O. Reg. 309/07: Rent-Geared-to-Income Assistance and Special Needs Housing, Filed July 4, 2007 under Social Housing Reform Act, 2000, S.O. 2000, c. 27
ontario regulation 309/07
made under the
social housing reform act, 2000
Made: June 27, 2007
Filed: July 4, 2007
Published on e-Laws: July 5, 2007
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: July 21, 2007
Amending O. Reg. 298/01
(Rent-Geared-to-Income Assistance and Special Needs Housing)
1. (1) The definition of “abuse” in subsection 4 (1) of Ontario Regulation 298/01 is revoked and the following substituted:
“abuse” means,
(a) one or more incidents of,
(i) physical or sexual violence,
(ii) controlling behaviour, or
(iii) intentional destruction of or intentional injury to property, or
(b) words, actions or gestures that threaten an individual or lead an individual to fear for his or her safety; (“mauvais traitements”)
(2) Subsection 4 (1) of the Regulation is amended by adding the following definitions:
“abused” and “abusing” have meanings corresponding to the meaning of “abuse”; (“maltraité” and “maltraitant”)
“internal transfer” has the same meaning as in Ontario Regulation 339/01 (Housing Projects Subject to Part VI of the Act) made under the Act; (“transfert interne”)
(3) Clause (b) of the definition of “rent” in subsection 4 (1) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Tenant Protection Act, 1997” at the end and substituting “Residential Tenancies Act, 2006”.
(4) Section 4 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsection:
(1.1) For the purpose of the definition of “abuse”, abuse is done by any of the following persons against an individual:
1. The individual’s spouse, parent, child or other relative.
2. A person who is sponsoring the individual as an immigrant.
3. A person on whom the individual is emotionally, physically or financially dependent.
2. (1) Subsection 5 (8) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
(8) The application and the consent must be signed by such members of the household as the service manager may require.
(2) Subsection 5 (9) of the Regulation is amended by striking out the portion before clause (a) and substituting the following:
(9) If a member of the household who is required to sign the application and consent is unable to do so for any reason, or is unable to make a valid application and give a valid consent, the application and consent may be signed on the member’s behalf by another individual who,
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3. (1) Subsection 6 (5) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
(5) The application and the consent must be signed by such members of the household as the service manager may require.
(2) Subsection 6 (6) of the Regulation is amended by striking out the portion before clause (a) and substituting the following:
(6) If a member of the household who is required to sign the application and consent is unable to do so for any reason, or is unable to make a valid application and give a valid consent, the application and consent may be signed on the member’s behalf by another individual who,
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4. (1) Subclause 7 (1) (e.1) (ii) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “has entered into an agreement with the housing provider” and substituting “has entered into an agreement, or made reasonable efforts to enter into an agreement, with the housing provider”.
(2) Sub-subclause 7 (1) (f.1) (i) (B) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “has entered into an agreement with the housing provider” and substituting “has entered into an agreement, or made reasonable efforts to enter into an agreement, with the housing provider”.
(3) Sub-subclause 7 (1) (f.1) (ii) (B) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “has entered into an agreement with the housing provider” and substituting “has entered into an agreement, or made reasonable efforts to enter into an agreement, with the housing provider”.
(4) Subclause 7 (1) (h) (i) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “the Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal” in the portion before sub-subclause (A) and substituting “the Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal, the Landlord and Tenant Board”.
(5) Subclause 7 (1) (h) (ii) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “the Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal” in the portion before sub-subclause (A) and substituting “the Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal, the Landlord and Tenant Board”.
5. Subsection 8 (12) of the Regulation is amended by adding the following paragraph:
22. A beneficial interest in assets of a disabled member of the household, to a maximum of $100,000, where the assets are held in one or more trusts and are available to be used for maintenance and where the capital of the trusts is derived from an inheritance or from the proceeds of a life insurance policy.
6. (1) Clause 12 (1) (c) of the Regulation is revoked.
(2) Clause 12 (1) (h) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
(h) the household fails to comply with section 10, and the change in respect of which the household was required to notify the service manager would have resulted in,
(i) an increase in the geared-to-income rent payable by it, or
(ii) the household no longer being eligible for the unit it occupied;
(3) Subsection 12 (1) of the Regulation is amended by adding the following clause:
(j.1) the household fails to comply with paragraph 8.1, 8.2 or 8.3 of section 37;
7. Section 16 of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
16. (1) A household that is determined by a service manager to be ineligible for rent-geared-to-income assistance because it fails to meet the requirements of clause 7 (1) (g) may not reapply for rent-geared-to-income assistance for a period of two years from the date of the offence or crime referred to in subclause 7 (1) (g) (i) or (ii).
(2) A household that is determined by a service manager to be ineligible for rent-geared-to-income assistance because it fails to meet the requirements of clause 7 (1) (h) may not reapply for rent-geared-to-income assistance for a period of two years from the date of the misrepresentation referred to in subclause 7 (1) (h) (i) or (ii).
8. (1) Subsection 23 (2) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
(2) If a request for inclusion in the special priority household category is made with the household’s application for rent-geared-to-income assistance or special needs housing, the determination about whether the household is eligible for rent-geared-to-income assistance or special needs housing must be made within 14 days after the household’s application is complete.
(2.1) If a request for inclusion in the special priority household category is made with the household’s application for an internal transfer, the determination about whether a household is to be included in the special priority household category on the waiting list for internal transfers must be made within 14 days after the household’s application is complete.
(2) Subsection 23 (3) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “subsection (2)” and substituting “subsection (2) or (2.1)”.
