O. Reg. 42/05: RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, Filed February 18, 2005 under Courts of Justice Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.43

ontario regulation 42/05

made under the

courts of justice act

Made: December 15, 2004
Approved: February 16, 2005
Filed: February 18, 2005
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: March 5, 2005

Amending Reg. 194 of R.R.O. 1990

(Rules of Civil Procedure)

1. The definitions of “partial indemnity costs” and “substantial indemnity costs” in subrule 1.03 (1) of Regulation 194 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 are revoked and the following substituted:

“partial indemnity costs” mean costs awarded in accordance with Part I of Tariff A, and “on a partial indemnity basis” has a corresponding meaning; (“dépens d’indemnisation partielle”)

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“substantial indemnity costs” mean costs awarded in an amount that is 1.5 times what would otherwise be awarded in accordance with Part I of Tariff A, and “on a substantial indemnity basis” has a corresponding meaning. (“dépens d’indemnisation substantielle”)

2. (1) Subrule 15.04 (2) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(2) Service of a notice of motion for the removal of a solicitor from the record and service of the order shall be made on the client,

(a) personally or by an alternative to personal service under rule 16.03; or

(b) by mailing a copy to the client at,

(i) the client’s last known address, and

(ii) another address, if any, where the solicitor believes the copy is likely to come to the client’s attention.

(2) Subrule 15.04 (4) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

Contents of Order

(4) The order removing a solicitor from the record shall include,

(a) the client’s last known address, or the address for service if different;

(b) another address, if any, where the solicitor believes the copy is likely to come to the client’s attention;

(c) the client’s telephone number and fax number, if any, unless the court orders otherwise;

(d) if the client is a corporation, the text of subrules (6) and (7); and

(e) if the client is not a corporation, the text of subrules (8) and (9).

(3) Rule 15.04 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subrules:

Clients Other Than Corporations

(8) A client who is not a corporation shall, within 30 days after being served with the order removing the solicitor from the record,

(a) appoint a new solicitor of record by serving a notice under subrule 15.03 (2); or

(b) serve a notice of intention to act in person under subrule 15.03 (2).

(9) If the client fails to comply with subrule (8),

(a) the court may dismiss the client’s proceeding or strike out his or her defence; and

(b) in an appeal,

(i) a judge of the appellate court may, on motion, dismiss the client’s appeal, or

(ii) the court hearing the appeal may deny the client the right to be heard.

3. Rule 43 of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:




43.01 (1) In rules 43.02 to 43.04,

“property” means personal property and includes a debt.


(2) For the purposes of rules 43.02 to 43.04, the following persons are claimants:

1. In the case of an application or motion for an interpleader order under subrule 43.02 (1), each person who makes a claim in respect of the property.

2. In the case of an application or motion for an interpleader order under subrule 43.02 (2),

i. the judgment debtor against whom the enforcement process has been filed,

ii. every creditor who has filed with the sheriff an enforcement process against the judgment debtor, and

iii. each person who makes a claim in respect of the property.


Person Claiming No Beneficial Interest

43.02 (1) A person may seek an interpleader order (Form 43A) in respect of property if,

(a) two or more other persons have made adverse claims in respect of the property; and

(b) the first-named person,

(i) claims no beneficial interest in the property, other than a lien for costs, fees or expenses, and

(ii) is willing to deposit the property with the court or dispose of it as the court directs.

Claims Under Rule 60.13

(2) A claimant who is entitled to do so under subrule 60.13 (4) or (5) may seek an interpleader order (Form 43A).


Application or Motion under Subrule 43.02 (1)

43.03 (1) The following requirements apply when a person seeks an interpleader order under subrule 43.02 (1):

1. If no proceeding has been commenced in respect of the property, the person shall make an application naming the claimants as respondents.

2. If a proceeding has been commenced in respect of the property, the person shall make a motion in the proceeding on notice to the claimants.

3. The notice of application or notice of motion shall require the claimants to attend the hearing to substantiate their claims.

