O. Reg. 348/01: OPEN SEASONS - WILDLIFE, Filed August 31, 2001 under Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 41


ontario regulation 348/01

made under the

fish and wildlife conservation act, 1997

Made: July 31, 2001
Filed: August 31, 2001
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: September 15, 2001

Amending O. Reg. 670/98

(Open Seasons — Wildlife)

Note:  Since the end of 2000, Ontario Regulation 670/98 has been amended by Ontario Regulations 21/01, 29/01, 32/01, 33/01, 115/01 and 253/01.  Previous amendments are listed in the Table of Regulations published in The Ontario Gazette dated January 20, 2001.

1. (1) Table 5 of Ontario Regulation 670/98 is amended by adding the following items:




Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Column 4

Area (Nos. refer to WMUs unless otherwise stated)

Open Season — Residents

Open Season —

Class of Firearm



From October 1 to the Sunday immediately prior to the first Monday in November, in any year.


From the Sunday immediately prior to the second Monday in November to the third following Sunday, in any year.


From the Sunday next following the Monday next following November 28 to December 31, in any year.

Closed season




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72A, 73, 74A, 75, 80

From the Monday next following November 28 to the Saturday next following, in any year.

Closed season



(2) Items 17, 18, 22 and 28 of Table 5 of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:



Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Column 4

Area (Nos. refer to WMUs unless otherwise stated)

Open Season — Residents

Open Season —

Class of Firearm



From the second Monday in November to the Saturday next following, in any year.

From the second Monday in November to the Saturday next following, in any year



68A, 68B, 71

From October 1 to the Sunday immediately prior to the first Monday in November, in any year.


From the Sunday immediately prior to the third Monday in November to December 31 in any year.

From October 1 to the Sunday immediately prior to the first Monday in November, in any year.


From the Sunday immediately prior to the third Monday in November to December 31 in any year.




. . . . .




72A, 73, 74A, 75

From October 1 to the Sunday immediately prior to the first Monday in November, in any year.


From the Sunday immediately prior to the third Monday in November to the second following Sunday, in any year.


From the Sunday next following the Monday next following November 28 to December 31, in any year.

From October 1 to the Sunday immediately prior to the first Monday in November, in any year.


From the Sunday immediately prior to the third Monday in November to the second following Sunday, in any year.


From the Sunday next following the Monday next following November 28 to December 31, in any year




. . . . .




87B, 87C, 87D, 87E, 89A, 89B

From October 1 to the Sunday immediately prior to the first Monday in November, in any year.


From the Sunday immediately prior to the second Monday in November to December 31, in any year.

Closed season



(3) Item 49 of Table 5 of the Regulation is revoked.

John Snobelen

Minister of Natural Resources

Dated on July 31, 2001.