O. Reg. 486/06: Prescribed Policy Statements, Filed October 18, 2006 under Ontario Works Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 25, Sched. A

ontario regulation 486/06

made under the

Ontario Works act, 1997

Made: October18, 2006
Filed: October 18, 2006
Published on e-Laws: October 19, 2006
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: November 4, 2006

Amending O. Reg. 564/05

(Prescribed Policy Statements)

1. Ontario Regulation 564/05 is amended by adding the following section:

Transition: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

5. (1) If, in determining the amount of assistance paid or payable to a recipient for the period between September 1, 2006 and the day section 2 of Ontario Regulation 486/06 comes into force, an amount is or was required to be included in the recipient’s budgetary requirements for a special diet required for a member of the recipient’s benefit unit who has a medical condition known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the administrator shall adjust the amount of assistance paid or payable in accordance with subsection (2).

(2) The amount of an adjustment under subsection (1) shall be the difference between the amount to be included in the recipient’s budgetary requirements for the special diet referred to in subsection (1) based on Schedule 1 as it read before the day section 2 of Ontario Regulation 486/06 comes into force and the amount to be included for the special diet based on Schedule 1 as it reads after that day.

(3) The administrator shall pay the amount of the adjustment as soon as practicable.

2. Item 1 of Schedule 1 to the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:



Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis


$75 or such higher amount as may be permitted in accordance with subsection 2 (2)

Made by:
Pris par :

La ministre des Services sociaux et communautaires,

Madeleine Meilleur

Minister of Community and Social Services

Date made: October 18, 2006.
Pris le : 18 octobre 2006.