9. The Regulation is amended by adding the following section immediately after the heading for Part IV:
Application and interpretation of ss. 24 and 25
23.1 (1) Sections 24 and 25 apply as follows with respect to requests to be included in the special priority household category on the waiting list for internal transfers:
1. To every housing provider in respect of a transferred housing project referred to in section 92 of the Act that is subject to Part VI of the Act, commencing on the date set out in Table 1 of Ontario Regulation 339/01 (Housing Projects Subject to Part VI of the Act) made under the Act, opposite the housing project.
2. To a local housing corporation in the manner required by section 32 of the Act and Part IX of Ontario Regulation 339/01 in respect of a housing project, commencing on the first day Ontario Regulation 339/01 applies to a housing provider in respect of a housing project in the service area in which the local housing corporation is located.
(2) If a request under section 24 is for inclusion in the special priority household category on the waiting list for internal transfers, any reference in section 24 or 25 to a service manager, supportive housing provider or lead agency is deemed to be a reference only to a service manager, except where otherwise provided.
10. (1) Section 24 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsection:
(1.2) If a household is applying to a housing provider for an internal transfer, any member of the household who is 16 years old or older may request that the service manager determine whether it should be included in the special priority household category on the waiting list for internal transfers.
(2) Subsection 24 (2) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “subsection (1) or (1.1)” at the end and substituting “subsection (1), (1.1) or (1.2)”.
(3) Subsection 24 (8) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “clause (3) (a)” at the end and substituting “clause (3) (a) or (b)”.
(4) Section 24 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsection:
(13.1) The service manager, supportive housing provider or lead agency shall allow a request to be submitted later than would be allowed under subsection (13) if the service manager, supportive housing provider or lead agency,
(a) verifies the statement required under clause 24 (3) (a) that a member of the household has been subject to abuse from another individual; and
(b) is satisfied that the abuse is ongoing at the time the request is submitted.
(5) Subsection 24 (14) of the Regulation is amended by striking out the portion before clause (a) and substituting the following:
(14) The service manager, supportive housing provider or lead agency may allow a request to be submitted later than would be allowed under subsection (13) if the service manager, supportive housing provider or lead agency is satisfied that it is appropriate to do so after considering whether,
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(6) Subsection 24 (14) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “or” at the end of clause (e) and by adding the following clauses:
(g) the abused member is living in an emergency shelter or in temporary housing and is receiving treatment or counselling; or
(h) any other extenuating circumstances apply.
11. (1) Subsection 25 (3) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
(3) The service manager, supportive housing provider or lead agency shall accept, as verification of the statement required under clause 24 (3) (a) that a member of the household has been subject to abuse from another individual,
(a) a record described in subsection (4) that is prepared by an individual described in paragraphs 1 to 8 of subsection (5), in his or her professional capacity; or
(b) a record described in subsection (4) prepared by an individual described in paragraph 9 of subsection (5) together with a declaration of the truth of the record, administered by a commissioner for taking affidavits, if such a declaration is required by the service manager, supportive housing provider or lead agency.
(3.1) The record must be in writing unless the service manager, supportive housing provider or lead agency is satisfied that,
(a) the member making the request will be at risk of being abused by the abusing individual if the member or the person preparing the record attempts to obtain it in written form; or
(b) a written record is not required due to extenuating circumstances.
(2) Paragraphs 4 and 5 of subsection 25 (4) of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:
4. A record of one or more attempts to kill the member or another member of the household.
5. A record of the use of a weapon against the member or another member of the household.
6. A record of one or more incidents of abuse, including the following:
i. Threatening to kill the member or another member of the household.
ii. Threatening to use a weapon against the member or another member of the household.
iii. Threatening to physically harm the member or another member of the household.
iv. Destroying or injuring or threatening to destroy or injure the member’s property.
v. Intentionally killing or injuring pets or threatening to kill or injure pets.
vi. Threatening to harm or remove the member’s children from the household.
vii. Threatening to prevent the member from having access to his or her children.
viii. Forcing the member to perform degrading or humiliating acts.
ix. Terrorizing the member.
x. Enforcing social isolation upon the member.
xi. Failing to provide or withholding the necessities of life.
xii. Threatening to withdraw from sponsoring the member as an immigrant.
xiii. Threatening to take action that might lead to the member being deported.
xiv. Other words, actions, or gestures that threaten the member or lead the member to fear for his or her safety.
7. A record of undue or unwarranted control by the abusing individual over the member’s personal or financial activities.
8. A record of one or more incidents of stalking or harassing behaviour against the member or another member of the household.
(3) Subsection 25 (5) of the Regulation is amended by adding the following paragraph:
1.1 A registered nurse or a registered practical nurse.
(4) Paragraphs 8 to 13 of subsection 25 (5) of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:
8. A community services worker, including,
i. a community health care worker,
ii. a social worker,
iii. a social service worker,
iv. a victim services worker,
v. a settlement services worker,
vi. a shelter worker, and
vii. a community legal worker.
9. Any other individual who knows about the abuse.
(5) Subsection 25 (6) of the Regulation is amended by adding the following definitions:
“community legal worker” means an individual employed by a community legal clinic that provides legal aid services in the area of clinic law, within the meaning of section 2 of the Legal Aid Services Act, 1998; (“travailleur juridique communautaire”)
“community services worker” means an individual employed by an agency or organization for the purpose of providing social support services in the community; (“travailleur des services communautaires”)
“member of the clergy” means a minister of religion authorized under provincial law to perform marriages; (“membre du clergé”)
(6) Section 25 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsection:
(8) Despite subsection (7), a service manager, supportive housing provider or lead agency may remove a household from the special priority household category on the centralized waiting list or the waiting list for special needs housing if,
(a) the member who made the request,
(i) notifies the service manager, supportive housing provider or lead agency that he or she is adding the abusing individual to the member’s application for rent-geared-to-income assistance or to the member’s application for special needs housing,
(ii) notifies the service manager, supportive housing provider or lead agency that the abusing individual is deceased; or
(b) the household accepts an offer of a rent-geared-to-income unit, whether or not that offer comes from a housing provider within the service area of the service manager, supportive housing provider or lead agency.
