O. Reg. 42/08: Restricted Use of Left Lanes by Commercial Motor Vehicles, Filed February 28, 2008 under Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8


ontario regulation 42/08

made under the

highway traffic act

Made: February 20, 2008
Filed: February 28, 2008
Published on e-Laws: March 3, 2008
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: March 15, 2008

Amending Reg. 608 of R.R.O. 1990

(Restricted Use of Left Lanes by Commercial Motor Vehicles)

1. Schedules 1 to 10 to Regulation 608 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 are revoked and following substituted:


1. That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 400 lying between a point situate at its intersection with the King’s Highway known as No. 401 in the City of Toronto and a point situate at its intersection with the King’s Highway known as No. 11 in the Township of Springwater.


1. That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 401 lying between a point situate at its intersection with the King’s Highway known as Nos. 35 and 115 in the Municipality of Carlington and a point situate at its intersection with the King’s Highway known as No. 8 in the City of Cambridge.

2. That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 401 lying between a point situate at its intersection with the King’s Highway known as No. 403 in the City of Woodstock and a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as Wellington Road in the City of London.

3. That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 401 lying between a point situate 829 metres measured easterly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Oxford County Road 2 in the Township of Blandford-Blenheim and a point situate 1740 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Wellington Road in the City of London.

4. That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 401 in the Town of Lakeshore lying between a point situate 603 metres measured easterly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Essex County Road 42 (also known as Queens Line) and a point situate 3425 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Essex County Road 31 (also known as French Line Road).

5. That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 401 lying between a point situate 1281 metres measured easterly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Essex County Road 25 (also known as Puce Road) in the Town of Lakeshore and a point situate 1275 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Essex County Road 19 (also known as Manning Road) in the Town of Tecumseh.


1. That part of the westbound lanes of the King’s Highway known as No. 403 in the City of Mississauga lying between a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as Cawthra Road and a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as Glen Erin Drive.

2. That part of the eastbound lanes of the King’s Highway known as No. 403 in the City of Mississauga lying between a point situate 910 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Winston Churchill Boulevard and a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as Eglinton Avenue East.

3. That part of the westbound lanes of the King’s Highway known as No. 403 lying between a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as King Road in the City of Burlington and a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as Golf Links in the City of Hamilton.


1. That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 404 lying between a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as Van Horne Avenue in the City of Toronto and a point situate 1400 metres measured southerly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Aurora Road in the Town of Aurora.


1. That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 407 lying between a point situate at its intersection with the King’s Highway known as No. 401 in the Town of Halton Hills and a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as Markham Road in the Town of Markham.

2. That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 407 lying between a point situate at its intersection with the King’s Highway known as the Queen Elizabeth Way in the City of Burlington and a point situate at its intersection with the King’s Highway Known as No. 403 in the Town of Oakville.


1. That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 409 in the City of Toronto lying between a point situate at its intersection with the King’s Highway known as No. 401 and a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as Carlingview Drive.


1. That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 410 lying between a point situate at its intersection with the King’s Highway known as No. 401 in the City of Mississauga and a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as Bovaird Drive in the City of Brampton.


1. That part of the westbound lanes of the King’s Highway known as No. 417 in the City of Ottawa lying between a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as Regional Road 174 (also known as old Highway 17) and a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as Woodroffe Avenue.

2. That part of the eastbound lanes of the King’s Highway known as No. 417 in the City of Ottawa lying between a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as Moodie Drive and a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as St. Laurent Boulevard.


1. That part of the southbound lanes of the King’s Highway known as No. 427 in the City of Toronto lying between a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as Finch Avenue and a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as Airport Road where Airport Road continues as Dixon Road.

2. That part of the northbound lanes of the King’s Highway known as No. 427 in the City of Toronto lying between a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as Renforth Drive and a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as Clubhouse Road.

3. That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 427 in the City of Toronto lying between a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as Rathburn Road and a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as Dundas Street West.


1. That part of the eastbound lanes of the King’s Highway known as the Queen Elizabeth Way lying between a point situate 1500 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Ford Drive in the Town of Oakville and a point situate 25 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as The East Mall in the City of Toronto.

2. That part of the westbound lanes of the King’s Highway known as the Queen Elizabeth Way lying between a point situate 25 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as The East Mall in the City of Toronto and a point situate 500 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Ford Drive in the Town of Oakville.

3. That part of the King’s Highway known as the Queen Elizabeth Way lying between a point situate 500 metres measured northerly from its intersection with the roadway known as North Shore Boulevard in the City of Burlington and a point situate 1000 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the centre line of the King’s Highway known as No. 406 in the City of St. Catharines.

4. That part of the King’s Highway known as the Queen Elizabeth Way lying between a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as Regional Road 52 (also known as Bunting Road) in the City of St. Catharines and a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as Glendale Avenue in the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake.


1. That part of the eastbound lanes of the King’s Highway known as the Queen Elizabeth Way and No. 403 lying between a point situate 100 metres measured easterly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Brant Street in the City of Burlington and a point situate 1500 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Ford Drive in the Town of Oakville.

2. That part of the westbound lanes of the King’s Highway known as the Queen Elizabeth Way and No. 403 lying between a point situate 500 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Ford Drive in the Town of Oakville and a point situate 400 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Guelph Line in the City of Burlington.

2. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed.

Made by:

Jim Bradley

Minister of Transportation

Date made: February 20, 2008.