O. Reg. 10/01: RESTRICTED AREAS - REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK - TOWN OF MARKHAM, Filed January 24, 2001 under Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13


ontario regulation 10/01

made under the

planning act

Made: January 22, 2001
Filed: January 24, 2001
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: February 10, 2001

Amending O. Reg. 104/72

(Restricted Areas — Regional Municipality of York —
Town of Markham)

1. Section 50 of Ontario Regulation 104/72 is revoked and the following substituted:

50. (1) For the purposes of this section,

“Camp and Education Centre” means a day camp and outdoor and farm recreation and education including, but not limited to, pro­grams, activities and facilities together with accessory uses includ­ing the use of land, buildings or structures related to it for a fee servicing the general public, including schools, private groups, clubs or similar organizations, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes classrooms, playgrounds, athletic facili­ties, picnic areas, orienteering, camping, riding stables, nature study programs and other similar uses to the foregoing, but does not include a track for the racing of animals, motor vehicles, motorcycles or motorized snow vehicles and/or other vehicles, or the placement of trailers as defined by paragraph 101 of section 210 of the Municipal Act or mobile homes.

(2) Despite section 4, the land described in subsection (3) may be used for a Camp and Education Centre if the following requirements are met:

Minimum distance between any building or structure and the north lot lines

6 metres



Minimum distance between any building or structure and all other lot lines

15 metres

(3) Subsection (2) applies to that parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham, in The Regional Municipality of York being part of Lot 28 in Concession VI, more particularly described as all of Part 1 on Reference Plan 65R-8411:

Save and except a parcel of land approximately 0.28 hectares in area described as follows:

Commencing at the northeast corner of Part 1 on Reference Plan 65R-8411;

Proceeding south along the easterly limit of the said Reference Plan a distance of 13.7 metres;

Thence westerly, parallel to the northern boundary of the said Reference Plan a distance of 203.2 metres; then north 13.7 metres to the boundary with the northern limit of the said Reference Plan;

Thence east along the northern boundary of the said Reference Plan 203.2 metres to the point of commencement; and

Together with a parcel of land approximately 0.28 hectares in area described as follows:

Commencing at the southwest corner of Part 1 on Reference Plan 65R-14688;

Proceeding north along the frontage of Kennedy Road Allowance a distance of 9.1 metres;

Thence easterly, parallel to the southern limit of the said Part 1 on Reference Plan 65R-14688 a distance of 304.8 metres;

Thence south 9.1 metres to the southern boundary of Part 1 on Reference Plan 65R-14688;

Thence west along the southern limit of Part 1 on Reference Plan 65R-14688, 304.8 metres to the point of commencement.

2. Subsection 52 (3) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(3) Subsection (2) applies to that parcel of land situate in the Town of Markham, in The Regional Municipality of York being that part of Lots 28 and 29 in Concession VI described as follows:

Premising that all bearings herein are astronomic and are referred to the easterly limit of Kennedy Road as shown on Plan 64R-7644 having a bearing of north 10º 14' 10" west;

Commencing at a point located as follows:

Beginning at a point in the northerly limit of Lot 29, distance 13.84 metres measured easterly along it from the northwest corner of Lot 29, Concession VI;

Thence south 10º 29' 40" east along the easterly limit of Kennedy Road as dedicated by By-law 94-81-134, 182.86 metres to a standard iron bar;

Thence north 74º 37' 30" east 82.42 metres to a standard iron bar;

Thence south 10º 28' 30" east along the easterly limit of the land described in instrument number 49082, a distance of 82.25 metres to the point of commencement of the herein described parcel;

Thence south 10º 28' 30" east along the easterly limit of the land described in instrument number 49082, a distance of 126.98 metres to an iron bar;

Thence north 72º 51' 40" east along the northerly limit of Part 1, according to deposited plan 65R-10200, a distance of 43.09 metres to an iron bar;

Thence south 10º 09' 40" east along the easterly limit of Part 1, according to deposited plan 65R-10200, and the easterly limit of instrument number 399993, a total of 65.52 metres to an iron pipe;

Thence south 72º 46' 30" west 125.61 metres to an iron bar in the easterly limit of Kennedy Road as dedicated by By-law 94-81-134;

Thence south 10º 14' 10" east along the easterly limit of Kennedy Road, 92.44 metres to the intersection, with a snake rail fence running easterly from it;

Thence north 72º 14' 20" east along the fence, 256.55 metres to an iron bar;

Thence continuing north 72º 24' 30" east along the fence, 203.67 metres to an iron bar;

Thence continuing north 72º 17' 10" east along the fence, 241.03 metres to an iron bar;

Thence continuing north 72º 16' 00" east along the fence, 262.39 metres to an iron bar;

Thence continuing north 72º 20' 00" east along the fence, 105.60 metres to an iron bar in the westerly limit of Part 1, according to deposited Plan 65R-13717;

Thence south 11º 23' 45" east along the westerly limit of Part 1, 55.62 metres to an iron bar;

Thence north 72º 49' 50" east along the southerly limit of Part 1, 78.94 metres to an iron bar;

Thence north 10º 21' 15" west 199.86 metres to a subdivision bar in the line of a post and wire fence running northerly;

Thence north 10º 21' 15" west 141.0 metres to an iron bar;

Thence south 72º 17' 45" west 1,066.65 metres to the point of commencement.

Save and except a parcel of land approximately 0.28 hectares in area described as follows:

Commencing at the southwest corner of Part 1 on Reference Plan 65R-14688;

Proceeding north along the frontage of Kennedy Road Allowance a distance of 9.1 metres;

Thence easterly, parallel to the southern limit of the said Part 1 on Reference Plan 65R-14688 a distance of 304.8 metres;

Thence south 9.1 metres to the southern boundary of Part 1 on Reference Plan 65R-14688;

Thence west along the southern limit of Part 1 on Reference Plan 65R-14688, 304.8 metres to the point of commencement.

Together with a parcel of land approximately 0.28 hectares in area described as follows:

Commencing at the northeast corner of Part 1 on Reference Plan 65R-8411;

Proceeding south along the easterly limit of the said Reference Plan a distance of 13.7 metres;

Thence westerly, parallel to the northern boundary of the said Reference Plan a distance of 203.2 metres; then north 13.7 metres to the boundary with the northern limit of the said Reference Plan;

Thence east along the northern boundary of the said Reference Plan 203.2 metres to the point of commencement.

Barbara Konyi

Provincial Planning and Environmental Services Branch
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Dated on January 22, 2001.