12. Subsection 27 (3) of the Regulation is amended by adding the following paragraph:
7. An additional bedroom or bedrooms if the service manager is satisfied that extenuating circumstances exist.
13. (1) Section 33 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following paragraph:
1.1 If paragraph 1 does not apply, the household may request to be added to the centralized waiting list and the service manager shall add it accordingly.
(2) Paragraph 2 of section 33 of the Regulation is amended by adding at the end “unless it has already been added under paragraph 1.1”.
(3) Section 33 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following paragraph:
4. If the household is added to the centralized waiting list under paragraph 1.1 and the household requests to be removed from the waiting list later than one year after the notice under subsection 32 (2) is received, the household ceases to be eligible for rent-geared-to-income assistance.
14. Section 36 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsection:
(2.1) Despite subsection (2), a service manager may determine not to include a household on a subsidiary waiting list for a housing project if the housing provider for that housing project has already refused a unit to the household under section 18 of Ontario Regulation 339/01 (Housing Projects Subject to Part VI of the Act) made under the Act.
15. Section 37 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following paragraphs:
4.1 The service manager may temporarily remove a household from the waiting list for a period of time agreed upon by the household and the service manager, if the household requests the removal and the household would be unable to accept an offer of housing for that period of time.
4.2 If a household is removed from a waiting list under paragraph 4.1, and the period of time under paragraph 4.1 has expired or the household notifies the service manager that it is able to accept an offer of housing, the service manager shall reinstate the household to the waiting list.
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8.1 If a household is added to the centralized waiting list under paragraph 1 or 2 of section 33, the household shall indicate a preference for at least the number of housing projects specified by the service manager within a geographic area.
8.2 If a household is added to the centralized waiting list under paragraph 1.1 of section 33, and the household remains on the waiting list later than one year after the date the notice under subsection 32 (2) is received, the household shall indicate a preference for at least the number of housing projects specified by the service manager within a geographic area.
8.3 A household that indicates a preference for housing projects under paragraph 8.1 or 8.2 and is added to the subsidiary waiting lists for those housing projects shall not request to be removed from any of the subsidiary waiting lists unless,
i. the number of housing projects for which the household has indicated a preference would, after the requested removal, remain the same as or greater than the number specified by the service manager under paragraph 8.1 or 8.2, and
ii. the household indicates a preference for another housing project, if necessary.
16. (1) Paragraph 1 of section 38 of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
1. The household may request to be added to the centralized waiting list by submitting an application signed by such members of the household as the service manager may require.
(2) Paragraph 2 of section 38 of the Regulation is amended by striking out the portion before subparagraph 2 i and substituting the following:
2. If a member of the household who is required to sign the application and consent is unable to do so for any reason, or is unable to make a valid application and give a valid consent, the application may be signed on the member’s behalf by another individual who,
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17. Subsection 41 (2) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “paragraph 1” and substituting “paragraph 1 or 4.2”.
18. Subsections 42 (2), (3) and (4) of the Regulation are revoked.
19. (1) Paragraph 1 of subsection 45 (3) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
1. The household may request to be added to a waiting list for special needs housing by submitting an application signed by such members of the household as the service manager may require.
(2) Paragraph 2 of subsection 45 (3) of the Regulation is amended by striking out the portion before subparagraph 2 i and substituting the following:
2. If a member of the household who is required to sign the application and consent is unable to do so for any reason, or is unable to make a valid application and give a valid consent, the application may be signed on the member’s behalf by another individual who,
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(3) Subsections 45 (3.2) and (3.3) of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:
(3.2) The special priority ranking date is the date the household requested to be included in the special priority household category.
20. (1) Subsection 50 (3) of the Regulation is amended by adding the following paragraph:
2.1 Any income earned or received by a child in care under the Child and Family Services Act who is living with the household.
(2) Paragraph 20 of subsection 50 (3) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
20. Interest, dividends or any other income received from or accrued in a Registered Retirement Savings Plan or a Registered Education Savings Plan for a member described in subsection 49 (4).
(3) Subsection 50 (3) of the Regulation is amended by adding the following paragraphs:
57. Payments from a trust or life insurance policy or gifts or other voluntary payments that are applied to,
i. expenses for items or services that are needed for a member of a household because of that member’s disability and that are not and will not be otherwise reimbursed, or
ii. education or training expenses that,
A. are incurred with respect to a member of a household because of that member’s disability, and
B. are not and will not be otherwise reimbursed.
58. A child benefit under the Canada Pension Plan (Canada) paid to, on behalf of or for the benefit of a dependent of a disabled or deceased contributor.
59. A payment received as a special allowance under the Resettlement Assistance Program established under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada).
(4) Section 50 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsection.
(5.1) If, as a result of the deductions permitted in subsection (5) the income of a member of a family unit from a business is a negative amount, the income shall be deemed to be 0.
(5) Subsection 50 (8) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “locked-in Registered Retirement Savings Plan” and substituting “Registered Retirement Savings Plan or Registered Education Savings Plan”.
(6) Subsection 50 (9.1) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
(9.1) Despite subsection (9), in the case of a family unit with one or more non-interest bearing bank accounts, the imputed income of a member of the family unit for a month from his or her interest in the bank accounts shall be calculated on that part of the average minimum monthly balance that exceeds $1,000.
