O. Reg. 15/03: DEFINITIONS AND EXEMPTIONS, Filed February 5, 2003 under Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, c. 15, Sched. B


ontario regulation 15/03

made under the

ontario energy board act, 1998

Made: February 3, 2003
Filed: February 5, 2003
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: February 22, 2003

Amending O. Reg. 161/99

(Definitions and Exemptions)

1. Section 4.0.1 Ontario Regulation 161/99 is amended by striking out “sections 71, 78, 80 and 86 of the Act” in the portion before clause (a) and substituting “sections 71, 72, 78, 80 and 86 of the Act”.

2. Section 4.1 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsection:

(3) Clause 57 (d) of the Act does not apply to a retailer if,

(a) the only electricity retailed by the retailer was generated by the retailer or was purchased by or on behalf of the retailer;

(b) the retailer retails electricity at a price that is no greater than all the reasonable costs associated with generating it or purchasing it; and

(c) the retailer is also a distributor that owned or operated a distribution system as of January 1, 2002, and that meets all the conditions set out in clause 4.0.1 (c).

3. The Regulation is amended by adding the following section:

6.0.3 Section 81 of the Act does not apply to a generator or affiliate of a generator that acquires an interest in a transmission system in Ontario or constructs a transmission system in Ontario if,

(a) none of the lines in the transmission system are more than two kilometres in length; and

(b) the generator transmits electricity only for,

(i) the purpose of conveying electricity generated by the generator into the IMO-controlled grid, or

(ii) the purpose of transmitting electricity during,

(A) planned outages as defined in the market rules that have been approved by the IMO in accordance with the market rules,

(B) forced outages as defined in the market rules, or

(C) emergencies as defined in the market rules.