O. Reg. 207/03: AREA DESCRIPTIONS, Filed May 21, 2003 under Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 41
ontario regulation 207/03
made under the
Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997
Made: May 14, 2003
Filed: May 21, 2003
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: June 7, 2003
Amending O. Reg. 663/98
(Area Descriptions)
Note: Since the end of 2002, Ontario Regulation 663/98 has been amended by Ontario Regulation 130/03. Previous amendments are listed in the Table of Regulations published in The Ontario Gazette dated January 18, 2003.
1. Schedule 33 of Part 3 of Ontario Regulation 663/98 is revoked and the following substituted:
Schedule 33
The part of Restoule Provincial Park described as follows:
That portion of the geographic Townships of Hardy and Patterson, in the Territorial District of Parry Sound, being composed of Part 1 and a portion of Part 2 on a Plan known as Restoule Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) filed on February 14, 2003 with the Office of the Surveyor General of Ontario in the Ministry of Natural Resources, and which portion of Part 2 may be more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the northwesterly corner of Lot 13, Concession 10, in the said Township of Patterson; thence southerly along the westerly limit of said Lot 13 and along the southerly production of the said limit across the allowance for road to the water’s edge along the northerly shore of Restoule Lake; thence easterly following the said water’s edge and water’s edge along the northerly shore of Restoule River to the intersection with the southerly production of the westerly limit of Lot 18, Concession 8; thence northerly along the said southerly production across the allowance for road and along the said westerly limit to the northwesterly corner of said Lot 18; thence northerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between concessions 8 and 9 to the southwesterly corner of Lot 18, Concession 9; thence northerly along the westerly limit of said Lot 18 and along the northerly production of the said limit across the allowance for road to the water’s edge along the southwesterly shore of Stormy Lake; thence north and westerly following the said water’s edge and the water’s edge along the southerly shore of Restoule River to the intersection with the northerly production of the westerly limit of Lot 13, Concession 11; thence southerly along the said northerly production across the allowance for road and along the said westerly limit to the southwesterly corner of said Lot 13; thence southerly in a straight line across the allowance for road between concessions 10 and 11 to the place of beginning.
2. Schedule 47 of Part 3 of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
Schedule 47
Turtle River-White Otter Lake Provincial Park.
3. Part 3 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Schedules:
Schedule 92
Woman River Forest Provincial Park.
Schedule 93
Wenebegon River Provincial Park.
Schedule 94
Matinenda Provincial Park.
Schedule 95
Alexander Lake Forest Provincial Park.
Schedule 96
Amable du Fond River Provincial Park.
Schedule 97
That portion of Jocko Rivers Provincial Park in the geographic Townships of Clarkson, Eddy, French, Garrow, Jocko, La Salle, Lockhart, McAuslan, Osborne and Stewart, in the Territorial District of Nipissing, containing 11,231 hectares, more or less, being composed of those parts of the said geographic townships designated as Parts 1 to 3, both inclusive, on a Plan known as P140 Jocko Rivers Provincial Park (Waterway Class) filed on February 14, 2003 with the Office of the Surveyor General of Ontario in the Ministry of Natural Resources.
Schedule 98
Goulais River Provincial Park.
Schedule 99
Algoma Headwaters Provincial Park.
Schedule 100
Aubinadong-Nushatogaini Rivers Provincial Park.
Schedule 101
East English River Provincial Park.
Schedule 102
That portion of Sandbar Lake Provincial Park in unsurveyed territory, in the Territorial District of Kenora, containing 3,270 hectares, more or less, being composed of that part of the said unsurveyed territory designated as Part 1 on a plan known as Sandbar Lake Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class), filed on February 24, 2003 with the Office of the Surveyor General of Ontario in the Ministry of Natural Resources.
Schedule 103
That portion of Blue Lake Provincial Park in the geographic Townships of Docker and Smellie, in the Territorial District of Kenora, containing 1,954 hectares, more or less, being composed of those parts of the said geographic townships designated as Parts 1 to 16, both inclusive, (Part 6 comprising only the islands in Cobble Lake) on a plan known as Blue Lake Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class), filed on February 24, 2003 with the Office of the Surveyor General of Ontario in the Ministry of Natural Resources.
Schedule 104
West English River Provincial Park.
Schedule 105
Eagle Dogtooth Provincial Park.
Schedule 106
St. Raphael Provincial Park.