O. Reg. 182/05: AREA DESCRIPTIONS, Filed April 21, 2005 under Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 41
ontario regulation 182/05
made under the
fish and wildlife conservation act, 1997
Made: April 20, 2005
Filed: April 21, 2005
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: May 7, 2005
Amending O. Reg. 663/98
(Area Descriptions)
1. Schedule 12 of Part 3 of Ontario Regulation 663/98 is revoked and the following substituted:
Schedule 12
That part of Nagagamisis Provincial Park in the geographic Townships of Frances, Flanders, Hiawatha, Nagagami, Frost, Elgie, McEwing, Newlands, Mercer, Cross, and Arnott, in the Territorial District of Algoma, and in the geographic Townships of McMillan, Fintry, Auden, and unsurveyed territory, in the Territorial District of Cochrane being composed of those parts of the said geographic townships and unsurveyed territory designated as Parts 1 to 9, inclusive, on a plan known as Nagagamisis Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class), filed on November 1, 2004, with the Office of the Surveyor General of Ontario in the Ministry of Natural Resources saving and excepting those parts more particularly described as follows:
1. Part of the geographic townships of Frost and McEwing described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the easterly limit of the right of way of Secondary Highway No. 631 with the southerly shore of Nagagamisis Lake; thence in a general southwesterly, southerly and southeasterly direction along the easterly limit of the said right of way to the intersection with the northerly shore of Blackwater Creek; thence in a general easterly direction following the northerly shore of Blackwater Creek to the northwesterly shore of Park Lake; thence in a general northeasterly direction following the northwesterly shore of Park Lake to the northerly shore of an unnamed creek draining Park Lake; thence in a general easterly direction following the northerly shore of the said unnamed creek to the westerly shore of Duck Bay; thence in a general northeasterly direction following the westerly shore of Duck Bay to the southerly shore of Nagagamisis Lake; thence in a general westerly and northwesterly direction following the south shore of Nagagamisis Lake to the place of beginning.
2. Part of the geographic Township of Frost described as follows:
Premising that all bearings hereinafter mentioned are astronomical.
Beginning at survey monument No. 334 defining a point on the westerly limit of the right of way of Secondary Highway No. 631 opposite H.O.T. at chainage 299 + 86.25 as shown on Ministry of Transportation and Communications Plan P-3451-1; thence north 85°00' west 1760.00 metres; thence north 67°00' west 1810.00 metres; thence north astronomic 400.00 metres, more or less, to a point measured southerly from and 100.00 metres in perpendicular distance to the southerly shore of Nagagamisis Lake; thence in a general northeasterly direction parallel to the said southerly shore and 100.00 metres in perpendicular distance therefrom to the intersection with the westerly limit of the right of way of Secondary Highway No. 631; thence in a general southwesterly, southerly and southeasterly direction following the westerly limit of the said right of way to the place of beginning.
3. Part of the geographic Township of Frost described as follows:
Premising that all bearings hereinafter mentioned are astronomical.
Beginning at the southeast corner of the herein described tract of land which is distant 1410.00 metres measured south 64°41' west from monument No. 334 defining a point on the westerly limit of the right of way of Secondary Highway No. 631 opposite H.O.T. at chainage 299 + 86.25 as shown on Ministry of Transportation and Communications Plan P-3451-1; thence north astronomic 400.00 metres; thence west astronomic 650.00 metres; thence south astronomic 400.00 metres; thence east astronomically 650.00 metres to the place of beginning.
4. Part of the geographic Township of McEwing described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the north boundary of Nagagamisis Provincial Park with the easterly shore of an unnamed creek draining into Nagagamisis Lake being distant 5,900.00 metres, more or less, measured westerly along the said north boundary from the northeast corner of said park; thence easterly along the said north boundary 860.00 metres, more or less, to the westerly shore of an unnamed creek draining into Nagagamisis Lake; thence in a general southerly direction following the westerly shore of the unnamed creek to the northerly shore of Nagagamisis Lake; thence in a general westerly, southwesterly, westerly and northwesterly direction following the northerly shore of Nagagamisis Lake to the easterly shore of an unnamed creek on which easterly shore the place of beginning is situated; thence in a general northeasterly direction following the said easterly shore to the place of beginning.
