O. Reg. 123/01: VEHICLE PERMITS, Filed April 26, 2001 under Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8


ONTARIO regulation 123/01

made under the

highway Traffic act

Made:  April 25, 2001
Filed:  April 26, 2001
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: May 12, 2001

Amending Reg. 628 of R.R.O. 1990

(Vehicle Permits)

1. (1) Subsection 16.1 (1) of Regulation 628 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 is amended by striking out “Subject to subsection (2)” at the beginning and substituting “Subject to subsections (2) and (3)”.

(2) Subsection 16.1 (1) of the Regulation is amended by adding the following paragraph:

2. Vehicles with a manufacturer’s gross vehicle weight rating exceeding 63,500 kilograms that are used exclusively for transporting between steel production facilities,

i. steel slabs, steel coils or related partly-processed or finished goods, or

ii. steel production equipment.

(3) Subsection 16.1 (2) of the Regulation is amended by inserting “in paragraph 1 of subsection (1)” after “The exemption” at the beginning.

(4) Section 16.1 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsection:

(3) The exemption in paragraph 2 of subsection (1) applies only while the following conditions are satisfied:

1. The vehicle is only operated in the City of Hamilton,

i. while directly crossing the roadway known as Depew Street at a point 320 metres south of the roadway known as Burlington Street East and 48 metres north of the roadway known as Gertrude Street, or

ii. on the following parts of highways:

A. That part of the roadway known as Kenilworth Avenue North lying between its northern limit and a point at its intersection with the roadway known as Dofasco Road.

B. That part of the roadway known as Dofasco Road lying between a point at its intersection with the roadway known as Kenilworth Avenue North and a point at its intersection with the roadway known as Beach Road.

C. That part of the roadway known as Ottawa Street North lying between its northern limit and a point at its intersection with the roadway known as Beach Road.

D. That part of the roadway known as Beach Road lying between a point at its intersection with the roadway known as Kenilworth Avenue North to a point 200 metres west of the roadway known as Ottawa Street North.

E. That part of the roadway known as Burlington Street East lying between a point at its intersection with the roadway known as Ottawa Street North and a point at its intersection with the roadway known as Strathearne Avenue.

F. That part of the roadway known as Strathearne Avenue lying between its northern limit and a point at its intersection with the roadway known as Brampton Street.

2. There is a current written agreement between the City of Hamilton and the operator of the vehicle relating to the use of vehicles as described in paragraph 2 of subsection (1) on the parts of highways described in subparagraphs 1 i and ii.

3. The operator of the vehicle is in compliance with the agreement described in paragraph 2.