O. Reg. 376/04: GENERAL, Filed December 9, 2004 under Nursing Act, 1991, S.O. 1991, c. 32
ontario regulation 376/04
made under the
Nursing act, 1991
Made: August 3, 2004
Approved: December 8, 2004
Filed: December 9, 2004
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: December 25, 2004
Amending O. Reg. 275/94
1. (1) Subsection 6 (2) of Ontario Regulation 275/94 is amended by striking out “The following” at the beginning and substituting “Prior to January 1, 2005, the following”.
(2) Section 6 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsections:
(2.1) After December 31, 2004, the following are non-exemptible registration requirements for a general certificate of registration as a registered practical nurse:
1. The applicant,
i. must have received a diploma in practical nursing granted by a College of Applied Arts and Technology in Ontario whose program was, at the time the applicant graduated, approved by a body or bodies designated by the Council or by the Council itself,
ii. must have received a diploma in practical nursing granted in another province or territory in Canada that, at the time the applicant graduated, was, in the opinion of the Registration Committee, equivalent to the diploma described in subparagraph i,
iii. must have graduated prior to January 1, 2005 from a practical nursing program in another province or territory in Canada that was, at the time the applicant graduated, accepted by the regulatory body for practical nursing in that province or territory and been registered with that regulatory body or another regulatory body for practical nursing in a province or territory in Canada in an equivalent class prior to January 1, 2005,
iv. must have graduated from a practical nursing program outside Canada that the Registration Committee determines was, at the time the applicant graduated, equivalent to a practical nursing program in Ontario that is currently approved in accordance with subparagraph i,
v. must have graduated from a practical nursing program other than one referred to in subparagraph i, ii, iii or iv and must also satisfy the Registration Committee that he or she has obtained additional practical nursing education or experience that, together with the education provided by the practical nursing program from which he or she graduated, is equivalent to the education provided by a practical nursing program in Ontario that is currently approved in accordance with subparagraph i, or
vi. must have graduated from one of the nursing programs referred to in paragraph 1 of subsection (1) or paragraph 1 of subsection (1.1) and must also satisfy the Registration Committee that he or she has obtained additional practical nursing education or experience that, together with the education provided by the nursing program from which he or she graduated, is equivalent to the preparation provided by a practical nursing program in Ontario that is currently approved in accordance with subparagraph i.
2. At the time of successfully completing all other requirements for registration as a registered practical nurse in the general class or at the time of application, whichever is later, the applicant must satisfy the Registration Committee,
i. that he or she graduated from a program described in subparagraph 1 i, ii, iii or iv within the past five years,
ii. that he or she has no need for additional education or experience based on evidence of safe practice as a practical nurse or nursing assistant during the past five years, or
iii. that he or she has successfully completed the additional education or obtained the additional experience that the Registration Committee determines is necessary to enable him or her to practise safely as a registered practical nurse in the general class in the future.
3. The applicant must have passed the examination for registration as a practical nurse set by the Canadian Nurses Association or an examination approved as equivalent by the Registration Committee.
(2.2) Subsection (2.1) applies to any application for a general certificate of registration as a registered practical nurse unless the applicant has met all of the requirements for the issuance of the certificate prior to January 1, 2005, in which case subsection (2) applies.
(2.3) Subsection (2.1) shall not be interpreted to affect in any way,
(a) the right of a member who, on December 31, 2004, holds a general certificate of registration as a registered practical nurse to continue to be a member in that class; or
(b) the right of a former member who held a general certificate of registration as a registered practical nurse to have his or her certificate of registration reinstated.
(3) Paragraph 2 of subsection 6 (3) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Immigration Act (Canada)” and substituting “Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada)”.
(4) Paragraph 3 of subsection 6 (3) of the Regulation is amended by striking out the portion before subparagraph i and substituting the following:
3. An applicant who graduated from a program referred to in subparagraph 1 ii, iii or iv of subsection (1) or (2) or a program referred to in subparagraph 1 ii, iv or v of subsection (1.1) or (2.1) must show,
. . . . .
(5) Paragraph 4 of subsection 6 (3) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
4. A registered practical nurse applicant who graduated from a nursing program referred to in subparagraph 1 v of subsection (2) or subparagraph 1 vi of subsection (2.1) must show proof of registration or eligibility for registration as a registered nurse in the jurisdiction in which the nursing program was located.
2. (1) Subparagraphs 2 i and ii of subsection 9 (2) of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:
i. paragraph 1 of subsection 6 (1), in the case of a registered nurse applicant who applies and satisfies all of the other requirements for a temporary certificate of registration prior to January 1, 2005 or paragraph 1 of subsection 6 (1.1) in the case of any other registered nurse applicant, or
ii. paragraph 1 of subsection 6 (2), in the case of a registered practical nurse applicant who applies and satisfies all of the other requirements for a temporary certificate of registration prior to January 1, 2005 or paragraph 1 of subsection 6 (2.1) in the case of any other registered practical nurse applicant.
(2) Paragraph 2 of subsection 9 (3) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Immigration Act (Canada)” and substituting “Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada)”.
(3) Paragraph 3 of subsection 9 (3) of the Regulation is amended by striking out the portion before subparagraph i and substituting the following:
3. An applicant who graduated from a program referred to in subparagraph 1 ii, iii or iv of subsection 6 (1) or (2) or a program referred to in subparagraph 1 ii, iv or v of subsection 6 (1.1) or (2.1) must show,
. . . . .
(4) Paragraph 4 of subsection 9 (3) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
4. A registered practical nurse applicant who graduated from a nursing program referred to in subparagraph 1 v of subsection 6 (2) or subparagraph 1 vi of subsection 6 (2.1) must show proof of registration or eligibility for registration as a registered nurse in the jurisdiction in which the nursing program was located.
(5) Paragraph 7 of subsection 9 (3) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
7. An applicant for a certificate of registration as a registered practical nurse must satisfy the Registration Committee that within the year immediately preceding the date of his or her application, he or she,
i. graduated from a program described in subparagraph 1 i, ii, iii or v of subsection 6 (2) or a program described in subparagraph 1 i, ii, iii, iv or vi of subsection 6 (2.1), or
ii. practised safely as a practical nurse, nursing assistant or nurse.
3. (1) Clause 12 (3) (b) of the Regulation is amended by adding “or (2.1)” at the end.
(2) Subsection 12 (4) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “subsection 6 (1), (1.1) or (2)” at the end and substituting “subsection 6 (1), (1.1), (2) or (2.1)”.
Made by:
Council of the College of Nurses of Ontario:
Sandra E. Ireland
Anne L. Coghlan
Executive Director
Date made: August 3, 2004.