(7) Subsection 50 (10) of the Regulation is amended by striking out the portion before clause (a) and substituting the following:
(10) If a member of a family unit transfers, by sale, lease, gift or in any other manner, his or her interest in an asset to a person who is not a member of the household, less than 36 months before the date the household begins to receive rent-geared-to-income assistance, or any time after the household begins to receive rent-geared-to-income assistance, the member shall be deemed, for the purpose of section 8, subclause (1) (a) (ii) and subsection (9), still to have the interest in the asset, unless the service manager is satisfied that the transfer was effected in good faith and,
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21. (1) Section 52 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsection:
(1.1) Despite subsection (1), a service manager may review the geared-to-income rent payable by a household receiving rent-geared-to-income assistance less frequently than once in every 12-month period if the service manager considers it desirable and,
(a) all members of the household are unemployed;
(b) any income that the members of the household receive is paid in fixed amounts for specified periods; and
(c) there are no dependants of any member of the household.
(2) Subsection 52 (7) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Subject to subsections (10), (11) and (13)” at the beginning and substituting “Subject to subsections (10) and (11)”.
(3) Subsection 52 (8) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Subject to subsections (9), (10), (12) and (14)” at the beginning and substituting “Subject to subsections (10) and (11)”.
(4) Subsections 52 (10), (11), (12), (13) and (14) of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:
(10) If one or more members of a household request an internal review of a decision made by a service manager under this section to reduce the geared-to-income rent payable by the household, the following apply:
1. If the decision made on the internal review is that the geared-to-income rent payable by the household should remain the same, subsection (7) does not apply.
2. If the decision made on the internal review is to reduce the geared-to-income rent payable by the household, whether by the same amount as or by a different amount from that originally specified by the service manager, the rent reduction takes effect on the day referred to in subsection (7).
3. If the decision made on the internal review is to increase the geared-to-income rent payable by the household, subsection (7) does not apply and the rent increase takes effect on the first day of the month following the month in which the service manager gives the members who requested the internal review written notice under subsection 58 (3) or (4) of the decision made on the internal review.
(11) If one or more members of a household request an internal review of a decision made by a service manager under this section to increase the geared-to-income rent payable by the household, the following apply:
1. If the decision made on the internal review is that the geared-to-income rent payable by the household should remain the same, subsection (8) does not apply.
2. If the decision made on the internal review is to increase the geared-to-income rent payable by the household,
i. if the amount of the increase is greater than that originally specified by the service manager and the original amount was the result of an administrative error, the rent increase takes effect on the later of,
A. the first day of the month following the month in which the service manager gives the members who requested the internal review written notice under subsection 58 (3) or (4) of the decision made on the internal review, and
B. the day referred to in subsection (8), and
ii. in any other case, the rent increase takes effect on the day referred to in subsection (8).
3. If the decision made on the internal review is to decrease the geared-to-income rent payable by the household, subsection (8) does not apply and the rent reduction takes effect on the day referred to in subsection (7).
22. (1) Subsection 53 (2) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Subject to subsections (5), (6) and (8)” at the beginning and substituting “Subject to subsections (5) and (6)”.
(2) Subsection 53 (3) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Subject to subsections (4), (5), (7) and (9)” at the beginning and substituting “Subject to subsections (4), (5) and (6)”.
(3) Subsections 53 (5), (6), (7), (8) and (9) of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:
(5) If one or more members of a household request an internal review of a decision made by a service manager under this section to reduce the geared-to-income rent payable by the household, the following apply:
1. If the decision made on the internal review is that the geared-to-income rent payable by the household should remain the same, subsection (2) does not apply.
2. If the decision made on the internal review is to reduce the geared-to-income rent payable by the household, whether by the same amount as or by a different amount from that originally specified by the service manager, the rent reduction takes effect on the day referred to in subsection (2).
3. If the decision made on the internal review is to increase the geared-to-income rent payable by the household, subsection (2) does not apply and the rent increase takes effect on the first day of the month following the month in which the service manager gives the members who requested the internal review written notice under subsection 58 (3) or (4) of the decision made on the internal review.
(6) If one or more members of a household request an internal review of a decision made by a service manager under this section to increase the geared-to-income rent payable by the household, the following apply:
1. If the decision made on the internal review is that the geared-to-income rent payable by the household should remain the same, subsection (3) does not apply.
2. If the decision made on the internal review is to increase the geared-to-income rent payable by the household,
i. if the amount of the increase is greater than that originally specified by the service manager and the original amount was the result of an administrative error, the rent increase takes effect on the later of,
A. the first day of the month following the month in which the service manager gives the members who requested the internal review written notice under subsection 58 (3) or (4) of the decision made on the internal review, and
B. the day referred to in subsection (3), and
ii. in any other case, the rent increase takes effect on the day referred to in subsection (3).
3. If the decision made on the internal review is to decrease the geared-to-income rent payable by the household, subsection (3) does not apply and the rent reduction takes effect on the day referred to in subsection (2).
23. Section 54 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsection:
(1.1) Despite subsection (1), the amount to be paid to the service manager shall not include the difference described in subsection (1) for a period if the difference for that period was the result of an administrative error.
24. Subsection 55 (7) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “the application for rent-geared-to-income assistance” and substituting “the application for rent-geared-to-income assistance, special needs housing or an internal transfer”.
25. (1) Paragraph 3 of subsection 56 (1) of the Regulation is revoked.
(2) Subsection 56 (5) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
(5) If a request for inclusion in the special priority household category was made with the application for rent-geared-to-income assistance or special needs housing, both the notice of the decision relating to the request and the notice of the decision relating to the application shall be given to the individual who made the request but not to all members of the household.
(5.1) If a request is made to be included in the special priority household category on the waiting list for internal transfers, both the notice of the decision relating to the request and the notice of the decision relating to the application shall be given to,
(a) the individual who made the request but not to all members of the household; and
(b) the housing provider.
