O. Reg. 313/01: CLASSIFICATION OF PROPOSALS FOR INSTRUMENTS, Filed August 10, 2001 under Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993, S.O. 1993, c. 28
ontario regulation 313/01
made under the
Made: August 8, 2001
Filed: August 10, 2001
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: August 25, 2001
Amending O. Reg. 681/94
(Classification of Proposals for Instruments)
Note: Since the end of 2000, Ontario Regulation 681/94 has been amended by Ontario Regulations 130/01 and 261/01. Previous amendments are listed in the Table of Regulations published in The Ontario Gazette dated January 20, 2001.
1. Section 4 of Ontario Regulation 681/94 is revoked and the following substituted:
4. The following are Class I proposals for instruments:
1. A proposal to classify a pesticide under Regulation 914 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990, if the pesticide contains an active ingredient that is not classified under that Regulation and that is not contained in a pesticide classified under that Regulation.
2. A proposal to reclassify a pesticide under Regulation 914 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990.
3. A proposal to declassify a pesticide under Regulation 914 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990, unless,
i. declassification would take place at the request of, or with the consent of, the registrant, or
ii. the pesticide is no longer registered under the Pest Control Products Act (Canada) or the Fertilizers Act (Canada).
2. Section 12 of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
12. The following are Class I proposals for instruments:
1. A proposal for a consent under section 34 of the Mining Act.
2. A proposal to award surface rights under subsection 39 (2) of the Mining Act.
3. A proposal to reinstate a licence of occupation under subsection 41 (4) of the Mining Act, unless the reinstatement would not have a significant effect on the environment.
4. A proposal to direct that buildings, structures, machinery, chattels, personal property, ore, mineral slimes or tailings do not belong to the Crown under subsection 53 (1) of the Mining Act.
5. A proposal to exchange a lease for replacement leases under subsection 83 (1) of the Mining Act, unless the exchange would not have a significant effect on the environment.
6. A proposal to lease surface rights under subsection 84 (1) of the Mining Act.
7. A proposal to direct the inclusion of reservations or provisions under subsection 86 (3) of the Mining Act, unless the inclusion would not have a significant effect on the environment.
8. A proposal to grant permission to cut and use trees under subsection 92 (5) of the Mining Act.
9. A proposal to acknowledge receipt of a closure plan under clause 140 (4) (a) of the Mining Act.
10. A proposal to acknowledge receipt of a closure plan under clause 141 (3) (a) of the Mining Act.
11. A proposal for an approval under subsection 142 (2) of the Mining Act.
12. A proposal for an approval under subsection 142 (3) of the Mining Act.
13. A proposal for an approval under subsection 142 (6) of the Mining Act.
14. A proposal for an order under subsection 143 (2) of the Mining Act.
15. A proposal for an order under subsection 143 (3) of the Mining Act.
16. A proposal for an order under subsection 145 (2) of the Mining Act.
17. A proposal for an order under subsection 147 (1) of the Mining Act.
18. A proposal to enter lands to rehabilitate a mine hazard under subsection 147 (2) of the Mining Act.
19. A proposal for an order under subsection 148 (2) of the Mining Act.
20. A proposal to issue a direction under subsection 148 (5) of the Mining Act.
21. A proposal to surrender mining lands under subsection 149.1 (1) of the Mining Act.
22. A proposal to alter or revoke a decision of the Commissioner under subsection 152 (11) of the Mining Act.
23. A proposal for an order under subsection 153.2 (3) of the Mining Act.
24. A proposal to have the Crown or an agent of the Crown carry out rehabilitation measures under clause 153.2 (4) (b) of the Mining Act.
25. A proposal for an approval under subsection 165 (1) of the Mining Act.
26. A proposal for an order under subsection 175 (1) of the Mining Act.
27. A proposal for a subsequent order or award under subsection 175 (13) of the Mining Act.
28. A proposal to issue or validate an unpatented mining claim, licence of occupation, lease or patent under subsection 176 (3) of the Mining Act, unless the issuance or validation would not have a significant effect on the environment.
29. A proposal for a consent under section 177 of the Mining Act.
30. A proposal to accept the surrender of mining lands under subsection 183 (1) of the Mining Act, unless the acceptance would not have a significant effect on the environment.