O. Reg. 19/07: DESIGNATION OF GEOGRAPHIC AREAS AND DELIVERY AGENTS, Filed January 30, 2007 under Ontario Works Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 25, Sched. A
ontario regulation 19/07
made under the
Ontario Works Act, 1997
Made: January 30, 2007
Filed: January 30, 2007
Published on e-Laws: January 31, 2007
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: February 17, 2007
Amending O. Reg. 136/98
(Designation of Geographic Areas and Delivery Agents)
1. Ontario Regulation 136/98 is amended by adding the following section:
2.1 (1) The territories, as constituted from time to time, of the lands designated under the Indian Act (Canada) as the reserves of the following bands are designated as a geographic area:
1. Mississauga.
2. Sagamok Anishnawbek.
3. Whitefish Lake.
4. Batchewana First Nation.
5. Garden River First Nation.
6. Serpent River.
7. Thessalon.
(2) The corporation known as the “Mama-Wes-Wen, The North Shore Tribal Council Secretariat” is designated as the delivery agent for the geographic area designated in subsection (1).
2. Section 4 of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
4. A delivery agent may enter into an agreement under section 45 of the Act giving another entity authority to determine eligibility for assistance only if,
(a) the other entity is either another delivery agent, a municipality, a band, a district social services administration board or the aboriginal tribal council known as the “Kenora Chiefs Advisory Inc.”;
(b) the agreement requires the entity to comply with any duties of the delivery agent under the Act with respect to that authority; and
(c) the agreement authorizes the delivery agent to cancel the agreement if the entity does not comply with those duties.
3. Items 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 37 and 84 of Schedule 2 to the Regulation are revoked.
4. This Regulation comes into force on February 1, 2007.
Made by:
Pris par :
La ministre des Services sociaux et communautaires,
Madeleine Meilleur
Minister of Community and Social Services
Date made: January 30, 2007.
Pris le : 30 janvier 2007.