26. (1) Section 58 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsection:
(2.1) After receipt of a request for a review of a decision, the service manager, supportive housing provider or lead agency, as the case may be, shall disclose the information that led to the decision to the person who made the request.
(2) Subsections 58 (3) and (4) of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:
(3) If the review is with respect to a request for inclusion in the special priority household category made with the household’s application for rent-geared-to-income assistance, or for inclusion in the special priority household category on the waiting list for special needs housing or on the waiting list for internal transfers,
(a) the review shall be completed within 10 business days after the request for the review is received; and
(b) within five business days after the review is completed,
(i) written notice of the result of the review shall be given to the member who made the request but not to all members of the household, and
(ii) if the decision made on the review is with respect to a request to be included in the special priority household category on the waiting list for internal transfers, the written notice of the decision made on the review shall be given to the housing provider, but the reasons for the decision shall not be given.
(4) If the review is with respect to anything other than the matters described in subsection (3),
(a) the review shall be completed within ten business days after the request for the review is received or within such longer time frame as may be determined by the service manager, supportive housing provider or lead agency; and
(b) written notice of the result of the review shall be given to all persons affected by the decision within five business days after the review is completed or within such longer time frame as may be determined by the service manager, supportive housing provider or lead agency.
(3) Subsection 58 (6) of the Regulation is revoked.
27. Subsection 59 (2) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
(2) Unless otherwise provided, a notice to be given to a household shall be given to such members of the household as the service manager may require.
28. Subsection 60 (1) of the Regulation is amended by adding the following paragraph:
13.1 The housing projects within the service manager’s service area that contain modified units, and the type of modified units.
29. Table 2 of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
Item |
Column 1 |
Column 2 |
Column 3 |
Service Manager |
Supportive Housing Providers |
Effective Date |
1. |
City of Brantford |
Westglen Co-operative Homes of Brantford Inc. |
January 1, 2002 |
2. |
City of Brantford |
Victoria Park Community Homes Inc. |
January 1, 2002 |
3. |
City of Brantford |
Slovak Village Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
January 1, 2002 |
4. |
City of Brantford |
Beth-Zuriel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 |
5. |
City of Brantford |
Saorsie Co-operative Homes Inc. |
January 1, 2002 |
6. |
Municipality of Chatham-Kent |
Riverway Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 |
7. |
City of Cornwall |
Cornwall and Area Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 |
8. |
City of Cornwall |
Logement La Nativité (Cornwall) Inc. |
March 1, 2002 |
9. |
City of Cornwall |
Williamsburg Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 |
10. |
Regional Municipality of Durham |
Cornerstone Community Association Durham Inc. |
February 1, 2002 |
11. |
Regional Municipality of Durham |
Duffin’s Creek Co-operative Homes Inc. |
February 1, 2002 |
12. |
Regional Municipality of Durham |
Durham Christian Homes Inc. |
February 1, 2002 |
13. |
Regional Municipality of Durham |
Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 |
14. |
Regional Municipality of Durham |
Gateway Community Homes (Durham) Inc. |
February 1, 2002 |
15. |
Regional Municipality of Durham |
Heritage Community Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 |
16. |
Regional Municipality of Durham |
Sunrise Seniors Place (Oshawa-Durham) Inc. |
February 1, 2002 |
17. |
Regional Municipality of Durham |
Harmony-King Co-operative Homes Inc. |
June 1, 2002 |
18. |
Regional Municipality of Durham |
Borelia Co-operative Homes Inc. |
July 1, 2002 |
19. |
Regional Municipality of Durham |
Maple Glen Housing Co-Operative |
July 1, 2002 |
20. |
County of Grey |
Lutheran Social Services (Hanover) Inc. |
December 1, 2001 |
21. |
County of Grey |
Lutheran Social Services (Owen Sound) |
December 1, 2001 |
22. |
County of Grey |
Owen Sound Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
December 1, 2001 |
23. |
County of Grey |
The Women’s Centre (Grey-Bruce) Inc. |
December 1, 2001 |
24. |
Regional Municipality of Halton |
Guelph Line Seniors Non-Profit Residential Corporation |
March 1, 2002 |
25. |
Regional Municipality of Halton |
Halton Development & Non-Profit Housing Accommodation Corporation |
March 1, 2002 |
26. |
Regional Municipality of Halton |
Ontario March of Dimes Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 |
27. |
City of Hamilton |
Hamilton Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 |
28. |
City of Hamilton |
Local 1005 Community Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2001 |
29. |
City of Hamilton |
McMaster Community Homes Corp. |
December 1, 2001 |
30. |
City of Hamilton |
Stoney Creek Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 |
31. |
City of Hamilton |
Victoria Park Community Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2001 |
32. |
City of Hamilton |
Wesley Community Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2001 |
33. |
City of Hamilton |
Hamilton East Kiwanis Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2001 |
34. |
County of Hastings |
Trenton Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 |
35. |
County of Huron |
Women’s Shelter, Second Stage Housing, Housing and Counselling Services of Huron |
March 1, 2002 |
36. |
City of Kingston |
Bridge House (Kingston) Incorporated |
October 1, 2001 |
37. |
City of Kingston |
Kingston Home Base Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 |
38. |
City of Kingston |
The Elizabeth Fry Society of Kingston |
October 1, 2001 |
39. |
County of Lambton |
Sarnia and Lambton Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 |
40. |
City of London |
London & Middlesex Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 |
41. |
City of London |
Lutheran Independent Living (London) |
February 1, 2002 |
42. |
City of London |
Mission Services of London |
February 1, 2002 |
43. |
City of London |
Sherwood Forest (Trinity) Housing |
February 1, 2002 |
44. |
City of London |
Windy Woods Co-operative Homes of London Inc. |
February 1, 2002 |
45. |
City of Ottawa |
