsection 170.1 (2) of the Act, the average size of a board’s elementary school classes, in the aggregate, shall be determined for each school year, as of October 31 in the school year, as follows:

1. Determine the number of pupils enrolled in classes in all elementary schools of the board.

2. Determine the number of classes in all elementary schools of the board.

3. Divide the number determined under paragraph 1 by the number determined under paragraph 2.

(3) Where a class consists of pupils enrolled in the primary division and pupils not enrolled in the primary division, the following rules apply:

1. For the purposes of paragraph 1 of subsection (1), only the pupils in the class who are enrolled in the primary division shall be counted.

2. For the purposes of paragraph 2 of subsection (1), the class shall be counted as the number obtained by dividing the number of pupils in the class who are enrolled in the primary division by the total number of pupils in the class.

(4) For the purposes of subsections (1) and (2),

(a) a pupil enrolled in a part–time junior kindergarten or kindergarten class shall be counted as one–half and every other pupil shall be counted as one;

(b) a part–time junior kindergarten or kindergarten class shall be counted as one–half and, subject to subsection (3), every other class shall be counted as one.

Secondary School Classes

3. For the purposes of subsection 170.1 (3) of the Act, the average size of a board’s secondary school classes, in the aggregate, shall be determined for each school year, as follows:

1. For each non–semestered class in each secondary school of the board, multiply the number of pupils enrolled in the class as of October 31 in the school year by the credit value of the class.  Total the results obtained.

2. For each semestered class held in the first semester in each secondary school of the board, multiply the number of pupils enrolled in the class as of October 31 in the school year by the credit value of the class.  Total the results obtained.

3. For each semestered class held in the second semester in each secondary school of the board, multiply the number of pupils enrolled in the class as of March 31 in the school year by the credit value of the class.  Total the results obtained.

4. Total the totals obtained under paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. The result is the number of pupil credits for the board.

5. Determine the credit value of each non–semestered class in each secondary school of the board.  Total the numbers obtained.

6. Determine the credit value of each semestered class held in the first semester in each secondary school of the board. Total the numbers obtained.

7. Determine the credit value of each semestered class held in the second semester in each secondary school of the board. Total the numbers obtained.

8. Total the totals obtained under paragraphs 5, 6 and 7. The result is the number of classroom credits for the board.

9. Divide the number of pupil credits for the board, determined under paragraph 4, by the number of classroom credits for the board, determined under paragraph 8.

Reporting — Elementary

4. (1) By December 15 in each school year, each board shall submit a report for the school year on class size in its elementary schools to the Minister, in a format acceptable to the Minister.

(2) The board shall ensure that, by December 15 in each school year,

(a) copies of the report are available to the public at the head office of the board and at the office of each school of the board; and

(b) a copy of the report is submitted to the chair of the school council for each school of the board.

(3) The report shall include the following:

1. The average size of the board’s elementary school classes in the primary division, in the aggregate, as determined under section 2.

2. The average size of the board’s elementary school classes, in the aggregate, as determined under section 2.

3. The average size of the classes in the primary division in each elementary school of the board, determined in accordance with section 5.

4. The average size of the classes in each elementary school of the board, determined in accordance with section 5.

5. The following numbers, as of October 31 in the school year:

i. The total number of classes in the primary division in elementary schools of the board and the total number of pupils enrolled in those classes.

ii. The total number of classes in elementary schools of the board and the total number of pupils enrolled in those classes.

5. (1) For the purposes of paragraph 3 of subsection 4 (3), the average class size in the primary division of an elementary school shall be determined for each school year, as of October 31 in the school year, as follows:

1. Determine the number of pupils enrolled in classes in the primary division in the elementary school.

2. Determine the number of classes in the primary division in the elementary school.

3. Divide the number determined under paragraph 1 by the number determined under paragraph 2.

(2) For the purposes of paragraph 4 of subsection 4 (3), the average class size of an elementary school shall be determined for each school year, as of October 31 in the school year, as follows:

1. Determine the number of pupils enrolled in classes in the elementary school.

2. Determine the number of classes in the elementary school.

3. Divide the number determined under paragraph 1 by the number determined under paragraph 2.

(3) Subsections 2 (3) and (4) apply with necessary modifications for the purposes of this section.

Reporting — Secondary

6. (1) By December 15 in each school year, each board shall submit an interim report for the school year on class size in its secondary schools to the Minister, in a format acceptable to the Minister.

(2) The board shall ensure that, by December 15 in each school year,

(a) copies of the interim report are available to the public at the head office of the board and at the office of each school of the board; and

(b) a copy of the interim report is submitted to the chair of the school council for each school of the board.

(3) The interim report shall include the following:

1. Subject to subsection (4), the numbers determined for the board under each of the paragraphs of section 3.

2. The average size of the classes in each secondary school of the board, determined in accordance with section 7.

(4) For the purposes of paragraph 1 of subsection (3), determinations under paragraphs 3 and 7 of section 3 shall be projections based on reasonable expectations on October 31 about the semestered classes that will be held in the second semester and the number of pupils who will be enrolled in those classes as of March 31.

7. For the purposes of  paragraph 2 of subsection 6 (3), the average class size of a secondary school shall be determined for each school year in accordance with section 9, except that determinations under paragraphs 3 and 7 of section 9 shall be projections based on reasonable expectations on October 31 about the semestered classes that will be held in the second semester and the number of pupils who will be enrolled in those classes as of March 31.

8. (1) By May 15 in each school year, each board shall submit a final report for the school year on class size in its secondary schools to the Minister, in a format acceptable to the Minister.

(2) The board shall ensure that, by May 15 in each school year,

(a) copies of the final report are available to the public at the head office of the board and at the office of each school of the board; and

(b) a copy of the final report is submitted to the chair of the school council for each school of the board.

(3) The final report shall include the following:

1. The numbers determined for the board under each of the paragraphs of section 3.

2. The average size of the classes in each secondary school of the board, determined in accordance with section 9.

9. For the purposes of paragraph 2 of subsection 8 (3), the average class size of a secondary school shall be determined for each school year as follows:

1. For each non–semestered class in the secondary school, multiply the number of pupils enrolled in the class as of October 31 in the school year by the credit value of the class.  Total the results obtained.

2. For each semestered class held in the first semester in the secondary school, multiply the number of pupils enrolled in the class as of October 31 in the school year by the credit value of the class.  Total the results obtained.

3. For each semestered class held in the second semester in the secondary school, multiply the number of pupils enrolled in the class as of March 31 in the school year by the credit value of the class.  Total the results obtained.

4. Total the totals obtained under paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. The result is the number of pupil credits for the school.

5. Determine the credit value of each non–semestered class in the secondary school.  Total the numbers obtained.

6. Determine the credit value of each semestered class held in the first semester in the secondary school. Total the numbers obtained.

7. Determine the credit value of each semestered class held in the second semester in the secondary school. Total the numbers obtained.

8. Total the totals obtained under paragraphs 5, 6 and 7. The result is the number of classroom credits for the school.

9. Divide the number of pupil credits for the school, determined under paragraph 4, by the number of classroom credits for the school, determined under paragraph 8.


10. This Regulation applies in respect of the 2000–2001 school year and subsequent school years.


11. Ontario Regulations 118/98 and 172/00 are revoked on July 1, 2000.