4. The application or motion shall be supported by an affidavit identifying the property, containing the names and addresses of every claimant of whom the deponent has knowledge, and stating that the applicant or moving party,

i. claims no beneficial interest in the property, other than a lien for costs, fees or expenses,

ii. does not collude with any of the claimants, and

iii. is willing to deposit the property with the court or dispose of it as the court directs.

Motion under Subrule 43.02 (2)

(2) The following requirements apply when a claimant seeks an interpleader order under subrule 43.02 (2):

1. The claimant shall make a motion, on notice to the other claimants, in the proceeding in which the writ of execution was issued against the debtor.

2. The notice of motion shall require the other claimants to attend the hearing to substantiate their claims.


Powers of Court

43.04 (1) On the hearing of an application or motion for an interpleader order, the court may,

(a) order that the applicant or moving party deposit the property with an officer of the court, sell it as the court directs or, in the case of money, pay it into court to await the outcome of a specified proceeding;

(b) declare that, on compliance with an order under clause (a), the liability of the applicant or moving party in respect of the property or its proceeds is extinguished; and

(c) order that the costs of the applicant or moving party be paid out of the property or its proceeds.

(2) In an order under subrule (1), the court may,

(a) order a claimant to be made a party to a proceeding already commenced in substitution for or in addition to the moving party;

(b) order the trial of an issue between the claimants, define the issue to be tried and direct which claimant is to be plaintiff and which defendant;

(c) where the question is one of law and the facts are not in dispute, decide the question without directing the trial of an issue;

(d) on the request of a claimant, determine the rights of the claimants in a summary manner, if, having regard to the value of the property and the nature of the issues in dispute, it seems desirable to do so;

(e) where a claimant fails to attend the hearing, or attends and fails to comply with an order made in the course of the proceeding, make an order declaring that the claimant and all persons claiming under the claimant are forever barred from making a claim against the applicant or moving party and all persons claiming under the applicant or moving party, without affecting the rights of the claimants as between themselves;

(f) stay any further step in a proceeding in respect of the property; and

(g) make such other order as is just.

Certain Motions to be Heard by Judge

(3) A motion for an interpleader order that is made to a master and raises a genuine issue of fact or of law shall be adjourned to be heard by a judge.

4. (1) Subrule 57.01 (1) of the Regulation is amended by adding the following clauses:

(0.a) the principle of indemnity, including, where applicable, the experience of the lawyer for the party entitled to the costs as well as the rates charged and the hours spent by that lawyer;

(0.b) the amount of costs that an unsuccessful party could reasonably expect to pay in relation to the step in the proceeding for which costs are being fixed;

(2) Subrule 57.01 (4) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “or” at the end of clause (b) and by adding the following clauses:

(d) to award costs in an amount that represents full indemnity; or

(e) to award costs to an unrepresented party.

(3) Rule 57.01 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subrules:

Costs Outline

(6) Unless the parties have agreed on the costs that it would be appropriate to award for a step in a proceeding, every party who intends to seek costs for that step shall give to every other party involved in the same step, and bring to the hearing, a costs outline (Form 57B) not exceeding three pages in length.

Process for Fixing Costs

(7) The court shall devise and adopt the simplest, least expensive and most expeditious process for fixing costs and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, costs may be fixed after receiving written submissions, without the attendance of the parties.

5. Form 15B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “formerly acting in person”.

6. The Regulation is amended by adding the following Form:


Courts of Justice Act

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7. (1) The title to Tariff A to the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:


(2) Part I of Tariff A to the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

PART I — Fees

The fee for any step in a proceeding authorized by the Rules of Civil Procedure and the counsel fee for motions, applications, trials, references and appeals shall be determined in accordance with section 131 of the Courts of Justice Act and the factors set out in subrule 57.01 (1).

Where students-at-law or law clerks have provided services of a nature that the Law Society of Upper Canada authorizes them to provide, fees for those services may be allowed.

8. This Regulation comes into force on July 1, 2005.