Daybreak Non-Profit Shelter (Ecumenical) Corporation |
April 1, 2002 |
46. |
City of Ottawa |
Emily Murphy Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
April 1, 2002 |
47. |
District Municipality of Muskoka |
Bracebridge Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 |
48. |
Regional Municipality of Niagara |
Faith Lutheran Social Services (St. Catharines) |
April 1, 2002 |
49. |
Regional Municipality of Niagara |
Niagara Ina Grafton Gage Home of the United Church |
April 1, 2002 |
50. |
Regional Municipality of Niagara |
The Bethlehem Not-for-Profit Housing Projects of Niagara |
April 1, 2002 |
51. |
Regional Municipality of Niagara |
Stamford Kiwanis Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2002 |
52. |
Regional Municipality of Niagara |
The St. Andrews Niagara Housing Development Corporation |
April 1, 2002 |
53. |
Regional Municipality of Niagara |
Open Door Concepts Welland Inc. |
April 1, 2002 |
54. |
Norfolk County |
South & Metcalfe Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 |
55. |
County of Northumberland |
Campbellford Memorial Multicare Lodge |
April 1, 2002 |
56. |
Regional Municipality of Peel |
Chegoggin Co-operative Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 |
57. |
Regional Municipality of Peel |
Pathway Non-Profit Community Developments Incorporated of Peel |
October 1, 2001 |
58. |
Regional Municipality of Peel |
Peel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 |
59. |
Regional Municipality of Peel |
Tannery Gate Tower Co-operative Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 |
60. |
Regional Municipality of Peel |
Armagh House |
October 1, 2001 |
61. |
Regional Municipality of Peel |
Windsor Hill Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 |
62. |
Regional Municipality of Peel |
Peel Multicultural Council Housing Project Inc. |
October 1, 2001 |
63. |
Regional Municipality of Peel |
Las Americas Co-operative Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 |
64. |
Regional Municipality of Peel |
Erin Court Co-operative Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 |
65. |
Regional Municipality of Peel |
Dan Benedict Co-operative Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 |
66. |
Regional Municipality of Peel |
Ahneen Co-operative Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 |
67. |
City of Peterborough |
Kairos Non-Profit Housing of Peterborough |
March 1, 2002 |
68. |
City of Peterborough |
Kawartha Participation Projects |
March 1, 2002 |
69. |
City of Peterborough |
Sunshine Homes Non-Profit Inc. |
March 1, 2002 |
70. |
City of Stratford |
Emily Murphy Second Stage Residences |
April 1, 2002 |
71. |
City of St. Thomas |
Dutton & District Lions Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
March 1, 2002 |
72. |
City of St. Thomas |
Elgin & St. Thomas Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 |
73. |
City of Toronto |
127 Isabella Non-Profit Residence Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
74. |
City of Toronto |
1630 Lawrence Avenue West Residences Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
75. |
City of Toronto |
Abbeyfield Houses Society of Toronto |
May 1, 2002 |
76. |
City of Toronto |
ACLI Etobicoke Community Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
77. |
City of Toronto |
Aldebrain Attendant Care Services of Toronto |
May 1, 2002 |
78. |
City of Toronto |
Almise Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
79. |
City of Toronto |
Anduhyaun Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
80. |
City of Toronto |
Ascot Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
81. |
City of Toronto |
Avenel Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
May 1, 2002 |
82. |
City of Toronto |
Barsa Kelly/Cari Can Co-Op Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
83. |
City of Toronto |
Bazaar Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
May 1, 2002 |
84. |
City of Toronto |
Birmingham Homes Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
85. |
City of Toronto |
Blue Danube Housing Development |
May 1, 2002 |
86. |
City of Toronto |
B’Nai Brith Canada Family Housing Project (Torresdale) Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
87. |
City of Toronto |
Bonar-Parkdale Senior Citizen Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
May 1, 2002 |
88. |
City of Toronto |
Brookbanks Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
89. |
City of Toronto |
Canrise Non-Profit Housing Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
90. |
City of Toronto |
Casa Abruzzo Benevolent Corporation |
May 1, 2002 |
91. |
City of Toronto |
Central King Seniors Residence |
May 1, 2002 |
92. |
City of Toronto |
Chinese Evergreen Non-Profit Homes Corporation |
May 1, 2002 |
93. |
City of Toronto |
Chord Housing Co-operative Incorporated |
May 1, 2002 |
94. |
City of Toronto |
Courtland Mews Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
95. |
City of Toronto |
Deep Quong Non-Profit (Metro Toronto) Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
96. |
City of Toronto |
Dixon Neighbourhood Homes Incorporated |
May 1, 2002 |
97. |
City of Toronto |
Edgeview Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
98. |
City of Toronto |
Ernescliffe Non-Profit Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
99. |
City of Toronto |
Esperance Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
100. |
City of Toronto |
Evangel Hall Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
May 1, 2002 |
101. |
City of Toronto |
Family Action Network Housing Corporation (Ontario) |
May 1, 2002 |
102. |
City of Toronto |
Fred Victor Centre |
May 1, 2002 |
103. |
City of Toronto |
Gardenview Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
104. |
City of Toronto |
Glen Gardens Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
105. |
City of Toronto |
Habayit Shelanu Seniors Residences Corporation |
May 1, 2002 |
106. |
City of Toronto |
Harmony Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
107. |
City of Toronto |
Hickory Tree Road Co-operative Homes |
May 1, 2002 |
108. |
City of Toronto |
Hospital Workers’ Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
109. |
City of Toronto |
Houses Opening Today Toronto Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
110. |
City of Toronto |
Humbervale Christian Outreach Foundation Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
111. |
City of Toronto |
Inter Faith Homes (Centenary) Corporation |
May 1, 2002 |
112. |
City of Toronto |
Interchurch Community Housing Corp. |
May 1, 2002 |
113. |
City of Toronto |
Italian Canadian Benevolent Seniors Apartment Corp. |
May 1, 2002 |
114. |
City of Toronto |
Jenny Green Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
115. |
City of Toronto |
Kingsway-Lambton Homes For Seniors Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
