O. Reg. 32/04: Hunting, Filed February 27, 2004 under Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 41


ontario regulation 32/04

made under the

fish and wildlife conservation act, 1997

Made: February 25, 2004
Filed: February 27, 2004
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: March 13, 2004

Amending O. Reg. 665/98


1. Subsection 1 (2) of Ontario Regulation 665/98 is revoked.

2. Subsection 17 (4) of the Regulation is revoked.

3. Section 22 of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

22. (1) A person may hunt moose, deer or bear in a party with one or more other persons who each hold a valid licence to hunt moose, deer or bear if the person hunts in accordance with this Part.

(2) A licence that is no longer valid under subsection 17 (3) because the seal provided with the licence has been attached to the carcass of a deer, moose or bear shall be deemed to be valid for the purpose of hunting in a party for the species specified in the licence.  

(3) Despite any limit on the number, sex, age or type of moose, deer or bear that may be killed under this Regulation, a person may hunt in a party for as many moose, deer or bear as there are seals held by the members of the party and not yet attached to any of the wildlife if the following conditions are met by the person and the other members of the party:

1. The total number of moose, deer or bear of a specified sex, age or type killed by the party does not exceed the total number of seals for that sex, age or type held by the members of the party.

2. All members of the party, including the person who holds the seal that is valid for the wildlife that the party is hunting, actively participate in the hunt and hunt co-operatively.

3. All members of the party hunt together in the same wildlife management unit or portion thereof for which the seal is valid.

4. Each member of the party hunts within 5 kilometres of the person who holds the seal that is valid for the wildlife being hunted.

5. Each member of the party is able to reliably and immediately communicate with the other members of the party.

(4) The person who kills the wildlife shall immediately notify all other members of the party that the wildlife has been killed.

4. The Regulation is amended by adding the following section:

22.1 If a member of a party kills a moose, deer or bear under the authority of a licence that is held by another member of the party, the holder of the licence shall,

(a) immediately after the kill and at the site of the kill attach the seal provided with the licence or licence tag to the wildlife in the manner indicated on the seal; and

(b) keep the seal attached to the wildlife while it is being transported.