5. Part of the geographic Township of McEwing described as follows:
Premising that all bearings hereinafter mentioned are astronomical.
Beginning at the southeast corner of the herein described tract of land distant 2,130.00 metres measured north astronomic from a point on the south boundary of the geographic Township of McEwing distant 12,000.00 metres measured westerly thereon from the southeast corner of the said township; thence north 20°20' east 550.00 metres; thence west astronomically 100.00 metres, more or less, to the easterly shore of Duck Bay; thence in a general southwesterly direction following the easterly shore of Duck Bay to the intersection with a line drawn on a course of west astronomic from the place of beginning; thence east astronomic 100.00 metres, more or less, to the place of beginning.
6. Part of the geographic Township of McEwing described as follows:
Premising that all bearings hereinafter mentioned are astronomical.
Beginning at the northeast corner of the herein described tract of land distant 1,500.00 metres measured north astronomic from a point in the south boundary of the geographic Township of McEwing distant 6,700.00 metres measured westerly thereon from the southeast corner of the said township; thence north 80°00' west 990.00 metres, more or less, to the easterly shore of Nagagamisis River; thence in a general southerly, southeasterly and easterly direction following the said shore to the intersection with a line drawn on a course of south astronomic from the place of beginning; thence north astronomic 300.00 metres, more or less, to the place of beginning.
7. Part of the geographic Township of McEwing described as follows:
Premising that all bearings hereinafter mentioned are astronomical.
Beginning at the northeast corner of the herein described tract of land distant 3,140.00 metres measured north astronomic from a point in the south boundary of the geographic Township of McEwing distant 2,350.00 metres measured westerly thereon from the southeast corner of the said township; thence west astronomic 700.00 metres; thence south astronomic 2,000.00 metres, more or less, to the northerly shore of Nagagamisis River; thence in a general easterly direction following the said shore to the intersection with a line drawn on a course of south astronomic from the place of beginning; thence north astronomic 2,480.00 metres, more or less, to the place of beginning.
2. Schedule 40 of Part 3 of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
Schedule 40
Kawartha Highlands Signature Site Park.
3. Part 3 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Schedules:
Schedule 114
Abitibi-De-Troyes Provincial Park.
Schedule 115
Egan Chutes Provincial Park Addition.
Schedule 116
That portion of Esker Lakes Provincial Park in the geographic Township of Bisley, in the Territorial District of Cochrane, and in the geographic Township of Morrisette in the Town of Kirkland Lake, and in the geographic Township of Arnold, in the Territorial District of Timiskaming containing 3,272 hectares, more or less, being composed of that part of the said geographic townships designated as Part 2 on a Plan known as Esker Lakes Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) filed on April 29, 2004, with the Office of the Surveyor General of Ontario in the Ministry of Natural Resources.
Schedule 117
That portion of Greenwater Provincial Park in the geographic Townships of Colquhoun, Leitch, Calder and Clute, in the Territorial District of Cochrane, containing 3,166 hectares, more or less, being composed of those parts in the said Townships, designated as Parts 1 and 3 on a Plan known as Greenwater Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class) filed on April 14, 2004, with the Office of the Surveyor General of Ontario in the Ministry of Natural Resources.
Schedule 118
That portion of Ivanhoe Provincial Park in the geographic Townships of Ivanhoe, Carty, Pinogami, Evans, Biggs, Hellyer, Raney, Crockett, Denyes, Halcrow, Tooms and Eisenhower, in the Territorial District of Sudbury, containing 6,100 hectares, more or less, being composed of those parts of the said geographic townships designated as Parts 2 to 4, both inclusive, on a plan known as Ivanhoe Lake Provincial Park (Natural Environment Class), filed on November 23, 2004, with the Office of the Surveyor General of Ontario in the Ministry of Natural Resources.