116. |
City of Toronto |
Knights Village Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
117. |
City of Toronto |
La Paz Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
118. |
City of Toronto |
Lakeshore Gardens Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
119. |
City of Toronto |
Lakeshore Village Artists Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
120. |
City of Toronto |
Las Flores Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
May 1, 2002 |
121. |
City of Toronto |
Loyola Arrupe Corporation |
May 1, 2002 |
122. |
City of Toronto |
Loyola Arrupe Phase II Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
123. |
City of Toronto |
Margaret Laurence Housing Co-operative |
May 1, 2002 |
124. |
City of Toronto |
Marketview Housing Co-operative |
May 1, 2002 |
125. |
City of Toronto |
Masaryktown Non-Profit Residences Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
126. |
City of Toronto |
McClintock Manor |
May 1, 2002 |
127. |
City of Toronto |
Metta Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
128. |
City of Toronto |
Micah Homes Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
May 1, 2002 |
129. |
City of Toronto |
Myrmex Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
130. |
City of Toronto |
Nakiska Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
131. |
City of Toronto |
New Hibret Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
132. |
City of Toronto |
Nishnawbe Homes Incorporated |
May 1, 2002 |
133. |
City of Toronto |
Operating Engineers Local 793 Non-Profit Housing. Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
134. |
City of Toronto |
Operation Springboard |
May 1, 2002 |
135. |
City of Toronto |
Our Saviour Thistletown Lutheran Lodge |
May 1, 2002 |
136. |
City of Toronto |
Palisades Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
137. |
City of Toronto |
Peggy and Andrew Brewin Co-operative |
May 1, 2002 |
138. |
City of Toronto |
Peregrine Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
139. |
City of Toronto |
Performing Arts Lodges of Canada |
May 1, 2002 |
140. |
City of Toronto |
Rakoczi Villa |
May 1, 2002 |
141. |
City of Toronto |
Richview Baptist Foundation |
May 1, 2002 |
142. |
City of Toronto |
Riverdale United Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
143. |
City of Toronto |
Robert Cooke Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
144. |
City of Toronto |
Scarborough Heights Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
145. |
City of Toronto |
Secord Avenue Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
146. |
City of Toronto |
St. John’s Polish National Catholic Cathedral Residence Corp. |
May 1, 2002 |
147. |
City of Toronto |
St. Margaret Community Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
148. |
City of Toronto |
Stephenson Senior Link Homes |
May 1, 2002 |
149. |
City of Toronto |
The St. Margaret’s Towers Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
150. |
City of Toronto |
Tamil Co-operative Homes |
May 1, 2002 |
151. |
City of Toronto |
Terra Bella Non-Profit Housing Corp. |
May 1, 2002 |
152. |
City of Toronto |
Tobias House of Toronto - I |
May 1, 2002 |
153. |
City of Toronto |
Tobias House of Toronto - II |
May 1, 2002 |
154. |
City of Toronto |
Toronto Housing Company Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
155. |
City of Toronto |
Toronto Refugee Community Non-Profit Homes & Services |
May 1, 2002 |
156. |
City of Toronto |
Ujamaa Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
157. |
City of Toronto |
Upwood Park/Salvador Del Mundo Co-operative Homes Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
158. |
City of Toronto |
Vila Gaspar Corte Real Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
159. |
City of Toronto |
Villa Otthon (Lambton) |
May 1, 2002 |
160. |
City of Toronto |
VincentPaul Family Homes Corporation |
May 1, 2002 |
161. |
City of Toronto |
Walton Place (Scarborough) Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
162. |
City of Toronto |
West Rouge Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
163. |
City of Toronto |
Westminster Church Seniors’ Housing |
May 1, 2002 |
164. |
City of Toronto |
Wilmar Heights Housing Co-operative Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
165. |
City of Toronto |
Woodgreen Community Housing Inc. |
May 1, 2002 |
166. |
City of Toronto |
Jarvis-George Housing Co-operative Inc. |
July 1, 2002 |
167. |
City of Toronto |
Maple Leaf Drive Seniors Non-Profit Residence |
July 1, 2002 |
168. |
City of Toronto |
Mary Lambert Swale Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
July 1, 2002 |
169. |
City of Toronto |
Niagara Neighbourhood Housing Co-operative |
July 1, 2002 |
170. |
City of Toronto |
Robin Gardner Voce Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
July 1, 2002 |
171. |
City of Toronto |
St. Mark’s (Don Mills) Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
July 1, 2002 |
172. |
City of Toronto |
Atahualpa Housing Co-operative Inc. |
December 1, 2002 |
173. |
City of Toronto |
Duncan Mills Labourers’ Local 183 Co-operative Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2002 |
174. |
City of Toronto |
Maurice Coulter Housing Co-operative Inc. |
December 1, 2002 |
175. |
City of Toronto |
Wilcox Creek Co-operative Homes Inc. |
December 1, 2002 |
176. |
City of Toronto |
Tahanan Non-Profit Homes Corporation |
August 1, 2003 |
177. |
City of Toronto |
Hellenic Home for the Aged Inc. |
August 1, 2003 |
178. |
City of Toronto |
Riverdale Housing Action Group Corporation |
March 1, 2004 |
179. |
City of Toronto |
Ahmadiyya Abode of Peace Inc. |
March 1, 2004 |
180. |
City of Toronto |
Homes First Society |
April 1, 2005 |
181. |
City of Toronto |
Glen Park Co-operative Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2004 |
182. |
City of Toronto |
Harbour Channel Housing Co-operative Inc. |
March 1, 2004 |
183. |
City of Toronto |
Muriel Collins Housing Co-operative Inc. |
March 1, 2004 |
184. |
City of Toronto |
Victoria-Shuter Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2004 |
185. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
Mimico Co-operative Homes Incorporated |
April 1, 2005 |
186. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
Cypriot Homes of the Kitchener-Waterloo Area |
October 1, 2001 |
187. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
The Hellenic Community of Kitchener-Waterloo and Suburbs Housing |
October 1, 2001 |
188. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
Highland Homes Co-operative Inc. |
October 1, 2001 |
189. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
House of Friendship of Kitchener |
October 1, 2001 |
190. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
Kitchener Alliance Community Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 |
191. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
Kitchener Housing Inc. |
October 1, 2001 |
192. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
Kitchener-Waterloo Young Women’s Christian Association |
October 1, 2001 |
193. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
Lusitania Villas of Cambridge Incorporated |
October 1, 2001 |
194. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
Maple Heights Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 |
195. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
Max Saltsman Community Co-operative Inc. |
October 1, 2001 |
196. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
Needlewood Glen Housing Co-operative Inc. |
October 1, 2001 |
197. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
New Generation Co-operative Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 |
198. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
Pablo Neruda Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 |
199. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
Sand Hills Co-operative Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 |
200. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
Senioren Haus Concordia Inc. |
October 1, 2001 |
201. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
Seven Maples Co-operative Homes Incorporated |
October 1, 2001 |
202. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
Shamrock Co-operative Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 |
203. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
St. John’s Senior Citizens’ Home |
October 1, 2001 |
204. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
Victoria Park Community Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 |
205. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
Village Lifestyles Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
October 1, 2001 |
206. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
Waterloo Local Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 |
207. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
Waterloo Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
October 1, 2001 |
208. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
Willowside Housing Co-operative Inc. |
October 1, 2001 |
209. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
Maple Heights Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
June 1, 2002 |
210. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
Slavonia-Croatian Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2003 |
211. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
Kitchener Alliance Community Homes Inc. |
March 1, 2004 |
212. |
Regional Municipality of Waterloo |
Village Lifestyles Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
April 1, 2005 |
213. |
County of Wellington |
Guelph Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
February 1, 2002 |
214. |
County of Wellington |
Victor Davis Memorial Court Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
February 1, 2002 |
215. |
City of Windsor |
Belle River Co-operative Homes Inc. |
January 1, 2002 |
216. |
City of Windsor |
Windsor Essex Community Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 |
217. |
City of Windsor |
Glengarry Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 |
218. |
City of Windsor |
Glengarry Non-Profit Housing Corporation (Phase II) |
January 1, 2002 |
219. |
City of Windsor |
Grachanica Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 |
220. |
City of Windsor |
John Moynahan Co-operative Homes Inc. |
January 1, 2002 |
221. |
City of Windsor |
Windsor Y Residence Inc. |
January 1, 2002 |
222. |
City of Windsor |
Labour Community Service Centre |
January 1, 2002 |
223. |
Regional Municipality of York |
Charles Darrow Housing Co-operative Inc. |
November 1, 2001 |
224. |
Regional Municipality of York |
Holy Trinity Non-Profit Residences York |
November 1, 2001 |
225. |
Regional Municipality of York |
Kinsmen Non-Profit Housing Corporation (Richmond Hill) |
November 1, 2001 |
226. |
Regional Municipality of York |
Prophetic Non-Profit (Richmond Hill) Inc. |
November 1, 2001 |
227. |
Regional Municipality of York |
Region of York Housing Corporation |
November 1, 2001 |
228. |
Regional Municipality of York |
Schomberg Lions Club Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
November 1, 2001 |
229. |
Regional Municipality of York |
Water Street Non-Profit Homes Inc. |
November 1, 2001 |
230. |
Algoma District |
Town of Blind River Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 |
231. |
District of Cochrane Social Services Administration Board |
Access Better Living Inc. |
February 1, 2002 |
232. |
District of Cochrane Social Services Administration Board |
Riverside Acres of Toronto |
February 1, 2002 |
233. |
District of Cochrane Social Services Administration Board |
Cochrane District Housing Support Services Inc. |
February 1, 2002 |
234. |
Kenora District Services Board |
First Step Women’s Shelter |
January 1, 2002 |
235. |
Kenora District Services Board |
Hoshizaki House Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 |
236. |
Kenora District Services Board |
Kenora Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 |
237. |
Kenora District Services Board |
Dryden MNP Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 |
238. |
Kenora District Services Board |
Town of Sioux Lookout Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 |
239. |
District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board |
Physically Handicapped Adults’ Rehabilitation Association Nipissing-Parry Sound |
December 1, 2001 |
240. |
District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board |
Temagami Non-Profit Housing Corporation |
December 1, 2001 |
241. |
District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board |
West Nipissing Non-Profit Housing Corporation — La Corporation de Logement À But Non-Lucratif de Nipissing Ouest |
December 1, 2001 |
242. |
District of Rainy River Social Services Administration Board |
Golden Age Manor (Emo) Inc. |
January 1, 2002 |
243. |
District of Sault Ste. Marie Social Services Administration Board |
The Columbus Club of Sault Ste. Marie Housing Corporation |
March 1, 2002 |
244. |
District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board |
Lutheran Community Housing Corporation of Thunder Bay |
January 1, 2002 |
245. |
District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board |
Nipigon Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 |
246. |
District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board |
Thunder Bay Community Housing |
January 1, 2002 |
247. |
District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board |
Thunder Bay District Housing Corporation |
January 1, 2002 |
30. This Regulation comes into force on August 1, 2007.