O. Reg. 245/07: Red Light Camera System Evidence, Filed June 8, 2007 under Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8
ontario regulation 245/07
made under the
highway traffic act
Made: June 6, 2007
Filed: June 8, 2007
Published on e-Laws: June 11, 2007
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: June 23, 2007
Amending O. Reg. 277/99
(Red Light Camera System Evidence)
1. Ontario Regulation 277/99 is amended by adding the following heading above section 1:
Definitions and Application
2. (1) Subsection 2 (1) of the Regulation is amended by striking out the portion before clause (a) and substituting the following:
(1) For the purposes of Part XIV.2 of the Act, a red light camera system is the combination of one or more cameras and other equipment of a type described in subsection (1.1) that is installed at an intersection controlled by a traffic control signal such that,
. . . . .
(2) Section 2 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsection:
(1.1) A red light camera system may be either of the following systems:
1. Gatsometer RLC, model number 36mST-MC-GL4-ONT, referred to in this Regulation as Gatsometer.
2. TraffiStar SR 520-ONT, referred to in this Regulation as TraffiStar .
3. The Regulation is amended by adding the following heading above section 3:
Information on Photographs
4. Subsection 3 (2) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “section 3.1” at the end and substituting “section 3.1 or 3.2 and in section 3.3”.
5. (1) Subsection 3.1 (1) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “a red light camera system” in the portion before paragraph 1 and substituting “a Gatsometer red light camera system”.
(2) Subsection 3.1 (2) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “a red light camera system” in the portion before paragraph 1 and substituting “a Gatsometer red light camera system”.
(3) Subparagraph 3 v of subsection 3.1 (2) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “but if the speed is a two digit number, the seventh character may be “=”” at the end.
(4) Subsection 3.1 (6) of the Regulation is revoked.
6. The Regulation is amended by adding the following sections:
3.2 (1) On the first photograph of a series of photographs taken by a TraffiStar red light camera system, the information described in subsection 3 (1) may appear as a box containing two rows and eight columns of characters interpreted as follows:
1. In the top row, reading from left to right, are the column headings, “Time”, “Date”, “Lane”, “Amber”, “Code”, “Red”, “Photo” and “Speed”.
2. In the bottom row,
i. in the first column is the time that the photograph was taken, in hours, minutes and seconds expressed in 24-hour clock format,
ii. in the second column is the date that the photograph was taken, in numbers, with the first two being the day of the month, the second two being the month and the last four being the year,
iii. in the third column is a lane identifier,
iv. in the fourth column is the number of seconds, to the tenth of a second, for which the indication was showing amber before the photograph was taken,
v. in the fifth column is the code identifying the municipality in which the red light camera system is located,
vi. in the sixth column is the number of seconds, to the tenth of a second, for which the indication was showing red before the photograph was taken,
vii. in the seventh column,
A. the first character is “A”, which means that this is the first in the series of photographs taken, and
B. the next three characters are the frame set numbers,
viii. in the eighth column is the speed at which the vehicle was travelling when the first photograph in the series of photographs was taken, in kilometres per hour.
(2) On the second photograph of a series of photographs taken by a TraffiStar red light camera system, the information described in subsection 3 (1) may appear as a box containing two rows and eight columns of characters interpreted as follows:
1. In the top row, reading from left to right, are the column headings, “Time”, “Date”, “Lane”, “Amber”, “Code”, “Red”, “Photo” and “Speed”.
2. In the bottom row,
i. in the first column is the time that the photograph was taken, in hours, minutes and seconds expressed in 24-hour clock format,
ii. in the second column is the date that the photograph was taken, in numbers, with the first two being the day of the month, the second two being the month and the last four being the year,
iii. in the third column is a lane identifier,
iv. in the fourth column is the number of seconds, to the tenth of a second, for which the indication was showing amber before the photograph was taken,
v. in the fifth column is the code identifying the municipality in which the red light camera system is located,
vi. in the sixth column is the number of seconds, to the tenth of a second, for which the indication was showing red before the photograph was taken,
vii. in the seventh column,
A. the first character is “B”, which means that this is the second in the series of photographs taken, and
B. the next three characters are the frame set numbers.
viii. in the eighth column is the speed at which the vehicle was travelling when the second photograph in the series of photographs was taken, in kilometres per hour.
3.3 The key for the code identifying the municipality in which a red light camera system is located, which appears on the photographs pursuant to subparagraph 2 iv of subsection 3.1 (1), subparagraph 2 iv of subsection 3.1 (2), subparagraph 2 v of subsection 3.2 (1) and subparagraph 2 v of subsection 3.2 (2), is as follows:
table 1
Regional Municipality of Halton
2000 to 2099 |
Table 2
City of Hamilton
0067 |
0099 |
0162 |
0175 |
0221 |
0252 |
0288 |
0329 |
1200 to 1399 |
Table 3
City of Ottawa
5000 to 6900 |
table 4
Regional Municipality of Peel
1000 to 1169 |
table 5
City of Toronto
0033 |
0039 |
0049 |
0105 |
0124 |
0128 |
0131 |
0143 |
0188 |
0294 |
0321 |
0325 |
0407 |
0409 |
0420 |
0431 |
0434 |
0437 |
0452 |
0454 |
0463 |
0471 |
0488 |
0534 |
0565 |
0589 |
0619 |
0675 |
0698 |
0702 |
0786 |
0869 |
1170 |
1191 |
1407 |
1541 |
1570 |
1608 |
2500 to 2999 |
table 6
Regional Municipality of Waterloo
0104 |
0742 |
0752 |
0881 |
1700 to 1799 |
7. The Regulation is amended by adding the following heading above section 4:
Service of Offence Notice
8. The Regulation is amended by adding the following heading above section 5:
Certificate Striking out a Conviction
9. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed.