O. Reg. 168/02: RESTRICTED AREAS - REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK - TOWN OF MARKHAM, Filed June 13, 2002 under Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13


ontario regulation 168/02

made under the

Planning act

Made: June 12, 2002
Filed: June 13, 2002
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: June 29, 2002

Amending O. Reg. 104/72

(Restricted Areas — Regional Municipality of York —
Town of Markham)

1. Paragraph 6 of section 2 of Ontario Regulation 104/72 is revoked.

2. Section 45 of the Regulation is revoked.

Chris Hodgson

Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Dated on June 12, 2002.
